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Pyrus communis ‘Faworytka’ Faworytka that is popular slate a variety of summer (matures at the end of August) for large and very large fruit. Skin green, sometimes with a red blush. Also bred a variety of completely red skin, which is called the Red Faworytka. The flesh spanking is juicy, sweet and very tasty. Fruit can be harvested before reaching maturity (mid-August) and stored for several weeks in a cool place. They are used primarily for direct consumption, but also for preserves. Variety average, sensitive to frost and pear scab.

Pyrus communis ‘Bonkret Williams’ Variety of English, desserts and the best of the varieties suitable for preserves. Recommended for all types of orchards and gardens in warmer parts of the Polish. Initially strong growth ceases rapidly after entering plants in the fruiting period. The crown ovoid-conical, thickened. Blooms late on average, and the flowers are highly resistant to frost. Very good cross pollinator.

Pyrus communis ‘Komisowka’ The old variety originating from France, with very good taste, but entering rather late in the fruiting period. The flesh is juicy, very tasty, fruit medium or large. Used as a dessert variety, but also for preserves. It ripens in the first half of October, the fruit can be kept for several weeks. Fairly resistant to frost and pear scab. Pyrus communis ‘Konferencja’ Very early (as early as 2 - 3 years) after planting enters a period of prolific fruiting. Distinguished by large, extremely juicy fruits, which are elongated in shape, with a smooth, matt, yellow-green rind, covered with goldenbrown russeting. Consumers relish its taste and aroma of both raw and after processing. Works great in preparations, compotes, tinctures. Pyrus communis ‘Nojabrskaja’ Fruit large round regular shape, skin thick, green color when ripe to yellow, firm and sweet flesh, not dripping with juice.

Pyrus communis ‘Carola’ The tree grows moderately fast, creating a raised crown. It is intermediately susceptible to scab, and sufficiently resistant to frost. Early begins to bear fruit, plonując abundant and fairly regularly. It gives large or very large fruit, elongated, tapered at the stem, unbalanced, yellow-green, slightly russet, very aromatic, juicy and tasty flesh. This is a relatively new promising variety introduced to the country in 1988, recommended for amateurs and planting marks. Well fuses with quince. Pyrus communis ‘Lukasowka’ Fruit tied at both short and long shoots. The period of full fruiting comes in 3-5 years after planting. Results in very plennie annually. The fruit is large or very large. The skin is thick, smooth pale green. When ripe it becomes golden, often covered with striped, carmine red.

Pyrus communis ‘Hortensja’ Early entering the fruiting variety. Yields abundantly every year. Resistant to scab and powdery mildew, but susceptible to fire blight. Fruit appears at the end of September, large, elongated with a red blush of fine, juicy, sweet sour pulp, extremely tasty. Variety of desserts and preserves.

Pyrus communis ‘General Leclerc’ French variety, with excellent dessert tasting fruit. Recommended for orchards and crops amateur. The increase moderately strong. The crown of average density of branches erected. Blooms late. It is a good pollinator for other varieties, selfing results in a lack of seeds.

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