Audi Q7 / SQ7 -esite 10/2017

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Q7 | SQ7 TDI

True greatness h a s n o l i m i ts.

04 Audi Q7

22 Audi SQ7 TDI

42 Highlights

Powerful and striking.

Iconic through and through.

A multitude of possibilities.

50 Equipment and accessories

74 Technical Data

An individual appearance.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74. Some of the equipment illustrated or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please visit or contact your Audi partner for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

True greatness h a s n o l i m i ts.

04 Audi Q7

22 Audi SQ7 TDI

42 Highlights

Powerful and striking.

Iconic through and through.

A multitude of possibilities.

50 Equipment and accessories

74 Technical Data

An individual appearance.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74. Some of the equipment illustrated or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please visit or contact your Audi partner for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

04 | 05 04 05

Aud udi Q Q7 7

Audi Q7

Powerful an d s t rik in g . T h e e p it o m e o f q u at t ro – v is ib le in a p ro g re s s ive f o rm . Excellence you can see. And feel. In any situation. Thanks to the proven quattro drive. Increased traction comes as standard. For outstanding driving dynamics. Permanently.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

04 | 05 04 05

Aud udi Q Q7 7

Audi Q7

Powerful an d s t rik in g . T h e e p it o m e o f q u at t ro – v is ib le in a p ro g re s s ive f o rm . Excellence you can see. And feel. In any situation. Thanks to the proven quattro drive. Increased traction comes as standard. For outstanding driving dynamics. Permanently.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

Audi Q7

Athlethic, ti m e l es s an d u n i q u e : j u s t as an Audi Q 7 should be.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

06 | 07

Audi Q7

Athlethic, ti m e l es s an d u n i q u e : j u s t as an Audi Q 7 should be.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

06 | 07

08 | 09

Audi Q7

h a s f o u n d it ts s sh ha ap pe. N o w yo y o u ’re r r e a d y f o r a ny re n y t h in ng. Th T he ffiigu gure res fo for ffu ue ell co on n nsu ssu u ump mp pttiion on and d CO₂ O₂ emi m sssio ions on nss ca an n be ffo ou un nd on n pag age e 74 74..

08 | 09

Audi Q7

h a s f o u n d it ts s sh ha ap pe. N o w yo y o u ’re r r e a d y f o r a ny re n y t h in ng. Th T he ffiigu gure res fo for ffu ue ell co on n nsu ssu u ump mp pttiion on and d CO₂ O₂ emi m sssio ions on nss ca an n be ffo ou un nd on n pag age e 74 74..

Audi Q7


i s th e o n e w ho reaches t he limit . Wit h power f u l an d e ffi c i e nt TFSI and TDI engines.

Dynamism that is impressive. With up to 245 kW. And up to 600 Nm. Engine power and power delivery generously designed. Consumption and emissions reined in. Performance at a high level. Adjusting to your personal driving style. Thanks to 8-speed tiptronic and Audi drive select. On fast tracks with improved cornering. With optional all-wheel steering. Allowing you to expand your advantage on every road.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

10 | 11

Audi Q7


i s th e o n e w ho reaches t he limit . Wit h power f u l an d e ffi c i e nt TFSI and TDI engines.

Dynamism that is impressive. With up to 245 kW. And up to 600 Nm. Engine power and power delivery generously designed. Consumption and emissions reined in. Performance at a high level. Adjusting to your personal driving style. Thanks to 8-speed tiptronic and Audi drive select. On fast tracks with improved cornering. With optional all-wheel steering. Allowing you to expand your advantage on every road.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

10 | 11

Audi Q7

12 | 13

Feeling comfortable as a concept. In the interior of the Audi Q7. A h ig h leve l o f in d iv id u alit y.

Space for your imagination. Take the seats, for example. With a wide selection of high-quality materials, colours and functions. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

Audi Q7

12 | 13

Feeling comfortable as a concept. In the interior of the Audi Q7. A h ig h leve l o f in d iv id u alit y.

Space for your imagination. Take the seats, for example. With a wide selection of high-quality materials, colours and functions. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

Audi Q7

14 | 15

Premium quality with excellent workmanship. You can feel and see both in the optional Valcona leather upholstery and trim. Elegant ambience included. Double inlays for various custom application combinations. To suit your personal preferences. The deluxe automatic air conditioning is also geared to you. And on request, to your passengers. Optionally with up to four zones of climate control that can be individually adjusted. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

Audi Q7

14 | 15

Premium quality with excellent workmanship. You can feel and see both in the optional Valcona leather upholstery and trim. Elegant ambience included. Double inlays for various custom application combinations. To suit your personal preferences. The deluxe automatic air conditioning is also geared to you. And on request, to your passengers. Optionally with up to four zones of climate control that can be individually adjusted. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

Audi Q7

Seeing further d ri ves you fur t her. Audi Mat rix L ED h ea dl i gh ts. S afe t y and comfor t shine in a new l i gh t.

Shedding light on the future. With optional Audi Matrix LED headlights. Their crystal-clear shine ensures bright, homogeneous illumination of the road. Clarity all along the line. Thanks to highly precise, individually controlled light-emitting diodes. Making a visible impression. Also with standard LED rear lights and dynamic indicator lights at the rear.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

16 | 17

Audi Q7

Seeing further d ri ves you fur t her. Audi Mat rix L ED h ea dl i gh ts. S afe t y and comfor t shine in a new l i gh t.

Shedding light on the future. With optional Audi Matrix LED headlights. Their crystal-clear shine ensures bright, homogeneous illumination of the road. Clarity all along the line. Thanks to highly precise, individually controlled light-emitting diodes. Making a visible impression. Also with standard LED rear lights and dynamic indicator lights at the rear.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

16 | 17

18 | 19

Audi Q7

Brilliant an d raz o r- s h arp. T h e f u t u re o f m o b ilit y in f ro nt o f yo u r eye s. A u d i v ir t u al c o c k p it .

Information relevant to the driver in the direct field of vision. Thanks to Audi virtual cockpit – the optional, fully digital instrument cluster with high-resolution 12.3-inch display; in conjunction with MMI navigation plus and MMI touch. Additional 8.3-inch display area via the vertically extending MMI display. Intuitive operation included. For vehicle settings, navigation, phone, Audi connect¹ and media. Complex technology made really easy. ¹ Legal information and notes on use can be found on page 76.

18 | 19

Audi Q7

Brilliant an d raz o r- s h arp. T h e f u t u re o f m o b ilit y in f ro nt o f yo u r eye s. A u d i v ir t u al c o c k p it .

Information relevant to the driver in the direct field of vision. Thanks to Audi virtual cockpit – the optional, fully digital instrument cluster with high-resolution 12.3-inch display; in conjunction with MMI navigation plus and MMI touch. Additional 8.3-inch display area via the vertically extending MMI display. Intuitive operation included. For vehicle settings, navigation, phone, Audi connect¹ and media. Complex technology made really easy. ¹ Legal information and notes on use can be found on page 76.

Audi Q7

m e a n s s e t t i ng n g th t he e ba bar. W it i t h t ren r en end d - set t in g d e s ig de i g n . A n d i nn n n o va a ti v e techn n ol ologie s. The A Aud udi Q7 se setts ts the he bar ar in many ways. And needs ds an ex excl clam amati tion n ma mark rk k when he en itt com omes es to lig ght h we eig ight htt con onsttruct c ion. Up to 325 kg w ct we eig ght red duc ucti tion on as comparred e to pred prred edec e es ec esso orr.. Ach hie eved ed through gh pro rogr gres essi sive ve idea de eas as and d an intelllig gen nt mix o off mat ate erria ials ls. F Fo or evven n bet e te er drivvin dr ing g dy dyna namics, im impr proved pr ovved d eff f ic icie i ncyy and CO₂₂ vva alu l es tha hatt are arre ex a exe em mpl pla arry in n th hiis ccllas ass. s.

The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74.

20 | 21

Audi Q7

m e a n s s e t t i ng n g th t he e ba bar. W it i t h t ren r en end d - set t in g d e s ig de i g n . A n d i nn n n o va a ti v e techn n ol ologie s. The A Aud udi Q7 se setts ts the he bar ar in many ways. And needs ds an ex excl clam amati tion n ma mark rk k when he en itt com omes es to lig ght h we eig ight htt con onsttruct c ion. Up to 325 kg w ct we eig ght red duc ucti tion on as comparred e to pred prred edec e es ec esso orr.. Ach hie eved ed through gh pro rogr gres essi sive ve idea de eas as and d an intelllig gen nt mix o off mat ate erria ials ls. F Fo or evven n bet e te er drivvin dr ing g dy dyna namics, im impr proved pr ovved d eff f ic icie i ncyy and CO₂₂ vva alu l es tha hatt are arre ex a exe em mpl pla arry in n th hiis ccllas ass. s.

The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74.

20 | 21

Audi SQ7 TDI

A u d i S Q 7 T DI


t h ro u g h an d t h ro u g h . Im p re s s ive , p owe r f u l . A t e c h n o lo g ic al m ile s t o n e .

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

22 | 23

Audi SQ7 TDI

A u d i S Q 7 T DI


t h ro u g h an d t h ro u g h . Im p re s s ive , p owe r f u l . A t e c h n o lo g ic al m ile s t o n e .

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

22 | 23

24 | 25

Audi SQ7 TDI

Dominance ta kes on a n ew d im e n s io n . Im p o s in g an d in s p irin g . A veh i cle b eyo n d c o m p are .

The Audi SQ7 TDI: visually impressive and thrilling in every respect. Thanks to numerous pioneering innovations. An icon the moment it hits the road. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74. Vehicle with Audi exclusive customised paint finish in garnet red, pearl effect. From Audi Sport GmbH. Contact your Audi partner for details about costs and availability.

24 | 25

Audi SQ7 TDI

Dominance ta kes on a n ew d im e n s io n . Im p o s in g an d in s p irin g . A veh i cle b eyo n d c o m p are .

The Audi SQ7 TDI: visually impressive and thrilling in every respect. Thanks to numerous pioneering innovations. An icon the moment it hits the road. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74. Vehicle with Audi exclusive customised paint finish in garnet red, pearl effect. From Audi Sport GmbH. Contact your Audi partner for details about costs and availability.

Audi SQ7 TDI

Dynamism g ive n im p re s s ive f o rm . 8 c y lin d e rs, T DI, q u at t ro. A w in n in g c o m b in at io n .

Power from the word go. Achieved by 320 kW and a world first: the electric powered compressor. As standard. Supplied by a completely new, powerful 48 V subsidiary electrical system. Immediate responsiveness, superior start-up performance. From 0 to 100 km/h in less than 5 seconds. Optional all-wheel steering and quattro – on request with sport differential and electromechanical active roll stabilisation – guarantee convincing driving dynamics even at higher speeds. Hop in and fasten your seatbelt. The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74.

26 | 27

Audi SQ7 TDI

Dynamism g ive n im p re s s ive f o rm . 8 c y lin d e rs, T DI, q u at t ro. A w in n in g c o m b in at io n .

Power from the word go. Achieved by 320 kW and a world first: the electric powered compressor. As standard. Supplied by a completely new, powerful 48 V subsidiary electrical system. Immediate responsiveness, superior start-up performance. From 0 to 100 km/h in less than 5 seconds. Optional all-wheel steering and quattro – on request with sport differential and electromechanical active roll stabilisation – guarantee convincing driving dynamics even at higher speeds. Hop in and fasten your seatbelt. The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74.

26 | 27

Audi SQ7 TDI


i n v i r t ua lly any si tu ati on: w it h act ive roll st abilisat io n . For o ut s tan d i n g dri vi n g comfor t and superior st ability w h e n c o rn e ri n g.

The optional electromechanical active roll stabilisation in conjunction with the advanced suspension package. Available on request for the first time in the Audi SQ7 TDI. For a significant reduction in side tilt and even more driving comfort in bends and outstanding driving dynamics. Active roll stabilisation is powered by the 48 V subsidiary electrical system and can be set individually using Audi drive select. Fitted as standard: adaptive air suspension with S-specific tuning. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

28 | 29

Audi SQ7 TDI


i n v i r t ua lly any si tu ati on: w it h act ive roll st abilisat io n . For o ut s tan d i n g dri vi n g comfor t and superior st ability w h e n c o rn e ri n g.

The optional electromechanical active roll stabilisation in conjunction with the advanced suspension package. Available on request for the first time in the Audi SQ7 TDI. For a significant reduction in side tilt and even more driving comfort in bends and outstanding driving dynamics. Active roll stabilisation is powered by the 48 V subsidiary electrical system and can be set individually using Audi drive select. Fitted as standard: adaptive air suspension with S-specific tuning. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

28 | 29

Au A udi di SQ7 Q7 TDI DI

Presence i n eve r y l in e. A n ap p e al i n g ex t erior.

Engagingly expressive. Thanks in part to exclusive design characteristics such as the exterior mirror housings in aluminium look, the sporty door sills, the optional 21-inch aluminium wheels and the roof edge spoiler. Brake callipers painted red are also available on request. Cause a great sensation. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

30 3 0|3 31 1

Au A udi di SQ7 Q7 TDI DI

Presence i n eve r y l in e. A n ap p e al i n g ex t erior.

Engagingly expressive. Thanks in part to exclusive design characteristics such as the exterior mirror housings in aluminium look, the sporty door sills, the optional 21-inch aluminium wheels and the roof edge spoiler. Brake callipers painted red are also available on request. Cause a great sensation. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

30 3 0|3 31 1

32 | 33

Audi SQ7 TDI

Character f ro m b e g in n in g t o e n d .

Greatness is in the details, too. Such as the sport exhaust system with distinctive sound and chrome-plated twin tailpipes on both left and right. Or the honeycomb grid with the broad chrome strut and the sporty rear diffuser. For a particularly imposing appearance. Drive on ahead. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

32 | 33

Audi SQ7 TDI

Character f ro m b e g in n in g t o e n d .

Greatness is in the details, too. Such as the sport exhaust system with distinctive sound and chrome-plated twin tailpipes on both left and right. Or the honeycomb grid with the broad chrome strut and the sporty rear diffuser. For a particularly imposing appearance. Drive on ahead. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

34 | 35

Audi SQ7 TDI

Generosity inv i t es yo u to fe e l co mfo r t able. O n five or opt ionally seven s eats.

The largest interior in its class: variable and with first-class workmanship. In every detail. Exquisite materials guarantee an exclusive sense of space. Feel freedom. Enjoy high quality. Experience a sporty yet relaxed drive. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

34 | 35

Audi SQ7 TDI

Generosity inv i t es yo u to fe e l co mfo r t able. O n five or opt ionally seven s eats.

The largest interior in its class: variable and with first-class workmanship. In every detail. Exquisite materials guarantee an exclusive sense of space. Feel freedom. Enjoy high quality. Experience a sporty yet relaxed drive. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

Audi SQ7 TDI

Intuition on a h ig h l eve l . Fo r o pe rat ion t hat could hardly be more conven i ent: t h e op t i o n al M M I n avi gati on plus w it h MMI t ouch. Vehicle settings, phone and media, navigation and optional Audi connect¹. All this at your fingertips: with the innovative MMI touch. To enter your destination or a phone number, simply use your finger to write letters and numbers directly on the touchpad. Functionality so intuitive, you’ll soon know it like the back of your hand. On request, this can be stylishly framed by a fine carbon inlay available exclusively for the Audi SQ7 TDI. ¹ Legal information and notes on use can be found on page 76. The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74.

36 | 37

Audi SQ7 TDI

Intuition on a h ig h l eve l . Fo r o pe rat ion t hat could hardly be more conven i ent: t h e op t i o n al M M I n avi gati on plus w it h MMI t ouch. Vehicle settings, phone and media, navigation and optional Audi connect¹. All this at your fingertips: with the innovative MMI touch. To enter your destination or a phone number, simply use your finger to write letters and numbers directly on the touchpad. Functionality so intuitive, you’ll soon know it like the back of your hand. On request, this can be stylishly framed by a fine carbon inlay available exclusively for the Audi SQ7 TDI. ¹ Legal information and notes on use can be found on page 76. The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74.

36 | 37

38 | 3 38 39 9

Au ud di S di SQ Q7 TD TDI

Composure can be maintained. During every trip. With assistance systems for virtually every situation.

No matter whether it’s city traffic or long trips: you couldn’t be better prepared. Because traffic jam assist¹, adaptive cruise control with Stop&Go function¹ and park assist are just a few of the optional driver assist systems that guarantee less strain, more clarity and increased safety. And make every trip more relaxed. The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. ¹ Please note: The systems work only within system limits and assist the driver. However, the driver remains responsible for driving the vehicle and is required to be attentive at all times.

38 | 3 38 39 9

Au ud di S di SQ Q7 TD TDI

Composure can be maintained. During every trip. With assistance systems for virtually every situation.

No matter whether it’s city traffic or long trips: you couldn’t be better prepared. Because traffic jam assist¹, adaptive cruise control with Stop&Go function¹ and park assist are just a few of the optional driver assist systems that guarantee less strain, more clarity and increased safety. And make every trip more relaxed. The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. ¹ Please note: The systems work only within system limits and assist the driver. However, the driver remains responsible for driving the vehicle and is required to be attentive at all times.

Audi SQ7 TDI

Audi SQ7 TDI B o rn a n icon.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

40 | 41

Audi SQ7 TDI

Audi SQ7 TDI B o rn a n icon.

The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

40 | 41


42 | 43

More versatile. A q u ic k lo o k at yo u r o p t io n s.

The Audi Q7 and the SQ7 TDI – exceptional cars that will win you over with their superb quality and range of equipment options. As will many optionally available highlights – let yourself be inspired. The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74.


42 | 43

More versatile. A q u ic k lo o k at yo u r o p t io n s.

The Audi Q7 and the SQ7 TDI – exceptional cars that will win you over with their superb quality and range of equipment options. As will many optionally available highlights – let yourself be inspired. The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74.

44 | 45


Fascinating highlights. On request numerous innovations, comfort features and entertainment systems make every trip with your Audi Q7 or SQ7 TDI a very special experience. Be inspired by the wide range of equipment highlights. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74. 01 02 03 04

Contour or ambient lighting with colour adjustment in 3 predefined colour profiles. Door sill trims with aluminium inlays and SQ7 logo MMI navigation plus with MMI touch, multimedia functions and intuitive operation; with 8.3-inch colour display for high-resolution map representation Bang & Olufsen 3D Advanced Sound System for an authentic stereo and 3D surround experience with 23 loudspeakers including 3D Sound loudspeaker, centre speaker and subwoofer




Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.


44 | 45


Fascinating highlights. On request numerous innovations, comfort features and entertainment systems make every trip with your Audi Q7 or SQ7 TDI a very special experience. Be inspired by the wide range of equipment highlights. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74. 01 02 03 04

Contour or ambient lighting with colour adjustment in 3 predefined colour profiles. Door sill trims with aluminium inlays and SQ7 logo MMI navigation plus with MMI touch, multimedia functions and intuitive operation; with 8.3-inch colour display for high-resolution map representation Bang & Olufsen 3D Advanced Sound System for an authentic stereo and 3D surround experience with 23 loudspeakers including 3D Sound loudspeaker, centre speaker and subwoofer




Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.


Highlights 02 01

02 03 04

Audi smartphone interface¹, ², ³ transfers your smartphone content to the MMI display directly and seamlessly via USB. Navigation, telephony, music and selected third-party apps can be conveniently operated using the MMI controller and by voice control. Suitable USB adapter cables are available through Audi Genuine Accessories Camera-based recognition of traffic signs⁴ to display no-passing zones, speed limits, including temporary speed limit displays All-wheel steering, additional rear axle steerability increases the agility and manoeuvrability at low speeds. Furthermore, improved responsiveness and increase of driving dynamics and vehicle stability in the upper speed range Trailer towing hitch including trailer assist, electrically swivelling. Among other things, the trailer assist helps the driver guide the car/trailer combination when reversing. Comfortable guidance of car/trailer combination by means of MMI rotary/push-button control, car/trailer combination or system condition shown in MMI display

¹ For information on compatible mobile phones, please contact your Audi partner or visit ² For information on availability in different countries, please contact your Audi partner. ³ Audi cannot influence which applications are displayed via the Audi smartphone interface. The respective service providers are responsible for the content and functions displayed within the applications. ⁴ Please note: The systems work only within system limits and assist the driver. However, the driver remains responsible for driving the vehicle and is required to be attentive at all times.




Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

46 | 47

Highlights 02 01

02 03 04

Audi smartphone interface¹, ², ³ transfers your smartphone content to the MMI display directly and seamlessly via USB. Navigation, telephony, music and selected third-party apps can be conveniently operated using the MMI controller and by voice control. Suitable USB adapter cables are available through Audi Genuine Accessories Camera-based recognition of traffic signs⁴ to display no-passing zones, speed limits, including temporary speed limit displays All-wheel steering, additional rear axle steerability increases the agility and manoeuvrability at low speeds. Furthermore, improved responsiveness and increase of driving dynamics and vehicle stability in the upper speed range Trailer towing hitch including trailer assist, electrically swivelling. Among other things, the trailer assist helps the driver guide the car/trailer combination when reversing. Comfortable guidance of car/trailer combination by means of MMI rotary/push-button control, car/trailer combination or system condition shown in MMI display

¹ For information on compatible mobile phones, please contact your Audi partner or visit ² For information on availability in different countries, please contact your Audi partner. ³ Audi cannot influence which applications are displayed via the Audi smartphone interface. The respective service providers are responsible for the content and functions displayed within the applications. ⁴ Please note: The systems work only within system limits and assist the driver. However, the driver remains responsible for driving the vehicle and is required to be attentive at all times.




Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

46 | 47


48 | 49

Lots of


g o o d id e as f o r yo u r f lex ib ilit y.

Just as many seats and luggage space as you need. Thanks to different configuration options. In the 2nd row with a comfortable seat bench. Optionally with separately adjustable seats for flexible volume in the luggage compartment. On request a 3rd row of seats. The Audi Q7 and SQ7 TDI. With two, three, four, five, six or seven seats. And up to six child seats.


The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.


01 02 03 Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

Impressive variability. With a 2nd and 3rd row of seats the Audi Q7 offers up to 7 seats and, including the front-passenger seat, up to 6 ISOFIX child seat mountings Practical flexibility. The rail system with load-securing kit allows for individual partitioning of the luggage compartment and securing of objects Lots of space. Move seats or simply fold them to create a level loading floor. That way, the luggage compartment volume can be increased up to 2,075 litres. The reversible mat in velour, with rubber on one side, is used to cover the luggage compartment. It protects against dirt and the fold-out protective film for the loading sill protects against scratches and damages on the bumper.


48 | 49

Lots of


g o o d id e as f o r yo u r f lex ib ilit y.

Just as many seats and luggage space as you need. Thanks to different configuration options. In the 2nd row with a comfortable seat bench. Optionally with separately adjustable seats for flexible volume in the luggage compartment. On request a 3rd row of seats. The Audi Q7 and SQ7 TDI. With two, three, four, five, six or seven seats. And up to six child seats.


The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.


01 02 03 Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

Impressive variability. With a 2nd and 3rd row of seats the Audi Q7 offers up to 7 seats and, including the front-passenger seat, up to 6 ISOFIX child seat mountings Practical flexibility. The rail system with load-securing kit allows for individual partitioning of the luggage compartment and securing of objects Lots of space. Move seats or simply fold them to create a level loading floor. That way, the luggage compartment volume can be increased up to 2,075 litres. The reversible mat in velour, with rubber on one side, is used to cover the luggage compartment. It protects against dirt and the fold-out protective film for the loading sill protects against scratches and damages on the bumper.

Equipment and accessories

50 | 51

The packages f o r t h e A u d i Q 7 an d S Q 7 T DI.

What makes an Audi your Audi? Vehicle equipment entirely tailored to your needs. The different packages and equipment variants offer you a wide range of options for giving your vehicle the exact touch you have in mind. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

Equipment and accessories

50 | 51

The packages f o r t h e A u d i Q 7 an d S Q 7 T DI.

What makes an Audi your Audi? Vehicle equipment entirely tailored to your needs. The different packages and equipment variants offer you a wide range of options for giving your vehicle the exact touch you have in mind. The figures for fuel consumption and COâ‚‚ emissions can be found on page 74.

52 | 53

S line

More sporty. W i t h t he S l i n e exte ri or package and t he S line spor t pa cka ge.


Show your sporty side with the S line sport packages – all along the line. With details that emphasise the temperament of your Audi Q7 in impressive style and highlight powerful performance at first sight. The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. 03 01, 02



S line exterior package | Front and rear bumpers, door trim strips, side radiator grilles and diffuser insert in sporty striking design | Front and rear bottom bumper sections, door trim strips and wheel arch trims painted in body colour | Inlays in the door trim strips with quattro embossing in matt silver grey | Diffuser insert in platinum grey, honeycomb insert in black | S line roof edge spoiler | Door sill trims with aluminium inlays with S line logo | S line emblem on the front wings forged aluminium wheels in 5-arm turbine design, contrasting grey, partly polished¹


S line sport package | Sport seats, front with S embossing in the backrests | S line seat upholstery in Valcona leather, rotor grey | Interior, dashboard and headlining in black | S line leather steering wheel in 3-spoke design with multifunction plus in perforated leather, black Inlays in matt brushed aluminium, Sono | Selector lever knob in perforated leather, black | Further distinguishing features in the interior

Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment. ¹ Please note the special information relating to wheels on page 75.


52 | 53

S line

More sporty. W i t h t he S l i n e exte ri or package and t he S line spor t pa cka ge.


Show your sporty side with the S line sport packages – all along the line. With details that emphasise the temperament of your Audi Q7 in impressive style and highlight powerful performance at first sight. The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. 03 01, 02



S line exterior package | Front and rear bumpers, door trim strips, side radiator grilles and diffuser insert in sporty striking design | Front and rear bottom bumper sections, door trim strips and wheel arch trims painted in body colour | Inlays in the door trim strips with quattro embossing in matt silver grey | Diffuser insert in platinum grey, honeycomb insert in black | S line roof edge spoiler | Door sill trims with aluminium inlays with S line logo | S line emblem on the front wings forged aluminium wheels in 5-arm turbine design, contrasting grey, partly polished¹


S line sport package | Sport seats, front with S embossing in the backrests | S line seat upholstery in Valcona leather, rotor grey | Interior, dashboard and headlining in black | S line leather steering wheel in 3-spoke design with multifunction plus in perforated leather, black Inlays in matt brushed aluminium, Sono | Selector lever knob in perforated leather, black | Further distinguishing features in the interior

Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment. ¹ Please note the special information relating to wheels on page 75.


54 | 55

Audi Genuine Accessories 01

More striking.

02, 03

Wi t h t h e ca rbo n styl e package¹ and offroad st y le packa ge¹ . Go your own way. Whether in the city or in the country – the carbon style package¹ and the offroad style package¹ underline the unique character of the Audi Q7 with striking details and accentuate its distinctive body line. Available as optional equipment straight from the factory or for retrofitting from your Audi partner. 04




The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment. ¹ For information on when this feature will be available, please contact your Audi partner. ² Please note the special information relating to wheels on page 75.


carbon style package¹ | Exclusivity and individualisation made easy | With radiator grille inlays, door trim strips and exterior mirror housings – each in high-quality carbon. The exterior mirror housings are also available individually from the factory. offroad style package¹ | Lends the powerful presence of your Audi Q7 even more striking features | Front bottom bumper section, wheel arch trim set, high, sill trims and rear bottom bumper section each in stone grey, metallic, and black chrome-plated sport tailpipe trims Optionally available: cast aluminium wheels in 5-arm falx design (matt black, gloss turned finish² or gloss black). Running boards made of stainless steel make it easier to stow utensils in the ski and luggage box on the roof. These running boards can be ordered individually or in combination with one of the style packages from the factory.

54 | 55

Audi Genuine Accessories 01

More striking.

02, 03

Wi t h t h e ca rbo n styl e package¹ and offroad st y le packa ge¹ . Go your own way. Whether in the city or in the country – the carbon style package¹ and the offroad style package¹ underline the unique character of the Audi Q7 with striking details and accentuate its distinctive body line. Available as optional equipment straight from the factory or for retrofitting from your Audi partner. 04




The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment. ¹ For information on when this feature will be available, please contact your Audi partner. ² Please note the special information relating to wheels on page 75.


carbon style package¹ | Exclusivity and individualisation made easy | With radiator grille inlays, door trim strips and exterior mirror housings – each in high-quality carbon. The exterior mirror housings are also available individually from the factory. offroad style package¹ | Lends the powerful presence of your Audi Q7 even more striking features | Front bottom bumper section, wheel arch trim set, high, sill trims and rear bottom bumper section each in stone grey, metallic, and black chrome-plated sport tailpipe trims Optionally available: cast aluminium wheels in 5-arm falx design (matt black, gloss turned finish² or gloss black). Running boards made of stainless steel make it easier to stow utensils in the ski and luggage box on the roof. These running boards can be ordered individually or in combination with one of the style packages from the factory.

Audi design selection 02


More exceptional.


T h e A u d i d esi g n se l e c ti o n . Make an exceptional vehicle even more exceptional. This can be very stylishly achieved with the Audi design selection, which offers an attractive range of special materials and colours for the interior. The Audi design selections Murillo brown and Kodiak brown feature attractive contrasting stitching and give the interior an exclusive ambience. Audi design selection Murillo brown 01 02 03

Upper inlay in brushed aluminium, Sono, lower inlay in sycamore, natural dark brown Centre console in sycamore, natural dark brown and brushed aluminium, Sono | Comfort centre armrest, front, with fore/aft adjustment in leather, Murillo brown, with contrasting stitching in granite grey Customised contour seats in perforated Valcona leather, Murillo brown, with contrasting stitching in granite grey, seat backrest covers in leather, Murillo brown; with seat heating, front, and seat ventilation | Headlining, upper pillar trim and double sun visors in Alcantara, lunar silver | Inner door trim panel in Alcantara, Murillo brown | Leather steering wheel in 3-spoke design with multifunction plus and shift paddles, including steering wheel heating, in leather, granite grey, with contrasting stitching in Murillo brown | Manual sunblinds for the rear window and the rear door windows | Floor mats in luxury velour in granite grey | “design selection” emblem in the doors | Full-leather package: dashboard top side and door rails in leather, granite grey, with contrasting stitching in Murillo brown; lower part of dashboard incl. glove compartment and lower door trim in leather, Murillo brown; centre console, armrest in the door and centre armrest with fore/aft adjustment in leather, Murillo brown, with contrasting stitching in granite grey

Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

56 | 57

Audi design selection 02


More exceptional.


T h e A u d i d esi g n se l e c ti o n . Make an exceptional vehicle even more exceptional. This can be very stylishly achieved with the Audi design selection, which offers an attractive range of special materials and colours for the interior. The Audi design selections Murillo brown and Kodiak brown feature attractive contrasting stitching and give the interior an exclusive ambience. Audi design selection Murillo brown 01 02 03

Upper inlay in brushed aluminium, Sono, lower inlay in sycamore, natural dark brown Centre console in sycamore, natural dark brown and brushed aluminium, Sono | Comfort centre armrest, front, with fore/aft adjustment in leather, Murillo brown, with contrasting stitching in granite grey Customised contour seats in perforated Valcona leather, Murillo brown, with contrasting stitching in granite grey, seat backrest covers in leather, Murillo brown; with seat heating, front, and seat ventilation | Headlining, upper pillar trim and double sun visors in Alcantara, lunar silver | Inner door trim panel in Alcantara, Murillo brown | Leather steering wheel in 3-spoke design with multifunction plus and shift paddles, including steering wheel heating, in leather, granite grey, with contrasting stitching in Murillo brown | Manual sunblinds for the rear window and the rear door windows | Floor mats in luxury velour in granite grey | “design selection” emblem in the doors | Full-leather package: dashboard top side and door rails in leather, granite grey, with contrasting stitching in Murillo brown; lower part of dashboard incl. glove compartment and lower door trim in leather, Murillo brown; centre console, armrest in the door and centre armrest with fore/aft adjustment in leather, Murillo brown, with contrasting stitching in granite grey

Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

56 | 57

Audi design selection

58 | 59

Audi design selection Kodiak brown 01



02 03


The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

Sport seats plus in Valcona leather, Kodiak brown, with rhombus pattern and contrasting stitching in anthracite | Backrest cover of the front seats in leather, Kodiak brown | Headlining, upper pillar trim and double sun visors in Alcantara, black | Inner door trim panel in Alcantara, black | Leather steering wheel in 3-spoke design with multifunction plus and shift paddles, including steering wheel heating, in leather, black, with contrasting stitching in Kodiak brown | Manual sunblinds for the rear window and rear door windows | Floor mats in luxury velour, black, with contrasting stitching in Kodiak brown | “design selection” emblem in the doors | Full-leather package: armrests in the doors in leather, Kodiak brown, with contrasting stitching in anthracite; lower door trim, door rails and topside and underside of instrument panel, including glove compartment, centre console trim in leather, black Upper inlay in brushed aluminium, Sono, lower inlay in titanium paint finish, gloss anthracite; for SQ7 TDI lower inlay in carbon, copper Comfort centre armrest, front, with fore/aft adjustment, in leather, Kodiak brown, with contrasting stitching in anthracite

Audi design selection

58 | 59

Audi design selection Kodiak brown 01



02 03


The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

Sport seats plus in Valcona leather, Kodiak brown, with rhombus pattern and contrasting stitching in anthracite | Backrest cover of the front seats in leather, Kodiak brown | Headlining, upper pillar trim and double sun visors in Alcantara, black | Inner door trim panel in Alcantara, black | Leather steering wheel in 3-spoke design with multifunction plus and shift paddles, including steering wheel heating, in leather, black, with contrasting stitching in Kodiak brown | Manual sunblinds for the rear window and rear door windows | Floor mats in luxury velour, black, with contrasting stitching in Kodiak brown | “design selection” emblem in the doors | Full-leather package: armrests in the doors in leather, Kodiak brown, with contrasting stitching in anthracite; lower door trim, door rails and topside and underside of instrument panel, including glove compartment, centre console trim in leather, black Upper inlay in brushed aluminium, Sono, lower inlay in titanium paint finish, gloss anthracite; for SQ7 TDI lower inlay in carbon, copper Comfort centre armrest, front, with fore/aft adjustment, in leather, Kodiak brown, with contrasting stitching in anthracite

Audi exclusive

More unmistakeable.

60 | 61

Wi t h A u d i exc lu si ve . Make your Audi Q7 unique – as unmistakeable as you are – with Audi exclusive. With selected décors, coloured leather and customised paint finishes from a large range of colours. To suit your own personal preferences.

QR code

If you want to find out more about the Audi exclusive equipment versions and quality standards, just scan this QR code using your smartphone. Or follow this link in your browser:


01 02

01 02

The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. Audi exclusive is optionally available from Audi Sport GmbH. Please visit or contact your Audi partner for more detailed information about standard and optional equipment.


Audi Q7 with Audi exclusive customised paint finish in nano grey, metallic | Audi Sport cast aluminium wheels in 5-twin-spoke design in matt titanium look, gloss turned finish¹ | Audi exclusive titanium black styling package Audi exclusive full-leather upholstery and trim (package 5) in Valcona leather with customised contour seats, front, in alabaster white/jet grey, with contrasting stitching in alabaster white/jet grey | Seat centre panel including inner seat side bolsters, door trim inserts and underside of the instrument panel in alabaster white | Seat side bolsters, door pull handles, armrests in the doors, centre armrest as well as topside of the instrument panel in jet grey with contrasting stitching in alabaster white | Lower door trim, front centre console trim in alabaster white with contrasting stitching in jet grey | Audi exclusive controls in leather in jet grey with contrasting stitching in alabaster white | Seam on the steering wheel rim with specific Audi exclusive stitching | Audi exclusive carpet and floor mats in jet grey with leather edging and stitching in alabaster white Upper inlay brushed aluminium, Sono, Audi exclusive lower inlay in aluminium/Beaufort wood black

¹ Please note the special information relating to wheels on page 75.

Audi exclusive

More unmistakeable.

60 | 61

Wi t h A u d i exc lu si ve . Make your Audi Q7 unique – as unmistakeable as you are – with Audi exclusive. With selected décors, coloured leather and customised paint finishes from a large range of colours. To suit your own personal preferences.

QR code

If you want to find out more about the Audi exclusive equipment versions and quality standards, just scan this QR code using your smartphone. Or follow this link in your browser:


01 02

01 02

The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. Audi exclusive is optionally available from Audi Sport GmbH. Please visit or contact your Audi partner for more detailed information about standard and optional equipment.


Audi Q7 with Audi exclusive customised paint finish in nano grey, metallic | Audi Sport cast aluminium wheels in 5-twin-spoke design in matt titanium look, gloss turned finish¹ | Audi exclusive titanium black styling package Audi exclusive full-leather upholstery and trim (package 5) in Valcona leather with customised contour seats, front, in alabaster white/jet grey, with contrasting stitching in alabaster white/jet grey | Seat centre panel including inner seat side bolsters, door trim inserts and underside of the instrument panel in alabaster white | Seat side bolsters, door pull handles, armrests in the doors, centre armrest as well as topside of the instrument panel in jet grey with contrasting stitching in alabaster white | Lower door trim, front centre console trim in alabaster white with contrasting stitching in jet grey | Audi exclusive controls in leather in jet grey with contrasting stitching in alabaster white | Seam on the steering wheel rim with specific Audi exclusive stitching | Audi exclusive carpet and floor mats in jet grey with leather edging and stitching in alabaster white Upper inlay brushed aluminium, Sono, Audi exclusive lower inlay in aluminium/Beaufort wood black

¹ Please note the special information relating to wheels on page 75.

Paint finishes

01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Gllacier whi w te, metal alli licc Orca a blacck, metal ta lic Sam Sa murai gre gr y, met metal allic i Flor Fl oret silver, metal talli lic N var Na varra ra b blu ue, e met m all a lic¹¹ Co obra be beige ige,, meta etalllic Audi A udi ex exclu cl siv i e cusstom mised paint fiinis n h in Ip Ipanem ne a bro brow wn, me met etallic Many Ma ny add dditi itiona onall colo ours are available on request. Fro om Audi ud Spor ort rt Gm mbH bH

¹ Only n av avail ailab able e in in co conj on unc nction with th S li line exte t rior package or for SQ Q7 TDI. TDI. Man addi Many diti tio ional al paint ntt finisshes ca an be be found at ww


S le Se l ct the paiint col o our th thatt besst suitts yo ourr per erso son nali lity ty. Se Secu cure in th he knowlle know ledge that ledg att the a h quality will be superb, b because se you o r ve vehi hicl cle e is not ju just ustt paint n ed onc ncce, e but four times. So o not only do o you look rad adiant nt in yo your ur Au udii, yo our car is also s pro ro otected fro rom enviro onm men e ta tall infl flue uenc nces es and d wea ar. E su En suri ring ng n g that th he car maintains a powe w rfful u loo o k th hro roug ugho hout u itss ent ntir ire life li fettime me. The figu Th ffiigu gure gure res ffo res or fu fue ell con onsu sumpt sum mpti mp tion on and nd CO₂ O₂ emi miss iss ssio ssio ionss can n be fo foun foun und on on page pa ge 74. 4. Som of the equipm Some mentt li liste st d orr desc describ crib i ed d is opt optiional equ uipm p en pm ent fo or whic whic h h an extr xtra a cha charge h rge is made. Pleas ha ase e contact ont nttact yyo our Audi A di p Aud part rtner tner or vi visit isit ww ww.a ud .co udi .com m fo for or det detailled d inf inform nfform rm mati ation on abo on bout ut st sta tanda nd dard rd a and d op ptio tional i nal eq equip uipmen men nt.







62 | 63 62

Paint finishes

01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Gllacier whi w te, metal alli licc Orca a blacck, metal ta lic Sam Sa murai gre gr y, met metal allic i Flor Fl oret silver, metal talli lic N var Na varra ra b blu ue, e met m all a lic¹¹ Co obra be beige ige,, meta etalllic Audi A udi ex exclu cl siv i e cusstom mised paint fiinis n h in Ip Ipanem ne a bro brow wn, me met etallic Many Ma ny add dditi itiona onall colo ours are available on request. Fro om Audi ud Spor ort rt Gm mbH bH

¹ Only n av avail ailab able e in in co conj on unc nction with th S li line exte t rior package or for SQ Q7 TDI. TDI. Man addi Many diti tio ional al paint ntt finisshes ca an be be found at ww


S le Se l ct the paiint col o our th thatt besst suitts yo ourr per erso son nali lity ty. Se Secu cure in th he knowlle know ledge that ledg att the a h quality will be superb, b because se you o r ve vehi hicl cle e is not ju just ustt paint n ed onc ncce, e but four times. So o not only do o you look rad adiant nt in yo your ur Au udii, yo our car is also s pro ro otected fro rom enviro onm men e ta tall infl flue uenc nces es and d wea ar. E su En suri ring ng n g that th he car maintains a powe w rfful u loo o k th hro roug ugho hout u itss ent ntir ire life li fettime me. The figu Th ffiigu gure gure res ffo res or fu fue ell con onsu sumpt sum mpti mp tion on and nd CO₂ O₂ emi miss iss ssio ssio ionss can n be fo foun foun und on on page pa ge 74. 4. Som of the equipm Some mentt li liste st d orr desc describ crib i ed d is opt optiional equ uipm p en pm ent fo or whic whic h h an extr xtra a cha charge h rge is made. Pleas ha ase e contact ont nttact yyo our Audi A di p Aud part rtner tner or vi visit isit ww ww.a ud .co udi .com m fo for or det detailled d inf inform nfform rm mati ation on abo on bout ut st sta tanda nd dard rd a and d op ptio tional i nal eq equip uipmen men nt.







62 | 63 62

Powerful presence. 01


With Audi wheels, you can emphasise your own individual style


and the character of your vehicle. Why not indulge yourself and create a powerful presence with your favourite design. And for peace of mind when out on the road: Audi wheels are subjected to special test procedures, undergo rigorous testing and are of superb quality.



20-inch cast aluminium wheels in 10-spoke star design, contrasting grey, partly polished¹ Audi Sport 21-inch cast aluminium wheels in 5-spoke blade design in gloss black, gloss turned finish¹, ² Audi Sport 19-inch cast aluminium wheels in 7-twin-spoke design²

04 05 06


20-inch cast aluminium wheels in 5-parallel-spoke design (S design) 18-inch forged aluminium wheels in 5-arm design Audi Sport 22-inch cast aluminium wheels in 5-V-spoke star design in matt titanium look, gloss turned finish¹, ² 19-inch cast aluminium wheels in 5-V-spoke design



64 | 65

Audi Sport 20-inch cast aluminium wheels in 5-arm turbine design in magnesium look, gloss turned finish¹, ² Audi Sport 20-inch cast aluminium wheels in 10-Y-spoke design in gloss black, gloss turned finish¹, ²

Many additional wheels can be found at







Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment. You will find specifications on the technical characteristics of tyres on page 75.



¹ Please note the special information relating to wheels on page 75.

² From Audi Sport GmbH.

Powerful presence. 01


With Audi wheels, you can emphasise your own individual style


and the character of your vehicle. Why not indulge yourself and create a powerful presence with your favourite design. And for peace of mind when out on the road: Audi wheels are subjected to special test procedures, undergo rigorous testing and are of superb quality.



20-inch cast aluminium wheels in 10-spoke star design, contrasting grey, partly polished¹ Audi Sport 21-inch cast aluminium wheels in 5-spoke blade design in gloss black, gloss turned finish¹, ² Audi Sport 19-inch cast aluminium wheels in 7-twin-spoke design²

04 05 06


20-inch cast aluminium wheels in 5-parallel-spoke design (S design) 18-inch forged aluminium wheels in 5-arm design Audi Sport 22-inch cast aluminium wheels in 5-V-spoke star design in matt titanium look, gloss turned finish¹, ² 19-inch cast aluminium wheels in 5-V-spoke design



64 | 65

Audi Sport 20-inch cast aluminium wheels in 5-arm turbine design in magnesium look, gloss turned finish¹, ² Audi Sport 20-inch cast aluminium wheels in 10-Y-spoke design in gloss black, gloss turned finish¹, ²

Many additional wheels can be found at







Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment. You will find specifications on the technical characteristics of tyres on page 75.



¹ Please note the special information relating to wheels on page 75.

² From Audi Sport GmbH.

Seat Se ats

66 | 67

More quality. W it h t h e c lo t h an d le at h e r u p h o ls t e r y an d t rim o p t io n s.

Sport seats, front in Alcantara/leather combination, black Customised contour seats, front in perforated Valcona leather, Murillo brown, with contrasting stitching in granite grey The illustration shows Audi design selection Murillo brown.

The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

Alcantara/leather combination, rock grey

Perforated cricket leather, rock grey

Cricket leather, pistachio beige

Valcona leather, cedar brown

Valcona leather, rock grey

Valcona leather, rotor grey with contrasting stitching

You have a special place in your Audi. Exclusive comfort can be felt on the front and rear seats: thanks to high-quality materials and first-class workmanship. No matter which seat upholstery you choose: you’re sitting in the right place. ¹ From Audi Sport GmbH. Many additional seat upholstery options can be found at

Valcona leather, black with contrasting stitching

Audi exclusive leather upholstery and trim¹

Seat Se ats

66 | 67

More quality. W it h t h e c lo t h an d le at h e r u p h o ls t e r y an d t rim o p t io n s.

Sport seats, front in Alcantara/leather combination, black Customised contour seats, front in perforated Valcona leather, Murillo brown, with contrasting stitching in granite grey The illustration shows Audi design selection Murillo brown.

The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

Alcantara/leather combination, rock grey

Perforated cricket leather, rock grey

Cricket leather, pistachio beige

Valcona leather, cedar brown

Valcona leather, rock grey

Valcona leather, rotor grey with contrasting stitching

You have a special place in your Audi. Exclusive comfort can be felt on the front and rear seats: thanks to high-quality materials and first-class workmanship. No matter which seat upholstery you choose: you’re sitting in the right place. ¹ From Audi Sport GmbH. Many additional seat upholstery options can be found at

Valcona leather, black with contrasting stitching

Audi exclusive leather upholstery and trim¹


68 | 69

More refined. W it h t h e in lay s.

Exclusive ambience is a question of style. Your style. A style you can refine right down to the last detail. Create tangible accents with high-quality Audi inlays. Experience the fascination of selected materials: fine woods, piano finish or aluminium trim – combine them to suit your own individual taste. ¹ From Audi Sport GmbH.

Many additional inlays can be found at

Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

Upper inlay

Brushed aluminium, Sono

Brushed aluminium, Sono

Brushed aluminium, Sono

Diamond paint finish, silver grey

High gloss black

Lower inlay

Chrome paint finish, slate grey

Oak, grey

Sycamore, natural dark brown

Walnut, terra brown

Audi exclusive wood inlays¹


68 | 69

More refined. W it h t h e in lay s.

Exclusive ambience is a question of style. Your style. A style you can refine right down to the last detail. Create tangible accents with high-quality Audi inlays. Experience the fascination of selected materials: fine woods, piano finish or aluminium trim – combine them to suit your own individual taste. ¹ From Audi Sport GmbH.

Many additional inlays can be found at

Some of the equipment listed or described is optional equipment for which an extra charge is made. Please contact your Audi partner or visit for detailed information about standard and optional equipment.

Upper inlay

Brushed aluminium, Sono

Brushed aluminium, Sono

Brushed aluminium, Sono

Diamond paint finish, silver grey

High gloss black

Lower inlay

Chrome paint finish, slate grey

Oak, grey

Sycamore, natural dark brown

Walnut, terra brown

Audi exclusive wood inlays¹

Audi Genuine Accessories

Au udi Gen nui uine Accesso s ries provide des yo y u with numerous ways ys of adding eve ven n mo more re fac acet etss to you ourr Audi di Q7 and an d SQ7 TD DI. Wit ith h products that ke eep our u qua ali lity tyy pro romi mise se day in, day out ut. Bene nefi fitt from customised

Detailed led inf inform orm rm mati attion on can c be obtaiined ne from the access essor ories catalo l gue, at www .audi com, an and d from your Aud ud di part par ner er..

Audi Genuine Accessories

04 0 4

C a t a l o g u e 2 017 // 2 01 8 No reser vation necessar y: camping with Audi Genuine Accessories. All in one place: accessor y ideas from c ycle mounts to wheels. Sit: why dogs love riding in an Audi.

05 5

solu uti tions wi with th h fasci cin inatting dessig i n and a high h level el of fu func n ti tion onal nalit ity. Furrth ther er inf nfor o mation on these and ottherr highli hi ligh ght hts is available frrom you ourr Au A di partner. 01 02 03 04 4 05 06 6 07

Ski and d lug luggage boxe oxess | In exclu l sive Audi di de desig s n, ccan sig n be lo locke cked k d and d conven conv ien iently tly op opene ened ene d on on both both si sides des.. Avai Availab lable le in the si s zes 300 00 l, 36 360 0 l an and d 405 405 0 l. Cast alumi miniu nium whee heels in 1010-arm arm ta talea lea design, mat mattt bl black k, glo gl ss ss tur tu ned finish¹ i h¹. Si Size ze 9.5 J × 21 with 285/40 R 21 ty tyres res²². Entr E ntrance e LE LED | Depe pendi n ng g on the t variant, t, projects cts ei eithe th r the quattr t o logo or th t e Audi di ri rin ngs on n th the eb back ackgro groun und when the vehic hicle hic e door is op opene ened d. Available Av ble in se s t of 2 for front or rearr. Espresso Es o mobil bile bil e | Re R ar esp pres r so o enj en njoym oyment ent on the road d. W With ith 18 ESE pads ads (i (illy lly), ), 2 break-resistant esp presso cups, microfibre clloth and d case c se. Aud udi Enter te tainmentt mob mobile ile | Promis mises max aximu imum imu m ente en rta tainm inment in n ex e cel cellen lentt imag image ge qual uality ity with its 10.1-inch touc ouch h scre screen. n Partittion gr grill ille ill e for f th the lugga ggage ge com compa partme artme m ntt | Sepa ep rates e th es the lu lugga g ge compartme t nt fro from m the resst of of the intteri erior ior len length gthwis wise e or cross osswis wise. Easy atta ttach chm men entt wiith tho hout dri d lll hol o es. Audi A udi child h d se s at you yo ngsterr advan vanced ce | Com ced Co bin ines es saf safety etty wi w th hah hiigh h levell of co c mfort. For small passeng ngers ers from 15 5 kg. k . Ca C n allso be qui quickl ck y conv nvert e ed ert d to a boos oster t seatt for children from 22 kg upw ter ward ardss.

¹ Please e not note the specia ciall info info nforma matio tion n relating to wheels on page 75. ²Y You ou will find specific fi ati ations ns on the technicall charac h acter teriisti st cs of tyr y es on page 75. 5

01, 1 02

The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74.



07 07

70 | 71

Audi Genuine Accessories

Au udi Gen nui uine Accesso s ries provide des yo y u with numerous ways ys of adding eve ven n mo more re fac acet etss to you ourr Audi di Q7 and an d SQ7 TD DI. Wit ith h products that ke eep our u qua ali lity tyy pro romi mise se day in, day out ut. Bene nefi fitt from customised

Detailed led inf inform orm rm mati attion on can c be obtaiined ne from the access essor ories catalo l gue, at www .audi com, an and d from your Aud ud di part par ner er..

Audi Genuine Accessories

04 0 4

C a t a l o g u e 2 017 // 2 01 8 No reser vation necessar y: camping with Audi Genuine Accessories. All in one place: accessor y ideas from c ycle mounts to wheels. Sit: why dogs love riding in an Audi.

05 5

solu uti tions wi with th h fasci cin inatting dessig i n and a high h level el of fu func n ti tion onal nalit ity. Furrth ther er inf nfor o mation on these and ottherr highli hi ligh ght hts is available frrom you ourr Au A di partner. 01 02 03 04 4 05 06 6 07

Ski and d lug luggage boxe oxess | In exclu l sive Audi di de desig s n, ccan sig n be lo locke cked k d and d conven conv ien iently tly op opene ened ene d on on both both si sides des.. Avai Availab lable le in the si s zes 300 00 l, 36 360 0 l an and d 405 405 0 l. Cast alumi miniu nium whee heels in 1010-arm arm ta talea lea design, mat mattt bl black k, glo gl ss ss tur tu ned finish¹ i h¹. Si Size ze 9.5 J × 21 with 285/40 R 21 ty tyres res²². Entr E ntrance e LE LED | Depe pendi n ng g on the t variant, t, projects cts ei eithe th r the quattr t o logo or th t e Audi di ri rin ngs on n th the eb back ackgro groun und when the vehic hicle hic e door is op opene ened d. Available Av ble in se s t of 2 for front or rearr. Espresso Es o mobil bile bil e | Re R ar esp pres r so o enj en njoym oyment ent on the road d. W With ith 18 ESE pads ads (i (illy lly), ), 2 break-resistant esp presso cups, microfibre clloth and d case c se. Aud udi Enter te tainmentt mob mobile ile | Promis mises max aximu imum imu m ente en rta tainm inment in n ex e cel cellen lentt imag image ge qual uality ity with its 10.1-inch touc ouch h scre screen. n Partittion gr grill ille ill e for f th the lugga ggage ge com compa partme artme m ntt | Sepa ep rates e th es the lu lugga g ge compartme t nt fro from m the resst of of the intteri erior ior len length gthwis wise e or cross osswis wise. Easy atta ttach chm men entt wiith tho hout dri d lll hol o es. Audi A udi child h d se s at you yo ngsterr advan vanced ce | Com ced Co bin ines es saf safety etty wi w th hah hiigh h levell of co c mfort. For small passeng ngers ers from 15 5 kg. k . Ca C n allso be qui quickl ck y conv nvert e ed ert d to a boos oster t seatt for children from 22 kg upw ter ward ardss.

¹ Please e not note the specia ciall info info nforma matio tion n relating to wheels on page 75. ²Y You ou will find specific fi ati ations ns on the technicall charac h acter teriisti st cs of tyr y es on page 75. 5

01, 1 02

The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74.



07 07

70 | 71

Th T he fasc ffa assccin cin nat atio tio on of of Aud udi di

72 | 7 72 73 3

F i nd Fi d o ut t mo or re o re on n ine. nl Disc Di sco over ov er th he e wor orld ld d of th the e Au Audi Aud di Q7 an and SQ SQ7 TD DI. I. Mor ore in info form form ma attion, ion, n, more mor mo re in nd divvid idu idua ua ali lity ty an nd d mor ore ex xcl clus clus usivviittyy.. No ow w at ww ww w..a au udi di.c .com com om.

Scccan tthe Sca S he QR he QR co code cod od de us using usin in ng your smartph yo ph phon hon one or tab ta ab blet an and nd di diissco scco sc ovve ver er er th the wor wor orl rld of the he eA Au udi Q7 7. Co Conne ecti cttio t on ti cos cco ossts ts dep ep pe end nd n d on on yyo our ur mo mob ob bil ile e ph phon one cco one ont ntr n tract tr acct. act.

The e fi figu gure re es fo or fuel fu ue con onsu nsu ump m ttiion ion and d COâ‚‚ O emi miss s io ss ons ns can be fo f un nd on pag age e 74 74.

Th T he fasc ffa assccin cin nat atio tio on of of Aud udi di

72 | 7 72 73 3

F i nd Fi d o ut t mo or re o re on n ine. nl Disc Di sco over ov er th he e wor orld ld d of th the e Au Audi Aud di Q7 an and SQ SQ7 TD DI. I. Mor ore in info form form ma attion, ion, n, more mor mo re in nd divvid idu idua ua ali lity ty an nd d mor ore ex xcl clus clus usivviittyy.. No ow w at ww ww w..a au udi di.c .com com om.

Scccan tthe Sca S he QR he QR co code cod od de us using usin in ng your smartph yo ph phon hon one or tab ta ab blet an and nd di diissco scco sc ovve ver er er th the wor wor orl rld of the he eA Au udi Q7 7. Co Conne ecti cttio t on ti cos cco ossts ts dep ep pe end nd n d on on yyo our ur mo mob ob bil ile e ph phon one cco one ont ntr n tract tr acct. act.

The e fi figu gure re es fo or fuel fu ue con onsu nsu ump m ttiion ion and d COâ‚‚ O emi miss s io ss ons ns can be fo f un nd on pag age e 74 74.

74 | 75

Technical data


Engine type

Audi Q7 3.0 TFSI quattro

Audi Q7 ultra 3.0 TDI quattro

Audi Q7 3.0 TDI quattro

Audi SQ7 4.0 TDI quattro

(245 kW)

(160 kW)¹

(200 kW)¹

(320 kW)¹

V6 petrol engine with direct fuel injection and

V6 diesel engine with common rail injection

V6 diesel engine with common rail injection

V8 diesel bi-turbo engine with

mechanical supercharger

system and turbocharging

system and turbocharging

common rail injection system and electric powered compressor

Displacement in cc (valves per cylinder)

2,995 (4)

2,967 (4)

2,967 (4)

3,956 (4)

Max. output² in kW at rpm





Max. torque in Nm at rpm





Classifications of tyre parameters

¹ Refill the separate AdBlue® tank as indicated by the information in the display of the instrument cluster. AdBlue is a registered trademark of the Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA).

The table shows the range of fuel efficiency, wet grip and exterior noise emission classes for the different tyre sizes of the Audi Q7 and SQ7 TDI.

² The figure given was calculated using the specified measuring procedure (current version of UN-R 85). ³ Unladen vehicle weight includes driver (75 kg) and fuel tank 90 % full, calculated in accordance with the current version of Reg. (EU) 1230/2012. Optional equipment may increase the car’s unladen weight and drag coefficient, whereupon the possible payload limit and the top speed will be reduced accordingly.

Tyre size

Summer tyres

⁴ Figures refer to vehicles with the optionally available adaptive air suspension/adaptive air suspension sport.

Power transmission Drive type

quattro permanent all-wheel drive

quattro permanent all-wheel drive

quattro permanent all-wheel drive

quattro permanent all-wheel drive

Transmission type

8-speed tiptronic

8-speed tiptronic

8-speed tiptronic

8-speed tiptronic










Unladen weight³ in kg









Gross vehicle weight in kg









Permissible roof load limit/ nose weight in kg

Explanatory notes



















Trailer load limit⁵ in kg unbraked


12 % gradient



8 % gradient





Fuel tank capacity, approx. in l









Top speed in km/h









Acceleration 0–100 km/h in s









Fuel grade

Sulphur-free super RON 95⁷

Sulphur-free diesel⁸





































Emission standard



































Sulphur-free diesel⁸

Sulphur-free diesel⁸

Fuel consumption⁹, ¹⁰ in l/100 km

CO₂ emissions⁹, ¹⁰ in g/km

⁵ The engine’s power output always decreases with increasing altitude. At 1,000 m above sea level, and for every additional 1,000 m, deduct 10 % from the weight of the outfit (trailer load limit + gross weight of the towing vehicle). Figure for trailer load limit applies to factory-fitted trailer towing hitch. If using the vehicle with a trailer towing hitch for commercial purposes, a digital tachograph may be required under certain conditions. ⁶ Fuel consumption and CO₂ emission figures given in ranges depend on the tyre/wheel sets used.

Winter tyres

⁷ We recommend using sulphur-free super unleaded RON 95 fuel complying with DIN EN 228. If this is not available, use sulphur-free regular unleaded RON 91 fuel complying with DIN EN 228; power output will be slightly reduced. Unleaded RON 95 fuel with a maximum ethanol content of 10 % (E10) can generally be used. Fuel consumption details refer to operation with RON 95 fuel complying with 692/2008/EC. ⁸ We recommend using sulphur-free diesel complying with DIN EN 590. If this is not available, use diesel complying with DIN EN 590. ⁹ The figures given were calculated using the specified measuring procedures. The figures do not refer to one individual vehicle and do not form part of any offer, but rather should be used purely for purposes of comparison between the different vehicle models. ¹⁰ A vehicle’s fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions depend not just on how efficiently the vehicle uses the fuel, but are also influenced by driving behaviour and other non-technical factors. CO₂ is the greenhouse gas primarily responsible for global warming.

235/65 R 18

Fuel efficiency class C

Wet grip class C–A

Exterior noise emission class 71

255/60 R 18




255/55 R 19




285/45 R 20




285/40 R 21




285/35 R 22




255/60 R 18




255/55 R 19




285/45 R 20




255/50 R 20




It is not possible to order a specific tyre. Ask your Audi partner about the range of tyres available in your country.

Important note Special information about the wheels: Wheels with gloss turned finish, gloss milled finish as well as polished or partly polished aluminium wheels must not be used in wintry road conditions. For manufacturing reasons, the rim surface does not have sufficient corrosion protection for such use and can be damaged permanently by road salt or similar.

74 | 75

Technical data


Engine type

Audi Q7 3.0 TFSI quattro

Audi Q7 ultra 3.0 TDI quattro

Audi Q7 3.0 TDI quattro

Audi SQ7 4.0 TDI quattro

(245 kW)

(160 kW)¹

(200 kW)¹

(320 kW)¹

V6 petrol engine with direct fuel injection and

V6 diesel engine with common rail injection

V6 diesel engine with common rail injection

V8 diesel bi-turbo engine with

mechanical supercharger

system and turbocharging

system and turbocharging

common rail injection system and electric powered compressor

Displacement in cc (valves per cylinder)

2,995 (4)

2,967 (4)

2,967 (4)

3,956 (4)

Max. output² in kW at rpm





Max. torque in Nm at rpm





Classifications of tyre parameters

¹ Refill the separate AdBlue® tank as indicated by the information in the display of the instrument cluster. AdBlue is a registered trademark of the Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA).

The table shows the range of fuel efficiency, wet grip and exterior noise emission classes for the different tyre sizes of the Audi Q7 and SQ7 TDI.

² The figure given was calculated using the specified measuring procedure (current version of UN-R 85). ³ Unladen vehicle weight includes driver (75 kg) and fuel tank 90 % full, calculated in accordance with the current version of Reg. (EU) 1230/2012. Optional equipment may increase the car’s unladen weight and drag coefficient, whereupon the possible payload limit and the top speed will be reduced accordingly.

Tyre size

Summer tyres

⁴ Figures refer to vehicles with the optionally available adaptive air suspension/adaptive air suspension sport.

Power transmission Drive type

quattro permanent all-wheel drive

quattro permanent all-wheel drive

quattro permanent all-wheel drive

quattro permanent all-wheel drive

Transmission type

8-speed tiptronic

8-speed tiptronic

8-speed tiptronic

8-speed tiptronic










Unladen weight³ in kg









Gross vehicle weight in kg









Permissible roof load limit/ nose weight in kg

Explanatory notes



















Trailer load limit⁵ in kg unbraked


12 % gradient



8 % gradient





Fuel tank capacity, approx. in l









Top speed in km/h









Acceleration 0–100 km/h in s









Fuel grade

Sulphur-free super RON 95⁷

Sulphur-free diesel⁸





































Emission standard



































Sulphur-free diesel⁸

Sulphur-free diesel⁸

Fuel consumption⁹, ¹⁰ in l/100 km

CO₂ emissions⁹, ¹⁰ in g/km

⁵ The engine’s power output always decreases with increasing altitude. At 1,000 m above sea level, and for every additional 1,000 m, deduct 10 % from the weight of the outfit (trailer load limit + gross weight of the towing vehicle). Figure for trailer load limit applies to factory-fitted trailer towing hitch. If using the vehicle with a trailer towing hitch for commercial purposes, a digital tachograph may be required under certain conditions. ⁶ Fuel consumption and CO₂ emission figures given in ranges depend on the tyre/wheel sets used.

Winter tyres

⁷ We recommend using sulphur-free super unleaded RON 95 fuel complying with DIN EN 228. If this is not available, use sulphur-free regular unleaded RON 91 fuel complying with DIN EN 228; power output will be slightly reduced. Unleaded RON 95 fuel with a maximum ethanol content of 10 % (E10) can generally be used. Fuel consumption details refer to operation with RON 95 fuel complying with 692/2008/EC. ⁸ We recommend using sulphur-free diesel complying with DIN EN 590. If this is not available, use diesel complying with DIN EN 590. ⁹ The figures given were calculated using the specified measuring procedures. The figures do not refer to one individual vehicle and do not form part of any offer, but rather should be used purely for purposes of comparison between the different vehicle models. ¹⁰ A vehicle’s fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions depend not just on how efficiently the vehicle uses the fuel, but are also influenced by driving behaviour and other non-technical factors. CO₂ is the greenhouse gas primarily responsible for global warming.

235/65 R 18

Fuel efficiency class C

Wet grip class C–A

Exterior noise emission class 71

255/60 R 18




255/55 R 19




285/45 R 20




285/40 R 21




285/35 R 22




255/60 R 18




255/55 R 19




285/45 R 20




255/50 R 20




It is not possible to order a specific tyre. Ask your Audi partner about the range of tyres available in your country.

Important note Special information about the wheels: Wheels with gloss turned finish, gloss milled finish as well as polished or partly polished aluminium wheels must not be used in wintry road conditions. For manufacturing reasons, the rim surface does not have sufficient corrosion protection for such use and can be damaged permanently by road salt or similar.

Technical data | Dimensions



788 * (693) 1485***




1679 2212

Dimensions in mm


Dimensions are for unladen vehicle weight. Luggage compartment volume¹ 235/705/1,890 l (second value: with the 3rd row of seats folded down; third value: with the rear seat backrest folded down and vehicle loaded up to roof height). Turning circle approx. 12.4 m. * Maximum headroom. ** Elbow room width. *** Shoulder room width.

1071 **

Dimensions are for unladen vehicle weight. Luggage compartment volume¹ 295/770/1,955 l (second value: with the 3rd row of seats folded down; third value: with the rear seat backrest folded down and vehicle loaded up to roof height). Turning circle approx. 12.4 m. * Maximum headroom. ** Elbow room width. *** Shoulder room width.

Audi SQ7 TDI 7-seater

787 (693)

788 *(693)



Dimensions in mm


Audi Q7 TDI 7-seater


1179 1086




1219 1179




1679 1968

2031 1179





2031 1219






¹ Technical specifications refer to a basic vehicle without country-specific features and the selected optional equipment.




1255** 1255***




1679 1968

The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. ¹ For information on when this feature will be available, please contact your Audi partner. ² Please note the special information relating to wheels on page 75. ³ From Audi Sport GmbH. ⁴ Requires LTE card contract for full use. For information about the availability and use of LTE support, please contact your Audi partner. ⁵ For information on compatible mobile phones, please contact your Audi partner or visit ⁶ The teaser phase offered by AUDI AG in connection with the “Audi connect Navigation & Infotainment with integrated SIM card (3 months)” equipment version is available for 3 months from initial registration and ends automatically after these 3 months. Upon the purchase of an Audi connect Navigation & Infotainment licence, these 3 months shall not count towards the total duration of the Audi connect services.




AUDI AG Audi International Customer Care Services 85045 Ingolstadt, Germany Email: Tel.: +49 800 28347378423 Ask your Audi partner about subsequent extension options for the Audi connect services. Depending on the vehicle model, Audi connect enables access to Google and Twitter services. Permanent availability cannot be guaranteed; Google and Twitter are responsible for this. Please visit or contact your Audi partner for more detailed information about Audi connect; contact your mobile services provider for information about contract conditions.

2996 5069



Equipment of the Audi SQ7 TDI illustrated (p. 26-33): Paint finish: orca black, metallic¹ Wheels: cast aluminium wheels in 5-arm tornado design (S design); brake callipers painted red Seats/seat upholstery: sport seats plus, front, in Valcona leather, rotor grey with rhombus pattern and S embossing in the front-seat backrests Upper inlay: brushed aluminium, Sono Lower inlay: carbon Atlas

General legal notices about Audi connect navigation & infotainment The availability of the services supported by Audi connect navigation & infotainment varies from country to country. The Audi connect services are provided for at least 1 year from vehicle delivery.⁶ 24 months after vehicle delivery, the Audi connect services will be extended free of charge once for 12 months. If you do not require this extension, please write to:





Equipment of the Audi SQ7 TDI illustrated (p. 24–41): Paint finish: Audi exclusive customised paint finish in garnet red, pearl effect³ Wheels: Audi Sport cast aluminium wheels in 5-V-spoke star design in matt titanium look, gloss turned finish², ³, ceramic brake Seats/seat upholstery: sport seats plus, front, in Valcona leather, rotor grey with rhombus pattern and S embossing in the front-seat backrests Upper inlay: brushed aluminium, Sono Lower inlay: carbon Atlas

Alternatively, a customer SIM card can be inserted into the card slot to establish a data connection. In conjunction with the optional Audi phone box, a Bluetooth-capable smartphone with remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP)⁵ can also be connected to use the integrated car phone function. If an external SIM card is inserted into the card slot or connected via rSAP, all data connections, for both the Audi connect services as well as for the Wi-Fi hotspot, will be established via this external SIM card. In such cases, the costs incurred are attached to those accrued via the external SIM card.

2994 5052



Equipment of the Audi Q7 illustrated (p. 4–21): Paint finish: samurai grey, metallic¹ Wheels: forged aluminium wheels in 5-arm turbine design, contrasting grey, partly polished² Seats/seat upholstery: sport seats, front, in Valcona leather, cedar brown Upper inlay: brushed aluminium, Sono, Lower inlay: oak, grey

1071 **

1741 978



Legal notices about Audi connect navigation & infotainment with SIM card permanently installed in the vehicle Use of the services supported by Audi connect is possible only in conjunction with an optional navigation system. Audi connect services are provided through AUDI AG/importers. The data connection for Audi connect services is set up through a mobile services provider via a SIM card permanently installed in the vehicle. The costs for these data connections are included in the price of the Audi connect services. The costs for the Wi-Fi hotspot are not included. The data connection for the Wi-Fi hotspot can be arranged with a selected mobile services provider as a payable data tariff. You will find information about tariffs and booking at


* Figures refer to vehicles with the optionally available adaptive air suspension/adaptive air suspension sport.

788 (693)




Dimensions in mm

Dimensions are for unladen vehicle weight. Luggage compartment volume¹ 805/1,990 l (second value with the rear seat backrest folded down and vehicle loaded up to roof height). Turning circle approx. 12.4 m. * Maximum headroom. ** Elbow room width. *** Shoulder room width.


Fording depth in mm



Audi SQ7 TDI 5-seater



1255** 1255***

Ramp angle in °


20.1 19.0


22.7/25.4* 20.3/21.9*

front rear


Overhang angle in °



Dimensions in mm

Dimensions are for unladen vehicle weight. Luggage compartment volume¹ 890/2,075 l (second value with the rear seat backrest folded down and vehicle loaded up to roof height). Turning circle approx. 12.4 m. * Maximum headroom. ** Elbow room width. *** Shoulder room width.



Audi Q7 TDI 5-seater


Ground clearance in mm

Legal notices about Audi connect navigation & infotainment with customer SIM card The use of services supported by Audi connect is possible only in conjunction with an optional navigation system and Audi connect (including car phone – depending on the vehicle model). Depending on the vehicle model, you also require a SIM card with data option and with LTE option to use LTE⁴ – a SIM card with phone and data option or a Bluetooth-capable smartphone with remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP)⁵ is required to use the integrated car phone function. The services are available only in conjunction with an existing or separate mobile phone contract and only within the range of the respective mobile phone network. Additional costs may be incurred when receiving data packets from the internet, depending on the terms of your mobile phone contract, particularly when used abroad. Because of the high data volumes involved, a data flat rate is strongly recommended.








Climbing ability as %


Offroad properties


76 | 77


Technical data | Dimensions



788 * (693) 1485***




1679 2212

Dimensions in mm


Dimensions are for unladen vehicle weight. Luggage compartment volume¹ 235/705/1,890 l (second value: with the 3rd row of seats folded down; third value: with the rear seat backrest folded down and vehicle loaded up to roof height). Turning circle approx. 12.4 m. * Maximum headroom. ** Elbow room width. *** Shoulder room width.

1071 **

Dimensions are for unladen vehicle weight. Luggage compartment volume¹ 295/770/1,955 l (second value: with the 3rd row of seats folded down; third value: with the rear seat backrest folded down and vehicle loaded up to roof height). Turning circle approx. 12.4 m. * Maximum headroom. ** Elbow room width. *** Shoulder room width.

Audi SQ7 TDI 7-seater

787 (693)

788 *(693)



Dimensions in mm


Audi Q7 TDI 7-seater


1179 1086




1219 1179




1679 1968

2031 1179





2031 1219






¹ Technical specifications refer to a basic vehicle without country-specific features and the selected optional equipment.




1255** 1255***




1679 1968

The figures for fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions can be found on page 74. ¹ For information on when this feature will be available, please contact your Audi partner. ² Please note the special information relating to wheels on page 75. ³ From Audi Sport GmbH. ⁴ Requires LTE card contract for full use. For information about the availability and use of LTE support, please contact your Audi partner. ⁵ For information on compatible mobile phones, please contact your Audi partner or visit ⁶ The teaser phase offered by AUDI AG in connection with the “Audi connect Navigation & Infotainment with integrated SIM card (3 months)” equipment version is available for 3 months from initial registration and ends automatically after these 3 months. Upon the purchase of an Audi connect Navigation & Infotainment licence, these 3 months shall not count towards the total duration of the Audi connect services.




AUDI AG Audi International Customer Care Services 85045 Ingolstadt, Germany Email: Tel.: +49 800 28347378423 Ask your Audi partner about subsequent extension options for the Audi connect services. Depending on the vehicle model, Audi connect enables access to Google and Twitter services. Permanent availability cannot be guaranteed; Google and Twitter are responsible for this. Please visit or contact your Audi partner for more detailed information about Audi connect; contact your mobile services provider for information about contract conditions.

2996 5069



Equipment of the Audi SQ7 TDI illustrated (p. 26-33): Paint finish: orca black, metallic¹ Wheels: cast aluminium wheels in 5-arm tornado design (S design); brake callipers painted red Seats/seat upholstery: sport seats plus, front, in Valcona leather, rotor grey with rhombus pattern and S embossing in the front-seat backrests Upper inlay: brushed aluminium, Sono Lower inlay: carbon Atlas

General legal notices about Audi connect navigation & infotainment The availability of the services supported by Audi connect navigation & infotainment varies from country to country. The Audi connect services are provided for at least 1 year from vehicle delivery.⁶ 24 months after vehicle delivery, the Audi connect services will be extended free of charge once for 12 months. If you do not require this extension, please write to:





Equipment of the Audi SQ7 TDI illustrated (p. 24–41): Paint finish: Audi exclusive customised paint finish in garnet red, pearl effect³ Wheels: Audi Sport cast aluminium wheels in 5-V-spoke star design in matt titanium look, gloss turned finish², ³, ceramic brake Seats/seat upholstery: sport seats plus, front, in Valcona leather, rotor grey with rhombus pattern and S embossing in the front-seat backrests Upper inlay: brushed aluminium, Sono Lower inlay: carbon Atlas

Alternatively, a customer SIM card can be inserted into the card slot to establish a data connection. In conjunction with the optional Audi phone box, a Bluetooth-capable smartphone with remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP)⁵ can also be connected to use the integrated car phone function. If an external SIM card is inserted into the card slot or connected via rSAP, all data connections, for both the Audi connect services as well as for the Wi-Fi hotspot, will be established via this external SIM card. In such cases, the costs incurred are attached to those accrued via the external SIM card.

2994 5052



Equipment of the Audi Q7 illustrated (p. 4–21): Paint finish: samurai grey, metallic¹ Wheels: forged aluminium wheels in 5-arm turbine design, contrasting grey, partly polished² Seats/seat upholstery: sport seats, front, in Valcona leather, cedar brown Upper inlay: brushed aluminium, Sono, Lower inlay: oak, grey

1071 **

1741 978



Legal notices about Audi connect navigation & infotainment with SIM card permanently installed in the vehicle Use of the services supported by Audi connect is possible only in conjunction with an optional navigation system. Audi connect services are provided through AUDI AG/importers. The data connection for Audi connect services is set up through a mobile services provider via a SIM card permanently installed in the vehicle. The costs for these data connections are included in the price of the Audi connect services. The costs for the Wi-Fi hotspot are not included. The data connection for the Wi-Fi hotspot can be arranged with a selected mobile services provider as a payable data tariff. You will find information about tariffs and booking at


* Figures refer to vehicles with the optionally available adaptive air suspension/adaptive air suspension sport.

788 (693)




Dimensions in mm

Dimensions are for unladen vehicle weight. Luggage compartment volume¹ 805/1,990 l (second value with the rear seat backrest folded down and vehicle loaded up to roof height). Turning circle approx. 12.4 m. * Maximum headroom. ** Elbow room width. *** Shoulder room width.


Fording depth in mm



Audi SQ7 TDI 5-seater



1255** 1255***

Ramp angle in °


20.1 19.0


22.7/25.4* 20.3/21.9*

front rear


Overhang angle in °



Dimensions in mm

Dimensions are for unladen vehicle weight. Luggage compartment volume¹ 890/2,075 l (second value with the rear seat backrest folded down and vehicle loaded up to roof height). Turning circle approx. 12.4 m. * Maximum headroom. ** Elbow room width. *** Shoulder room width.



Audi Q7 TDI 5-seater


Ground clearance in mm

Legal notices about Audi connect navigation & infotainment with customer SIM card The use of services supported by Audi connect is possible only in conjunction with an optional navigation system and Audi connect (including car phone – depending on the vehicle model). Depending on the vehicle model, you also require a SIM card with data option and with LTE option to use LTE⁴ – a SIM card with phone and data option or a Bluetooth-capable smartphone with remote SIM Access Profile (rSAP)⁵ is required to use the integrated car phone function. The services are available only in conjunction with an existing or separate mobile phone contract and only within the range of the respective mobile phone network. Additional costs may be incurred when receiving data packets from the internet, depending on the terms of your mobile phone contract, particularly when used abroad. Because of the high data volumes involved, a data flat rate is strongly recommended.








Climbing ability as %


Offroad properties


76 | 77


Audi Vorsprung durch Technik

AUDI AG Auto-Union-Strasse 1 85045 Ingolstadt, Germany Date published: October 2017

Printed in Germany 733/1250.79.18

The vehicles and equipment illustrated and described in this catalogue and some of the services listed are not available in all countries. Some of the cars illustrated are equipped with optional features for which an extra charge is made. Details concerning the delivery specifications, appearance, performance, dimensions and weights, fuel consumption and running costs of the vehicles were correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of going to press. Deviations from the colours and shapes shown in the illustrations may occur. No liability is accepted for errors and printing errors. The right to introduce modifications is reserved. Not to be reproduced, including in part, without the written approval of AUDI AG. This catalogue is printed on paper made from pulp bleached without the use of chlorine.

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