Over 65 Over 6565 Over Poverty Poverty Non White
+ Non-white
Living Al
Over 65
Non White
+ Over 65
+ No Highscool Diploma
Population Density
low vulnerability
score : 1
Living Alone Living Alone Living Alone
+ Living Alone
After creating rasters for our seven social indicators, we then assigned them cell values ranging from 1 to 5 in each category. The resulting ranked map is composed of our seven equally weighted indicators, constituting our basis to spatialize social vulnerability in the city.
Population Density Density Population Population Density
Poverty Poverty Poverty NoHSdiploma Income Income
+ Poverty
The seven thematic maps portray the social indicators selected for our index. The American Community Survey (ACS, 2017 five-year estimates) provides a per block definition of: the median household income, the percentage of
NoHSdiploma NoHSdiploma NoHSdiploma Living Alone Living Alone
Income Income Income Living Alone
Median Household Income
We initially assumed that socially vulnerable populations suffer disproportionately from the effects of heat in the city. To ascertain the influence of extreme heat on the most disenfranchised population, we constructed a social vulnerability index.
Non White Non White NoHSdiploma Non White Density NoHSdiploma Population
Ranked Thematic Maps
households under the federal poverty line, the percentage of households with people living alone, the percentage of households with at least one person over 65 years of age, the percentage of non-white population, the percentage of individuals without a high school diploma, and population density.
high vulnerability 5 high
score : 5 Mi
5 5 5 high
Mi Mi