ZTA Biennial Report 2020-2022

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Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity

• 290,981 initiated members

• 259 chartered collegiate chapters

• 176 active collegiate chapters

• 17,724 current collegiate members

• 226 active alumnae organizations

• 152 current National Officer volunteers

Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation

• $8 million raised during the biennium

• 957 unique member annual donors (donated $300 and above)

– 172 collegiate chapters

– 158 alumnae chapters

• 6,613 unique individual member donors

• More than 160 Maud Squad members (donors under 40 who give at least $9 monthly)

• More than $2.4 million in scholarships awarded to 1,329 recipients

Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity Housing Corporation

• Oldest and largest property ownership and management corporation in the fraternity/sorority community

• $46 million net worth

• 166 member associations

• 105 facilities owned or managed, including International Office

• Partners with 8 Local House Corporations

1 Zeta Tau Alpha Biennial Report

In July 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic, National Council chose “Steadfast & Strong” as Zeta Tau Alpha’s theme for the 2020-2022 biennium. The phrase comes from The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha, which was written in 1928 and has sustained our members through the Great Depression, recessions, wars, and social and political unrest. The words inspired us to keep moving forward.

Throughout the biennium, our leaders and members have indeed been steadfast—unwavering in devotion to the values of ZTA. An initial upside of the pandemic was an outpouring of concern for others and a stronger sense of belonging. We continued to uphold our Nine Key Values and provide the best possible sorority experience in new and often virtual forms. Our accomplishments are outlined in the pages that follow, using the Key Values as guideposts.

Over the last two years, however, social and economic challenges have prompted questions from all audiences about the value of sorority. The fraternity/sorority experience seems vulnerable to losing popularity as campuses and communities experience reentry following the COVID-19 crisis.

Potential new members are reevaluating the benefits of joining. Collegians, with the help of advisors and National Officers, are working through their return to campus life and our expectations for them. After two years of limited in-person contact, alumnae are reconsidering their priorities, including their volunteerism.

Our collective strength makes us secure enough to consider what collaborations and explorations we should pursue moving forward. We will reteach the importance of creating a sense of belonging for collegiate and alumnae members. We have prioritized mental health and inclusion, putting the sisterhood and safety of our members above all else.

As we look toward our 125th anniversary in 2023, we will remain “Steadfast & Strong” and continue to be true to our motto, “Seek the Noblest.”

2 Biennial Report Zeta Tau Alpha
We will reteach the importance of creating a sense of belonging for collegiate and alumnae members.

loveThe last line of The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha calls on us to remember “that the foundation precept of Zeta Tau Alpha was Love, ‘the greatest of all things.’” During the pandemic, we all missed feeling the love that comes from being with our sisters in person. The time we spent apart and the personal challenges of isolation prompted our members and chapters to ask if the existing definition of the Key Value of Love reflected what we had learned in the last two years.

Working with Dyad Strategies, the firm that coordinates the annual collegiate Membership Survey, we researched how members now see this special aspect of sisterhood. After a focus group and pilot program, we crafted a new definition of Love that rings true to ZTA:

• Practices loving oneself in order to better love others

• Shows genuine interest in sisters’ well-being, making them feel appreciated

• Loves sisters steadfastly, enduringly and unconditionally, through moments big and small

seeking understanding that we might gain true wisdom

ZTA does not ask sisters to sacrifice themselves for others, but rather to love themselves and others. Loving oneself through self-care includes understanding personal mental health. Since 2016, ZTA has provided mental health education to our members through the My Sister, My Responsibility®: Behind Happy Faces component. This program helps members better understand the mental health spectrum and learn how to support sisters through challenges and crises.

This Key Value guides ZTA’s continuing work to create a more diverse, equitable and inclusive environment for our members. Our goal is to integrate inclusive programming and practices throughout our organization. Each of our collegiate chapters now has an Inclusion Chair on its officer team, and we have focused on increasing education to foster a sense of belonging among our members.

In fall 2021, ZTA launched new My Sister, My Responsibility®: Seeking Understanding workshops that fulfill requirements for our Crown Chapter Award for both collegiate and alumnae chapters. The workshops address the topics of:

• Personal and social identities

• Genuine conversations

• Microaggressions

• Cultural appropriation

• Power and privilege

• Support for members of all backgrounds

ZTA offered a virtual module on diversity, equity and inclusion for collegiate members as well as the advisors and National Officers who work with them in 2020-2021; it was required for officers and new members in 2021-2022.

A similar virtual module was available in 2020-2021 for Alumnae National Officers and alumnae chapter officers and to all dues-paying alumnae in 2021-2022. All National Committee members and International Office staff also participated in this training.

ZTA partnered with an outside firm to conduct a diversity audit of our organization. This thorough review included examining documents related to policies, forms, operational items and other resources; a one-time membership survey during spring 2021; and listening sessions in spring 2022. We look forward to receiving the recommendations and using them to sharpen our focus on inclusion and belonging within our sisterhood.

Please visit zetataualpha.org/about/inclusion for updates on

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our inclusion efforts.

lifelong learning

Crowning Achievements*

ZTA knows collegians are students first and provides essential and effective programming to support members’ academic and career goals. Crowning Achievements is an assessment-based, online program that begins with a questionnaire to direct students to targeted workshops. Each chapter’s Academic Achievement Chair also coordinates in-person programs and partners with campus resources to provide additional support.


The scholarship program has been central to the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation’s mission since 1954. Generous contributions from ZTA alumnae chapters, collegiate chapters, members and friends allowed the Foundation to award more than $2.4 million in scholarships to 1,329 members during this biennium.


18 Founders Grants

In honor of our nine Founders, nine annual grants of $9,000 each to graduate students

255 Recognition Scholarships

Funded by a $1,800 contribution from a sponsoring group and $450 from the Foundation

158 Endowed Scholarships

Given in memory of or in honor of special Zetas through an initial $50,000 donation and funded annually by the interest

139 Achievement Scholarships

Funded by the General Scholarship Fund, for students who demonstrate leadership, maintain high GPAs and have financial need

Additional Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Programming

The ZTA Foundation’s mission calls for support of educational and leadership training efforts that are “responsive to the needs of a changing society.” During the 2020-2022 biennium, the Foundation funded or partially funded many vital programs for our collegiate women. These are marked with an asterisk (*) throughout this report.


16 Service Scholarships

Awarded to students seeking degrees in a service, educational or medical field

3 Award Scholarships

Scholarships of at least $1,000 funded by individual or chapter donations

740 Grace Grants

Given separately from the normal scholarship process in partnership with the Fraternity to provide support during the COVID-19 pandemic

The ASTP presentation focuses on skill building and risk reduction rather than complete abstinence from alcohol, recognizing that if college students choose to drink, all steps toward risk reduction are positive steps. Trained volunteers lead chapters through this interactive workshop on a threeyear rotation.


This online course is an update of GreekLifeEDU, formerly required for all members in their first year. The new course includes more relevant information on alcohol and other drug abuse, sexual violence, mental health and hazing. All initiated members were expected to complete the updated course in fall 2021. Since then, new members have been required to complete it prior to their Initiation.


Chapters may use this online course as a judicial resource when disciplining members or new members who have violated Fraternity policies.

6 Biennial Report Zeta Tau Alpha
2010-2012 2012-2014 2014-2016 2016-2018 2018-2020 2020-2022 3.12 3.19 3.20 3.25 3.25 3.42


Our Communication team continues to excel at engaging members on multiple platforms. We launched a TikTok account in 2022 and have become an industry leader, offering insight into sorority life to potential new members and sharing laughs with sisters. Our oldest communication vehicle, Themis magazine, presents quarterly news and member profiles to an average of 120,000 sisters with each issue. On interest-based Facebook Groups, Zetas bonded over their love for travel, reading, cooking and pets. Instagram stories and reels offered daily encouragement, inspiration and celebration of our diverse membership.

The Communication team received three first-place, four second-place and five third-place awards from the Fraternity Communications Association during the biennium.


Annual/Biennial Report 2020

being rather than seeming

Guide to Recruitment and Retention

The Guide to Recruitment and Retention, formerly known as Ready, Set, Recruit!, was reimagined and launched for Vice President IIIs/ Membership Chairs in August 2021. ZTA recognized the need to improve this guide to focus on diversity, equity and inclusion; incorporate the Nine Key Values and Five Areas of Sisterhood; add guidance on virtual Recruitment; and modernize content to exceed e-learning best practices. The guide uses informative text, interactive modules, videos, infographics and supplemental resources to train VP IIIs on all components of recruitment and retention. After launching the Guide to Recruitment and Retention, ZTA also launched the new Guide for the Membership Advisor in September 2021.

New Alumnae Chapter Officer Guides

Strong officers help to create strong alumnae chapters. In this biennium, ZTA developed two updated, interactive officer guides to help the alumnae Treasurers and Vice Presidents of Programming excel in their roles. The Guide for the Alumnae Chapter Treasurer, completed in 2021, provides an in-depth look at chapter financial management. The Guide for the Alumnae Chapter Vice President of Programming, completed in 2022, offers a foundation for planning chapter programming and events. The guides include videos, workshops, reflection questions and links to downloadable resources.

Expanding ZTA

We grow our sisterhood by adding and reactivating links in our Chain of Chapters across the country. We meet and authentically interact with young women on new campuses and have a genuine interest in their goals and dreams.



Long Island University Brooklyn

Lambda Tau Chapter

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lambda Upsilon Chapter

Binghamton University

Lambda Phi Chapter

Above: The summer 2021 issue of Themis featured five Zeta authors (top); the Zeta Foodies Facebook Group has been a popular new way for sisters to connect (middle); Instagram posts celebrating the diverse holidays and occasions that our members recognize are a regular feature (bottom).

Biennial Report 2018-2020

Design Single Page 2020

From Texas to Tours Jetés

Educational Resources 2021

Guide to Recruitment and Retention


William C. Levere Award for Total Communication 2020

Virtual Sisterhood Celebration 2020

Video Presentation/Educational 2020

Why the HEC? The Mystifying Picture

Logo Design 2021

My Zeta Story Podcast

Publication Improvement/Printed Materials 2021

Guide to Anniversary Celebrations

Social Media Engagement 2021



Printed Materials/Promotional 2020

Foundation Fall Mailer

Publication Improvement/Printed Materials 2020

Guide for the Alumnae Chapter President

Inter/National Website 2020


Specific-Purpose Website 2020


eNewsletter 2020

Quarterly Alumnae Newsletter

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leadership SPARK!*

In summer 2021, Zeta Tau Alpha offered this threepart online series focused on the Key Values of Being Rather than Seeming, Seeking Understanding that We Might Gain True Wisdom and Leadership. The live, virtual experience, available to collegians, alumnae chapter officers and National Officers, featured a general session and a small group component to engage in deeper conversations. The SPARK! speaker lineup included humorous speaker and “fear facer” Michelle Poler, racial equity researcher Victoria Alexander and National Football League official Sarah Thomas.

Officer Leadership Academy*

Officer training occurred virtually in 2021 and both in person and virtually in 2022. During OLA, National Officers conducted sessions about rolespecific responsibilities for eight officer positions as well as focusing on each sister’s leadership skills as they relate to ZTA’s Nine Key Values. OLA included a revised Advisor Academy with individualized training for Program Council Advisors in 2021 and Membership Advisors in 2022.

Zeta Basics*

For the first time ever, chapter officers not included in OLA received national-level training from volunteers and staff via Zoom. The roles included Director of Philanthropy, Service & Fundraising; HistorianReporter, House Manager, Inclusion Chair, Judicial Chair, Panhellenic Delegate, Recording Secretary, Ritual Chair and Risk Reduction and Education Chair. Zeta Basics provided the opportunity for these leaders to connect, collaborate and learn from their peers in chapters across the country.

Leadership Consultant Program*

During the 2020-2022 biennium, 23 recent graduates served as Leadership Consultants. Their visits and virtual support to collegiate chapters throughout each academic year of the biennium provided guidance on chapter operations, leadership development and officer education. LCs also assisted new chapters on their journey to Installation or Reactivation. These women, chosen for their leadership, enthusiasm, creativity and flexibility, lead with a commitment to our Key Values.

Chapter Organization includes stationed LCs, new member programming and philanthropy planning

167 chapters supported through LC visits 95% of active collegiate chapters

732 chapter assignments

10 Biennial Report Zeta Tau Alpha
Extension/Installation CROWN/Continuous
Initiation Officer Training and Transition New Member Programming Primary Recruitment Planning and Preparations Primary Recruitment Recruitment Workshops 8% 10% 36% 1% 8% 2% 8% 16% 11% % types of chapter visits
Open Bidding
2021 OLA attendees engaged in a virtual space.

service & philanthropy

The ZTA Foundation’s three-pronged national philanthropic efforts include raising awareness of the need for regular breast cancer screenings, recognizing and celebrating survivors, and educating and encouraging women to be advocates for their own health. Our sisters organize their own campus and community events and participate in events offered by our three national partners. Every event has one common goal: to share the importance of breast cancer education and awareness with the community.

American Cancer Society®*

As the National Survivor Ambassador for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walks, ZTA is proud to celebrate and support survivors. Collegiate and alumnae volunteers uplifted and made connections with survivors at over 200 of these events, including many innovative virtual events in 2020, across the country in the past biennium.

Bright Pink®*

Since 2015, ZTA’s collaboration with Bright Pink has educated and empowered our members to be advocates for their own health. The mission of this national nonprofit organization is the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer. Together, ZTA and Bright Pink provide informational, co-branded breast health cards that chapters distribute at philanthropy events.

National Football League*

ZTA teamed up with the National Football League for the first Think Pink® game in 1999. Since then, we have partnered with all 32 NFL teams and have earned the title of official fan outreach partner for the NFL’s Crucial Catch campaign. Zetas have handed out almost 10 million pink awareness ribbons during our partnership with the NFL.

Chapter Think Pink® Events

Collegiate and alumnae chapters across the country host hundreds of Think Pink events in their local communities. They partner with men’s and women’s athletic teams and community sports leagues to raise awareness and distribute ribbons. Other popular chapter activities include pink pancake breakfasts; 5K races; luncheons; tournaments in kickball, softball, flag football and golf; and campus talent competitions. During the 2020-2022 biennium, our chapters also hosted many creative virtual fundraising events.


Annual Membership Survey*

In partnership with Dyad Strategies, ZTA asks collegiate members to complete a survey every spring. After the responses are tabulated, chapter officers and advisors receive a report that outlines results. Chapters can then facilitate programming in a Key Value where they score low to improve chapter strength and sisterhood. The Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors honored ZTA with the Outstanding Change Award at its annual meeting in 2021 for our work in researching our membership through the survey and using its results to streamline our educational strategy.

Noble Workshops*

During the 2020-2022 biennium, ZTA’s Chapter Development team facilitated 132 of these customized, skill-based, interactive, retreat-style workshops. The overarching goal of the Noble Workshop program is to help chapters and individual members live

up to their fullest potential. While the program originated with recruitment-focused workshops, during this biennium, workshops expanded into the areas of Sisterhood & Belonging, Retention, and Accountability. Chapters report the workshops have improved connectedness and helped them achieve their goals.

Chapter Coaching

ZTA expanded the capacity of the Chapter Development team this biennium by creating and implementing a new chapter coaching program. The program’s goal is to provide specialized, one-on-one, educational support for selected chapters from each collegiate Area throughout a semester. Each year had a specific focus area: Continuous Open Bidding for the 2020-2021 academic year and retention for 2021-2022. During the biennium, the Chapter Development team completed coaching with 34 collegiate chapters.

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loyalty & commitment

Foundation Giving

ZTA sisters, family and friends graciously show their commitment to our organization and sisterhood through donations to the ZTA Foundation.

There were more than 140 chapter and individual Founders Club donors.

Contributions of $10,000 or more during a biennium


Since Aug. 1, 2020, the Foundation has recognized individuals and chapters who give $300 or more during the fiscal year in the annual giving levels listed in the right sidebar.

950 individuals and 330 chapters reached one of the annual donor levels during the biennium.

To honor those sisters whose donations reflect that “ZTA is not just four years, but for life,” the Foundation also recognizes the following lifetime giving societies:


The Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation embarked on a new adventure in 2020 with its inaugural Day of Giving. The goal was to encourage connection to the Foundation while celebrating Founders’ Day with fun facts and sisterhood. During the first Day of Giving, 1,705 donors contributed $226,370 to the Foundation’s general fund. The second annual Day of Giving in 2021 was an all-day online adventure with the theme “All Roads Lead to ZTA.” Zetas went on a virtual trip to explore nine destinations linked to our Founders and the Foundation, with 1,614 donors contributing $285,740 to the general fund by the end of the day.

Foundation Funding

The Foundation is committed to funding programs that address the financial and emotional challenges our members may experience.

Donations to the ZTA Foundation support leadership training, educational programs, Think Pink® efforts and academic scholarships. During the 2020-2022 biennium, the Foundation funded a portion of ZTA’s Officer Leadership Academies, Noble Workshops, and harm reduction training, including My Sister, My Responsibility®, Alcohol Skills Training Program and CommunityEdu. Collegians needed additional support in this biennium throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Alumnae Involvement

ZTA alumnae volunteers loyally give their time and expertise to support our collegians and connect with other alumnae. They demonstrate that Zeta Is Forever through their continued involvement.

1,159 advisors

$10,000 to $24,999 $25,000 to $49,999 $50,000 to $74,999 $75,000 to $99,999 $100,000 and above

175 individuals are members of a lifetime giving society.


Members of the lifetime giving societies receive a special gift for each level they attain as a thankyou from the Foundation for their commitment, consistency and longevity of contributions.

more than 7,700 dues-paying alumnae

49 Honor Rings awarded

6.62 advisors per chapter

172 Certificates of Merit awarded

more than 700 Volunteer Interest Forms submitted

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$300 to $499 $500 to $999 $1,000 to $2,499 $2,500 to $4,999
$5,000 and above

Fraternity Housing Corporation

ZTA incorporated the first national housing corporation in the fraternity/sorority community in 1977. Now, the Fraternity Housing Corporation is the largest housing entity in the fraternity/ sorority world, with $46 million in net worth and 166 member associations.

The FHC is committed to ensuring safe, competitive and attractive housing and meeting facilities for our collegiate members. Whether a house, lodge or chapter room, ZTA facilities are special places for our sisters to call home and make lifelong memories during their college years.


41 Houses

3 Lodges

1 Chapter Room

1 International Office

Dedicated Staff

At International Office, the Executive Director and a team of eight Senior Directors assist with the operations of the Fraternity and manage a staff of 38 additional employees. The IO staff includes 22 ZTA members (representing 19 different chapters) and nine members of other NPC and NIC organizations.


My Sister, My Responsibility®*

ZTA expanded its award-winning My Sister, My Responsibility program to include new audiences of high school students and parents/guardians. ZTA is proud to have such a comprehensive library of collegiate programming.


29 Houses

1 Lodge

29 Chapter Rooms


1. Behind Happy Faces focuses on defining and understanding mental health, the differences between effective and ineffective coping, how to approach a sister who needs help and tips on what actions to take when someone is suicidal.

2. Generation Rx focuses on raising awareness about the dangers of prescription drug misuse and the potential it has to derail a student’s college career and life post-college.

3. Preventing and Confronting Hazing focuses on educating members about hazing and the negative impact it can have on individuals, chapters and the organization as a whole.

4. Seeking Understanding focuses on diversity, equity and inclusion and how to increase belonging.

5. Sisterhood, Safety & Support focuses on sexual assault and creating a safer social culture.

6. Teaching Social Responsibility focuses on teaching members how to prevent and confront problematic drinking and hold themselves and others accountable for their actions while showing care and concern for their sisters.

Hazing Prevention for High Schoolers and Parents/Guardians*

In partnership with Evelyn and Jim Piazza and Rich Braham, parents of students who lost their lives to fraternity hazing, ZTA created hazing prevention resources by customizing a My Sister, My Responsibility program for high school students. Three Preventing and Confronting Hazing in High School workshops are available for teachers, counselors and administrators

to facilitate in schools. ZTA also designed a short, online course for parents and guardians of students from grade school through college.

Harm Reduction Partnerships*

ZTA has partnered with Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma Nu and Pi Kappa Phi since 2012 to create and distribute posters and conversation facilitation guides about alcohol, sexual assault, drug abuse and mental health. These resources (examples pictured below) are available publicly on ZTA’s website.

Values-Based New Member Experience

An update to the Zeta Is Forever New Member Experience this biennium emphasizes the importance of building an inclusive environment and increasing belonging among new members. Using the results of new member, officer and advisor surveys and focus groups, the New Member Committee added diversity, equity and inclusion conversations into Lesson 4: Seek Sisterhood. The lesson now also includes discussion of the importance of accountability as a member of sisterhood organization.

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1036 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032 | (317) 872–0540 | zetataualpha.org | @ztafraternity ZETA TAU ALPHA INTERNATIONAL OFFICE

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