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Primary Research
Conducted interviews to understand peoples’ attitudes towards the brand MUJI and their opinions on what technology they would like to see instore to enhance their retail experience. Interviewees varied in ages and occupation to give a better overall finding.
Name : Hannah
Age : 19
Occupation : Student
What comes to mind when I say Muji?
“I think here in the UK anyway Muji is well known for their high-quality stationary. I wouldn’t really associate Muji with furniture or home [products] as much. You don’t really see them on advertisements either, so I find it a bit hard to relate to.”
Do you think new technologies (for e.g. 3D printing, augmented or virtual reality) adds to the store experience? What kind of technologies have you experienced in a store?
I think it would add a wow factor. Especially really new technology which hasn’t hit the mainstream, I mean like you wouldn’t buy it personally for your house, so it would be great to experience it in a store.
Have you ever been to a pop-up store? What was your experience?
I’ve been to the ‘Models Own’ pop up at Meadowhall. It’s a cosmetic brand and the store was in the shape of a nail polish bottle. I thought the design was very creative and eye catching and it’s the only reason I decided to check it out. The space was small but used very well to display the products.
Name: Shereen
Age: 30
Occupation: Secondary School Teacher
What comes to mind when I say Muji?
Japanese lifestyle brand. Like Ikea but much more minimal in design. Has a very stripped back appearance.
After having browsed the website, would you shop there?
I like how minimal and non-invasive the online store is. Its clearly organised and easy to navigate. The colours used are muted and adds to the whole minimal concept they’re going for. It would be beneficial if they offered a collect in store service and had more physical stores in the North of England as they are too concentrated in London.
Name : Jessica
Age : 25
Occupation : Manager of Supermarket Chain
What do you know about Muji? What comes to mind?
I have been to the Birmingham store quite a few times. I do like the practical products they have and the simple designs, but furniture was a little pricey. Compared to Ikea they’re a bit expensive overall. I would only really spend on limited edition items because it’s a novelty. I do like their eco friendly ethos.