Zanesville Museum of Art Fall 2016 Member Bulletint

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FROM THE DIREC TOR Dear Member, We have new faces and fresh spaces this fall at the Zanesville Museum of Art.

BOARD OF DIREC TORS Alice Graham, President Chad Brown Nanc y B eitzel Bill Chr ist y D ean Cole Char les G orsuch Fred Grant M yron K nell Dianna LeVeck M ilman Linn Car l M inning D. S cott M oyer Susan Nash R ichard Tuck Daniel M. Vincent Br ian Wagner Fay War ner D on Wietmarschen

This summer, museum staff has been busy preparing an engaging fall season of public programs and exhibitions. We have some exciting changes in store for you as well on your next visit to the ZMA. I am very pleased to announce two significant changes to the museum’s galleries. Beginning this September, the ZMA’s third floor Golden Gallery will exhibit a selection of sculpture from our permanent collection (page 9). The gallery’s soaring ceiling and open floor plan create a wonderful environment to explore an array of three-dimensional works from Classicism to Modernism. And, on the museum’s second floor, the Permanent Collection gallery will now exclusively exhibit works on paper. The ZMA has an extensive collection of fine prints, original drawings, and remarkable photographs rarely on public view due to the fragile nature of these media. Sketching American Modernism: Works on Paper from the Permanent Collection (page 5) is the first exhibition in this intimate gallery space and features work by several American artists and members of The Eight. A gallery talk by Sarah Franklin, one of our newest staff members, will explore The Eight and their depictions of turn-of-the-century fashion. Renovations will be completed later this fall to the ZMA’s two education studios as well. A generous grant from the Zanesville Development Corporation and a partnership with Ohio University Zanesville allowed us to re-imagine this important creative learning space. With a fresh new look, inspiring imagery, and multi-purpose furniture, these rooms are now a much more fun and functional maker space for another new ZMA staff member, Misty Johnson, to lead workshops and teach classes to the entire museum community. We are evolving to meet the changing demands of our members and our community. Over the last several months, you and our not-yet-member friends have generously shared ideas and feedback in a survey distributed by ZMA Marketing Intern Daniel Pitcock. If you have not completed this brief survey, please take this opportunity to help us strengthen our public programs by visiting to take the survey. Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to seeing you at the museum very soon.


Sincerely, Laine Snyder



















This page: Detail, Everett Shinn, Girard Trust & Co., Philadelphia, ink on paper, after 1908. On the cover and right: George Luks, Wall Street, oil on panel, circa 1912. These works are included in the exhibition American Modernism, Urban Realism, and The Eight on view through January 7, 2017.



The ZMA eagerly partners with area schools and organizations to feature the creativity of student artists in the Robert and Leona Fellers Gallery, located on the museum’s third floor. The Fellers were pillars of the Zanesville community, supporting the arts and encouraging art education at the museum. As an artist herself, Leona Fellers exhibited work in the Ohio Annual exhibition, and she would be proud that this gallery celebrates this region‘s aspiring student artists. October | West Muskingum High School Exhibition opening, Saturday, October 15, 2–3 pm. November | Bishop Rosecrans High School Exhibition opening, Saturday, November 12, 12–1 pm. December | Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Department: PhotoVoice Project Exhibition opening, Thursday, December 1, 5–7 pm.


Museum admission is always free for our exhibition openings. Please join us and enjoy great art and complimentary beverages and light bites.

| On view through Januar y 7, 2017

This fall, the Zanesville Museum of Art is proud to welcome back the Southeastern Ohio Watermedia Society (SEOWS) for its Annual Juried Exhibition. This exhibition highlights the exceptional work artist’s create using various water-based media, including watercolor, collage, acrylic, ink, and tempera. SEOWS held its very first juried exhibition in September 1977 at the ZMA with sixteen original members participating. Today, the society has over sixty-one members with artists representing Muskingum, Washington, Coshocton, Guernsey, Belmont, Perry, and Monroe counties. After thirty-nine years, SEOWS continues to host workshops, exhibitions, and other special events as they broaden their appreciation for water-based media. “The juried exhibition has always provided the opportunity for members to encourage each other to produce their best work and put that work up to the scrutiny of other well-known artists,” stated SEOWS president Cynthia Dixon. “The cash prize does provide an amazing incentive; the ultimate goal is to promote the relationships within the artist community through inspiration and teaching.” The juried exhibition is the pinnacle of their efforts throughout the year. Below, from left to right: Carron Baxter, Spring Hills, acrylic, 2016. Collection of the artist. Detail: Kay Kenyon, Joyful, watercolor, 2016. Collection of the artist. Melissa Maxwell, Maine Tulip, watercolor and acrylic, 2016. Collection of the artist.

For more information on the S outheastern O hio Watermedia S o ciet y and its pro grams, please email SEOWS ar


Sketching Americ an M o dernism Works on Pap er From the Permanent Collec tion On view through January 14, 2017 This fall the ZMA is proud to present Sketching American Modernism: Works from the Permanent Collection. This exhibition explores works on paper by American Modernists Everett Shinn (1876-1953), George Luks (1867-1933), Arthur B. Davies (1863-1928), and Andrée Ruellan (1905-2006). Early in their careers, these artists earned their reputation by opposing the prevailing traditional academic aesthetic. In doing so, they put American art on an international stage. In response to a growing bourgeoisie’s rising demand for American works of art in the first decades of the twentieth century, New York art galleries expanded their business by including modern artists in their exhibitions. One gallery in particular, the Ferargil Gallery, opened its doors in 1915 to sell some of the most prominent modernists of the time. Located on East 55th Street, Ferargil Gallery housed a print room, a sculpture gallery with a fountain, and numerous painting galleries. Director Frederic Newlin Price, involved with several New York art institutions, took advantage of the growing demand for American works dedicating a large portion of his gallery space for their display. His gallery included artists Thomas Eakins, Thomas Hart Benton, John Singer Sargent, and Benjamin West. However, his most celebrated collection consisted of works by members of The Eight including Arthur B. Davies, Ernest Lawson, Everett Shinn, and George Luks. Price developed personal relationships with each of the artists, hosting numerous exhibitions and publishing monographs dedicated to their work. A chance encounter in New York in 1954 between Zanesville, Ohio, resident Mrs. Betty Hay and Ferargil Gallery director Price brought works of The Eight to the ZMA. Mrs. Hay was staying at the Plaza Hotel when she met Price. They reminisced about Price’s time in Ohio and discussed the new Zanesville Art Institute. Impressed and moved by their conversation, Price promptly sent Mrs. Hay a letter informing her of a gift he wished to make to the institute. Mrs. Hay returned to Zanesville with thirty-nine prints and drawings from the Ferargil Gallery. Institute director, Denys P. Myers, was thrilled with the gift. He wrote to Price expressing his sincere gratitude stating, “I am particularly delighted with the beautiful Davies drawings, (…) the Luks, and Shinns, since we had nothing of note to represent any of the ‘Eight’ in our collection.” These sketches and prints are excellent representations of the artists’ unique styles, which developed from their work as New York and Philadelphia newspaper and magazine illustrators. During the turn of the century—the golden age of journalismacademically trained artists took lucrative positions with media outlets where they honed their draftsmanship skills, capturing chaotic urban scenes and other newsworthy events. The deft and candid portraits on display capture an era of significant change and prosperity. After sixty years, the pieces remain a vital part of the works on paper collection. Their journey from a prominent New York art gallery to the institute, and ultimately the ZMA’s collection, demonstrate our ongoing effort, which began eighty years ago, to enhance this collection.

E X H I B I T I O N L E C T U R E | We d n e s d ay, O c to b e r 2 6 12–1 pm, at the ZMA in Linn Auditorium. Fashioning Modernism | Representations of 1920s and 1930s Fashion from the ZMA’s Works on Paper Collection. By ZMA Collection and Exhibition Manager Sarah Franklin.

Above: Photograph of Ferargil Gallery, after 1915. Photo courtesy of the Archives of American Art. Left: Everett Shinn, Girl in a Green Chair, 1930, pen and color wash on paper, Gift of Fredric Newlin Price, 1954.10110


WATERCOLOR PAINTING TECHNIQUES Explore the fundamentals of watercolor painting techniques with Misty Johnson, and learn to create the luminescent imagery only achieved through this beautiful medium. In this three-part class participants progress from simple, guided experimentation to more advanced exercises in order to paint an original work of art. Participants will explore various techniques such as washes, wet into wet, wet on dry, dry on wet, and dry brush. The distinct characteristics of each will help participants discover their own watercolor painting style. This class is being held in conjunction with the Southeastern Ohio Watermedia Society Annual Juried Exhibition, on view through January 7, 2017, at the ZMA. Saturdays, October 22, October 29, and November 5, 2–4 pm, at the ZMA. $70 members, $80 not-yet-members. All materials provided. No experience required. Recommended for teens and adults. Register by October 15.

INTRODUCTION TO ACRYLIC PAINTING | Studio Sessions with Misty Johnson Acrylic is the perfect medium for those interested in learning the basics of painting. Join Misty Johnson, and gain a few tips, some tricks, and plenty of techniques as you develop the skills needed to create original works of art using this versatile, user-friendly medium. SESSION 1 | The Basics Learn the fundamentals of acrylic painting such as paint, brush, and canvas selection, canvas preparation, and color mixing techniques. Thursday, November 10, 5:15–7:15 pm, or Saturday, November 12, 2–4 pm, at the ZMA. $40 for members, $45 for not-yet-members. Or $90 for members, $100 for not-yet-members when you register for all three sessions at once by November 3. For your convenience, two dates are available for each session. Participants are welcome to attend both sessions at no additional charge. Register for Session 1 or Sessions 1–3 by November 3. SESSION 2 | Underpainting Receive one-on-one and group instruction in the subtle art of composition and underpainting techniques. Thursday, November 17, 5:15–7:15 pm or Saturday, November 19, 2–4 pm at the ZMA. $40 for members, $45 for not-yet members. Or $90 for members, $100 for not-yet-members when you register for all three sessions at once by November 3. For your convenience, two dates are available for each session. Participants are welcome to attend both sessions at no additional charge. Register for Session 2 by November 10 or Sessions 1–3 by November 3. SESSION 3 | Painting from Observation Hone observational skills, and receive step-by-step instruction as you create a realistic still-life painting. Thursday, December 1, 5:15–7:15 pm, or Saturday, December 3, 2–4 pm, at the ZMA. $40 for members, $45 for not-yet-members. Or $90 for members, $100 for not-yet-members when you register for all three sessions at once by November 3. For your convenience, two dates are available for each session. Participants are welcome to attend both sessions at no additional charge. Register for Session 3 by November 23 or Sessions 1–3 by November 3.

Enroll in just one session

or Enroll in all three sessions & save!

ADULT PROGRAMS PERSPECTIVE LECTURE SERIES The Zanesville Museum of Art, with the generous support of the Ohio Arts Council, is pleased to present a series of engaging lectures in conjunction with this fall’s exhibition cycle. American Modernism, Urban Realism, and The Eight, Sculpture from the Permanent Collection, and Sketching American Modernism: Works on Paper from the Permanent Collection. For full descriptions of the lectures and to find out more about the speakers, please visit No registration required. FASHIONING MODERNISM | Representations of 1920s and 1930s Fashion from the ZMA’s Works on Paper Collection Wednesday, October 26, 12–1 pm, at the ZMA in Linn Auditorium. FROM NEOCLASSICISM TO ABSTRACTION | Sculpture from the Permanent Collection Wednesday, November 16, 12–1 pm, at the ZMA in Linn Auditorium. THE PASSIONATE REBELLION | American Modernism, Urban Realism, and The Eight Director’s Lecture, Wednesday, December 14, 12–1 pm, at the ZMA in Linn Auditorium.

ZMA CONCERT SERIES The Zanesville Museum of Art is pleased to present a series of live musical performances hosted in the museum’s beautiful galleries. For full descriptions of these free events, please visit No registration required. TRio | Improvisational Jazz with Dave DeWitt, Derek DiCenzo, and Aaron Scott Featuring the smooth sounds of Dave DeWitt on piano, Derek DiCenzo on bass, and Aaron Scott on drums, this accomplished jazz trio has been improvising around Columbus since the late 1980s. Thursday, November 3, 6–7:30 pm, in the ZMA’s Atrium. Holiday Concert | Three Performances, One Magical Night Join us at the ZMA for a festive evening filled with live musical performances by acclaimed tenor Jesús Daniel Hernández, Paradocs, the violin and keyboard duo of Drs. Laura E Schumann and Joyce Alesandrini, from the Southeastern Ohio Symphony and Muskingum University, and the New Concord United Methodist Church Bell Choir. Stroll the galleries, shop for holiday gifts, and enjoy complimentary refreshments and a cash bar. And bring the children. They will enjoy the ZMA’s holiday craft studio. Thursday, December 8, 5:30–7:30 pm, at the ZMA.

THE ADVENTUROUS PALETTE | Canvas and Cocktails with Michael Seiler Unleash your adventurous palette with Zanesville artist Michael Seiler. Bring a friend, share a glass of wine, and paint your own masterpiece. All materials, wine, and light bites are included in the cost of this workshop. Thursday, January 12, 2017, 5:30–7:30 pm, at the ZMA. $40 members, $45 not-yet-members. No experience required. Must be 21 or older to enroll. Register by January 6.

ART ON TAP | Redefining Craft Tap into your inner artist with the ZMA at Weasel Boy Brewing Company. Join Carrie Turner the third Tuesday of the month for drawing games, trivia, and more. Each night will feature a different creative game or project. Come on out for fine craft beer, wine, great food, and creative company. Tuesdays, October 18, November 15, January 17, 6–7 pm. Please note, the ZMA will not host Art on Tap in December. Free and open to the public. No experience required. All materials provided. This program is held at Weasel Boy Brewing Company, 126 Muskingum Avenue, Zanesville. No registration required.


All programs are generously funded in part by a grant from the Ohio Arts Council and The TaylorMcHenry Memorial Fund. Thank you.


CHILDREN & TEEN PROGRAMS DOODLEBUGS | Second Friday Discovery Hour Introduce your preschooler to the art of discovery within the ZMA’s galleries. Every second Friday, you and your child will enjoy special activities throughout the museum that will engage the senses and captivate the imagination. Fridays, October 14, November 11, December 9, 10:30–11:30 am, at the ZMA. Free to museum members, $6 per session for not-yet-members. For more information about each class, visit Register one week prior to each class.

ART ADVENTURE | Third Saturday Studio Hour Children in grades 1–3 (Session 1) and children in grades 4–6 (Session 2) will explore different media and art-making techniques at the ZMA this fall, each third Saturday of the month. Join us in the studio for an art adventure to remember. Grades 1–3, Session 1, 10 am–11 am. Grades 4–6, Session 2, 11 am–12 pm, at the ZMA. $5 material charge for museum members, $7 not-yet-members. All materials provided. Painting apron provided. Interested in sculpting with clay? Using air-dry clay, you’ll discover how to craft a simple clay pinch pot. You’ll then take the pot to the next level by sculpting faces, arms, legs, and tails, which, when attached, will transform your original pinch pot into a unique, sculptural animal.


Escape the winter blues, and create bright, abstract self-portrait drawings using chalk pastels. Learn blending and color mixing, shading techniques, and the fundamentals of abstraction. Experiment with countless color possibilities, and discover what pastel techniques work best for your drawing.

Register by November 12




Drawings can come alive. Find out how this Halloween. Experiment with wax resist painting techniques, and let your imagination run wild. Create colorful crayon drawings, and then watch them take on a life of their own with the application of tempera or watercolor paint. Participants will complete several wax-resist paintings. Register by October 8


Painting (Boo)!

Register by January 14

INTRODUCTION TO CHARCOAL DRAWING Ripped from the headlines…travel back to a time before photojournalists, and take on the role of a newspaper illustrator. Learn basic charcoal drawing techniques to illustrate a current event in a bold, striking style. Learn how artists from The Eight captured the essence of a story using line, shadow, and composition. This class is being held in conjunction with American Modernism, Urban Realism, and The Eight, on view through January 7, 2017, and Sketching American Modernism: Works on Paper from the Museum’s Permanent Collection, on view through January 14, 2017. Thursdays, October 27 and November 3 , 4:30–6 pm. $25 members, $30 not-yet-members. All materials provided. No experience required. Recommended for grades 6–12. Register by October 20.

FREE FAMILY DAY AT THE ZMA | Deck the Halls Join us for a free, fun-filled afternoon of holiday art activities, crafts, sweet treats, and live music. Create artful ornaments, decorative wrapping paper, festive cards, and more. Bring the whole family, and deck the halls, and while you’re at it, enjoy the toe-tapping bluegrass sounds of Cambridge, Ohio, musicians—the Yurco Boys. Saturday, December 17, 1–3 pm, at the ZMA. Admission to the museum is free. Please bring a new toy donation for the Muskingum County Toys for Tots. For more information, visit No registration required.

Registration may be required one week in advance for some programs. Please visit, or call (740) 452-0741 for more information or to enroll.

SCULPTURE FROM THE PERMANENT COLLEC TION On view through March 2017 This September, the ZMA reopened the Golden Gallery, a stunning exhibition space, which now features highlights from the museum’s permanent collection of three-dimensional works. Ranging in date from 500 BCE to 2016 CE and featuring European and American sculpture—some of which have never been on view including recently accessioned pieces—the works in this exhibition are rooted in the classical form. They are often associated with the Greeks and Romans who sought to emulate the beauty of nature and the human form, resulting in stunning marble sculptures that honor mythological gods. Notable works in the gallery are from the revival period of this classical style known as Neoclassicism, which began to appear in paintings, architecture, music, and sculpture around 1760 in Europe. It made its way to the United States in the late eighteenth century, reaching its height in the early twentieth century.

Sarah J. Franklin, ZMA Collection and Exhibition Manager

American sculptor Edward Francis McCartan’s (1879–1947) work, Frog Chorus (Pan), is featured in this exhibition. McCartan adopted Neoclassicism by creating works featuring mythological gods and creatures, often cast in marble or bronze. He was known for his bronze sculptures designed to be displayed in gardens. Although not his initial ambition as an independent sculptor, he found a market for these works, selling them privately to collectors and galleries. McCartan, who was most popular in 1920s and 1930s, collected numerous awards and accolades throughout his life. McCartan’s Frog Chorus (Pan), circa 1913, was originally on display in the ZMA’s Longaberger Art Research Library but is now amongst other sculptures with a similar design aesthetic in the Golden Gallery. Frog Chorus (Pan) features the Greek mythological figure Pan, who was known as the god of the wild: sheep and flocks. His pipes represent the competition of skill between Pan and the mighty Apollo, god of music, art, and light. McCartan cast this particular design and size three times in bronze. Sculptors often cast more than one version of their works in order to show the pieces in various locations and maximize revenue. This particular design was featured at the National Academy of Design in New York and the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco in 1912. The Beaux Arts Club purchased Frog Chorus (Pan) from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trivella for the ZMA in 1983. Mrs. Mary Trivella sold the work hoping, “he [Pan] would captivate future generations with his beauty, grace, and charm…we are so grateful that he will be loved and enjoyed.” The Golden Gallery’s vaulted ceilings and natural surroundings highlight the sculptures within its space, shedding new light on how we understand and appreciate the design and meaning of these three-dimensional works. As the ZMA continues to accession new items into the collection, we will refresh the gallery space. Members and visitors can also see an exhibition of the museum’s Asian, South American, and Greek and Roman sculptures in the Yan Sun Diverse Cultures Gallery, located on the second floor or regional sculpture in the Arts of Ohio Gallery on the third floor. Detail: Edward Francis McCartan, Frog Chorus (Pan), cast bronze, circa 1913, 1983.16009. Gift of the Beaux Art Club. From the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trivella.


CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Art camp instructor Martha Pollock and assistant instructor Taylor Tieler installing artwork at the Treehouse Coffee Shop in downtown Zanesville. Artwork was created during the ZMA’s Graffiti Art Camp this summer. Eleanor Bailey, Chris Dal Ponte, and Janet Stewart at the Beaux Arts Club Gala June 25. Young artist painting in the ZMA’s Children’s Art Tent at the Y-Bridge Arts Festival August 5. Zanesville High School Cheerleaders volunteering at the ZMA’s Children’s Art Tent Saturday, August 6. Museum guests enjoying cocktails during the silent auction at the Beaux Arts Club Gala June 25. Below: Zanesville High School Cheerleaders resting for a few minutes before assisting with art programs at the ZMA’s Children’s Art Tent. Thank you for your help! Two aspiring artists creating paintings for the community art project called What is Art? Artist and ZMA educator Misty Johnson created a reproduction of Edvard Munch’s Scream for the Children’s Art Tent at Y-Bridge Art Festival August 5 and 6.



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