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Pinus heldreichii 'Malinki' (P. leucodermis 'Malinki') A tree with a conical habit, dense, regular, annual increments approximately 15 cm. Shoots with a gray bloom, densely arranged, facing upwards. Dark-green needles, purchased 2 units, densely set, facing forward. Cones appear at an early age, the color indigo, mature redhead. Pine very resistant to harsh conditions, grows well in an urban environment. Recommended for home gardens, planting container assemblies, urban plantings, planted singly or in groups.

Pinus heldreichii 'Satelit' (Pinus leucodermis 'Satelit') Very narrow columnar form of the tree of the annual increment of about 15 cm. Pine dwuigielna. Needles dark green, stiff, raised up. Recommended for rock gardens, backyard and on the moors.

Pinus heldreichii 'Schmidtii' (P. leucodermis 'Schmidtii') Bosnian pine dwarf variety. Very dense, grows slowly (annual growth approximately 1-3 cm) assuming the shape of a sphere. Thick needles of green. High resistance to frost (like other varieties of pine Bosnian). After 10 years, the diameter of the sphere will fluctuate in the range of 30 cm.

Pinus heldreichii ‘Compact Gem’(P. leucodermis ‘Compact Gem’) Dwarf pine with a beautiful, compact, broad-conical habit. Grows about 10 cm per year. Needles are long, densely covering the stems, light green. Recommended for the position of the sun, soil, average, small gardens and rock.

Pinus jeffreyi 'Joppi' Jeffrey pine occurs in western North America. The area where there is up with hot, dry summers and cool, and snowy winters. With very few varieties of the pine - 'Joppi' is the most beautiful, but very difficult to get. It is characterized by beautiful, blue and green needles, but the most important feature that distinguishes it from other pines, is an incredible length of needles of up to 25cm in length! 'Joppi' in its juvenile age assumes a spherical shape, She later becomes a domed. Pine is a nice heavily concentrated adjacent branches.

Pinus mugo 'Benjamin' Dwarf shrub with dense spherical, regular habit, reaching about 0.8 m high - annual growth of approximately 3 cm. Needles after 2 bunch, live green, simple, radially arranged, densely formed adjacent rosettes of bright donut in the middle. Variety fully hardy, photophilous and indiscriminate in what relation to the soil. In the production of grafted on a low stump, in an attractive form of miniature trees. Recommended for home gardens, rock, heather, planting container assemblies, planted singly.

Pinus mugo 'Carsten' (Carsten's Wintergold')

Variety slowly growing. Grows 5-7 cm per year. Needles are short, thick, green. In the second half of autumn begin to discolour gold-yellow, and maintain this color for spring. It grows well on any soil, sunny position. Recommended for home gardens, rock, heather, containers. Beautiful color accent in the winter.

Pinus mugo 'Dezember Gold' Loose shrub with an irregular conformation, growing annually about 15 cm. Needles collected after 2 bunch, light green, autumn they turn to gold-yellow color, lasting until spring. Variety fully hardy, photophilous and indiscriminate in what relation to the soil. Recommended for home gardens, heather, rock, to green housing estate, for discounts, planted singly or in groups. In winter, very enlivens the garden.

Pinus mugo 'Gnom' Plant at a young age has a spherical shape in the elderly - domed. It grows to about 2 m high and 1.5 m wide. Grows about 10 cm per year. Needles are short, 4-5 cm long, intensely dark. Well suited for any type of gardens, low hedges, slopes, in a sunny position.

Pinus mugo 'Golden Glow' Low variety of dwarf pine, amber in winter, in summer green. It grows a little brighter than Pinus mugo 'Wintergold'. In 10 years, reaches a height of about 1 meter.

Pinus mugo 'Kobold' Dwarf shrub with flat spherical conformation, compact, dense, growing annually about 7 cm. Green needles, simple, 2 in a bunch. He likes sunny positions, there are no large requirements for what the soil. Variety fully hardy. Recommended for home gardens, heather, rock, planting container assemblies, planted singly or in groups.

Pinus mugo 'Pumilio' Compact shrub, grows to about 1 m high and 2 m wide, grows about 8 cm per year. Pine dwuigielna. Needles are short, thick-set, intense green. Indiscriminate with respect to the soil. He likes the position of the sun or lightly shaded. Recommended for planting in groups, individually, in home gardens, rock, hedges, containers. Variety of wide use.

Pinus nigra 'Caprice' Tree of columnar habit, reaching about 5 m high and 25-30 cm increments above a year. Needles dark green, stiff, horizontally protruding from the thick stems and short. Resistant to habitat conditions. Recommended for home gardens, planting parks, urban areas, planted singly, in loose groups.

Pinus nigra 'Globosa' Pine with a compact, spherical habit. Grows 10-15 cm per year. Needles stiff, dark green, collected after 2, mounted radially on the shoots. Characteristic large whitish buds. It has low soil requirements. On sunny positions. Resistant to frost and urban conditions, polluted environment. Recommended for home gardens, heather, rock, urban greenery, planted singly or in small groups.

Pinus nigra subsp. nigra The tree grows up to 20 m in height and approximately 10 m wide increments above 25 cm per year. In his youth, has a habit broadly conical, dome-shaped with age. Branches spreading, brownish-black bark, needles collected in pairs (dwuigielna), thick, stiff, prickly, dark green about 15 cm in length. Young shoots gray-silvery, decorative b. Requires a light. Resistant to bad soil conditions, urban and industrial. For planting singly or in groups. One of the most beautiful pine trees.

Pinus peuce Pine rumelijska belongs to the species of coniferous trees of the pine family (Pinaceae). It comes from the areas of the Balkans (Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia, northern Greece). Introduced in Finland. Pine rumelijska has a conical habit, quite regular and dense crown. Branches often reach ground level. It is characterized by slow growth, grows to a height of 15 m has a fairly stiff needles collected after 5 on shoots. From the top is shiny and dark green, underside lighter, with distinct white stripes. The pride of the trees are cylindrical cones with white resin leaks. Pine rumelijska is among the high-altitude species, tolerates poor soil, resistant to low temperatures and air pollution. It prefers sunny positions. Pine rumelijska this tree for collectors, due to the slow growth even suitable for small gardens

Pinus ponderosa A tree with a conical habit growing to about 15 m high (often higher), increments above 25 cm per year. Pine tr贸jigielna. Needles gray-green, very long (up to 25 cm), bark brownishyellow. He likes the position of the sun, tolerates urban conditions and poor soils. Recommended for larger gardens.

Pinus strobus Eastern White Pine is also called the American pine (Pinus strobus L.) crown of loose branches in regular whorls, moving away from the trunk almost at right angles.

Pinus strobus 'Radiata' Dwarf variety of spherical, slightly flattened conformation, crown dense, dense. It grows slowly - after 10 years grows to about 1 m in height. Often grafted on the trunk. Needle color is gray-green, soft, gentle. Gathered in bunches after 5 It has low soil requirements. It prefers moist soil permeable but because not tolerate drought. Sunny positions. Resistant to frost. Application: rock gardens, small gardens, containers, to the composition.

Pinus sylvestris

Pinus sylvestris 'Fastigiata' Variety of Scots pine with narrow columnar habit, grows up to 10 m in height. Grows about 25 cm per year. Rigid branches is erected vertically. It grows well on any soil, sunny position. Frost-proof. Not tolerate pollution. For planting one in parks, private gardens, moors.

Pinus sylvestris 'Glauca'

Taxus baccata Tree or large shrub, relatively slow-growing, with a broad conical habit. Branches frequently arranged horizontally. Needles 2-3cm in length, arranged in two rows on both sides of momentum, dark green, underside lighter. In females numerous fruits, surrounded by red, fleshy parchment, matured early autumn. Requires a fertile, moist. It grows well in full sun and shady. Withstands cutting and forming, therefore suitable for hedges trimmed, and all kinds of garden figures.

Taxus baccata 'David'

Taxus baccata 'Elegantissima' Shrub grows to about 2.5 m high and 3.5 m wide growing approximately 10 cm per year. Needles green-yellow autumn fading. Arils red, ripening in September. He likes fertile soil and sufficiently moist, semi-shaded or sunny positions. Very well tolerate pruning and shaping. Recommended for planting singly and in groups in parks or private gardens.

Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata' Shrub columnar habit. Young plants have a very narrow habit, seniors are much wider, more dense and compact. Existing 200 - summer specimens in Ireland and England are 15-16 m high needles to 2.5 cm long, dark green. Seeds surrounded by a gelatinous, red, sweet, edible parchment. The same seed (spherical, dark color) and how other parts of the plant are poisonous to humans. Variety was founded in Ireland about 1780 to 1790 year. It grows well in sunny and shady positions, permeable soils, moderately moist. Recommended for home gardens, planting urban, residential, planted singly, in groups or hedges.

Taxus baccata 'Repandens' Shrub growing up to 0.6 m high and 3 m wide, slow-growing - about 8 cm per year, dense, dark green needles. It grows well in the shade and in the sun in fertile, moist, very good tolerance molding. Recommended for planting singly or in groups in the gardens or in the composition in containers. Excellent as a groundcover in shaded areas.

Taxus baccata 'Summergold' Shrub grows to about 1 m high and 3 m wide, slow-growing. Needles golden-yellow in summer, winter green-brownish. He likes the position of the sun or lightly shaded, fertile soil and moistened. Recommended for planting in home gardens.

Taxus baccata (media) 'Wojtek' Slow-growing shrub growing approximately 10 cm per year with a compact, narrowly columnar habit and dark green needles. He likes fertile soil and moist, sunny or shady positions. Recommended for planting singly or in groups in home gardens. Valuable Polish variety.

Taxus media Columnar habit shrub grows up to 4 m in height, growing about 15 cm per year with dark green needles. He likes fertile soil and moist, semi-shaded or sunny positions. Suitable for different types of gardens, planting singly or in groups. Especially recommended for hedges formed.

Taxus media 'Hicksii' Shrub from 1 to 5 m high and 3 m wide growing about 15 cm per year with upright branches at the top. Needles to 3 cm long, dark green. He likes fertile soil sufficiently moist, sunny or shady positions. In the shade of shrubs are looser. In the autumn ripens very numerous, red arils (seeds). Recommended for planting singly and in groups in the gardens or container assemblies compositions. Excellent for cut hedges.

Thuja occidentalis The tree grows up to 20 m high conical habit. Bark gray, scaly narrow strips. Scaly leaves, and scented trituration, underside lighter. Cones numerous suitable yellowish color of the entire crown. He likes the position of the sun, the soil moderately moist, well-drained, moderately fertile. Recommended for gardens, planting urban park, planted singly, in groups, in the rows of hedges.

Thuja occidentalis 'Aurescens' The tree grows up to 10 m in height increments above 15 cm per year columnar habit and yellow-colored stems, especially young shoots. Wrong grows on dry soils, sandy and shady places. It is used in the compositions of color, home gardens, hedges.

Thuja occidentalis 'Brabant' Variety rapidly growing branches of light green color. In good growing conditions can adhere to 40 cm per year. Do not cut grows to over 10 m in height Requires a sunny or lightly shaded. One of the best hedges cut.

Thuja occidentalis 'Danica' One of the smallest varieties of Arborvitae. Shrub reaches 10 years 40 - 50 cm in height, the maximum height is around 1m and 2m in diameter, growing year approximately 3 cm. The plant is fully hardy. It grows well in full sun or semi-shade. Recommended for home gardens, rock and compositions in containers.

Thuja occidentalis 'Fastigiata' Tree fast-growing columnar habit, dense, dark green foliage, grows up to 12 m high annual increments of about 30 cm. It grows well on any soil, as long as sufficiently moist in a sunny or lightly shaded. Excellent variety and cut on the rows of hedges. It looks nice planted singly or in groups.

Thuja occidentali Dwarf form of multi-shoots, spherical and compact growing up to 0.6 m in height, in increments of 4 cm per year. He likes the position of the sun or lightly shaded. Recommended for small home gardens, rock and compositions in containers.

Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Globe' Wielopędowy, slow-growing shrub, growing up to about 1 m in height with the likes of spherical and yellow-colored foliage. Requires a light. Recommended for planting in home gardens, rock and the composition in containers.

Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Tuffet' Dwarf variety Arborvitae habit spherical, compact, growing up to 0.6 m in height. Stems thin, short, slender, nodding. Young shoots and skins (needle-like) have a gold-orange color, also sustained during the winter. It grows well on fertile soils, in full sun or semi-shade. In the shadow of a weaker staining. Recommended for rock gardens, containers, color compositions in small garden assumptions.

Thuja occidentalis 'Holmstrup' A small tree with a dense, broad columnar habit grows up to 4 m high annual increments approximately 15 cm. Dark green foliage persisting throughout the year. Excellent hedgerows or to lower the composition in containers.

Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold' Shrub spherical conical habit, grows to about 3 m high annual increments of about 10 cm. Foliage bright golden-yellow, brownish winter. It slightly cut shoots. It grows well in fertile, moist enough. Recommended for smaller garden complexes, compositions of color, low, moderate cut hedges.

Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Very noble variety with a compact habit, conical growing up to about 5 m high annual increments of about 10 cm. Foliage original Ĺźywozielone does not change color in the winter. Suitable for different types of plantings in full sun or semi-shade. Perfectly suited for single and hedge planting

Thuja occidentalis 'Spiralis' Tree habit loose, narrowly conical grows up to about 10 m in height increments above 20 cm per year. Twigs dark characteristically (spiral) twisted. Recommended for larger assumptions garden.

Thuja occidentalis 'Stolwijk' Shrub loose, slow-growing narrowly conical habit. Twigs small, with white ends of the scales (spotted). He likes a sunny position. Recommended for home gardens.

Thuja occidentalis 'Sunkist' A compact shrub with narrow pyramidal habit grows to about 4 m high annual increments of about 10 cm. Golden-yellow foliage, even in winter. Requires a light. Recommended for planting in home gardens, rock, the compositions in containers etc.

Thuja occidentalis 'Teddy' The new, multi-shoots, dwarf variety increments of about 3 cm per year habit regularly spherical. Needles soft, long reddish tinge clearly. He likes the position of the sun and fertile, moist soil. Recommended for rock gardens and the composition in containers.

Thuja occidentalis 'Yellow Ribbon' Tree of columnar habit increments above 15 cm per year with an intense golden-yellow foliage persisting throughout the year. Requires a light. Recommended for home gardens, especially for hedges.

Thuja orientalis 'Aurea Nana' Shrub multi-shoots, slow-growing, growing about 6 cm per year with an intense goldenyellow color. Delicate, flat, fan-shaped, vertically built up twigs form the oval shape. Requires a sunny and sheltered. Recommended for rock gardens, backyard and on the moors.

Tsuga canadensis 'Nana' Slow-growing shrub, reaching up to 1 m high and 1.5 m wide growing about 4 cm per year. Needles very short, light. Stems thin, nodding. He likes position sheltered, sunny or partially shaded. Requires a fertile, moist soil. Recommended for rock gardens and on the moors.

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