Diagnosis and Cure for Mental Disturbances as learned from The Noble Qur’an Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi Website: www.quran-miracle.com
The symptoms of mental disturbances can be summarized by a person hearing thoughts in his head (as if he is thinking to himself) containing ideas, such as:
- Ideas telling a person that he is unclean and that he should repeat washing many times over - Ideas telling a person to hurt others by insults, beating, and killing - Ideas telling a person that he would fail and that he is nothing -Ideas telling a person that this life is not worth living and that he should end his life by committing suicide
All of the above ideas can be classified under the category of Harm (i.e .a person hurting himself and others)
- Imaginations coming to a person portraying that he is performing perverted sexual acts - Ideas making adultery lawful to a person - Ideas telling a person rude words and encouraging him to say them - Ideas telling a person to expose himself and giving him arguments to do that -Ideas encouraging a husband or a wife to cheat on each other
- Ideas telling a person that Allah (God) has a son - Ideas telling a person that the creator has partners and that each partner is responsible for a certain quality like love, bounty, etc. - Ideas telling a person wrong information about the creator and His qualities - Hearing abusive words directed towards Allah (God), His messenger Mohammad, and The Noble Qur’an -Ideas convincing a person that a materialistic object like a rock or a piece of fabric has the ability to hurt or benefit him or her
All of the above ideas can be classified under the category of Sin
All of the above ideas can be classified under the category of Saying about Allah (God) what you have no knowledge of
Allah (God) Almighty teaches us the cause for all of the above ideas by reflecting upon verses 168-169 of chapter 2 of the Noble Qur’an:
O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and good on the earth, and follow not the footsteps of Satan. Verily, he is to you an open enemy * Satan commands you only what is evil, sinful, and that you should say against Allah (God) what you know not.
Allah (God) teaches us that Satan is the reason why a person hears ideas of harm, sin, and to say about Allah (God) what a person has no knowledge of. The question now arises as to how Satan affects people? The answer to this question can be known by pondering upon the following verses from the Noble Qur’an:
Verse 16 of chapter 50 of the Noble Qur’an: And indeed Allah (God) has created man, and He knows what his ownself whispers to him. And Allah (God) is nearer to him than his jugular vein.
Verse 38 of chapter 4 of the Noble Qur’an: And those who spend of their substance to be seen of men, and believe not in Allah (God) and the Last Day, and whoever takes Satan as a companion; then what a dreadful companion he has!
It can be concluded from this Qur’anic verse that each person has a voice of oneself which is the same voice a person speaks with and hears in his head when he is thinking quietly to himself (i.e .without speaking)
It can be concluded from this Qur’anic verse that every person has a companion devil (i.e. a devil assigned to a person from the moment of birth till death)
The manner by which this companion devil affects a person can be known by pondering upon the following two Qur’anic verses:
Verse 64 of Chapter 17: "And Istafziz [literally means: befool them gradually] those whom you can among them with your voice, make assaults on them with your imaginations and your induced feelings, mutually share with them wealth and children, and make promises to them." But Satan promises them nothing but deceit.
It can be concluded from this Qur’anic verse that the companion devil of a person agitates and tricks him with his voice
Verse 4 of Chapter 114:
And from the evil of the whisperer who hides
It can be also concluded that the companion devil of a person whispers to a person with his voice and at the same time hides from him (i.e. tries not to make a person sense the presence of this companion devil)
The only way for this to be accomplished is if the companion devil of a person matches his voice to the person’s own voice (i.e. the voice a person talks and thinks to himself with) thereby matching the language, tone, speed, and style. Thus you hear a voice in your head telling you ideas of harm, sin, and blasphemy and think that yourself is telling you this while in fact it is your companion devil. So it can be concluded that your companion devil is the sole reason for mental disturbances.
The cure for the whispers of Satan which cause mental disturbances can be known by pondering upon the following two verses:
Verse 200 of Chapter 7: And if an evil whisper comes to you from Satan then seek refuge with Allah (God). Verily, He is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
Verse 168 of Chapter 2: O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and good on the earth, and follow not the footsteps of Satan. Verily, he is to you an open enemy.
Allah (God) teaches us that when a person hears an idea from his companion devil that he should seek refuge with Allah (God), which means that he should remember the guidance of Allah (God) in this regard and be certain that the idea he just hared in his mind containing harm, sin, and blasphemy is not from himself but from his companion devil. And that Allah (God) will not judge him for hearing it but will judge him whether he believed it and carried it out or not
Allah (God) teaches us also that a person should not follow the steps of Satan (i.e. that he should not carry out the ideas he hears from his companion devil) and that he should not go into a vicious cycle of thinking about them since they are all lies. And that a person should think about what he wants to think about and not the ideas of his companion devil.