Archon Magazine - Looking Back on Centennial

Page 13

Centennial Grand Boulé 2020 Grand Val’s Decision to Cancel The pandemic became a stark reality for the world amid steadily rising numbers of Americans contracting COVID-19, along with increasing numbers of Americans dying from the coronavirus, often alone. The pandemic rivaled the Spanish flu of 1918. We were the recipients of a world-wide lockdown, lost jobs and wages, virtual schooling and scrambling to make sure all students had necessary technology, learning why we all should begin wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), watching the news continuously, and riding along eerily quiet streets and highways. Our Centennial Grand Basileus knew there was a decision to make during our 100th year for the sisterhood. With close to a decade of planning for our epic Centennial celebration, membership across the globe, and plans coordinated with two Zeta administrations, while planning for a blue and white family stroll at the historical locale of our very foundation at Howard University and in conference with our past Grand Basilei and the current Members Administration leadership, our Grand Val had a decision to make. An executive directive was issued to immediately cease all aspects of membership intake and all Zeta activities and functions. Our International Centennial Grand Basileus Valerie Hollingsworth Baker had larger and more intricate decisions to make in connection with our sisterhood and the coming months. Members were planning transportation for spouses and significant others, some members were making arrangements for scooters and other equipment, members were deciding on formal and informal clothing ensembles, members were wondering who would reside in what hotel, members were planning to bring extra paraphernalia just in case (blue and white splendor from head to toe), members were planning training, members were thinking about international officer elections, members were looking forward to impromptu meet and greets, and members were considering trips to our nation’s capital, the African ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INCORPORATED

American exhibit at the national museum, and our International Headquarters. Yet Madam Grand had a specific decision to make that would alter our blue and white Centennial Grand Boulé-bound worlds. The safety of our sisterhood had to be most important. Planning an international business meeting is a major feat and requires that all planners and departments be in sync. Planning the second part of the Centennial Grand Boulé with the culmination of 100 years of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood along with a business meeting, officer elections, and regional highlights and updates is a feat of epic proportions. Monies were collected from individual sorors, chapters, states, regions, and Centennial visionaries as well as the Centennial Savings Plan. International fundraisers, monuments, partnerships, entertainment, Centennial awardees, guest speakers, vendors, and venues had to be considered in the decision. Membership intake numbers had increased exponentially, there were many entertainers to consider, our brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., and other members of the Divine 9 had to be notified, and the world was ready to celebrate with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Grand Val’s massive decision for Zeta was looming. In addition to world-wide advertising campaigns, sponsors, branding opportunities, public relations companies, audio-visual equipment for 10,000-plus, the Washington DC Convention Center and the hotels in the area, the transportation companies, airline reservations and tickets, and hotels and staff, the sisterhood needed an answer from our International President as the world we knew was changing, creating massive changes for Zeta. With the strategic planning for over 18 months and PR training for representing Zeta at press conferences, interviews for TV, radio, and newspapers in June 2019; the opening of early registration for members and visionaries; the signing of Mary J. Blige; the con(Continued on page 14) SPRING & SUMMER 2021 • THE ARCHON MAGAZINE


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