2012 22.6. - 1.9.
festival stare glasbe early music festival
Petek / Friday, 22.6.2012, 20:30
Brežice, Grad Brežice, Viteška dvorana Brežice Castle, Knights’ Hall vstopnice / tickets: 30 € Festibus: 10 € (LJU:18:30)
Sobota / Saturday, 23.6.2012, 20:30
Škofja Loka, Sokolski dom, Kristalna dvorana Crystal Hall vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 7 € (LJU:19:15)
Občina Škofja Loka
L’Eclat des Muses (FR)
11 plesalcev, 12 glasbenikov, režija in koreografija: Christine Bayle, kostumi in scenografija: Thierry Bosquet 11 dancers, 12 musicians, director and choreographer: Christine Bayle, costumes and scenography: Thierry Bosquet Louis XIII: Le Ballet de la Merlaison (1635) Dvorne dame in gospodje prihajajo slavit Karneval: znani izvajalci in plesni mojstri radostno plešejo nenavaden »kraljevi balet«, na čelu katerega pleše sam kralj, ki nastopa v različnih vlogah. Moški v maskah igrajo ženske vloge. Spreminjajo se v smešne postave, prikazujejo zdaj lovce, zdaj njihov plen. Ves čas pa gre za glasbo in plese, ki jih je ustvaril kralj. Na osnovi muzikoloških in zgodovinskih raziskav je glasbenik in skladatelj Patrick Blanc obnovil in oživil partituro Ludvika XIII z dokumentirano instrumentacijo in ornamentiko. Koreografinja in režiserka Christine Bayle je ustvarila scenarij in koreografijo, ki sega od prijetnega in vzvišenega do burleske. Ballet de la Merlaison je tako igriv in dvoumen kot proces zapeljevanja ter je prikrita metafora politične in vojaške strategije, ko se pripravlja vojni spopad s Španijo. Court Ladies and Cavaliers come to celebrate the Carnival: well-known performers and dance masters joyfully dance an unusual “king’s ballet” that the king himself leads, playing multiple roles. Disguised and masked, men play female roles. They change into humorous “characters”; now hunters, now preys, they perform on the music and the dances created by the king. Through musical and chronological research, the musician and composer Patrick Blanc restored and brought to life Louis XIII’s score through documented instrumentation and ornamentation. Director and choreographer Christine Bayle invented the script and the choreographies – from the pleasing and the noble to the burlesque. The Ballet de la Merlaison is as playful and ambiguous as the powers of seduction, light metaphor of political and military strategies when the imminent war against Spain is being prepared.
Petek / Friday, 29.6.2012, 20:30
Jesenice na Dolenjskem, Cerkev Sv. Marije Magdalene Church of St. Mary Magdalene vstopnice / tickets: 0 € Festibus: 10 € (LJU:18:30)
musica cubicularis (SI)
Žiga Faganel (violina / violin), Domen Marinčič (violončelo / violoncello), Tomaž Sevšek (čembalo / harpsichord) Giuseppe Tartini - Ogenj, fantazija, preprostost in učenost / Fire, fantasy, simplicity and erudition Violinski virtuoz Giuseppe Tartini (1692–1770) se je rodil v Piranu in večino življenja preživel v Padovi. Slovenski trio na zgodovinskih glasbilih je pripravil pisan spored skladb, v katerih je razviden vpliv Istre in Furlanije, pred nedavnim odkrito sonato za violončelo, čembalsko transkripcijo enega izmed violinskih koncertov in sloviti Vražji trilček. Nekatere skladbe bodo zazvenele na izvirni violini, ki je bila nekoč Tartinijeva last in jo danes hrani Pomorski muzej »Sergej Mašera« Piran. Violin virtuoso Giuseppe Tartini (1692 – 1770) was born in Piran and spent most of his life in Padua. The Slovenian trio on period instruments prepared a colourful selection of compositions with a marked influence of Istria and Friuli, including a newly discovered cello sonata, a harpsichord transcription of one of the violin concertos and the famous Devil’s Trill Sonata. Some works will be played on an original violin that once belonged to Tartini and is now kept by the Maritime Museum »Sergej Mašera« Piran.
Sobota / Saturday, 30.6.2012, 20:30
Dolenjske Toplice, Hotel Kristal, Kristalna dvorana Hotel Kristal, Crystal Hall vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 7 € (LJU:18:45)
Občina Dolenjske Toplice
Artefactum (ES)
Francisco Orozco (glas, lutnje / voice, lutes), José Manuel Vaquero (organeto, lajna / organetto, hurdy gurdy), Alberto Barea (glas, šalmaj / voice, chirimía), Ignacio Gil (kljunasta flavta, axabeba, šalmaj, dude / recorder, axabeba, chirimia, bag pipe), Álvaro Garrido (tolkala / percussion) Tacuinum Sanitatis: srednjeveška glasba za dobro počutje / Medieval Music for a Good Living Skupina Artefactum se je pri ustvarjanju glasbenega programa oprla na znameniti srednjeveški rokopis Tacuinum Sanitatis. Rezultat je program, ki prikazuje zanimiv pogled na srednji vek kot čas sreče in veselega življenja. Rokopis je osnova programu, ki vključuje dela, ko so Carmina Burana, trubadurske pesmi, cantige in plesi, pesmi o vinu, ljubezni itd. Za glasbenike te skupine srednjeveška glasba ni črna in siva, temveč polna barv, sreče in veselja. Artefactum, basing themselves on the Tacuinum Sanitatis book, managed to create a musical programme that shows an interesting side of the medieval era, made of happiness and joyous living. Tacuinum Sanitatis represents the basis of their work, which includes musical pieces such as Carmina Burana, Trovadoros, Cantigas and dances, songs about wine, love etc. To these musicians, medieval music is not about black and grey, but rather about colours, happiness and enjoyment.
Petek / Friday, 6.7.2012, 20:30 Pišece, Grad Pišece / Pišece Castle vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 10 € (LJU:18:15)
Sobota / Saturday, 7.7.2012, 20:30
Lemberg, Grad Lemberg / Lemberg Castle vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 10 € (LJU:18:45)
Nedelja / Sunday, 8.7.2012, 20:30
Zefiro Torna (BE)
Ljubljana, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Atrij National Museum of Slovenia, Atrium vstopnice / tickets: 20 €
Mestna občina Ljubljana
Els Van Laethem (sopran, pozavna, tromba marina, skladbe / soprano, trombone, marine trumpet, compositions), Jowan Merckx (kljunaste flavte, altovski krivi rog, krilovka, tolkala, vokal / recorders, alto crumhorn, flügelhorn, percussion, vocals), Philippe Laloy (sopranski saksofon, krivi rog, basovska flavta / soprano saxophone, crumhorn, bass flute), Gwen Cresens (bandoneon, harmonika, skladbe / bandoneon, accordion, compositions), Vincent Noiret (kontrabas / double bass), Jurgen De bruyn (lutnje, vokal, umetniško vodstvo / lutes, vocal, artistic direction) O, Monde aveugle! Pesmi apokalipse / Songs for the Apocalypse
Sodobnost lahko razumemo kot točko, kjer se stekajo in končujejo številni časovni cikli. Majevski, svetopisemski in alkimistični koledar označujejo leto 2012 za leto apokalipse in čas prerokb. Program O, Monde aveugle, ki nam ga bo predstavil belgijski vokalno-inštrumentalni sekstet Zefiro Torna, prikazuje človeka v njegovem slepem strahu pred neznanim, ko se srečuje z globokim občutkom moralne razburkanosti. Zver v človeku pokaže svoj obraz in na površje pride njegova uničevalna narava, vodi ga, kar je groteskno in izprijeno. Soočanje s samim seboj povzroči premik zavedanja, ta sprememba pa vodi v novo dobo, ki ponuja izhod v smeri novih energij. Our time can be considered as a converging and ending point of numerous time cycles. The Mayan calendar as well as the biblical and the alchemist’s one point 2012 out as the year of the Apocalypse and the time of prophecies. ‘O, Monde aveugle’, from the Belgian vocal-instrumental ensemble Zefiro Torna, depicts man in his blind fear of the unknown, confronted with a profound sense of moral turmoil. The beast in man is revealed and his destructive nature surfaces, he is lead by the uncanny comical and obscene. The confrontation with his self sets off a shift of consciousness, a transformation leading to a new age, with an exit towards new energies.
Četrtek / Thursday, 19.7.2012, 20:30
Ljubljana, Slovenska filharmonija, Dvorana Marjana Kozine / Slovenian Philharmonic, Marjan Kozina Hall vstopnice / tickets: 20 €
Mestna občina Ljubljana
Académie baroque européenne d’Ambronay (FR)
Leonardo García Alarcón (glasbeno vodstvo / musical direction), Stephan Grögler (odrska postavitev / staging), Fanny: Elisandra Melian (sopran / soprano), Clarina: Alexandra Schoeny (sopran / soprano), Edoardo Milfort: Anthony Gregory (tenor), Tobia Mill: Job Tomé (bariton / baritone), Slook: Eugene Chan (bariton / baritone), Norton: Matthieu Heim (bariton / baritone), orkester Evropske baročne akademije iz Ambronaya / Ambronay European Baroque Academy orchestra
Gioachino Rossini: La cambiale di matrimonio Predporočna pogodba (1810), Opera v enem dejanju, koncertna uprizoritev, libreto: Gaetano Rossi / The Marriage Contract (1810), opera in one act, semi-staged performance, with a libretto by Gaetano Rossi Po uspehu, ki ga je leta 2009 doživel projekt Soloist Academy, posvečen Mozartu, se devetnajsti projekt Evropske baročne akademije ponovno oddaljuje od baroka in se prvič srečuje z Gioachinom Rossinijem. Ta je skomponiral opero La cambiale di matrimonio (Predporočna pogodba) leta 1810, vendar duh baročne dobe živi dalje pod vodstvom Leonarda García Alarcóna, dirigenta v Centru kulturnega srečevanja v Ambronayu (Francija). Šest mladih pevcev je bilo izbranih v sodelovanju s festivalom v Aix-en-Provence. Following the huge success of the 2009 Soloist Academy, dedicated to Mozart, the 19th European Baroque Academy ventures once more away from baroque territory and into its first encounter with Gioachino Rossini. His early opera La cambiale di matrimonio (‘The Marriage Contract’) was composed in 1810, yet the spirit of the baroque era lives on under the direction of Leonardo García Alarcón, conductor in residence at the Ambronay Cultural Encounter Centre. The group of six young singers has been recruited in partnership with the Aix-en-Provence Festival.
Sobota / Saturday, 21.7.12, 20:30
Litija, Cerkev Sv. Nikolaja / Church of St. Nicholas vstopnice / tickets: 0 € Festibus: 7 € (LJU:19:00)
Občina Litija
Svetilen (RU)
Dmitri Garkavi (tenor, duduk, gusli / tenor, duduk, gusli), Roman Shakhov (tenor, tamburin), Dmitri Lushnikov (bas, koliosnaya lira), Roman Kholodov (bariton, flavta, hatamba / baritone, flute, hatamba), Liubov Shagalova (alt / alto), Svetlana Sazhina (sopran / soprano) Pravoslavna glasba / Orthodox Music Velik del programa zasedbe Svetilen se vrača v čas pravoslavne glasbe med 16. in 18. stoletjem. Vendar ne gre za liturgično glasbo. Glasba skupine Severin je glasba menihov v njihovih celicah ter pravoslavnih vernikov, ki so slavili pravoslavne praznike. V času Sovjetske zveze po oktobrski revoluciji leta 1917 se je ta vrsta glasbe izgubila, obudili so jo šele v zadnjih 20 letih in tako ponovno omogočili njeno petje. Zasedba Svetilen je dobila škofov blagoslov, da jo sme prepevati. Program sestavljajo nabožni cerkveni napevi, posvečeni Gospodu, Materi Božji, različnim svetnikom in pravoslavnim praznikom. So različni in izhajajo iz raznih dežel in pokrajin. Avtorji so neznani. Dmitri Garkavi je nekatere pesmi aranžiral v izvorni obliki starega ruskega petja, s t.i. belim ali odprtim zvokom, ter z značilnimi glasbili. Svetilen’s repertoire comprises a great amoung of sacred Orthodox music dating from 16th to 18th centuries. It is not liturgical music. This music has been sung by monks in the cells, Orthodox people at Orthodox holidays etc. In USSR after the revolution in 1917 that kind of music got lost and forgotten and only in the past 20 years it has been discovered again and people have obtained the possibility to sing it. Svetilen received the blessing from the Bishop to sing these songs. The programme consists of sacred spiritual chants dedicated to Our God, Holy Mother, different Saints and Orthodox holidays. They are of different character and come from various countries and regions. The authors are not known. Dmitri Garkavi arranged some of the songs in the authentic manner of ancient Russian singing - the so-called open or white sound - and instruments.
Petek / Friday, 27.7.2012, 20:30
Ljubljana, Slovenska filharmonija, Dvorana Marjana Kozine / Slovenian Philharmonic, Marjan Kozina Hall vstopnice / tickets: 20 €
Mestna občina Ljubljana
Sobota / Saturday, 28.7.2012, 20:30
Slovenska Bistrica, Grad Slovenska Bistrica Slovenska Bistrica Castle vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 10 € (LJU:18:30)
EUBO - Baročni orkester Evropske unije / European Union Baroque Orchestra Lars Ulrik Mortensen (dirigent / director), Zefira Valova (koncertna mojstrica / concertmaster) Danse des Zéphirs Uvodni del skladbe Les Elémens, Rebelovega najbolj znanega dela (1737), je najosupljivejši v vsej baročni glasbi. Sam skladatelj je zapisal, da je »uvod ... sam kaos, zmeda, ki je vladala med elementi pred trenutkom, ko so, sledeč nespremenljivim zakonom, zasedli mesta, ki so jim določena v naravnem redu.« Da bi to ponazorili, orkester istočasno zaigra vsako noto lestvice d-mola, ki se končno razveže v eno samo noto, ki predstavlja Zemljo. Plesi ponazarjajo posamezne elemente: Loure vodo in zemwljo, Ramage zrak in Chaconne ogenj. Les Caractères de la Danse je baletna suita, ki jo zaznamuje široka paleta različnih plesnih oblik – vsej skupaj jih je 11 – ki pogosto švignejo mimo v le nekaj trenutkih. Danse des Zéphirs vključuje nekatere izmed najodličnejših in najbolj slikovitih stavkov iz Rameauove opere Les Boréades. The opening of Les Elémens, Rebel’s best known work (1737) is the most startling in all baroque music. The composer said that ‘The introduction … is Chaos itself, the confusion that reigned between the Elements before the instant when, obeying unchanging laws, they had taken the places assigned to them in the Natural order’. To illustrate this, the orchestra plays every note of the D minor scale simultaneously, eventually resolving to a single note representing Earth. The elements are represented in the dances: Water and Earth in the Loure; Air in the Ramage, and Fire in the Chaconne. Les Caractères de la Danse is a ballet suite remarkable for its survey of different dance forms – 11 in all – which flash past often in a matter of seconds. Danse des Zéphirs includes some of the finest and most colourful movements from Rameau’s opera Les Boréades.
Četrtek / Thursday, 2.8.2012, 20:30
Žalec, Dvorec Novo Celje / Novo Celje Mansion vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Mestna skupnost Festibus: 10 € (LJU:19:00) Žalec
Občina Žalec
Petek / Friday, 3.8.2012, 20:30
Ensemble Marquise (HU)
Grad, Grad Grad / Grad Castle vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 10 € (LJU:17:15)
Občina Grad
Judit Blaskovics-Felszeghy (koloraturni sopran / coloratura soprano), László Blaskovics (moški sopran / male soprano), Dénes Kocsis (mojster ceremonij / master of ceremonies), Katalin Kállay (kljunasta flavta / recorder), Ágnes Kállay (violončelo / cello), Márta Gál (čembalo / harpsichord) Charpentier: Les Quatre Saisons & Händel: Arcadian Duets - stara glasba v kostumih / Early Music in costumes Koncertni program je sestavljen iz izjemnih biserov baročne glasbe, in sicer Charpentierovih štirih motetov Štirje letni časi in Arkadijskih duetov Georga Friedricha Händla, ki predstavljajo čudovit izbor Händlovih italijanskih komornih duetov. Besedilo štirih motetov so odlomki iz svetopisemske Visoke pesmi, medtem ko besedila Arkadijskih duetov prikazujejo učinke ljubezni na človeško življenje in dušo. Na koncertu naš ceremonijer – igralec izvaja ta čutna svetopisemska besedila skupaj s pesnitvami iz 18. stoletja. Koncert obudi vzdušje 17. in 18. stoletja s pomočjo kostumov iz tega časa, odrskih pripomočkov, igre in pripovedi, ki dopolnijo glasbo in poskrbijo za to, da je uprizoritev nepozabno doživetje. The concert programme is built around rare gems of baroque music: Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s four motets: the Four seasons and George Frideric Handel’s Arcadian Duets, which is a wonderful selection of Handel’s Italian chamber duets. The lyrics of the four motets are passages from the biblical Song of Songs, while the texts of the Arcadian duets portray the effects of love on the human life and soul. During the concert, our Master of Ceremonies–Actor performs these sensual and passionate biblical texts together with poems from the 18th century. The concert evokes the atmosphere of the 17th to18th centuries with period dress, scenic accessories, acting and narration to complement and dramatize the musical experience, making the performance unforgettable and extremely enjoyable.
Četrtek / Thursday, 9.8.2012, 20:30
Velenje, Grad Velenje / Velenje Castle vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 7 € (LJU:18:45)
Petek / Friday, 10.8.2012, 20:30
Zaplaz, Cerkev Matere Božje Church of the Mother of God vstopnice / tickets: 0 € Festibus: 7 € (LJU:19:00)
font Palatia
Sobota / Saturday, 11.8.2012, 20:30
Severijn (NL)
Ljubljana, Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium vstopnice / tickets: 20 €
Mestna občina Ljubljana
Judith Steenbrink (violina / violin), Tineke Steenbrink (čembalo / harpsichord), Daniele Caminiti (teorba / theorbo), Matthas Klenota (violina, viola / violin, viola), Judith Maria Blomsterberg (čelo / cello), Mirko Arnone (teorba / theorbo) Speelmuziek: povsem poseben koncertni program s pred kratkim odkrito glasbo iz nizozemskih rokopisov / A special concert with beautiful recently discovered music from Dutch manuscripts Koncert, ki prikazuje violinistovo življenje v 18. stoletju na Nizozemskem. Slišali bomo glasbo, ki jo je violinist zapisal v svojo beležnico: sonate, ki jih je tako oboževal, da je v svoj glasbeni dnevnik zapisal posamezne stavke. Ansambel Severijn je odkril več baročnih dnevnikov, ki vsebujejo preko 1000 melodij in nam s tem dajejo oseben in čustven vpogled v najljubše pesmi nizozemskih violinistov v 18. stoletju. Radi so imeli Händla, občudovali so Locatellija in oboževali Tartinija. Neznana zbirka nam odkriva zlate sonate in biserčke majhnih melodij. Popoln repertoar za skupino Severijn in njihove prijatelje. A concert which shows a violinist’s life in the 18th century in the Netherlands. We hear which songs the violinist wrote down in his notebook. We hear the sonatas he loved so much that he wrote movements down in his musical diary. Severijn discovered several of these baroque diaries which contain over 1000 melodies: they give a personal and emotional view on the favorite songs of Dutch violinists in the 18th century. Yes, they loved Handel, of course, they admired Locatelli and worshipped Tartini. An unknown collection shows golden sonatas and little diamonds of small melodies. Perfect repertoire for Severijn and their friends.
Sobota / Saturday, 25.8.2012, 20:30
Soteska, Hudičev turn / Devil’s tower vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 7 € (LJU:19:00)
Občina Dolenjske Toplice
Ensemble Symblema (HR)
Bojan Čičić (violina / violin), Nika Zlatarić (violončelo / cello), Pavao Mašić (čembalo / harpsichord) Le nuove musiche: objemanje Jadrana Embracing the Adriatic Skupina Symblema v svojem programu posega v Benetke in pokrajine Benečanov na drugi strani Jadrana. V začetku 17. stoletja so bile Benetke cvetoče, posvetno trgovsko središče, ki ni bilo niti povsem evropsko niti vzhodnjaško in v katerem se je kar trlo glasbenikov, ki so si prizadevali za slavo in bogastvo. Program, ki sega od veronskega skladatelja Cecchinija, ki je živel ob Jadranskem morju, do »nove glasbe« Castella in Stradelle, bo v užitek vsakomur, ki ga zanimajo revolucionarne ideje v glasbenem svetu 17. stoletja. Symblema turns to Venice and the lands of the Republic across the Adriatic with this performance. In early 17th century Venice was a burgeoning, secular centre of trade, neither wholly european nor wholly eastern, teeming with musicians grasping for fame and prosperity in what was a new, burgeoning centre of publishing. From the Veronese composer Cecchini living in the Adriatic to Le Nuove Musiche of Castello and Stradella, this programme will delight anyone with an interest in the revolutionary ideas of the 17th-century musical world.
Sobota / Saturday, 1.9.2012, 20:30
AuserMusici (IT)
Turjak, Grad Turjak, Viteška dvorana / Turjak Castle, Knights’ Hall vstopnice / tickets: 30 € Festibus: 7 € (LJU:19:30)
Manuela Ranno (Lisetta), Francesca Lombardi Mazzulli (Clori), Matteo Mezzaro (Eurillo), Alberto Allegrezza (Armindo), Raul Orellana (violina / violin), Daniela Godio (violina / violin), Daniele del Lungo (viola), Sebastiano Severi (violončelo / cello), Francesco Tomei (kontrabas / double bass), Francesco Romano (teorba / theorbo), Daniele Boccaccio (čembalo / harpsichord), Dirigent / conductor: Carlo Ipata Gli equivoci nel sembiante (1679) Prva opera Alessandra Scarlattija / Alessandro Scarlatti’s first opera Gli equivoci nel sembiante, Scarlattijeva prva opera, je komedija o zamenjanih identitetah in ljubezenskih zapletih v pastoralnem okolju. Bila je eno najbolj priljubljenih in najpogosteje predvajanih del v skladateljevi dolgoletni karieri. Scarlatti jo je napisal, ko je imel osemnajst let, osnova za njegovo delo pa je bil Contijev libreto. Opera je bila manjša produkcija (le štirje pevci) in je bila prvič uprizorjena v Rimu med karnevalom leta 1679. Gli equivoci nel sembiante, Scarlatti’s first opera, is a comedy of mistaken identities and amorous intrigues in the pastoral mode. It was one of the most popular and widely performed works of the composer’s long career. It was written by Scarlatti at the age of 18 on a libretto by Contini. The opera was a small-scale production (only four singers) which premiered in Rome during Carnival in 1679.
Nedelja / Sunday, 2.9.2012, 20:30
Škofja Loka, Škofjeloški grad, kapela Škofja Loka Castle, Chapel vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 7 € (LJU:19:15)
Občina Škofja Loka
Musica Locopolitana & Project Purpur European Sound Interchange
Festival historične glasbe in plesa / Historical music and dance festival Iz razredov / from classes with: Mateja Bajt (SI): kljunasta flavta, komorna igra / recorder, chamber music, Antoinette Lohmann (NL): baročna violina / baroque violin, Tanja Skok (SI): ples / dance, Stefano Bet (IT): renesančne prečne flavte in traverso / renaissance flutes and traverso Musica Locopolitana postaja osrednji dogodek, po katerih je Škofja Loka v zadnjem času vse bolj prepoznavna, saj so vanj vpete številne dejavnosti. Le-te potekajo v okviru programa za historično glasbo in ples pri Javnem skladu RS za kulturne dejavnosti. Samo mesto jim pri tem, s številnimi ohranjenimi avtentičnimi ambienti, ponuja idealen delovni okvir. Festival je namenjen ustvarjalnemu druženju mladih iz Slovenije (letos pa tudi iz drugih delov Evrope), ki pri svojem rednem glasbenem izobraževanju posebno pozornost posvečajo zgodnji glasbi. Pri tem so jim v pomoč vrhunski domači in tuji strokovnjaki. The Musica Locopolitana is turning into a main event filled with several activities, which are taking place within the early music and dance programme under the Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD) and are the reason why Škofja Loka is becoming more and more recognizable. The town itself facilitates these efforts by offering an ideal framework with several preserved authentic ambiences. The festival is meant for creative socializing of young people from Slovenia (this year also from other parts of Europe), who, in their regular music education, pay special attention to early music. In this, they are assisted by Slovenian and foreign top experts.
Sobota / Saturday, 8.9.2012, 20:30
Rogaška Slatina, Grand hotel Rogaška, Kristalna dvorana Grand hotel Rogaška, Crystal Hall vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 10 € (LJU:18:15)
Orchester Purpur (AT)
Armida: Charlotte Dellion (sopran / soprano), Zelmira: Pauline Texier (sopran / soprano), Rinaldo: Martin Piskorski (tenor), Ubaldo: David Tricou (tenor), Clotarco: Konstantinos Klironomos (tenor), Idreno: Marcell Attila Krokovay (bariton / baritone), Orchester Purpur, vodja predstave / stage director: Gerald Stollwitzer, dirigent / conductor: Michael Fendre, korepetitorka / répétiteur: Aurelie Tremblay Joseph Haydn: Armida (opera, Hob. XXXVIII:12) Opero Armida, eno najbolj znanih oper Josepha Haydna, običajno opisujejo kot eno izmed njegovih najboljših. V okviru projekta »PurPur – evropska zvočna izmenjava« jo predstavljajo mednarodni orkester Purpur, ki mu dirigira Michael Fendre, in mladi nadarjeni pevci iz vse Evrope. Projekt je nastal v sodelovanju ad libitum, Festivala Sviqc Brežice in Festivala Kvarner. The opera Armida, one of Joseph Haydn’s most famous operas, is generally described as one of his best. In the context of the EU-funded project „PurPur – European Sound Interchange“ it is presented by the international Purpur Orchestra, conducted by Michael Fendre, and young highly talented singers from all over Europe. The project is a cooperation of ad libitum, Festival Seviqc Brežice and Festival Kvarner.
Torek / Tuesday, 30.10.2012, 20:30
Ptuj, Grad Ptuj, Slavnostna dvorana / Ptuj Castle, Festival Hall vstopnice / tickets: 20 € Festibus: 10 € (LJU:17:15)
Chopinov zlati prstan 2012 / Chopin Golden Ring 2012 Koncert zmagovalcev mednarodnega tekmovanja Chopinov zlati prstan v kategoriji historični klavir Laureate concert of the Chopin Golden Ring International competition, historical piano category
Glasba Frédérica Chopina je najbolj priljubljena literatura vsakega pianista. Njegovo celotno delo, vključno z njegovimi miniaturami, zahteva ne le spretnost, prefinjeno biserno tehniko, jasno artikulacijo, ampak tudi izrazito muzikalnost, občutek in dovzetnost za najbolj tenkočutne nianse dinamike z visoko kulturo tona, s katerim interpret izraža glasbo klavirskega poeta z lastnim umetniškim stališčem in istočasno v umetniško delo vlaga svoje umetniško stališče. Prvovrstni glasbeni dogodek na restavriranem historičnem klavirju (And Wittenz), bo v torek, 30.10.2012, v Slavnostni dvorani na Gradu Ptuj. Frédéric Chopin’s compositions are on the list of favourite music pieces of every pianist. Chopin’s complete works, including his miniature scores, require not only technical skills, virtuoso playing and crystal clear articulation but also a distinct sense of musicality and an ability to detect the most subtle dynamic nuances, combined with a highly cultured tone with which the artist interprets the music of the piano poet Chopin, and thus adds his or her own artistic touch to Chopin’s composition. The top class music event, performed on a restored historical piano (And Wittenz), will be on Tuesday, October 30th 2012, at the Festival Hall of the Ptuj Castle.
Škofja Loka
Musica Locopolitana & Project Purpur European Sound Interchange Festival historične glasbe in plesa / Historical music and dance festival Mateja Bajt (SI): kljunasta flavta, komorna igra / recorder, chamber music Antoinette Lohmann (NL): baročna violina / baroque violin Tanja Skok (SI): ples / dance Stefano Bet (IT): renesančne prečne flavte in traverso / renaissance flutes and traverso Tineke Steenbring (NL): asistentka na čembalu / harpsichord assistance
Musica Locopolitana je namenjena flavtistom, kljunastim flavtistom,violinistom in plesalcem. Na delavnicah bo možno individualno delo s posameznimi mentorji, največ pozornosti pa bomo posvetili komorni igri. S kratkimi opoldanskimi koncerti želimo naše delovno vzdušje razširiti tudi na trge in ulice Škofje Loke in ga predstaviti njenim prebivalcem in obiskovalcem. Večerne koncerte bodo oblikovali udeleženci skupaj z mentorji. Vabljeni študenti, dijaki in vsi, ki bi radi uživali v skupnem muziciranju tovrstne glasbe in jo izkusili tudi v plesnem gibu. Prijave do zasedenosti mest oziroma najkasneje do 1.8. 2012. Več informacij: Musica Locopolitana is intended for flutists, recorder players, violinists and dancers. There will be a possibility of individual work with mentors at the workshops, but the major part of our attention will be given to chamber music. With short noon concerts, we would like to expand our working atmosphere to the squares and streets of Škofja Loka and present it to its residents and visitors. The evening concerts will be made by the participants together with their mentors. Students and everyone who would like to enjoy the collaborative making of this kind of music and also experience music in the form of dance – you are invited to come. Applications will be accepted until all the places are taken or until August 1st 2012 at the latest. Additional information:
TEKMOVANJE / COMPETITION Torek / Tuesday, 30.10.2012
Ptuj, Grad Ptuj, Slavnostna dvorana / Ptuj Castle, Festival Hall
Chopinov zlati prstan 2012 Chopin Golden Ring 2012
Mednarodno tekmovanje s Chopinovimi klavirskimi deli v kategoriji historični klavir / International competition with Chopin piano pieces in the category of historical piano Mednarodna žirija / International jury: prof. Erik Šuler (Kočevje, predsednik / President), prof. Sonja Pahor (Lucca), prof. Karol Radziwonowicz (Warszawa) Prijavnice tekmovalcev morajo prispeti v pisarno tekmovanja najkasneje v petek, 14. septembra 2012. Dodatne informacije: Contestant’s applications have to reach the competition office no later than by Friday 14th September 2012. Additional information:
Ars Ramovš, Zavod za umetnost, marketing, promocijo in investiranje / Institute for Art, Marketing, Promotion, and Investment, Slovenska cesta 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana T: +386 (0)1 242 08 12, +386 (0)51 30 30 40, F: +386 (0)1 242 08 15, E:, REZERVACIJE IN PRODAJA VSTOPNIC RESERVATIONS AND TICKET SALES po telefonu / by telephone: +386 (0)1 242 08 12, delovniki / workdays 10:00-15:00, ali preko obrazca na / or using form at Prodaja vstopnic z 20% popustom na vseh prodajnih mestih Eventima: Petrol, Kompas, Big Bang, E-študentski servisi, Hiša vstopnic v CityParku, Blagajna Križank in ostala prodajna mesta. Internetna prodaja:,, klicni center: (01) 420 50 00 Ticket sales with 20% discount at all Eventim sales outlets: Petrol service stations, Kompas offices, Big Bang shops, E-students services, House of Tickets in CityPark, Križanke ticket office and other sales outlets. On the Internet at:,, by telephone: (+386 1) 420 50 00 Zaradi omejenega števila sedežev priporočamo rezervacijo vstopnic tudi za lokacije, kjer je vstop brezplačen. Due to limited number of seats reservation is recommended also for locations with free admitance. Festibus: Obiskovalcem koncertov je na voljo avtobusni prevoz iz Ljubljane. Odhod Festibusa je izpred Hale Tivoli, po koncertu se avtobus vrača v Ljubljano. Zaradi omejenega prostora je obvezna rezervacija do 12. ure istega dne. For each concert we organise Festibus - bus transportation from Ljubljana. The Festibus will leave from Hala Tivoli and return to Ljubljana after the concert. Due to limited space, reservations are required and can be made until noon on the day of the concert.
UGODNOSTI / ADVANTAGES: Samo pri zavodu Ars Ramovš / Only through the Ars Ramovš Institute. Popusti / Discounts: 10 % popust z vstopnico obiskovalcev Festivala Ljubljana. 20 % popust s kuponi iz event.vodiča, vodiča InYourPocket in za člane Sveta knjige. 30% popust za člane mediateke Francoskega inštituta Charles Nodier in prijatelje Instituta Cervantes Ljubljana. 50 % popust z vozovnico Slovenskih železnic kupljeno v letu 2012. 10 % discount for ticket-holders of the Ljubljana Summer Festival 20 % discount with coupons published in event.vodič, InYourPocket guides and for Svet knjige members. 30 % discount for Institut français Charles Nodier mediatheque members and for friends of Instituto Cervantes Ljubljana. 50 % discount with Slovenske železnice ticket bought in 2012. Klub prijateljev Festivalske dame / Festival Lady Club: 10-50 % popusta in plačilo v 10 mesečnih obrokih od septembra 2012 do junija 2013. 10-50 % discount and payment in 10 monthly instalments from September 2012 till June 2013. Družinski paket / Family package: Pri obisku vsaj dveh oseb različnih generacij: 15 € za vse. For groups of at least two persons of two different generations: 15 € for all. Ekonomsko šibki / Economically disadvantaged: 5 € Za uveljavljanje ugodnosti potrebujete potrdilo brezposelnih oseb ali potrdilo, da vaša neto plača oziroma pokojnina ne presega 600 €. For economically disadvantaged discount one has to submit a certification of unemployment or show that one’s net salary or pension is under 600 €.
Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe programa. The organiser reserves the right to change the program.