Cherry sour

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Prunus cerasus

„Groniasta.Ujfehertoi” Height: moderately strong. The fruiting comes early. Bears fruit abundantly Pollinators: selfpollinating. Fruit: large, red, hard. Taste: sweet, aromatic, juicy. Fruits are suitable for direct consumption or for preserves. Maturity: half VII. Fairly resistant to frost and disease

Prunus cerasus

„Kelleriis” Height: moderately strong. Pollinators: selfpollinating. Fruit: medium-large, dark, hard. Taste: sweet, aromatic, juicy. Maturity: half VII. Fairly resistant to frost and disease. Cherry cultivar named 'Kelleris' usually begins to bear fruit in the next year after planting. Yields abundantly, and what is important every year.

Prunus cerasus

„Lucuna” Fertile delicious variety of Polish descent, reaching a cumulative maturity in mid-July, resistant to frost and low susceptibility to disease, growth strong, dense crown slightly spread. Fruit medium-sized spherical, dark red, dessert.

Prunus cerasus

„Łutówka” Tree of medium height, very early comes into bearing, bears fruit abundantly and regularly. Fruit large dark red flesh succulenceandspecific sour. Used for the production of juices. Maturity: Breakthrough July-August Resistance: Resistant to Frost.

Prunus cerasus

„Nana” The tree grows moderately fast, it creates a spreading crown, little susceptible to fungal diseases. In the fruiting period comes very early (mid-July), yields abundantly and regularly. Fruit dark red, sweet and sour. This is a relatively new variety stands out in the experiments conducted in the country. Very useful for planting marks and amateur.

Prunus cerasus


Self-pollinating varieties of aromatic and juicy fruits. Fruit medium to large with ciemnorubinowej skinned enough to sour. Ripen in the first half of July. The tree grows moderately early comes into bearing, yields abundantly and regularly. It is fairly resistant to frost, but very resistant to disease, particularly on small leaf spots.

Prunus cerasus

„Northstar” Tree of weak growth in fruiting enters early, results in regular and abundant fruits: small or medium-sized, spherical, intensely red color, excellent for preserves collective maturity: early July to frost resistance: medium susceptibility to disease: very susceptible to minor spot leaves pollinators: self-pollinating

Prunus cerasus


Tree of strong growth, egg-shaped crown. Desserts, variety of tasty fruits, ripening in midVII. The fruit is large with a cherry-red rind. The flesh is red, goes well from the stone. Juice quite clear. Resistant to frost, quite resistant to disease. Open-pollinated variety. Good pollinators for her are cherries 'Nefris', 'Łutówka', 'Kelleris', 'Heimann Pickled', 'Volyn'. They can also be cherries 'Butner Red', 'Schneider Late', 'Kassin' and 'Black Late'. It is best if one cherry 'Panda' there is one tree belonging to its pollinators.

Prunus cerasus

„Sabina” The tree comes into bearing early, giving a rich harvest. Fruit of medium size, dark red. The flesh is red, aromatic, very tasty. Harvest maturity is achieved at the beginning of July. Resistance: Resistant to frost and disease.

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