Seasickness & Prevention

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_____________is Seasickness the one thing that can ruin an otherwise fun and productive research expedition.

Even experienced sailors and captains can become seasick depending upon the weather, ocean swells, and the amount of time they have spent on board.

Symptoms of seasickness: gcold perspiration g dizziness g irritability g headache g sleepiness g nausea

The good news is that careful _____________and advanced planning ____________can reduce the preparation sickness stimulus and result in a successful trip.

While we have no control over the weather size of the waves we _________and the ________________, plan ahead do know how to____________.

What Causes Seasickness ? ?

The neurophysiology of seasickness is not completely worked out, but the disorder has become much better understood recently due to research at the Man Vehicle Laboratory at M.I.T aimed at preventing space motion sickness in astronauts.

Seasickness is now thought to have relatively little to do with the ______________ stomach.

Seasickness occurs when portions of the brain __________responsible for maintaining balance _________receive signals from different parts of the body in unexpected ways.

The brain is accustomed to the way eyes balance images from the _____, information from the vestibular organ of inner ear and the__________, stretch receptors the muscles and ________________in joints operate on land.

However, when you go out on the ocean, the motion of the boat continuously disturbs your posture, producing inconsistent signals from these various body sensors. No wonder sailors have traditionally called the process of recovering from mal de mer “getting your sea legs.�


Medications Anti-motion sickness drugs are a the best way of raising your threshold for seasickness and of hastening recovery if you do become sick. There are many over-thecounter medications available at your local supermarket or drug store. Brand names such as Dramamine, Bonine and Marazine are inexpensive and common.

All oral drugs require a great deal of time to become effective. DO NOT TRY TO "BE TOUGH" AND WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE ON BOARD SHIP AND IT IS TOO LATE! Plan ahead to take medication early, preferably when you first get up in the morning.

½ For most people, even adults, you ½ tablet can get by quite well with___________. Again, plan ahead to take medication early, preferably when you first get up in the morning.

If you have a history of susceptibility to motion sickness you should take one Dramamine tablet at night before bed and another tablet in the morning when you first get up.

Although these medicines are available in drugstores and supermarkets, minors should discuss taking any medication with their _________or parents family_________. doctor

Can’t take motion sickness medications?


Claims to work in 4 minutes or less. Purpose Anti-Nausea Directions Adults: 2-4 tablets. Children: Consult a doctor for appropriate dosage. Chew tablets completely. Dosage may be repeated after 15 minutes, not to exceed 6 doses in a 24-hour period unless advised by a doctor. Read all package directions and warnings before use and use only as directed. Nauzene Chewables are intended for use by normally healthy persons only.

Appropriate Clothing

You should plan ahead to wear your layers A jacket and sweat clothing in_______. shirt worn over a regular t-shirt, and sweat pants or old jeans over shorts or trunks will allow you to adapt to whatever weather conditions may occur.

It may be cold and foggy in the morning and become hot and sunny in the afternoon. Dressing in layers __________________allows you to peal off outer garments and adapt quickly to the situation. Avoiding a body chill or overheating will do a lot for your comfort and seasickness prevention. (NOTE: research work is often sloppy, wet and even muddy. Wear old, washable clothes ___________________________!)

Eat Moderately Susceptibility to seasickness is not influenced by eating or avoiding certain foods, but eating a moderate breakfast and having some food in your stomach does seem to help when compared to an empty stomach with a few cups of coffee sloshing around.

Pack your lunch sack to include some crackers, pretzels, crusty bread, bagels or ginger ale (no glass containers).

Adults should _______________________prior avoid drinking alcohol to a boat trip. Alcohol has a direct affect on your vestibular system and if you’re hung over on the morning of departure from the previous evening’s social events, chances are good that you will donate your breakfast to Neptune.

Photo by J. Cary

When you are on board Your__________, board posture ____________on location visual signals ship, and certain _______________can reduce or prevent seasickness.

Vision often plays a critical role in causing and curing motion sickness. When you go below deck or into a confined cabin space to work, you no longer have a broad view of the horizon in your peripheral vision.

horizon viewing Use a technique called________________. Station yourself where you have a good, broad view of the Earth-sky boundary in your peripheral vision, preferably where you can see oncoming waves and more easily compensate for the motion of the boat.

LOCATION Go outside, on the main deck and stay amidships or aft where the pitching and rolling is less severe. Stand or lean against a solid wall. Don't position yourself right next to the engine exhaust fumes.

Use a method called ______________. wave riding Ride the waves: don’t sit around passively indoors letting the motion toss you around. Keep your head and upper body balanced over your hips as the boat moves.

At the first sign of an uneasy feeling:

g Get yourself outdoors, on the main deck.

g Stand near the rail and keep the wind on your backside.

g There is only one place people are allowed to be sick: over the side of the boat, into the ocean. Never use toilets, wastebaskets or any other location that is used by other crew members which might cause a chain reaction.

PLAN AHEAD ! Begin with proper rest prior to any trip. Pack your bags and organize your research tools in advance. Buy some Dramamine and take it in advance. Stay outdoors, on your feet. Use techniques like wave riding and horizon viewing. The most enjoyable way to avoid seasickness: travel on boats a lot!



Bibliography: Oman, Charles, Ph.D., "In Search Of A Cure For Seasickness," Cruising World, December 1991. (Chuck Oman, is one of the leading researchers on motion sickness, and is Director of the Man Vehicle Laboratory at M.I.T., where his research includes Space Shuttle experiments. He is also an experienced cruising and racing sailor.) Seasick movie clip:

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