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DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2016 M2 JOURNAL - YOUR PROJECT TITLE Jiaqi Mo 716101 Zech Loh 728541 Michelle James Tutorial 5


Sketch Design Development


Refined Sketch Model


2nd Skin proposed design V.1

This proposed design attempts to use interlocking panels of various shapes and sizes to allow users to rest within its interior, whilst defining the personal space of the user with its exterior form. Within the interior space, there is a stand for which users can rest their heads against. A common position people sleep in is to rest their heads on their hands. By supporting the head, there is less strain on the neck.



2nd Skin proposed design V.2

Inspired by the varying depths and heights created by contour lines on maps, and the interlocking panel system experimented in the V.1 design, this V.2 design plays with varying widths between parallel panels. The varying spaces between panels controls the amount of light allowed into the interior space of the sleeping pod.


Similar to the V.1 design, this V.2 sleeping pod has a stand for users to rest their heads on. However, in this design, we explore the possibility of different heights at which the user can rest his head.


Precedent Research (C) space - DRL10 Pavilion

Name of precedent and designer

Interlocking, Shades, Continuous

What is the concept of the precedent? [Maximum 5 key words]

Description of precedent The temporary pavilion is formed by interlocking planes that create varying shades of light within the interior spaces of the pavilion. The interlocking system is utilized throughout the pavilion, from the exterior form to the furniture within the interior space. The pavilion was created with various users in mind allowing for various social interactions.


Precedent applied to design

How can you use this precedent to influence your design ? Having seen how the interlocking system is utrilized in the (C) space pavilion for lighting and structure, we intend to incorporate this system in the form of the sleeping pod. Inspired by the lighting within the pavilion, we also intend to utilize the panels to control the amount of light that enters into the interior space wherein the user sleeps.



(C) Space DRL10 Pavilion credits: http://www.arch2o.com/c-space-drl10-pavilion-nex-architecture/


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