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Malus domestica

„Antonówka” The average comes into bearing early or late. Results in a moderately abundant and alternately every second year. To harvest ripens especially at the beginning of September. Not suitable for long term storage and is sensitive to scorch the surface, the cold can I keep the end of November.

Malus domestica

„Cortland” American variety, early winter. It ripens in late September and early October, fruit large, sphericalbarrel, strong skin, green and yellow, covered almost entirely carmine cherry blush, the flesh is white, crisp, juicy, sweet and aromatic. Pollinators: 'Welthy', 'McIntosh', 'Idared', 'Jonathan', 'Spartan'. Resistant to frost susceptible to disease. Malus domestica


Height: quite strong. Pollinators: 'Delicacy', 'Cox's Orange Pippin', 'Gloster', 'James Grieve'. Fruit: medium, covered with carmine-orange blush. Taste: slightly acidic, aromatic, juicy. Maturity: the end of September. Resistant to disease.

Malus domestica


Variety of New Zealand. The tree grows quite poorly. Early Winter; ripens in late September, the fruit of medium size, spherical or rounded cone shape, skin smooth, yellow-green with a blush of red, fuzzystriped, yellow flesh, firm, crisp, juicy, sweet. Pollinators: 'Jonathan', 'Melrose', 'Spartan', 'Idared', 'Szampion', 'Elstar'. Quite hardy, medium susceptible to disease.

Malus domestica

„Geneva Early” Valuable variation due to the early time of ripening fruit. Fruits are medium sized, greenish in the middle covered with bright red blush. The flesh is aromatic and tasty. In the fruiting period comes very early, bears fruit abundantly and regularly. Maturity: End of July Resistance: Medium resistant to frost, on average, apple scab, powdery mildew sensitive medium.

Malus domestica


German variety. Late Winter; matures in mid-October; fruit large, cone-shaped, greenish-yellow skin, all covered with dark, blurry blush, flesh greenish white, compact, juicy, tart, tasty. Pollinators: 'Elstar', 'Golden Delicious',' Idared ',' James Grieve ',' Jonathan 'Spartan', 'Szampion'. Fairly resistant to frost.

Malus domestica

„GoldenDelicious” American variety. Late Winter; matures in midOctober; fruit size of spherical-conical shape, skin greenish-yellow or yellow, creamy yellow flesh, compact, juicy, crisp, wine-sweet, aromatic, very tasty. Pollinators: 'Elstar', 'Gloster', 'Melrose', 'Olive Yellow'. Sensitive to frost, medium susceptible to disease.

Malus domestica


Height: strong. Pollinators: 'Cortland', 'Jonathan', 'McIntosh' Lobo ',' Gloster '. To a large extent this is a self-pollinating variety. Fruit: medium, covered livered, fuzzy blush. Taste: aromatic, juicy, tart. Maturity: half X. Few hardy, medium susceptible to disease.

Malus domestica

„JamesGrieve” Grown in Scotland from seeds seedlings "Pott" (Potassium Seedling). Tree crown creates a small, spherical. Peel the fruit of medium thickness, smooth, greenish-yellow with a blush, which are visible purple strips. The fruit ripens in late August. Fairly resistant to frost, quite resistant to disease. Pollinated by a variety of 'Antonówka', 'Delicacy', 'Jonathan', 'Cox's Orange Pippin', 'McIntosh', 'Spartan', 'Wealthy'.

Malus domestica


Variety of English. It grows moderately fast, it creates a fairly dense crown. Yields abundantly, quite regularly. Fruits are large or medium-sized, spherical, slightly conical. Skin thick, greenish-yellow greasy, mostly covered with scarlet, blurred blush. The flesh is creamy white, moderately juicy, slightly aromatic, sweet and sour, tasty. It matures at the end of September. On average, sensitive to frost and disease. Malus domestica

„Jonagold” American variety. Late Winter; matures in midOctober; fruit large or very large, conical-spherical, skin smooth, greenish-yellow with a red blush, flesh yellow, coarse, compact, sweet, aromatic, very tasty. Pollinators: 'Gloster', 'Idared', 'Spartan', 'McIntosh', 'James Grieve'. Sufficiently resistant to frost.

Malus domestica

„Jonagored” It is heavily stained mutant Jonagold. American variety. Tree growing very strongly. Pollinators: Gloster, Idared, Cortland, Spartan, James Grieve. Average yields abundantly, quite regularly. The fruit is large or very large, conical-spherical. Theme almost completely covered with dark carmine, striped blush. The flesh is greenish-cream, juicy, medium-close, aromatic, very tasty. It ripens in mid X. average frostresistant and susceptible to disease.

Malus domestica


It is heavily stained mutant Jonagold. American variety. There is growing very strongly. Pollinators: 'Gloster', 'Idared', 'Cortland', 'Spartan', 'James Grieve'. In the fruiting period comes early, average yields abundantly, quite regularly. Fruit: large or very large, conical-spherical. Skin greenish-yellow or creamy, almost completely covered with bright red, fuzzy blush. The flesh is greenishcream, juicy, aromatic, very tasty. It ripens in mid X. frost resistance and susceptibility to disease in Average.

Malus domestica

„Koksa.Pomarańczowa” Height: medium-strong. Pollinators: 'James Grieve', 'Jonathan', 'Spartan'. Fruit: medium-sized, spherical, with carmine-orange blush. Taste: aromatic, slightly tart. Maturity: the end of September. Fairly resistant to frost and disease. Perfect for preserves and apple pie.

Malus domestica

„Kosztela” The fruiting comes rather late. Copious yields every other year. Fruits average size, green (when ripe skin becomes straw yellow) with large, whitish lenticels and short stalks. The flesh is juicy, concise. Considered to be good - typical dessert. Harvest maturity in 2 or 3 decade of September. Commonly called "Hard-malt"

Malus domestica

„Kronselka” Variety early autumn coming from France. The tree grows vigorously, forming large spherical crown of przewieszającymi the shoots. Fruits are large or medium-sized, spherical-conical, slightly flattened, thin, greenish-yellow rind with a soft, pinkish, blurred blush. The flesh is cream-colored, juicy, slightly sour and sweet with a unique flavor, making this variety is one of the best on a variety of preserves, including mousses and cakes.

Malus domestica

„Landsberska” Variety Poland. Tree initially increases strongly. Yields abundantly, but alternately. Fruits are large or mediumsized, spherical-conical, slightly flattened. Skin smooth, slightly shiny, greasy, greenish-yellow with orange blush often. The flesh is greenish-cream, juicy, guilty, tasty. It matures at the end of September. Small resistance to frost. Susceptible to scab and powdery mildew. Malus domestica

„Szampion” Variety Czech. Early Winter, ripens in early October, fruit large, rounded cone shape, skin smooth, dry, yellow with carmine-red, fuzzy striped blush, flesh greenish-white with a creamy tinge, medium loose, juicy. Pollinators: 'Delicacy', 'Lobo', 'Spartan', 'James Grieve'. On average, resistant to disease and frost.

Malus domestica


This variety comes from the Czech Republic, where he has been selected from a population of seedlings 'Rubin' and 'Wanda' ('Jolana' and 'Lord Lambourne'). The tree grows moderately fast, it creates a conical, dense crown of branches covered with numerous spurs. Fruit medium-sized or large with a red, striped blush. Ripen in September. Flesh yellow, tender and juicy. Resistant to frost. Resistant to scab - suitable for organic farming and amateur.

Malus domestica


The average size of the proper care of large, spherical, slightly conical, slightly ribbed fruits are aligned in terms of shape and size. Skin smooth, shiny, green and yellow with a strong dark-carmine, blurred blush covering almost the whole fruit, delicately marked with stripes. Are characteristic of large pale yellow-gray flushed spiracles present on the fruit. On the freshly harvested fruit is delicate whitish bloom. The flesh is greenish-cream, crisp, very juicy, sweet-tart, slightly aromatic and widely rated as very tasty. In the fruiting period comes early, usually 3-4 years after planting. It is a variation of a very prolific. In the first years after planting results in each year, but the care or negligence by the destruction by frost flowers may enter into an alternating cycle of fruiting. Malus domestica

„Ligol” Variety Poland. The increase in the average, moderately dense crown. Fruit large or very large, rounded cone shape. Skin smooth and shiny, and from the sunlit side completely covered with fuzzy, redcarmine blush. It ripens in September-October. Pollinators: 'Gloster', 'Idared', 'Rubin', 'Szampion'. Fairly resistant to frost and disease.

Malus domestica

„Malinowa” Variety Dutch. Average (autumn); ripens in late September, the fruit of a medium-sized or large, spherical-oblate, skin thin, pale green, covered almost completely brown-carmine blush, the flesh is white with a greenish tinge, fragile. Pollinators: 'Antonówka', 'Jonathan', 'Landsberska', 'Wealthy'. Fairly resistant to frost and disease.

Malus domestica

„OliwkaŻółta” Variety originating from the Baltic countries. Early (summer) matures in the second half of July, the fruit of medium size, of different shapes, usually conical, ribbed, skin smooth, thin, dry, light greenish yellow, greenish-white flesh. Pollinators: 'Antonówka', 'Kronselska', 'Cox's Orange Pippin', 'Landsberska', 'McIntosh'.

Malus domestica

„Grey.Renette” American variety. Late Winter; matures in midOctober; fruit large or very large barrel-shaped, medium-thick crust, green and yellow, the most strongly russet, flesh coarse, brittle, greenish-cream, quite sour.

Malus domestica

„Red.Boskoop” Danish variety, resistant to scab. There is growing very strongly. Pollinators: 'James Grieve', 'Olive yellow', 'Cox's Orange Pippin', 'Szampion'. Bears fruit annually. The fruit is large or very large. Theme strong, green and yellow with a blurred red-purple blush, rough and strongly russet. The flesh is coarse, brittle greenishcream, sour with a spicy aftertaste. It ripens in the first half of X. sensitive to frost. Insensitive to the disease.

Malus domestica


Variety Czech. Winter - ripens in late October. The increase quite strong, spherical crown. The fruit is large or very large, spherical. The skin with a yellowish tint, smooth, in large part covered with fuzzy-striped, red blush. Pollinators: 'Jonathan', 'Melrose', 'Golden Delicious', 'Szampion'.

Malus domestica

„Rubinola” Czech variety, resistant to scab. The tree forms a spreading, loose crown, growing quite strongly. Pollinators: Topaz, Rajka. Fruits are medium sized, spherical, slightly flattened. Skin, yellow with a red blush, smooth with a greasy coating. The flesh is creamy with a sweet-sour flavor, juicy.

Malus domestica

„Spartan” Canadian variety, obtained from the crossing of varieties of 'McIntosh' and 'Yellow Newton'. The tree grows initially strongly, after entering into a period of fruiting growth is weakening. Creates a lofty crown when young, then the spherical, with a fairly thick and rigid branches. Fruit medium-sized or small, spherical, almost entirely covered with dark red blush. The flesh is sour-sweet, tasty, quite aromatic. Pollinators: 'Delicious', 'James Grieve', 'Jonathan'. Resistant to frost.

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