Zanesville Museum of Art Winter Member Bulletin 2016

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FROM THE DIREC TOR Dear Member, Happy New Year!

Alice Graham, President Nanc y B eitzel Joan Cameron Bill Chr ist y D ean Cole Char les G orsuch Fred Grant Tom Holdren Dianna LeVeck M ilman Linn Car l M inning Cindy M orehead D. S cott M oyer Susan Nash R ichard Tuck Daniel M. Vincent Br ian Wagner Fay War ner D on Wietmarschen Anne Wr ight

In 2016 the Zanesville Museum of Art celebrates its 80th anniversary and we have an exciting year ahead of us. The ZMA is one of ten national institutions selected to participate in the Small Museum Accreditation Academy sponsored by the American Alliance of Museums. During this yearlong institutional planning program, we will have the unique opportunity to consider how to build upon eighty years of service to our community. The ZMA will also host two new exhibitions opening in February including the Crucible Series: New Ceramics by Tom Marino. More than a dozen exquisite contemporary ceramic bowl-like forms will be on view, which highlight Marino’s interest in the transformative quality of clay and glaze. The museum will also work with Yan Sun and Hong Yin to present new ink-on-rice-paper paintings by several prominent Chinese artists from the Chang’An Chinese Painting Research Society. The exhibition, Imaginative Chang’An, opening February 18, celebrates this beautiful and time-honored painting tradition and explores the innovation and originality of Research Society artists. Accompanying these exhibitions is an array of exciting lectures, workshops, and classes for artists of all ages and skill levels to enjoy. I hope to see you at the museum soon. Laine Snyder



















Left: Liu Yongjie, detail of A Herd of Sheep in Spring, 2014, on view in the exhibition Imaginative Chang’an, which opens February 18, 2016. Right and on the cover: Tom Marino, Crucible Series: Gold, 2015, on view in the exhibition The Crucible Series: New Ceramics by Tom Marino opening February 4, 2016.


| Student admiring work in the Robert and Leona Fellers Gallery.

The museum proudly partners with schools and organizations throughout this region to feature the creativity of student artists in the Robert and Leona Fellers Gallery, located on the ZMA’s third floor. The Fellers were pillars of the Zanesville community, supporting the arts and encouraging art education at the museum. As an artist herself, Leona Fellers’ work was featured in the Ohio Annual exhibition, and she would be proud that this gallery celebrates this communty‘s aspiring student artists. January


The PowerHouse of Southeastern Ohio



Muskingum County Head Start Exhibition opening celebration Saturday, February 20, 1–3 pm Free and open to the public. Complimentary punch and light bites



Zanesville High School, National Art Honors Society Exhibition opening celebration Thursday, April 8, 5–7 pm Free and open to the public. Complimentary punch and light bites



M U S K I N G U M CO U N T Y K- 1 2 S T U D E N T S C H O L A S T I C A R T E X H I B I T I O N Exhibition opening Sunday, May 1, 2016, 2–4 pm.

Free and open to the public. Enjoy music and complimentary refreshments. This spring the Great Gallery will come alive with the opening of the Muskingum County K-12 Scholastic Art Exhibition. Featuring hundreds of artworks by students throughout Muskingum County, this exhibition showcases the exuberant spirit of our elementary student artists, the confident skill of middle schoolers, and the bold style of high school students. Organized by the American Association of University Women, this annual show includes paintings, ceramics, drawings, sculpture, masks, photographs, and mixed media created by talented students from Muskingum County public and parochial schools, homeschool programs, and local arts organizations.


I maginative Chang’an

R ecent Wor k from the Chang’an Chinese Painting R esearch S ociet y February 18 through April 9

Once the largest city in the world, the ancient Chinese capital Chang’an housed many of the nation’s most powerful dynasties. As one of Asia’s most significant cultural centers, Chang’an bred centuries of vibrant artistic tradition. Today, this tradition continues as artists and scholars examine the past and make their own contributions toward China’s ongoing artistic legacy. This February, ten exceptional Chinese artists bring this exciting fusion of the ancient and the contemporary to the United States, in Imaginative Chang’an: Recent Work from the Chang’an Chinese Painting Research Society. Chang’an—whose name means “long peace”—is located central China’s Wei River Valley, near the Qin Mountains. The city’s location at the finishing point of the Silk Road brought it into contact with diverse cultural influences, and by the 8th century it had become a cosmopolitan city of over one million people. The local population mingled with merchants, diplomats, students, and missionaries, exchanging goods and ideas from far and wide. The fine arts flourished, particularly during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.), prompting modern scholars to describe Chang’an as “the cultural capital of all East Asia.” Although ancient Chang’an has been engulfed by the modern city of Xi’an, artists, scholars, and lovers of Chinese culture continue to celebrate the city’s history and traditions, and proudly call themselves Chang’an people. The Chang’an Chinese Painting Research Society is a modern organization dedicated to the great city’s artistic heritage. In ancient times, the ubiquitous calligraphy in Chinese painting required that artists be literate. Consequently, painters were often among society’s most educated people, and many functioned also as poets, scholars, and even government officials. Today, research society members continue this ancient artist-as-scholar tradition. The ink-on-rice-paper paintings displayed in this exhibition demonstrate a masterful awareness of ancient techniques while simultaneously expressing individuality and creativity. In addition to technique, these paintings display an interest in culture and natural beauty, featuring subjects like people and families, animals, agriculture, music, weather, and seasons of Chang’an and beyond.


The artists featured in this exhibition include some of the most prominent painters in China today. Included are works from Yang Xiaoyang (President of the China National Academy of Painting), Jiang Yixiang (Vice President of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts), Liu Xijie (Chair of Chinese Painting Department, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts), and Liu Yongjie (Professor of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts). Also included are the up-and-coming artists Wang Baoan, Yang Ji, Liu Dan, Lv Shufeng, Zhao Baoping, and Qiao Yinan, whose skill and imagination promise an exciting future.

Exhibition Opening February 18 at 6 pm

Perspective Lecture in the gallery by Yan Sun at 6 pm | Live music, light bites, and a cash wine and beer bar at 6:30 pm.

The Cleveland Chinese Music Ensemble March 5 at 2 pm

The Maker’s Mark February 20 at 1 pm

Chinese Calligraphy Demonstration and Workshop with Yan Sun and Hong Yin.

and so much more...

Right: Jiang Yixiang, Ready for Gathering, 2014. Above: 2015 artist demonstration of the traditional ink and wash calligraphy technique.



NE W CER AMICS BY TOM MARINO On view February 5 through April 30, 2016

Upon experiencing the stunning effects of light, color, and texture in Toledo ceramicist Tom Marino’s Crucible Series, viewers might not be surprised to learn that Marino is an accomplished chemist with decades of experience. The processes used to create works of such intensity require extreme precision and technical know-how. Thematically, however, these pieces may be less connected to the science of chemistry as to the antiquated discipline of alchemy. The long-ago alchemist is frequently associated with the quest to transmute substances such as lead into gold or other “noble” metals. Less well-known, however, is that alchemists were also concerned with the transformation of the individual and the pursuit of a perfect state of enlightenment and self-knowledge. These transformations, both chemical and personal, spring to mind when viewing the Crucible pieces. In science and industry, a crucible is a container in which metals and other substances are subjected to extremely high temperatures. Metaphorically speaking, a crucible can be a situation or place where a severe test or a dynamic renewal occurs. In both cases, the result is the same: potent change and regeneration. Most fundamentally, the thirteen works in this exhibition resemble crucibles themselves. Their bowl-within-a-bowl design suggests that these are objects capable of withstanding the enlivening and transformative energy emanating from each center well. These transformations need not be limited to the artwork, however. The sculptures invite us to feel the same fiery rebirth within ourselves as we gaze into their mirror-like silvering. Tom Marino has worked in clay for over thirty years. His works are included in Ceramics Monthly’s permanent collection, as well as that of the Crocker Art Museum, the Block Museum of Art, and the Canton Museum of Art.

CRUCIBLE SERIES | C l o s i n g Pa r t y Thursday, April 14, 2016 @ 5:30 pm Clockwise from left: detail of Crucible Series: Silver, porcelain and silver, 5.25 in. x 7.25 in. x 7.25 in., 2015; Alchemist’s Crucible, porcelain and silver, 3.75 in. x 8 in. x 8 in., 2015; Crucible Series: Radioactive, porcelain and silver, 5 in. x 7.5 in. x 7.5 in., 2015. All works on loan from the artist. Photographs courtesy of Tom Marino and Stephen Johnston.


ART ON TAP | Redefining Craft Tap into your inner artist with the ZMA at Weasel Boy Brewing Company. Join us every third Tuesday of the month for drawing games, trivia, and more. Each night will feature a different game, so come on out for fine craft beer, great food, and creative company. Third Tuesday of each month beginning January 19, 6–7 pm. Free and open to the public. No experience required. All materials provided. This program is held at Weasel Boy Brewing Company, 126 Muskingum Avenue, Zanesville. For information visit

PIECES AND LAYERS | Collage Workshop with Susan Stubbins Experiment with different paper and media with Zanesville artist Susan Stubbins. In this one-day, four-hour workshop, Stubbins will share her love of collage and guide you through the process of repurposing materials, creating color schemes, and building layered surfaces. Participants will take home at least one finished collage, an original note card, and materials to create more works of art on their own. Saturday, February 6, 10 am−2 pm. $30 for members, $35 for not-yet-members. No experience required. Recommended for adults. All materials provided. Please bring your own brown-bag lunch. Registration required online or by phone by January 30.

IN THE STUDIO | Painting Classes with Nora Daniel Join academically trained Zanesville artist Nora Daniel Wednesday evenings beginning February 10. Daniel will personalize her instruction to accommodate all skill levels. Beginners will learn which brushes to buy, when to use each brush, how to prepare a canvas, and how to blend acrylic colors. Intermediate and advanced students are encouraged to bring current work or challenge themselves and begin a new work. Wednesdays, February 10, 17, 24 and March 2, 5:30−7:30 pm. $70 for members, $85 for not-yet-members. No experience required. All skill levels welcome. Recommended for adults. Materials not included. A material checklist is available online at Registration required online or by phone by February 3.

THE MAKER’S MARK | Chinese Calligraphy Demonstration and Workshop with Yan Sun and Hong Yin In conjunction with the exhibition Imaginative Chang’an, explore the fine art of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy with brush and ink with Zanesville artists Hong Yin and Yan Sun. Join them for an engaging lecture and hands-on demonstration where you will enjoy creating your own maker’s mark. Saturday, February 20, 1–3 pm. Free and open to the public. No experience required. Recommended for teens and adults. All materials provided. Registration required online or by phone by February 13.

THE ART OF PAPER FOLDING | Workshop featuring Monica Salisbury of the Ohio Paper Folders Learn the beautiful art of folding paper with Monica Salisbury. An award-winning artist and the founder and director of the Ohio Paper Folders, Salisbury will guide participants through the basics of working with paper to create unique, colorful forms. For more information about the Ohio Paper Folders, a non-profit organization dedicated to paper arts education, please visit their website at Saturday, March 5, 1–2:30 pm. $7 for members, $12 for not-yet-members. No experience required. Recommended for children 8 and older, teens, and adults. All materials provided. Registration required online or by phone by February 27.

THE ADVENTUROUS PALETTE POTTERY EDITION | Ceramics and cocktails with Jessica Gray Unleash your adventurous palette on a piece of pottery with Zanesville ceramicist Jessica Gray. Bring a friend, share a glass of wine, and decorate a piece of pottery provided to you that evening. All materials, wine, and light bites are included in the cost of this workshop. Your pottery will be kiln-fired and available for pick-up at the ZMA by March 10. Friday, March 4, 5:30–7:30 pm. $40 members, $45 not-yet-members. No experience required. Must be 21 or older to enroll. Registration required online or by phone by February 26.

ADULT PROGRAMS PERSPECTIVE LECTURES | Current Exhibitions The Zanesville Museum of Art, with the generous support of the Ohio Arts Council, is pleased to present a series of engaging lectures in conjunction with this winter’s exhibition cycle. For full descriptions of the lectures and to find out more about the speakers, please visit

Imaginative Chang’an | Recent Work from the Chang’an Chinese Painting Research Society. Notes from Chang’an

Thursday, February 18, 6 pm at the ZMA. Yan Sun, Muskingum University Professor of Art. This gallery talk will be held in conjunction with the exhibition opening of Imaginative Chang’an.

The Six Canons of Painting

Thursday, March 3, 6 pm at the ZMA. James Fox, Ohio University Zanesville instructor and Zanesville Museum of Art staff member, will discuss longstanding traditions that have influenced Chinese ink and wash painting.

Chang'an | Place, Times, and Imagination

Saturday, March 12, 1 pm at the ZMA. Marion S. Lee, Ohio University Associate Professor of Art History, will examine the styles of the Chang’an Chinese Painting Research Society as they relate to modern China and its heritage.

Crucible Series | New Ceramics by Tom Marino Art and Alchemy of Ceramics

Thursday, March 31, 6 pm at the ZMA. Deborah Elliott, Ohio University Zanesville instructor and Zanesville Museum of Art Education Coordinator, will explore the connections between art and the chemical processes that continue to inspire artists today.

Crucible Series | Tom Marino’s Ceramic Journey

Thursday, April 14, 6 pm at the ZMA. Tom Marino, Ceramic Artist, Toledo, Ohio. This gallery talk will be held in conjunction with the exhibition closing party for the Crucible Series | New Ceramics by Tom Marino.

MUSICAL LANDSCAPES | The Cleveland Chinese Music Ensemble Join musical director David Badagnani and the Cleveland Chinese Music Ensemble for an exploration of traditional Chinese music. Using time-honored instruments, the ensemble will evoke the mountains, myths, and people depicted in the exquisite paintings of Imaginative Chang’an while Mr. Badagnani explores the myths and stories on which this enchanting music was based. Saturday, March 5, 2–3 pm. Free and open to the public. The ZMA would like to thank Yan Sun, Dr. Hong Yin, and the Yan Sun Art Museum for underwriting this free public concert.

All programs are generously funded in part by a grant from the Ohio Arts Council. Thank you.


CHILDREN’S PROGR AMS ART ADVENTURE | Creative play Children in grades 1 through 6 can explore different media and art-making techniques at the ZMA this winter. One Saturday each month, join us in the studio for an hour of creative play. February 27, March 12, April 9, 11 am–12 pm at the ZMA. $5 museum members, $7 not-yet-members. Recommended for children in grades 1 through 6. All materials provided. Please bring a painting smock. Registration required online or by phone one week prior to class. A New Outlook Using David Black’s monumental outdoor sculpture Outlook located on the museum’s front lawn as a starting point, we will roll, fold, cut, bend, and shape paper into a unique 3-dimensional sculpture. Register by April 2.

April 9

Bowls of Fire How does Toledo artist Tom Marino get his bowls from the Crucibles Series to glow? Join us and find out. Make a papier mâché bowl and paint it with brilliant colors. Register by March 5.



What’s in a Name? Have you ever thought about what your name would like in Chinese characters? Explore the traditional art of calligraphy with Yan Sun and learn basic Chinese characters using traditional ink-and-brush techniques. Register by February 20.

SPRING FEST | Family Day at the ZMA Celebrate the arrival of spring at the museum through music, poetry, and hands-on art projects. Art exploration stations will be set up in the museum’s atrium where families can create together. Children of all ages can write an artistic haiku poem, learn to weave colorful creations, paint a ceramic egg, and so much more. Saturday, March 26, 1–3 pm at the ZMA. Free admission with each non-perishable food donation for the Muskingum County Hunger Network. All materials provided. No registration required.

DOODLEBUGS | Story and Creativity Hour with Miss Deborah Introduce a child to the art of the story and the story of art. Join us in the ZMA’s galleries for a children‘s book reading and drawing activity hour that will captivate the imagination of young audiences. For a full list of books we will be reading this winter and for a description of their accompanying art activites, please visit www. Second and fourth Fridays of the month, 10:30–11:30 am at the ZMA. Free to museum members, $6 per session for not-yet-members. Recommended for Pre-K. Registration required one week prior to each class. Please visit or call (740) 452-0741 to enroll. Ezra Jack Keats’s The Snowy Day Patrick McDonnell’s Art Michael Hall’s Perfect Square

Jeanne Willis’s I Want to be a Cowgirl Rhonda Gowler Greene‘s When a Line Bends…A Shape Begins Mike Austin’s Monsters Love Colors

BEGINNING DRAWING | Classical Technique with Irene Baron Join Zanesville artist Irene Baron for a ten-day beginning drawing class. Participants will learn the basics of form, texture, and shading through demonstrations, class discussion, and hands-on activities. All materials included. Saturdays, January 30; February 13, 20, 27; March 5, 12, 18, 26, and April 2, 9. $35 museum members, $45 not-yet-members. Registration required online or by phone by January 23.

Beginning Drawing 11:15 am–12:15 pm at the ZMA.


10–11 am at the ZMA.


Beginning Drawing



The Benefits of Museum Membership The Beaux Arts Club is a vibrant, active, and charitable ZMA affiliate group whose mission is two-fold: to educate its members about art and to support museum initiatives. Founded in 1954 by a group of service-minded local women, this active organization has grown to fifty-seven members. They meet the first Tuesday of each month from September through May at the museum. The group hosts educational meetings and fundraisers, including the highly successful annual Art in the Garden Gala and Garden Tour each June.


The proceeds from these events provide critical financial support to the ZMA and have allowed the museum to purchase art for the permanent collection, to acquire exhibition-related furniture and display cases, to upgrade museum infrastructure, and to fund many additional significant projects. This affiliate group welcomes museum members as new club members year round. Membership dues are $15. For more information about membership or to join, please contact Karen Baker, a Beaux Arts Club membership chairperson, at (740) 4548241.

Save the date...

Art in the Garden Gala Life is a Garden Party Saturday, June 25, 2016


Garden Tour Sunday, June 26, 2016

Spring Tea |

For little girls of all ages

Dress in your tea-party best and entertain your favorite little girl with an afternoon of fun. Come and enjoy tea, light bites, and sweet valentine treats. All proceeds benefit the Zanesville Museum of Art. Reservations are required. To register, purchase tickets, or for more information visit or call (740) 452-0741. Saturday, February 13, 1–3 pm at the Zanesville Museum of Art $12 members, $15 not-yet-members. Right: Lucy Curran, Teacup and Saucer, Gift of Elinor M. Tucker, 2008.23 a and b.

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Participant in Winter Ceramic Camp, which was held at the ZMA in conjunction with the Zanesville Prize for Contemporary Ceramics exhibition underwritten by the Ohio Arts Council. Museum guests enjoying the Prize exhibition opening September 25, 2015, which brought nearly 300 guests to the ZMA that evening. Zanesville artist Nora Daniel teaching an Adventurous Palette program participant. Friends enjoying a glass of Pinot Grigio and painting their own Monet at the ZMA. Beaux Arts Club members from left to right: Lynn Linn, Karen Baker, and Delsie Zahn at their holiday luncheon. A budding painter from the Early Learning Center waiting patiently for a program to begin. Sounds of the Season holiday bell choir and brass concert at the ZMA. Zanesville artist and Muskingum University professor Yan Sun leading a tour of the ZMA for a large group of Chinese students and artists. The work of Zanesville Prize finalist Kristen Keiffer.



We would like to thank the following for their extraordinary generosity in 2015 Our members Masterpiece Society members Adopt a Masterpiece program members Our donors The museum’s Board of Directors The Beaux Arts Club Our Volunteers The museum’s docents Program instructors The Ohio Arts Council The Muskingum County Community Foundation

Year-End Campaign* Contributors: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Jody Ballas Dr. and Mrs. John Benson Ms. Stephanie Bridwell Carol E. Campbell Ms. Ada Clark Dr. and Mrs. Richard Davis Mrs. Sally Emslie Mrs. Elizabeth Gorsuch Figus Ms. Marion Gillen Mr. and Mrs. John Grant Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hall Mrs. Phyllis Haynes Dr. and Mrs. John Hibler Ms. Barbara Hill Mrs. Ann Huntsman Ms. Diane Huston Mrs. Marian Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert "Tim" Jones Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ledford Mrs. Ellen Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCollister Judge Ray Miller in Memory of his wife Martha Miller Mrs. Judith D. Minder Mrs. Mary K. Obenour Mr. and Mrs. Walter Offinger Mrs. Marilyn Hughey Phillis Mrs. Thomas L. Price Dr. and Mrs. David Quinn Mrs. Bettie Raymond Mrs. Martha E. Rice Mrs. Marlene Ridgley Ms. Jo Anna S. Shelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpson Mrs. Jeanne Cole Snyder Dr. Maggie Somple and Mr. Cory Koller Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Swanson Dr. and Mrs. Victor Szemetylo Ms. Judy Takacs Mr. and Mrs. Charles White Mr. Redge Wilde Mr. Howard Zwelling

Thank you

* Year-End Campaign gifts received by December 18, 2015, the Member Bulletin print deadline.


620 Military Road | Zanesville, Ohio | 43701 (740) 452-0741 |

Zanesville Museum of Art programs and events are funded, in part, by a grant from the Ohio Arts Council. The Ohio Arts Council is a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally, and economically.


Join us on Facebook and Pinterest or visit to sign up for our e-newsletter. HOURS

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

10 am–5 pm 10 am–7:30 pm 10 am–5 pm 10 am–5 pm



Adults Young adults ages 10–18 Seniors ages 60 and over Children ages 9 and under Museum members Thursday 5-7:30 pm

$6 $4 $4 Free Free Free


(740) 452-0741


(740) 452-0741 Ext. 202


(740) 452-0741 Ext. 203


(740) 452-0741 Ext. 203


(740) 452-0741 Ext. 203


(740) 452-0741 Ext. 207


(740) 452-0741 Ext. 203

IN THE NEXT ISSUE... t The K-12 Student Art exhibition opening Sunday, May 1, 2016. t The 72nd Ohio Annual exhibition call for entries will close April 2016.

Zanesville Museum of Art 620 Military Road | Zanesville | Ohio | 43701 (740) 452-0741 |

t 4BWF UIF EBUF GPS Art in the Garden June 25 and 26 for the Beaux Arts Club annual gala and garden tour.

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