Self Portrait, 2011
Architecture vs Religion, 2011
Ink on canvas
Mixed media on canvas
I have a vivid, visual imagination and each image sketched is symbollic of something that had happened when the artwork was being created
This piece examines the relationship between architectural forms and religion. The clouds and blue background were done in acrylic while the sketches were done in ink on both the paper and the canvas. The interior of the church was done with image transfer technique.
Childhood, 2012
Spotted Tiger, 2014
Mixed media on wood
Ink on paper
This piece was created to invoke a sense of nostagia and the idea of fading memories as represented by the tactile qualities of the wood, the scorched image of the hand into the wood and the photograph of the toy soldiers with burnt edges.
This piece was a study into the stipulation technique of drawing in iuk.
Flinders Street Station, 2015
Old But Not Obsolete, 2015
Biro ink on paper
Biro ink on paper
A life drawing study of the facade of the Flinders Street Station and the understanding of how to sketch details and shade the various surfaces.
Inspired by the new Terminator movie then, I took the opportunity to do a biro study into the sketching and shading of hair and skin in contrast to the metal plates.
Beautiful Death, 2016 Not All Heroes Wear Capes, 2016
Oil on canvas
Ink on cardboard
For a project on appropriation, I was inspired by the works of Asgar and Gabriel who painted flat, brightly colored silhouettes of objects and contrasted them with detailed monochrome backgrounds. I attempted to do something similar with the vase, stem and leaves by giving it a grey grisaille-like quality while contrasting it with colored petals.
This was a project of experimenting drawing in ink on various surfaces such as this cardboard pizza box.This exploration of different surfaces led me to doodling on coffee cups as well.
What’s Inside, 2017 Charcoal on toned paper This project was done at the anatomy museum where we did a life drawing study of preserved human heads and brains through the use of blending red, white and black charcoal.