A PRAISE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY A large number of doctors insist on medicinal effect of accentuation the positive that helps you to avoid many illnesses.
How often we praise ourselves for the work we have done or say something pleasant and positive to our children or people around us? During the day we used to notice only bad things that happens to us – traffic jams, rude shop assistants, passers-by who elbowed us or stepped on our foot, angry bosses, demanding to work 24 hours a day… And it happens day by day, week by week and month by month. Stress accumulates, the tension grows, we got insomnia, indigestion and a splitting headache, and we try to stand it until one day – BOOM! – we explode with cries and tears and blame everybody for all the sins in the world. Psychologists have long called us to learn to pay more attention to the favorable sides of our life, even if it is something small. Look for the positive, even if it seems not to exist, they say “Every cloud has a silver lining”. And praise, and praise yourself. Praise has truly a healing effect. So, let yourself to be a doctor. Soon you realize your life is not so miserable and terrible as you have imagined. And the most marvelous thing in it is you! Praise yourself and give a treat – forget about a diet and buy your favorite ice-cream. Postpone everything – the world won’t crash down if you dedicate yourself one day to prepare bubble bath or to go for a walk – just to lounge around the city and you will see so many things that were invisible for you in the turmoil of days. The moment you begin to do it your cheerful mood and good night’s sleep will come back, you will rarely get sick and lose your temper by trifles. Repose yourself and organism thanks you.