Tracking your progress: Some people find it handy to write down what they eat each day, at least for the first month or so. That said, tracking your food intake really helps you gauge whether you are achieving your fiber goals each day. You can print out the Biofit Journal or jot your food choices down in a one of many food log mobile apps that you can download for free.
Final Tip: Drink Clean Water Everyday Water is super important for so many reasons and especially so when you are trying to release excess fat. It also helps flush out the toxins bad bacteria make while they are dying. I want you to set a goal of drinking at least two liters of fresh water per day. (Skip the pop, juice, milk and any other drink that isn’t water. Black coffee or tea is ok.) If you are adequately hydrated, these metabolites will preferentially be eliminated through the kidneys. If you are dehydrated, the liver is going to be called into action to move a lot of those metabolites into the bile and stool for excretion. When losing body fat, the liver is also the main area where mobilized fat is processed. If the liver is overburdened because it has pull and extra shift to eliminate metabolites, it has less capability to metabolize stored fat into usable energy. Staying well hydrated frees the liver to process body fat so that it can be burned as fuel.