Manual de usos
Índice Sobre el manual
Colores del logotipo
Zona de seguridad
Positivo – Negativo
Usos correctos
Usos incorrectos
Firma y newsletter
Plantilla para presentaciones
Redes sociales
Brochure (Portada y contraportada)
Brochure (Hojas internas)
Sobre El Manual Los lineamientos a continuación presentados, están basados en los fundamentos esenciales del diseño gráfico y buscan alcanzar la uniformidad necesaria para lograr el discurso visual coherente y notable. El cumplimiento de esta serie de normas gráficas ayudará a reforzar el mensaje que se quiera entregar en cada comunicación digital o impresa. Los elementos gráficos de GLHEE, que compone el manual de imagen, han sido diseñados y desarrollados por Zambrano Digital (Zambranogroup SAS), en la ciudad de Bogotá, durante el mes de Agosto de 2015. Los artes de los elementos que componen el manual de imagen, se anexan en los siguientes formatos vectoriales editables: Portable Documento Format (pdf) y Adobe Illustrator (.ai). Para más información sobre el uso de estos archivos, conflictos de compatibilidad o solicitud de los mismos en formatos diferentes a los proporcionados, por favor comuníquese con el equipo de Zambrano Digital visitando
98.05 76.17 8.59 0.78
2945 c
# 0D5198
2 Colores Del Logotipo Usar s贸lo los valores indicados en este gr谩fico, bien sea para web (RGB) o para impresos (CMYK)
Paytone One
*Tipografía Principal
abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 !@#$%^&*()_-+=/><,{}[]”:;¿?
*Tipografía Secundaria
abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 !@#$%^&*()_-+=/><,{}[]”:;¿?
Lucida Sans Regular
*Tipografía Terciaria
abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNÑOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 !@#$%^&*()_-+=/><,{}[]”:;¿?
3 Tipografía La tipografía a utilizar se llama Agenda en sus presentaciones: regular y bold
Mustache distillery irony, Thundercats whatever fingerstache flannel forage gastropub chia raw denim. McSweeney's ethni sold out.
Mustache distillery irony, Thundercats whatever fingerstache flannel forage gastropub chia raw denim. McSweeney's ethni sold out.
Zona de seguridad
4 Zona de seguridad La zona de seguridad del logotipo está compuesta por el 5% del tamaño vertical del logotipo, ningún objeto puede tocar el área enmarcada
Uso para comunicaciones y presentaciones especiales
Uso para papelerĂa en general 6 Usos correctos
Uso en 1 tinta para sellos o rotulados
Uso en escala de grises para publicaciones en peri贸dicos 7 Usos correctos
No se permite el uso de bordes o sombras
No se permite el cambio de color
No se permite la deformaci贸n del logo
8 Usos incorrectos
Bogot谩 | Colombia
CEO - Founder
Jasbleidy Cobos Your future in Spanish!
+57 301 203 1427 Calle 127D No 21- 80 Of 206 glhee
Tarjeta de presentaci贸n
Cll 127 D No 21-80 Of 206
+ 57 1 625 6647
+ 57 3012031427
Hoja Membrete 9 Papeler铆a hoja membre y tarjeta de presentaci贸n
CEO - Founder
Jasbleidy Cobos +57 301 203 1427 Calle 127D No 21- 80 Of 206 gle-e
GHLEE has the course for you! We listen to your goals and aspirations. For example, do you want to be able to • Learn real life Spanish for real world situations? •Communicate effectively in international business? • Secure a better job in your home country? • Improve your Spanish for leisure or tourism?
Why choose GLHEE?
Firma digital You will make swift progress thanks to our good class sizes, dedicated tutors and clever use of technology both in and outside lessons
We will match your needs at GLHEE – we will help you reach your goals and fulfil your dreams, supported by your dedicated tutor, who will track your individual progress
GLHEE in Bogotá provides you with a unique all-round Spanish language experience
Your future in Spanish!
newsletter 10 Firma y newsletter
Espacio para tĂtular
TĂtulo Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sed est varius, tristique neque quis, scelerisque tellus. Nullam faucibus leo sit amet magna rutrum facilisis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla ac mi massa. Quisque nec ullamcorper tortor. Morbi leo augue, faucibus non vehicula auctor, congue a felis. Etiam euismod vulputate scelerisque. Aenean egestas arcu magna, vel tempor ligula sollicitudin eu. Phasellus eget tortor velit. Morbi tempor tellus id turpis ultricies tincidunt. Cras fringilla metus est, a finibus libero elementum a. Vestibulum tempus mi eu erat vulputate elementum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sed est varius, tristique neque quis, scelerisque tellus. Nullam faucibus leo sit amet magna rutrum facilisis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla ac mi massa. Quisque nec ullamcorper tortor. Morbi leo augue, faucibus non vehicula auctor, congue a felis. Etiam euismod vulputate scelerisque. Aenean egestas arcu magna, vel tempor ligula sollicitudin eu. Phasellus eget tortor velit. Morbi tempor tellus id turpis ultricies tincidunt. Cras fringilla metus est, a finibus libero elementum a. Vestibulum tempus mi eu erat vulputate
11 Plantilla para presentaciones Portada y hoja interna
Your future in Spanish!
12 Cover para facebook, twitter, youtube +57 1 625 6647 +57 301 203 1427 Portada
Calle 127D No 21- 80 Of 206 BogotĂĄ - Colombia
15 Brochure tamaĂąo carta Portada y contraportada
Why choose Glee? Why choose GLHEE? We listen to your goals and aspirations. For example, do you want to be able to: Learn real life Spanish for real world situations? • Communicate effectively in international business? • Secure a better job in your home country? • Improve your Spanish for leisure or tourism?
Your future in Spanish!
Our variety of quality courses is sure to offer something to suit you. By teaching you practical, real life Spanish and working closely with you, we make sure we meet your needs.
GLHEE (Global Language Education Experience) is a dynamic, independent School which offers you a wide range of high quality Spanish language courses.
We pride ourselves in taking care of individual students’ needs and welfare, and match solid academic teaching to students’ goals and aspirations. You can enjoy a lively social programme and excellent accommodation. We teach practical, real life Spanish. The course could range from giving presentations to conducting sales negotiations to simply being able to handle yourself in social situations in an international business environment. Tuition can take place in your office, your home, or in one of our premises. Each class is specifically crafted following thorough needs analysis and level testing with each client. Tuition plans and materials are researched and tailor-made for each individual. Lessons are flexible and personal; and guarantee you make the maximum progress in the time that you have.
pág 1
Our teachers of our language courses in Bogotá are native speakers and are chosen for their dedication and passion for teaching. All Live Language teachers have appropriate experience and are committed to their own professional development in order to maintain our high standards of teaching. Our language courses take place at a time and location that is convenient for you and your colleagues – either in your workplace or at Live Language premises, allowing flexibility for your staff.
GLHEE Successful
GLHEE Active
GLHEE Academic
GLHEE Professional
Spanish for everyday life.
Spanish for making friends
Spanish for progression to UK university
Spanish for the workplace
Intensive Programme for students who want to have an Culture and Live experience
Spanish for Academic Purposes is an intensive Spanish language course for students preparing to enter university in latin America
Business Spanish helps you improve your Spanish so that you can conduct business internationally.
General and Intensive courses run year-round to improve your Spanish language proficiency for use in everyday situations, including further studies, business or leisure.
We will match your needs at GLHEE – we will help you reach your goals and fulfil your dreams, supported by your dedicated tutor, who will track your individual progress.
Your knowledge of Spanish will set you up for life!
GLHEE’s variety of courses is sure to provide something to suit you, whatever your aspirations. You can choose a flexible start date for most courses.
GLHEE in Bogotá provides you with a unique all-round Spanish language experience.
Lessons Start dates
1-30 hours per week Any Monday
Your specific needs will be identified and met through innovations such as Friday afternoon electives.
Course length Max class size Levels
1-48 weeks 1 student Beginner to Advanced
Price per hour (USD)
You will make swift progress thanks to our good class sizes, dedicated tutors and clever use of technology both in and outside lessons.
At GLHEE, we are recognised for our great reputation, innovation and quality. You will find well-qualified teachers – often with many years’ experience, as well as a Diploma or MA in Spanish language teaching.
Innovative Supportive
You will boost your confidence in Spanish as you take part in GLHEE’s active social programme.
Your health and happiness matter to us, you will have a named welfare officer a friendly, welcoming environment.
You can make friends with other GLHEE students, who come from almost 50 countries around the globe.
You can ask GLHEE’s Student Support Services for help with any nonacademic issues, such as registering with the medical services or setting up a bank account.
Based in the centre of the lively and welcoming city of Bogotá, you will easily be able to visit the shops, bars, parks, and airport.
pág 2
15 Brochure tamaño carta Portada y contraportada