7 minute read

Centennial Grand Boulé 2020

Grand Val’s Decision To Cancel impromptu meet and greets, members were consid ering trips to our nation’s capital, the African Ameri can exhibit at the national museum and visits to our As the pandemic became a stark reality for the world, International Headquarters. Yet, Madam Grand had amid steadily rising numbers of Americans contract- a specific decision to make that would alter our blue ing COVID-19 coronavirus, along with increasing and white, Centennial Grand Boulé-bound worlds. numbers of Americans dying from COVID-19 corona- The safety of our sisterhood had to be most imporvirus and often dying alone, in the midst of a pandem- tant. ic that out-rivaled the Spanish flu of 1918, we were Planning an international business meeting is a the recipients of a world-wide lockdown, lost jobs major feat and requires that all planners and departand wages, virtual schooling and scrambling to make ments be in sync. Planning the second part of the sure all students had necessary technology, learning Centennial Grand Boulé with the culmination of 100 why we all should begin wearing Personal Protective years of Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Equipment (PPE), watching the news continuously Womanhood along with a business meeting, officer and riding along eerily quiet streets and highways; elections and regional highlights and updates is a feat our Centennial Grand Basileus knew there was a of epic proportion. Monies were collected from indidecision to make during our 100th year for the vidual sorors, chapters, states, regions, Centennial sisterhood. Visionaries as well as the Centennial Savings

With close to a decade of planning for our EPIC Plan. Planned were international fundraisers, Centennial celebration, with membership across Monuments, partnerships, entertainment, Centhe globe, with plans coordinated with two Zeta tennial Awardees, Guest speakers, Vendors administrations, while planning for a blue and and Venues to be considered in the decision. white family stroll at the historical locale of our In the year when membership intake numvery foundation at Howard University, in confer- bers increased exponentially, ence with our past Grand Basilei and the cur- and the many entertainers to rent Members Administration consider, our brothers of Phi leadership, our Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., and Grand Val other members of the Divine 9 to had a de- be notified, as the world was ready cision to to celebrate with Zeta Phi Beta Somake. An Executive Directive was rority, Incorporated. Grand Val’s masissued to immediately cease all aspects of sive decision and building pressure for Membership Intake and all Zeta activities and func- Zeta was looming. tions. Our International Centennial Grand Basileus In addition to world-wide advertising campaigns, Valerie Hollingsworth Baker had larger and more intri- sponsors, branding opportunities, public relations cate decisions to make in connection with our sister- companies, audio visual equipment for 10,000 plus, hood and the coming months. the Washington DC Convention Center and the hotels


Members were planning transportation for spouses in the area, the transportation companies, airline resand significant others, some members were mak- ervations and tickets, hotels and staff, the sisterhood ing arrangements for scooters and other equipment, needed an answer from our International President members were deciding on formal and informal cloth- as the world we knew was changing, which created ing ensembles, members were wondering who would massive changes for Zeta. reside in what hotel, members were planning to bring Despite strategic planning for over 18 months and extra paraphernalia just in case – blue and white PR training for representing Zeta at press conferencsplendor from head to toe, members were planning es, interviews for TV, radio and newspapers in June training, members were thinking about international officer elections, members were looking forward to (Continued on page 14)

2019, the opening of early registration for members and visionaries, the signing of Mary J. Blige, the continual sharing of Zeta First activities, as we prepared for Centennial Grand Boulé and turning Washington, DC into a royal blue and white mecca of scholarship, service, sisterhood and finer womanhood, we prayed that everything would go back to normal. We prayed that our International Grand Basileus would not have to tell us what we suspected would occur.

Madam Grand Hollingsworth Baker let us know that Decision Day was approaching. A Centennial Cancellation Town Hall was held April 28, 2020.

“Please join the International Centennial Grand Basileus and the Centennial Commission Chair for the official update on Decision Day 2020. President Hollingsworth Baker and the Commission Chair Dr. Jylla Tearte will discuss the events surrounding Decision Day and the ensuing close out procedures for our June 2020 Celebration.”

Everyone knew the decision had to occur however it was difficult to hear after years of planning and months of ongoing surprises and interactions among the sisterhood. Sorors knew when the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center became a field hospital for those suffering from the COVID-19 coronavirus, that Decision Day was upon us, and we awaited the official notification. What many people did not know was the emotional trauma incurred by our Grand as she continually monitored and met with our sorority legal team, the Washington, DC Convention Center, the hotels, all transportation, the blazer company, the vendors, the entertainment, the public relations and audio equipment, the footprints, and so many other parts to the decision that had to be made. Along with the International Executive Board and Board Chair, the Centennial Commission and Chair, the International Officers, the International President told us of the cancellation and shared exact information to calm our distress and fears.

Once the contract was cancelled at the Convention Center, Zeta would not lose millions of dollars that were contracted and binding. There was server pressure from the membership to cancel in advance, but Grand Val waited as it was the best decision for the sorority despite the heartfelt feelings of not being able to have our Centennial. The beginning of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc among our world, our regions, our chapters and shut down our sorority operations and headquarters. Yet, Grand Basileus Hollingsworth Baker stood for the sisterhood. The magnitude of members getting 100% refunds, and learning of planning for a virtual Centennial Grand Boulé was the balm needed in Zeta as there was change after change due to the pandemic. It was understood the virtual Centennial Grand Boulé had to take place at a prescribed moment, yet follow all governing documents. Not everyone was satisfied with having a Decision Day, however EVERYONE knew it had to occur. Other organizations cancelled their events all around us but it was important for us to wait for the right time to cancel despite the upset personified on social media sites.

Madam Grand wanted to make sure that the sisterhood would not suffer financially, and her decision transpired positively. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated had to negotiate through day and night once the decision was made, and often were met with nobody on the other end of the telephone or email. Most places were working with skeleton crews and often the person in charge was furloughed. The pressure of the escalating infections and the mounting number of deaths brought sleepless nights and many tears and much sadness to our Grand. After speaking with past Grand Basilei and praying for a semblance of rest, Grand Val was drained as the final decision alone was on her shoulders. Regardless of the historic decision(s), the sisterhood had to be kept calm and our leadership had to remain composed. Scripture speaks of not giving a servant more one can bare in 1 Corinthians 10:13. At this time, we know that the plethora of decisions and emotions along with the feelings of loss were borne bountifully on the shoulders of our International Grand Basileus and her cabinet.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated celebrated a virtual Centennial which extended from one sororal year to the next with Membership Intake, our virtual Centennial Grand Boulé and activities and service across the world. International Grand Basileus Valerie Hollingsworth Baker maintains composure as Zetas have accepted the charge to provide service while maintaining social distancing and the laws of the municipality. It’s Still Our Centennial!

In the months after Decision Day, as we continue to learn how to navigate our new normal amidst a new US administration, ongoing racial strife and the everpresent pandemic , our International Grand Basileus, Grand Val pronounces that Zetas will: (1) embrace harmony (2) stay positive (3) embrace each other (4) elevate your sisters (5) remain One Zeta…. Uni-


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