Disproving Evolution in 3 Easy Steps

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Disproving Evolution in 3 Easy Steps Introduction Allah (God) Almighty in the last revelation to people (i.e. The Quran) teaches us what to do whenever any person makes any claim regarding any matter, such that Allah (God) teaches us to ask for the proof for that claim and this necessitates that we should examine that proof to know wether it is true or false. This procedure is stated in verse 64 of chapter 27 of The Quran:

Is not He Who originates creation, and shall thereafter repeat it, and Who provides for you from heaven and earth? Is there any god with Allah (GOd)? Say, "Bring forth your proof, if you are truthful." The Quran (27: 64) Adopting the teachings of Allah (God) in The Quran I concentrate here on the claim made by people regarding how life started on this earth and how people appeared on this earth which is the Theory of Evolution, such that I will investigate the proof put forward for this theory and also show how to disprove it in three easy to understand steps.

Step 1: What is The Theory of Evolution? We first begin by analyzing the proof put forward for Evolution starting with its definition, which is:

In biology, evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Though the changes produced in any one generation are small, differences accumulate with each generation and can, over time, cause substantial changes in the organisms. This process can culminate in the emergence of new species. Indeed, the similarities between organisms suggest that all known species are descended from a common ancestor (or ancestral gene pool) through this process of gradual divergence. The basis of evolution is the genes that are passed on from generation to generation; these produce an organism's inherited traits. (Wikipedia) PAGE 1 OF 3



To put it simply evolution claims that changes occurring in an organism’s population are carried from one generation to another using genes, meaning in other words that genes found in the DNA are the memory which saves the changes occurring in a certain generation such that when the next generation starts populating it will start from step 2 which has the changes in the creature. This claim is illustrated in figure (1) shown below:

Figure (1): The claim of how Evolution occurs (illustrated by pictures). This is the proof presented for Evolution so the next step is to see whether this claim is true or false.

Step 2: Can genes (DNA) code for creatures’ traits (design characteristics)? Lets see now whether the main pillar of evolution which is that genes carry the modifications from one generation to another is true or not? To know the answer to this question we need to understand how genes and DNA work, the genes are part of the information contained in the DNA molecule such that this information when it is read it becomes a protein and proteins are the building blocks of living creatures (like the bricks, glass, and stone comprising a building). The DNA is found only in the nucleus of the cell and as such the controlling action of the DNA is localized within the cell (shown in figure (2) part (A)). So when the proteins leave the cell (taking the collagen protein as an example) and they are found in the space outside of the cell (shown in figure (2) part (B)), then the big question now is: Can the DNA control the collagen proteins to form the shape of the hand for example (shown in figure (2) part (C))? The answer is NO, because as we said the control of the DNA is found only within the nucleus of the cell. Thus it can be concluded that genes and DNA can not code (memorize) the design information of a creature and as such design changes occurring in a certain generation of organisms can not be transferred to the next generation using genes and so there is no basis for the evolution claim. PAGE 2 OF 3



Figure (2): Proving that genes can not code (memorize) for the design of a creature.

Step 3: No known Mechanism for The Theory of Evolution ... Then can you trust such a Theory? To summarize, practicing what Allah (God) teaches us in The Quran which is to analyze the proof put forward by people for any claim they make we found that the mechanism proposed for evolution is not correct which means that the whole theory of Evolution is false. So the question now is can anyone trust such a theory and base his or her faith on it? The logical answer is NO. The result shown in this article is in perfect agreement with verses 81 and 82 of chapter 17 of The Quran which state that truth has come and falsehood perished because falsehood is bound to perish. The truth here is the fact of creation and falsehood here is the theory of Evolution. And say: "Truth has come and falsehood, has vanished. Surely! falsehood is ever bound to vanish." *

And Allah (God) sends down from the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe, and it increases the wrong-doers nothing but loss. The Quran (17: 81-82)

All praises are due to Allah (God) and may the peace and blessings of Allah (God) be upon you all. Zaid Kasim Mohammad Ghazzawi PAGE 3 OF 3

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