Frankreich. Bewegte Formen, ausgewogene Pro portionen, edles Kirschbaumholz in einem warmen Farbton - das sind die Merkmale der kunstvoll gearbeiteten Möbelstücke, mit denen sich vor 150 Jahren der französische Bürgerkönig Louis Philippe zu umgeben pflegte. Und diese Ära lebt in der Selva-Collection Louis Philippe weiter.
O, to live as stylishly as the King of France once did! Expressive forms, balanced proportions, top-quality cherry in a warm hue - these are the characteristics
Die von den Selva-Designern entworfene Kollektion nimmt alle markanten und typischen Details dieser Stil-Epoche auf, die auf die Restauration folgte und mit ihrer kunsthandwerklichen Verarbeitung an das Mittelalter, die Renaissance und die Epoche Louis
of the artistically crafted pieces of furniture with which the French „citizen king“ Louis Philippe was accustomed to surrounding himself 150 years ago. And this era lives on in the Selva Collection Louis Philippe.
XV erinnert. The collection created by the Selva designers embraces all of the prominent and typical details of this stylistic period that followed the Restoration and, Vivere nello stile del Re di Francia. La dolcezza delle
with its artistically handcrafted workmanship, was
forme, l‘equilibrio delle proporzioni, i toni caldi del
reminiscent of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance,
legno di ciliegio: sono queste le caratteristiche dei
and the Louis XV period.
So stilvoll wohnen wie einstmals ein König in
mobili di cui amava circondarsi il Re di Francia Luigi Filippo. Oggi il suo grande stile ritorna con la nuova collezione Selva che porta il suo nome. L‘abbiamo realizzata ispirandoci agli originali e replicandoli con grande fedeltà.
La nuova collezione di mobili creata dai nostri designer ripropone tutti i dettagli dell‘epoca che segue il periodo della Restaurazione. La sua lavorazione ricorda il Medioevo, il Rinascimento e l‘epoca di Luigi XV.
COLLECTION louis philippe 125
Stuhl, Bezug 2079 / Sedia, tessuto 2079 / Chair, fabric 2079 cm 50x58/96/51 in 19.7x22.8/37.8/20.1 Armlehnstuhl, Bezug 2079 / Sedia con braccioli, tessuto 2079 / Armchair, fabric 2079 cm 58x58/96/51 in 22.8x22.8/37.8/20.1 Speisetisch / Tavolo da pranzo / Dining table cm 180(280)x100/77 in 70.9(110.2)x39.4/30.3 Anrichte / Credenza / Sideboard cm cm 212x52/92 in 83.5x20.5/36.2 Vitrine / Vetrina / China cabinet cm 161x52/221 in 63.4x20.5/87
1080 1081 3081 7081 7082
12 6
Collection LOUIS PHILIPPE 1080 Stuhl, Bezug 3023 / Sedia, tessuto 3023 / Chair, fabric 3023 cm 50x58/96/51 in 19.7x22.8/37.8/20.1 1081 Armlehnstuhl, Bezug 3023 / Sedia con braccioli, tessuto 3023 / Armchair, fabric 3023 cm 58x58/96/51 in 22.8x22.8/37.8/20.1 3081 Speisetisch / Tavolo da pranzo / Dining table cm 180(280)x100/77 in 70.9(110.2)x39.4/30.3 7081 Anrichte / Credenza / Sideboard cm 212x52/92 in 83.5x20.5/36.2 7082 Vitrine / Vetrina / China cabinet cm 161x52/221 in 63.4x20.5/87 47243 Spiegel / Specchiera / Mirror cm 84x4/107 in 33.1x1.6/42.1
12 8
Sofa 2-sitzig, Bezug 7069, Nierenkissen und Keder 2080 / Divano a 2 posti, tessuto 7069, poggiareni e filetto 2080 / 2-seat sofa, fabric 7069, lumbar pillows and piping 2080 cm 202x97/82/40 in 79.5x38.2/32.3/15.7 Lampentisch / Tavolino portalampada / Coffee table cm 135x80/35 in 53.1x31.5/13.8 Konsole / Consolle / Console cm 130x38/78 in 51.2x15/30.7 Sammlervitrine / Vetrinetta / Collector‘s china cabinet cm 94x45/191 in 37x17.7/75.2
1126 3076 4080 7084
13 0
Collection LOUIS PHILIPPE 1530 Sessel, Bezug 2075 / Poltrona, tessuto 2075 / Armchair, fabric 2075
cm 59x64/91/48 in 23.2x25.2/35.8/18.9
6080 Schreibtisch / Scrivania / Desk
cm 160x80/77 in 63x31.5/30.3
5082 Kommode / Cassettiera / Chest of drawers
cm 72x43/142 in 28.3x16.9/55.9
8080 Anbauelement Regal / Elemento componibile libreria / Extendable bookcase
cm 67(56)x43/220 in 26.4(22)x16.9/86.6
8081 Anbauelement Regal / Elemento componibile libreria / Extendable bookcase
13 2
cm 119(108)x43/220 in 46.9(42.5)x16.9/86.6
Collection LOUIS PHILIPPE 1530 Sessel, Bezug 7012 / Poltrona, tessuto 7012 / Armchair, fabric 7012 cm 59x64/91/48 in 23.2x25.2/35.8/18.9 6080 Schreibtisch / Scrivania / Desk cm 160x80/77 in 63x31.5/30.3 8152 Anbauelement Regal, 2 T端ren / Elemento componibile libreria, 2 porte / Extendable bookcase element, 2 doors cm 119(108)x43/220 in 46.9(42.5)x16.9/86.6 8080 Anbauelement Regal / Elemento componibile libreria / Extendable bookcase cm 67(56)x43/220 in 26.4(22)x16.9/86.6
13 4
1444 Sessel, Bezug 3023 / Poltrona, tessuto 3023 / Armchair, fabric 3023 cm 78x76/87/41 in 30.7x29.9/34.3/16.1 3084 Salontisch / Tavolino da salotto / Sofa table cm 130x75/45 in 51.2x29.5/17.7 8081 Anbauelement Regal / Elemento componibile libreria / Extendable bookcase cm 119(108)x43/220 in 46.9(42.5)x16.9/86.6 8080 Anbauelement Regal / Elemento componibile libreria / Extendable bookcase cm 67(56)x43/220 in 26.4(22)x16.9/86.6
Collection LOUIS PHILIPPE 1081 Armlehnstuhl, Bezug 2075 / Sedia con braccioli, tessuto 2075 / Armchair, fabric 2075 cm 58x58/96/51 in 22.8x22.8/37.8/20.1 6081 Sekretär / Secretaire / Secretary cm 90x50/150/77 in 35.4x19.7/59.1/30.3
13 6
1080 3080 7085 47256
Stuhl, Bezug 5062 / Sedia, tessuto 5062 / Chair, fabric 5062 cm 50x58/96/51 in 19.7x22.8/37.8/20.1 Speisetisch / Tavolo da pranzo / Dining table cm Ø 130(180)/77 in Ø 51.2(70.9)/30.3 Sammlervitrine / Vetrinetta / Collector‘s china cabinet cm 140x45/205 in 55.1x17.7/80.7 Spiegel / Specchiera / Mirror cm 105x5/165 in 41.3x2/65
7086 Schrank / Armadio / Wardrobe cm 161x67(57)/215 in 63.4x26.4(22.4)/84.6
13 8
2080 5080 5081
Doppelbett / Letto matrimoniale / Double bed cm 172x222/100/49 (160x200) in 67.7x87.4/39.4/19.3 (63x78.7) Kommode / Comò / Chest of drawers cm 128x50/96 in 50.4x19.7/37.8 Kommödchen / Comodino / Small chest of drawers cm 63x43/68 in 24.8x16.9/26.8
OBERFLÄCHEN / FINITURE / FINISHES Jedes Modell der Collection Louis Philippe ist in folgenden Oberflächen erhältlich: Tutti i modelli della collezione Louis Philippe sono disponibili a scelta nelle seguenti finiture: Every model of the Collection Louis Philippe is available in the following finishes:
14 0
Kommode / Cassettiera / Chest of drawers cm 72x43/142 in 28.3x16.9/55.9
Oberflächenbeispiel / Esempio di finitura / Example of finish: 62
Nussbaumfarbig antik dunkel / Finitura tinta noce anticato scuro / Antique dark walnut-
GS =
Nussbaumfarbig dunkel / Finitura tinta noce scuro / Dark walnut coloured
Nussbaumfarbig antik dunkel mit Gebrauchsspuren, handgewischt und handgewachst /
Finitura tinta noce anticato scuro con rovinìo, rifinito a cera / Antique dark walnut-coloured
with distressed finish, polished and waxed by hand
Kirschbaumfarbig / Finitura tinta ciliegio / Cherry-coloured
M =
Französisch kirschbaumfarbig mit Gebrauchsspuren, handgewischt und handgewachst /
Finitura tinta ciliegio francese con rovinìo, rifinito a cera / French cherry-coloured with
distressed finish, polished and waxed by hand
MM =
Französisch kirschbaumfarbig, handgewischt und handgewachst / Finitura tinta ciliegio
francese, rifinito a cera / French cherry-coloured, polished and waxed by hand
Kirschbaumfarbig antik mit Gebrauchsspuren, handgewischt / Finitura tinta ciliegio anticato
con rovinìo / Antique cherry-coloured with distressed finish, polished by hand
ZZ =
Kirschbaumfarbig antik, handgewischt / Finitura tinta ciliegio anticato / Antique cherry-
coloured, polished by hand
O =
Nussbaumfarbig antik mit Gebrauchsspuren auf Schellackbasis, handgewischt und handge-
wachst / Finitura tinta noce anticato con rovinìo, a base di gommalacca, rifinito a cera /
Antique walnut-coloured with distressed finish on shellac base, polished and waxed by hand
OO =
Nussbaumfarbig antik auf Schellackbasis, handgewischt und handgewachst / Finitura tinta
noce anticato, a base di gommalacca, rifinito a cera / Antique walnut-coloured on shellac
base, polished and waxed by hand
16 =
Kirschbaumfarbig antikisiert hell mit Gebrauchsspuren, von Hand anpoliert und
handgewachst / Finitura antichizzata tinta ciliegio chiaro con rovinìo, rifinito a cera/
Antique light cherry-coloured with distressed finish, polished and waxed by hand
17 =
Kirschbaumfarbig antikisiert dunkel mit Gebrauchsspuren, von Hand anpoliert und
handgewachst / Finitura antichizzata tinta ciliegio scuro con rovinìo, rifinito a cera /
Antique dark cherry-coloured with distressed finish, polished and waxed by hand
60 =
Schwarz antikisiert mit Gebrauchsspuren, handpoliert und handgewachst. Die sichtbaren
Vitrinenrückwände sowie die Rückwände der offenen Regale werden immer
kirschbaumfarbig poliert / Finitura antichizzata nera con rovinìo, rifinito a cera. Gli schienali
a vista delle vetrine e degli scaffali vengono sempre lucidati in finitura ciliegio / Antique
black-coloured with distressed finish, polished and waxed by hand. The visible backs of the
china cabinets and bookcases will always be polished with a cherry-coloured finish
62 =
Weiß gekalkt (décapé) antikisiert mit Gebrauchsspuren, Pinselspuren und handgewachst. Die
sichtbaren Vitrinenrückwände sowie die Rückwände der offenen Regale werden immer
kirschbaumfarbig poliert / Finitura antichizzata bianco gessato (décapé) con rovinìo e
pennellatura, rifinito a cera. Gli schienali a vista delle vetrine e degli scaffali vengono
sempre lucidati in finitura ciliegio / Antique lime-treated white (décapé) with distressed finish
and brushstrokes, waxed by hand. The visible backs of the china cabinets and bookcases will
always be polished with a cherry-coloured finish
Cura del dettaglio
Love of detail
Holz und Verarbeitung
Legni e lavorazione
Woods and Workmanship
Die Massivteile der Collection Louis Philippe (Kranz, Sockel, Rahmen und Profilleisten)
Le parti massicce della collezione Louis Philippe (corpo, cimasa, cornici, basamento e
The solid sections of the Collection Louis Philippe (such as cornices, bases, frames, and
sind aus Red Alder/Rot Erle (Alnus rubra) gefertigt, einem der wichtigsten Laubhölzer
profili) sono realizzate in Red Alder (Alnus Rubra), un legno di latifoglie tra i più diffusi
mouldings) are made from red alder (Alnus rubra), one of the most important woods
der nordamerikanischen Westküste und einzige amerikanische Erlenart mit hohen Nutz
della costa occidentale del Nord America e che è l’unico albero, appartenente alla specie
from deciduous trees from the West Coast of North America and the only American type
holzdimensionen. Fronten, Seitenteile, sichtbare Rückwände und Platten sind in Kirsch
dell’Ontano, presente in notevole quantità. Frontali, parti laterali, schienali e piani a vista
of alder used for utilizable timber on a commercial scale.
baumholz bunt furniert (beplankt). Die Furnierstreifen werden „bunt“ im Furnierbild
sono impiallacciati in ciliegio dogato. "Impiallacciatura dogata" consiste nel comporre
Fronts, side sections, visible back walls, and panels are veneered with variegated cherry
zusammengesetzt. Die handwerkliche Herstellungsweise und der massive Charakter der
i fogli di impiallaccio in maniera alternata a diverse larghezze. Questa produzione
(planked). The veneer strips are assembled in a “variegated” pattern in the veneer
Möbelstücke wird dadurch besonders hervorgehoben.
artigianale trasmette al mobile un carattere massiccio e fa risaltare la sapienza costruttiva
formation. In so doing, the handcrafted production method and the solid character are
dei nostri artigiani.
especially emphasized.
nen Möbelstückes. Details wie Lisenen, Holznägel und Zinkenverbindung bei den Schub
La collezione Louis Philippe si contraddistingue per la particolare cura artigianale
Especially noteworthy is the high-quality, handcrafted finish of every individual
laden sprechen für die traditionelle Handwerksqualität.
posta nella lavorazione di ogni singolo esemplare e richiama la tradizionale arte della
piece. Details such as pilasters, wooden pegs, and the dovetail of the drawers clearly
costruzione del mobile. L'aspetto massiccio viene ulteriormente sottolineato da dettagli
demonstrate the traditional handcrafted quality.
Impiallacciatura “dogata” Variegated plank veneer
Besonders beachtenswert ist die hochwertige, handwerkliche Verarbeitung jedes einzel
quali le lesene, i chiodi in legno, i cassetti con giunture a coda di rondine. Decorative Fittings
Großen Wert legen wir auf die sorgfältige Abstimmung der Zierbeschläge, um den be sonderen Stil dieser Kollektion zu unterstreichen. Für die Collection Louis Philippe ver
Ferramenta ornamentale
We have always attached great importance to the careful coordination of the decorative
wenden wir wertvolle Zierbeschläge in Messing, antikisiert und brüniert.
Per sottolineare il carattere proprio di ogni collezione, la scelta della giusta ferramenta
fittings with the furniture, in order to underscore the unique style of each collection. For
ornamentale è determinante. Abbiamo impreziosito la collezione Louis Philippe con
the Collection Louis Philippe, we use high-quality, decorative fittings in brass that have
particolari in ottone, brunito ed anticato.
been antiqued and burnished.
Glaseinlegeböden der Vitrinen haben einen massiven Holzrahmen. Glaseinlegeböden
haben eine Stärke von 8 mm. Holzeinlegeböden für Regale haben eine Stärke von 25
Tutti i ripiani a vista, realizzati in legno o vetro, sono mobili o regolabili a diverse altezze. I
All visible shelves made from wood or glass are adjustable as well as removable. Glass
mm, alle restlichen Holzeinlegeböden haben eine Stärke von 17 mm. Die Messingträger
ripiani in legno vengono realizzati in 2 spessori: 25 mm per le librerie, 17 mm per tutti gli
shelves in the china cabinets have a frame of solid wood. Glass shelves have a thickness
können in den vorgegebenen Positionen eingesetzt werden.
altri mobili. I ripiani in cristallo sono 8 mm di spessore e inseriti su telaio in legno. I perni
of 8 mm (0.315 inch). Wooden shelves in bookcases have a thickness of 25 mm (0.984
reggiripiani in ottone si possono inserire in più posizioni lungo i fianchi del mobile.
inch), all other wooden shelves have a thickness of 17 mm (0.669 inch). The brass
Einlegeböden Alle sichtbaren Einlegeböden aus Holz und Glas sind verstellbar bzw. abnehmbar. Die
Die Türverglasung ist mit Facettenschliff.
supports may be used in the positions provided. Le ante delle vetrine sono in cristallo molato.
The doors are glazed with faceted crystal glass.
14 2
Alle Vitrinen der Collection Louis Philippe haben Innenbeleuchtung mit dem Prüfzeichen
VDE und entsprechen den EU-Normen für Transformatoren und Halogenstrahler. Bei
Tutte le vetrine della collezione Louis Philippe sono dotate di illuminazione interna
All china cabinets of the Collection Louis Philippe have interior lighting which carries the
Überhitzung der Strahler schalten alle Lampen automatisch ab.
secondo le norme CEI e sono in linea con le norme UE per i trasformatori e i fari alogeni.
inspection mark VDE and complies with EU specifications for transformers and halogen
In caso di surriscaldamento le lampade si spengono automaticamente.
lamps. All lamps will switch off automatically in the event of overheating.
Furnierbild “bunt”
Liebe zum Detail
1080 cm 50x58/96/51 in 19.7x22.8/37.8/20.1
1530 cm 59x64/91/48 in 23.2x25.2/35.8/18.9
3085 cm 100(200)x100/77 in 39.4(78.7)x39.4/30.3
1685 cm 58x58/96/51 in 22.8x22.8/37.8/20.1
5081 cm 63x43/68 in 24.8x16.9/26.8
1686 cm 57x60/97/48 in 22.4x23.6/38.2/18.9
5080 cm 128x50/96 in 50.4x19.7/37.8
3082 cm 58x58/96/51 in 22.8x22.8/37.8/20.1
5082 cm 72x43/142 in 28.3x16.9/55.9
3084 cm 130x75/45 in 51.2x29.5/17.7
7080 cm 158x52/92 in 62.2x20.5/36.2
4080 cm 130x38/78 in 51.2x15/30.7
3080 cm Ø 130(180)/77 in Ø 51.2(70.9)/30.3
7081 cm 212x52/92 in 83.5x20.5/36.2
3081 cm 180(280)x100/77 in 70.9(110.2)x39.4/30.3
1081 cm 58x58/96/51 in 22.8x22.8/37.8/20.1
6080 cm 160x80/77 in 63x31.5/30.3
8152 cm 119(108)x43/220 in 46.9(42.5)x16.9/86.6
14 4
6081 cm 90x50/150/77 in 35.4x19.7/59.1/30.3
7086 cm 161x67(57)/215 in 63.4x26.4(22.4)/84.6
7084 cm 94x45/191 in 37x17.7/75.2
7085 cm 140x45/205 in 55.1x17.7/80.7
2080 cm 172x222/100/49 (160x200) in 67.7x87.4/39.4/19.3 (63x78.7) 2081 cm 192x222/100/49 (180x200) in 75.6x87.4/39.4/19.3 (70.9x78.7)
7082 cm 161x52/221 in 63.4x20.5/87
7083 cm 216x52/222 in 85x20.5/87.4
8080 cm 67(56)x43/220 in 26.4(22)x16.9/86.6
8081 cm 119(108)x43/220 in 46.9(42.5)x16.9/86.6