YUSP Leadership Placement Services

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ove r view H O S

fact: School leadership makes or breaks a school.

ficNon: Most schools have the resources and connecNons they need to successfully conduct a strategic search.

YUSP is unique We look at the search process as much more than simply filling an HR need. We believe that finding the right leader is your school’s most important undertaking. Our work can significantly advance your enNre school community.

headhunNng is not what we do As educaNonal consultants, we uNlize our experience and experNse in school systems, educaNonal leadership, and best hiring pracNces to ensure that your search is a healthy process that culminates with the best fit for your school. 2

t h e Y U S P d i ff e r e n c e we believe in transparency We believe in an open search process that engages the enNre school community and generates good publicity for your school.

we have walked a mile in your shoes Our staff includes former principals, administrators, teachers, and current lay leaders and parents. We know first-­‐hand what each stakeholder needs from a good leader.

we have world renowned experts on speed dial Yes, our experNse is as vast and diverse as the 200+ schools we serve. We also can connect you with other experts in our network, including those at the Azrieli graduate school and beyond.

we have pre-­‐exisNng relaNonships with top candidates

As educators, we are trusted in the field and have deep relaNonships that reach way beyond placement. This trust translates into a more robust candidate pool and greater recepNveness from the candidates you most want to meet.


m eon uv eo rf vs ie er vwi c e s smart search $20,000

à la carte

Data gathering visit.

$6,000 + travel

basic search $10,000

MeeNng FacilitaNon

$3,000 + travel CreaNon of Opportunity Statement $950

courtesy services complimentary 4

smart search full service, concierge-­‐style placement offerings

total Nming esNmate: 7-­‐10 Months


smart search is right for your school if… you are looking to do more than just hire a new school leader; you are looking to build a stronger school infrastructure for the future

smart search offers approximately 100 hours of service that will be provided via video chat or by phone



smart search full service, concierge-­‐style placement offerings


ü  Online school diagnosNc survey ü  IniNal intake consultaNon ü  Online faculty, staff, and board survey ü  Report of findings

strategic planning & markeNng

phase I: sefng the stage for successful recruitment

ü  Development of strategic plan and Nmeline for your school’s placement process ü  PreparaNon of materials for markeNng your school to potenNal candidates

search commihee assembly & development

Nming esNmate: 3 Months

ü  Support in designing the most effecNve and representaNve commihee ü  FacilitaNon of iniNal search commihee meeNng ü  FacilitaNon of board meeNngs to outline the search process, placement needs, field-­‐wide placement observaNons, organizaNonal structures, and leadership evaluaNons


smart search full service, concierge-­‐style placement offerings.

search kickoff

ü  Comprehensive and targeted recruitment of candidates ü  Customized and curated collecNon of candidate profiles

selecNon process

phase II : the search process

ü  CreaNon of candidate review system ü  Development of interview protocols and school visit plans ü  ObjecNve and imparNal support during candidate review and selecNon of top candidate


Nming esNmate:

ü  Weekly scheduled coaching call for duraNon of search

3-­‐5 Months 7

smart search full service, concierge-­‐style placement offerings

offer & contract negoNaNons

ü  Provide data for regional and naNonal salary ranges and total compensaNon ü  Provide support in drajing an offer ü  Review best pracNces of negoNaNons ü  Provide sample contracts ü  Provide data about benefits packages ü  Act as the liaison between search commihee/board and candidate

phase III : transiNon & leadership sealing the deal

Nming esNmate: 4-­‐8 Weeks


ü  Work with outgoing leadership and board to design transiNon plan ü  Provide templates for internal and external communicaNons and announcements regarding transiNons ü  Offer support and coaching for the incoming HOS toward a smooth transiNon ü  Establish recommended systems of support for new leadership including coaching, a Head of School EvaluaNon Commihee (HoSEC), and a system of review and evaluaNon


basic search a self-­‐directed/ self-­‐facilitated process for finding a quality leader

the basic search is right for your school if… you have dedicated HR personnel and/or a board with the Nme and know-­‐how to conduct a leader search with moderate support. Our knowledge of the field and access to candidates will supplement your internal resources.

the basic search includes:

Nming esNmate: 5-­‐8 Months

rate: $10,000

ü  One-­‐hour intake conversaNon and consultaNon ü  Copy of our Smart Search guidebook ü  Weekly scheduled coaching calls for the duraNon of search ü  ProacNve recruitment of candidates ü  Customized and curated list of appropriate candidates and resume review


complimentary services

ü  One-­‐hour intake conversaNon and consultaNon ü  Copy of our Smart Search guidebook

Two day, on-­‐site, data gathering visit.

$6,000 + travel

add-­‐on services customize your search with à la carte offerings

FacilitaNon of 6-­‐8 search commihee meeNngs (in person or via Skype)

$3,000 + travel CreaNon of opportunity statement for your school

$950 10

Need something beyond head of school placement? we’ve got you covered!

Looking to find other school leaders such as: assistant principals division principals execuNve directors …or other administraNve leaders? We are here to provide consulNng and a curated list of candidates, in addiNon to support in idenNfying the right match for the posiNon and for your school. Rates start at $3,000. Rates vary based on services selected. Call us for a proposal and es7mate that meets your needs.


s e r v i c e g l o s s a r y intake consultaNon

Every school has a unique story, and our job is to listen to yours. We seek to understand your school in order to help you find a great match. We ask you to complete an online school diagnosNc survey and then give us an hour on the phone to bring the data to life and create a fuller and more dynamic picture of your school and its needs.

opportunity statement To ahract the best talent to your school, you must SELL it. An opportunity statement is a criNcal piece of your strategic markeNng plan to demonstrate to candidates why they should WANT to join your school community and what an incredible opportunity the posiNon offers. Our team helps you idenNfy and arNculate what makes your posiNon an ahracNve opportunity to pursue.

customized and curated collecNon of candidate profiles

No stone unturned. That sums up our candidate search philosophy when idenNfying quality candidates as potenNal matches for your school. We engage candidates whether or not they are looking for new opportuniNes because we aim to make the best match between candidates and your school. a

We acNvely steward the relaNonships between candidates and your school. We provide coaching and support to ensure a high level of engagement and professionalism and a smooth process that achieves the best results.

transiNon plan TransiNons are essenNal in sefng the stage for new leaders and establishing the foundaNon for their first hundred days on the job. Our office will walk you through a successful transiNon plan that will empower and support the new leader and energize the school and all of its many stakeholders.

meeNng facilitaNon Our experNse in using protocols, designing agendas, and facilitaNng conversaNons will help ensure that all voices are heard, Nme is respected, and objecNves are achieved. EffecNve meeNngs achieve greater consensus and beher results.


tesNmonials Epstein Hebrew Academy

“The Board and the Search Commihee extend a tremendous hakarat hatov to the YU School Partnership team who served as extraordinary partners throughout the enNre search process. “YUSP’s experNse has been, and conNnues to be, an invaluable resource to our school. Their extensive experience with Jewish day schools and thorough understanding of the global job market enabled us to develop an appropriate and accurate job descripNon, ahract top-­‐notch applicants, and ulNmately hire the best candidate in the field. ”



er t s e h c t s e W Day School

“I cannot begin to describe the Nme and effort that the YU School Partnership dedicated to our school. Their experts worked day and night on our behalf. “Their advice, encouragement, knowledge of the market, and appreciaNon of Westchester Day School made their advice invaluable.”


tesNmonials Weinbaum Yeshiva ol High Scho “Working with the YU School Partnership to find a new head of school eliminated much of the guesswork and hurdles that are ojen associated with placing a leader. “Their highly professional team of experts helped us idenNfy the best candidates faster than we could have done ourselves, offered invaluable coaching to our search commihee and candidates that kept the process on track, and were a huge help in creaNng a compensaNon structure that was very fair for both parNes. “Consultants are brought in to deliver results, and the results of the process speak for themselves as we were able to hire a fantasNc head of school that is doing great things for our school and community. However, I would be remiss if I didn’t express hearuelt graNtude for the process itself, which was focused, well organized, and rewarding.” 15

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