A word of welcome

Dear Existing and new Managers,
Zepter education platform is designed to help You in making your Zepter Business dreams come true. It is a step by step guide trough all materials and information needed to hyper speed your activities, progress and most importantly earnings and status within the company.
First part – Basic Course will help You to understand and present Zepter Company, Zepter Mission, and learn about Zepter products of Your interest and by your choice.
Also, will assist you in understanding Zepter Marketing Plan, Exceptional opportunity for high earnings and progress, on how to implement Zepter online sales, education and presentation tools as well as mobile application for monitoring your and skyrocketing results of your network.
PART 1 should be Your daily guide while presenting Zepter Business opportunity, products, mission for both – online & offline activities.
PART 2 Advanced Course is made to assist You with knowledge on how to build and manage your network and to help you to reach your entrepreneurial goals.
Managerial Advanced Benefit Program is there also to reward your efforts and celebrate your achievements.
Important Supporting Materials made of database of media reports about Zepter products, video & press reports confirming urgency and need for using our products, library of clients (professional and everyday users) impressions while enjoying Zepter products, instructions on how to use them and Zepter library of healthy recipes.
Corporate history and Zepter Group Worldwide will motivate and show you more of Zepter achievements, meetings and conferences, awards, sponsoring programs, Company infrastructure and production facilities, international expos and much more.
I have built into these materials more than 20 years of my personal experiences in following Mr. Zepter vision. My goal was to help you to make Your Zepter story more successful, enjoyable, and profitable and to contribute that Mr. Zepter words reach and inspire every one of you.
Thank You Mr. Zepter for all inspiration, understanding and support for me and all Zepter missionaries around the world. Also special thanks to Zepter Russia education team for working with me on the first version of the LMS and Zflix platforms.
Thank You,
Zel Gajic