2014 - 2015 ` Online Learning Modules COURSE CATALOG
Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
2-4 week O n l i n e L e a r n i n g M o d u l e s
What is an “Online Learning Module”, anyway?
Imagine if you had the opportunity to boost your career by expanding your skill set and 3 connecDng with an expert in the field of educaDon. The learning would take place on your own Dme, in as liIle as 2 or 4 weeks, from the comfort of your home, office, local library – wherever! That’s what an “Online Learning Module” is and we are offering courses throughout the year that will keep the teaching learning in your school fresh, cu@ng edge, and inspired. Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Interested in having a custom module designed for your school? Contact Melanie Eisen to discuss the possibiliHes: Melanie.Eisen@yu.edu
A u g u s t / S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 4
CooperaDve Learning Boot Camp
This course will provide classroom-‐ready Dps and tools for developing strategies and collaboraDve acDviDes that can be used for different age groups, skill levels, and content August 25th – September 12th areas. This course is designed for busy teachers who want Presented by: to promote a more collaboraDve classroom and students Rabbi Joe Hirsch learning together. (4 weeks, $225)
StarDng the new school year on the right foot can set the stage for a successful year of learning. This course will guide you in laying the groundwork for a successful year. th th August 25 – September 5 Learn key strategies for classroom set up, management, planning, and communicaDon. Shira will help you start the Presented by: year off with confidence and plenty of tools to experience Shira Loewenstein and build upon early successes. (2 weeks, $180)
The First 6 Weeks of School
CreaDng a Supervision Just as students need to show what they‘ve learned and EvaluaDon System through a variety of assessment pracDces, so too do our that Works for You teachers need the opportunity to grow under the September 8th – 19th
Presented by: Rabbi Maccabee Avishur
mentorship of their supervisors. In this course, administrators and school leaders will be guided through the process of creaDng a system that will honor the work being done in the classroom and build relaDonships based on reflecDon and trust. (2 weeks, $180)
Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
S e p t e m b e r / O c t o b e r 2 0 1 4
How to Say It So They Hear It: Tools for EffecDve CommunicaDon with Parents September 8th – 19th
Presented by: Shira Heller
Some of the hardest moments in our jobs involve communicaDng with parents. In this course, learn how to be proacDve and plan meeDngs, conferences, and communicaDons with parents. Learn how to give effecDve and evidence-‐based feedback -‐ verbally and in a wriIen format. Whether a novice teacher or a veteran, these tools can help you create a culture of openness and trust. (2 weeks, $180)
Learn about the philosophy of DifferenDated InstrucDon and discover how you can bring DI into your classroom. th th September 8 – 19 Explore topics like learner profiles, Dered instrucDon, and Presented by: Melanie Eisen flexible grouping. See how minor tweaks to lessons can help you reach most of your students most of the Dme. (2 weeks, $180)
DI for Beginners
Transform your classroom into a 21st century learning hub. This course will open your eyes to tools that’ll help you increase moDvaDon and levels of student engagement by tapping into technology. Design lessons that allow the October 20th – November 14th content to shine through by using tech tools that your students are already using daily. In this course you will Presented by: incorporate the 4 c's of a 21st century classroom; Rebecca Penina Simon collaboraDon, communicaDon, criDcal thinking, and creaDvity. (4 weeks, $225)
Redefining EducaDon with Technology IntegraDon
Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
O c t o b e r / N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 4
The Workshop Model for Lesson Planning in the Judaic Studies Classroom October 20th – 31st
Presented by: Shira Loewenstein
Teaching Literacy Using Picture Books October 20th – 31st
Presented by: Sharon RosenblaI
Real Stories From a Flipped Classroom November 3rd – 14th
Presented by: Rabbi Joe Hirsch
Join us as Shira Loewenstein guides you through the benefits of workshop model lesson planning. The workshop model can not only ensure that your lessons keep a steady pace, but will also enable students to learn the structure of the lessons and thereby anDcipate what will come next. You will create a template for future lessons that will encourage understanding, collaboraDon, and creaDvity in your Judaics’ classroom. (2 weeks, $180)
Everyone loves a good story. In this module, learn how to assess your reading students through picture books, track their progress, differenDate your lessons through the use of flexible grouping and Dered assessments, and recreate your own good reading memories in your classroom. (2 weeks, $180) If you are considering flipping your classroom this course will offer the inspiraDon and tools you need to make the leap. Discover how you can use class Dme for deeper discussions, hands-‐on applicaDons, meeDngs in small groups, and project based learning by creaDng lessons using a variety of flipping tools and learning goals. You will also build stronger relaDonships with parents by forging a home-‐school partnership that includes parents in the learning piece of their child's day. (2 weeks, $180)
Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 4
DI EssenDals for Every Classroom November 3rd – 14th
Presented by: Pirchie Greenspon
Master the components of DI acDviDes by learning how to create acDviDes and assignments that meet the needs of students on different levels. Create Dered and anchor acDviDes while gaining an understanding of how to implement them in the classroom. (2 weeks, $180)
Professional Learning CommuniDes: What Are They and How Do I Start One?
Did you know that what happens in PLC's stay in PLC's? This course will show you how to build teacher-‐driven communiDes in which they grapple with similar classroom issues and dilemmas and brainstorm acDon plans in protocol-‐driven meeDngs. Discover the many benefits of PLC’s that include: effecDve and creaDve planning Dme, increased collaboraDon to improve lessons to beIer meet their students' needs, and much more! (2 weeks, $180)
November 3rd – 14th
Presented by: Maureen Mintz
Developing Strategic Literacy is the foundaDon upon which learning is built. Create a posiDve introducDon to reading fluency and comprehension Readers November 3rd – 14th
Presented by: Esther Tarkieltaub
that will set the stage for future academic success. You will immediately be able to put into pracDce strategies for decoding and reading comprehension and engage in a forum for reflecDng on your experiences over the course of the module. (2 weeks, $180)
Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
N o v e m b e r / D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 4
Designing a New Learning Space
If you were to sit in your students’ seats, what would you see? This course will allow you to see through different lenses as you look at your classroom space and use the design process November 17th – 28th to create a space that is conducive to learning for a diverse Presented by: Lisa Fusco group of learners.
Our students speak a language that we have to learn and using technology to support our teaching can be energizing th November 17th – 28 and moDvaDng for them. In this course, Rabbi Maccabee Avishur will share basic tools and strategies for taking the Presented by: first steps into the world of ed tech. Take it and watch the Rabbi Maccabee Avishur moDvaDon meter rise in your classroom. (2 weeks, $180)
Ed Tech for Beginners
CreaDng Meaningful Your students change each year and their academic and social AcDviDes for All needs are changing with them. In this module, learn how to Students design acDviDes that can reach a diverse learning group with December 1st– 12th
Presented by: Pirchie Greenspon
diverse abiliDes and learning styles. Come away with tried and true techniques that will make your lessons more engaging and meaningful to your students. (2 weeks, $180)
Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 4
MeeDngs that MaIer; EffecDve MeeDngs with your Faculty December 1st– 12th
Presented by: Maureen Mintz
School leaders, are you gerng the most out of your faculty meeDngs? This sacred Dme on the calendar can lead to group discussions, reflecDon on teachers’ and students’ behaviors, the creaDon of procedures and policy, and really impact the culture of your school. This course is designed to help you gain the strategies and experDse in leading change in your school by leading effecDve meeDngs. (2 weeks, $180)
Tefilah EducaDon: Challenges, Goals, and Strategies
December 1st– 12th
Discuss curng edge techniques for crasing and execuDng an experienDal tefilah educaDon. This module will offer text study, recent research, and various educaDonal paradigms for the implementaDon of meditaDon tefilah in the secondary school serng. This module is based on a successfully implemented school program. (2 weeks, $180)
Presented by: Hillel Broder
PresenDng the 21st Century Judaic Studies Teacher: The What, Why, and How
Today’s Judaic Studies teachers face the difficult task of making ancient texts come alive in an iWorld. This course was designed to alleviate that challenge by presenDng 21st century teaching tools and providing the inspiraDon to December 29th– January 9th develop tools and strategies that will upgrade lesson planning and delivery to make Judaic subjects relevant to students. Presented by: Rabbi Moshe Schochet (2 weeks, $180) Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 4 / J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5
Learn about the philosophy behind project based learning, which advocates learning through doing, and discover how this model can be applied to even the most text based Judaic December 29th– January 9th Studies lesson. Topics to be covered include: devising a driving Presented by: quesDon for the PBL project, finding an authenDc audience, Aaron Ross and applying tried and true rubrics for effecDve learning. (2 weeks, $180)
Project Based Learning
LighDng the Spark: Discover Your CreaDve Side
What are the creaDve outlets in your classrooms? How are you able to get in touch with your creaDve side of teaching and then translate this into your classroom acDviDes? This module January 26th – February 6th will get you in touch with your creaDve side to help you infuse the arts into your lesson planning. (2 weeks, $180) Presented by: Laurie Belet
Assessment Tools for Are you looking for fresh ideas that will reveal what your the Lower School students know, understand, and can do with the material you January 26th – February 6th
Presented by: Shira Loewenstein
are teaching? This course will provide innovaDve tools for formaDve assessment in the lower school. (2 weeks, $180)
Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5
Flipping the Classroom, Flipping Become oriented on both the theory and methods of flipping a class, including useful resources online as well as pracDce in the ExpectaDons February 9th – 20th
Presented by: Rabbi Tavi Kaslowe
Raising Responsible Digital CiDzens in a Social Technological World February 9th – 20th
Presented by: Lisa Fusco
Teaching Grit: Tips and Tools for Building Resilience in Students th February 23rd – March 10 Presented by: Rabbi Joe Hirsch
creaDng your own "screencast"'ed lessons. Discussion would then extend into how a flipped lesson is meant to transform the classroom experience that follows. (2 weeks, $180)
We are encouraged to support our teaching with technology. What can we do to support our students and teach them how to be good digital ciDzens while encouraging them to show what they know through the use of technology and the online world. This course will guide you as you set up procedures and expectaDons for your own classrooms. (2 weeks, $180)
What does it mean to say “good job”? Are we preparing our kids for a life of tests or the test of life? If the answer is both, what skills are we arming them with to help them be successful in both? This course will help you idenDfy tools that you bring to your teaching that will help you prepare your students for their life both in and out of school. (2 weeks, $180)
Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5
The Right Assessment for your InstrucDon, the Right InstrucDon for your Assessment th February 23rd – March 10 Presented by: Rabbi Aaron Ross
Hebrew Language Assessment March 16th-‐ 27th Presented by: Dana Bar Or
Israel in the Classroom and Beyond March 16th-‐ 27th
Presented by: Dr. Avi Staiman
What are the differences between summaDve and formaDve assessments? What roles should the assessment pieces play in my instrucDon, and how can you ensure their authenDcity? This module will explore opDons you can create to ensure that your students’ work best represents their knowledge. This course will help you design assessment pieces that match your learners’ goals. (2 weeks, $180)
Become familiar with evaluaDon methods that match 21st century teaching. Set goals and objecDves and see how they differ from tradiDonal methods. Create a system of evaluaDon for one of your lessons. This course is given in Hebrew. (2 weeks, $180) Teaching modern Israel in the Jewish day school extends beyond the classroom walls and affects the way our graduates develop a relaDonship with Israel. In this module, we will explore how to teach about the country and the culture to prepare our students to go out into the world equipped with the right informaDon and the proper resources. This course will help parDcipants develop lessons on modern Israel for today’s students. (2 weeks, $180)
Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
M a r c h / A p r i l / M a y 2 0 1 5
What is the glue that holds your classroom together? It is the Behavior Management and culture and the expectaDons that you set as a community from Classroom Culture the first day of school that helps your students thrive and your teaching prove to be meaningful. Dr. Ilana Turetsky will share March 16th-‐ 27th tools and Dps to establish a posiDve culture and build Presented by: respecxul relaDonships among your students. (2 weeks, $180) Dr. Ilana Turetsky
FormaDve Assessments April 27th – May 8th Presented by: Dr. Laya Solomon
Moving Towards Personalized InstrucDon th nd May 11 – 22 and Feb 9th – 20th
The last quarter of school typically brings on the tesDng. What did your students learn? How will they perform on “the test”? Dr. Laya Salomon will guide you in discovering that the assessments should be to help create learning opportuniDes and not the way to sum up what your students have learned all year. FormaDve assessments can help guide the instrucDon to ensure engagement and moDvaDon in learning. (2 weeks, $180)
Gain a clear understanding of the differences between individualized learning, differenDated learning, and personalized learning and evaluate your own classrooms and lessons. ParDcipants will explore the steps to beginning personalized instrucDon in their classroom. (2 weeks, $180)
Presented by: Ivonne Krasnick Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
M a r c h / A p r i l / M a y 2 0 1 5
Classroom InnovaDon You already know what innovaDon is, but this course will show you all about the art of innovenDon, which is the marriage of or InnovenDon invenDon and innovaDon. This course will challenge you to May11th-‐ 22nd reflect on current your teaching pracDces and become familiar Presented by: with new models of classroom instrucDon. This course will Rabbi Allan Houben give you the experDse and playground to create your own applicaDons of these models using your current curriculum. (2 weeks, $180)
Questions? Contact Eitan Novick at: enovick@yu.edu for more information.!
Space is limited, but the benefits you will reap are not. E-‐mail Eitan Novick enovick@yu.edu for more informaDon or to register..
Registering for modules is just a click away! Scan this QR code to visit our one-‐stop PD shop or visit: www.yuschoolpartnership.org/ pdmodules
500 West 185th St. Belfer Hall, Room 210 New York, NY, 10033 e: schoolpartnership@yu.edu p: 212.960.5260 yuschoolpartnership.org | yueducate.org