Themis—Fall 2010

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Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Fall 2010

E xperiencing the S isterhood in N ew O rleans See pages 5-17 for complete Convention coverage.

From Where I Sit

Sisterhood shared at 24 Conventions By Carol A. Sagner, BC

As told to Janet Vigen Levy, M, and Kristine M. Fleming, HQ

Helen Margaret Harrison was National President, and she was very dignified. Secretary-Treasurer “Jenks” (Helen Winton Jenkins) was unforgettable, a real character. I can still hear her rattling off the roll call of chapters. My Province’s delegates served as the Convention choir. We sang during the Memorial Service in the hotel’s garden. Convention “Fun Night” was at a local country club, where we sang Zeta songs and parodies. We also had a beach party.

Carol Sagner, surrounded by her St. Louis Alumnae Chapter sisters, in New Orleans this past July—her 24th ZTA Convention.

Carol Anita Sagner was initiated at Beta Chi Chapter at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., in 1946. She attended her first ZTA Convention in 1948. In July 2010, at age 81, she attended her 24th ZTA Convention and was honored with the Repeater Award. Carol has never served as a National Officer for the Fraternity. Instead, she chooses to attend Convention to reconnect with friends and experience the enduring sisterhood of Zeta Tau Alpha. She recalled some of her favorite Convention memories with two of her St. Louis alumnae sisters while enjoying dinner and sharing a dessert of ice cream topped with strawberry sauce.


attended my first ZTA Convention as a college junior. It was 1948—ZTA’s Golden Anniversary, commemorating 50 years of sisterhood. Nobody flew in those days, so we took the train. We left St. Louis at midnight. When we arrived the next morning at the railroad station, we were treated to breakfast hosted by the Cincinnati Zetas. Then we traveled in “ZTA Pullman cars” to Norfolk, Va., where buses delivered us to the beautiful Cavalier Hotel in Virginia Beach. It was terribly hot! And back then, we were not in tank tops and shorts; we dressed up. There was no air conditioning in the hotel guest rooms, so we left the windows open. I distinctly remember the mockingbirds singing at night and the aroma of gardenias wafting through the room. It was quite an experience. Seven of our Founders attended this Convention. (Maud Jones Horner had passed away in 1920, and Alice Grey Welsh lived in Hawaii.) I was in awe of our Founders. As a 19-yearold, I thought they seemed so old; now, they would look young to me.

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Experiencing the inspirational sisterhood at that first Convention made me want to keep going back for more. Two years later, I attended the 1950 Convention as the official delegate of the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter. We stayed at the Grand Hotel, a historic place with a huge front porch, on Mackinac Island in Michigan. The Zetas swam in the hotel pool that was built for the filming of a movie starring Esther Williams. Because I have always loved to travel, I often planned trips in conjunction with ZTA Conventions. After the 1960 Convention, at the renowned Chateau Frontenac in Québec, Canada, I had arranged for a post-Convention cruise. When I got to the dock, I found out the ship had run aground, so I had to come up with another way to get home. Before the 1964 Convention in Miami Beach, Fla., I took a 10-day cruise to South America that left from New York, where I also attended the World’s Fair. When I filled out my Convention registration forms and responded to the question, “How are you getting to Convention?,” I answered: “by ship!” I had to miss a few Conventions, including 1962 when I was traveling in Europe with my parents and in 1990 when my mother was ill. But I couldn’t miss ZTA’s Centennial Celebration in 1998, which gave me the chance to tour the college where we were founded and to see Frances Yancey Smith’s gravesite. I live by myself, so I appreciate the opportunity to spend time with my sisters at alumnae chapter events and every two years at Convention. For me, Convention is “old home week.” As a young woman, I needed Zeta because I was very shy. Joining ZTA gave me instant friendships, and experiencing the sisterhood of our Fraternity has kept me going ever since. We all know that Zeta is Forever — and with me, it certainly is. Carol is beginning her 60th year as a member of the St. Louis ZTA Alumnae Chapter and hopes to attend the 2012 Convention in Louisville, Ky.



Fall 2010 • Vol. 109 No. 1 (ISSN 1529-6709; USPS 627-120)

Editor-in-Chief Christy Marx Barber, AY Graphic Designer Megan L. Berg Staff Writer Ashley Martin Contributors Christine M. Fleming, HQ Heather Matthews Kirk, DK Janet Vigen Levy, M Carol Sagner, BC



On The Cover


Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Fall 2010

5 E xpEriEncing the S iStErhood in n Ew o rlEanS See pages 5-17 for complete Convention coverage.

Members of Theta Tau Chapter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, took a traditional carriage ride from Jackson Square through the French Quarter on the free afternoon of Convention.


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Experience the Sisterhood — Over 900 ZTA alumnae and collegians met in New Orleans, July 7-11, 2010, for the 50th National and 39th International Convention. Convention Awards — Collegiate and alumnae chapters, along with dedicated individual members, were honored at Convention for their achievements. ZTA Foundation — The annual donor listing thanks those members and friends whose contributions help to fund educational and philanthropic projects.

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Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha (ISSN 1529-6709; USPS 627120) is published quarterly by Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1334. Subscription: $2.00 per year. Single copies: $.50. Periodical postage paid in Indianapolis, IN, and additional mailing offices. Printed in the United States of America. Postmaster: Send address changes to Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

Member, Fraternity Communications Association and National Panhellenic Editors Conference. © 2010 Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Zeta Tau Alpha.

Fall 2010

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From Our Readers I felt young—and a true Zeta sister after all these years. What a lift these cute young Zeta sisters gave me! After several years of being mostly homebound and using a walker and wheelchair, I felt like dancing! This 83-year-old is still and forever a happy ZTA! Zeta really is Forever! — Corinne Timberlake Ray, AN

Birmingham-Southern College

Maggie Worthington, left, and Corinne Timberlake Ray, right, learned that ZTA sisterhood spans generations and truly is forever.

» Dear Editor, One of my visiting nurses posted a note on the Samford University bulletin board, looking for a sitter/physical therapist to assist me in my recovery from some ministrokes. Maggie Worthington, a Samford student, replied that she wanted to donate her time for community service. When she came to my home to meet me, her ZTA keychain caught my eye. I told her that I became a Zeta in 1945 at Birmingham Southern. Needless to say, Zeta memories crowded my mind. As Province President,

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I had helped to install the chapter at Delta Psi Chapter at Samford. Maggie wanted to hear all about it. Within the next few days, in true Zeta style, Maggie had a delicious meal cooked and delivered for me, my daughter and my granddaughter. All the Zeta sisters gathered around my feet waiting to hear more about my Zeta college days, the Installation, my Honor Ring (which I was wearing) and other stories. I gave them a hand-tinted Zeta crest plaque that I have displayed in my home for years. They gave me with a Zeta T-shirt.

­­­» Hello fellow Zeta ladies, In 1976, I attended my first ZTA Convention in New Orleans, only a week before my wedding. I happily juggled nine Zetas at my house and pre-wedding commitments. Now, 34 years later, I have shared another NOLA convention with my daughter, Lizzy. It was her first Convention and we again juggled wedding prep for my niece. My daughter beamed over the fun Friday night dessert party activities. I hope Lizzy and I can attend many more Conventions together. Thank you New Orleans Alumnae and National Council for throwing a great party. — Lynn Franklin, ZK Louisiana Tech University Savannah, GA Alumnae Chapter ­­­» Dear Ms. Ensor, I attended Convention as the official delegate for my alumnae chapter. I am also I am the General Advisor for

Theta Sigma (Winthrop). I was very moved by the Sam Spady story (see pages 16-17) and learned a lot from Dr. (Lori) Ebert on how to have conversations about risk assessment with collegians. I have my own 18-year-old daughter who informed me that she wanted to drive to Nashville with her friends to audition for “American Idol.” I didn’t say “yes” or “no,” but that I needed to see her plan addressing all the risks, how she was to reduce them and a budget. The rules were that no one could ever be alone and that sleeping at the stadium was not an option. After two hours of work, she concluded that it would be too expensive and she could not eliminate the risks. She decided not to go—and then she thanked me for letting her figure it out for herself and allowing her to make the decision. — Darlene Oswalt, BZ Iowa State University Charlotte, NC Alumnae Chapter ­­

From our Facebook fan page: ­­­» I LOVE the new interactive Themis on the ZTA website! Great assessment article (see summer 2010 issue) as well... Zetas know how to keep it fresh, cool and hip! — Kelsey Bratcher, DH West Texas A&M University

Have a comment about an article in Themis or a ZTA program? Drop us a short e-mail at communicationsdept@ or a note to Communications Department, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. We reserve the right to edit or limit letters for space limitation.

Convention 2010




Collegians from Iota Pi Chapter at the University of Dayton and alumnae from Ohio enjoyed the view from one of the French Quarter’s historic balconies.


Convention features by: Christy Marx Barber, AY, Editor-in-Chief Convention Photos by: Darwin Drake of PartyPics; Heather Matthews Kirk, DK; and Christy Marx Barber

ew Orleans, steeped in history, tradition, music, food and entertainment, was a one-of-a-kind city before it drew international attention from the devastation brought by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. In the past five years, New Orleans has added resiliency, determination and partnerships to its list of attributes as it rebounded from the storm. History, tradition, music, food and entertainment are all features of a memorable ZTA Convention. Resiliency, determination and partnerships are characteristics of successful ZTA chapters. So perhaps no other city could have been as perfect for a ZTA Convention as 900 collegians and alumnae gathered July 7-11 in New Orleans to Experience the Sisterhood. “We chose New Orleans as the site of our Convention in the midst of its rebuilding after Katrina,” said former National President Laura Ladewig Mauro. “We had held Convention in New Orleans twice before and we wanted to be a part of its regrowth. As it turned out, it was the perfect place for our educational programming and our focus on experiencing sisterhood as both a gift and as a responsibility.” Convention is a five-day sisterhood extravaganza where Zetas can sing, laugh, cry, eat and celebrate together. It is also a time of

securing that sisterhood for the future through business meetings and educational programming. The focus of Convention programming in 2010 was the debut of Part II of our award-winning risk prevention program, My Sister, My Responsibility. This phase of the program focuses on social responsibility, taking care of ourselves and our sisters in social settings where alcohol is present. “I suppose there is some irony that we were gathered in a ‘party’ city like New Orleans to talk about social responsibility,” Mrs. Mauro said. “But the party aspect of New Orleans gave us the perfect opportunity to teach our members how to plan a safe social activity, prepare for any potential risk, and then go out and put what they had learned into practice.” Following two days of sessions on social responsibility, collegiate delegates had a free afternoon on Saturday, July 10, to step outside the hotel and explore the French Quarter, just a few blocks away. They shopped for Mardi Gras beads in their school colors and elegant masks to wear to that evening’s Recognition Banquet. They sampled beignets and chicory coffee at the famous Café Du Monde. They posed for pictures in Jackson Square and filled the Quarter with ZTA T-shirts and enthusiasm. Alumnae members had two afternoons free to Fall 2010

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Convention 2010

Members of National Council prepare for their entrance into the opening session of Convention, complete with masks and beads to throw to the ecstatic crowd.

explore the Garden District by trolley, tour the French Quarter or the historic and unique cemeteries of New Orleans with a professional guide, or visit Mardi Gras World to see how those amazing parade floats are made. “Our members have asked for several years to have more time to socialize with their new and old friends,” Mrs. Mauro said. “National Council took that to heart as we planned for this Convention. We believed we showed that Zetas can successfully mix business and fun. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and celebrated safely.” Convention planners also incorporated aspects of New Orleans culture into the schedule. National Council and the boards of the ZTA Foundation and ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation entered the opening session on “floats” constructed on luggage carts and threw beads. At the opening dinner, the Krewe of Caesar dazzled the crowd with amazing costumes and each table enjoyed a King Cake from the famous Gambino’s bakery. On Sunday, a jazz trio led the “second line” into brunch with

Convention had plenty of beads, even beads with crowns. Vice President Alumnae Diane Hanson Keegan shared the wealth at the National Officer dinner on Tuesday night.

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Three collegians from Theta Zeta at Wofford College explored Royal Street, the perfect spot in the French Quarter for those of us who wear the crown of ZTA.

every Zeta waving a turquoise hankie in the tradition of New Orleans funeral celebrations.


mid the beads, masks and music, ZTA delegates met for business meetings to review National Policies, receive reports from committees and elect a new National Council. In the State of the Fraternity address, given at Thursday’s luncheon, Mrs. Mauro recalled the determination of Grace Elcan, one of ZTA’s first three new members, to gain a charter from the Virginia Legislature in 1902. The words of that 108-year-old charter became our purpose statement that remains relevant today. “In 2010, we know that ZTA must have a purpose that college and university administrators consider relevant—one that furthers the missions of their schools,” Mrs. Mauro said. Along with Foundation President Becky Hainsworth Kirwan and Fraternity Housing Corporation President Julia Marthaler Hill, she highlighted the ways that ZTA remains relevant through

Hayley Riddle, daughter of National President Keeley McDonald Riddle, and Lily Conrad, daughter of Extension Director Marlene Dunbar Conrad, loved the Silver Mardi Gras Ball.

Convention 2010

The Krewe of Caesar dazzled the opening dinner of Convention with their amazing intricate costumes, including this one depicting the Mario Brothers video game.

Waving turquoise hankies, Zetas followed a jazz band into the closing brunch in the style of the “second line” processional, a traditional New Orleans funeral celebration.

the loyalty of our members, the opportunity to establish new chapters and reactivate closed chapters, the development of effective programming, our commitment to service and the building of community.

new songs commissioned by ZTA and one by the Foundation in honor of our breast cancer education and awareness efforts. The crowd was already in a turquoise-and-gray frenzy when it realized that the Step Team from Epsilon Chapter at the University of Arkansas was “in the house.” The winners of the national Sprite Step Off (see Themis spring 2010) had never performed in front of an all-ZTA audience. As their 900 sisters cheered every stomp, clap, snap and step, their normally stoic performance faces turned into huge smiles. (See pages 32-33.)

At the closing business meeting on Saturday, ZTA thanked retiring National Council members Malaea Nelms Seleski and Karen Farmer Mills for their service and elected the National Council for 2010-2012: National President Keeley McDonald Riddle, Vice President Collegiate I Natalie M. Yingling, Vice President Collegiate II Stacey Verkest Voigt, Vice President Collegiate III Kelley Snow Harmon, Vice President Alumnae I Lori A. Peters, Vice President Alumnae II Diane Hanson Keegan, Secretary-Treasurer Dinah Jackson Laughery, National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Laura Ladewig Mauro, and Extension Director Marlene Dunbar Conrad. (See page 10.)


onvention 2010 was also a time of great celebration. On Thursday evening, Tanya Snyder, wife of Washington Redskins’ owner Dan Snyder, and a founding partner of our Think Pink!® campaign, was initiated. (See page 9.)

At Saturday’s luncheon, CBS News Correspondent Betty Nguyen, an alumna of Kappa Chapter at The University of Texas at Austin, received the ZTA Outstanding Alumna Award. (See page 8.)

“We all came off the stage after the performance, looked at each other and said ‘that the most exciting performance we have ever done’ and we’ve done this about 15 times in front of a crowd and countless times in practice,” said co-captain M. K. Bentley. “It was by far the best performance yet, the perfect way to go out after graduation.”

For more complete awards listings, the text of the State of the Fraternity address, videos and pictures of Convention 2010, visit: • our website:→Events→Convention 2010 • our Facebook page: • our Youtube page:

Outstanding chapters and individual members received awards for their excellence during the biennium. (See pages 11-14.) The Fraternity celebrated its heritage and history with the unveiling of the newly designed historical display. (See page 34.) But Friday night’s Sisterhood Dessert party was the most enthusiastic and energetic celebration. Rapper DJ $crilla made a surprise appearance to debut two Fall 2010

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Convention 2010

Journalist Betty Nguyen receives ZTA honor News,” reports for “The Early Show” and contributes to other CBS programs. As her daughter’s career advanced, Betty’s mother admonished her to remember their roots. In 1998, Betty made her first trip back to Vietnam. “I often wonder what my life would have been like had we stayed in communist Vietnam,” she said. “Would I have lived in a thatched hut? Would I have received an education? Then I thought, why wonder when we can act?”

ZTA Foundation President Becky Hainsworth Kirwan reads the Outstanding Alumna Award plaque to recipient Betty Nguyen.


he and her parents left Vietnam on one of the last cargo planes as Saigon fell to communism. They lived in three different refugee camps before settling in Texas. They dared to dream that American freedom meant a better life, but perhaps never fathomed that life would include a college education, sorority membership and a career in broadcast journalism. Yet, on July 10, 2010, CBS News Correspondent Betty Nguyen stood before her Zeta Tau Alpha sisters to receive the Outstanding Alumna Award from ZTA Foundation President Becky Hainsworth Kirwan. An alumna of Kappa Chapter at The University of Texas at Austin, Betty received the honor for her award-winning reporting with CNN and CBS and her philanthropic efforts to combat hunger in her native Vietnam. “When I moved into Jester Hall (as a freshman at UT), for the first time in my life, I felt all alone,” Betty recalled. “The Zetas were so full of life and so fun. They showed me this home away from home. Zeta was an instant family.”

Upon her return to the United States, Betty and her family began the process of starting Help the Hungry, a non-profit organization to aid those living in Vietnam. “I had no idea how to begin; I had never even filled out my own tax form let alone the mounds of paperwork that it takes to get (federally) approved as a non-profit,” she recalled. “But with a lot of prayer and determination, we were able to establish Help the Hungry in 2000.” During its first 10 years, it has assisted over 100,000 Vietnamese citizens. “Regardless of where life takes you, you have the ability to bring about positive change,” Betty said. “If you set something positive in motion, remarkable things can occur. That dedication to helping others is a big part of what it means to be a Zeta.” Much to Betty’s surprise, Mrs. Kirwan announced that the ZTA Foundation would make a $10,000 donation to Help the Hungry. The gesture reinforced Betty’s love for the Fraternity that is proud to call her a sister. “Our motto is seek the noblest,” Betty said. “I’ll admit it’s not always easy; we’re all human. But you can never go wrong doing what’s right. And for me that included becoming a Zeta.”

Betty told the audience that her ZTA collegiate days helped to shape her future. “One of the things I found so special about Zeta is its emphasis on helping us succeed, not just in school but in life,” she said. “While the goal is to get a good education, how you use that knowledge is what will shape you.” After graduating from Texas, Betty worked for local CBS affiliates in Texas before joining CNN. She served as the anchor of the weekend morning edition of “CNN Newsroom” for six years. During that time, she anchored the network’s coverage of major news events, including recent earthquakes in Chile and Haiti, the Virginia Tech shootings, the death of Pope John Paul II, Hurricane Katrina, and the London bombing attacks. She joined CBS in March of 2010, and now anchors the “CBS Morning

8 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Betty celebrates with sisters from Kappa Chapter at The University of Texas at Austin with the traditional “Hook ‘em Horns.”

Convention 2010

Think Pink!® founder Tanya Snyder initiated because I grew up in a home with my mother and three sisters. But I knew I wanted to do this work.” ZTA alumna Vicki Decker Griffith first approached Mrs. Snyder about helping to establish the program, and she had the honor of escorting her during her Initiation service. Mrs. Snyder fondly recalls the first Think Pink! game and pledged to continue to move the effort forward. “I remember hearing about the Zetas making the pink ribbons, thousands of them by hand,” she said. “Now every October, you see a large pink presence at NFL games. Just thinking about and visualizing it makes me smile. That initial effort has grown now to 28 NFL teams taking part in the program, and we hope to make it 32 very soon.” Tanya Snyder, center, meets with ZTA Think Pink!/NFL coordinators Lisa Cramer Dierbeck, left, and Vicki Decker Griffith, right.


t was a simple, three-word phrase, but it brought a smile to the face of every National Officer at the head table.

“…we at Zeta…” Standing at the podium, wearing the carpenter’s square pledge pin, Tanya Snyder, wife of Washington Redskins’ owner Daniel Snyder, developer of the Think Pink!® program with the National Football League and the league’s spokesperson for its Crucial Catch breast cancer education campaign, spoke of herself and Zeta Tau Alpha in the first person plural. Just a few hours later, that partnership was sealed as Mrs. Snyder become a member of the Fraternity as the Convention initiate on Thursday, July 8.

Just over two years ago, the fight against breast cancer became very personal to Mrs. Snyder. “Early one morning, I felt a lump in one of my breasts,” she said to a hushed audience. “My husband concurred; something was there. I was frightened. It was unbelievable to both of us when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After two successful surgeries, I am grateful that I can report to you today that I am cancer free,” she said. The Convention initiate thanked her family and ZTA for sharing her vision. “I thank Dan and our three children. The Redskins’ involvement would not have happened without Dan’s commitment. My daughters have been right out there in front of the stadium, passing out ribbons, and we will all be there again this year,” she said. “It means so much to me to be involved with Zeta. Thank you so much for this honor, and I promise, I will continue to think pink.”

“I am so proud that since 1999, tens of millions of people have been touched by the Think Pink! campaign and we at Zeta, along with the NFL, have made it happen,” Mrs. Snyder said. Former National President Laura Ladewig Mauro said Mrs. Snyder’s dedication to breast cancer education and awareness and her enthusiasm and diligence in helping to develop the Think Pink! program had already endeared her to the ZTA membership. Mrs. Mauro told the Convention, “Tanya’s initiation will allow those of us who admire her so much to have the honor of calling her our sister.” In 1999, Daniel Snyder bought the football team that he dearly loved. From the start, Mrs. Snyder felt a calling to use the prestige of NFL ownership for a greater good. “The same year that my husband bought the team, I began volunteer work in the fight against breast cancer. In some strange way, I felt a calling to the cause,” she told the Convention. “Perhaps it was the awareness of the rising number of cases. Or maybe it’s

Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder, right, and senior vice president Tony Wyllie enjoyed the dinner’s Mardi Gras theme.

Fall 2010

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Convention 2010

Meet your National Council for 2010-2012

These nine dedicated women will lead Zeta Tau Alpha in the 2010-2012 biennium. We asked them to share their favorite examples of how they have Experienced the Sisterhood. Keeley McDonald Riddle National President Landing, N.J. Old Dominion, IS Just the simple phrase “chapter retreat” brings a smile and a flood of memories. My chapter held an annual retreat at Virginia Beach to welcome new members. It was always a fun time of getting to know each other and staying up all night sharing stories.

Kelley Snow Harmon Vice President Collegiate III Fayetteville, Ark. Arkansas Tech, QQ Zeta sisterhood has been a collection of experiences over the last 25 years. I have wonderful memories of collegiate sisters, opportunities as an alumna, and ultimately, friends in all corners of the US. Every time I’m with a Zeta, I experience the sisterhood.

Dinah Jackson Laughery Secretary-Treasurer Austin, Texas Florida State, BG I really began to understand the ZTA sisterhood when I moved from Florida to Texas. Other than my husband, I didn’t know anyone. The first two people I met were ZTAs. Those two women became my very close friends and made Austin feel like home.

Natalie M. Yingling Vice President Collegiate I Cranberry Township, Pa. Westminster, DW Living on the ZTA suite was priceless. It’s the only time in your life when that many sisters get to live together. We can’t recreate the laughter, tears or late-night talks, but the memories are one-of-a-kind stories that we share when we get together.

Lori A. Peters Vice President Alumnae I Brunswick, Ohio Youngstown State, ZG While planning Zeta Day with a sister I have known for 25 years, I asked, “This is a lot of work, but why does it seem like so much fun?” She said, “Because it is fun.” You know your ZTA experience is at its best when you’re doing the work and loving it!

Laura Ladewig Mauro Ntl. Panhellenic Conf. Delegate Winnsboro, Texas Texas State-San Marcos, QY My mom, sister, aunt and cousin are Zetas and we can celebrate everyday! My husband celebrated Zeta Love with us when he was very ill and received cards, letters, e-mails and notes from Zetas all over the country. And I love to tell that story!

Stacey Verkest Voigt Vice President Collegiate II Colleyville, Texas Texas Tech, GT At Texas Tech, sororities and fraternities are paired together for “Sing Song,” a performance that incorporates singing and dancing. We never won during my three years in the chapter, but the time I spent with my sisters in rehearsals was priceless!

Diane Hanson Keegan Vice President Alumnae II Murrieta, Calif. Cal Poly Pomona, QW I could not attend the Convention when I was to receive my Honor Ring and instead received it by mail. But my ZTA sisters planned a surprise Honor Ring party to celebrate with me and share in such a wonderful and meaningful moment in my life.

Marlene Dunbar Conrad Extension Director Acworth, Ga. Valdosta State, HI My chapter's tradition is to sing "Today and Forever" to the ZTA bride at her wedding. I will always cherish standing in the middle of that circle of sisters on my day, looking at their faces and thinking about our wonderful, crazy experiences together.

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Convention 2010

Outstanding chapters receive top awards Helen Margaret Harrison Award

The highest award presented to a collegiate chapter Theta Tau Chapter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill » Theta Tau Chapter has been a consistent Silver Award recipient for the past 20 years and a consistent Crown Chapter Award recipient for the past 25. Chapter programming is an area of strength for Theta Tau. They use the Links Member Enrichment Program to highlight individual member's abilities and host a successful 5K race, raising over $100,000 for the ZTA Foundation in the past two years. Theta Tau remains a perennial winner of top campus awards.

Nelly Galloway Shearer Achievement Award

The second-highest award presented to a collegiate chapter Theta Zeta Chapter, Wofford College » Recruitment and philanthropic service are both areas of strength for Theta Zeta Chapter. The chapter had 100 percent return rates for each round of Formal Recruitment, matched 100 percent of its first bid list and initiated 100 percent of its new members this biennium. Theta Zeta held more than 40 service projects to benefit the campus and community, including a Pink Out football game, a cookout and its first Dance Party for the entire college.

Merit Award

The third-highest award presented to a collegiate chapter Iota Pi Chapter, University of Dayton » Iota Pi Chapter consistently demonstrates excellence in all areas of chapter operations. The chapter has received Crown Chapter and Silver Awards at every Convention for the past decade. Iota Pi maintains a grade point average above 3.3 and has won the university’s Sorority of the Year Award for the past seven years. Its members are also actively involved on campus, with over 40 percent of women holding leadership positions in organizations outside of ZTA.

Betty McGehee Schuessler Award

One of the two highest awards for an alumnae chapter. For outstanding operations including support of a collegiate chapter. Dayton, Ohio Alumnae Chapter » The Dayton Chapter’s commitment to collegians is extraordinary as it supports three collegiate chapters, providing advisors, local house association members and unique programming. They present Member of the Year and Outstanding Senior awards to each chapter and participate in a special book club with the young women. The alumnae chapter also hosted 11 service projects and helped its local newspaper create its first pink edition by writing Think Pink!® articles.

Nan Barkley Boettcher Award

One of the two highest awards for an alumnae chapter. For outstanding operations where no collegiate chapter is present in the community. San Diego, California Alumnae Chapter » The San Diego Chapter strives to make membership personal for each member. As part of its yearlong enrichment program, the chapter challenges its members to learn new skills and stay acquainted with ZTA history, by including a FRED fact and service project at each meeting. Telephone calls, carpooling programs, comprehensive newsletters and a beautiful website keep the chapter growing. The alumnae have made a strong name for ZTA through their extensive partnership with San Diego Race for the Cure®, Think Pink! distributions and alumnae Panhellenic support. Fall 2010

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Convention 2010

Individual awards honor exceptional service Louise Kettler Helper Memorial Award

First given at the 1946 Convention, this award honors the memory of a beloved former National President. National Council presents this award to one collegian and one alumna whose service and achievements have made notable contributions to the progress of the Fraternity and to the fraternity world. Collegiate Louise Kettler Helper Memorial Award Alexandra Kosmitis, Epsilon Chapter, University of Arkansas Alexandra’s representation of ZTA values, coupled with her academic achievement and chapter service made her the perfect recipient of this award. As co-captain of Epsilon Chapter’s step dance team in the Sprite Step Off, Alexandra became the voice, face and spirit of ZTA during the controversy that followed the event. Alexandra was praised by national commentators, columnists and fellow Greeks for her attitude and outlook. Whether being grilled by CNN, Fox News, the Washington Post or controversial sports columnists, Alexandra sought the noblest. In addition to being a nationwide ambassador for the Fraternity, she served her chapter as Panhellenic delegate and president. After being named Most Outstanding President by the University of Arkansas Greek community, she then served the campus as Panhellenic president. Throughout her four years as a collegian, Alexandra maintained a 3.76 grade point average in accounting and earned acceptance into law school. Alumnae Louise Kettler Helper Memorial Award Katharine Benzini Stampe, Delta Alpha Chapter, California State University, Long Beach As a former National Council member, Kathy continues to hear The Call of Zeta. As Meeting Program Coordinator, she has helped to plan and program National Leadership Conferences in 2007 and 2009 and Convention 2008 and 2010, working with National Council, International Office, hotel staffs and a team of ZTA volunteers to make each event an educational success. In the past, she contributed to the creation of our award-winning Zeta Is Forever New Member Program and the Links Member Enrichment program. Kathy’s attention to detail, organization skills and gift of educating have been invaluable assets in the betterment of Zeta Tau Alpha.

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Vivian Ulmer Smith Recruitment Award

Presented to the alumnae making the greatest contribution to increasing Fraternity membership. Nona Douglass Richey, Zeta Omicron Chapter, Arkansas State University As a former Province President and current Convention/NLC Meeting Coordinator and Mentor, Nona understands the vital role programming plays in keeping members engaged and chapters thriving. For this reason, she is one of the first National Officers called upon when ZTA needs experienced help with leadership development, officer training or recruitment. In the past few years, Nona has trained dozens of Traveling Leadership Consultants, advisors and the Executive Committees for two of our newest chapters. Nona’s experience has also made her a very effective speaker at a recent successful Extension presentation. Thanks in part to her participation, Zeta Tau Alpha has been asked to return to Arkansas State University in the fall of 2011, the home of her own Zeta Omicron Chapter.

Outstanding Advisor Awards Area I Janel Thomson Jauntirans, IW (pictured at right) Gamma Beta Chapter, Washington College Area II Jennifer McPherson Gamma Zeta Chapter, Mississippi State University Area III Daphne Emmack Owens Alpha Omicron Chapter, University of Iowa

Nora Nell Hardy Jackson Outstanding House Director Award Barb Natvig (pictured at right in green) Alpha Phi Chapter, Northwestern University

Convention 2010

Honor Ring and Silver Award recipients Alumnae-Collegiate Relations Award Kappa Nu, Monmouth University

Anne Winnes Redmond Service Award Gamma Kappa, James Madison University

Becky Hainsworth Kirwan Chapter Improvement Award Iota Omega, University of Maryland

Margaret Dunkle Hardy Scholastic Improvement Award Delta Pi, Eastern New Mexico University

Honor Ring Recipients Lainie Anthony Melanie Hankins Booth Meredith Harris Braselman Christy Alexander Brown Kelli Clinkscales Burnett Sarah Crawford Caban Carolyn Hof Carpenter Carla Martin Cobb Kelly Lynn Czajka Cheryl Day Marla D'Andrea Dull Teresa Ebersole Jessica Eovino Kat Reed Evans Kristen Moeller Faure Amy Williams Gaudioso Natalie McFarland Gulbranson Kelly Willer Hamilton Heather Matthews Kirk Jayme Kmetko

Kenna Brigham Lowe Amy Davison Maddox Anita McClure Sandra Miniutti Jodie Nesta Tami Sims O'Brien Andrea Miller Pound Barbara Jacobs Priest Ashley Holbert Smith Brianna Stampe Anne Petro Tamulaitis Tammy Tindle Courtney Cristiani Varner Stephanie Rutledge Virag Barbara Jean Anderson Washburn Judith Stone Weaver JoAnn Cassebaum Weisel Kay Wettemann Jennifer Ward Whalen Lisa Edwards Williams

Martha C. Edens New Chapter Award Kappa Chi, Shorter University

Sherry Server Tilley Leadership Award Zeta Xi, Georgia Southern University

Alumnae Service Award

Houston Northwest, TX 1st Runner-up: Seattle, WA 2nd Runner-up: Atlanta, GA Themis

Alumnae-Collegiate Relations Award Youngstown, OH

Alumnae Chapter Programming Award Mercer-Bucks, NJ 1st Runner-up: Silver Spring, MD 2nd Runner-up: San Antonio, TX

Alumnae Membership Award

Martin, TN 1st Runner-up: Tampa, FL 2nd Runner-up: El Paso, TX Honorable Mention: Houston, TX Association

Alumnae Panhellenic Award

Valera Clough Ross Panhellenic Award Epsilon, University of Arkansas

San Fernando Valley, CA 1st Runner-up: Clearwater, FL 2nd Runner-up: Central Texas

Membership Selection Awards

Alumnae Public Relations Award

Large Campus/With House: Theta Psi, Texas State University-San Marcos Small Campus/No House: Iota Xi, Christian Brothers University Small Campus/With House: Delta Beta, Florida Southern College

Twin Cities, MN 1st Runner-up: Evansville, IN 2nd Runner-up: Northern New Jersey

Alumnae Chapter Improvement Award Greater New Orleans, LA (pictured below)

New Member Programming Award Gamma Psi, Texas Christian University

Collegiate Awards

Standards and Enrichment Award

Theta Tau, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Beta Nu, New Mexico State University 1st Runner-up: Eta Xi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2nd Runner-up: Iota Gamma, The College of New Jersey

Nelly Galloway Shearer Achievement Award

National Council Special Recognition Awards

Theta Zeta, Wofford College 1st Runner-up: Gamma Pi, The University of Georgia 2nd Runner-up: Kappa Xi, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

Beta Psi, Stetson University Delta Lambda, Georgia State University Zeta Alpha, University of Evansville Eta Theta, Missouri University of Science and Technology Eta Tau, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Helen Margaret Harrison Award

The highest award presented to a collegiate chapter

The second highest award presented to a collegiate chapter

Merit Award

The third highest award presented to a collegiate chapter

Iota Pi, University of Dayton 1st Runner-up: Gamma Iota, University of Florida 2nd Runner-up: Gamma Alpha, University of Miami

Golden Anniversary Academic Achievement Award

For the highest scholastic average during the biennium

Gamma Iota, University of Florida

Activities Awards

Large Campus: Beta Omicron, University of South Carolina Medium Campus: Delta Omega, Westminster College Small Campus: Zeta Gamma, Youngstown State University

For outstanding contributions to the Fraternity

Alumnae Awards Betty McGehee Schuessler Award

National Council Special Recognition Awards Miami, FL NASA Brazoria County, TX Washington, D.C.

Outstanding House Association Award

Theta Gamma, Texas A&M University

Outstanding House Corporation Award

For outstanding operations including support of a collegiate chapter

Alpha Kappa, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign

Dayton, OH 1st Runner-up: Memphis, TN 2nd Runner-up: Houston, TX Association

Attendance Awards

Nan Barkley Boettcher Award

For the chapter traveling the greatest mileage to Convention based on attendance

For outstanding operations where no collegiate chapter is present in the community

Collegiate: Psi, University of Washington Alumnae: Long Beach, CA

San Diego, CA 1st Runner-up: Toledo, OH 2nd Runner-up: Akron, OH

Website Awards

Collegiate: Alpha Psi, University of Missouri Alumnae: Tucson, AZ

Fall 2010

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Convention 2010

Crown Chapter Award recipients for 2010 Collegiate Awards University of Arkansas (Epsilon) The University of Texas at Austin (Kappa) Southwestern University (Lambda) Drury University (Mu) The University of Alabama (Nu) Duke University (Phi) University of Washington (Psi) Purdue University (Alpha Theta) Birmingham-Southern College (Alpha Nu) Oklahoma State University (Alpha Upsilon) Florida State University (Beta Gamma) Franklin College (Beta Theta) Centenary College of Louisiana (Beta Iota) New Mexico State University (Beta Nu) University of South Carolina (Beta Omicron) Michigan State University (Beta Phi) Stetson University (Beta Psi) Union University (Beta Omega) University of Miami (Gamma Alpha) Washington College (Gamma Beta) Pennsylvania State University (Gamma Epsilon) University of Florida (Gamma Iota) University of Georgia (Gamma Pi) James Madison University (Gamma Kappa) Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Gamma Xi) Auburn University (Gamma Rho) Texas Tech University (Gamma Tau) Texas Chrisitian University (Gamma Psi) Florida Southern College (Delta Beta) High Point University (Delta Gamma) Baldwin-Wallace College (Delta Delta) Sam Houston State University (Delta Zeta) Ohio Northern University (Delta Theta) Louisiana State University (Delta Kappa) The University of New Orleans (Delta Nu) West Virginia Wesleyan College (Delta Upsilon) William Jewell College (Delta Chi) Samford University (Delta Psi) Westminster College (Delta Omega) University of Evansville (Zeta Alpha) Youngstown State University (Zeta Gamma) Rider University (Zeta Lambda) Georgia Southern University (Zeta Xi) The University of Texas at Arlington (Zeta Sigma) Jacksonville State University (Zeta Psi) Georgia Southwestern State University (Eta Alpha) Elon University (Eta Zeta) University of Central Florida (Eta Kappa) College of Charleston (Eta Lambda) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Eta Xi) The University of North Alabama (Eta Rho) Missouri University of Science and Technology (Eta Theta) The University of North Carolina at Pembroke (Eta Sigma) The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Eta Tau) Texas A&M University (Theta Gamma) Arkansas Tech University (Theta Theta) University of North Florida (Theta Iota) Baylor University (Theta Omicron) Wofford College (Theta Zeta) Winthrop University (Theta Sigma) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Theta Tau) Texas State University-San Marcos (Theta Psi) California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Theta Omega)

The College of New Jersey (Iota Gamma) Towson University (Iota Delta) Fairleigh Dickinson University (Iota Iota) Christian Brothers University (Iota Xi) University of Dayton (Iota Pi) North Carolina State University (Iota Phi) Presbyterian College (Kappa Beta) University of Maryland (Iota Omega) Colorado State University (Kappa Alpha) Clemson University (Kappa Zeta) Moravian College (Kappa Iota) Monmouth University (Kappa Nu) The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (Kappa Xi) University of South Carolina Aiken (Kappa Pi) University of South Carolina Upstate (Kappa Rho) Florida Gulf Coast University (Kappa Tau) Georgia College & State University (Kappa Upsilon) Christopher Newport University (Kappa Phi) Shorter University (Kappa Chi) Saint Louis University (Kappa Omega)

Alumnae Awards Alabama Birmingham, AL Chapter Montgomery, AL Chapter Northwest Alabama Chapter Arizona Northern Arizona Chapter Phoenix, AZ Chapter Tucson, AZ Chapter Arkansas Little Rock, AR Chapter California Inland/Pomona, CA Chapter Long Beach, CA Chapter North Orange County, CA Chapter Palos Verdes, CA Chapter Sacramento, CA Chapter San Diego, CA Chapter San Fernando Valley, CA Chapter Southern Peninsula, CA Chapter Westside-Santa Monica, CA Chapter Colorado Boulder, CO Chapter Rocky Mountain, CO Chapter District of Columbia Washington, DC Chapter Florida Clearwater, FL Chapter Daytona Beach, FL Chapter Fort Myers, FL Chapter Gainesville, FL Chapter Greater Ft. Lauderdale, FL Chapter Jacksonville, FL Chapter Miami, FL Chapter Orlando, FL Chapter Palm Beach County, FL Chapter Punta Gorda, FL Chapter South Brevard, FL Chapter South Gulf Coast, FL Chapter Tampa, FL Chapter Georgia Athens, GA Chapter Atlanta, GA Alpha Chapter Atlanta, GA Themis Chapter

14 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Cobb County, GA Chapter Dekalb County, GA Chapter Gainesville, GA Chapter Gwinnett County Chapter of Georgia Macon, GA Chapter North Fulton Link of Georgia Chapter Illinois Chicago Northwest Suburban, IL Chapter Chicago West Suburban, IL Chapter City of Chicago, IL Chapter North Shore, IL Chapter St. Louis Metro-East, IL Chapter Indiana Evansville, IN Chapter Franklin, IN Chapter Ft. Wayne, IN Chapter Indianapolis, IN Association Lafayette, IN Chapter

New York New York City, NY Chapter Rochester, NY Chapter North Carolina Charlotte, NC Chapter Research Triangle, NC Chapter Winston-Salem, NC Chapter Ohio Akron, OH Chapter Cleveland-East, OH Chapter Cleveland-West, OH Chapter Columbus, OH Chapter Dayton, OH Chapter Toledo, OH Chapter Youngstown, OH Chapter Oklahoma Tulsa, OK Chapter

Iowa Des Moines, IA Chapter Iowa City, IA Chapter

Oregon Eugene, OR Chapter Portland, OR Chapter

Kansas Lawrence, KS Area Chapter

Pennsylvania Lancaster, PA Chapter Lehigh Valley, PA Chapter Philadelphia, PA Chapter Steel City, PA Chapter

Kentucky Lexington, KY Chapter Louisville, KY Chapter Louisiana Baton Rouge, LA Chapter Greater New Orleans, LA Chapter Northshore, LA Chapter Shreveport, LA Chapter Maryland Annapolis, MD Chapter Northern Maryland Chapter Salisbury, MD Chapter Silver Spring, MD Chapter Massachusetts Bay State, MA Chapter Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Chapter Detroit Metropolitan, MI Chapter Detroit, MI Alpha Chapter Grand Traverse Area, MI Chapter Greater Grand Rapids, MI Chapter Minnesota Twin Cities, MN Chapter Mississippi Greater Oxford, MS Chapter Jackson, MS Chapter Northeast Mississippi Chapter Missouri Springfield, MO Chapter St. Louis, MO Chapter Nebraska Lincoln, NE Chapter Omaha, NE Chapter New Jersey Central New Jersey Chapter Jersey Shore, NJ Chapter Mercer-Bucks, NJ Chapter Northern New Jersey Chapter Southern New Jersey Chapter New Mexico Albuquerque, NM Chapter Las Cruces, NM Chapter

South Carolina Aiken, SC Chapter Charleston, SC Chapter Columbia, SC Chapter Tennessee Jackson, TN Chapter Memphis, TN Chapter Murfreesboro, TN Chapter Nashville, TN Chapter Tri-Cities, TN Chapter Texas Abilene, TX Chapter Austin, TX Chapter Bryan-College Station, TX Chapter Central Texas Chapter Collin County, TX Chapter Corpus Christi, TX Chapter Dallas Area Night Alumnae Chapter Denton, TX Chapter Ft. Bend, TX Chapter Ft. Worth, TX Chapter Hidalgo County, TX Chapter Houston Northwest, TX Chapter Houston West, TX Chapter Houston, TX Association Humble/Kingwood, TX Chapter Huntsville, TX Chapter Lubbock, TX Chapter Mid-Cities North, TX Chapter Midland, TX Chapter Nasa-Brazoria County, TX Chapter San Antonio, TX Chapter Williamson County, TX Chapter Virginia Loudoun County, VA Chapter Richmond, VA Chapter Tri-Cities Virginia Chapter Virginia Peninsula Chapter Western Fairfax, VA Chapter Washington Seattle, WA Chapter Spokane, WA Chapter Canada Winnipeg, Manitoba



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Convention 2010

New program encourages social responsibility By Heather Matthews Kirk, DK Director of Education & Leadership Initiatives


ven before collegiate officers received materials for the new installment of the My Sister, My Responsibility program, they were enthusiastically teaching its lessons as they headed back to campus this fall. Chapter delegates at Convention were able to participate in each component of the program through a series of educational sessions as ZTA National Officers launched My Sister, My Responsibility: Teaching Social Responsibility.

The education began with a large general session dedicated to the cornerstone of the new program – the story of Samantha Spady, a student at Colorado State University who died in 2004 with a blood alcohol content of .436, five times the legal limit for driving. Sam’s mother, Patty Spady, shared the emotional story of her daughter’s life and the events on the evening of her death. “No one planned for Sam to die, but no one planned to prevent it,” she said. She described her daughter’s artistic talents and ambitions for the future, as well as a minute-by-minute account of parties she attended, people she encountered, and alcohol she consumed on the night she died. This personal and genuine storytelling allowed the women to comprehend the real danger of misuse of alcohol. “I cannot describe the emotion that overwhelmed me. I didn’t even know Sam Spady, but seeing her mother’s grief was all it took,” said Dakota Peterman, the judicial chairman of Epsilon Chapter at the University of Arkansas. “I sat there thinking that Mrs. Spady could have been the mother of one of my sisters. I decided in that moment, that when I got back home, I would do all that I could to make sure that my sisters stayed safe.”

Patty Spady shared the heart-wrenching story of her daughter, Samantha, a budding artist who died of alcohol poisoning.

During a recent chapter discussion, Peterman rose and gently but passionately described what Patty Spady had shared at Convention. With conviction, she told her sisters how each person was responsible for the others, and how she never wants to have to look at a mom and tell her something happened to her daughter. “The story of Sam Spady is a tragedy, it makes me think of the scary reality that is sugar-coated by the bullet-proof reputation college seems to have today,” Peterman said in reflection. “The actions and decisions that we make at 18, 19 and 20 will affect the rest of our lives.” Peterman felt the message that the creators of the new programming wanted to convey. “We were not out to force-feed facts and figures about alcohol; we wanted to open minds and hearts to the devastation that can be caused by the irresponsible use of alcohol,” said ZTA Executive Director Deb Ensor. “There isn’t a college campus or Greek system that is not struggling with the issues of social responsibility.” The program engages “college women to be more aware of how alcohol is affecting their behavior, their bodies and their futures,” Ensor said. “They need to recognize how to be responsible for themselves and their sisters, and how to confront those who have alcohol problems, including the use of the ZTA judicial procedure.” ZTA has designed this phase of the My Sister, My Responsibility program to educate members about their duty to care for themselves and others, especially in social situations. The centerpiece of this program, the workshop “Who is Watching Out for You?: The Sam Spady Story,” helps chapters

16 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Convention 2010 prevent tragedy by learning from the mistakes made on the night of Samantha’s death. An engaging documentary movie shows how one college student’s use of alcohol contributed to an unintended tragedy inside a fraternity house. At the conclusion of this workshop, each chapter member will receive a wallet card with the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and how to call for help. Using this piece and others, My Sister, My Responsibility teaches about the opportunity members have as Zetas to keep their sisters, themselves, their chapter and their Fraternity safe. It empowers chapter members to prevent and confront problematic drinking, hold themselves and others accountable for their actions, while reinforcing friendship and sisterhood, and emphasizing the mission and values of Zeta Tau Alpha. “This program is special because before even learning the details—the facts and figures about using alcohol, we touch your heart with the story of Samantha Spady, so you understand that tragedy can happen to you or to a sister if you are irresponsible,” Ensor said. “The Sam Spady Story” is one of six unique workshops that focuses on a variety of topics associated with social responsibility. With a myriad of workshops, the program stays fresh year after year for chapter members. “The modules are interactive and create the opportunity for women to have a conversation about alcohol from a health and wellness perspective, legal perspective, and friendship perspective," said Dr. Lori Ebert, the ZTA’s new risk management consultant. Teaching Social Responsibility is a follow-up to the award-winning Hazing Prevention and Confrontation program launched in 2008. Giving both programs the My Sister, My Responsibility title makes it apparent that this approach to risk education is about friendship and accountability for self and others.

INTERACTIVE WORKSHOPS IN MY SISTER, MY RESPONSIBILITY: TEACHING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ­­­» Alcohol: Considering Different Impacts for Different People Developed by Jason Kilmer, Ph.D., University of Washington ­­­» The Blame Game: A Question of Accountability Developed by Jeremy W. Inabinet, Assistant Dean of Students, Loyola University of Chicago ­­­» Holding Our Sisters Accountable Developed by Heather Matthews Kirk, Director of Education & Leadership Initiatives, Zeta Tau Alpha ­­­» Identifying Problem Drinking Developed by T.J. Sullivan, Vice President and CEO, CAMPUSPEAK ­­­» Legal Aspects of Alcohol Developed by Terry McCarthy, Esq., Attorney ­­­» Who is Watching Out for You?: The Sam Spady Story Developed by the SAM Spady Foundation

The new program was sent to chapters, advisors, campus professionals, National Officers and alumnae groups. In its first year of implementation, each collegiate chapter will facilitate two of the workshops, including “The Sam Spady Story.” “My Sister, My Responsibility provides a resource for the women to create the hard conversations about alcohol and establish ways to reduce risks in their lives,” Ebert said. “We can elevate all chapters when they make good choices around alcohol and focus on the real mission of Zeta Tau Alpha.” Even as a sophomore, Peterman is already engaging in these difficult conversations with her sisters. “My Sister, My Responsibility goes hand in hand with our foundation precept, love,” she said. “Sisterhood is loving someone enough to tell her what is right. This year we will take My Sister, My Responsibility to heart, realizing that our love for each other is stronger and worth more than any night of partying ever could be.”

Dr. Lori Ebert, ZTA’s new risk management consultant, engaged collegians with serious discussion about social responsibility.

No one planed for Samantha Spady to die, but no one planned to prevent it either. ZTA hopes that My Sister, My Responsibility will encourage chapters to take the necessary steps to prevent risks, make positive decisions, and hold their sisters accountable. My Sister, My Responsibility is funded by a grant from the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation. Fall 2010

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Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation

Cumulative giving above $2,500 with a gift this year Gold $50,000+ OMICRON

Brenau University Ms. Martha C. Edens

Theta Psi

Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Laura Ladewig Mauro

Silver $25,000-$49,999 Sigma

Baker University Val Clough Ross

Alpha Eta

University of Cincinnati Catherine G. Slaughter

Alpha Theta

Purdue University Bobby Seitz Turnbull

Beta Gamma

Florida State University Nora Nell Hardy Jackson

Beta Delta

Miami University Karen Lowman West

Gamma Beta

Washington College Becky Hainsworth Kirwan

Gamma Pi

The University of Georgia Stephanie Arnette Powell

Gamma Tau

Texas Tech University Cynthia Byars Courtney

Eta Iota

Valdosta State University Alice McCann Mathews

Eta Rho

The University of North Alabama Kay Dill Kreutzer

Bronze $10,000-$24,999 Epsilon


The University of Texas at Austin Mary Kay Lattimore Evans Mary Holt Walcutt Pat Joiner Woliver


Southwestern University Suzanne Morrow Ellis Shirley Oliver Sanders


University of Southern California Virginia Pressey Garner


Baker University Pat Wooster Jackson


Southern Methodist University Janet Rendleman Bergstrom Nan Barkley Boettcher Anne Barkley Manning

Alpha eta

University of Cincinnati Marguerite Roessler Whitney

Alpha Theta

Purdue University Ann Thomas Hutchison

Alpha Kappa

Gamma Omicron

Central Michigan University Leslie Wise

Gamma Pi

The University of Georgia Bonney Stamper Shuman

Gamma Tau

Texas Tech University Beverly Kunze Randall Stacey Verkest Voigt

Gamma Psi

Texas Christian University Shirley Davanay Phillips Gamma Omega University of Houston Nancy Bowne Morgan

Delta Alpha

California State University, Long Beach Kathy Benzini Stampe

Delta Delta

Baldwin-Wallace College Hellen M. Greenway Kay McCoy McKelvey

Delta Kappa

Louisiana State University Sherry Stagg St. Aubin

Unversity of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Stacy J. Froschauer

Zeta Alpha

Alpha Xi

Zeta Delta

Indiana University Dorothy Graf Thorman

Alpha Upsilon

Oklahoma State University Sharryn Tucker Ehrlich Beta Gamma Florida State University Deb Ensor Jacquie Belcher Miller

Beta Epsilon

University of California, Los Angeles Ethel M. Cullom Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Dinah Helms Cook

Gamma Iota University of Florida Karen Farmer Mills

University of Arkansas Martha Gorum Jackson

18 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

University of Evansville Sherry Server Tilley

Theta Tau

Alpha Nu

Theta Chi

Alpha Xi Indiana University Debra DeVault Marlett Patty Foellinger Smith

Iota Delta

Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa Morgan Hallett Banasiak

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Andrea Nichole DeVos Mary Albert Ward George Mason University Lucia Prenzel Knudsen Towson University Liza Gundell

Iota Sigma

Old Dominion University Keeley McDonald Riddle

Turquoise Blue $5,000-$9,999 Alpha

Longwood University Kim V. Cave


The University of Tennessee at Knoxville Ann McMaster Kemmer Peggy Hannon Thornton


Drury University Kathy Vogt Thuneman


The University of Alabama Joan Parker Hull

University of Louisiana at Monroe Joy Hathorn Watson


Zeta Omicron


Arkansas State University Nona Douglass Richey

Eta Alpha

Georgia Southwestern State University Elizabeth Harpe Ruf

Eta Xi

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Francine Marie Vannicola

Eta Rho

The University of North Alabama Julia Marthaler Hill Malaea Nelms Seleski

Baker University Dr. Darcy L. Russell University of Pittsburgh Alice U. Jones


University of Washington Nancy Meagher Hicks


Southern Methodist University Kim Knight Rice

Alpha Gamma

University of Michigan Bonnie Martin Kohl Sue Goodwin Peyron

Alpha Theta

Purdue University Janet Graab-Miller Jan Houska Plunkett

Birmingham-Southern College Terri Dew Millsap

Alpha Pi

Ohio University Denise Frissell Rogers

Alpha Rho

Syracuse University Ruth E. Sadler

Alpha Upsilon

Oklahoma State University Sara Hays Johnston

Alpha Chi

University of Kentucky Linda Lawrence Green Jackie-Sue Howard Scelfo Marty E. Sik

Alpha Psi

University of Missouri Christy Marx Barber

Beta Gamma

Florida State University Susan Jones Baker

Beta Delta

Miami University Barbara Wheelock Hamilton

Beta Zeta

Iowa State University Sheryl K. Sunderman

Beta Xi

The University of Akron Mary Gillam Anderson

Beta Omicron

University of South Carolina Dianna Buck Conaty

Gamma Delta

The University of Mississippi Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel

Gamma Iota University of Florida Susan Hickok Ivey Susan Brown Long Joelen Kilbas Merkel Gamma Nu

University of Virginia Edwyna McMullan Wingo

Foundation Gamma Xi

Indiana University of Pennsylvania Roxanne Trovato Wood

Gamma Pi

The University of Georgia Pam J. Garrison Dr. Kelly M. Smith

Gamma Sigma

The University of Tampa Sylvia Sears Danner

Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Leslie Liem Hix Gamma Phi

University of North Texas Jan Spradley McCarthy

Gamma Chi

Indiana State University Trixy Swearingen Brill Chris Flora Stull

Gamma Psi

Texas Christian University Marnie Brown Cranmer

Gamma Omega

University of Houston Alice DeWalt Hahn Renee Broussard Jongebloed Sandy Shumate Lewis

Delta Alpha

Theta Omega

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Dolores Gonzales Gastineau Diane Hanson Keegan

Iota Psi Rochester Institute of Technology Vicki Decker Griffith

Steel Gray $2,500-$4,999 ALPHA

Longwood University Janet T. Thompson


University of Arkansas Kim Callico Cordes Jayne Scoggins Hungate


The University of Tennessee at Knoxville Judy Golden Bentley Valerie Cowles Melissa Still


The University of Texas at Austin Linda Liles Cattanach Marida Pike Slobko

California State University, Long Beach Nyla Stanley Parker

Mu Drury University Janet Vigen Levy

Delta Beta


Florida Southern College Elena C. DeVilliers Barbara Kazanjian Purks

Delta Delta

Baldwin-Wallace College Michelle Macartney

Delta Zeta

Sam Houston State University Claire Winn Dowden Judy Berry Jackson

Delta Kappa

Louisiana State University Dianne Worsham Rube

Delta Omicron

Lenoir-Rhyne College Dana Brasington Atkinson

Delta Psi

Samford University Susan L. Beard

Zeta Theta

East Central University Brigette Donaghey Gean

Zeta Xi

Georgia Southern University Kaci Holloway Johnson

Zeta Pi

Woodbury University Kathy Cook Apogee

Zeta Psi

Jacksonville State University Gloria Culberson Hice

Eta Iota

Valdosta State University Marlene Dunbar Conrad

Eta Lambda

College of Charleston Pam McMillan McKinney

Eta Rho

The University of North Alabama Dr. Mary Ann Stratford Stegall

Alpha Theta

Purdue University Jean Heusel Bradley Connie Fotos Grace Kelly J. Murray Karen Manteufel Ripp Mary Hobbis Schubert Sandy Clarkson Stuckman

Alpha Nu

Birmingham-Southern College Lynn Compton Chapman Carol Burr Petrusek

Alpha Xi Indiana University Alyssa Elaine Heggen Lori Sharp Kline Georgia Vorgang Kovacic Barbara Lockhart Taylor


Millikin University Elta Turner Cooke Patricia Rannebarger Ford Norma Jean Janes Sandy Fendley Theriault


University of California, Berkeley Mary Jane Agnew Buzzell Mary Beth Covert Jump Alice Connolly Mitchell


Duke University JoAnne Withrow Eaton-Morriss


University of Washington Marilyn Woodmark Hanson Marilyn L. Johnson Lucy Brown Kanikeberg Julia Greek Prosser Kori Sosnowy Voorhees


Southern Methodist University Martha Maxfield Cottingham Diddy Schroeder Ellis Jerry Rainey Putt

Alpha Zeta

The Ohio State University Debbie Langford Gates

Gamma Eta

Zeta Kappa

Gamma Theta

Zeta Xi

Gamma Iota

Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University Debbie Goff Apel

The University of Toledo Sherrie Shipman Gilchrist University of Colorado at Boulder Carol Bartlett Benner University of Florida Jean Hanna

Louisiana Tech University Christy Carroll Slack Georgia Southern University Mardee Coyle Austin

Zeta Sigma

The University of Texas at Arlington Marti Cherry Diaz

Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Maurine McIntyre Bacher Lynn Ann Conard Ann White Truscott

Gamma Omicron

Zeta Upsilon

Alpha Phi

Northwestern University Anne Hincke Evans Deanna Olson Hartenberg

Central Michigan University Cathy Thompson

Gamma Pi

The University of Georgia Cindy Gower Glover Ann Tansey Kreager

Alpha Chi

Gamma Rho Auburn University Eugenia Malone Zallen

Beta Gamma

Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Sharon Seeliger Boynton Pam Evans Cho

University of Kentucky Pamela Hall Potter Shirley A. Wilson

Beta Delta

Sigma Baker University Elaine Handlen Kalen

Zeta Iota Western Carolina University Franlyna Barrett Charles

James Madison University Mary Sue Whitt

Syracuse University Laura-Jean Learned MacDonald


Brenau University Melissa Garner Hankinson Sally Richardson Hardin Nancy Floyd Stipp

Gamma Epsilon Pennsylvania State University Sally Leight Lazorchak

Gamma Kappa

The University of Alabama M. Darby Forrester


Zeta Gamma Youngstown State University Lori Ann Peters

Alpha Rho

Florida State University Dinah Jackson Laughery Betty Arnold O’Neill

University of Southern California Elisa Zobelein Shambaugh

Gamma Delta The University of Mississippi Cande McNally Elchroth

Miami University Doris Hildbold Cheeseman

Beta Epsilon

University of California, Los Angeles Geri Beal Greer Viora Grunewald Mary J. Harrison Carolyn Rogers Morris Rondi Werner Redmann

Beta Omicron

University of South Carolina Cathy Coleman Knox

Beta Rho

University of Manitoba Susann MacQuarrie Monroe

Gamma Upsilon

The University of Oklahoma Marty Marie Sutton-Garner

Gamma Phi

University of North Texas Christy Alexander Brown

Gamma Psi

Texas Christian University Shery Kime Goodwin

Gamma Omega

University of Houston Susan McLaughlin Hoyt Kathy Milligan Wilson

Delta Alpha

California State University, Long Beach Nancy Spessard Carman

Delta Beta

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Sally Schott Wellman

Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Kris Fleming Eta Iota

Valdosta State University Leilani Struzick Rabourn Kery Reinkemyer Webb

Eta Kappa

University of Central Florida Karen Henning Sparkman

Eta Mu

Augusta State University Natasha Hendrix Pratt

Eta Rho

The University of North Alabama Joan Kimball Mollohan

Eta Phi

Illinois State University Michelle Ledger Frank

Eta Omega

Louisiana State University in Shreveport Marnie Marlar-Kelly

Theta Delta

Salisbury University Dixie White Leikach

Beta Sigma

Florida Southern College Molly Carter Hancock Robin H. Sullivan

Theta Theta

Beta Phi

Delta Gamma High Point University Neely Dowall Crowley

Theta Omicron Baylor University Angela Rose Malone Kelly Lacy Schneider O’Connor

Rhodes College Nelly G. Shearer Michigan State University Susie Sherman-Hall Kristen Humeston Harthorn Robin Walker Volden

Beta Psi

Stetson University Sydney Millard Legakis

Beta Omega

Union University Diane Wood Tucker Frances Tate Williams

Gamma Alpha

University of Miami Ana V. DeVilliers Shari H. Robins M.D.

Gamma Gamma The University of Texas at El Paso Janis Quier Hartwell Lilla B. Lide

Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Vicky Donaldson Fleisher Mary Ann Hansen Macey Delta Kappa

Louisiana State University Helen Levings Caldwell Bowen Marcy Cann

Delta Mu

The University of Tennessee at Martin Barbara Demlow Briggs Vicki Clark

Zeta Alpha

University of Evansville Pam Morris Blessing Bryn Hemsley Masiuk Jacqueline O’Donnell Merk Sherry Bryan Murray

Arkansas Tech University Kelley Snow Harmon

Theta Tau

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carolyn Hof Carpenter Carla Martin Cobb Catherine Rowland Liemohn

Iota Alpha Robert Morris University Karen M. Rose-Roper Iota Iota

Fairleigh Dickinson University Margareth De Jesus

Iota Sigma

Old Dominion University Coleen Ann Ryder

Fall 2010

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Foundation ZTA Foundation Annual Donors 2009-2010

This annual listing honors donors who have given $25 or more during the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Giving Key 1-Gifts of $5,000+ 2-Gifts of $2,500-$4,999 3-Gifts of $1,000-$2,499 4-Gifts of $500-$999 5-Gifts of $300-$499 6-Gifts of $100-$299


Longwood University Tina Moody Caliga—6 Carol Farleigh Cashman Kim V. Cave—5 Susan O’Hara Christopher Gayle Turpin Heese Margaret Bell Herrin—6 Sally Spindler Jordan Frances Webster Robins Janet T. Thompson—5 Julia M. Williams Pat Coleman Winstead Delta Randolph-Macon Woman’s College Betty Dabney Charles—6 Phillipa Allen Smith—6 Beverly Blair West


University of Arkansas Whitney Elysee Adams Karen Cunningham Armstrong Meredith Lynn Armstrong Jennifer Baker Katie LeeAnn Berghorn Morgan Bingham Courtney Gayle Caldwell Alysia Rae Campbell Jillian Harrison Carroll—6 Mrs. Ellen Terrell Case McKinley Ellen Case Amber Michelle Clark—6 Courtney Erin Clark Mary Lynn Woolley Combs—5 Lauren Nicole Cook Ashley Nicole Cooper Kim Callico Cordes—6 Suzanne Cooksey Cowne Emmy Meagan Crossfield—6 Gaye Warren Cypert—6 Amanda Christine Dooly Kaitlin Marie Drennan PD Kay Elliott Kathy Williams Frein—6 Lindsey Ann Frizzell

Sara Kremer Gardner—6 Debbie Dillon Gentry—6 Katherine Dene Gentry—6 Kelli Golden Tyler Noelle Green Lindsay Marie Grisham—6 Eve Gruetzemacher Gail Lackey Hargraves Pamela June Haynie Nancy Lang Hays Traci Chappell Hooker Kyle Hougland Merisha Mangrum Hovey Rachael Ann Howell Jayne Scoggins Hungate—5 Shauna Renee Iciek Martha Gorum Jackson—4 Mary Graydon Jessen Betty Harris Kell Charlotte McKinney King Jennifer Anne King Julia Anne Korman Spencer Dyan Lamb Molly Leopard Rachel Katherine Ludeman Sherry Holley Lum Brittany Marie Martin—6 Meredith Doran Matthews Abby Young McKelvy—6 Stephanie Michaelis Deanna McCasland Mitchell Madelyn Victoria Moon Charlotte Hervey Moore Kelsey Leigh Morehead—6 Kristen Shiloh Morris Madison Elyse Neaville—5 Kelsie Kay Neja Pamela Michelle Perez Rachel Noel Petty Michelle Rizzuti Donna Ruggles—6 Alison Anne Sampson—6 Jessica Leigh Scott Loretta Moon Scott Jessica Kay Simmons—5 Chelsea Kalyen Sorrels Wanda Richards Spivey Elizabeth Caitlin Stanley Kyra Mackenzie Storm Lauren E. Taylor Carolyn Jackson Tolley Alexandra Michelle Wise—5 Marcia Kirksey Wise—5 Zeta The University of Tennessee at Knoxville Susan Gilbert Barnes—6 Betty Tipton Beason Judy Golden Bentley—4 Billie Bettess Bird Sandy Keck Bogle

New survivor T-shirts and hats and popup banners for each collegiate chapter give the fight against breast cancer a fresh look.

20 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Stephanie Sargent Burns—6 Lucile Ownbey Casey Betty Young Catron Cynthia Connor Valerie Cowles—6 Lu Ann Woolwine Crockett—6 Elizabeth Lenoke Cushman Joan Whitaker Donahue Tricia Dres Adrienne Higginbotham Foster Kathleen Clarkson Frey Shelbi Fae Gatlin—5 Elizabeth Schofield Graf Jeanne Mack Hansen Kate Hendrix Emily Victoria Huntzinger—6 Sula Hensley Inklebarger Joy Millsaps Kelly—6 Ann McMaster Kemmer—5 Emily Keplinger Megan Elizabeth Kolbe Catherine Perry Newton—6 Janice Ward Pafford—6 Betsy Boody Quillin Helen Carr Saulsberry 6 Priscilla Marie Simms Peggy Raymond Slater Kathy Leamon Smith Jenna Marie Solie Mary Emily Welch Stewart Melissa Still—4 Kimberly A. Sweat Peggy Hannon Thornton—6


Bethany College Anne Elaine Carter—6 Carolyn Harvey Elliott Jeanne Matheny Irvin Pat Simon Keahon Jean Luts Ritter Betty Murphy Weimer Beth Ann Wichrowski Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Georgeann Hedrick Adams Adrienne M. Alexander Susan J. Bayliss Jene’ Lanclos Bearse Mary Slater Beck Bailey Rebecca Bennett Susan Scott Birdwell—6 Jenee Jongebloed Bobbora Kim Christine Boller Martha Hopkins Bowes Frances Navratil Bredthauer—5 Diana Beavers Bresk—6 Kimberly Wendland Carey—6 Carolyn McCleary Casselberry Linda Liles Cattanach—6 Sue Clark June Wilkinson Cowden—6 Ava Scott Demopulos—5 Mary Baker Drews Sondra Hampton Durso—6 Bonnie Michelle Emmett Kay Yantis English—4 Sunny Wilkens Ernst Billie A. Evans—6 Mary Kay Lattimore Evans—6 Melissa Guinn Fauser Carol Howard Gardner Judith Britt Goerner Presley Ellyn Hall—6 Rosemary Buaas Harrison Elinor Virginia Hart—6 Sarah Hartman Harvin—4 Sandra Hilton Herrin—6 Tracey Hall Hime Susan Kirkpatrick Hinson Lois Ellen Jackson—6 Sandra Kay Jones—3 Carol Miller Kelley—6 Linda Burk Kemp Kelli Shanae Ketterman—6 Sandy Wright Kibby Elizabeth Beyer Lyons—5 Linda Walsdorf Marsh—6 Mary Jo Ward Mason—6 Juanita Tatman Mayes—6

Kristin Massey McNeely Caitlin Shea McPherson Jerry Carter Montouri—6 Ortrud Lefevre Much—6 Kitty Knox Oldham Mayre Richards Overstreet Aimee Joffrion Perrin Eleanor Preston Pulver Katherine Jenna Reagan Kayla Ann Riggs—6 Kathy Holmes Ritter—5 Beverly McDowell Rossy—6 Barbara Broesche Ryan Sally Johnson Salners—6 Betty Burkhart Schawe—6 Marida Pike Slobko—5 Lois Bearden Smith—6 Lucille Randall Southerland Jen Lara Stein Emmalee Heltzel Stradley—6 Megan Ann Sullivan Lauren Patin Taylor Mary Bird Terry—6 Peggy Stark Trieschmann—5 Kristie Adams Wade Mary Holt Walcutt—6 Kailey Ann Wardlow—6 Stacey Lynne Weems Pat Joiner Woliver AJ Vance Yeoman—6 Lambda Southwestern University Dorothy Stevens Bruner Kim Carter—4 Suzanne Morrow Ellis—3 Kay Allen Ferrell Annie Reese Forshagen Helen Hicks Groos Mary Carolyn Garrett Howell Karen Dailey Lesikar—6 Joan Graham Lufburrow Anna Marie Malone Jane Wheat Parks Sheri Belknap Sager Shirley Oliver Sanders—6 Catherine Earles Turer, M.D.—6 Courtney Cristiani Varner Taylor Maxine Wright Mu Drury University Susan Orchard Freeman Jodi Turner Gelfand—6 Susan Logghe Grimes Lisa Johnson Hastings—5 Darlena Ann Hill Barbara Schmidt Hirsh Tiara Lashae Hughes Joyce Brown Ihnow Janet Vigen Levy—6 Melissa Berlin McGuire Nancy Shook Monteer Lynette Nicole Newcomb Mary Sacco Pitliangas Sharon Warren Price Carolynn Holland Thompson Nicki Linn Thompson—5 Kathy Vogt Thuneman—5 Judy Nelson Trout Suzanne Seamon Ward Nu The University of Alabama Mary Lee Starnes Beal Keely Elizabeth Bearden—4 Courtney Michele Campbell Mary Susan Cashio—6 Maddy Blaney Chesnard Beverly Smith Colditz—6 S. Annette Crenshaw—6 Jennifer Anne Dansby Harriette Matthews Dye M. Darby Forrester—5 Katie Renee Gamble Laura Wilson Glass Rachel Lauren Govert—6 Melinda Housh Helveston—5 Joan Parker Hull—5 Pamela Lora Klinner—6 Bobby Cook Lamb Lauren Elizabeth Lepore

Kimberly Joy Lyon Julia Graden Martin Sarah Skipper McCullom Mary Kathryn McLeod Mary Sessamen Moorer Lucile Burnett Morris Cackie Hall Morrow Marilyn Beason Motley—6 Catherine Moore Neal Ashley Calhoun Nicholson—6 Sandra Whitmire Ross—6 April Plunkett Scamardo Heather Marie Serwecki Flynt Stebbins Helen Smith Tuck Judy Stone Weaver—6 Candice Paige Williams Cleo Dansby Williams Xi University of Southern California Patricia Howard Bennett Frances Tomlinson Boothe—6 Dottie Freeman Fonley—6 Betty Woldstad Fullerton—6 Virginia Pressey Garner—4 Merle Carrona Hollywood—6 Arlette Etchart McGurty—6 Mary Crowley Messner Maurine Pace Platt Elisa Zobelein Shambaugh—5 Ellen Praytor Wilson Omicron Brenau University Georgana Frazer Anderson—6 Bonnie Floyd Bering—6 Lori Dixon Bunn Qing Cao Whitney Lauren Cochran Caroline Marie Cook Ms. Martha C. Edens—1 Heather Nicole Farris Margaret Hill Gaus—6 Melissa Garner Hankinson—4 Page Dyer Houseman—6 Evelyn Abbott Irzyk—6 Sandy Quackenbush Marcoux Kimberly B. McCoy—6 Marla Boykin Orr Gloria Holland Poss—6 Cathy Rawlinson—6 Katherine L. Reilly—6 Chavigny McDonald Revelette Sara Hoffman Robinson Maddy Suzanne Sosebee Nancy Floyd Stipp—5 Alana Leigh Swain Louise Crutchfield Turner—6 Daisy Goodnight Waldrep—6 Lisa Williams —6 Joan Sorensen Wilson Sigma Baker University Elizabeth Ann Barr Audrey Buohl Curran—6 Ashley Nicole Dolezilek Kelli Renee’ Gamel Marcia Rossiter Hawk—6 Mary Lambert Holland—6 Joan Reed Iverson—6 Pat Wooster Jackson—5 Sonya Picking Jones—5 Elaine Handlen Kalen—6 Phyllis Stegner Kidd Tina Hartman Lawson Mary Cragoe Magalee—6 Roberta Enos Marstall Anita Wenger Pfister Betty Minter Pike Dee Smith Reid Joan Brockmeyer Resch Val Clough Ross—3 Dr. Darcy L. Russell—5 Betty Hackman Sigman Linda Carlson South Linda G. Stegner Mrs. Timothy J. Tierney—5

Foundation Tau Millikin University Judy Gilman Ambrose Linda Chapman Arends—6 Lynn Degenhardt Barnes Sandra Lynch Boylson—6 Ellen Scherer Conville Elta Turner Cooke—4 Patricia Rannebarger Ford—3 Diana Boron Huff—6 Norma Jean Janes—6 Jodi Creek Larson—6 Nancy Sturies Nash DeeDee Chapman Olson—6 Sandy Fendley Theriault—5 Lisa Hoffman Waight Marilyn Brandt Winterberger Marian Kiefer Wolf Mary Jean Hubbell Word Upsilon

University of California, Berkeley D. Carol Anderson Jean Anderson Austin—6 Barbara De Borba Bennett—6 Mary Jane Agnew Buzzell—5 Claudia Cate Beatrice Kroger Dimpfl Dorothy Jackson Emerson Lois Vaughn Foster Mary Beth Covert Jump—6 Cynthia Dygert Kesselring—6 Lois Swanson Manbert—6 Alice Connolly Mitchell—5 Kathryn M. Neri—6 Kathleen Fox Pedersen—6 Elizabeth Petersen Phillips Jackie Silvers Mother Dolores OCD Diane D’Aoust Thielvoldt Dorothy Pease Warner


Duke University Leonora Privett Beggs Betsy Ann Bergeron Lisa Koehler Burke Kellie Ann Catanach JoAnne Withrow Eaton-Morriss—5 Ann Stinnett Farrell Ann Goodson Faust Hallie Fisher Ania Emily Oddone Natalie Maschmann Olsen Maddy Leah Pfau Candy Nickel Polhill Alyssa Catherine Riess—6 Caterina Mia Rodriguez Ethel Holloway Webb Margit Triska Webb Jill Ruedy Welch Chi University of Pittsburgh Barbara Russell Johnson Alice U. Jones—5 Norma Jean Wilkes McCann—6 Dee Schwarzbach Nestel—5 Barbara Wolff Sippel—6 Georgian Steinhart—6


University of Washington Roberta Losey Abhold Margaret Lynch Amory Patricia Gilpin Anderson—6 Erin Althauser Arden Annalise Dickey Beck Patricia Louise Beck Anne E. Bentley Bernice Lutterman Boles Marilyn Arnstein Carl Lois Wilson Constantine—6 Marlee Draper Andrea Loreth Dreyer Kari Lindstrum Garis—6 Mikaela Alexis Gomes Marilyn Woodmark Hanson—5 Gina Hathron Hathorn Nancy Meagher Hicks—5 Charlotte J. Hopper Mary Cline Hundstad Marilyn L. Johnson—6 Tara Splater Johnson Lucy Brown Kanikeberg—5 Jaime Elduen Keith—6 Lois Pearson Kelley

Peggy DuBois McDonald Marilyn Cavan McMaster Ashley Nicole Medak—6 Beverly Eckert Meln—6 Jill Naas Caitlyn Ruth Newhard—5 Megan Catherine Nordstrom Anne Swanson Panchot Carol Atherton Phelan Kristin E. Phelps Sarah Ruhwedel Porter—5 Olivia Grace Price—5 Julia Greek Prosser—4 Diana Schaeffer Quist Shirley Laing Reeves Patricia Ryan Rein Shirley Thompson Richardson Natalie Rodriguez Eleanor Marino Ross—6 Lesley Danielle Schreiber—6 Barbara Cope Scott Nikki Solaro Laurie Lavering Thiel Brooke L. Tibbles Jamie Lynn Van Horn Brooke Elizabeth VanWingerden Kate Buben Vo Kori Sosnowy Voorhees—5 Alberta Holtorp Walsworth Jennfer D. Waters—5 Karla Lundgren Wheeler—6 Shawn Emily Whitefield Betty Ellis Winter Eleanor Randall Worsham Maryellen Lees Young Omega Southern Methodist University Jeanne Henslee Adams Judy Kuhn Alton—6 Callie H. Anderson Janet Rendleman Bergstrom—1 Nan Barkley Boettcher—4 Nancy Penick Burnett Cathryn Meldrum Conrad—6 Martha Maxfield Cottingham—5 Diddy Schroeder Ellis—5 Susan Marston Evans Betty Scott Ewan—6 Rhonda Kay Gaede—6 Dianne Warren Green—5 Virginia A. Gunn Martha Jackson James Beverly Bohmfalk Lang—6 Martha Ann Henneberger Lee—6 Martha A. Madden—6 Anne Barkley Manning—3 Mary Anne Fraunces Odom Mary Anne Park Owens Angela Manalo Protacio—6 Jerry Rainey Putt—4 Melissa N. Quevillon—6 Kim Knight Rice—4 Carol Jean Ritchie Virginia Hansen Robins—5 Megan M. Rust, M.D.—6 Joe Bath Stamey—6 Betty Wilson Tatum Martha Mikan Walsh

Alpha Alpha

Iowa Wesleyan College Dr. Shirley Wood De Lucia—6 Margaret Giebel Smith—6 Roma Emundo Smith Donna Sywassink Trambley

Alpha Beta University of Pennsylvania Anne Gruhl Hess—6 Angie Manno Hopes Alpha Gamma University of Michigan Leila Reese Baker Jen Michelle Balogh Trudy Eisenberg Balogh—6 Monica Zawistowski Beckman—6 Lauren Anne Blanchard—5 Jordan Ashley Borkowski Amanda Clementine Caccavo Barbara Ilene Cossman Courtney Lynn Dalton Dina Bartram Edwards Phyllis Luvera Ennes Marilyn Marie Fletcher Maiga Buss Friess—6 Carly Claire Goldberg

Bonnie Martin Kohl—5 Catherine Cullen Martinez Patty Skaisgir McCabe—6 Cheryl Brockmiller Morey Nancy L. Niemela Kelly Kay Osika Anna Rose Peters Sue Goodwin Peyron—5 Norma Clarke Powell—6 Debby Rossman Retzer Lauren Townsend Rovin Beth Ann Sadler Mrs. Elizabeth Gates Shuter—6 Kelly Kenifeck Small Mira Jablonski Small—3 Maddy Anne Thompson Kamie Zaracki—6 Alpha Delta Butler University Aileen Universaw Bolton Martha Demaree Davis Pearl Richardson Mears

Alpha Zeta

The Ohio State University Lisa Freda Amundsen—5 Marcia Diane Baum Nancy Bennett Bauman—6 Kathleen Chapman Clarke Deborah Price Cole—6 Cathy Ramogida Crum Judy Brushwood Erickson—5 Pat Flynn Evans—6 Kay Forsythe Fenton—6 Debbie Langford Gates—6 Marion Tanner Gore—6 Patricia Robison Jameson Peggy Betley Johnson—6 Maxine L. Mehlhaff—6 Becky Miller Nelson Terry Duey Rowe Marilyn Cox Stucki—6 Molly Mowbray Winters—6 Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati Mary Jane Wolf Bicknaver Mary Lippelman Corley—6 Virginia Brunswick Elliot Patricia Horak Fierro Nancy Russell Hamant Helen Motsinger Hildebrandt Dr. Barbara J. Howe Mary Anne Babbony Miller—6 Ms. Carolyn K. Quint—6 Betty Hammel Schardt Doris Fey Schmaltz—6 Catherine G. Slaughter—3 Dorothy Goepp Spiess Marguerite Roessler Whitney—6

Alpha Theta

Purdue University Mrs. Don Abbe Kristin Nicole Antosik Lynn Dolembo Bailey—6 Jean Heusel Bradley—6 Rosemary Lafuze Brasie—5 Karen Rafferty Hauck Caturano—6 Gynie Retzloff Close Catherine Marie Collins Dr. M. Margaret Conway—6 Diane Trout-Cummins—6 Anita Spears Darrah Katherine Leigh Dauch—6 Elizabeth Anthony Day—6 Marilyn McNulty Engstrand—6 Marjorie Wilkison Fadely Nan Gustin Fleenor Mary Louise Foster—6 Judy Schrader Geyer Connie Fotos Grace—5 Emalee Decker Havel—6 Diane Healey, M.D.—5 Vel Steely Hulsey Ann Thomas Hutchison—4 Barbara Turner Jameson—6 Bonnie Hanf Jones Jeanne Rose Keresztes Katie Aaron Kessler—6 Tammy Louise Kutter—6 Jane Taylor Lavey—5 Phyllis Reasor Lawrence Julie Fleek Lupinacci Janet Graab-Miller—4 Kelly J. Murray—5

The ZTA Foundation awarded a record $510,200 in scholarships to 247 students for the 2010-2011 academic year. Sharon Bryant Murray—6 Laura Pletcher Olson Jan Houska Plunkett—5 Brittney Ann Posey—4 Christine Raschke Donetta King Ratliff Karen Manteufel Ripp—5 Betty Van Akkeren Robert Mrs. Donna Wanderer Runyan Betty Steill Bolyard-Schnepp Mary Hobbis Schubert—6 Mary Bryan Sherman—5 Alison Rose Shoemaker Ruth Ceisner Skillman—6 Elmyrta Anderson Snow—6 Leta Alexandra Stevens Ruth Rattay Stockdale Sandy Clarkson Stuckman—5 Mrs. Glenn Suga Sara Headley Thrasher Colleen Michelle Troke—6 Jill Adams Tufano—6 Bobby Seitz Turnbull Erica Marie Wallace Heather Lynn Weidenbenner Emma Kathryn Wermuth Sue Abel Wigent—6 Betty Schillinger Wilson—6 Mary Lu Pike Wood

Alpha Kappa

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Elaine Pohl Benisek—6 Cheri Ronat Crew Doreve Alde-Cridlebaugh Arlene Irvine Edwards—6 Stacy J. Froschauer—6 Kristan Jatczak Hickman—6 Mrs. John D. Marshall Marjorie Gower McDermott Aldona Malelo Nainis—6 Guinevere Jones Newman Mrs. Kent A. Noble Lorraine Roulette Paull Eileen Donahoe Rock Harriette Renken Schmick—6 Mildred Roberts Shallock—5 Jackie Mudra Slama Amy Courtin Sohl—6 Birnie Boyer Speltz Julie Bacon Steensland—6 Donna J. Sunkel Sylvia Kolpack Tadin Anne Petro Tamulaitis Virgene Anderson Vatthauer—6

Dorothy Ruter Vitter Cynthia Curtiss Wise Alpha Mu Washburn University Sheri Muilenburg Bokelman Pam Ananis Doctor—6 Iva Jean Myer Duntz Laura Elaine Girton Constance Kay Houser Judy Doerfer Kuropkat Paige Jordan Martin Darlene Messenger Neff—6 Courtney Peterson Delores Sorg Rankin Helen Kilmer Richards Val Lynn Roberson—6 Shelby Marie Rogers—6 Ashley Ostmeyer Sanders Alanna Marie Seymour Carol Engler Stevenson Bette Settle Tompkins—6 Loubelle Goff Vandeventer Whitney Nicole Walter Mrs. Walt Whithaus—6 Cassandra Kay Windler Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College Lisette Marguerite Benefield Hilary Nicole Brooks—6 Lynn Compton Chapman—5 Tara Lynn Christenson Patricia Cowen Connor—6 Jamie Barton Cook Nichole Good Cornell Mallie Kirstin Dazelle—6 Celia Cheney Ellis—5 Catie C. Etka Betsy Rish Evans Melissa Ann Fetterer Sarah Allen Gaskin Jane Gillespie—5 Stephanie Jo Gossett Mary Elizabeth Hall—6 Haley Meredith Jones Rachel Ann Lockhart Annette Davis Lovett—6 Terri Dew Millsap—5 Michelle Ann Morrisey Georgina Simmons Perry Carol Burr Petrusek—3 Susan Dillard Phillips Taylor Marie Phillips Shirley Boutwell Prickett Jayne McCain Prude—6

Fall 2010

• 21

Foundation Mary Burkett Strain Laura McGahey VanPelt—6 Charlsie Diana Wigley Angela Christine Woodlee Mandy Joan Wright

Alpha Xi

Indiana University Jen Carole Addy Donna Korff-Baker Ashley Elizabeth Banister—5 Abigail Lee Bartolomeo—6 Hannah Blaze Barton—6 Marilyn Nigh Beattey—6 Merrie Lynn Beattey Emily Diener Beerhalter Rachel Barfell Cristina Carmela Boehmer—6 Annie Gracie Brennan—6 Lyndsay Nicole Bruce—5 Jamie Lynn Bucaro Betty Lind Burton—6 Marjorie Smith Butler Victoria Lea Carmen—6 Nina Menta Chaudhary Wendi Christine Chignoli Mary Jo Gillen Ciganek M. L. Brock Coburn Alex Leore Cohen—6 Amanda Rae Cohen Emily Jane Cooper Nat Kempson Craig Erin Melissa Crawford Martha Wales Crider Marilynne Tuttle Curtis Kalina Rene Dalecki Meredith Ryan Dalton—6 Lauren Kay Dardanes—6 Kacie Leigh Davis—6 Lisa Lancaster Day Alexandra Christine Doerge—6 Mary Ann Edwards Eleanor A. Ellis Lisa Bodine Enright—6 Marge/Sammy Ingels Evans—6 Sue Bartos Farquhar Shannon Louise Foley—6 Jennifer Kathleen Fulena—4 Lauren Gallup—6 Sue Matthes Galvin Sara Elizabeth Garrigan—6 Marcy Rene Giesler—5 Kendra Lower Gilbertson Rachel Lauren Gradner—6 Jane Salb Gramelspacher Allison Long Grier Hilary Lee Grunewald—6 Lauren Elizabeth Gula—6 Sara Marie Haley Lynn Merkley Harder Janet Balser Harmon Alexa Harris—6 Christy Dougherty Harris Mallory Elizabeth Hart Laura A. Hazelwood—5 Alyssa Elaine Heggen—4

Alexandra Holland—6 Colleen Elizabeth Holmes—5 Phyllis Wood Homburg—6 Marilyn McGinty Jacques—6 Caitlin Alexandra Johnston Kendra Dione Kaiser—6 Katie Julianne Karich Lori Sharp Kline—6 Rachel Kathryn Kocher Georgia Vorgang Kovacic—5 Jenny Anne Krejsa Judith Harris Lee Katie Marie Lillis—5 Stacie Michelle Lockhart—6 Patti Annexstad Marinovich—6 Katie Erica Markman—6 Debra DeVault Marlett—6 Gina Marie Mascera—6 Judith Harland Dearman Mason Phyllis McGibbon Matchett—6 Dani Witlin Mazza—5 Cait Fitzgerald McKee—6 Meaghan Blackburn McKee—6 Sarah Kathryn McNerney Janet Wiley McSharar Brittney Nicole Meek Rebecca Joyce Meyer—6 Susan Wittenberg Miller Laura LaVahn Minatel Debbie Bridgers Minnick—4 Danica Lynne Misz Anneke Marlene Moller-Tank Leigh Ann Moran—6 Miriam Laura Nelson—6 Elfreda Grande Olmstead—5 Alexandra Papadopoulos—6 Nicole Marie Patterson—5 Lauren Renee Ratcliff—6 Katie Elizabeth Rayl—5 Carly Melissa Ready—5 Sarah Lynne Reist—4 Jill Marie Rice—6 Carol Hertling Riggs Laura Gaylene Robbins—6 Rachel Vinicor Rodman Lauren Ashley Roesel—6 Blaire Nichole Rothberger—6 Patricia Foale Row Brittany A. Rowe—5 Heidi Rudolph Nancy Ryan Sabari—6 Jan Huster Sauer—6 Alyssa Rae Scheid—4 Chelsea Kay Schelter—6 Nicole Marie Schumacher—4 Allison Jean Schwartz Carley Lynn Schweet—5 Maryellen Jones Seeley—3 Katherine Margaret Seiwert Molly Schaffer Shaffer—6 Erika Ann Shellen Bonnie Fuson Toth Smith Patty Foellinger Smith—6 Sara Elizabeth Springborn—6 Connie Daugherty Standiford—6 Syl Fliesher Stephens

Emily Grace Stern—6 Kasey Stauder Stubblefield—6 Mary Mullins Sugar Mary Browne Suski Barbara Burk Swingle Kaitlin Michele Szafasz Kristen Michele Szafasz Barbara Lockhart Taylor—6 Steph Elizabeth Teat—6 Allison Elizabeth Thiems—4 Sheryl Rennaker Thomas Dorothy Graf Thorman—3 Mary Menzies Tierney Patricia Stephens Tolmen Kara Albiero Tornow—6 Barbara Schubert Trimble Jessica Rix Tripicchio—6 Caitlin Sandra Walgamuth—6 Brittany Marie Wanner—6 Aubrey Jo Wathen Ashley Rae Watson Kyle Williams—6 Kara Elizabeth Wilson Mary Bohannon Winston Laura Nay Witucki Janet Bunger Wortley—6 Melissa A. Zamin—5 Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa Cindy Matthias Alexander Jeri Dick Ballantine Morgan Hallett Banasiak—5 Melissa Ann Blazej Barbara C. Chang-Holt—6 Janice Keeline Cozad—6 Kerry Ann Diminuco—5 Becky Miller DuBois Natalie McFarland Gulbranson—5 Carolyn Mueller Halbach Kristen Carlstedt Johnson—6 Aubrey Layne Kalchbrenner—6 Melissa Kaser—6 Chloe Annelle Lee—6 Joan Calder Leu—6 Helen Costas Mantice—6 Daphne D. Emmack-Owens Anna Gail Proctor Ellen June Puschak—6 Brittany Jean Roberts Keilah Sarah Sandler Susan Sayre Jerelyn Boehmke Schultz Dana Leigh Schwartz—6 Kristen Marie Sheble Maddie Alexis Sheets Mrs. M. Sommerhoff—6 Sarah Katherine Stolz Jan Harvey Thake—6 Bonnie Knock Toillion—6 Carol Miller Van Aernam Emily Ann Vannice—6 Allison Nicole Ward Betty Jane Willits

The Foundation board now includes two pairs of former National Presidents and their daughters: front row, starting third from left, Dinah Helms Cook and Martha C. Edens; Nora Nell Hardy Jackson and Dinah Jackson Laughery.

22 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Alpha Pi

Ohio University Penny Busch Bashore—6 Ginny Dhonau Clevenger Sandy Stanley Engel—6 Corrine Towstiak Horton—6 Peg Biewener Krieg—6 Wendy Manfredi Claire Jones Marshall Sandra Evans McNickle Frances Bauer Morrow—6 Regina Stanford Northcott—6 Denise Frissell Rogers Susan Rademaker Schmidt Jane Remley Sibila Linda Isner Speece—6 Sarah Janusz Trout

Alpha Rho

Syracuse University Peggy McDonough Corey—6 Jane Miller Hoffman Lynn Percy Hunderup—6 Lynda Fain Johnson—6 Mary Anne Howard Jury Kay Brown Keckel—6 Laura-Jean Learned MacDonald—6 Nina Liccione Murphy—6 Lee Thorne Pelkey Ruth E. Sadler—6

Alpha Sigma

Oregon State University Linda Damm Umphrey

Alpha Tau

University of Minnesota Jeanne Pearson Braun Dorothy Townsend Casserly Helen Ringstrom Conway Alice Brand Hawks Ruth Koplitz Hopperstad—6 Mary Olson Johnsen—6 Gail Janicke Kassis Gloria Law Moen—6 Florence Baxter Norback Marilynn Anacker Weber Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Monica Hightower Allen—6 Maurine McIntyre Bacher Tracy Kelly Bazoian Talleri Thomas Beck—6 Ashlyn Victoria Boswell Samantha Rae Caudle—6 Lynn Ann Conard—5 Janette Dye Delozier Sharryn Tucker Ehrlich Kat Reed Evans—5 Rachel Louann Ferguson Cynthia Muir Hanselman—6 Denise Johnson Hull Pam Furlong Iacoe—6 Sara Hays Johnston—5 Kathleen Shepherd Koljack Jody Robertson Linze Virginia Gotwals Lloyd Linda Tatum Luse Chelsea Nicole Mai—6 Marsha Evans Mathis Meagan Laura McCartney Leigh Ann Pruitt McClain—4 Joy McGuire Miller Phoebe Anderson Mitchell Michelle Norris Montalbano—5 Grace Fulks Myers Karen McCredie Oaks Dorothy Coates Pataky—4 Lt. Col. Kelli Bautsch Pohlman—6 Kelsey Purifoy Mrs. Fred Rathbun Dixie Carson Shilling Carol Robinson Smith Regina Bruce Steadman Tammy L. Tindle—5 Sally Durham Trapnell—6 Ann White Truscott—5 Mary Guthrie Van Gieson Mag Stanley Walton—6 Patricia Ann Ward—6 Claudia Currin Webster—6 Vicki Rudolph-Williams—5 Christina Higgins Wright—4 Jane Gertsen Yetts

Alpha Phi Northwestern University Sydney Mia Bucksbaum Genevieve Moroff Chastek—6 Lizzie DuBay Anne Hincke Evans—5 Diane Joy Froelich Patricia Gilchrist Gleacher—4 Deanna Olson Hartenberg—5 Judith Anderson Hohorst—6 Anna Naomi Kaminsky—6 Jane Lenberg Lindgren—6 Melissa Mann Miller Irene Kernaul Nero—6 Diane Germaine Ostrow Beverly Jones Payne Thalia Pavis Roberts Rosanne Marie Sangiacomo Caitlin Marie Sherman Janet Wood Skoglund—6 Carolyn B. Volk Alpha Chi

University of Kentucky Dorothy Grugin Archer Louise Martin-Carey Mona King Crissey Linda Lawrence Green—5 Ann Goolsby Hays Mona Turner Huber Carol Conrad Huston Terri Lacy—5 Kathy C. Laudwein Shirleen Sutton Maynard Pamela Hall Potter—5 Barbara Jacobs Priest—5 Franci Rocco Jo Bryan Rusin Jackie-Sue Howard Scelfo—4 Judy Smith Schineller—5 Marty E. Sik—4 Bonnie Jackson Slater Leah Joyce Stewart Shirley A. Wilson—5

Alpha Psi

University of Missouri Erin Cathleen Anderson Christy Marx Barber—4 Joan Hambrick Bigham—6 Loraine Sewell Blackwood—6 Michelle Christine Bogowith Roberta Yehling Brockman Sarah Elizabeth Burroughs Marlynn Holt Crittendon, Ph.D Geri O’Hara Cupito Sarah Marie Danner—5 Shannon Ashley Ferguson—5 Cindy Lee Fiegenbaum—6 Harriet Peel Foiles Katy Diane Frasher Laura Thiel Golebiewski Pat Taylor Gresham—6 Lauren Elizabeth Handlan Jenny D. Hart Allison Kristen Hippisley Helen Clark Johnston—6 Anne Marie Jurgonski Katelyn Jane Kalmus Michele Kuznitz Kenagy—6 Stephanie Ann Kettner Carol Tritten Latham Sarah Elizabeth LeBlanc Lauren Elizabeth Lepper Mandie Marie Leung Heather Ann Logan—6 Geri Jordan Macauley—5 Samantha Michelle McCabe Kayla Diane Meyers Kelsey Marie Monroe Doris Young Moye Caitlin Marie Mueller—6 Jean West Ohlhausen Sarah Marie Ott Karen Litzsinger Sancho-Bonet Rachel Brooke Schallom Casey Christine Schmelder Lynn Treichel Sebring Sara E. Sternberger—5 Ashley Marie Stout—6 Nancy Coburn Swartz Mary Frances Peel Thornton Jenna Nicole Todoroff Irma Fanning Waring Gail Wilson Wekenborg Audrey Suter Willis

Foundation Alpha Omega

Ohio Wesleyan University Neva Sharpe Brandon—6 Mrs. Joseph Sheldon Dolores E. Zimmerman—6

Beta Alpha

George Washington University Carol Westbrook Beaver Betty Mayfield Bjornson Karen M. Collier Helen Warren Jorgensen Diane Hail Kanak Jeannie Carlson Richter

Beta Beta

Dickinson College Mrs. H. Todd Colfelt Ruth Hober Gontz Alice Ditzler Graham—6 Helen Kollas—6 Jean Weller McClelland

Beta Gamma

Florida State University Donna Theresa Allocco—6 Susan Jones Baker—4 Denise Sherron Barbee—6 Susie B. Boyce—6 Maddy Rose Cuono Deb Ensor—3 Doreen Moloney Furnari Rose Marie Linda Galietti Sheila Jean Hickey Nora Nell Hardy Jackson—3 Alexis Marie Jacobsen Lila Backman O’Meara Judkins—6 Burke Burkhardt Kirkland—6 Dinah Jackson Laughery—4 Lucy Council Lively Carole Ward Long Jill Jordan MacMillan—6 Ellen Reins Manry Sara Michelle McFarland Jacquie Belcher Miller—6 Betty Arnold O’Neill—6 Patricia Finlay Parham—6 Ginny Delvalle Paulk Jillian Leigh Pavsner Nancy Jones Petrandis Barbara Youmans Probst—4 Patricia Torraca Raiford Claire Brightwell Shaeffer—6 Virginia Starrett Sink—6 Lillian Stump—6 Yvette Mira Talbott Jan M. Thompson Kali Tripodis Terry Sue Turner Cheri Ganoe Villa Marion Swanson Wattenbarger Betty Burch Welch

Beta Delta

Miami University Lany Schaefer Aubry Barbara Caldwell Ayers Patricia Blossom Bernath Linda L. Bucher Madeleine Frances Cantrel Doris Hildbold Cheeseman—5 Lindsay Mae Coleman Lisa Cramer Dierbeck—5 Karen Sumpter Erlenbach Dorothy Krenek Haas Barbara Wheelock Hamilton—3 Meghan Clare Hughes Malia Grace Jones Ellen Berger Kus—6 Madeline Ruth Locke Julie Ann Makowski Jacki Kirschbaum Maltbie—6 Cara Beth Neudigate—6 Katie Susan Phelan Lynne Widlitz Pilot Carson MacKenzie Price Laura Shaffer Renz Valerie Lauren Robbe Colleen Elizabeth Schumm Alisha Mary Smith Mrs. Martha Waines Swartz Kaitlyn Regina Tegethoff Lisa Musgrave Thomas Jan Langdon VanDenburg—6 Jean Niemeyer Vesper—6 Linda Barger Weisflog—6

Karen Lowman West—3 Heather Renee Whitney—6 Dorothy Ann Zerger Katie Lynn Ziegler Beta Epsilon University of California, Los Angeles Carolyn Roberson Allen Lisa Shari Berger—6 Arlene George Blackford Marilyn Tomlinson Cantey Barbara Kimball Cowdery Ethel M. Cullom—3 Kathy Dixon—6 Carol Heaton Escapite Jean Warwick Gaddie Marilyn Graves Geri Beal Greer—6 Viora Grunewald—5 Mary J. Harrison—6 Kathleen Jennett Johnson Alice Nobes Lunsford Carolyn Rogers Morris—3 M. Elizabeth Patterson Rondi Werner Redmann—5 Mary Margaret Wammack Smith—6 Mary Viles Stephenson Jane D. Valde, DDS Dori R. Wents Beta Zeta Iowa State University Sheryl K. Sunderman—4 Darlene Anderson Oswalt—6 Beta Eta University of Nebraska-Lincoln Helen Pruett Blyth Carla Wademan Clark—6 Marcia McCallum Davis Carol Hughes Getz—6 Jane Wilhite Hines Sharon Messineo Jacobson Laura Lewis Robinette Ann Hermes Rosenblatt Susan Johnson Spencer—5 Susie Hodge Sup

Beta Theta

Franklin College Lillian Pomeroy Bridenhager Susan Roberta Canady—6 Amber Dawn Cart Nancy Kivett Cassel—6 Stefanie Leigh Davis—5 Carolyn Scudder DeBoer—6 Susan Eldon Deter—6 Debbie Sue Fraley Susannah Bridges Hallgarth Sarah Kathryn Hannah—6 Paige Kirsten Hill Jenny Johnson-Kappes Susan Amanda Lezotte Joan Roler Norman Virginia Spaulding Pagel Sarah Elizabeth Raderstorf Marti Dorrel Schrock Janis Saylor Shuman Marilyn Zellers Williams Barbara Hipple Wilson Dorothy Wright Zavodsky Beta Iota Centenary College of Louisiana Louise Harris Benoit—5 Lyndra Pate Daniel—6 Montie Thomas Dobbins Morgan Elliott—6 Rebekah Alise Gagnard Kelly Willer Hamilton—4 Pattie Fuller Hudson—6 June Anderson Miller Aurora Katherine Owen Brittany Lynn Pike Rachel Anne Richardson Catherine Rogers Simmons Betty Mosely Soloman Stephanie Ziegler Sutton Mrs. R. B. Van Horn Elizabeth Joan Woodson

Beta Kappa

Tulane University Sybil Corbett Bennett—6

IN MEMORY OF Melissa Wright Ables Darra Jean Copeland Adkins Jennifer Hicks Aertker Elaine Pierce Allison Dr. Jean Andrews Lilajeanne Begue Arneson Frieda Barnes Laura Joyce Barton Ashton Taylor Blackburn Mae D. Boswell Mayela M. Bragg Katherine R Branchaud Evelyn Greenhalgh Brockman Marilynne Burns Brooks Anne West Bruning Inez Bryan Patricia Henry Bunker Anastasija Buss Aunt Paula Caputo Greta Kanzig Chubb Carol Brandhorst Coakley Joyce M. Cofer Dr. Julian Compton Curtis Dowden Merry Van Fleet Drummond Florence Williams Dunn Helen M. Durlauf Jane Cook Herron Ehmling Jane Ellenore Freeman Becky Funoylica Marian Watters Gabriel Kay Ridout Galm Ernest Gaston Shirley Hasund Green

Beta Lambda

University of Louisville Debbie Miller Curren—6 A. Joan Daugherty—6 Shirley Crouch Elmore Judy Anne Gay Dorothy C. Kennedy M. Sue Lyon—6 Julia Shaw Rich Adelyn Denhard Spalding Esther Anna Wilhoyte—6 Beta Nu New Mexico State University Amanda Rae Considine Dorothy Heckman Culpepper—6 Erika Edgerly-Kiziuk—5 Alexandra M. Ellis Pat Guthrey Frankman—6 Gabby M. Gutierrez—6 Emily Lytton Holmgren—6 Rajini Gunaji Ihler—6 Maryce Mercedes Jacobs Jane Brogan Lucero Dyci RaShaun Manns Ginger Carroll Manss Kali Henz Marsh Janie Soper McDaniel Staci Dionne Musgrove—5

Beta Xi The University of Akron Mary Gillam Anderson—3 Florence Andrewjeski Eckert Olga Curtis Korcuska Marna Darst McGrath Mary Jo Young Mountain Marguerite Ann Murphy Milora Beachy Van Antwerp Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Margaret Ann Allshouse—6 Sarah Emily Altman—6 Mickey Caughman Anderson Trudy Epps Baker—6 Adrienne Dawn Ballenger—6 Catherine McClain Bauknight—6 Sally Claire Bell Shelby L. Benkert—6 Austin Boatwright—6 Megan Broadway—6 Shellie Jean Chapman—5 Becky Lindsie Clair—6 Dianna Buck Conaty—5 Dinah Helms Cook—3

Harriet Bigalow Gregory Eleanor Bell Guinn Marlene Thomas Haraka Wilma Burnau Harris Janet DeLong Hart Pat Crow Hartley Thelma Smith Hearron Edd Hendee Carolyn Hendricks Hester Rahman Hill Frances Pryor Hilliard Karen Koncak Horton Jane McMullen Irmscher Becky J. Jakubcin Phyllis Gill James Marion Galla Johnson Marion Jones Jean Wheatley Keyser Kimberlee Klemmer Tracey Pierce Kormylo Julia Arthur Lincoln Meg Gray Lindeman Betty Cole Lufkin Bea Lytle Lucille Pritchard Maguire Mildred Lorine McEntire Bob Markman Betty Sellers Mays Cass Elias McCarter Neila Bentley McLuckie Deborah Bohannon McKinney Carolyn Leigh Morrell Pat Litten Moulden Joan Ella Nelson

Gloria Graybeal Cooper Kate Lee Corboy—6 Gaynelle Wilson Cuthbertson Lauren Marie Delphia—6 Alli Dilloian—4 Isabelle Drexel Eddy—6 Amanda Marie Eisenach—6 Kelsey Amanda Ellis—5 Jenn Juila Emplit—6 Emily Amanda Evans—6 Mary Cook Fawcett—6 Trudy Richardson Frierson—6 Sarah Treide Frisch—6 Shannon Ruth Grant—5 Taylor Rebecca Grant—6 Emily Grato Amanda Katherine Harris—6 Ellen Hembree—6 Nora Taylor Hembree—6 Harriet Whisenhunt Hewitt—6 Mandy Marie Higgs—6 Lindsay Marie Hill—5 Cathy Reeves Jones—6 Toni Dellinger Justus Beth Claire Kelly Cathy Coleman Knox—5 Jenny Sue LaRue—6 Rebecca Rawls Lovelace—6 Sarah Daniel Marsh—6 Anna Boswell McCord—6 Jordan Arianna McCormick—6 Marianna Gulledge McDonald Katie Lynn Mitchell—6 Heather Brooke Nichols—6 Danelle Copeland Noyes Maggie Katherine O’Boyle—6 Elizabeth Estes Parnell—5 Brittani Paige Pedersen—6 Marin Sara Peplinski—5 Margaret Ulmer Pierce Casey Marie Powell—6 BJ Land Pritchard—6 Maya Emilia Procinsky—6 Danielle Joy Rardin—5 Candace Marie Reynolds—6 Sarah Pauline Roach—6 Martha Jo B. Rodeheffer Mary Elizabeth Savard Leigh Schwartz—6 Katie Elizabeth Scott—6 Cindi Blackburn Sensibaugh—6 Alison Holten Shepherd Erica Leigh Soike—3 Derric Anne Sorkin Cynthia Beall Suich

Carolyn E. Newey Patsy Hughes Nicholls Winifred Dinsmoor Nightingale Betty Steinhauer Ott Virginia Woodson Parvin Barbara Peters Lucille Christine Polmann Chelsea Earle Pyle Frances B. Raine Darwin Sprathard Renner Ann Kolp Roche Mary J. Schroeder Mrs. Robert G. Shriver LaVerne Porterfield Skipper Hester P. South Nancy Bailey Still Peggy Pitts Stork Mary Hughes Strickler Carol Sherrod Swain Glendora Swain Kay Fisher Swanson Susan B. Timmermeister Raymond Stanley Tolson III Sally Tucker Thompson Molly Williams Uttley Barbara M. Wackenhut Bruce Walcutt Helen Welge Ward Joanne Arata Wehmueller Jamie Witt Dolly Doiron Wolfrom Brandy Alyssa Yeoman

Lee Anne Tetrick—6 Katie Jean Thomas Ellen Richards Truett Telissa Rene Trujillo Katie Lee Walls—6 Courtney Elizabeth Weaver—6 Ericka Michelle Weaver—6 Grace Adams Wilder—6 Halina Marie Wilusz—6 Brittany Chamberlain Wright—6 Claire Yuda—6 Beta Pi University of Oregon Rhoda Wolfe Collier, RN Ruth Bernau Engel Beverly Jean Gunstone Cheryl Frad Longshore Sylvia Sharman Martin Sheryl Hector Paglieri Sue Cook Pifer—6 Carolyn Bray Story Lola Rae Wolfenbarger—6 Beta Rho University of Manitoba Susann MacQuarrie Monroe—5

Beta Sigma

Rhodes College Donna Slaton Bartek—6 Willene Langley Hendon Jane David Norwood Mary Louise O’Kelly Marian B. Oonk Nelly G. Shearer—6

Beta Tau

Albion College Margaret Barry Bashur—6 Betsy Stephenson Kenas—5 Joyce Blow Foe Kessler Patricia Norris Smith—6 Beta Upsilon Kansas State University Neva Garrett Adams Wilma Tonn Boggs—6 Beta Phi Michigan State University Nora Mae Allen Courtney Marie Baker Kimberly Bibik Baker Paula Turner-Bommarito Shawn Bacony Brow

Fall 2010

• 23

Foundation Martha C. Wallace—6 Evelyn Kendrick Wantland Jonell Baker Williamson—6

Gamma Epsilon Pennsylvania State University Beryl Hindman Boerner Bri Lee Brewer Patricia Uplinger Brown—6 Carolyn Klein Burrell Virginia Rogers Canaga Marjorie Erskine Cummings Sandra Pohlman Dillon—6 Betty Holter Eby Christy Lynn Glidden Alma Lee Hogge Helen Stucki Ingoglia Joanne Kane Keenan Sally Leight Lazorchak—6 Huberta Young Manning Betty Mock McMurray Peggy Davis McNeill Meagan Kathleen Murphy Lauren Elizabeth Odorizzi Joyce Hornberger Pollard Evelyn Riegel Reese Mrs Charles Rutschky Dora Harner Schneck Barbara Nolt Sorisio—6 Ann Marie Staron Stephanie Eileen Wittmann Gamma Zeta

Donations to the ZTA Foundation fund a portion of the Traveling Leadership Consultant program. A record 16 women are traveling for ZTA this school year, promoting leadership, service and academic achievement. Barbara McGeachy Bruno Barb Bell Burke Sue Krum Chaffin Sandra Husted Cooper—6 Constance Regina Cosmas Laura Erpelding Cox Brittany Lynne Crawford Tamara Harvey de Dios—6 Elisa Edwards Doll—6 Margery Van Allsburg Dutchess Breanna Nicole Fifer Karen Beckett Firos—6 Susan Wilke Fischer Betty Strobel Freeman Abigail Susan Guilmette Susie Sherman-Hall—5 Kristen Humeston Harthorn—5 Kari Hiestand Catherine Ann Floore Hoffman—6 Kasey Sloan Kovack Christie Anderson Lacour Marilyn Barr Leppek—6 Patti Cords Levitte Amy Davison Maddox—5 Helen Hemingway McAllister Jan L. McDonough Sandra Avery McRae Christine Elisabeth Nelson Cindy Lackey Ott—5 Maria Mikela Palazeti Josephine Schlegel Reiner Diane F. Shafer Susan Rock Shaffer Maryalyce Smith Martha Porritt Wiers Strange Kristi Marie Tolger Robin Walker Volden—5 Chelsea Lynne Wilhelm Joan Elizabeth Wright—5

Beta Chi

Washington University Miriam Walters Cline Marilyn Gaus Picken Jan E. Robertson Betty Steinmetz Ruhlman Carol Anita Sagner Jacqueline Bickel Schapp Beta Psi Stetson University Jennifer Jean Ator—6 Peggy Moberg Custer—6 Renee L. Dickinson Corinne Chatfield Gaertner Elizabeth Nicholson Hackler

Michelle Hall Hungate Elaine Marie Jahnsen Sarah Ruth Kenney Beth Wactlar Koller Sydney Millard Legakis—5 Kelley Taylor Letter Meghan Kari McGee Ruth Pendleton Perdue Cindy Prout Pierce—5 Karen Schmitt Roberts Rayeann Sherrill Alyson Cook Stage—5 Bunny Ogletree Yeargin Beta Omega Union University Julia Rhear Babb Armita Usery Blackstock—6 Virginia Leggett Dickinson Amanda Katelyn Ellis Marian Forrest Jessica Ann Hendrix Teresa Moss Henson Jill Burrows Levine—6 Pat Holland Morris Rachel Evans Morris Christa Diane Parker Rachel Nichole Phillips Mrs. H. M. Phipps Jr.—6 Stephanie Eileen Sowell Jennifer Jelks Teel Diane Wood Tucker—5 Emily Katherine Welborn Frances Tate Williams—6 Susan Hopkins Williams Jane McMaster Wilson Gamma Alpha University of Miami Cristina Manaricua Blanco Mrs. Hugh Carrier Ana V. DeVilliers—5 Carol Gaylord Elefante Joanna Finazzo Lexi Claire Heller—6 Giselle Marie Hernandez Kristi B. Hnyda—6 Patsy Lee Kilbane—6 Winifred Fickle Kosachook E.J. Stephen Krall Stephanie Luke Lazar—6 Ruth Mazeau Ludwig Carolina Andrea Parets Shari H. Robins, M.D.—3 Yami Solis—6 Helen Stumbo Wilson

24 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Gamma Beta

Washington College Danielle Marie Bellezza Carolyn Anne Bevans Lynn Diana Covington—6 Sarah Lynn Danowski Kelsey Penrose Hallowell—6 Emily Elizabeth Hordesky Michelle Crosier-Kelleher Becky Hainsworth Kirwan—3 Jean Shenton Longobardi Linda Phinney Ormsby Emily Dryden Russell Caitlin M. Seldin Emily Erin Simpson Caitlin Elise Ward Kakie Brackett White Emily Victoria Willen Gamma Gamma The University of Texas at El Paso Rachel Wofford Barnes Nancy Love Bowlin Kay Crawford Burgess Sandra Still Burnaw—6 Marilyn Moore Cromeans Ibby Whitaker Hardie—6 Janis Quier Hartwell—5 Jennifer Huber Marjorie Zabriskie Jorden Lilla B. Lide—6 Iliana Martinez—6 Ann Davidson McGehee Joann Perry Moeller—6 Dr. Sue G. Mottinger—6 Karen Marie Paul Janell Shelp Schneider—5 Carol Fleming Smith—6 Nancy Cole Warden

Gamma Delta

The University of Mississippi Linda McDowell Davis—6 Cande McNally Elchroth—5 Dorothy Laird Ezell Janet Gann Fulton—6 Patti Williams Greek Susan Gillenwater Grinder—6 Molly Johnson Knight Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel—5 Amy Webb McFerrin—6 Molly Webb Meisenheimer—6 Kina Scudi Paegert Erminnie Simpson Pavelski—5 Debbie A. Pierce Mrs. H.W. Roberts Jr.—6

Mississippi State University Lainie Tubertini Anthony—5 Abigail Marie Arledge Kristina Jeanette Berard—6 Stacy Bohne Jessica Eileen Bowers Maggie Keller Breedlove—6 Mary Brown Marcie Stewart Clark—6 Chelsea Michelle Cure—6 Rachel Marie Drummond Sarah Lynn Fisk Christina Hartz Melinda Jo Hearn Kay Harris Joffrion Joanna Bates Kuhn Mary Collins Landin Nancy Penick Lindley Jennifer B. McPherson—6 Virginia Barfield Perkins—5 Lauren Michelle Phifer Kelly Stodghill Prude—6 Saralyn Simpson Quinn Lauren Elizabeth Roberts Shirley Spence Rodman Erin Klare Sullivan Boyce Roebuck Verell Brigitte Baumann Viner Tonya Jean Wells Janis Lenora Whittle Rachel Laine Wilhite Ashley Ott Winkle

Gamma Eta

The University of Toledo Sherrie Shipman Gilchrist—6 Karen Croyle Johnston—6 Patricia Hendricks Lindemann Nancy Klatt Navarre Gwen Garrison Piehl Dorothy MacKenzie Price—6 Bev Ward Reed—6 Linda Volotta Shanteau Judith Pope Willett Gamma Theta University of Colorado at Boulder Sue Price Baker Patty Hurd Bodden Bartlett—6 Carol Bartlett Benner—4 Frances Schuller Ebbert Adelia Jeffries Evans—6 Elly Hewitt Fithian—6 Barbara Brown Johnson—6 Sue Hunter Landes Pam Mumford Lochrie Mary Sue Culver Medsker Ann Booth Perry—6 Barbara London Pierpoint—6 Pat McCone Sanger

Gamma Iota

University of Florida Amanda Marie Aufiero

Patricia Kavanaugh-Belke—6 Shirley R. Boone Liz Broughton Ainsley Brown Nicole Madeo Buffa Jillian Elizabeth Burns Susan Pintcke Bydlon—5 Virginia Swain Cardona Linda Mellinger Carneal—6 Kasie Lynn Clouser Rebecca Coleman—6 Ree Stanton Collins—5 Caralee Spencer Conklin Madison Elizabeth Corbridge Addison Burke Culler—5 Amylynn Dawson—6 Lorraine Cox Dora—4 Kathy Ford Gallop Michele Leonita Gatto—6 Jen Russell Gilby, M.D.—5 Erika Shea Goodfarb Megan Elizabeth Guice Jessica Lynn Hainsworth—6 Jean Hanna—5 Brooke Kathryn Harden—6 Jessica Michelle Holroyd Susan Hickok Ivey—4 Jan Crane Jackman—6 Lillian Dietzman Jenkins Sarah Umstot Jones Caroline Marion Larson Meredith Lincoln—6 Susan Brown Long—6 Andrea Lopez Brooke Marie Maibach—6 Susan J. Marley—6 Laura Katherine McKeeman Joelen Kilbas Merkel—6 Karen Farmer Mills—3 Melissa Ann Mills Kristen Nicole Minnick—5 Caitlin Cara Mooney Patti Morgan Sara Ridgway Morrison—6 Kaki Burgess Mulkey Allison Marie Ned—4 Stacy Ayers Newsom Donna Walter Nickerson—6 Aidan Anne O’Connor—6 Emily Meeker O’Mahoney—6 Ellen Dawn Pautler Cheryl L. Peppel—6 Brittany June Pierce—4 Kaley Marie Polhill Rose-Lina Allen Revels Melissa McLean Richards Sandy Moore Sanderson Dara Nicole Schopp—6 Stacia A Smith, Ph.D. Kimberly Clark Souza Lindsay Taylor Evelyn Hanna Wiley—5 Gina McGowan Wolf—6 Candace Clark Worthington Gamma Kappa James Madison University Kelly D. Asplundh Emily Marie Baker Mrs. George H. Blood Lynne Michelle Dohner Diana Fox Edwards Mary Walton Garner Betty Lyon Grizzle Molly Elizabeth Hoover Claudia Chapman Hottenstein Carol Ohl Hudson—6 Amanda Koerth Drew Maureen Mahoney Macy Elizabeth Matthews Kathy Moorefield Olmstead Alison Michelle Ward—6 Mrs. Robert E. White Mary Sue Whitt—5 Gamma Lambda Hartwick College Shirley Comins Smith

Gamma Mu

University of Nebraska at Omaha Suzanne Cramer Dewey Linda M. Gomez—6 Tobi Ann Richardson Kreifels Caiti Marie Schettler Susan Kessinger Verburg—6

Foundation Gamma Nu

University of Virginia Catherine Melissa Burke Dorothy Pettice Crute Donna Dickinson DiBiase—5 Catherine Rose Donatone Dr. Sally Hamel Dowling—6 Virginia Hale Driscoll Theal Spraker Edwards Melanie Rae Faxon—6 Kathy O’Maley Frey Emily Flora Hearle—6 Linda Bradshaw Lakhdhin Emma Coral Lander Ginger Layman Meredith Kathleen Loretta—6 Mary Malouf McElmurray Christina E. Meier—6 Virginia Ware Myers Judy Dowty Pittard Shelby Flack Shires Emily Marie Thornton Dana Lauren Whitman Edwyna McMullan Wingo—5

Gamma Xi

Indiana University of Pennsylvania Linda Cordeiro Domanico Ruth Minnick Ficco Kelly Calvert Gustafson Michelle Sharp Kane Mrs. Barbara Lee Klingensmith Susan Freni Larned—6 Mrs. Paul E. McKeegan—6 Marianne Laubin Schaefer Judith Barnes Stewart Opal Wetzel Stockwell—6 Kelly Jo Wareham Miss Sally Jane Wolfe—6 Roxanne Trovato Wood—6 Gamma Omicron Central Michigan University Lindsay Rae Anderson Katie Patricia Bemis Jane Elizabeth Blossey Brigitte Madeline Bourdeau Ashlee Sey Boyer-Shaw Morgan Ann Bregitzer Kate Brockman—6 Nicole Renee Budde Kelly Lyn Buono Danielle Maxine Burke Maressa Casadei—6 Megan Corey Kate Corey—6 Natalie Ann DeMeyere Kaylen Alyce Dickerson—6 Stephanie Lauren Eno Kristine Rouse Galaviz Morgan Marie Gerich Nicole Lyn Gerych—5 Jennifer Byrne Gibson—6 Megan Elizabeth Gloer Elaina Janelle Grinias Ashley Marian Heller Angela Kristine Hinds—6 Jamie Catherine Janer Jen Nicole Josey—6 Kayla Megan Kattula—6 Leila Noah Klaiss Sarah Catherine Knapp Brittany Jo Koch—6 Dana Wray Kosinski Alyssa Jean Koslowsky Deb Coulston Kwapisz Ashley Kay Landis Danielle Renee Leist Nicole Megan Mackowiak Kristine Ann Majda Kristine Mannino—6 Sabrina Ann Masciulli—6 Jessie Anne Osterhout Bradi Elizabeth Pasch Ashley Isabelle Remstad—6 Kimberly Lynn Savage Danielle Nicole Schmidt Amanda Kristen Stolpe Cathy Thompson—5 Kristina Marie Tiseo Rachel Patricia Tracey—6 Jane Marie Trombly—6 Kay Dowell Trosko Joanne Witherow Troy—6 Janelle Mae Urban Leslie Wise—3 Caleda Ann Wyland—6

Trish DeJarnatt Yungkans Ann Marie Zubeck Gamma Pi The University of Georgia Hannah Noel Adams—6 Barbara Falor Adler Donell Thompson Akers—6 Jordan Casey Anderson—6 Evelyn Earle Patton Brandi Wall Barber Ellen Lorraine Barnes Katherine Agee Beaver Bev Poole Bennett Ann Seaton Brown Brenda Jones Brown Lindsay Dee Brown Margaret Whittlesey Brown Rosemary Werth Buckley Karen Vaughn Burns Anna Lynn Carroll—6 Staci Sheree Carter—6 Lauren Elizabeth Chalfont—6 Phyllis Sacile Chastain Lillian McCurley Cherry Mary Jane Jentzen Chester—6 Virginia Somerville Cochran Marie Nicholson Cushenberry Domini Re Darling Denise Cummins Demick—6 Marcia Christian Dixon Taylor Elise Duggan—5 Janet Jenness Eason Danielle Amanda Edmonds Cindy Buttrill Edmondson Brooke Danielle Ellard Taylor Stevenson Elser—6 Amanda Cherie Floyd Lauren Elizabeth Foiles—6 Pam J. Garrison—4 Brenda Ward Gerspacher—6 Heather Rae Ghesquiere—6 Cindy Gower Glover—6 Shearon Wiggins Glover—6 Sarah Elizabeth Gradolf—6 Caitlin Graybill—5 Jessica LeighAnn Greene Mallory Nicole Grubbs Alison Bailey Guilloud Emily Grace Hammond Margaret Creagh Hancock Kimberly Mason Hanna—6 Linda Bentley Harris Diane Futch Johnson—6 Molly Katherine Jones—6 Natalie Lauren Jones Willa Ferguson Jones—6 Kathy Ray King Leslie Grider King Sandy Barnes King Olivia K. Koeppel—5 Ann Tansey Kreager—3 Gail Larsen—6 Dr. Laura Smith Lord—5 Lindsay Lucsa Lucas—6 Kylie Erin Manley—6 Joni Joan Manos Kathryn Tyler Maples—6 Rachel Aylene Martz—6 Madison Lynne McBride Cara Cathlin McCalley Katie Colleen McGuire—6 Emily Rebecca McManus—6 Kelley Kristine Means—5 Lesslie Gilbert Meier Jessica Marie Monk—5 Marianne Andrews Moore—6 Carly Laine Nash—3 Alyssa Kristen Ortiz Gretchen Shartle Ozburn Mycla Ann Palmer Sam Elaine Phillips Joan Robison Poole Stephanie Arnette Powell — 2 Susan I. Powell Alison Christine Prater—6 Sarah Rosetta Proctor—6 Ansley Jane Rogers Marley Elizabeth Roos—6 Denise Davis Scarbrough Ansley Catherine Schroth—6 Ansley Elizabeth Sellers Bonney Stamper Shuman—3 Caroline Kelli Smith Dr. Kelly M. Smith—5 Natalie Brooke Smith—6 Summer Ashley Smith—6 Eleanor McDonald Still

Rachel Elizabeth Surls Donna Anne Thacker Allyson Thommes—6 Sandy Wells Thompson Jennifer Anne Tooher—5 Meghan Elizabeth Tooher—6 Carol Wright Underwood—6 Claire Elizabeth Underwood—6 Alie Viviani Katie Ann Volino—6 Lindsey Lyneath Waller Patricia Miller Wann—6 Whitney Darden Warren—4 Stephanie Hawkins Watts Bailey Katherine Wayton—6 Amy Gage Weber, RN Loretta Edge Wells—6 Lauren Elizabeth Williams—6 Rachel Leah Williams—6 Grace Yim Heather Laurel Youngo—6 Sallie Marie Zehna—6

Gamma Rho

Auburn University Patricia Moore Adams Ashley Michelle Akers—6 Cassi Elizabeth Busby—6 Chelsea Lynn Callahan—5 Kimberly Ann Calongne—6 Jen Samantha Causey Christy Lynn Cherry Denise Fortner Chyke Monique Elizabeth Coker Stephanie Dianne Connor—6 Molly Leigh Deitrich—6 Jane Reed Shaffer Elliott Aly Elizabeth Evans Catie Carol Faison—6 Haley Elizabeth Fuller—6 Rachael Rhodes Grammer Hannah Cooper Hall Ashley Ham—6 Kaysie Lynn Hanle—6 Mrs. W.C. Hansford Lisa Wells Drawe Heiser—6 Diane P. Hickey-Davis, Ph.D—6 Susye Clark Johnson Melissa Decker Joseph—6 Patsy Kane—5 Alex Nicholas Kavadellas—6 Alexa Danielle Kellison—6 Maragart Ann Killam—6 Allison Lara Kreimer—6 Sarah Leanne Lane Mary Lynn Lynn Leonard—6 Madeline Lauren McClendon Kerri Jo Joanne McDaniel—6 Tara Marie McDevitt—6 Catherine Ashley Mericka—6 Haley Ann Mitchell—6 Katie O’Connor—6 Michelle Nicole Pack Leah Suzanne Page—6 Hannah Kathryn Paxton Elizabeth June Perkins Morgan Lee Powell Michele Celeste Richardson Ashley Kay Riley—6 Emily Kent Scheidel—6 Melvine Hansen Sentell Charlene Anderson Simmons Julia Ann Stone—6 Cameron Lindsay Tips—6 Kindall Blair Tucker—6 Kendal Mia Unger—6 Amanda Tilly Vick Laura Elizabeth West—4 Joanna Lynn Wooten Eugenia Malone Zallen—4 Haley Elizabeth Zimmerman—6 Gamma Sigma The University of Tampa Jean Lackovic Amuso Sylvia Sears Danner Suzanne Townsend McInerney Judee Buckley McKernan—4 Helen Sinclair Siebert

Sharon Seeliger Boynton Sandy Banowsky Brindley—5 Janet Jaeckle Bronocco—6 Kathy Crawford Brown Lauren Anne Burckle Stephanie Hunter Carl, M.D.—6 Chrissie Christine Carrington Pam Evans Cho—6 Leslie Ann Chunta—6 Cynthia Byars Courtney—4 Jenna Keith Cummings Cassie Anne Doyle—6 Marilyn Morris Elliott—5 Susan Evans Filippini—4 Elizabeth Jones Fleming—5 Michelle Elisabeth Galley Bethany Kathryn Hatch Jennifer Helen Henry Leslie Liem Hix—2 Glenda M Keyton—6 Audra Dee King Brittaney Danielle Leyba Marty Macon Jeannie Pitts Mayo Connie Thomas McWhorter—6 Marge Cope Montgomery—6 Joe Stogner Nelson Stephanie Kee Park Beverly Kunze Randall—2 Jo Ruhl Janice Phillips Schoonover Kelsey Ann Semple Toni Ricciardelli Sim Shirley Caldwell Stone—6 Brenda Jones Tompkinsv6 Virginia Stovall Vinsel—6 Stacey Verkest Voigt—2 Laura Katherine Waldrep Laura Katherine Walker Sally Wade Walton—6 Megan Kelso Winemiller Carolyn Keyton Young Gamma Upsilon The University of Oklahoma Kay DeGroat Sewell Marty Marie Sutton-Garner—5

Kate Alise Hesley Rebecca Nicole Hohn—6 Lauren Michelle Hunt Nancy Capers Ivy—5 Casey Lynn Johnson—4 Holly Ricker Kerr Judy Hummel Koncak Chelsea Renee Kretz Bonnie Mae Kurrus—6 Whitney Brooke Lee—6 Piper Annette Lincoln—6 Alison Manthy Manthey—5 Jan Spradley McCarthy—5 Alyssa Jamison McClendon—4 Donna Abercrombie McClendon Kristina Anne McClung—5 Darlene Hodges McNatt—6 Linda McNatt Erin Ruth Mills—6 Haily Fay Mueller—6 Brittainy Wolfe Murphy—5 Andrea Novak—5 Sealey Anne Owen—5 Elisabeth Ann Pounds—6 Rachel D. Raymond—5 Amy Allen Reed—6 Alyse Madeline Roan—6 Kaci Nicole Roan Sarah Ann Ross—6 Melissa Rutherford—5 Caymen Nicole Rutledge—6 Julie Davison Ryan Ashley Morgan Scott Susie McMordie Shields Ashley Holbert Smith—5 Brittney Lane South Melissa Rhea Stammer—6 Brie Stampe—5 Sally Rinaman Starr Amber Nicole Sweat Devin Thompson—6 Lynzie Lynn Trimble—4 Sharyn Spuller Tudor Kelly Fogarty Voith—6 Charlotte Brazil Wilson Leslie Ann Withrow—6 Bonnie Flaa Wright

University of North Texas Kelli Goode Babin—5 Madison D’lyn Black—5 Erin Michelle Boylson—6 Stephanie Ann Brouillette—5 Christy Alexander Brown—5 Rachel Elizabeth Coburn—6 Tiffany Cordes—6 Delphine Angle Dodd—6 Morgan Breanne Earls—6 Caitlin Marie Easterling—6 Mrs. Jimmy Exposito Susan Sharp Ferguson—5 Pamela Sue Gampper Kadie Diane Genard Debra Lane Gray Kate Harman—6 Patsy Jordan Harris Sonia T. Heros—6

Indiana State University Nancy Grosser Atkins Connie Harris Beals Wilhelmina Borderud—6 Trixy Swearingen Brill—6 Caitlyn Elizabeth Claysen Amber Hanner Cripe Jane Lambert Hunefeld Sena Ann Jacobs Cheri Goodman Knoy—6 Debbie Liebermann Mary Bradley Reising Ruby Shelton Rusk Andrea Reasay Sam Jessica Marie Slater Debbie Kiefner Smith Donna Sniffin Stockment Alexis Courtney Strain Chris Flora Stull—5

Gamma Phi

Gamma Chi

Gamma Tau

Texas Tech University Sherron Schmidt Abernethy—6 Shelby Ann Allen—6 Jennifer Aldinger Angerame—6 Carolyn Hooker Ballew Kellye Buchanan Baum Raven Bell

Ben Solocheck, left, and Suzanne Haag, right, of Yoplait® congratulate Iota Theta and Kappa Sigma ZTAs on their lid collection success.

Fall 2010

• 25

Foundation Gamma Omega University of Houston Sylvia Funk Ashbaugh—5 Karen Koleci Babineaux—6 Barbara Hicks Boek—6 Kim Bruder Clarke—4 Colleen Patricia Griffin Nancy Brooks Lohmeier Griffin—6 Alice DeWalt Hahn—3 Mrs. Jenny Hendrickson—6 Haley Brooks Holmes—6 Susan McLaughlin Hoyt—6 Trudy Thorn Jackson—6 Renee Broussard Jongebloed—2 Cyndy Reagan Klinger Leslie Williams Kohlmeyer Sandy Shumate Lewis—3 Rosanne Jaworski Malone Melinda Wehmeyer Moore—6 Nancy Bowne Morgan—4 Jane Brigham North—6 Lela Cherie Presley—6 Vita Elizabeth Provenzano—6 Pamela Smith Rhoads Jennifer Marie Rodriguez—6 Jennifer Serrano Margaret Gaden Shallock Nancy Biering Shomette—6 Chelsea Kaitlin Snyder Ashley Lauren Wesley Meredith Day West Candice Cheek Williams — 3 Kathy Milligan Wilson—3

Sarah Marie Stumpf Kira Frazee Thomas Rhonda Jacobi Trainor—6 Carolyn Upshaw Kourtni Williams Nancy Schultz Wirth—6 Kathy Kerr Wylam—6 Gamma Psi Texas Christian University Lisa Brooke Allen—6 Avery Elizabeth Aston—6 Edie Focke Atkins—6 Jennifer Lee Barker—6 Jeri Browning Blackmon—5 Dixie Berry Boley Kristen Lynne Borneman—6 Ann Appling Bradford Heather Bradford—6 Sarah Katherine Bradford—6 Alice Shorkey Butrum Kelsie Lenese Byers Alyssa Nicole Case—6 Maria Michelle Chronis Shea Ostrander Cochran Angelia Harker Cotton Mary Weaver Crain Marnie Brown Cranmer—3 Rebekah Taylor Dale—6 Danielle Elizabeth Denning Kimberlee Catherine Dick Laura Kathleen Ebanks—6 Mary V. Fortenberry Neely Roe Fortinberry Ahnie Elizabeth Gampper Shery Kime Goodwin—3 Ginny LeeAnn Gould—6 Sarah Catherine Guckes—6 Kelley Morgan Hann—6 Laura Michelle Haynsworth Woodie Trout Hicks—6 Melanie Miles Hirschfeld—6 Molly JoAnn Jackson—6 Lauren Nicole Jury—6 Lauren Elizabeth King Brittany Elizabeth Lea—6 Katherine Ruth Lipnick Katie Marie Love—6 Danielle Luningham—6 Meghan Marie Macauley—6 Colleen Anne McCarthy—6 Katie Anne McCollough—6 Kimberley Cook Miller—6 Christina Danielle Noah—5 Josie Bird O’Quinn Hayley Anne Parker—6 Shirley Davanay Phillips—1 Aly Leigh Pollard—6 Christine Michelle Pope Madeline Suzanne Porter Cayla Fleming Putnam Lindsay Clare Ray—6 Patricia Horne Roberts Kristin Pamela Rollins—6 Alexandra Nicole Royder Sumer Criswell Simone Sarah Emily Strehl Marissa Nicole Taccia—6 Emily Leigh Tonn—6 Tori Marie Ver Ploeg—6 Margaret Maybelle Wackel—6 Dottie Watkins White Karen Dombrowsky Widdifield Dede Lynn Williams Henrietta Calder Williams—6 Lauren Young—6

Delta Alpha

California State University, Long Beach Mrs. Thomas F. Binckes Carol York Burke—5 Nancy Spessard Carman—5 Mary Samstag Ettel—6 Kay Hubel Harris—6 Denise Dube Motter—5 Nyla Stanley Parker—5 Sharon Peterson Parkins—6 Linda Crossley Ramsay—5 Molly Saxlund Setmire Madeleine Hodges Skoog Kathy Benzini Stampe—5 Delta Beta Florida Southern College Vera Mazzanti Arthurs Mary Graves Barcellona—5 Chelsea Skylar Canestraro—5 Carole J. Carpenter—6 Lin-Lin Chang Rachel Susan Cross Jaime Lee Daniels Elena C. DeVilliers—5 Sharon Dodd Durkin—6 Taneha Wray Elliott Alada Boyer Faber—6 Kelly Shea Farrell Vicki Ramskill Gaffey Christine L. Gannon Courtney Shannon Gibson—6 Molly Carter Hancock—5 Bonnie Leigh Harper Jenn Lauren Hilmer Abby Elizabeth Lee—6 Emily Marie Leineweber Ethel Gomez Lippert Shauna Young Marshall Martha Saulsbury O’Reilly

Friends & Family

• • • • • • • • • •

$2,000 and above

Charles H. Webb Chris Andrew Allison Conde Nast Publications Gamma Gamma House Corporation General Mills John Bruning Jon A. Freeman Mavis Adams New York Giants Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide

• • • • • •

Pepsico Foundation Shook, Hardy & Bacon, LLP Taste of Texas The Tasco Family Foundation of The Ayco Charitable Foundation Valero Energy Foundation Washington Redskins

26 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Emily Ann Paladino Lyz French Pickette Barbara Kazanjian Purks—5 Emily Marie Quatromoni Brittany Ann Raboin Jessica Nicole Reidling Mandi Wellman Simmons Robin H. Sullivan—4 Shari Szabo Stephanie Claire Templeton Kristen Elizabeth Wheary—6 Mary Hamilton Williams Amy Wolfinger—6 Dorothy Johns Zimmermann

Delta Gamma

High Point University Raechel Bennett Biggs—5 Courtney Brandon Morgan Ann Cook—6 Paige Sanders Cornetet Neely Dowall Crowley—5 Brittany Frances Dietz—6 Patricia D. Fortus Juliana Nicole Furey Kara Louise Hickman Savannah Jaid Jenner-Smith—6 Whitney Jane Kaltenbach René Eleanor Kaminski—6 Pamela Klinedinst—6 Connie McDaniel Laster—6 Allison Marie Lowry Kimberly Ann Mannino Christine Louise Marchetti Danielle Nicole Maskeroni Maria Messina Messiano Kristen Ashley Montgomery Shannon Elise Moran Megan Alexandra Morrison—6 Kathleen McCullough Nafziger—6 Eileen Patricia Needham Emma Marie Newell—6 Rachel Hope Norford Sara Louise Novajosky Adrienne Porter Sperry—6 Whitney Marie Straser—6 Julia Ellen Sweeney Kristen Michelle Vincent Sarah Morgan Voigt Paige Wall—6 Delta Delta Baldwin-Wallace College Krysti Ann Addams Norma Newbill Brooks Carol Bird Ezzo Hellen M. Greenway—3 Jill Burkett Hiner Noelle Rebecca Hutson Allie Ashley Koehler MaryAnn Kupczyk—6 Michelle Macartney—4 Jessica Leigh May—5 Megan Claire McKay Kay McCoy McKelvey—4 Julianne Mier Jess Lynn Milano Kathy Papp—6 Donna Slater Rodda Barbara Carmany Sanderson Sara E. Scalzo Kaitlin Hannah Schoch Ellen Giberson Shook Ms. Sandra Letitia Strong Beverly Hintz Walker Kristen Pugh Weaver Amanda Dawn Wyant Kaylee Marie Yakovich

Delta Epsilon

Wagner College Phyllis Stromenger Merrill Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Ashley Robyn Bohan—6 Susan Gregory Bohan—4 Cheryl Arolfo Byington—4 Calli Marie Countz—4 Casi Lynn Countz—5 Cherie Miller Countz—4 Chelsea Elizabeth Crane—4 Claire Winn Dowden—3 Carson Frances Drake—5 Leanne Weed Drake—5 Kara Drennan Marisa Elizabeth Eaves Tieler Christian Ellis

Vicky Donaldson Fleisher—5 Linda Catherine Gaskill—6 Jordan Ashlee Hayes—5 Tommie Berry Hayes Judy Berry Jackson—3 Jill Vetter Jeffrey Madeline Renee Jones—6 Lindsay Raechel Lauher—4 Mary Ann Hansen Macey—3 Megan Anne McCarthy—4 Courtney Michelle McNutt—5 Bonnie Williford Meine—5 Ashley Marie Meyer Kay King Mitchell Leah Mulligan Nancy Douglas Payne—6 Lisa Marie Render Kristen Lena Roberts Megan Jo Schlafer Sarah Catherine Slate Erin West Smith Pam Schima Stanford Genna Blair Thompson Sara Elizabeth Triplett—5 Ally Marie Wambaugh—6

Delta Eta

West Texas A&M University Becky Lee Christmas Jessie Nichole Crockett Lee Ruth Wiggins Gilliland Debbie Lewis Raymond—6 Nancy Newsom Woodman

Delta Theta

Ohio Northern University Anne Campbell Bourassa—5 Sharon Lawrence Brady Cathy Wright Brown Lorrie Zacharias Burns LeAnn M. Clark Marcia Jo Dennis Cline Katherine Ann Cretin Roselyn Dale Derby—6 Mary Ruth Grubbs Green Jessica Faye Heidrich Barbara Johnson Jayme Considine Kmetko—5 Laura Elizabeth McPeek Terri Henby Molter—6 Angie Di Renzo Newlove Sarah Nicole Prasher Lisa Paul Sierk—5 Barbara Jane Kellogg Weltz—6

Delta Iota

Clarion University of Pennsylvania Jacqueline DeMann Fibbi—6 Helen Budzinski Freeman Sally Gazda Green—6 Denise Lepionka McMillen Patty Hanna Myers Natalie Michelle Panaia Helen Grudowski Porter—6 Carol Strickland Sayers—6 Rachel Lynn Slater Kathryn Brickner Travis

Delta Kappa

Louisiana State University Cyndi Lodwick Bellina—5 Meggie Rose Benoit Susan Alves Bonnette—4 Helen Levings Caldwell Bowen—5 Emily Theresa Bozeman Lisa C O Brandes, Ph.D—6 Anna Rebecca Campbell Marcy Cann—5 Rachele Margaret Carver—6 Rita Mary Carver—6 Beverly Denton Choppin—6 Suzanne Smailhall Cornelius—6 Claire DeBack de Back—6 Katie Marie Duckett Helen Kristensen Fish—5 Julie Ann Foren Katy Katheryn Garner Tori Catherine Heier Sheri Judice Higdon Johnette Comegys Huguley Pat Marquette Hutchins—6 Kathy Inglet Kacy Nicole Jakobs Heather Matthews Kirk—4 Julie Clegg Lancaster—5 Dana M. LeDoux Jessica Marie Ledoux

Margaret Elaine Lorio—6 Denise Renee Merrick Dawn Arceneaux Palermo—5 Marcella Stephanie Peraza Devan Kathryn Peterson Sarah Marie Powell Alex Catherine Kain Prince Elizabeth Ann Rogers Dianne Worsham Rube—5 Stephanie Ann Sartalamacchia Beverly Sanders Schalon—6 Stacey Shane Schott Megan Maria Siebenkittel Sherry Stagg St. Aubin—2 Christine Grace Watters Heather Margaret Watts Lauren Melanie Whitstine—6 Emily Monahan Wojna Delta Lambda Georgia State University Yasmeen Emilia Ahmed Katie Elisse Ashley Laura Christina Benedit Jessica McGregor Blalock—6 Courtney Emily Bowers Meredith Harris Braselman—5 J. Renee Claxton Becca Craig Sarah Judith Cronin Ariel Nicole Davis—6 Margaret Claire Donnelly—6 Jane Edwards—6 Alex Estill Laurel Ashley Gibbs—6 Tracey Dawn Gibson—6 Kristen M. Gittings Bonnie Suzanne Harris Sara Dowless Herndon—6 Christine Ann Hoglander Devan Rae Jackson—6 Barbara A. Klein Arielle Judith Kontoes Rachel Langley Autumn Lee Lunceford—6 Jane Hunt McElhannon Courtney Becker McGuire Joanne Fleeman Moody Malloree Danielle Morgan—6 Mandy Mitchell North Lexie Celeste Orologas Katherine Ann Oskey—6 Katie Psczola Pszczola Brooke Puglise—4 Laura Moak Redman—6 Christina Reily Riley Dawn Byrom Ringo Brigette Rothenberger—6 Marjorie Quinton Simmons—5 Lindsey Simpson Melissa Ann Smith Stephanie Anne Straub—6 Bekah Grace Wooten—6

Delta Mu The University of Tennessee at Martin Betty Murphree Allen Tracy Clark Brewer—6 Barbara Demlow Briggs—6 Crystal Anne Brittner Sue Stanecek Broadwater Lisa Barton Clark Vicki Clark—5 Tahliah Arielle Cronk Rebecca Derousse—6 Mim Duncan—5 Susan Durham—5 Rima Block DuVall—5 Debbie Florendo Harriet Cooke Helyer Mindy McCoy James Amanda Snider Johnson—5 Barbara Kaye Kittrell—6 Meg Gordon McGill Jennifer B. Miller Tina Crawley Mills—6 Wanda Stanfill Morrell—3 Connie Page—6 Misty Jo Jo Phipps Peggy Lynn Scholes Karen Stanecek Scruggs—6 Vickie Shackelford—6 Lauren Elizabeth Taylor Shelley Lea White Sharon Perdue Whitley—6

Foundation Delta Nu

The University of New Orleans Martha M. Blanchard Janice Forstall Charleville—6 Julia Clare Denhollem Michelle Bertram Douglas Lauren Melissa Earles Shari M. Fisher—5 Katherine Mary Kassabian Tressie Bisesi Morey Christa Jean Osborn Lynn Gettys Plaisance Lorie T. Schilling Rosemary Nelson Shaffer—6 Ashley Allison Varnam Ericah Charity Villiesse Nyajia Ashlie Williams—6

Delta Xi

California State University of Pennsylvania Kem Hoffer—5 Jamie Amato Paci Delta Omicron Lenoir-Rhyne College Dana Brasington Atkinson—4 Shelba Flowers Barrett—6 Lynn Monroe Bolick—6 Kathy Lyerly Davis Susie Lee Greene—6 Hannah Kathleen Johnson Tiffany Marie Payne Heidi Johnson Rhyne, RN Jan Harman Williams Delta Pi Eastern New Mexico University Ralene Wilson Adami—6 Catherine Wood Harper Nancijane Goodwin Hilling—6 Amy Green Lovett—6 Carol Fleming Mason—6 Hailey Brianne Schoeffel Jan Eagling Schuman Kristelle Cubero Siarza Letitia Silva Sturm Mikayla Hatfield Swart Donna Latimer Timmons

Delta Sigma

Lamar University Courtney B. Bell—6 Catherine Darling Bigler Liz Anne Burrell Jesi Richelle Courville Heather DeBord—6 Kira Nicole DeVillier Lisa Electa Donahey—6 Megan Laura Fournerat—6 Courtney Leigh Grant Jo Autrey Harned Amber Lyn Herring—6 Alicia Kuebodeaux—6 Jessica Claire Miller—6 Candice Christian Montgomery—6 Sue Altergott Rusch Kelli O’Neal Savage Hallie Caroline Singlestary—6 Meagan Keily Wells Laura Nicole Whitmire—6 Jennifer Nicole Willis—6 Delta Tau Davis and Elkins College Jenn Lauren Maczynski

Delta Upsilon

West Virginia Wesleyan College Krissy Sienkowski Dorsey Adrianna Maria Espinosa Kathie McGee Glass—6 Katherine Anne Hoadley Emmalee Erin O’Brien Alice Warner Shumlas Tammy Mowry Smithers Beth Bucher Woolever Christine Quinn Zuendt Delta Chi William Jewell College Maura Ann McDowell Jennifer Elizabeth Reinhardt—6 Cheryl Dunlop Steinkamp Marisol Soledad Elardo Sternke Sue Meyer Wright

Delta Psi Samford University Susan L. Beard—5 Kelsey Marie Bussell Laura Ann Carlisle—6 Kellie Marie Dickinson Patrice Renee Donnelly Sarah E. Dumas Meredith Fields Edney Pamela Jo Britton Ethridge Van Vandiver Gill Marcy Elisabeth Glidewell—6 Leslie Anne Graf Charlotte Stevens Hamby Kathleen Hyland Kendall Ein James Argie O. Johnson Gracie Grace Julian Judith A. Lambeth Megan Elizabeth McElroy Sarah Nicole Morse—6 Kathryn Sharp Caroline Leigh Smith Dee Smith—5 Allison Studdard Averiett Holley Wesson Lindsay Elizabeth Wilson Lauren Christine Zwolinski—6 Delta Omega

Westminster College Sue Brabson Johnston Lee Onorato Dorothy Pollock—6 Nancy Herrington Poole Natalie Marie Yingling—4 Julie Anne Zappa—5

Zeta Alpha

University of Evansville Pam Morris Blessing—5 Stephanie Rae Brant Blaire Kelly Brinkman Amanda Greer Bureau Ann Marie Dodge Courtney Farrand Samantha Lynn Gaines Shelby Lee George Andrea Jeanette Goodwin—6 Michelle Edwards Griffin Megan Sue Hudson Lauren Nicole Inman—6 Samantha Elizabeth Johnson Robyn Marie Kruer Mary Katelyn Lowman—6 Kaitlin Margaret Lynch—6 Diane Gaskins Marrett Bryn Hemsley Masiuk—5 Maura Michelle Hand Jenna Leigh McCord—3 Jacqueline O’Donnell Merk—6 Mary Howell Miller—5 Clare Marie Morganstern—6 Marika Rose Morrett Sherry Bryan Murray—5 Ashley Marie Muston Pam Myrick Casey Marie Newport Rebecca Kristian Oates—6 Vicki Spitzer Richmond Christi Michele Riley—6 Nancy Morris Roberts—6 Michelle Renee Shanahan Crystal Jones Smith Susan Margaret Smith Sherry Server Tilley—4 Melissa Anne Wagler—5 Lauren Elizabeth Wahl Michelle Leasure Woodburn—5 Melinda Sprigler Ziegler—6

Zeta Beta

Thiel College Jayne Malburg Fogle Peggy S. Hunt Nancy Joan Kline Karen Sue Swan—6

Zeta Gamma

Youngstown State University Marla D’Andrea Dull—5 Margaret Ann Fogaras Jodi Lynn Love Heather Rae McAtee Lori Ann Peters—4 Lucy Zarlenga Smith Betty Susor Vanatsky—6

The Foundation funded the new social responsibility modules of My Sister, My Responsibility, introduced at Convention 2010. Collegians put those risk management tools to use during their free afternoon in New Orleans. Zeta Delta

University of Louisiana at Monroe Pat Hanna Clark Jan Hillman—6 Julia Defee May—6 Joy Hathorn Watson—3

Zeta Epsilon

Texas A&M University Amy Baldillez Harp—6 Joanna Hoover CPA Phoebe Tally McNeill Erme Walton Waddell—6

Zeta Zeta Athens State University Denise Longtin Royer Almarose Lawson Waite Zeta Theta

East Central University Brigette Donaghey Gean—3 Jacque Moranetz Solsburg Joy Morris Walker Zeta Iota Western Carolina University Franlyna Barrett Charles—4 Kelly Edwards Kent—4 Donna DePietropaolo Murphy—6 Zeta Kappa Louisiana Tech University Beverly Ambrico Denver—6 Lynn Aicklen Franklin Christy Carroll Slack—5

Zeta Lambda

Rider University Danielle G. Huddleston—6 Ellen Mary Keane Patty Piech Nolan Leanne Mishelle Puia—5 Zeta Mu Jacksonville University Stephanie Barnes Adams Debbie E. Buscher—5 Debbie Jones Clingenpeel—6 Olive White Gambrell Liz Jonsson—6 Cynthia Leialoha Lucy—6 Elizabeth Randolph McCullough—6 Katherine Khoury Thompson

Zeta Nu

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Sarah McKernan Arrigonie Danelle Del Corso Julie Brown Donnell Jodie Summer Nesta Lynn E. Ashley-Reddan Debbie Olexia Stilley Christina June Veppustek Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Candi Stephens Austin Mardee Coyle Austin—4 Amanda Racheal Brown Beverly Duggar Browning Erin Helbling Chadwick—5 Pie Cheryl Coyle—6 Marilyn C. Cunningham Cara Webster Haswell Sheila Garvin Hoynes—6 Kaci Holloway Johnson—6 Kay Stroud Jones—6 Molly Mae McNally Terri Smiley Parker Tonya L. Sayers—6 Cait Ann Sheppard—6 B.A. McKenney Smith Janet Barber Thompson—6 Jenny Rice Webster Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University Debbie Goff Apel Mary K. Willett Brown—6 Bertie Walden Jones Nona Douglass Richey—3 Kimberly Belew Starkey Zeta Pi Woodbury University Georganne Tani Shibata—5

Zeta Rho

Morehead State University Sue Ann Schroer Arts Julie D. Dragoo Mrs. Durhonda Potter Stacy Wanda Sue Turner Donna G. Wagner

Zeta Sigma

The University of Texas at Arlington Carli Sandra Cook Marti Cherry Diaz—5

Stephanie Rebecca Hillas Jennifer Price Marvel Willa Hugdahl Mills—6 Lisa Morlan Connie Wallace Perdue—6

Zeta Upsilon

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Helen Scherrah McKenzie Tina Ohlrich Marnie Menser Repasky Sally Schott Wellman—5

Zeta Phi

University of South Alabama Karen Tompkins Barkman Betty Huff Deborah Stockton Hyland Deborah Etheridge McKelvey Janis Felis Menges

Zeta Chi

Tennessee Technological University Rebecca Ann Boston Brandi Dickenson Elmore Annette Coorts Flanders—6 Amanda Ashburn Fletcher Amanda Jill Gray Zeta Psi Jacksonville State University Sharon Cooper Dennis—5 Cheryl Lester Durham—5 Gloria Culberson Hice—4 Susan Stack Hurst Dr. Debra Craig King Marla Carol Medders Minter Coleman Newman Leah Aubrey Simmons

Zeta Omega Ferris State University Christine Nicole Carpenter Chelsea Lynn Davis—6 Kristen Leigh Dzikowicz Kristina Wheeler Edmonds—6 Samantha J. Eyler Peggy Mellon Fernandez—5 Debbie Erickson Gustafson Kara Anna Hardman Karine Ma Karie Lynn McGowan Gabrielle Katherine McMaster Kendra Davis Moyses—6 Annette Erin Niergarth

Fall 2010

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Crown Town replaced the Strawberry Patch at Convention 2010 and raised $6,128 to support Foundation programs. Marguerite Twombly Nowitzke Kayla Anne Paul Dawn Zimmerman Senge Megan Clare Shears Eta Alpha Georgia Southwestern State University Lisa Jan Broadhurst—5 Jaycee Cecilia Cravey Elizabeth Harpe Ruf—3 Mary Jane Anderson Stiles Stephanie Rutledge Virag—5 Courtney Bean Williams Eta Beta Duquesne University Sharon Newmark Goretsky Jessica Adams Meyers—5 Kristen Aida Svrcek—6

Eta Gamma

West Chester University of Pennsylvania Alyssa Armstrong Lindsey Burke Alexandra Calvo Laurie Colvin Staci Foerst Dabrow—5 Brianna Marie Devlin Allison Ehret Amy Williams Gaudioso Jami Catherine Gebbie Leianne Holmes—6 Sara Lauren Krieger Carolyn Law Lisa Diane Martino Carolyn Hornberger McGrattan Kathy Hanzlik Miller Joey Bryn Rosen Kara Shumock Jamie Trave Eta Delta Livingston University Faye Fancher

Eta Epsilon

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Susan Greenfield Collins Susan Craddock Hodun—6 Becky Dunlap Hulbert Linda Susan Rhinier—6 Sharon McCarty Schemel—6 Eta Zeta Elon University Alesandra Abramoski Mara Lynne Bollenbacher Jacki Churchill Kaitlin Kiesch Gosnay Sally Virginia Kay Christine Emily Mader Dana Lynn Nachajski Kate Lynn Olesczuk Virginia Scott Penn—6 Pamela Andrews Rhoney—6 Whitney Clark Rush

Eta Eta McNeese State University Kathleen Hayes Brown Patricia A. Ogea—6 Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Jennifer Speidel Baker—5 Sara Matthews Campbell—6 Kris Fleming—4 Laura Fisher Gosnell Katy Holcomb Lange—6 Rosemary A. Leone—6 Melissa Broyles Lundberg—6 Valerie Williams Simpson Paula Lisa Tochen-Bell Jennifer Ward Whalen—5 Dottye Haas Wolf Eta Iota Valdosta State University Courtney Lee Bradford Marlene Dunbar Conrad—3 Angie D. Curtis Elizabeth Lynne Franklin Beth Ann Hebert Jennifer Garrett Martin Alice McCann Mathews—3 Lisa Coomes Matovic Amber K. McEachin Laura Jones McMillan—6 Leilani Struzick Rabourn—3 Katelyn Leigh Reed Tierney Reid Kathy Pope Reinhagen—5 Linda Whittle Sallette Anna Cagle Taunton Cassie Leigh Taylor Scarlett Cathleen Taylor Holli LaChelle Thompson Abby Lynn Vincent Dee Tucker Wallace—5 Kery Reinkemyer Webb—3 Jennifer Suddeth Williams—5 Elizabeth Lovelace Wisenbaker—6 Eta Kappa University of Central Florida Missy Sue Day Susan Lander Brooks—6 Amee Hernandez Grant 5 Kirsten Suzanne Jamieson Chris Johnson Leese Michele Fernandez McCardle Christine Mulkay—6 Ariel Keren Sank Kristi Lynn Sokol Karen Henning Sparkman—4 Shana Marie Wright Eta Lambda

College of Charleston Naomi Stewart Barnett Emily Barton Bragunier Michele Ryan Burton Geneva Miller Dunaway—6 Jessica Sara Eovino—5 Megan Farr—6

28 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Elisa Appleton Leonard Katie Jean Lisi—5 Pam McMillan McKinney—5 Elizabeth J. Render—5 Elana Rose Schachne Dianne Turgeon Elaine Judge Watson Eta Mu Augusta State University Jessica Anne Bell—6 Kate Nell Bowles—6 Kelly Leigh Crenshaw—6 Brittany Davis Natalie Lauren Davis—6 Amanda Dennard Emily Elizabeth Durant—6 Heather Caitlin Hinton Megan Ashley King Sasha Marie Anntionette Martin Bonnie Prokopy McClain Kaitlyn AnnaRose McKinnon—5 Katie Amanda Orr Natasha Hendrix Pratt—4 Fran Kupecky Robertson Alicia Marie Sweat Jazmi Ines Swingler Heather Thigpen—5 Andrea Smith Turley Eta Nu Radford University Brenda Alane Amrhein Danielle Apat Cindy Snyder Beck—6 Page Blackwelder Kimberly K. Carabetta—6 Sarah Carter Crabtree Tracy Traylor Fabricant Missy Marie Geiger Linda Smith Halpin Kathleen Caldwell Jarvis—6 Lauren Johnston—6 Mary Denton Roberts Lyerly—5 Anna Keefe Massaro Jessica Addie Mills Callan Bentley Moody Susan Rebecca Moore Robin Schira Mounts Alison Rene Ouellette Ann Faye Pearson—6 Melissa Danielle Reimann Erin Darnes Sell—6 Sarah Ann Waller Ashley Michelle Wiese Rachel Carol Wolter Kristina Bridget Woodruff—6 Eta Xi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Madalyn Jordan Ainley—6 Traci Michelle Batla Mallory Ann Brame—6 Christa Millice Brennan Courtney Alexandra Broemer—6 Danielle Elaine Chambers—6 Keri Michelle Chavers Jessica Elizabeth Choate—6 Kimberly Ann Cooper—6 Hannah Coulson Ellen Amanda Cupp—6 Patsy Jean Dillon-Long—6 Cara Elizabeth DiSilvio—6 Christine Callaway Ehrig—5 Becky Lantz Escario—5 Kristie Crawford Farris Alexandra Dori Gregg Jacquelyn Elizabeth Greiner Judy Hendrick Griffiths Carole A. Grzeskiewicz—6 Ashley Margaret Helton Taylor Mackenzie Hoffman Cindy Wellener Hyman—5 Anav Kernus Sarah Jane Londrey Courtney Elizabeth Long—6 Kayla Marie Munsey Kerrin Elizabeth O’Connor Brittany Nicole Oravec Emily Anne O’Rourke Anna Ramsey Parker—6 Ashley Lynn Rozek—6 Mary Hollis Sisa—6 Carolyn Genevieve Smith Stephanie Jaclyn Squicciarini Christy Marie Stillwell Amber Jordan Teegen

T.L. Tunstall Rachael Kraft Turner—6 Francine Marie Vannicola—3 Carrie Christine Webb Kelly Elizabeth Webb Gerry Sonnessa Weinberger—6 Caroline Leigh Wilhoit Jennifer Kuehl Williams—6 Carolyn Kathleen Winters


Western Illinois University Jan Roon Henderson—6 Eta Pi Wright State University Molly Borchers Liz Ann Daganhardt Teresa Ishmael Ebersole—6 Beth Kelsey Anita McGuire McClure Julie Marie Mulhern Lauren McPherson Naylor Lisa M. Stoneburner Stark—5

Eta Rho

The University of North Alabama Rebecca Lynn Allen Elyse Angel Amy Beck Meagan Elizabeth Blackburn Elizabeth Bland Anna Wilson Burnley Angela Thrasher Calhoun—6 Margret Ann Ann Chenault Grace Anne Coburn—6 Becca Suzanne Courtney—6 Carol Sloan Dean Starre Elizabeth Renae Dolan Christi Dorrance Jamie Hutcheson Duboise—6 Rebecca Leigh Feltman—6 Melissa Jean Finklea Margaret Rose Gentle Lisa Hall Gilbert Chelsey Diane Gilchrist—6 Olivia Miller Gist Anne-Marie Rebekah Hall—6 Lyndel R. Hardy Whitney Nicole Hargett Linda Lee Harvison Stephanie Lee Harvison Ali Beth Hennessee Julia Marthaler Hill—4 Whitney Blair Hill Leigh Ellen Hobbs Maria Grace Holland—6 Natalie Beth Holland—6 Kristy LeAnne Holley Kathy Whitlock Isom—6 Ashley McCafferty Kelsoe Lauren Ashley Kimbrell Kay Dill Kreutzer—2 Crystal Leigh Lash—6 Jessica Shea Maples Ashley Nichole Mauldin—6 Lisa Smith May—6 Lindsay McCarley Jessica Lynn McMillin Ashley Yvonne Miller—6 Grace Mills—6 Jaime Lou Minor Sara Kathryn Minor Joan Kimball Mollohan—6 Paige Parker Lindsay Michelle Parker—6 Emily Payne Janna Keenum Perry—5 Dr. Andrea Porter—6 Ashlyn Nicole Pounders Kristi Nacole Prillhart—6 Christa Higgins Raney—6 Cassie Grace Robitzsch Malaea Nelms Seleski—3 Kalie Ann Sparks—6 Morgan Elizabeth Springer Dr. Mary Ann Stratford Stegall—3 Jennie Han Sun Lerrin Sutton—6 Anna Pearl Terry Katherine Elizabeth Vandiver Renee Pongetti Vandiver—6 Tiffany Ruth Vandiver Victoria Vaughn—6 Mallory Lynn Waites—6 Maria Winter Warren Allison Ayers Weaver

Cheron Pitts White Jennifer Lynn Wiley Christian Nicole Wright Maghan Lindsey Youngblood

Eta Sigma

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Brittany Lynn Dupree Lindy Jones Griffith Chrissy Christine McNally Chatham Marie McTindal Kristen Brook Moore

Eta Tau

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Abby Dare Bierbaum Cassi Sheree Chambers Jaclyn Jackie Dandrea Alyssa Marie Digby Erica Meghan Forehand Ann Broyles Heinz—5 Wendy A. Ewan Mueller Danielle Susan Rafetto Josette Lauren Seitz Eta Upsilon Missouri Southern State University Hannah Linn Houdyshell Marie Florence Kocher Brittney Leigh Smith Kimberly Hoffman Stoddard Eta Phi Illinois State University Michelle Ledger Frank—6 Margaret Raycraft Legel Celeste Ione Niebuhr-Eddleman—6 Elyce Haley Wagner Eta Chi Francis Marion University Lauren Nicole Balutis Ashley Theresa Beaumont—6 Candyce Kirby Brooks—6 Megan Colleen Coy Vanessa King Epps—6 Georgia Stone Hess—6 Susan Elizabeth Hooker Tiffany R. Jackson Chelsie E. Johndrow Stephanie Lindsey Johnson—6 Ashley McAuley Julie Kathleen Payne Whitney Elizabeth Pryor Eta Psi California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Margie Szumigalski Clarke—6 Erma McHugh Fennema Kelly Marich Jaeger—6 Erin Jacobs Matheny Maryellen Russell Simkins Eta Omega Louisiana State University in Shreveport Tracye King Albone—6 Debra Smith Davis—6 Marnie Marlar-Kelly—4 Amanda May Nevels

Theta Alpha

California State University, Chico Trish Manners Ferenz Meagan Helen Hawley-Stone Liz Bozek Krohn—6

Theta Beta

Eastern Washington University Donna Voss Pittman Theta Gamma Texas A&M University Susan Gail Archer—6 Cheri White Armstrong Megan Bonnot—6 Natalie Nolan Carey—6 Ashley Cox Shannon Crain Kelsey Anne Creveling Jennifer Marie Duplechain Amanda Marie Gray Mallory Kathryn Miner

Foundation Courtney Elizabeth Morgan—6 Victoria Lauren Park Cynthia Colvin Richter—6 Leah Michelle Schmidt Connie Cantwell Sherwood—6 Erin Brooke Tuttle Blakeley Alayne Williams Sarah Murski Williams Theta Delta Salisbury University Valerie N. Ahmuty Mary Jo Phipps Geiger—6 Stephanie Anne Jones Dixie White Leikach—5 Kenna Brigham Lowe—5 Megan Lynn Pearlman Valerie Dobbins Roddy Deborah Ford Smith Theta Zeta Wofford College Claudia Brownlee Albergotti—6 Catharine Allison Bailey—6 Brittany Leigh Baugher—6 Elizabeth Margaret Blaz Lauren Reynolds Boulier—6 Kaitlyn Rose Bradshaw—6 Becca Ann Bryson—6 Kinsey James Cameron McKenzie Carson—6 Meredith Ann Carter—6 Lara Ann Cottrell—6 Martha Richardson DeBerry—6 Kristin Demosthenes—6 Emily Logan Dobson—6 Beverly Hammond Duvall—6 Keri Alexandra Eadie Sara Elizabeth Fowler—6 Ginny Gibson Fowler—6 Meredith Paige Fox—6 Jacquelyn Starks Gayle Abby Ann Goodan—6 Jamie Grigg—6 Mary K. Hall, M.D.—6 Becca Browning Hayter Alex Alexandra Heil—6 Megan Elizabeth Heil—6 Marie Annette Hewes—6 Rachel Lee Iannazzone—6 Lauren Susanne Jamison Kristen Alexandra Jenkins—6 Jennings Leigh Johnstone Meredith Barrett Jones—6 Ryann Alexandra Kroske—5 Elizabeth Allison LeForce StephanieJean Jean Lenes Allie Paige Massie—6 Erin Williams Maughon—6 Gwen Jane McDaniel—6 Sally Caroline Mobley—6 Bailey Elizabeth Mullikin—6 Morgan Taylor Neuhoff Charlotte Katherine Perrow—5 Sharyn Beard Pittman Hannah Purcell—6 Virginia Ruth Regan—6 Rose Katelyn Richardson—6 Mackenzie Carol Sawicki—3 Carrie Elizabeth Scotten Joann Amanda Shytle—6 Haley Nicole Sims Ellen Eleanore Smith—3 Sallie Elizabeth Snyder—6 Fraser Cameron Speaks—6 Barbara Jayne Steacy—6 Kristin Elizabeth Strickland—6 Bess Stratton Telle Caroline Ashley Tracy Laura Leigh Trent Natalie Jean Tucker—6 Connor Rose Twyman—6 Jessica Ruth Walker Meredith Leigh Walker Whitney Lane Walker—5 Grace Wallace—6 Katie Katherine Wiebusch—6 Theta Eta Stephen F. Austin State University Toni Devine Chandler—6 Sarah Gordon Dollar Stacy La Rue Gannon—5 Julie Ann Johnson—6 Michelle Osborne Marshall Jenny Diane Pollard—6 Shannon Elizabeth Shelton

Lauren Alexandra Stahl Lisa M Togneri—6 Lisa Williams Wilson—6 Lacy BreAnne Wyatt

Theta Theta

Arkansas Tech University Lydia Hope Alford Maegan Portia Ballard Molly Nicole Bishop Naiz D. Bolin—6 Lindsey Nichole Branham Kelsey Elizabeth Brown—6 Susan Marie Burris Jana Harrison Carroll Emily Kristina Chandler Meagan Sue Corkins Jonica Danielle Curtis Elizabeth Michelle DeWitt Morgan Leigh Eichler Lauren Brook Fry Sydney Lauren Halford Kelley Snow Harmon—5 Kaylyn Ann Hendricks—6 Annette Borland Holeyfield—6 Kamarra Shea Hoppe Allyson Whitney Johnson—6 Kara Morgan Johnson Nancy Lee McNew—6 Chandler Erin Neil Elaine Zankl Puckett—6 Greta Davis Sikes Haley Dawn Marie Smith Kaitlin Frances Spry Kelsey Joyce Spry Megan Elise Starkey Sarah Ann Strahan Sarah Ann Strickland Krystin Nicole Tanner Tory Elizabeth Thompson Lindsay Ann Van Winkle Lacey Renee Vanderpool Alli Rebecca Vest Kathryn Diane Ward—6 Hannah Katherine Whitener Catherine Ellen Wilkins—6 Theta Iota University of North Florida Raene Taylor Adamson—3 Sarah Lynn Bell Ashley Robyn Bernier Alexandra Sara Brantman—6 Jessie Elizabeth Brumfield—6 Brooke Lauren Clingenpeel—6 Amanda Elizabeth Dart Ashlee Lynore Gerzina—6 Kelsey Leigh Girton—5 Loren Rachel Goldstone Laura Heckley—6 Courtney Yvonne Holder Kelly Alexandra Johnson Dianne Ford LaForty—6 Miranda Renee Major—6 Nicole Masiello Erin Elizabeth Murphy—6 Jade Rosemary Newman Rachael Lynn Nolan Julie Adele Olmo Jennifer L. O’Neill Kaitlyn Nicole Peppler—6 Ashley Nichole Plotts—5 Allison Marie Portnoy—6 Kayla A. Raulerson Nicole Robison—5 Miranda Mabel Ross—6 Serena Suzanne Scialla—4 Shaena Armida Silvestri Leah Rae Sylvester Margaret Mary Szerba—6 Katelyn Shea Tierney Ashley Morgan Tyndall—6 Jaclyn Frances Waterman Lauren Ginsberg Webber—6 Faith Allison Woods

Theta Nu Auburn University at Montgomery Mrs. Jacqueline D. Collister Delia Sescioreanu Laura Ann Jones Spires Theta Xi Rutgers University Rachel Adamo Martine Elizabeth Arana Amanda Elizabeth DeVincentis Pam Kievit Dorman—6 Meredith Anne Fleming Erika Britt Hartig Therese McDonnell Lambert—6 Katie Elizabeth Peoples—6 Theta Omicron Baylor University Lisa Bhattacharya Whit Leigh Brock—6 Kimberly Sue Cravey Amy Catherine DiNuzzo Tobi Crouch Faile Caitlin Emily Hagans—6 Angela Rose Malone Kelly—5 Hana Sahar Manal Katherine Carol McDowell Meredith Hahn Moore—3 Media Burns Nazarenus Lacy Schneider O’Connor—4 Tara Ann Oetken Pamela Slover Percival Mildred Wiggins Perreault Angela Haraka Ramm—6 Sue Ratcliff—6 Kelsey Michele Rostron Diana Chamberlin Simmons Kimberly Berry Smith Kaitlin Noelle Sullivan Hilary Irene Townsend Theta Pi California State University, Northridge Tina Bowers Nemeth Theta Sigma

Winthrop University Tracy Ann Helbing—5 Julie Ward Moxley—6 Kristen Walker Stephenson Lauren Marie Weatherhead

Theta Tau

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Mary Cole Allen—6 Erica Brecht Andrews

Lisa Katherine Andrukonis Melissa Nicole Auton Kacey Brianne Barnes—6 Sarah Beth Barnes Caroline Ste Basnight Morgan Mariah Bolling—6 Jennifer Louise Bost—6 Fabiana Amelia Brown—6 Gabi Louisa Browne Carly Gayton Buch Ashley Marie Buchanan Maggie Nadine Cagney Elizabeth Lynn Campbell—6 Carolyn Hof Carpenter—4 Rita Dickerson Chambers Carla Martin Cobb—3 Judith Mackenzie Colt Kelly Marie Dean Donna Leigh Derrico Jamey Lauren Deveney—5 Andrea Nichole DeVos—2 Bridget Anne Dornblaser Ashley Marie Duncan Meghan Elizabeth Dwyer—6 Holly Griffin Edington—6 Heather Nicole Engel Nikki Kixtin Etxegoien Morgan Collier Evans—5 Jennifer A. Fite Melissa Anne Fournier Anna Marie Fulton—6 Maren Spicer Gehling Tatum Gibson—3 Kristin Anne Hansen—6 Allison Rebecca Hayes Grace M. Hennessy—6 Grace Carole Herrin—6 Rosie Parrish Hodges—6 Anne Nicholson Hogewood Sarah Anastasia Ikalowych Kelsey Elizabeth Jackson Sarah Katherine Johnson Rhea Sarah Keller Kristen Adele Kenny—5 Kristina Michelle Kinard—6 Jillian Lei Kite Deana Queen Kocylowsky—6 Jamie Kristen Kornelis Stefanie Nicole Kot Lisa Rowland Kozloff—6 Nancy C. Leatherman Courtney Ryan Levering—3 Catherine Rowland Liemohn—4 Pamela K. Lowrance—6 Sam Morgan Lunny Gaby Carolina Marquez Erin Ilene McCarty—5 Sara Morgan McCrary—6 Emily Michelle McDuffie Stephanie Grace McGowan—6

Sydney Lauren McKinney Heather Daughtry McLamb—6 Carla Christina Milan—6 Honor Elizabeth Morgan Katrina Pederson Morrocco Rachel Marie Napolitano Tracy M. Olejniczak—6 Emily Caroline Otey—6 Sydney Lane Pender Sarah Elizabeth Phillips Traci Lynn Potocnik Kelly Elizabeth Rabil—4 Brittany Ann Raia Shannon Lynn Renegar—6 Hannah Rose Robinson—6 Leah LeMaster Rose—6 Jenn Kathleen Rudyk Karissa Kirsten Santiago—6 Robyn King Sauls Sarah Elizabeth Shearin—6 Allison Paige Sidbury Alex Silverman Sydney Lauren Smith—6 Liz Anne Snyder Angie Efstation Stanley Chelsea Elizabeth Steele Meagan Denise Swaim Eve Leah Maria Tanas Jennifer Kathryn Taylor Terah Ann Taylor Stephanie Brooke Thomas—6 Elizabeth Garrett Walker Mary Albert Ward—4 Sheila Plyler Watford Meredith Elizabeth Weisler—4 Katie Boutwell Wheeler Sullivan Williams Laura Elizabeth Wilson

Theta Phi

California State University, Fullerton Allison Akbaroff—6 Cris Nichols Biasillo Carol Stickels Bradford—5 Yvonne Soule Bright Maryellen Mench Castellano Jennifer Adrienne Garcia—6 Julie Sepulveda Gibson Michele Neal MacOnachy Jennifer Irene Matos Katie Taylor Moore Sarah Nichole Ornelas—6 Amber Ann Peters Sylvia Contreras Rand—5 Caitlin Rose Rodriguez Crystal Ramirez Walter Lisa Nicole Watson Chelsea Elena Woods

Theta Kappa

University of Missouri-St. Louis Meg O’Connell Naes—5 Anna Mia Palermo Olivia Marie Thornton Chelsea Marie Wibbenmeyer

Theta Mu

Bowling Green State University Debra Sue Lagger Deborah Riggs Lindsey Sue Rader Regonini

Two Hoosier State collegiate chapters are the top fundraisers for the Foundation. Alpha Xi Chapter at Indiana University raised over $300,000 in the biennium and Alpha Theta Chapter at Purdue University raised over $175,000.

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Foundation Theta Chi

George Mason University Laura Kathryn Baum Erin Jane Hoehl—6 Becca Ann Hornak Lucia Prenzel Knudsen—3 M. Cristina Marcantonio Heather McCormack-McHugh—5 Michelle Stapleton Stefanie Wise Wall Valeria Castleman Walters

Theta Psi

Texas State UniversitySan Marcos Christie Taylor Brantley—6 Toni Briwell Bridwell—6 Lindsay Rae Campbell—6 Kaitlyn Eliff—6 Shana Lacy Gann—6 Kingsley Chyane Gourley Lauren Leigh Gutschow—6 Tara Nicole Henry Elaine Ann Herring—6 Haylie Nicole Lemke Chrissy Marie Marsteller Danielle Elise Martinez Laura Ladewig Mauro—4 Blair Nicole McCarver—6 Kenzie Lee McGinnis—6 Connie Azopardi Meyer Megan Beatrice Nauta—6 Ashley Nicole O’Brien—6 Haley Marie Parker—6 Brittany Kay Pintor—6 Shelley Swafford Reed Brittney Arlene Reyes Natalie Marie Rovi Jenny Justine Sessions Susan M. Vohtz Alicia Patten Williams—5 Taylor Michelle Young

Theta Omega

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Lauren Elizabeth Albert Amber Ackerman Baur Cindy Manuel Calm—6 Trista Danel DeMuth Anna Kroesen Dow—5 Dolores Gonzales Gastineau—5 Bailey Nicole Hand Leslie Pataky Fischer Kary Diane Hanson Keegan—4 Therese Nicole Militante Andrea Nechvatal

Jaime Kauffman Palumbo—6 Nicole Ashley Tougas Andrea Jane Valderrama Shamim Syed Wu—3

Iota Alpha

Robert Morris University Karen M. Rose-Roper—5 Iota Gamma The College of New Jersey Kelly Lyn Czajka—5 Christine D’Elia Gerage Elaine Ann Rocha Lauren Mary Seber Iota Delta Towson University Susan Scott Buchenberger Christine Ashley Cemelli Liza Gundell—5 Brittany Lee Harris Allie Glenn Reitman Kathryn Nicole Semelsberger Iota Epsilon University of Hartford Irene Loretto Iota Eta University of Nevada, Las Vegas Stephanie McKenna Nelson Nicole Lynn Raynor Aimee Wytko Wise

Iota Theta

Georgia Institute of Technology Lisa Alena Carlson Kelsey Lynn Gratton Sarah Cunningham Hall Kathryn Elizabeth Hamilton Olivia Kathryn Hawkins—4 Elizabeth Isaac Howes Gina Jiampetti Stewart—6 Christina Lee Natalie Trawick Leggio Patti Hammond Martinez Lori Fowler Middleton Hannah Michael Skibiel Kaley Elizabeth Tolar Iota Iota Fairleigh Dickinson University Margareth De Jesus—6 Jenn Marie Miseo Antoinette Slavin

Iota Lambda

Southeast Missouri State University Lisa Pagano Page—6 Iota Nu Susquehanna University Tanya Zelger Amme—5 Annamarie Stewart Cockreham—6 Margaret M. Farmer—6 Katie Elizabeth Orchard Mona Patel Shah—5 Jen Dubuc Valdez Iota Xi Christian Brothers University Marisa Davis Alvarez Katherine Rose Bennett Claire Amelia Brulatour—6 Sara Clark—5 Megan Marie Fitzgerald Sonya Fleck—4 Karen Williams Fleming Camille Lees Forsythe-Barrie—5 Allyson Lee Frymark Jessica Raye Gallimore—6 Carly Rose Gordon Jessica Michelle Gordon Michelle Elizabeth Hein Leigh Garrett Hill—6 Emily Michelle Irwin—6 Stacey Ann Marshall—6 Kelsey Sue Miles Monica Norris—6 Lauren Leigh Phillips—3 Raelyn Somers Pirtle—6 Lisa Marie Splan Angela June Williams

Iota Omicron

Lander University Holly Wilson Cook Iota Pi University of Dayton Victoria Lee Barrera-Garces—6 Christine Lynch Crandall Kathryn Ann Duffy Kristen Moeller Faure—5 Erin Leigh Flanagan Terry Kilbane Fortin Megan Elizabeth Inglis—6 Kelly Renee Jones Erin Leigh Kaltenrieder Claire Elizabeth Lynott Liz Ann Pasquale Laura Marina Peters

At Convention 2010, every ZTA wore pink on Friday. At a luncheon themed “When the Saints Go Marching In,” we paid tribute to this wonderful group of survivors and premiered the new philanthropy video.

30 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Emily Frances Poeppelman Nancy Clare Riedl—5 Julie Herman Roach Lindsey Ann Salchli Ashley Carroll Sherman—6 Kayli Suzanne White Iota Rho East Carolina University Meghan Ruth Fountain Carrie Rogers Garrity—5 Sara Leahy Iversen Cara Ann Linens

Iota Omega

Iota Sigma

Kappa Alpha

Old Dominion University Samantha Ashley Bass—4 Sarah Alexis Brunke Randi Elizabeth Cavitt Alison Josephine Ertle Devon D. Kendall Anne Nicole Loughner Keeley McDonald Riddle—3 Coleen Ann Ryder—3 Alex Marie Serino Samantha Marie Taylor Calli Noel Watz

Iota Upsilon

University of Portland Johanna Raye Cramer Iota Phi North Carolina State University Brittany Biggs Caison Bridger Grace Ann Brooks Lauren Burns Sarah Linville Canady—6 Annie Ileta Cleek Kirsten Leigh Coffey Fran Elizabeth Costello Meghan Lauryn Davis Katherine Lee Fontes Natalie Frazier—6 Maggie Olivia Gibson—6 Olivia Agner Goss—6 Alex Victoria Haislip Victoria Jean Harbison Julie Christine Hardy—6 Laura Elizabeth Kastner—6 Abbey Laurel Leitner Kensley Leonard Jordan Dare Lipscomb Shannon Marie McGrath—4 Laurie Kinsey McRainey Sarah Catherine Miller Maggie Noble Austen Oates—6 Brooke Ashlynn Odom—5 Megan Sarah Owen—6 Suzie Samantha Shriver—5 Katherine Austin Sibbick—6 Brittany Spence—6 Ramey Elizabeth Stout—6 Katy Thomas Courtney Thompson—6 Sarah Lindsey Thornton—6 Rebecca Noble Vause—6 Cate Wiley Iota Chi Middle Tennessee State University Amber Lee Gray Cari Alice Hartlage Ashley Owens Robyn Reuther Swafford Hayley Michele Williamson Iota Psi Rochester Institute of Technology Julia Maureen Anello Jessica Marie Backer Michele Oursler Bedri—6 Colleen Bennett Tricia Glenna Chapman Vicki Decker Griffith—3 Lori Ann Harrison—6 Stacy Kalisz Johnson—5 Chervyn Lee Ana Maria Maldonado Holly Kesten McGinnis Tracy Lynn Moran—6 Sophie Antoinette Schillaci Tanya Marie Strachan

University of Maryland Tia Cetrone Becky Traino Everitt—5 Jen Ellen Ewing Amanda Paige Field Jannah Van Kirk Hobday Janel Thomson Jauntirans—5 Morgan Elizabeth O’Clair Julie Elizabeth Sechler Amy S. Sheu Julie Marie Silvestri Jennifer M. Storipan Colorado State University Sarah Schroeder Alessi Andrea Evans Beck Christy Preston Dallakoti Julie Diane Delk Karen Baranski Johnson Paulette Mary Knott Suzanne Nichole Lee Maria Trujillo McCracken Beth Blumberg Sauer Katie Elizabeth Smeltzer Penny Brabb Turilli Heather Moody Watt Lisa Ann Zieman Kappa Beta Presbyterian College Becca Marcelle Barnett Marlie Eden Briggs Alice Williams Davis—6 Lindsey Evans Elizabeth Gault Rebecca Gearhart Elizabeth Victoria Haynes Page S. Long Liz Piper Moore Hannah Kay Price Amanda Nellie Sparrow—6 Kappa Delta University of Arizona Leigh Ann Moncrieff Ruijters Kappa Zeta Clemson University Kelsey Elizabeth Barham Monique Bonnaccorsi Summer Diane Borelli—6 Kimberly Hannah Buehler Blair Burnette Ashley Gaston Douglas Becca Marie Garvin—6 Lisa Cannon Grant Melissa Hughes Erin Bailee Jaynes Kendall B. Kelley—6 Jennifer Lynn Lance Alison Elizabeth Lanning Samantha Barnett Lussier—6 Courtney Lynn Martin Gillian Nicole Mechling Alicia M. Miyares Sterling Moose Stefanie Peuchl Puechl Anna Simmons Rash—6 Lauren Blair Regelbrugge Sarah Katelyn Rutland—6 Tori Jane Shannon—6 Taylor Elizabeth Sink Arielle Michelle Thomas—6 Janey Davis Turner Julie Anne Will—6 Jenny Marjorie Williams—6 Laurin Nicole Wilson Kappa Eta Rockhurst University Katie Elizabeth Goessler

Kappa Theta

California State University, San Bernardino Kelly Ann Barron Kimberly L. Burton—6 Keri Rochelle Montrose—6 Whitney Elizabeth Pataky Kappa Iota Moravian College Amalia G. Dignetti Angela Lynn Lopsonzski Aliina Anna Ross Lauren Ashley Spencer

Foundation Kappa Kappa

Southern Utah University Amanda Ruth Cornelius—5 Kristie Eliason McMullin Georgia Beth Smith Thompson—5

Kappa Lambda

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Jessika Brisbois Katie Rehnberg—4

Kappa Mu

Linfield College Donaca Frances Bilyard Julie Ann Henjum Katie Nancy Kilborn PJ Julia Lammaitre-Wilson—6 Kappa Nu Monmouth University Alie Joy Kokkinos—6 Brigid McInyre McIntyre Kiley Eileen Minton Jessica Ann Soriano Kappa Xi The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Courtney Ann Armenti Kaitlyn Sarah Badders Kirby St. John Bate Danielle Marie Cappelluti Ashley Marie Carruth—6 Lindsay Ann Concordia Chelsea Kathleen Crosson Tiffany DeVries Brianna Lyn Fidler Julie Lynn Filipponi Diana Nicole Gabriel Gabby SanMarco Gentilello—6 Stephanie Marie Gerace Heather Rose Hertzoff—6 Meghan Mary Jirkovsky Paige Elizabeth Jungsberger Caitlin Ashley Keating

Stephanie Ann Kuni—6 Kelly May Lafferty Lauren Marie Law Meghan Maher Lauren Michelle McAvey—6 Megan Lauren McKay Mary Margaret Minock Sarah Marie Neuner Stephanie Joy Oliveri Samantha Marie Sajban—6 Sarah Ann Scarborough Jessica Jaye Schatzman Pamela Joy Staszczak Katie Stickland Strickland—6 Brianna Marie Trento Melissa Ann Waller

Kappa Pi

University of South Carolina Aiken Nicole Flippo Crook—4 Emmie Catherine Haggard—6 Kati Rebecca Leonard Kappa Rho University of South Carolina Upstate Casey Elizabeth Bond Alison Joy Dupree Christian Judith Ehlich—6 Kristi Nicole Harlow—6 Meredith Kathleen Hoffman Erica Leigh Lowery Katie Anne Merson—5 Shea Pryor—6 Katie Susanne Reed Anslie Lynn Still Hannah L. Thompson Heather Nicole Trammell—6 Graeson Faith Turner—6

Kappa Sigma

University of South Florida Jessie Leigh Addington Morgan Ashleigh Anderson Bianca Helene-Maria Bowan—6

Maggie Ryne Butler—6 Chelsey Briana Castellano Liz Ann Donelan—6 Ariana Alice Durkin—6 Adriana Margaret O’Neill Lilly Perkins—6 Alexa Lee Rodica Megan Ashley Young

Kappa Tau

Florida Gulf Coast University Hattie Jane Bush Mariann T. MacDonald—3 Elizabeth Romanucci—6

Kappa Upsilon Georgia College & State University Jillian Elane Bowers Caitlen Claire Boyd Courtney Megan Coile Chelsea Marie Gosier Ashley Anne Hannah Sara Elisabeth Hernandez Beth Elizabeth Hulen Kirstie Marie Layne Lauren Claire McDonald Allison Carolyn Megel—6 Jennifer Marie Miltenis Madison Marie Neely Katie Mary O’Shea SaraRose Elisabeth Porterfield Candice Alisha Shaver Sarah Elizabeth Smith Catherine Nicole Stein—6 Hayley Nicole Thacher Allison Elizabeth Tidwell Jordan Vaughn Vaughan Sarah Leigh Wierzbowski Rachel Elaine Zechiel Kappa Phi Christopher Newport University Ashley A. Bisutti Katie Scarlett Clevenger Caitlin Mae Donahue

Jamie Gierber Mia Denise Johnson Chelsea Nicole Jones Brynne Walker Kazlo Teresa Lynn O’Sullivan Catherine Marie Bowersox Posey Morgan Katherine Warner Deanna Yurovich

Kappa Chi

Shorter University Angel Kaylee Brown Jennifer Page Crawford Hillary Cobb Crunk—6 Charlotte Ann Early—6 Lindsay Michelle Howard Carissa Marie Jackson Kelsey Leigh Kolich—6 Macy Rose McCoy Hannah Courtney Pierson Kalie Elizabeth Reagan Ansley Elizabeth Selman Audrey Anna Speight Lindsay Anne Williams Kaitlin Rachel Wood Lindsey Ellen Woodall—6 Kappa Psi Kutztown University Lacey Jae Christman Kristin Hagaman Marley Stalker-Stempel

Kappa Omega

Saint Louis University Roxanne Alice Bertrand Laura Diane Bueche—4 Britni Jean Carnako Lisa Marie Enriquez Kara Francine Fahrney Kati Louise Fahrney Maggie Ann Frederick Isabel Marie Marquez Annie Kathryn Milby—6 Katelyn Marie Miller—6 Katelyn Rose Rocheleau


$2,000 And above

• • • •

Estate of Barbara M. Wackenhut Estate of Kay L. Swanson Estate of Vena & Harold V. Bragg Estate of Mildred Lorine McEntire

Sue Ungar Unger Jess Katherine Vinduska Katie Rose Walter

Lambda Alpha

Sacred Heart University Lauren Marie Aiello Rena Marie Cecere Jaclyn Mary Hendricks

Lambda Beta

University of Rhode Island Hillary Nicole Brady Kelsey Brownell Dugan Meghan Rose Menard—4

Lambda gamma

The University of Texas at San Antonio Monica B. Ceja—6 Scarlet Elizabeth Cochran Jenny Christine Granado Haley Nicole Howell Kristen Danielle Ring Erika Joanne Sanchez

ZTA wins two NICF Awards of Distinction


he North American Interfraternity Conference Foundation awarded Zeta Tau Alpha and the ZTA Foundation two Foundation Awards of Distinction at its Foundations Seminar held in Indianapolis this August. ZTA won the award for Best Use of a Foundation Grant for its Advisor Academies. Held during the 2009-2010 school year, the three academies trained 131 alumnae who volunteer as collegiate chapter advisors in organizational and financial management, teamwork, communication, risk reduction and leadership development. A $24,000 grant from the ZTA Foundation paid for 50 percent of the academies’ costs. The academies were held at the ZTA chapter houses at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind.; Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich.; and Samford University in Birmingham, Ala. ZTA also received the award for Best Campaign or Program in Support of an Outside Philanthropy for the Zeta Tau Alpha Award for Innovation in Campus Hazing Prevention. ZTA has made a five-year commitment to this award, donating $10,000 each year to a school that conducts innovative, effective and comprehensive hazing prevention programming. Florida State University was the first recipient of the award in 2010 for its

Director of Education & Leadership Initiatives Heather Matthews Kirk and Director of Foundation Administration Nicole Patterson accepted the awards on behalf of the ZTA Foundation.

campuswide Hazing Education Initiative. HazingPrevention.Org assists ZTA in the judging and administration of this award. The Foundation Awards of Distinction recognize successful programs and outstanding development techniques of fraternity and sorority foundations in eight categories. ZTA was the only NPC member organization to receive two awards in 2010 and has received nine awards from NICF in the past five years. Fall 2010

• 31

Extra! Extra!

A picture-perfect sisterhood celebration sisters! ry meal, including Si n g i t , eve

▼ quet . med at s perfor ecognition Ban r e g in S s Ball R vention The Con ilver Mardi Gra S the

▼ ZTA’s trio of Presidents

Fraternity Housing Corporation President Julia Marthaler Hill, former National President Laura Ladewig Mauro and Foundation President Becky Hainsworth Kirwan delivered the State of the Fraternity address.

◄ Flags on parade

The processional of chapter flags at the Opening Business Meeting became a tradition at the Centennial Convention in 1998.

▼ Housing brain trust

These dedicated volunteers lead the ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation as officers and directors.

▲ Br o

Conven wsi ng t he b ie n n i tion at Biennia tendees receive a l repor t l Repor t d a copy at Thur sday’s lu of the nch.

32 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Extra! Extra! ▼ So m Conven a ny c ho tion at t ic e s to their endees found t he ZTA liking a mercha t Crown (and hig ndise hest) f lo & Co. on the 4 1st or of th e hotel.

▲ Honoring

new chapters

► Simply amazing

The step team from Epsilon Chapter at the University of Arkansas wowed their ZTA sisters at the Sisterhood Dessert party.

▲ Saying thank you

Malaea Nelms Seleski, Laura Ladewig Mauro and Karen Farmer Mills received these trays in honor of their service on National Council.

Former Extension Director Karen Farmer Mills presented the traditional baby cups to the chapters reactivated or installed during the biennium.

-A -A-L-P-He house U A T th -A ▲ Z-E-Trilla brought downew ZTA songs

DJ $c and n Rapper three br Fraternit y h it w t igh he Friday n missioned by t tion. n com u Fo da and the

Fall 2010

• 33

From The Archives

Historical Exhibit premieres at Convention


ver a year’s worth of work and over a century of history was unveiled as the new, museum-quality Zeta Tau Alpha Historical Exhibit opened at Convention in New Orleans. National Council members were the first to sign the exhibit guest book when Archives Committee members Susan Beard and Patricia Cords Levitte opened the doors for a preview on Tuesday evening, July 6. Our new member program includes a brief history of the Fraternity, but many younger Zetas may find it hard to think beyond their college years. History, to them, may be the old composite pictures that hang on the walls of their house or suite. Through this inspiring display, collegians attending Convention saw ZTA history far beyond those lessons and walls. Some exhibit items are so fragile they must not be handled at all, such as Founder Ruby Leigh Orgain’s personal college scrapbook that lies behind glass casing. Other items have been restored to such pristine condition that they also are kept behind glass, including the sterling silver purse owned by Ethel Coleman VanName. (See related stories in the winter and spring 2010 issues of Themis.) Other things, however, are out in the open. You can touch and browse through an etiquette book from the 1930s. You can find your link in the Chain of Chapters and have your picture taken in front of a new backdrop. Many things in the exhibit once belonged to our Founders or to honored Zetas like Historian Emerita Shirley Kreasan Strout. But the new exhibit continues through our history and includes items from every decade and generation, like the record album of ZTA songs from 1963 or newspaper clippings from the 1970s.

Archives Committee members Patti Levitte and Susan Beard worked for a year on the new museum-quality exhibit.

In 2009, National Council asked Sue B and Patti to give the Convention Historical Exhibit a modern 21st century style and look. They spent days in the attic at International Office, searching through boxes, diving into the very personal lives of some of ZTA’s oldest alumnae. The team worked with a professional museum display company to create the exhibit that includes five backdrops to form a historical timeline and five tables of archival items, all labeled with explanations of their place in our history. In New Orleans, Zetas perused old programs, photographs and pins in the Convention section of the exhibit. Photographs show the change through the decades from hairstyles to fashion. But one thing shines through loud, clear and unchanged, and that’s sisterhood. Some of Sue B’s favorite findings are the Convention photos, particularly one from 1908. “The women are all in a line forming a friendship circle just like the one we make at the end of every Convention,” Sue B said. It seems the things that stick out in most exhibit goers’ minds are not the “shiny things,” as she puts it, “but our long history of sisterhood.” And Patti’s favorite finds? “Hand-written notes of the most important people in ZTA history,” she said. “They had the ideas and drove the actions that helped lead us to where ZTA is today.”

Precious mementos from our nine Founders have been archived and restored and are now displayed under glass.

34 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Letters, personal notes, and chapter minutes dating back to ZTA’s founding show the true meaning behind the creation of the Fraternity. The sisterhood that our Founders envisioned is alive and well today, and now preserved in a exhibit worthy of their dreams.

Directory of Zeta Tau Alpha Founded at Longwood University • Farmville, Virginia • October 15, 1898 INTERNATIONAL OFFICE (IO)

Executive Director — Deb Ensor 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: (317) 872-0540; Fax: (317) 876-3948 Website: E-mail: Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST


Maud Jones Horner, Died August 20, 1920 Della Lewis Hundley, Died July 12, 1951 Alice Bland Coleman, Died June 11, 1956 Mary Jones Batte, Died December 3, 1957 Alice Grey Welsh, Died June 21, 1960 Ethel Coleman Van Name, Died January 24, 1964 Helen M. Crafford, Died September 17, 1964 Frances Yancey Smith, Died April 23, 1977 Ruby Leigh Orgain, Died October 22, 1984


Mrs. Ross P. Strout (Shirley Kreasan), Died August 21, 1978


Mrs. Helen Winton Jenkins, Died July 1, 1987 Mrs. Nelly Galloway Shearer


Mrs. Anne Winnes Redmond, Died November 17, 2006


Mrs. Betty Hillix Foellinger, Died April 17, 1992


Send to IO, Attn: Department of Communications


NATIONAL PRESIDENT — Keeley McDonald Riddle, 96 Ford Road, Landing, NJ 07850 VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Natalie M. Yingling, 328 Fawn Trail, Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (Director of Area I, including Provinces I-Alpha, I-Beta, II-Alpha, IIBeta, II-Gamma, II-Delta, III-Alpha, III-Beta, III-Gamma, IV-Alpha, IV-Beta) VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Stacey Verkest Voigt, 1301 Tuscany Drive, Colleyville, Texas 76034 (Director of Area II, including Provinces VIAlpha, VI-Beta, VI-Gamma, VII-Alpha, VII-Beta, VII-Gamma, VIII-Alpha, VIII-Beta, VIII-Gamma, IX-Alpha, IX-Beta, X-Alpha, XI-Alpha, XI-Beta, XIGamma, XI-Delta) VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Kelley Snow Harmon, 2803 Elizabeth Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72703 (Director of

Area III, including Provinces XII-Alpha, XII-Beta, XIII-Alpha, XIV-Alpha, XV-Alpha, XVI-Alpha, XVI-Beta, XVII-Alpha, XVII-Beta, XVII-Gamma XVIII-Alpha, XVIIIBeta, XIX-Alpha, XIX-Beta.) VICE PRESIDENT ALUMNAE — Lori A. Peters, 3784 Nathan Court, Brunswick, OH 44212 (Director of Area I, including Districts I-Alpha, I-Beta, II-Alpha, III-Alpha, III-Beta, IV-Alpha, VI-Alpha, VII-Alpha, VII-Beta, VIIIAlpha, VIII-Beta, IX-Alpha, XII-Alpha, XVI-Alpha, XVIBeta) VICE PRESIDENT ALUMNAE — Diane Hanson Keegan, 23855 Mountain Laurel Court, Murrieta, CA 92562 (Director of Area II, including Districts X-Alpha, XI-Alpha, XIBeta, XI-Gamma, XI-Delta, XIII-Alpha, XIV-Alpha, XVAlpha, XV-Beta, XV-Gamma, XVII-Alpha, XVIII-Alpha, XVIII-Beta, XVIII-Gamma, XIX-Alpha, XIX-Beta, XIXGamma) SECRETARY-TREASURER — Dinah Jackson Laughery, 3513 Savoy Court, Austin, TX 78738 NPC DELEGATE — Laura Ladewig Mauro, 801 Circle Drive, Winnsboro, TX 75494 EXTENSION DIRECTOR — Marlene Dunbar Conrad, 4421 Sugar Maple Drive, Acworth, GA 30101


PRESIDENT — Julia Marthaler Hill, 290 Highland View Drive, Birmingham, AL 35242 VICE PRESIDENT — Martha Gorum Jackson, 4187 North Sabino Mountain Drive, Tucson, AZ 85750 TREASURER — Dinah Helms Cook, 188 Gregg Parkway, Columbia, SC 29206 SECRETARY — Marty E. Sik, 1217 Newbridge Trace, Atlanta, GA 30319 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Susan Beard, 2309 Empire Road, Birmingham, AL 35226 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Cynthia Byars Courtney, 5644 Pillsbury Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55419 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Joan Parker Hull, 3036 Westmoreland Drive, Birmingham, AL 35223 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Jayne Ann Scoggins Hungate, 1671 E. Caracas Ave, Hershey, PA 17033 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Jan Spradley McCarthy, 903 Sleepy Hollow Cove, Oxford, MS 38655 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Kay McCoy McKelvey, 5635 Mistridge Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Terri Dew Millsap, 111 E. Edgewood Drive, Homewood, AL 35209 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Lacy Schneider O’Connor, 5403 Braxtonshire, Houston, TX 77069 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Dorothy Coates Pataky, 5830 Old Ranch Road, Riverside, CA 92504

DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Nancy Jo Floyd Stipp, 210 King George Road, Greenville, SC 29615 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Christine Flora Stull, 1044 Saratoga Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46280 DIRECTOR — Keeley McDonald Riddle (See National President) DIRECTOR — Dinah Jackson Laughery (See National Secretary-Treasurer) DIRECTOR — Becky Hainsworth Kirwan (See Foundation President)


PRESIDENT — Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, 14601 Beach Road, Chesterfield, VA 23838 VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVELOPMENT — Deb Ensor (See Executive Director) VICE PRESIDENT OF PHILANTHROPY — Sherry Server Tilley, 8028 Fawnwood Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46278 VICE PRESIDENT OF SCHOLARSHIP — Catherine G. Slaughter, 9212 Cedardale Drive, Plano, TX 75025 SECRETARY/TREASURER — Kay Dill Kreutzer, 25035 W. Beachgrove Road, Antioch, IL 60002 DIRECTOR — Ms. Martha C. Edens, 6311 Eastshore Road, Columbia, SC 29206 DIRECTOR — Nora Nell Hardy Jackson, 7219 FM 755, Rio Grande City, TX 78582 DIRECTOR — Keeley McDonald Riddle (See National President) DIRECTOR — Dinah Jackson Laughery (See National Secretary-Treasurer) DIRECTOR — Julia Marthaler Hill (See NHC President) DIRECTOR — Dinalh Helms Cook (See NHC Treasurer)


PD — Laura Ladewig Mauro (See NPC Delegate) PDA I — Deb Ensor (See Executive Director) PDA II — Stephanie Arnette Powell, 2421 Bagley Road, Cumming, GA 30041 PDA III — Keeley McDonald Riddle (See National President)


Kat Lopez (Leadership Development Specialist), Harriette Baker, Sharon Binford, Sami Cetnar, Shaina Geltman, Katie Harbison, Elise Hawkins, Ali Keeler, Courtney Knox, Brittany Lee, Gemma Leggere, Emily Lorino, Dani Murtagh, Lexie Orologas, Stacy Ramirez, Robyn Shiplet and Anna Tiffany. Send TLC mail c/o ZTA International Office, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.


MJ Insurance, Inc., Sorority Division, 9225 Priority Way West Drive, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240; 888-442-7470;

Protect our values. Support our programming. Buy from licensed vendors.


hare your love of ZTA by purchasing from licensed vendors. When you use licensed vendors, you support our efforts to protect the values and identity of Zeta Tau Alpha. You are also assured of a quality product at a competitive price, with a portion of the proceeds directly benefitting ZTA programming. Look for the Greek Licensed Product logo next time you shop and feel confident that you are receiving the best of the best. Visit to find a licensed vendor near you or shop Crown & Co. at

Fall 2010

• 35

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Founders’ Day Proclamation 2010


s I stood in front of the glass case that held black satin dancing slippers, white kid leather gloves and a sterling silver purse, I had to catch my breath. There in the newly redesigned Historical Exhibit of Zeta Tau Alpha were 19th century possessions of our Founders, now preserved and displayed in a 21st century presentation. It was one day before Convention 2010 officially opened, but already I was filled with a sense of pride and humility. The first ZTA Convention to feature a Historical Exhibit was the fifteenth National and fourth International Convention, held in 1937 in Swampscott, Mass., one year before Zeta Tau Alpha celebrated our 40th anniversary. In a review of that exhibit in Themis, Editor Emerita Betty Hillix Foellinger wrote: “The tapestry of the past is always fascinating, but a cloth woven of memories and events of the past, concerning something which is as dear to our hearts as Zeta Tau Alpha, is especially interesting.” Our new Historical Exhibit contains many of the same items displayed in 1937. These treasures from our past are indeed fascinating and dear to our hearts and we are so grateful to those who have volunteered over the years to preserve them.

What is woven into the tapestry of your personal Zeta Tau Alpha history? If you are a new member, it may be a Bid Day T-shirt or a special gift from your Big Sister. If you’ve recently graduated, it may be the turquoise sash you wore over your gown or your mortar board decorated with ZTA symbols. If you’re a more experienced ZTA, it may be a picture taken with your sisters gathered around you at a wedding or baby shower. Or perhaps a pink survivor hat you wore proudly at a Race for the Cure®. Preserving our history is so important. It is a lasting reminder of our Founders’ dedication and our tie to their dream of a sisterhood that would last forever. As we move forward, may we always remember to look back and stay true to the founding precept of Zeta Tau Alpha—Love, the greatest of all things. Given under my hand and seal, I proclaim the fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, two thousand and ten, as our 112th Founders’ Day.

Keeley McDonald Riddle, National President Landing, New Jersey­– October 2010

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