Themis—Fall 2011

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Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Fall 2011

nlc 2011 taught zTA to create change

From Where I Sit asking: “Are you in ZTA for something to do or in ZTA to do something?” Me? I want to do something. I wanted to tell him that the reason I am always going to ZTA meetings is because I do believe in our mission to enrich the lives of young women, to help them grow in their potential as leaders and in service to those around them. I share in our purpose to create a more noble womanhood in the world.

Mom, why did you have to go to that ZTA thing? By Kimberly Newton-Burgess, ΙΩ Province President VI-G When I returned home from National Leadership Conference, I had no idea how my family would react to my having been gone for six days. My husband had thoroughly cleaned the house—a very nice treat—and apparently our little people missed me. Will (age 3) told me so every day, at least 30 times a day, after I returned. Maggie (17 months) slept on top of me at night for several days, I imagine for fear I might escape again. Ian (age 8) didn’t seem to care that I was gone. A hug when I got off the plane and a, “Glad you’re home. Now let’s go eat some Mexican” was all I got. I was more than happy to oblige. As we left the airport that day, Will asked the question. “Mom, why did you have to go to that ZTA thing?” He’s not the first one to ask me that. I get it a lot—from non-Greeks but even from Zetas too. I could show him the ZTA new member workbook called “Zeta is Forever.” He would totally get it then. But since he can’t read, I am left to explain. I thought

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about telling him that it was because I got to stay in a hotel all week, sleep by myself and take a shower without little people peeking around the curtain for me to get them something. But, I knew that answer wouldn’t do. I thought about telling him that at NLC, I learned about new technology that makes me feel young and hip. We had tweet walls, MingleSticks, and live voting polls during a presentation. I could tell him how I am now on Twitter and have people “following” me. I certainly wouldn’t know about any of that without ZTA. I could tell him all about the risk reduction concepts I learned from Dr. Lori Hart. She always has great stories about risky behavior, but none of them are age-appropriate for a 3-year-old. I could tell him about Yoplait®, or Race for the Cure®, or the National Football League or a multitude of other Think Pink® activities. But again, difficult for a 3-year-old to grasp. I could tell him about Vice President Collegiate III Kelley Snow Harmon

I wanted to tell him about all of the wonderful women that I have had the opportunity to mentor in ZTA—those who have grown to be remarkable, strong women who are doctors, lawyers, artists, humanitarians and mothers. Of course, I am not responsible for their success, but I am happy that I had a window to watch them grow. I wanted to say that some of the values that I teach him are ones I learned in ZTA. The Creed is something I live, not just something I learned. But that would be too much for him. So instead, I said the thing I knew that he could understand. “Will, I went to see my friends.” My sisters. Because in the end, the reason I stay involved in Zeta Tau Alpha is the friendship. The women that I have the privilege to know because of ZTA have truly enriched my life. They mean the world to me. They have been such a strong inspiration and support to me, when life was grand and when it wasn’t. Whether they are 18 or 80, I know I can count on them. Always. Forever. I want my children, and everyone else, to know that ZTA is important to me because it helped shape who I am. My Fraternity instilled values about service, leadership and love that I am not sure I would have without that enriching influence. I don’t know that I would always “Seek the Noblest” without ZTA’s guiding principles. But most of all, I know I wouldn’t have the endearing friendships that I have without our sisterhood. So I will continue to “go to that ZTA thing,” not because I have to, but because, when I do, I am a better mother, wife, sister and friend. I am a better Kimberly because of ZTA.


Fall 2011 • Vol. 110 No. 1 (ISSN 1529-6709; USPS 627-120)

Contents On The Cover


Editor-in-Chief Christy Marx Barber, ΑΨ

of Zeta Tau Alpha

Graphic Designer Haleigh Castino, ΑΨ

Fall 2011

Staff Writer Ashley Martin Contributors Kimberly Newton-Burgess, ΙΩ Heather Matthews Kirk, ΔΚ Susan Beard, ΔΨ Patricia Cords Levitte, ΒΦ Submission July 15 — October 15 — January 15 — April 15 —

Deadlines Fall Issue Winter Issue Spring Issue Summer Issue

Please send all photos and text to: Zeta Tau Alpha, Attention: Department of Communications, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Submissions can also be sent via email to: Submissions become the property of ZTA. Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha (ISSN 1529-6709; USPS 627-120) is published quarterly by Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1334. Subscription: $2.00 per year. Single copies: $.50. Periodical postage paid in Indianapolis, IN, and additional mailing offices. Printed in the United States of America.


ZTA collegians learned to “Create the Change” at National Leadership Conference 2011 in Indianapolis. Conference programming and firsthand accounts from collegians and National Officers helped prove the importance of members being change agents within their chapters. Fun, technological tools and a new Advisor Academy left attendees ready to learn and interact with ZTA in brand new ways.

Features Assessment - Results from our second assessment of 12 ZTA collegiate members shows our programming develops well-

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rounded members. Foundation Donors - These donors helped fund scholarships, programming, breast cancer education and awareness initiatives and more. Think Pink - Think Pink® has a new look but the same great programming, including Save Lids to Save Lives® and NFL partnerships.

Statement of Ownership

Postmaster: Send address changes to Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

Member, Fraternity Communications Association and National Panhellenic Editors Conference. © 2011 Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Zeta Tau Alpha.

Fall 2011

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Letters to Themis

What our readers told us by survey This issue’s letters are not really letters; they are instead the results of our Themis readership survey and some representative thoughtful responses from ZTA members. On July 8, we sent an email notice of the survey to all collegiate and alumnae members who have email addresses on file with ZTA. We included a card with a link to the survey in the summer issue of the magazine that was mailed in early July. We received 4,369 responses to the survey—1,236 from collegiate members and 3,133 from alumnae. Alumnae responses were equally distributed over all age groups. We tip our crown to the 380 of our members over 65 who responded to our online survey. Technology is not just for the young! Of the respondents, 3,824 completed the entire survey. Those who did not complete the survey told us they no longer receive Themis (but did receive our email) and 387 of them ask to be placed back on the Themis mailing list. We received written feedback from 379 alumnae and 54 collegians. The responses and feedback gave us very strong indications of these members’ expectations for our quarterly magazine, especially in three areas: Overwhelmingly, our members wish to continue to receive a printed magazine, rather than an online version. Eighty-five percent of respondents wish to see the magazine either only in printed form or both printed and online. Some sample responses: • There is something magical about the feel of paper in your hands while reading. Please continue to publish a physical Themis. • We are simply too busy to make time to seek out casual reading on the computer. I

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welcome the physical reminder that Zeta is still a presence in my life. • In my work with a non-profit scholarship foundation, I share copies of Themis with high school students (and their parents) who plan to attend schools where ZTA currently has chapters. Our readers most want to read profiles about members who have interesting stories to tell (85 percent were very interested or interested) and alumnae and collegiate chapter news (77 percent were very interested or interested). Most do not believe Themis content should focus on current issues that are already covered by general interest magazines. A sample response: Please don’t take away the focus on ZTA. Articles on education, women’s issues, etc., are a dime a dozen on the magazine racks. Our women and our chapters are way more important to me. Many of you asked for the return of the “Zetas with Zest” section, and we will take all your suggestions to heart. Our readers love pictures and want more of them. Our Extra Extra picture pages were the most read of all of our sections with 78 percent of respondents viewing them always or often. However, many believe that we have a bias toward larger chapters in our picture selection. One of the most difficult tasks in producing Themis is obtaining high quality photographs from our members and chapters. Without a staff photographer or a photography budget, we rely on our members for photos. In the Collegiate Themis Report summaries and the Extra Extra pages in the last two summer issues, we used 24 pictures from chapters at large universities and 30 from chapters on smaller campuses. We truly use the best of what we receive

without regard to the size of the campus or chapter. We outline our photo guidelines on all our Themis submission forms, on the Submit News page of the website and on the Themis resource page of Sisters Only. The pictures that we use follow those guidelines. Many of the responses we received suggested that Themis needs to improve to be more informative, more attractive in design and more competitive with other Greek publications. We appreciate your candor and your input. National Council will review the survey summary and provide the Communications Department with guidance. We hope you will see changes in the issues to come as we continue to provide you with the best possible ZTA news and information resource.

Top Comments “You said 50 years ago I’d get the magazine for life and so far, I’m alive and still getting it. I appreciate both of those things.” “Offering an online version of Themis is nice, but I think you would lose a connection if the magazine was made online only.” “Focus on what makes members uniquely ZTA. Be insightful, inspirational and informational via everyday ZTA events.”

National Leadership Conference Indian spiritual leader Mahatma Ghandi is credited with saying “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” For four days in July, current and aspiring ZTA collegiate officers, advisors and National Officers used that concept as a launching point for National Leadership Conference 2011, held in Indianapolis. All 569 Zetas focused on the NLC theme, “Create the Change,” and learned to make decisions based on the right, the good and the true. Attendees returned home ready to make the changes they wish to see in their chapters. On the pages that follow, read how Zetas created change through NLC workshops, technology and sharing.

Fall 2011

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National Leadership Conference

Learning to Create the Change By Christy Marx Barber, ΑΨ and Ashley Martin The curriculum for National Leadership Conference featured a three-pronged approach: general sessions on leadership, facilitated by National Officers; discussions in Change In Action (C.I.A) groups with officers from similar campuses; and workbook exercises reflections completed individually.

Perhaps the most stirring inspiration for all in attendance came at Friday night’s dinner when three current collegiate presidents bravely shared their stories of watershed moments that prompted transformational change in their chapters.

Agents of Change

“We wanted our collegiate leaders to draw inspiration from dedicated National Officers, to share ideas with sisters from peer chapters and to have time to reflect and plan on their own,” said National President Keeley McDonald Riddle. “Our goal was to help them gain new personal insight, make new friends, think strategically about their chapter’s position and future, and to support them in creating positive change.”

When Catherine Comerfold went through recruitment at Georgia Institute of Technology, she was drawn to Iota Theta Chapter’s pride in its accomplishments— ZTA Silver Awards, high GPA, and beautiful members.

The five general sessions were led by Extension Director Marlene Dunbar Conrad, former National President Alice McCann Mathews, Vice President Collegiate III Kelley Snow Harmon, former National President and current ZTA Foundation Vice President of Philanthropy Sherry Server Tilley and Executive Director Deb Ensor. Forty-three National Officers served as facilitators for the C.I.A. meetings.

Behind this pride was a chapter struggling with unruly seniors, a divided Executive Committee, and stints on probation for recruitment infractions and disrespecting the Greek community. Instead of facing these problems head on, the chapter clung to the idea of “being the best” and blamed others for its mistakes. It took an incident at a chapter social event in spring 2011 for the chapter began to see the error of its ways. “As I decided how to tell the chapter that we were in trouble again, I had an epiphany,” said Catherine. “Pride. The pride the girls had for ZTA when I first stepped through those doors, that pride was good. Now, it had stopped being pride and became arrogance.” As a chapter, Iota Theta decided it could no longer blame others for its mistakes. It needed to change its culture. So the chapter has put itself on social probation. “We can still have pride in ZTA,” said Catherine. “But sometimes sisterhood means realizing that we have to change to become the people, and the chapter, we know we can be.”

Brittany Lee, Carolyn Hof Carpenter and Karen Farmer Mills inspired NLC attendees with their reflections on the right, the good and the true at the closing brunch.

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For Alpha Omicron Chapter (The University of Iowa), recruiting women was not an issue; it was recruiting the right kind of women. “In 2008, the girls in the chapter lacked the principle qualities of Zeta Tau Alpha and allowed behavior at a chapter event to put us in a position where it was possible that ZTA would longer be at The University of Iowa,” said chapter president Audra Brinlee. Nine expulsions and 20 judicial hearings later, the chapter began to see that it had to put sisterhood first. Sisterhood events

and member programming have finally made friendships and Fraternity values the most important part of membership. “I have seen how far our chapter has come in three years,” said Audra. “I can now honestly say, in every one of our members, I see a true Zeta.” 2006 was an incredibly tough year for Delta Iota Chapter (Clarion University of Pennsylvania). Not only did it find itself in the midst of a membership review by National Council, resulting in a significant loss of membership, but it also was forced to make the difficult decision to give up its chapter house. “That was our watershed moment for change,” said current chapter president Sarah Chilcote. “Zeta Tau Alpha became the only Panhellenic organization on campus without a house. We had no house; we were on probation. It was the start of a very long and slow process of transformation.” Over the years, small wins helped change the momentum of the chapter and keep it on the path of success. It slowly began winning campus awards, getting rid of old traditions that had been holding it back, and asking National Officers for advice on how to grow. “It has taken our chapter over five years to overcome the trials of 2006,” said Sarah. “Change wasn’t easy, but it is because of our dedicated members Delta Iota is where it is today: a strong, supportive sisterhood and a chapter to be proud of.”

Chapter presidents Audra Brinlee (Alpha Omicron), Sarah Chilcote (Delta Iota) and Catherine Comerfold (Iota Theta) spoke to NLC about change within their chapters.

The right, the good and the true At Sunday’s brunch following the Rededication Service, three loyal Zetas closed NLC by offering the following perspectives on the right, the good and true—precepts from The Creed. Traveling Leadership Consultant Brittany Lee: It’s so easy to make the wrong decision when you don’t make the right choices. Always ask ‘is this decision right for my chapter?’ If the answer is ‘yes,’ you will lead your chapter down the right path. District President XI-B Carolyn Hof Carpenter: When we are here at NLC, we are in our ZTA bubble. The good here is so clear. It’s time to go home and share the good and ask ‘Is this decision good for my sisters? Do I have an unselfish regard for the welfare of my chapter?’ Former Extension Director Karen Farmer Mills: The True North at the North Pole has constant coordinates; but on a compass, magnetic north is always moving. On our ZTA compass, we cannot let powerful magnetic forces pull us off of course in the direction of what is popular. Our True North must be the constant of our mission, values and purpose.

Fall 2011

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National Leadership Conference

DWYSYWD: ZTA has set the example DWYSYWD. It’s not text message shorthand or a governmental agency acronym. It’s not a personalized license plate or a secret code word. It stands for Do What You Say You Will Do—a successful leadership technique taught to collegiate officers at NLC and the theme of National President Keeley McDonald Riddle’s State of the Fraternity Address, delivered at dinner on Thursday, July 14. “National Council sincerely believes that we cannot ask you to create the change in your chapters if we don’t first set an example by Doing What We Say We Will Do and Doing What We Ask You To Do,” Mrs. Riddle said to NLC attendees. “We must set the example by developing tools for you to use in creating change, by recruiting and training volunteers who will support you in that change, and by fostering a sisterhood that will sustain that change for years to come.” Among the tools ZTA has developed for our chapters in the last year, Mrs. Riddle said, were the “Teaching Social Responsibility” portion of the My Sister, My Responsibility risk reduction program; the 2 or 21: Creating Change in our Choices game that teaches national policies in an interactive manner; a record 19 Traveling Leadership Consultants that provided leadership assistance to all our chapters; and new technology in online reporting, training videos and social media. “You have the tools to create the change to a hazing-free, socially responsible chapter,” Mrs. Riddle said. “It is now up to each of you to use them. Will you?”

In her State of the Fraternity address, National President Keeley McDonald Riddle shared how ZTA fostered positive change during the 2010-2011 academic year.

Mrs. Riddle also thanked the ZTA Foundation for providing $602,288 in scholarships to 235 women for this school year and the ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation for allocating $4 million in upgrades and maintenance to 103 housing facilities.

chapter reorganization, one reactivation and a three new installations planned for this school year.

Much like the President of the United States recognizes dedicated citizens in the State of Union address, Mrs. Riddle asked the volunteers who support our collegiate chapters to stand and be recognized in her address, including advisors, District Presidents, Province Presidents, Mentors, Supervisors, Directors of New Chapters, Chapter Financial Management Committee members and the board of the ZTA Foundation and Fraternity Housing Corporation.

“Until you have experienced an extension effort first-hand, you really cannot imagine the amount of time and effort and creativity and organization it takes to be successful in extension,” Mrs. Riddle said. “The colonization effort requires planning visits, public relations weeks, newspaper ads, digital display messages, yard signs, flyers, brochures, posters, postcards, infoviews, parties, refreshments. It requires a total team effort.”

“You have these dedicated volunteers to help you create the change,” Mrs. Riddle told the collegiate leaders. “It is up to you to listen to them, heed their advice and trust them. Will you?”

In closing, Mrs. Riddle challenged attendees to use the lessons learned at NLC for to ensure the future of ZTA.“We all have the power to become change agents in our Fraternity and move it forward for decades to come. It is now up to each of us to create the change. Will we?”

To illustrate how ZTA had fostered sisterhood that will sustain the change, she highlighted ZTA’s success in opening new chapters and reactivating closed chapters. ZTA has held 15 successful extension efforts in the last six years and has one

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Visit > Events > National Leadership Conference to read the entire addresss.

National Leadership Conference

NLC goes high tech If you’ve ever attended a conference, you likely remember being asked to turn off your cell phone and tuck it away in your bag. But this year, ZTA actually encouraged the use of mobile devices during NLC sessions. Utilizing technology and social media, Zetas were able to interact, learn and connect with one another in ways they never could before. Throughout the week, the social media website Twitter was a predominate way for attendees to interact. Using ZTA’s official Twitter account, @ZTAFraternity, the Fraternity posted questions and comments and provided recaps of each day’s events for both NLC attendees and Zetas at home. Followers of the account were then able to interact by tweeting their answers, sharing their ideas and commenting on the conference. All Zetas using Twitter were encouraged to use the hashtag #ZTANLC in their posts. By searching for this hashtag in Twitter, anyone could see the tweets about NLC. During several meals, ZTA used “tweet wall” technology to display the Twitter “chatter” about the conference. Computer software randomly pulled tweets using the #ZTANLC tag and displayed them on the video screens around the room. So many people enjoyed seeing the tweets that several Zetas, including National Officers, even created Twitter accounts at NLC so they could be a part of the fun. NLC attendees also used text messaging to respond to poll questions during programming sessions. Instead of the old-fashioned raising your hand to get a head count, 445 women texted their answers to questions about leadership styles, values and more. The real-time, accurate poll results were displayed on screens in meeting room. The NLC workbook featured Quick Response (QR) codes to provide additional information and resources on programming topics. By

NLC attendees voiced their opinions by text messages and then saw poll results posted on video screens. scanning the barcode-looking boxes in the workbook with a smart phone camera, Zetas could connect to web pages to learn more on the subject material. Posts from the Fraternity’s official Facebook page also included photo albums with a total of 524 photos from the event. The NLC blog provided reminders before the event began as well as recaps of all NLC general sessions and parts of the Advisor, Province President and District President academies. “Every time we had a free moment, we took out my smart phone and looked up the QR codes or looked through the Twitter hashtags,” said Alissa Anderson, first vice president/coordinator of committees for Iota Psi Chapter (Rochester Institute of Technology). “It’s been a great way for us to get new ideas and see the pride that everyone has in ZTA.” “Facebook, Twitter and the blog have also allowed us to reach out to our members back in New York,” said Iota Psi Chapter President Sara Christensen. “So many of our members are following us and ZTA on Twitter and have been getting the updates and asking us questions about how things are going. I think it has been able to refocus everyone’s perspective of our chapter and the national Fraternity even though they aren’t here.” For those Zetas who were at NLC, a keychain-sized MingleStick allowed attendees to securely share their information with others as if they actually swapped business cards. After setting up their accounts on Mingle 360’s website, women could point their sticks at one another, and with the press of the button, share information. MingleSticks were returned at the end of the week, but all shared information (See picture, page 33) was saved to each attendee’s personal Mingle account for her to download the following week.

Alissa Anderson and Sara Christensen shared NLC with their Iota Psi Chapter sisters through technology.

“The goal of using these technologies was to help connect Zetas to one another and to what they are learning at NLC,” said ZTA Director of Social Media Lynn Compton Chapman. “I’m confident that we’ve been able to do that this week, and hopefully, these women will continue to interact with the national Fraternity through these media throughout the year.”

Fall 2011

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National Leadership Conference

Campus professionals instruct advisors As the Fraternity asked NLC attendees to “Create the Change,” National Leadership Conference made a change of its own. For the first time, a ZTA Foundation-funded Advisor Academy preceded the main conference to provide extra training for collegiate chapter advisors.

Advisors in attendance represented many advisor positions and programming touched on all advisor and Executive Committee roles. Presentations on chapter finances, judicial hearings and the release figure method used during Formal Recruitment were also programming highlights.

From Tuesday evening, July 12 through Thursday morning, July 14, 37 advisors participated in the academy facilitated by Shannon Domeier Sumerlin and Ashley Whitlach, both Zetas who now work as Greek Life professionals. Shannon, an initiate of Gamma Iota Chapter (University of Florida) is director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Texas Christian University; Ashley, an initiate of Psi Chapter (University of Washington) is assistant director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at her alma mater.

“My favorite part of the academy was learning specifics about each advisor position so that I have a better understanding of my fellow advisors’ roles,” said Erin Curran, membership advisor for Theta Sigma Chapter (Winthrop University), where she was initiated. “I am now able to take a variety of fresh new ideas back to the chapter I work with.”

“A well-trained advisor can have a huge impact on the future of a chapter as well as provide undeniable support and advocacy for individual officers,” said Ashley. “In my job, I can definitely tell when I’m working with a student or chapter who has a dedicated and knowledgeable advisor—they tend to see the big picture and push themselves to challenge their peers both in their chapter and the community.”

By training advisors on a national level, ZTA was able to provide consistency in techniques that could be brought back to each chapter. It also provided a forum to discuss ZTA policy and programming in-depth. “The advisors had a lot of questions regarding policy and specific situations they might encounter,” said Ashley. “I hope that with this new knowledge, they will be prepared to troubleshoot any problems and create the proper support system.” As the general advisor for the new colony at Virginia Commonwealth University, Beth Edwards, an initiate of Eta Alpha Chapter (Georgia Southwestern University), feels confident that the training will help the new advisory board start on the right path. “The information provided to use on risk management, membership and chapter operations will be invaluable for VCU,” said Beth. “The quality and quantity of resources available to chapters and advisors is truly amazing. I am so proud of the Fraternity and the role it has taken in the Greek world.” Following the Advisor Academy, the woman joined their collegiate chapter delegates for the main NLC program. For many advisors, spending this time with the collegians and networking with other advisors was a highlight of the trip.

Thirty-seven advisors had plenty of good notes and great ideas to take back to their chapters after attending the Advisor Academy prior to NLC.

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“When I was in college, I had wonderful advisors who really shaped the person I am today,” said Megan Latchford, an initiate of Kappa Sigma Chapter (University of South Florida) who now serves as the risk management advisor for Alpha Phi Chapter (Northwestern University). “I’ve really enjoyed spending time with the Alpha Phi members who are here this week and talking with them about totally un-ZTA-related things. I want them to know that I’m not just here to make sure they filled out their report on time. This entire experience has really fired me up to get back to campus, spend more time with the chapter members, and have a conversation about what’s next for ZTA.”

National Leadership Conference

2011 NLC Award Recipients THETA ETA, Stephen F. Austin State University THETA THETA, Arkansas Tech University THETA IOTA, University of North Florida THETA XI, Rutgers University THETA OMICRON, Baylor University THETA TAU, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill THETA PHI, California State University, Fullerton THETA CHI, George Mason University THETA PSI, Texas State University-San Marcos THETA OMEGA, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona IOTA ALPHA, Robert Morris University IOTA GAMMA, The College of New Jersey IOTA DELTA, Towson University IOTA ETA, University of Nevada, Las Vegas IOTA THETA, Georgia Institute of Technology IOTA IOTA, Fairleigh Dickinson University IOTA OMICRON, Lander University IOTA PI, University of Dayton IOTA RHO, East Carolina University IOTA SIGMA, Old Dominion University IOTA CHI, Middle Tennessee State University IOTA OMEGA, University of Maryland KAPPA ALPHA, Colorado State University KAPPA BETA, Presbyterian College KAPPA ZETA, Clemson University KAPPA ETA, Rockhurst University KAPPA IOTA, Moravian College KAPPA LAMBDA, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh KAPPA NU, Monmouth University KAPPA XI, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey KAPPA RHO, University of South Carolina Upstate KAPPA SIGMA, University of South Florida KAPPA TAU, Florida Gulf Coast University KAPPA UPSILON, Georgia College & State University KAPPA PHI, Christopher Newport University KAPPA CHI, Shorter College KAPPA PSI, Kutztown University KAPPA OMEGA, Saint Louis University LAMBDA ALPHA, Sacred Heart University LAMBDA BETA, University of Rhode Island LAMBDA GAMMA, University of Texas *Pictured Above at San Antonio LAMBDA DELTA, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi


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EPSILON, University of Arkansas ZETA, University of Tennessee, Knoxville KAPPA, The University of Texas at Austin LAMBDA, Southwestern University MU, Drury University NU, The University of Alabama PHI, Duke University PSI, University of Washington SIGMA, Baker University ALPHA GAMMA, University of Michigan ALPHA THETA, Purdue University ALPHA MU, Washburn University ALPHA NU, Birmingham-Southern College ALPHA XI, Indiana University ALPHA UPSILON, Oklahoma State University ALPHA PHI, Northwestern University ALPHA PSI, University of Missouri BETA GAMMA, Florida State University BETA DELTA, Miami University BETA THETA, Franklin College BETA NU, New Mexico State University BETA OMICRON, University of South Carolina BETA PHI, Michigan State University BETA PSI, Stetson University BETA OMEGA, Union University GAMMA ALPHA, University of Miami GAMMA BETA, Washington College GAMMA GAMMA, The University of Texas at El Paso GAMMA EPSILON, Pennsylvania State University GAMMA ZETA, Mississippi State University GAMMA IOTA, University of Florida GAMMA KAPPA, James Madison University GAMMA MU, University of Nebraska at Omaha GAMMA NU, University of Virginia GAMMA OMICRON, Central Michigan University GAMMA PI, The University of Georgia GAMMA RHO, Auburn University GAMMA TAU, Texas Tech University GAMMA CHI, Indiana State University GAMMA PSI, Texas Christian University DELTA BETA, Florida Southern College

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DELTA GAMMA, High Point University DELTA DELTA, Baldwin-Wallace College DELTA ZETA, Sam Houston State University DELTA THETA, Ohio Northern University DELTA KAPPA, Louisiana State University DELTA LAMBDA, Georgia State University DELTA NU, University of New Orleans DELTA OMICRON, Lenoir-Rhyne College DELTA CHI, William Jewell College DELTA PSI, Samford University DELTA OMEGA, Westminster College ZETA ALPHA, University of Evansville ZETA BETA, Thiel College ZETA GAMMA, Youngstown State University ZETA THETA, East Central University ZETA LAMBDA, Rider University ZETA XI, Georgia Southern University ZETA SIGMA, The University of Texas at Arlington ZETA PSI, Jacksonville State University ETA ALPHA, Georgia Southwestern State University ETA BETA, Duquesne University ETA GAMMA, West Chester University of Pennsylvania ETA ZETA, Elon University ETA THETA, Missouri University of Science and Technology ETA IOTA, Valdosta State University ETA KAPPA, University of Central Florida ETA LAMBDA, College of Charleston ETA MU, Augusta State University ETA XI, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ETA PI, Wright State University ETA RHO, The University of North Alabama ETA SIGMA, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke ETA TAU, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte ETA UPSILON, Missouri Southern State University ETA PHI, Illinois State University THETA GAMMA, Texas A&M University THETA DELTA, Salisbury University THETA ZETA, Wofford College








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• Quota Total • Financial Improvement • Helping Hand • Collegiate Crown Fall 2011

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Assessment results produce action plans

In spring 2011, ZTA surveyed our collegiate membership, using the University Learning Outcomes Assessment (UniLOA). Almost 11,000 members in 151 chapters, or 80 percent of the undergraduate membership, completed the assessment. This followed the first-ever assessment of our membership in fall 2009. ZTA improved member development in six out of seven areas over 2009. And this year’s assessment results show that membership in ZTA develops students at a higher level than nonaffiliated female students and the all-student average in all seven areas: critical thinking, selfawareness, communication, diversity, citizenship, membership and leadership, and relationships. These areas are regarded as the “most critical” by employers, academics, managers and researchers, and are closely tied to the mission of ZTA to develop “the potential of each individual through innovative programming which emphasizes leadership development, service to others, academic achievement and continue personal growth.” In short, the results show that the Fraternity continues to make positive strides in member development and that students who join ZTA will benefit from programs, experiences and friendships made. To extend the potential impact of this year’s assessment results, International Office staff members and the assessment

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Non-Affiliated Female

Overall national

creators at Indiana State University isolated the information from each chapter. They created chapter-specific reports with the most important information from the assessment. In the chapter report, leaders can see: • How the chapter scores in each of the seven developmental areas and how it compares to the national average • The high and low item in each developmental area • Where the chapter stands on the things that boost development (academic performance, volunteering, outside involvement) • Satisfaction rates in the member experience and areas of programming • Satisfaction with the intended outcomes of the ZTA experience “We wanted to provide our chapters with a dynamic set of tools for goal setting,” said National President Keeley McDonald Riddle. “When an officer looks at this information and considers it with the chapter’s success in achieving Crown Chapter criteria, its recruitment and retention results, its academic achievement, and personal observations, she finally has a full picture of where the chapter really is in terms meeting the mission of ZTA, and what the officers need to do to improve the experience our members are receiving.”

ZTA 2009



Membership & Leadership








Self Awareness

Results of the second all-member assessment show that Zeta Tau Alpha is widening the gap between the personal growth of our members and that of the average college student. Customized post-assessment reports for each collegiate chapter could help the Fraternity increase those margins in the future.


Critical Thinking

By Heather Matthews Kirk, ΔΚ Director of Education & Leadership Initiatives

ZTA 2011

Seven areas of Development

The assessment asked members to rate their behaviors based in seven different areas regarded as the “most critical” by employers, academics, managers and researchers: Critical thinking – Active process of evaluating, analyzing, assessing, interpreting, questioning and problem solving. Self-awareness – Understanding how you fit into your surroundings, expression and reflection. Communication – Effectiveness of communicating through forms, like speaking, writing, or other non verbal cues. Diversity – Understanding and appreciation of “differences.” Citizenship – Understanding of one’s membership in a variety of “groups,” and commitment to being an active part of those groups. Membership & Leadership – Understanding of the relationships developed in formal and informal groups and organizations. Relationships – Connecting with others, and interacting in social, professional, personal or other settings.

During the National Officer Academy held the day before National Leadership Conference, volunteers who work with collegiate chapters received training on how to utilize the report. They then reviewed the report with the chapter’s NLC delegates. After NLC, IO staff followed up with the chapter presidents, delegates and advisors asking them to create a Plan of Action for the 2011-2012

Assessment FACTORS THAT OPTIMIZE DEVELOPMENT These practices and involvement levels boost the development of Zeta Tau Alphas. Collegiate members who function at these “ideal” levels of involvement also tend to show the highest levels of personal development.

A+ The more you study...


1 or 8+ Volunteer Hrs.

1 Leadership Position

...the higher your GPA

0 or 20+ Hrs. Work per Week

3 Organizational Memberships

Of note is that fact that the highest growth, from the time a member joins to when she graduates, was in the area

Also exciting are the members’ impression of ZTA’s effect on their collegiate experience. “These high rates of satisfaction tell us that members are really getting value from their Zeta experience. It is preparing them to become the noble women our founders envisioned,” Mrs. Riddle said.

Sense of Purpose

Civic Commitment





This year, staff members also looked at how satisfaction relates to development. They found that the more satisfied members are with how ZTA has helped them establish friendships, the higher their development. Eighty-three percent of students stated ZTA had a very positive or positive effect on their establishment of friendships.

Members rated that ZTA has a very positive or positive effect on Their:

Life Skills

Chapter presidents turned in their Plans of Action in August. National Officers will follow up on how the chapter is working toward achieving its goals throughout the year. Traveling Leadership Consultants will use the chapter reports and Plans of Action in preparation for their visits to chapters.

of citizenship. “We believe this is closely related to extensive programming, education and encouragement around community service and philanthropic involvement,” Mrs. Riddle said. “Our members also report being most satisfied with the extent to which ZTA provides meaningful programming in these areas. What we are doing to promote ‘serving those within and without our circle’ is actually advancing their personal growth.”

Sense of Identity

academic year based on the information received and the lessons learned at NLC.



Fall 2011

• 13

Crown & Co.




1. Turquoise & White Towel Wrap, $35 2. Seek the Noblest Jersey, $24 3. Zeta Tau Alpha 1898 Gray Jacket, $45


4. Black Crest Cardigan, $28



5. Big Sis Frame, $18


6. Little Sis Frame, $18 7. Damask Paper Frame, $10






8. Turquoise Square Pillow w/ White & Turquoise Polka Dot Trim, $28 9. Turquoise Square Pillow w/Gray & White Polka Dot Trim, $28 10. ZTA Turquoise Plush Blanket, $34 11. Zeta Tau Alpha Large Decal, 36 in. x 18 in, $38 12. Whimsical Koozie, $10

14 10

13. Turquoise Flower Tumbler, $18 14. Polka Dot Towel Set, $29

Order Online or By Phone 317.872.0540

14 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation

Honor Roll Cumulative giving above $2,500 with a gift this year

GOLD $50,000+ Omicron Brenau University Ms. Martha C. Edens Theta Psi Texas State University-San Marcos Laura Ladewig Mauro

SiLVER $25,000-$49,999 Sigma Baker University Val Clough Ross Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati Catherine G. Slaughter Alpha Theta Purdue University Bobby Seitz Turnbull Beta Gamma Florida State University Nora Nell Hardy Jackson Nan Godfrey Locher Gamma Beta Washington College Becky Hainsworth Kirwan Gamma Pi The University of Georgia Stephanie Arnette Powell Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Cynthia Byars Courtney Eta Iota Valdosta State University Alice McCann Mathews Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Kay Dill Kreutzer

Bronze $10,000-$24,999 Epsilon University of Arkansas Martha Gorum Jackson Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Mary Kay Lattimore Evans Mary Holt Walcutt Pat Joiner Woliver

Lambda Southwestern University Suzanne Morrow Ellis Shirley Oliver Sanders

Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Kathy Benzini Stampe

Sigma Baker University Pat Jean Wooster-Jackson

Delta Delta Baldwin-Wallace College Hellen M. Greenway Kay McCoy McKelvey

Upsilon University of California, Berkeley Gene Marie Slanker Hassan Omega Southern Methodist University Janet Rendleman Bergstrom Nan Barkley Boettcher Anne Barkley Manning Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati Marguerite Roessler Whitney Alpha Theta Purdue University Miss Joy LeRoy Alpha Kappa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Stacy J. Froschauer Alpha Xi Indiana University Dorothy Graf Thorman Beta Gamma Florida State University Deb Ensor Jacquie Belcher Miller Beta Epsilon University of California, Los Angeles Ethel M. Cullom

Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Sherry Stagg St. Aubin Zeta Alpha University of Evansville Sherry Server Tilley Zeta Delta University of Louisiana at Monroe Joy Hathorn Watson Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University Nona Douglass Richey Eta Xi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Francine Marie Vannicola Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Julia Marthaler Hill Malaea Nelms Seleski Dr. Mary Ann Stratford Stegall Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Mary Albert Ward

Ninety-one Major Donors proudly wore buttons at NLC to symbolize their loyalty and gifts to the ZTA Foundation. Nu The University of Alabama Joan Parker Hull

Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College Terri Dew Millsap

Xi University of Southern California Elisa Zobelein Shambaugh

Alpha Xi Indiana University Debra DeVault Marlett Patty Foellinger Smith

Sigma Baker University Lois M. Levering Dr. Darcy L. Russell Chi University of Pittsburgh Alice U. Jones

Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa Morgan Hallett Banasiak Loretta Bridgeford Mealy Alpha Pi Ohio University Denise Frissell Rogers

Iota Delta Towson University Liza Gundell

Psi University of Washington Nancy Meagher Hicks Kori Sosnowy Voorhees

Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Dinah Helms Cook

Iota Sigma Old Dominion University Keeley McDonald Riddle

Omega Southern Methodist University Kim Knight Rice

Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Dorothy Coates Pataky

Gamma Iota University of Florida Karen Farmer Mills

TURQUOISE BLUE $5,000-$9,999

Alpha Phi Northwestern University Ida Phelps Hassler

Gamma Pi The University of Georgia Bonney Stamper Shuman

Alpha Gamma University of Michigan Bonnie Martin Kohl Sue Goodwin Peyron

Alpha Longwood University Kim Cave

Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Leslie Liem Hix Beverly Kunze Randall Stacey Verkest Voigt

Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Marida Pike Slobko

Gamma Omega University of Houston Nancy Bowne Morgan

Mu Drury University Kathy Vogt Thuneman

Alpha Theta Purdue University Janet Graab-Miller Jan Houska Plunkett Sherrill Corley Weary Alpha Kappa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign E. Jeffrey Henn

Alpha Rho Syracuse University Ruth E. Sadler

Alpha Chi University of Kentucky Linda Lawrence Green Marty E. Sik Alpha Psi University of Missouri Christy Marx Barber Beta Gamma Florida State University Susan Jones Baker

Fall 2011

• 15

Steel Gray $2,500-$4,999 Alpha Longwood University Linda Bowers Deviney Epsilon University of Arkansas Kim Callico Cordes Gaye Warren Cypert Jayne Scoggins Hungate Zeta The University of Tennessee Knoxville Judy Golden Bentley Valerie Cowles Melissa Still Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Linda Liles Cattanach

AT NLC, Dr. Lori Hart’s engaging presentation on reducing risk was funded by donations to the ZTA Foundation. Beta Delta Miami University Barbara Wheelock Hamilton

Gamma Phi University of North Texas Jan Spradley McCarthy

Delta Psi Samford University Susan L. Beard

Beta Zeta Iowa State University Sheryl K. Sunderman

Gamma Chi Indiana State University Trixy Swearingen Brill Chris Flora Stull Judy Jordan Wright

Zeta Theta East Central University Brigette Donaghey Gean

Beta Xi University of Akron Mary Gillam Anderson Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Patti Knight Shelley Beta Phi Michigan State University Kristen Humeston Harthorn Beta Psi Stetson University Debbie Barrett Cooke Gamma Beta Washington College Barbara Townsend Cromwell Gamma Delta University of Mississippi Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel Gamma Iota University of Florida Susan Hickok Ivey Joelen Kilbas Merkel Gamma Nu University of Virginia Edwyna McMullan Wingo Gamma Xi Indiana University of Pennsylvania Roxanne Trovato Wood Gamma Pi The University of Georgia Pam J Garrison Dr. Kelly M. Smith Gamma Sigma University of Tampa Sylvia Sears Danner

Gamma Psi Texas Christian University Marnie Brown Cranmer Gamma Omega University of Houston Alice DeWalt Hahn Renee Broussard Jongebloed Sandy Shumate Lewis Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Nyla Stanley Parker

Zeta Iota Western Carolina University Franlyna Barrett Charles Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Kaci Holloway Johnson Zeta Pi Woodbury University Kathy Cook Apogee Norma Jenkyn Simon Zeta Psi Jacksonville State University Gloria Culberson Hice

Delta Beta Florida Southern College Elena C. DeVilliers

Eta Iota Valdosta State University Marlene Dunbar Conrad

Delta Delta Baldwin-Wallace College Michelle Macartney

Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carla Martin Cobb

Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Claire Winn Dowden Judy Berry Jackson Mary Ann Hansen Macey Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Dianne Worsham Rube Delta Mu The University of Tennessee at Martin Vicki Clark Delta Omicron Lenoir-Rhyne College Dana Brasington Atkinson

16 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Dolores Gonzales Gastineau Diane Hanson Keegan

Mu Drury University Janet Vigen Levy Nu The University of Alabama M. Darby Forrester Cheryl Civils Winslow Omicron Brenau University Melissa Garner Hankinson Sally Richardson Hardin Nancy Floyd Stipp Sigma Baker University Mary L Jefferson Elaine Handlen Kalen Tau Millikin University Elta Turner Cooke Norma Jean Janes Upsilon University of California, Berkeley Mary Beth Covert Jump Phi Duke University Janice K. Church Jackson, Ph.D. Psi University of Washington Marilyn Woodmark Hanson Marilyn L. Johnson Lucy Brown Kanikeberg Julia Greek Prosser Omega Southern Methodist University Diddy Schroeder Ellis Tish Tichenor Hall Jerry Rainey Putt

Iota Delta Towson University Shonda Brewer Schilling

Alpha Zeta Ohio State University Anne Brown Chapman Debbie Langford Gates

Iota Sigma Old Dominion University Coleen Ann Ryder

Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati Mary Lippelman Corley

Iota Psi Rochester Institute of Technology Vicki Decker Griffith

Alpha Theta Purdue University Jean Heusel Bradley Connie Fotos Grace Diane Healey, M.D.

Emily Keller Matuska Karen Manteufel Ripp Mary Hobbis Schubert Sandy Clarkson Stuckman Alpha Kappa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Prabha Parameswaran Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College Lynn Compton Chapman Celia Cheney Ellis Carol Burr Petrusek Alpha Xi Indiana University Joan Cralle Day Lori Sharp Kline Georgia Vorgang Kovacic Jenny Anne Krejsa Barbara Lockhart Taylor Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa Jan Thede Lee Alpha Rho Syracuse University Laura-Jean Learned MacDonald Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Maurine McIntyre Bacher Debbie Bacher Bell Lynn Ann Conard Ann White Truscott Alpha Phi Northwestern University Audrey Moerschel Grove Deanna Olson Hartenberg Jane Lenberg Lindgren Alpha Chi University of Kentucky Terri Lacy Carol Hamlin Shannon Shirley A. Wilson Beta Gamma Florida State University Dinah Jackson Laughery Beta Delta Miami University Irene Krenek Broyles Doris Hildbold Cheeseman Stephany Moore Joslin Beta Epsilon University of California, Los Angeles Geri Beal Greer Mary J. Harrison Carolyn Rogers Morris Chris Christiansen Olson Rondi Werner Redmann Beta Zeta Iowa State University Terri Vanderlinden Elias Beta Iota Centenary College of Louisiana Kelly Willer Hamilton Beta Lambda University of Louisville A. Joan Daugherty Beta Nu New Mexico State University Andrea Carter Everett

Foundation Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Cathy Coleman Knox Erica Leigh Soike Beta Rho University of Manitoba Susann MacQuarrie Monroe Beta Sigma Rhodes College Nelly G. Shearer Beta Phi Michigan State University Susie Sherman-Hall Robin Walker Volden Beta Psi Stetson University Sydney Millard Legakis Alyson Cook Stage Beta Omega Union University Diane Wood Tucker Gamma Alpha University of Miami Ana V. DeVilliers Shari H. Robins, M.D. Gamma Gamma The University of Texas at El Paso Janis Quier Hartwell Gamma Delta University of Mississippi Cande McNally Elchroth Gamma Epsilon Pennsylvania State University Sally Leight Lazorchak Mary Loftus MacLaren Gamma Theta University of Colorado at Boulder Carol Bartlett Benner Gamma Iota University of Florida Jean Hanna Evelyn Hanna Wiley Gamma Kappa James Madison University Mary Sue Whitt Gamma Mu University of Nebraska at Omaha Judy Anderson Shinkle Gamma Nu University of Virginia Teresa Strealy Jordan

Gamma Omicron Central Michigan University Cathy Thompson

Delta Iota Clarion University of Pennsylvania Laura J. Darke

Gamma Pi The University of Georgia Ann Tansey Kreager Mary Beth Ewing Letke

Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Helen Levings Caldwell Bowen Marcy Cann Helen Kristensen Fish

Gamma Rho Auburn University Carol L Wietlake Eugenia Malone Zallen Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Jennie Vought Baker Sharon Seeliger Boynton Pam Evans Cho Susan Evans Filippini Gamma Upsilon University of Oklahoma Marty Marie Sutton-Garner Gamma Phi University of North Texas Christy Alexander Brown Gamma Chi Indiana State University Joan Benner Banning Gamma Psi Texas Christian University Shery Kime Goodwin Gamma Omega University of Houston Sylvia Funk Ashbaugh Nina Hendee Susan McLaughlin Hoyt Verna Hicks Patton Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Nancy Spessard Carman Denise Dube Motter Delta Beta Florida Southern College Molly Carter Hancock Mary Ellen Mazzanti Rogers Robin H. Sullivan Delta Gamma High Point University Pamela Klinedinst Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Kerri West Chaney Vicky Donaldson Fleisher

Delta Mu The University of Tennessee at Martin Barbara Demlow Briggs Susan Durham Delta Omicron Lenoir-Rhyne College Janet Baker Hassing Delta Pi Eastern New Mexico University Nancijane Goodwin Hilling Delta Omega Westminster College JoAnn Cassebaum Weisel Natalie Marie Yingling Zeta Alpha University of Evansville Pam Morris Blessing Bryn Hemsley Masiuk Sherry Bryan Murray

Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Kristine Marie Fleming Eta Iota Valdosta State University Leilani Struzick Rabourn Kery Reinkemyer Webb

Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Cheryl Lisa Day Anna Kroesen Dow

Eta Kappa University of Central Florida Karen Henning Sparkman

Iota Alpha Robert Morris University Karen M. Rose-Roper

Eta Mu Augusta State University Natasha Hendrix Pratt

Iota Delta Towson University Laurie Burnham Przybylski

Eta Nu Radford University Mary Denton Roberts Lyerly

Iota Sigma Old Dominion University Samantha Ashley Bass

Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Joan Kimball Mollohan

Iota Psi Rochester Institute of Technology Stacy Kalisz Johnson

Eta Tau The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Ann Broyles Heinz

Iota Omega University of Maryland Janel Thomson Jauntirans

Theta Delta Salisbury University Dixie White Leikach

Zeta Gamma Youngstown State University Lori Ann Peters

Theta Theta Arkansas Tech University Kelley Snow Harmon

Zeta Kappa Louisiana Tech University Christy Carroll Slack

Theta Xi Rutgers University Pam Kievit Dorman

Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Mardee Coyle Austin

Theta Omicron Baylor University Angela Rose Malone Kelly Lacy Schneider O’Connor

Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University Debbie Goff Apel

Theta Psi Texas State University-San Marcos Janet Elaine Crump

Kappa Tau Florida Gulf Coast University Mariann T. MacDonald

Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carolyn Hof Carpenter

Zeta Sigma The University of Texas at Arlington Theta Chi Marti Cherry Diaz George Mason University Heather Christine McCormackZeta Upsilon McHugh Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Sally Schott Wellman

donate to the zta foundation online at

Forty collegians and alumnae attending NLC learned that they would receive a Foundation Scholarship for this school year. In all, 235 Zetas received $602,288 in scholarships.

ZTA Foundation annual donors 2010-2011 This annual listing honors donors who gave $25 or more during the 2010-2011 fiscal year.

Hugs are the most personal way to say thank you to our chapters that raise funds so successfully for the ZTA Foundation. Alpha Longwood University Kim Cave—4 Sara Bradshaw Chenery Linda Bowers Deviney Susan DuPriest Flowers—6 Mary Franklin Fulghum-Palmer Gayle Turpin Heese Margaret Bell Herrin—6 Sally Spindler Jordan Debbie Cosby Kelley Linda Harrison Lavalliere Jacquelyn Norman Orgain—6 Crissy Lynn Rhyne Ednamae Hudson Trevey Jo Ann Ann Tucker Julia M. Williams Pat Coleman Winstead Delta Randolph College Betty Dabney Charles—6 Janet Hudson Judge Phillipa Allen Smith—6 Epsilon University of Arkansas Kathryn Gayanne Adams Karen Cunningham Armstrong Meredith Lynn Armstrong Jennifer Baker Rachael Ann Bakowicz Katie LeeAnn Berghorn Erica Nicole Brandli—6 Kristina Nicole Brothers—6 Cassie Campbell Brothers—5 Diane Jones Brown Nikki Rose Burch—3 Lauren Elizabeth Burwell Courtney Gayle Caldwell Jillian Harrison Carroll Hope Delores Childers Ashley Nicole Cooper Kim Callico Cordes—4 Suzanne Cooksey Cowne Gaye Warren Cypert—6 Mary Margaret Donovan—6 Amanda Christine Dooly —3 Lindsay Marie Grisham—6 Lisa Pilgrim Hagans—6 Amanda Elizabeth Hamilton Shelby Delisle Hardin Gail Lackey Hargraves Nancy Lang Hays Heather Boydston Hill Traci Chappell Hooker Kyle Hougland Merisha Mangrum Hovey Jayne Scoggins Hungate—5 Martha Gorum Jackson—4 Frances Hook Jernigan Mary Graydon Jessen Morgan Michelle Johnson Kenna Elise Johnson—6 Betty Harris Kell

Dianne Hart Kellogg—6 Kimberly Selig Kerper—6 Kristin Anne Kilpatrick Kristen Kay King—3 Kristen Marie Kosmitis—3 Lynzie Lee Mary Arden Leraris Allison Lynn Lewis LaRee Lloyd Lyons Meredith Doran Matthews Abby Young McKelvy Charlotte Hervey Moore—6 Kelsie Kay Neja Linda Burge Orr—6 Katelyn Sue Parker Kaylie Rose Pearson—6 Alexandria Nichole Perez—6 Kirsten Anne Peterson Allie Price Michelle Rizzuti Marlee Elizabeth Rogers—5 Ashley Rogers—3 Anjelica Aline Romero—6 Stephanie Jean Sharum Jessica Kay Simmons—3 Alexandra Rae Skousen—6 Wanda Richards Spivey Stephanie S. Streett Kaci Brooke Sturgeon Becky Sue Swearingen Sara Elizabeth Tenison—6 Allison Ross Thompson—4 Carolyn Jackson Tolley Shaylee Renae Warren Barbara Hunter Whitfill Jo Ann Fielding Williamson Alexandra Michelle Wise—5 Marcia Kirksey Wise—5 Helen Elizabeth Wisner—3 Rachael Elizabeth Zreet Zeta University of Tennessee, Knoxville Molly Louise Albin—6 Kaitlin Nicole Allen—6 Ashlee Rose Almaroad—6 Amber Nicole Atnip—6 Briana Christine Averwater—6 Katie Katherine Barnes Susan Gilbert Barnes—6 Judy Golden Bentley—4 Eleanor Larkin Bradshaw Kelsey Anne Britt Lauren Burcl—6 Stephanie Sargent Burns—6 Madison Christine Bushell Betty Young Catron Ellen Cantrell Cogley Cynthia Connor—6 Valerie Cowles—6 Chelsea Jane Crawford Lu Ann Woolwine Crockett—6 Ana Ownbey Davis Coleen Wall Dorris—6 Denise Harris Doucette

18 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Allison Jean Dowdle—6 Mandy Diane Dye Ana Mae Evans—6 Chelsea Marie Fairley—6 Morgan Nicole Fillyaw—6 Kathleen Clarkson Frey Shelbi Fae Gatlin—5 Krisite Rose Gogo—6 Elizabeth Schofield Graf Ellen McCleary Gregory Sue Lawrence Groomes—6 Jeanne Mack Hansen Melissa Casutto Hart Lauren Michelle Hood—6 Lynsey Helen Hopper—6 Emily Victoria Huntzinger—6 Sula Hensley Inklebarger Maggie Louise Kelley—6 Joy Millsaps Kelly—6 Emily Keplinger Billie Sharp Kincaid Ally Nicole Lanser—6 Leslie Anne Ledford—6 Kelsey Joy Leyrer—6 Misty Amber Dawn Lineham—6 Hannah Kathyrne Liner Kelsei Jayne Longworth Maggie Bess Lowrance—6 Kelly Lynn Mallard—6 Macy McNabb—6 Carolyn Smith Moisson—6 Janice Ward Pafford—6 Christina Elizabeth Perez—6 Natalie Michelle Phillips—6 Rachel Jane Primrose Stephanie Diane Riley—6 Kelsey Ann Robinson—6 Ashley Brooke Sams—6 Helen Carr Saulsberry—6 Cynthia Ogdin Senger—6 Priscilla Marie Simms Peggy Raymond Slater Lindsey Kathleen Smith—6 Lauren Elizabeh Smith—6 Jenna Marie Solie—6 Sarah Elizabeth Speer—6 Jessica Lee Stephens Melissa Still—4 Christen Marie Tressler Sam Morgen Trueheart—6 Jeannette Smith Tysinger Lauren Ashford Wallace—6 Marissa Elise Wanee Samantha Rose Whitney—6 Theta Bethany College Lucille Van Baaren—6 Betty Murphy Weimer Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Adrienne M. Alexander Mary Kay Anderson Allen—6 Jerry Johnston Andrew—6 Patsy Bauguss Bailey Kelti Samantha Bailey—5 Susan Scott Birdwell—6 Jenee Jongebloed Bobbora—6 Frances Navratil Bredthauer—6 Betty Beall Breedon Carolyn Wilson Bronston Jeanne Lee Burk Kimberly Wendland Carey Courtney Elaine Carter—6 Linda Liles Cattanach Sue Clark Maryanne Cardwell Cochran Patricia Tatum Cowles Nancy Stevens Craig—6 Charlotte Adams Crawford—6

Ava Scott Demopulos—6 Paula Reinemund Duke—6 Sondra Hampton Durso—6 Harriett Ellerbee—6 Sunny Wilkens Ernst—6 Karen Tesch Erwin—6 Mary Kay Lattimore Evans Dorothy Marie Falkenberg—6 Linda Reilly George Melanie Weil Harrell Sammie Claire Harris Rosemary Buaas Harrison Elinor Virginia Hart—5 Mary Ellen Poe Head Sandra Hilton Herrin—6 Melinda Howe Hickey—6 Tracey Hall Hime Penny Pounds Hollyfield Mary Stedman Howell—6 Elena Christina Huie Martha Brannon Hunt—6 Suzann Seidel Jones Suzanne Goodwin Jones—6 Liz Cowden Keeney—6 Melinda Meyer Kilpatrick—4 Lauren Joy Kraut Chris Burlingame LaFollette—6 Delitha Stewart Lane—5 Elizabeth Beyer Lyons—5 Pamela Silliman Monaghan Jerry Carter Montouri—6 Carroll Morris Ortrud Lefevre Much—5 Natalie Michelle Murdock Deanna Grayson Murphy Betty Diebel Newton Kitty Knox Oldham—6 Jo Ellen Gill Oliver—6 Mayre Richards Overstreet Aimee Joffrion Perrin Kathy Holmes Ritter—5 Leta Harwell Roper Beverly McDowell Rossy—6 Barbara Broesche Ryan—6 Sally Johnson Salners—6 Nancy Kisten Sandland—6 Lu Ann Hood Schmidt—6 Rebecca Jane Schwartz—6 K’Leigh Brummett Searcy—5 Mrs Emily Scott Shepherd Marida Pike Slobko—5 Lois Bearden Smith—6 Lucille Randall Southerland Maddi Azeah Spence Margaret Johnson Talley Cynthia Wendland Tanner—6 Mary Bird Terry—6 Lisa Holsenbeck Thompson—6 Peggy Stark Trieschmann—5 Kirsten Leigh Valashek Kristie Adams Wade—6 Mary Holt Walcutt—3 Lisa Wolpert Walker—6 Kailey Ann Wardlow Sheila McGinnis Weitzel Kay Dunlap Whitney Margot Markle Wilkinson Pat Joiner Woliver—5 Darlene Harris Wuensche Lambda Southwestern University Dorothy Stevens Brunes Sarah Tunnell Clark Bonnie Hennington Deaton Suzanne Morrow Ellis—3 Cindy Davis Griffin—6 Helen Hicks Groos Connie Lynn Krueger Carolyn Berry Moore—6 Jenna Leigh Mossbarger—6

Katherine Rae Romero Sheri Belknap Sager—6 Shirley Oliver Sanders—5 Janice Alexander Smith—6 Barbara Duke Stryker—6 Lois Rutledge Threlkeld Dorothy Eagle Tompkins Catherine Earles Turer, M.D. Mu Drury University Crystal Tinlin Beuerlein Norma Williams Bonar Helen Whitlock Chesnut Barbra R. Gentry Lisa Johnson Hastings—6 Darlene Hawkins Hill Barbara Schmidt Hirsh Amy Gifford Hodapp Tracie Smith Holley Joyce Brown Ihnow Janet Vigen Levy—6 Melissa Berlin McGuire Laura Schmutz Meador—5 Nancy Shook Monteer Mary Sacco Pitliangas Delaney SheaStevie Sweeney Nicki Linn Thompson—5 Kathy Vogt Thuneman—4 Megan Elyse Waterman Nu The University of Alabama Mary Lee Starnes Beal Ashley Elizabeth Bertino Maddy Blaney Chesnard Beverly Smith Colditz—6 Jane Isbell Conley Kelly Bryana Corr Jennifer Anne Dansby Rachel DeFrancis Ytonna Dyess Finnegan Ruth Fahey Flemming M. Darby Forrester—4 Eugenia Johnson Giles—6 Laura Wilson Glass Treasure Ridley Greene N. Wayne Hendricks Lindsay Christina Herring Joan Parker Hull—5 Dorothy Williams Kingery Bobby Cook Lamb Mary Ann Lehmann—6 Rylee Elizabeth Marsh Sarah Skipper McCullom Mary Kathryn McLeod Dianne Leigh McNabb—5 Stacy Marie Miller Lucile Burnett Morris Cackie Hall Morrow Marilyn Beason Motley Neva Bodiford Petrey Lauren Shannon Prince Maranda Elyse Quevedo Lisa Orth Rogers Zoe Rosenburg—6

Giving Key 1—$5,000+ 2—$2,500-$4,999 3—$1,000-$2,499 4—$500-$999 5—$300-$499 6—$100-$299

Foundation Betty Ann Thompson Steadman Heather Serwecki Stroud Hailey Grace Swartout Helen Smith Tuck—6 Gwyndolyn Collins Turner Kimberly Watson—5 Jill Giacone Wiggins—6 Cheryl Civils Winslow—5 Xi University of Southern California Frances Tomlinson Boothe—6 Rosalie M Chase—6 Dotty Freeman Fonley—6 Betty Woldstad Fullerton—6 Mrs. Marcel George Merle Carrona Hollywood—6 Arlette Etchart McGurty—6 Maurine Pace Platt Jo Ann Ridenour—6 Elisa Zobelein Shambaugh—3 Ellen Praytor Wilson Omicron Brenau University Deisiree Aurelia Quinn Bush Jade Kellie Chanda Whitney Lauren Cochran Ms. Martha C. Edens—4 Marilyn Archer Hall—5 Melissa Garner Hankinson—6 Sally Richardson Hardin—6 Megan Leann Haulbrook—6 Page Dyer Houseman—6 Kristin Taylor Kennedy—4 Sandy Quackenbush Marcoux Marissa Ann Markyna—6 Mrs. Fanning G. Miles Marla Boykin Orr Gloria Holland Poss—6 Cathy Rawlinson—6 Katherine L Reilly—6 Chavigny McDonald Revelette Sara Hoffman Robinson Nancy Floyd Stipp—5 Alana Leigh Swain Daisy Goodnight Waldrep Shannon Grinnan Weeks Lisa Williams Joan Sorensen Wilson Sigma Baker University Nancy Hey Arnold Audrey Linette Brock Audrey Buohl Curran—6 Kelli Renee’ Gamel Marcia Rossiter Hawk Claudia Pierce Hey Margaret Lytle Hoffman Beth Ann Hopkins Mary L. Jefferson Sonya Picking Jones—5 Elaine Handlen Kalen—6 Sandra Villa Kelly Lois M. Levering—6 Mary Cragoe Magalee—6 Allison Ann McGlumphy Maria D’Anna Ondras—6 Betty Minter Pike Jennifer Yocham Poersch Val Clough Ross—3 Dr. Darcy L. Russell—5 Linda G. Stegner Lindsey Kathleen Stinson Ashley Dolezilek Turman—5 Margi Morgan Walbridge Barbara Harrison Wardwell Billie Wiese Watson Pat Jean Wooster-Jackson—3 Tau Millikin University Linda Chapman Arends—6 Ellen Scherer Conville Elta Turner Cooke—4 Norma Jean Janes—6 DeeDee Chapman Olson—6 Lisa Hoffman Waight Marilyn Brandt Winterberger Marian Kiefer Wolf

Upsilon University of California, Berkeley D. Carol Anderson Fran Roberts Congdon Jeane Cudigan Dever—6 Beatrice Kroger Dimpfl Jan Carbiener Emmerich Gene Marie Slanker Hassan—3 Sherry Simpson Hibbard Mary Beth Covert Jump—6 Cynthia Dygert Kesselring—6 Lois Swanson Manbert—6 Jean Neri Riley Lynne Russell Ruedy—6 Leslie Mecum Schirmer Marcia Leduc Sydor Judith Stark Zaccone—6 Phi Duke University Amy Melissa Allen Megan Christine Arias—6 Elizabeth Halle Axelson Betsy Ann Bergeron Christina Alene Boghetich Laura Hinely Crossman Martha Jean Dunn Cathleen Glenn Edwards Hallie Fisher—5 Emilie Donath Franke—6 Lauren Galinat—6 Marion Ross Godfrey Kelsey Goin Leslie Ann Hillman—6 Rusty Willett Hodge Janice K. Church Jackson, Ph.D.—5 Amanda Grey Jordan—5 Courtney Leah Lang—6 Chase Elizabeth Lind—5 Star Kathleen Matheny Caitlin McGrath—6 Ms. Jean Johnson Mellott—6 Ellen M. Mishler Anna Mosby Sarah Elizabeth Nolan—6 Adrienne Clara-lena Pearson Elizabeth Anne Reese Alyssa Catherine Riess—6 Allison Tracy Schulhof—6 Lindsay Amanda Shaw Alice Morgan Taylor—6 Kate Marie Toth—6 Sophie Honor Vos Ethel Holloway Webb Mel Frances Weingart Laura Catherine Williams—6 Chloe Elisabeth Wolf—6 Chi University of Pittsburgh Alice U. Jones—5 Mrs. Philip E. Neff—6 Dee Schwarzbach Nestel Georgian Steinhart—5 Psi University of Washington Margaret Lynch Amory Patricia Gilpin Anderson Courtney Michelle Arrington Ariel Madison Babcock Annalise Dickey Beck Hayley Hubert Bowman Helen Goeltz Brown—6 Lynley Michelle Budnik Marilyn Arnstein Carl Lois Wilson Constantine Shari Storm Drummond Erin J. Evoy Kate Marie Faoro Kari Lindstrum Garis Saxon Meghan Green Marilyn Woodmark Hanson—5 Nancy Meagher Hicks—5 Mary Cline Hundstad Andrea Marie Jackowski Marilyn L. Johnson—6 Lucy Brown Kanikeberg—5 Jaime Elduen Keith—6 Lois Pearson Kelley Carol Olson Kelling Phyllis Long Kempter Kristen Kay Korthuis—6 Katie Jay Krzyzanowski

Beverly Eckert Meln Joan Woodmark Metzger Dorothy Harvey Nelson Molly Elizabeth Nichols—5 Juanita Johnson Nordin Carol Atherton Phelan Sarah Ruhwedel Porter—5 Julia Greek Prosser—3 Patricia Ryan Rein Shirley Thompson Richardson Lesley Danielle Schreiber—6 Nancy Helen Thomas—5 Brooke L. Tibbles—6 Kori Sosnowy Voorhees—5 Jennifer Diane Waters—6 Alison Wood Wheat Karla Lundgren Wheeler—6 Kirsten Woldendorp—6

Karen Michelle House—6 Allison Polly Hylant—6 Sara Doyle Knysh—6 Bonnie Martin Kohl—5 Taylor Dayne Krebsbach Katie Rose McNally Cheryl Brockmiller Morey Nancy L Niemela Cassandra Lynn Pentzien Sue Goodwin Peyron—5 Jordan Paige Pietro Norma Clarke Powell—6 Lauren Christen Rose Shannon Lynn Sexton Mira Jablonski Small Maddy Anne Thompson Tina L Van De Graaf Tori Alena Zichterman

Omega Southern Methodist University Sue Davis Baier—6 Pam Sullivan Berdanier Janet Rendleman Bergstrom—6 Nan Barkley Boettcher—4 Nancy Penick Burnett—6 Cathryn Meldrum Conrad Leslie Austin Diamond—6 Diddy Schroeder Ellis—6 Betty Scott Ewan Virginia A. Gunn Tish Tichenor Hall—6 Nancy Bourland Hillyer—6 Jini Spain Hornung—5 Susie Frazier Howard Martha Ann Henneberger Lee—6 Martha A. Madden Anne Barkley Manning—3 Patricia Schiwetz Nelson Mary Anne Park Owens—6 Dianne Evinrude Pratt Jerry Rainey Putt—3 Melissa N. Quevillon—6 Bette Forrest Reaser Kim Knight Rice—4 Carol Jean Ritchie Virginia Hansen Robins—4 Deborah Susan Rosenberg-Malafsky Ann Holland Son—6 Joe Bath Stamey—6 Amanda Gannaway VanCura Patricia Seetin Warden Julia Rankin David Wilcoxson—5 Elizabeth Vaughn Williams

Alpha Delta Butler University Martha Demaree Davis Pearl Richardson Mears—6

Alpha Alpha Iowa Wesleyan College Marlys G. Allen Dr. Shirley Wood De Lucia—6 Sheryl Langenbau Goos Judith Spicer Shaw—6 Roma Emundo Smith Margaret Giebel Smith—6 Ruth M. Traylor—6 Linda Faron West—6 Alpha Beta University of Pennsylvania Anne Gruhl Hess—6 Angie Manno Hopes Alpha Gamma University of Michigan Leila Reese Baker Jen Michelle Balogh Trudy Eisenberg Balogh—6 Rachel Ann Barch Rosemary Larson Bauer Suzanne Strader Beadle Monica Zawistowski Beckman—6 Jordan Ashley Borkowski Gina Maria Bugli Amanda Clementine Caccavo—6 Rebecca Marie Call Jenn Jacobowitz Campo Jennie Lee Coleman Caroline Marie Daniels Erika Soby Davis Dina Bartram Edwards Phyllis Luvera Ennes Maiga Buss Friess—6 Jessica Lee Fryer Kassandra Smith Gilbert Amber Michelle Hoffman

Alpha Zeta Ohio State University Marcia Diane Baum Nancy Bennett Bauman Anne Brown Chapman—6 Kathleen Chapman Clarke Cathy Ramogida Crum Pat Flynn Evans—6 Kay Forsythe Fenton—6 Debbie Langford Gates—5 Marion Tanner Gore—6 Beth Leigh Hinckley-Robles Peggy Betley Johnson—6 Lucinda Lee Klevay Ruth Matechek Lawrence—6 Jo O’Connor Lindenmuth—6 Karen Hunsinger Little—6 Maxine L. Mehlhaff—6 Mazie Gills Quigley—6 Terry Duey Rowe Marilyn Cox Stucki Molly Mowbray Winters—6

Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati Marilyn Laughlin Benning Juanita H. Brown—4 Mary Lippelman Corley—6 Virginia Brunswick Elliot Nancy Russell Hamant Helen Motsinger Hildebrandt Dr. Barbara J. Howe Sue George Meier—6 Shelley Mather Meyer—5 Elonne M. Petrin—6 Phyllis Robinson Rush Betty Hammel Schardt Doris Fey Schmaltz—6 Catherine G. Slaughter—3 Dorothy Goepp Spiess Judy Yeager Tilton Marguerite Roessler Whitney Mrs. Fred Zistler Alpha Theta Purdue University Laurie Swanson Auzenne—6 Lynn Dolembo Bailey—6 Lynn Orr Beer Kris Meersman Bergman Jean Heusel Bradley—6 Rosemary Lafuze Brasie—5 Anita Douglass Clegg Dr M Margaret Conway Diane Trout-Cummins—6 Rita Meyer Etter Marjorie Wilkison Fadely Nan Gustin Fleenor—6 Kali Lynn Flora Mary Louise Foster—6 Kaitlin Victoria Ginder Connie Fotos Grace—5 Kay Jensen Greenig Diane Healey, M.D.—5 Aldred L. Hellmich Becky Ainsworth Hull Vel Steely Hulsey Barbara Turner Jameson—6 Bonnie Hanf Jones

Collegiate leaders were encouraged to reflect on what they learned at NLC in their workbooks and to scan QR codes to obtain more leadership tips.

Advisors obtained management skills from two ZTA alumnae who work in Greek Life offices at major universities. Julie Clark Jordan Monica Gredesky Kelley Kathy Adams Kohout Phyllis Reasor Lawrence Miss Joy LeRoy—3 Gay L. Liesse—6 Jane Shade Link Mary Catherine Luersen—6 Julie Fleek Lupinacci Emily Keller Matuska—6 Beth Stickles McDaniel—5 Janet Graab-Miller—4 Mrs. Wayne H. Nierman Mary Beth Beth Noden Jan Houska Plunkett—5 Christine Raschke Karen Manteufel Ripp—6 Shirley B. Roberts Mrs. Donna Wanderer Runyan Mary Hobbis Schubert Alison Rose Shoemaker Ruth Ceisner Skillman—6 Madalyn Marie Smith Elmyrta Anderson Snow—6 Karil Strater Sommers Carol Apple Steele—6 Jane McEllhiney Stein—6 Bunny Sheets Steyer Ruth Rattay Stockdale Sandy Clarkson Stuckman—4 Dana Marie Stumpf—6 Mrs. Glenn Suga Colleen Michelle Troke Cailin Marie Turik—6 Bobby Seitz Turnbull—3 Sherrill Corley Weary—4 Heather Lynn Weidenbenner Whitney Elizabeth Williams Mary Lu Pike Wood Alpha Kappa University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Elaine Pohl Benisek—6 Cheri Ronat Crew Kimberly Stanfill Cromer—5 Aleen Beich De Vore—5 Stacy J. Froschauer—5 Shirley Cross Ginos Karen Hafenrichter Given—6 E. Jeffrey Henn—5 Kristan Jatczak Hickman—6 Betsy Kitch—6 Sylvia Byun Lee Marjorie Gower McDermott Guinevere Jones Newman Kelly Anne Olsen—5 Peg Smith Onstott—6 Prabha Parameswaran—4

Lorraine Roulette Paull Joanne I. Powell—6 Karen Plantan Putty—6 Amy Courtin Sohl Julie Bacon Steensland—6 Donna J. Sunkel Anne Petro Tamulaitis—6 Virgene Anderson Vatthauer—6 Dorothy Ruter Vitter Sharon Kendall Walker—6 Alpha Mu Washburn University Jean Mize Anticoli—6 Betsy Baker Joan Griffin Dibble Pam Ananis Doctor—6 Gerry Folck Hawley Constance Kay Houser Sharon Mize Johnson—6 Jean Pantle Litchfield Brenda Flickinger Meagher Brittnee Rae Mulford Darlene Messenger Neff—6 Jaclynn Louise Schrick Carol Engler Stevenson Bette Settle Tompkins Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College Geneva Blackburn—6 Connie Boze Butler Lynn Compton Chapman—5 Jamie Barton Cook Mrs. Eugene Cutolo—6 Anna Burns Dyer Celia Cheney Ellis—5 Alex Elaine Faust Melissa Ann Fetterer Sarah Allen Gaskin—6 Jane Gillespie Haley Meredith Jones Annette Davis Lovett—6 Terri Dew Millsap—5 Tawnya Elizabeth Nylund Georgina Simmons Perry Carol Burr Petrusek—4 Taylor Marie Phillips—6 Julie C. Plant—6 Shirley Boutwell Prickett Jayne McCain Prude—6 Madi Kate Turner Laura McGahey Van Pelt—5 Alpha Xi Indiana University Martha Carroll Artmeier Lauren Nicole Banister—6 Abigail Lee Bartolomeo—6

20 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Rachel Barfell—6 Vasundhara Bhargava—6 Casey Anne Biggs Jo Creighton Bodle Betty Lind Burton—6 Alex Leore Cohen—6 Cynthia Smith Coplen—4 Erin Melissa Crawford—6 Lauren Kay Dardanes—6 Mary Jo Day Joan Cralle Day—5 Deborah Coonan Dingwall Mary McHie Diskey—6 Alexandra Christine Doerge—6 Carole Regas Economou Julie Katherine Egor—6 Eleanor A. Ellis Sue Bartos Farquhar Mary Jane Wasko Fisher Norma Simon Frauhiger Taylor Danielle Fregeau—5 Jennifer Kathleen Fulena—5 Lauren Gallup—6 Sue Matthes Galvin Sara Elizabeth Garrigan—6 Marcy Rene Giesler—5 Kendra Lower Gilbertson Rachel Lauren Gradner—6 Hilary Lee Grunewald—6 Lauren Elizabeth Gula—4 Sara Marie Haley Mallory Elizabeth Hart—6 Colleen Elizabeth Holmes Maureen McFerrin Johnson Sheri Pink Johnson Kendra Dione Kaiser—6 Katie Julianne Karich—6 Mary George Hammersley Kipp Lori Sharp Kline—6 Kellie Joan Knieper—6 Rachel Kathryn Kocher Chelsea Ann Kolger—6 Emily Ann Konroyd—6 Georgia Vorgang Kovacic—5 Jenny Anne Krejsa—2 Ariella Mia Labin Judith Harris Lee Katie Marie Lillis—4 Stacie Michelle Lockhart—6 Mallory Alice Lyon—6 Patti Annexstad Marinovich—4 Katie Erica Markman—6 Debra DeVault Marlett—6 Gina Marie Mascera B.J. Buchter Massa Phyllis McGibbon Matchett—6 Dani Witlin Mazza—5 Meaghan Blackburn McKee—5 Sarah Kathryn McNerney—6 Meghan Elizabeth McNerney—5 Betsy Lindenman Mencias—4 Rebecca Joyce Meyer—6 Kristi Nielsen Mikesky—6 Laura LaVahn Minatel Danica Lynne Misz Anneke Marlene Moller-Tank—5 Morgan Rae Momcilovich—6 Dr. Sandra Schrader-Moore Barbara E. Moore Leigh Ann Moran—6 Carolyn Birchler Muhn Allie Lee Myrvold Miriam Laura Nelson Sarah Faith Parrish—6 Nicole Marie Patterson—6 Louise Leisey Poier Jenna Nicole Praeger Shay Nazak Raoofi—6 Lauren Renee Ratcliff—6 Katie Elizabeth Rayl Annie Endicott Reynolds—6 Carol Hertling Riggs Danae Lynn Rittmann Laura Gaylene Robbins—4 Colette A. Robinson—6 Blaire Nichole Rothberger Brittany A. Rowe Emily Marilynn Samons—5 Alyssa Rae Scheid Bailey Jeanne Schelter—6 Chelsea Kay Schelter—6 Sara Brady Schroeder Dr. B. J. Engleman Schuchman

Allison Jean Schwartz—5 Carley Lynn Schweet—6 Lila Geisler Seger—6 Katherine Margaret Seiwert Molly Cristina Shaffer Erika Ann Shellen Erdine Zimmerman Simic Patty Foellinger Smith—6 Sarah Elizabeth Sparks—6 Spenser Ann Stafford Amelia Marie Stauffer—6 Karen Beers Steele Syl Fliesher Stephens Minnie Martino Stephenson Emily Grace Stern—6 Mary Mullins Sugar Molly Sue Supinski Kaitlin Michele Szafasz Kristen Michele Szafasz Barbara Harmack Taggart Barbara Lockhart Taylor—6 Allison Elizabeth Thiems Dorothy Graf Thorman—5 Mary Menzies Tierney—6 Patricia Stephens Tolmen Kara Albiero Tornow—6 Carolyn Hunter Townes Barbara Schubert Trimble Jessica Rix Tripicchio—6 Aubrey Jo Wathen Ashley Rae Watson—6 Janet McMurtry Webber Amy Lee Weingart Sophie Rebecca Weiss Jenna Leigh Wicks Kara Elizabeth Wilson—6 Janet Bunger Wortley—5 Marilyn Zahnen Melissa A. Zamin Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa Morgan Hallett Banasiak—5 Paige Lauren Black Alice Reininga Bradke Kacie Kristine Cysewski Lucille Rae Dean—4 Kerry Ann Diminuco—5 Becky Miller DuBois Clarice Bochnowski Ewing Nicole Theresa Frye Natalie McFarland Gulbranson—6 Carolyn Mueller Halbach Crystal Joy Hoffman Judith Peelen Houchin—6 Kristen Carlstedt Johnson—6 Melissa Kaser—6 Jenna Lauren Kelley Kristina Leslie Kelly Jan Thede Lee Helen Costas Mantice—6 Jessica Marie McCarthy—6 Loretta Bridgeford Mealy—4 Ellen June Puschak Susan Sayre Linzi Beth Schall Jerelyn Boehmke Schultz—6 Helen Bell Sheets Laura Nicole Stevenson Briana Marlene Wagner Jessica Lynn Walker Rachel Maurine White Laura McFarland Wieck Alpha Pi Ohio University Penny Busch Bashore—6 Betsy Martin Bauer—6 Phyllis Madden Black Sandy Stanley Engel—6 Alice Rardin Joachim Marilyn Madden Kirkendall Margaret Biewener Krieg—6 Frances Bauer Morrow Cecilia Geitz Plummer Denise Frissell Rogers—5 Susan Rademaker Schmidt Jane Remley Sibila Corinne Clutter Tribe Sarah Janusz Trout Sharon Gill West

Alpha Rho Syracuse University Eileen Eberenz Bell Delia M. Chang CMP—6 Jane Grant Cleaveland Peggy McDonough Corey—6 Jane Miller Hoffman Mary Anne Howard Jury Kay Brown Keckel—6 Laura-Jean Learned MacDonald—6 Ruth E. Sadler—6 Julie Zeh Tompkins Alpha Sigma Oregon State University Judy Bailey Gilmartin Lois Ann Hamner Holmes Marthanna McFetridge Schippers—6 Linda Damm Umphrey—6 Alpha Tau University of Minnesota Ruth Koplitz Hopperstad—6 Gail Janicke Kassis Gloria Law Moen—6 Pamela Isaacson Morse Marilynn Anacker Weber Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Susan Sidwell Addison Maurine McIntyre Bacher—4 Debbie Bacher Bell Samantha Rae Caudle—4 Lynn Ann Conard—5 Mary Downing Davis Liz Malone Dewell Elizabeth Stackler Doyle—5 Kat Reed Evans—5 Kari Elizabeth Farley Caryll Parham Gorham—5 Laurie Abernethy Guthmann Barbara Tooke Hoffman—6 Judy Ann Hoffman—5 Dana Robinson Huser Kelsey Lynn Ingraham Peggy Weger Jackson Brenda Moore Johnson—6 Janet Finical Johnston Kristen Alexandra Lamilla—6 Jodi Hodgens Laplant Julie Karen Lemish Jody Robertson Linze Diana Gaye Loeffler Linda Tatum Luse Chelsea Nicole Mai—6 Leigh Ann Pruitt McClain—4 Michelle Norris Montalbano—6 Dorothy Coates Pataky—4 Lt. Col. Kelli Bautsch Pohlman—6 Mrs. Fred Rathbun Kate Failing Richardson Teresa Mayfield Roberts Sharon Smith Schmitt Dixie Carson Shilling Mary Loraine Shimp Joan E Smith Eileen Edmonson Smith—6 Carol Robinson Smith—6 Regan Mylynn Smith—5 Barbara Inman Sorenson—5 Inga Ned Sprowls Courtney Lisa Swick—6 Tammy L. Tindle—5 Ann White Truscott—6 Mary Guthrie Van Gieson Patricia Ann Ward Claudia Currin Webster—5 Linda Minter Wegener—6 Jeanette Swan Willet Shelby Lynn Williams Pat Taylor Wood Christina Higgins Wright—5 Courtney Erin Young Alpha Phi Northwestern University Sydney Mia Bucksbaum Genevieve Moroff Chastek—6 Katrina Jacqueline Diaz Diane Joy Froelich Audrey Moerschel Grove—6 Deanna Olson Hartenberg—5

Foundation Ida Phelps Hassler Judith Anderson Hohorst—6 Anne Campbell Johnson—6 Jane Lenberg Lindgren—6 Anna Messier Beverly Jones Payne Ruth Shively Perkins Eileen Modestow Sjoholm Janet Wood Skoglund—6 Mrs. Nathene M. Squires

Helen Warren Jorgensen Dianne Alexander Rankin Jeannie Carlson Richter

Alpha Chi University of Kentucky Dr. Margaret L. Driscoll—6 Linda Lawrence Green—5 Ann Goolsby Hays V. Carol Hill—5 Terri Lacy—5 Kathy C. Laudwein Shirleen Sutton Maynard Linda Thompson Measle Barbara Jacobs Priest—4 Nancy Rudnick Robertson Catherine A. Ruby Casey Goman Russell Judy Smith Schineller—5 Carol Hamlin Shannon—5 Marty E. Sik—4 Bonnie Jackson Slater Leah Joyce Stewart Ann Simpkins Wilcher Shirley A. Wilson—5

Beta Gamma Florida State University Donna Allocco Carol Anderson—6 Ikey G. Arnold—6 Susan Jones Baker Denise Sherron Barbee—6 Susie B. Boyce—6 Lizbeth A. Bruner—6 Barbara Read Burger Amy Elizabeth Coburn Paula Gordy Cook—6 Maddy Rose Cuono Deb Ensor—3 Margaret Leahman Evans Doreen Moloney Furnari—6 Rose Marie Linda Galietti Judee Mae Gernhard Tiana Kai Guillermo Lauren L. Hafner Peggy Moss Holloway Dria Elizabeth Hsu—6 Clarice Cash Hurd Hunter Nora Nell Hardy Jackson—3 Burke Burkhardt Kirkland—6 Dinah Jackson Laughery—4 Sue Scrivener Lippy Lucy Council Lively Nan Godfrey Locher—6 Dr. Catherine Longstreth Hannah Louise Michaels—6 Jacquie Belcher Miller Rachel Parker Myers Doris Pickels Nimmons—6 Nikki Velasco Oden Julie Ann Wooldridge Ginny Delvalle Paulk Sally Ford Pomeroy Barbara Youmans Probst—4 Jaclynn Nicole Reinhard Dianne Peacock Ruff—6 Courtney Michelle Siegel Nikki Marie Sisserson Yvette Mira Talbott Caroline Michelle Thomas Terry Sue Turner Marion Swanson Wattenbarger Lin McGuirt Weber—6 Nancy Godfrey Word Sandra Jackson Wortman

Alpha Psi University of Missouri Lindsay Renee Allee Molly Elizabeth Anderson Christy Marx Barber—4 Kaylie Nicole Bauer—6 Kelsi Renee’ Baum—6 Joan Hambrick Bigham—6 Loraine Sewell Blackwood—6 Connie Messinger Blakley—6 Megan Elizabeth Bocklage Jenny Catherine Degreef Shannon Ashley Ferguson—5 Cindy Lee Fiegenbaum—6 Mrs. T. Richard Fitzgerald Lina Janelle Fransway—5 Beth Astroth Garza—6 Becki Jean Glawe—6 Jenn Lynn Glennon—6 Becky Burke Harlow Allison Kristen Hippisley Nancy Ketring Kennedy Haley Alexandra Kreid Margie Bartholomew Langdon—5 Carol Tritten Latham Sarah Elizabeth LeBlanc—6 Lauren Elizabeth Lepper Mandie Marie Leung Amber Nicole Luczak Geri Jordan Macauley—5 Allie Nathalie Markman—6 Ruth Poss Marr Samantha Michelle McCabe Jill Bryant Meyer—6 Doris Young Moye Barbara Kling Pray Megan Elizabeth Rensing Allie Marie Roderick Alaina Nicole Ruhlman—6 Karen Litzsinger Sancho-Bonet—5 Casey Christine Schmelder Lynn Treichel Sebring Darla D. Six Sara E Sternberger—5 DeeDee Anne Thometz—5 Irma Fanning Waring—6 Gail Wilson Wekenborg Amanda Marie Wlezien Carly Ruth Wolf—6 Alpha Omega Ohio Wesleyan University Madeleine Kraemer Bryant Bobbe Sulig Fortunato Sheila Wagner Ploger—6 Dolores E. Zimmerman—6 Beta Alpha George Washington University Carol Westbrook Beaver Karen M. Collier—6

Beta Beta Dickinson College Josephine Matthews Baum Ruth Hober Gontz Alice Ditzler Graham Jean Weller McClelland

Beta Delta Miami University Lany Schaefer Aubry Amanda Kathryn Beresford—6 Patricia Blossom Bernath Candace Ann Bloomstrand Linda L. Bucher Doris Hildbold Cheeseman—4 Lisa Cramer Dierbeck—6 Jeanette Crews Doyle Dorothy Krenek Haas Barbara Wheelock Hamilton—3 Nancy Slaymaker Hyde Stephany Moore Joslin Ellen Berger Kus—5 Susan Feiock Latuszynski Mary Kathryn Linehan Jacki Kirschbaum Maltbie—6 Cara Beth Neudigate—6 Elizabeth Alane Parke—6 Lynne Widlitz Pilot Leslie Staup Sachs Judith Probasco Sargent Colleen Elizabeth Schumm Erica Leigh Simonetti Anne Hasbrook-Smith Rose Marie Balzano Theis Debra Ernst Tullius Jan Langdon VanDenburg—6 Jean Niemeyer Vesper—6 Erica Lee Virzi Linda Barger Weisflog

Patricia Thompson Whitmer Dorothy Ann Zerger Beta Epsilon University of California, Los Angeles Carolyn Roberson Allen Arlene George Blackford Mary Jo Krupa Brown Marilyn Tomlinson Cantey—6 Ethel M Cullom—3 Kathy Dixon—6 Marilyn Graves Geri Beal Greer—6 Mary J. Harrison—6 Faith Mosher Hastings Lucile Greene Johnson Maureen M. Johnson Sali Gold Johnson Carol Pyle Lade Carolyn Rogers Morris—3 Chris Christiansen Olson—6 Rondi Werner Redmann—5 Janet Hann Sharman Mary Margaret Wammack Smith—6 Ann Brunskill Sparks—6 Marilyn Holmes Tracy Carol Hookanson Tully—6 Beta Zeta Iowa State University Terri Vanderlinden Elias—4 Cindy C. Maltry, M.D.—6 Sheryl K. Sunderman—4 Darlene Anderson Oswalt—5 Beta Eta University of Nebraska-Lincoln Nancy Rogge Admire Helen Pruett Blyth Carla Wademan Clark—6 Shirley Roush Clifton—6 Karen Larson Cole Carol Hughes Getz Jane Wilhite Hines Sharon Messineo Jacobson Robbin Kotouc Susie Hodge Sup Beta Theta Franklin College Susan Roberta Canady Nancy Kivett Cassel—6 Stefanie Leigh Davis—5 Carolyn Scudder DeBoer—6 Courtney Renee Deem Susan Eldon Deter Shelby Skye Dobson Nancy Ison Fine Debbie Sue Fraley Susannah Bridges Hallgarth Betty Curry Haskett Jenny Johnson-Kappes Susan Amanda Lezotte Joan Roler Norman Virginia Spaulding Pagel—6 Marti Dorrel Schrock—6 Janis Saylor Shuman—6 Sarah May Vance Marilyn Zellers Williams Barbara Hipple Wilson Dorothy Wright Zavodsky—6 Beta Iota Centenary College of Louisiana Madalyn Marie Allen Kristen Leigh Bankhead—6 Louise Wynn Belson—6 Louise Harris Benoit—5 Linda Katherine Bird Margaret L. Bray—6 Morgan Claire Brewton—5 Jane Rhodes Caruthers Montie Thomas Dobbins Kelly Meredith Fossard—6 Martha Woods Griffith Kelly Willer Hamilton—4 Sally Givens Hanson Amelia Elizabeth Harrell Chelsi Travis Hefner AnneMarie Mack—6 Tamara Mayer Roumta Ashor Odisho Caitlin Nicolle Orschel

Kayla Ann Owens Jessica Lauren Pfanner Rachel Anne Richardson—6 Nicolette Denee’ Rogers—6 Betty Mosely Soloman Emily Argue Stotts Stephanie Ziegler Sutton Sarah Kaye Wilkes Faith Elizabeth Willhite Beta Kappa Tulane University Louise Trimble Kepper—6 Beta Lambda University of Louisville Libby Sengel Coombs Debbie Miller Curren—5 A. Joan Daugherty—6 Shirley Crouch Elmore Andrea Lucille Eshenaur Judy Anne Gay—6 Dorothy C. Kennedy M. Sue Lyon—6 Donna Walker Mancini Reba Ann Page Julia Shaw Rich Esther Anna Wilhoyte—6 Doris Lockwood Wooldridge Beta Nu New Mexico State University Kylee Jaei Berger—6 Amanda Rae Considine—6 Erika Edgerly-Kiziuk—5 Andrea Carter Everett—3 Pat Guthrey Frankman—6 Roberta Stegman Hemphill Rajini Gunaji Ihler—6 Jane Knight—6 Ginger Carroll Manss Kali Henz Marsh Janie Soper McDaniel Rebekah L. McNutt Stanford Sharon L. Voelz Beta Xi University of Akron Mary Gillam Anderson—3 Susan Covert Chappelear—6 Phyllis Selby Dabbs Linda Labut Klespies Inah Mitchell Lischeron—6 Marna Darst McGrath—6

Lucille Bayne Smith Mary Anderson Snyder Milora Beachy Van Antwerp Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Blair Medley Allen Lauren Kathleen Allison—6 Mickey Caughman Anderson Adrienne Dawn Ballenger—6 Catherine McClain Bauknight—6 Curry Austin Berg—4 Nicole Marie Bianchini—5 Hannah Marie Brooks—6 Michelle Lauren Burroughs—6 Katie Reed Buzard—5 Rosalyn Rebecca Caudle Emily Katherine Check Molly Anne Clark Dinah Helms Cook—3 Alli Dilloian—5 Amanda Marie Eisenach—6 Emily Amanda Evans Suzanne Deter Evatt Mary Cook Fawcett—6 Alexa Rae Ferraro—6 Wendy Smith Foulke Trudy Richardson Frierson—6 Jenna Poole Geherin—5 Amy Girardeau Girard—5 Barbara Dent Goff—6 Emily Grato Hannah Marie Griffen Emma Elizabeth Hall—6 Mandy Marie Higgs—5 Jane Workman Ivey—6 Rene’ Eleanor Kaminski—6 Cathy Coleman Knox—5 Jennifer Caitlin Landis Jean Luehrs Marisa Lyn Magazine—5 Dominique Antonia Marques—6 Beth Marsh McClure Anna Boswell McCord—6 Jordan Arianna McCormick—3 Marianna Gulledge McDonald Katie Lynn Mitchell—6 Bridget Mary Moffatt—6 Judy Pitts Mulligan—6 Elise McLean Muscott Megan Elizabeth Nasse Heather Brooke Nichols Danelle Copeland Noyes Amanda M. Palacio—6

The Foundation’s original mission to provide scholarships for Zetas continues to produce smiles and opportunities.

Foundation Elizabeth Estes Parnell—6 Hannah Meggan Parrish—6 Marin Sara Peplinski—5 Margaret Ulmer Pierce—6 Lindsay Morgan Pruitt—6 Lexie Michelle Rabun Danielle Joy Rardin—5 Kelsey Gmerek Rausch—6 Mary Elizabeth Savard Allie Rae Schaefer—6 Leigh Schwartz—5 Katie Elizabeth Scott—6 Lynn Seithel—4 Morgan-Mae Selby Cindi Blackburn Sensibaugh—6 Patti Knight Shelley—4 Jessica Marie Siegel Cate Gelene Simmons—5 Erica Leigh Soike—4 Corinne Leigh Stefanelli—3 Anslie Lynn Still Tara Courtney Suess Cynthia Beall Suich Kat Tewey—6 Jean Johnson Thomas—6 Ellen Richards Truett Stephanie Maria Vendemia—5 Megan Ann Watson—6 Lauren Kathryn Werner—5 Sarah Sims West Kelsey Morgan Williams—4 Halina Marie Wilusz—6 Laura Mims Wolfe Alix Johnson Wright—6 Beta Pi University of Oregon Dvenna Duncan Carlson—6 Rhoda Wolfe Collier Ruth Bernau Engel—6 Patricia Ardinger Everett—6 Margaret Couper Forster Beverly Jean Gunstone Shirley Weitzel Langer Nancy Marriott Meacham-Cole Beverly Woolfolk Otterstedt Marilyn Peterson Carolyn Bray Story JoAnn Wismer Vance Beta Rho University of Manitoba Susann MacQuarrie Monroe—5 Beta Sigma Rhodes College Dorina Slaton Bartek—6 Mrs. Stephen G. Borleske—6 Willene Langley Hendon—6 Mary Louise O’Kelly Betty A Russell Nelly G. Shearer

Beta Tau Albion College Margaret Barry Bashur—6 Andrea Maurer Card Vesta Rea Gaubert—6 Patricia Norris Smith Beta Upsilon Kansas State University Neva Garrett Adams Micah May Allen Spencer Rachelle Cune Bridget Kathleen Glynn Alisa Jane Maso Kristin Leigh Wagner Kari Dawn Wagoner—6 Amy Catherine Wellford Nicole Elizabeth White Beta Phi Michigan State University Liz Denise Austin Kimberly Bibik Baker—4 Lisa Tenner Berghoff—6 Barb Bell Burke Sue Krum Chaffin Jeanette Shelly Conklin Sandra Husted Cooper—6 Kimberly M. Davidson Tamara Harvey de Dios—6 Elisa Edwards Doll—6 Karen Beckett Firos Betty Strobel Freeman—6 Susie Sherman-Hall—6 Kristen Humeston Harthorn—5 Betty Lou Hawkins Catherine Ann Floore Hoffman—6 Maria Francis Iannuzzi Winifred Craig Johnson Marilyn Barr Leppek—6 Patti Cords Levitte Amy Davison Maddox Melissa Walker Mason Malvina Smith McCreight Jan L. McDonough Betty Jo McGlone Maria Mikela Palazeti Josephine Schlegel Reiner Marissa Marie Schullo—5 Maryalyce Smith Martha Porritt Wiers Strange Lauren Alicia Swanson Deborah Herman Van Wyngaarden Robin Walker Volden—5 Taylor Morgan Wiedemann Joan Elizabeth Wright—5 Beta Chi Washington University Miriam Walters Cline Marilyn Gaus Picken Betty Steinmetz Ruhlman—6 Carol Anita Sagner Jacqueline Bickel Schapp

Beta Psi Stetson University Kimberly Law Altman Debbie Barrett Cooke—4 Jessica Madge Davis Renee L. Dickinson—6 Dr. Diane M. Disney—6 Michelle M. Faivre—6 Elaine Marie Jahnsen Suzanna Marie Johnson Sydney Millard Legakis—6 Brynn Justine Lipira—6 Meghan Kari McGee K. Joan Mitchell Jenna Lyn Morgenthaler Isabel Palacio Paul Ruth Pendleton Perdue Theresa Crea Reichenbach Amber M. Sherwood Renee Schell Small Alyson Cook Stage—5 Andrea Nicole Tessaro Jenna Kay Zielinski Beta Omega Union University Kim Bell Buckley—6 Betty Cruzen Jessica Ann Hendrix Courtney Laine Maddux Deborah Webb Nichols—6 Nelle Luckey Sparks—6 Diane Wood Tucker—5 Dr. Carol Hall Weaver—6 Barbara Norman Williams Joyce Harrison Wilson Gamma Alpha University of Miami Cristina Manaricua Blanco Sabrina Bunch Mrs. Hugh Carrier Tiffany Chang Hannah Naomi DeLetto Ana V. DeVilliers—6 Christine Marie Freeman—6 Kristi B. Hnyda—6 Cara Largesse Howard—5 Winifred Fickle Kosachook Ruth Mazeau Ludwig Shefali A. Mandhle—6 Sandy J. Miniutti—6 Sonya Nanda Shari H. Robins, M.D.—3 Brenda LaSalle Sabatello Emily Ann Stanch Joan Martens Tapocik Heather Katherine WarrenReynolds—3 Gamma Beta Washington College Jennie Renee Corwell Lynn Diana Covington—6

Barbara Townsend Cromwell—3 Bethany Morgan Daller—6 Caroline Marie Keslar Becky Hainsworth Kirwan—3 Erin Lynn Koster Jean Shenton Longobardi Kelsey Lauren Mills—6 Linda Phinney Ormsby Sara Elizabeth Prickett Emily Dryden Russell Emily Erin Simpson Mary McAuliffe Sysko—6 Kathleen Brackett White Mary Elizabeth Wilkes Gamma Gamma The University of Texas at El Paso Rachel Wofford Barnes Nancy Loper Barrett—5 Kay Crawford Burgess Sandra Still Burnaw—6 Ibby Whitaker Hardie—6 Janis Quier Hartwell—6 Jennifer Huber Margery Tanner Julien Carolyn Hembrey Maddox Joann Perry Moeller—6 Dr. Sue G. Mottinger—6 Janie Wendt Naylor Betty H. Rogers—6 Janell Shelp Schneider—5 Carol Fleming Smith—6 Annabelle Vinson—6 Gamma Delta University of Mississippi Nancy Puller Barclay Cande McNally Elchroth Patti Williams Greek Lee Stauffer Hooker Molly Johnson Knight—6 Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel—6 Molly Webb Meisenheimer—5 Ruth Owens Debbie A. Pierce Cathy Haynie Roe Helen Stovall Sikes Karen Cloutman Tackaberry Gamma Epsilon Pennsylvania State University Elizabeth Beck Angela Diguglielmo Boor—6 Bri Lee Brewer Patricia Uplinger Brown—6 Virginia Rogers Canaga Renetta Konopka Clark Amanda Joy Coleman Marjorie Erskine Cummings Sandra Pohlman Dillon—4 Betty Holter Eby Nancy Lane Harple Alma Lee Hogge Helen Stucki Ingoglia

Joanne Kane Keenan Sally Leight Lazorchak—6 Linda Stehman Lewis Mary Loftus MacLaren—6 Huberta Young Manning Peggy Davis McNeill Ashli Bartek Miller Angela Pipher Nicol—6 Barbara Nolt Sorisio—6 Polly Berge Tuggle Gamma Zeta Mississippi State University Katy Jo Angevine Lainie Tubertini Anthony—5 Margaret Weathersby Applewhite—6 Lauren LaPorte Arington Stacy Bohne Melanie Hankins Booth Maggie Keller Breedlove—6 Donna Smith Byrd Dawn Campbell Canavit Vicki Roth Carroll—6 Haley Elizabeth Cox Adrianne Dale Domico Sarah Lynn Fisk Mary-Katherine Carolyn Hudson Courtney Frances Katasak Gretchen Andrews Kennamer Leslie K. May—6 Jennifer B. McPherson—6 Courtney Mitchell Virginia Barfield Perkins—6 Jessica Katherine Poole Andrea Miller Pound Kelly Stodghill Prude Jessica Leigh Quintana Hollye Michae Raines—6 Shelby Claire Statham Carole Donald Stolz Pam Combest Sullivan—6 Cyndi Tucker—6 Brigitte Baumann Viner Ruth Rowe Wall—6 Betsy Reeves Wilcox Allison Dawm Wise Becky Worsham Karen M Yarbrough Gamma Eta University of Toledo Kathryn McLeod Ellis Michelle Stohl Gluck Marti Ebright Huepenbecker Karen Croyle Johnston Patricia Hendricks Lindemann Gwen Garrison Piehl Dorothy MacKenzie Price—6 Bev Ward Reed—6 Gamma Theta University of Colorado at Boulder Sue Price Baker Patty Hurd Bodden Bartlett—6 Carol Bartlett Benner—5 Nedra Poch Bird—6 Frances Schuller Ebbert Adelia Jeffries Evans Elly Hewitt Fithian—6 Sandra Smith Hardesty Barbara Brown Johnson—6 Letty Shaw Kile Sue Hunter Landes Pam Mumford Lochrie

Yogurt-eating contests across the country helped ZTA reach its goal of collecting 350,000 Yoplait lids in 2010. The 2011 lid collection, now underway, runs until Dec. 15.

Mary Sue Culver Medsker—6 Sarah Flax Mueh Barbara London Pierpoint—6 Terry Mason Brown Rostamo Sharon Nevin Rouse Pat McCone Sanger Gamma Iota University of Florida Rachel A. Ahearn Sherri Caldwell Alfieri Mary Katherine Austin—6 Megan Cathleen Bates Patricia Kavanaugh-Belke—6 Shirley R. Boone Alice Virginia Griffith Liz Broughton Ainsley Brown Connor Lynn Brown—6 Betsy Jordan Broyd—6 Brooke Lynae Burkins—6 Virginia Swain Cardona—6 Jenn Lauren Chadbourne—6 Ann Johnson Conn—5 Barbara Connolly—6 Cayce Alison Connolly—6 Madison Elizabeth Corbridge Erica Mari Dann—6 Rosemary Mullen Davis—4 Jennifer Marie Donaldson Liz Gallo Dunn—6 Ashley Henry Emmons Hanna Kristina Gehr Danielle Elaine Gillespy—6 Sandra Lee Goldberg—6 Megan Elizabeth Guice Jen Leigh Gustetic Jean Hanna—5 Brooke Kathryn Harden—6 Stacy Ann Heitlinger—6 Kristin Lynne Howe Susan Hickok Ivey—6 Judith Head Johnson—6 Barbara Sivils Jordan Cassidy Erin Kallner—6 Brooke Nicole Kemp Amelia Sophia Korelishn Caroline Marion Larson Brittany Megan Lear—6 Meredith Lincoln Kristen Darlene Loose—6 Andrea Lopez—6 Julia Michelle Lurvey—6 Susan J Marley—6 Skoti Marie McElveen Laura Katherine McKeeman Mekenzie Anne McNulty Joelen Kilbas Merkel—6 Melissa Ann Mills Monica Faye Mills Karen Farmer Mills—3 Caitlin Cara Mooney Patti Wilson Morgan—6 Allison Marie Ned—4 Donna Walter Nickerson—6 Aidan Anne O’Connor Megan Ashley Orr Kaitlin Marie O’Sullivan—6 Kara Boardman Pastis Ellen Dawn Pautler Cheryl L. Peppel Zinta Lumans Petterson Michelle Kathryn Phelan—6 Lindsay Anne Pyle—6 Caroline Michelle Reist Ashlyn Leanna Robinson Amanda Mavie Rochford Sandy Moore Sanderson Monika Balbina Schechinger—6 Lauren Elise Silliman—6 Carrah Meghan Simkins—6 Katie Grace Small—6 Mary Beardall Smith Jennifer L. Smith Casey Leigh Strickland—6 Caroline Venetia Vassiliades Allison Minas Weisman Catherine Abigail Whiddon Evelyn Hanna Wiley—6 Cena Gavaldon-Wilson Amy Tomlinson Zambrano—6 Michele Alyson Zangen—6

Gamma Kappa James Madison University Mrs. George H. Blood Kathy Rappuchi Cenekofsky Margaret Moncure Clary Jenna Cunningham Kaila Rose Dey Lynne Michelle Dohner Diana Fox Edwards Betty Lyon Grizzle Claudia Chapman Hottenstein Tiffany Hottle Carol Ohl Hudson—6 Bryn Louise MacDonald Lauren Ashley Martin Kathy Moorefield Olmstead—6 Renee C. Samaha Sherri Miller Seeger—3 Shirley Kodrich Sinclair—6 Tierney Stangorh Stangohr Diane Myers Stone Faye Fergusson Traylor Carolyn Lautenschlager Wallace Mrs. Robert E. White Mary Sue Whitt—5 Gamma Mu University of Nebraska at Omaha Bobbie Macek Connelly Suzanne Cramer Dewey Mary Patricia Fleming Abby Cook Reinke Judy Anderson Shinkle Susan Kessinger Verburg—6 Gamma Nu University of Virginia Brooke Elizabeth Atwell—6 Joi Lynn Baumgardner—4 Frannie Bennett Carey—6 Theal Spraker Edwards Linda Custard Gillikin Emily Flora Hearle Janet E. Hinchcliff Teresa Strealy Jordan—4 Sandy Jones Kerr—6 Mabry Joy Kritzer Ginger Layman—5 Meredith Kathleen Loretta—6 Mary Malouf McElmurray—6 Elizabeth Christine Nagel—5 Judy Dowty Pittard Danielle Gay Riffe Helen Chartier Rogers Shelby Flack Shires Sue Childers Taylor Emily Marie Thornton Dana Lauren Whitman Edwyna McMullan Wingo—5 Gamma Xi Indiana University of Pennsylvania Amy Gardner Biedermann Sheena Berry Donley Kelly Calvert Gustafson Carol Thomas Kalp Marianne Laubin Schaefer—6 Judith Barnes Stewart—6 Opal Wetzel Stockwell Miss Sally Jane Wolfe—6 Roxanne Trovato Wood—5 Gamma Omicron Central Michigan University Ashlee Sey Boyer-Shaw—6 Michelle Lyn Clipfell Kaylen Alyce Dickerson—6 Wendy Wiklund Fischer Kayla Megan Kattula—6 Alyssa Jean Koslowsky—6 Deb Coulston Kwapisz Kristine Ann Majda Nancy Kimbro Rittenger Olivia Elaine Sanville Abby Marie Stewart Cathy Thompson—5 Kay Dowell Trosko Joanne Witherow Troy—6 Caleda Ann Wyland Gamma Pi The University of Georgia Ansley Kay Adams—6 Blake Marie Ansley—6

Kaney Andrews Ballance—6 Katherine Agee Beaver Bev Poole Bennett Brenda Jones Brown Mary Katherine Katherine Brown—6 Callan Berkeley Brownfield Leigh Carter—6 Lauren Elizabeth Chalfont—6 Virginia Somerville Cochran Brandilyn Merritt Cook Marie Nicholson Cushenberry Hannah Elizabeth Cutcliff Domini Re Darling Denise Cummins Demick—6 Taylor Elise Duggan Brooke Danielle Ellard Taylor Stevenson Elser—6 Leslie Bush Finley Pam J. Garrison—4 Glenda Rogers Gehri Brenda Ward Gerspacher—6 Mary Bowden Gilmore Shearon Wiggins Glover—6 Mallory Nicole Grubbs Alison Bailey Guilloud Margaret Creagh Hancock West Westbrook Hardin Meral Ann Henton Dawn Raymond Hirn Keri Lynn Howard—4 Cathy Hester Huffines—4 Hannah Jareells Jarrells Catie Claire Kill Sandy Barnes King Kathy Ray King—5 Addie Addison Kreager Ann Tansey Kreager—3 Mary Beth Ewing Letke—6 Laura Phillips Lewis Terri Eith Marks Price Leigh McKeon—6 Caroline Jeannette McKinley Shelby Lynn Mcleod Kelley Kristine Means—5 Devin Ansley Messick Alison Ann Miller Danielle Miller Marianne Andrews Moore Caitlin Virginia Mueller Cynthia Shields Mullen—6 Carly Laine Nash—4 Tommie Medlock Nichols Savannah Rose Pena—5 Kerri Allysia Phillips Debora H. Porter Stephanie Arnette Powell—3 Sarah Rosetta Proctor Katherine Jean Reece Kelsey Margaret Schmidt Jenna Renee Shoemaker—6 Haley Denise Shubert Bonney Stamper Shuman—3 Kaitlin Leigh Skelley—6 Mallory Kristin Smart Summer Ashley Smith—6 Dr. Kelly M. Smith—4 Katherine Mahan Stewart Eleanor McDonald Still Elaine Minick Stone—6 Kathy Bradley Thomas Allyson Thommes Lynn Walker Vaughn—6 Katie Ann Volino Kerri Ann Waggoner—6 Sydney Josephine Waldrop Beth Marie Walker G. Gwen Walker Patricia Miller Wann Alice Brown Watkins Stephanie Hawkins Watts Paige Taylor Wayton Amy Gage Weber RN—6 Loretta Edge Wells Dr. Garner Johnson Wild—6 Rachel Leah Williams—4 Heather Laurel Youngo Gamma Rho Auburn University Court Covey Anderson Kelly Jeanne Belisle Allison Teague Bell Anne Marie Binder—5 Debbie Caudill—6

NLC attendees were greeted with a smile and a packet of educational information, funded by the ZTA Foundation. Alex McCall Conn Holly Ann Crawford Jane Reed Shaffer Elliott Sissi Susanne Fleitas Mary Fuller Garvett Lisa Wells Drawe Heiser Patsy Kane—4 Sarah Leanne Lane Barbara Bewley Lee Haley Ann Mitchell Leslie Ann Norvell—6 Kristin Michelle Poole Michele Celeste Richardson Julia Ann Stone Kathy Finley Stone Carol L. Wietlake—3 Eugenia Malone Zallen—6 Gamma Sigma University of Tampa Sylvia Sears Danner Suzanne Townsend McInerney Helen Sinclair Siebert Mary Jessica Sultenfuss Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Kathy Swift Albert—6 Alyssa Suzanne Atkins Jennie Vought Baker—5 Carolyn Hooker Ballew Kellye Buchanan Baum Mary Ann Tongate Bengtson Sharon Seeliger Boynton Sandy Banowsky Brindley—5 Janet Jaeckle Bronocco—6 Lauren Anne Burckle Jennifer Marie Cabibi Stephanie Hunter Carl, M.D.—6 Chrissie Christine Carrington Patsy Colwell Chandler—6 Pam Evans Cho—6 Leslie Ann Chunta—6 Cynthia Byars Courtney—4 Jenny Lynn Crawford Sandy Davison Dahlke Lunette Cook Dickson Cassie Anne Doyle Caron Craig Ducote—6 Sandra Hill Dunn Marilyn Morris Elliott—5 Susan Evans Filippini—4 Joy Lord Fuhrmann—5 Corie Anne Graham Bethany Kathryn Hatch

Leslie Liem Hix—1 Cara Ann Humphries Ashleigh Nicole Hunt Amanda Erin Jones Cameo Annette Jones Melanie McCormick Kaufman Audra Dee King Marsha Whitesides Mayo Connie Thomas McWhorter—6 Leah Rachal Mitchell Marge Cope Montgomery—6 Penny Armstrong Moore Beverly Kunze Randall—3 Janice Phillips Schoonover Kelsey Ann Semple Jane Williams Steves Brook Ashly Taylor Brenda Jones Tompkins—6 Katie Leigh Updyke Stacey Verkest Voigt—3 Sally Wade Walton—6 Jeni Fey Wood Gamma Upsilon University of Oklahoma Deborah Dawn Ferrell-Lynn Kay DeGroat Sewell Marty Marie Sutton-Garner—5 Glenda Crumm Truitt Gamma Phi University of North Texas Jana Jones Amyx Kelli Goode Babin—5 Laura Suzanne Bevill—6 Christy Alexander Brown—5 Tiffany Cordes—6 Shelley Deramus Douglas Morgan Breanne Earls Caitlin Marie Easterling Susan Sharp Ferguson—6 Sonia T. Heros—6 Nancy Capers Ivy Holly Ricker Kerr Kay Wander King—6 Jordan Rene Kirkpatrick Chelsea Renee Kretz Gina Goertzen LeGare—5 Jan Spradley McCarthy—5 Darlene McNatt—6 Haily Fay Mueller—6 Steph Hammons Pepper Rachel D. Raymond—6 Caymen Nicole Rutledge—6 Susie McMordie Shields

Fall 2011

• 23

Foundation Sally Rinaman Starr Lindsay LeBleu Stein Devin Thompson—5 Charlotte Brazil Wilson Sally Donnell Windle—6 Bonnie Flaa Wright Gamma Chi Indiana State University Erin Rode Adams Joan Benner Banning—6 Mary Alice Lehman Bertram Trixy Swearingen Brill—4 Randi Nicole Chelf Theresa Wolfe Coyner Karen Sandefur Gallagher—6 Patricia Schwenk Gillies Mrs. Sally H. Klepack Mary Bradley Reising Nancy Stricklett Rhea Debbie Kiefner Smith Donna Sniffin Stockment Chris Flora Stull—5 Carolyn Upshaw Kourtni Williams Nancy Schultz Wirth Judy Jordan Wright—4 Kathy Kerr Wylam Gamma Psi Texas Christian University Edie Focke Atkins Abbey Marie Baxter Olivia Daniele Baxter Dixie Berry Boley Skylar Kaitlyn Boyce Julie Anna Bracken Ann Appling Bradford Heather Bradford Sarah Elizabeth Brown Alice Elizabeth Butrum—4 Kelsie Lenese Byers Joanna Pullen Collins Mary Weaver Crain Marnie Brown Cranmer—3 Cindy Todd Darnell Danielle Elizabeth Denning Chelsey Mary Eglseder Shery Kime Goodwin—5 Marion Koch Grissaffi Sharon Ozment Hall Katie Elizabeth Hamilton Robin Cook Hamilton Amanda Gail Hightower Melanie Miles Hirschfeld Susan Streck Hunter Lauren Nicole Jury Jayce Lea Keil Katherine Claire Kirkpatrick Leslie Forrester Kydd Danielle Luningham Amy Barbara Moan Jane Chrisman Montgomery Christina Danielle Noah Julia Marie Peebles Christine Michelle Pope Kacy Lynn Rominger—6 Katarina Korbin Royder Sumer Criswell Simone Lu Rasor Smith—6 Wendy Christine Taliaferro Taylor Lea Thorne Hayley Ann Votolato Kathleen Lowry Whitten Dede Lynn Williams Margaret Ellen Williams—6 Kim Ann Yates—5 Gamma Omega University of Houston Dorothy Goudelock Anderson—6 Sylvia Funk Ashbaugh—5 Stephanie Nicole Atchley Amber Dawn Bablitz Mandy Ann Bader Barbara Hicks Boek Nancy Brooks Carter—6 Kim Bruder Clarke—6 Ilissa Marie Fragale—6 Alecia DeeAnn Garrett—6 Brittany Paige Gonzalez—5 Colleen Patricia Griffin—6 Alice DeWalt Hahn Nina Hendee—3

Susan McLaughlin Hoyt—6 Renee Broussard Jongebloed—6 Jordan Austin Jopling—4 Bette Branch Lehmberg—6 Julie Welch Leon Sandy Shumate Lewis—4 Karen Bolin Malkey—6 Rosanne Jaworski Malone Sara Spencer Malone—6 Lucy Foote McKinstry—6 Nancy Bowne Morgan—4 Jennifer Flahaven Nicholas Kelsey Madison Noble Jane Brigham North—6 Verna Hicks Patton—6 Lela Cherie Presley Vita Elizabeth Provenzano—6 Pamela Smith Rhoads Liz B. Schlotzhauer—5 Jennifer Serrano Margaret Gaden Shallock Nancy Biering Shomette—4 Marinel Chambers Woolrich Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Carol York Burke—5 Nancy Spessard Carman—5 Candace Parsons Haden LaVonne Oakley Meyer Denise Dube Motter—5 Nyla Stanley Parker—5 Sharon Peterson Parkins—6 Sue King Ross—6 Molly Saxlund Setmire—6 Madeleine Hodges Skoog Kathy Benzini Stampe—4 Delta Beta Florida Southern College Vera Mazzanti Arthurs Colleen Rose Brady—6 Gabby Karen Cafaro—6 Tina Hurt Carlton Carole J. Carpenter—6 Rachel Maureen Cashdollar—6 Maureen MacGeorge Cavallaro Elena C. DeVilliers—4 Jen Marie Evernham—6 Megan Elizabeth Fincham Kelsey Lynn Ford Courtney Shannon Gibson—6 Valerie Lynn Gordon Molly Carter Hancock—5 Emily Marie Leineweber Hillary Morgan Lipham—5 Kaitie Alexandra Loy Shauna Young Marshall Flo Sapp Martin Ashley Lee Miller Klem Kleman Olivier Martha Saulsbury O’Reilly Kelsey Lynn Ricci Mary Ellen Mazzanti Rogers—5 Robin H. Sullivan—6 Erin Sullivan—6 Marjorie Hart Sundstrom Maggie Anna Sutton—5 Jean Graham Tate—6 Amy Wolfinger—5 Mary Elisabeth Yurso Delta Gamma High Point University Katie Marie Bayer Lauren McKinley Bell Raechel Bennett Biggs—6 Taylor Llewellyn Boyce Courtney Brandon—5 Tori D. Buck Chelsea Blair Clendenin—6 Brooke Bradford Cornetet Paige Sanders Cornetet Jackie Clunan Costello—6 Ashley Jordan DiMare Juliana Nicole Furey—6 Taylor Marie Gallo Kelsey Meghan Gray Elizabeth Jane Hedrich—6 Whitney Jane Kaltenbach Pamela Klinedinst—6 Connie McDaniel Laster—6 Chelsey Walker Middlebrook—6

24 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Meredith Whitcher Mirick—6 Kristen Ashley Montgomery Sara Louise Novajosky Karen R. Onstott Paige Wall—6 Delta Delta Baldwin-Wallace College Phyllis Meinke Budinger—6 Laura Justice Duffy Hellen M. Greenway—3 Alysia Kupczyk Hanson Noelle Rebecca Hutson Liz Marie Keller MaryAnn Kupczyk—6 Michelle Macartney—3 Megan Claire McKay Kay McCoy McKelvey—4 Kathy Papp—6 Sara E. Scalzo Ellen Giberson Shook Lisa Marie Starek Ms Sandra Letitia Strong—6 Alyssa Lee Trampert Beverly Hintz Walker Delta Epsilon Wagner College Maryjo N. Kindzierski—6 Katherine Kuhn Wendel Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Rachel Bauer Susan Gregory Bohan—5 Ashley Nicole Brassard—6 Terri Tanner Brown Cheryl Arolfo Byington—4 Kerri West Chaney—6 Kelly West deBerardinis Barbara Callahan Dominy Claire Winn Dowden—3 Carson Frances Drake Leanne Weed Drake Tieler Christian Ellis Laken Nicole Finney—5 Vicky Donaldson Fleisher—5 Kelsey Marie Garbs Linda Catherine Gaskill—6 Jillian Morgan Ginn Elizabeth Louise Hauck Judy Berry Jackson—3 Courtney Alyse Krause—5 Sara Ann Leatherman Mary Ann Hansen Macey—3 Megan Anne McCarthy Bonnie Williford Meine—6 Leah Kesinger Minter Courtney McNutt Mize—6 Tami Sims O’Brien—5 Sarah Catherine Slate—5 Erin West Smith Samantha Lynne Stewart Marie Elizabeth Suhey Natalie Hurlock Taylor—5 Sara Elizabeth Triplett—5 Natalie Wallace—6 Cassie Loraine Ward—6 Brittany Faye Wiegand—6 Melissa Marie Wiggins Brittni Nicole Wilson—6 Delta Eta West Texas A&M University Sonja Hoggatt Bennett Kelsey Bratcher Alicia Coventry Donna Taylor Easom Charlotte Mears Gilbreath—6 Lee Ruth Wiggins Gilliland Katie Petersen Green Britni Amber McGarraugh—6 Morgan Taylor Muhl Debbie Lewis Raymond—6 Nancy Newsom Woodman Delta Theta Ohio Northern University Sharon Lawrence Brady Lorrie Zacharias Burns Nikki Marie Carlo Lauren Rose Claus Marcia Jo Dennis Jayme Considine Kmetko—6

Former Purdue administrator Kyle Pendleton has joined the ZTA staff as Director of Harm Prevention and Education. Sarah Nicole Prasher Barbara Jane Kellogg Weltz—6 Delta Iota Clarion University of Pennsylvania Juliana Barbara McMeans Berry—6 Laura J. Darke Sally Gazda Green—6 Mrs Richard C Malacarne Patty Hanna Myers Helen Grudowski Porter—6 Joni Fox Raybuck—6 Marie Lilly Rozakis Kathryn Brickner Travis Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Idell Wade Adams Katie Adams Jillian Leigh Aubin—6 Cyndi Lodwick Bellina—6 Judith D. Benham Helen Levings Caldwell Bowen—5 Lisa C O Brandes, Ph.D.—6 Elise Betina Breaux—6 Shani Joi Brown Hannah Eilene Caillier Marcy Cann Debra Ward Cannon Roslyn Marie Carver—6 Beverly Denton Choppin—6 Suzanne Smailhall Cornelius Emily Couser Cowser Sandy Witt Daly Leanne Smith De Puey Caroline Elizabeth Downing Dottie Bagwell Durband Brooke Nicole Fenn Helen Kristensen Fish—5 Sarah Michelle Ford—6 Laine Fair Gambrell Angela Maria Gennaro Linda Hindman Graves Kimberly Kaye Freeman—6 Adrienne Elizabeth Henk—6 Sheri Judice Higdon Georgiana Spillman Irwin Heather Matthews Kirk—4 Dottye Ruth Knox

Jessica Marie Ledoux—6 Suzanne Pernici Lowry—6 Raven Theresa McNabb Victoria Christina Monette—4 Courtney Nicole Moore Carole Marie Moser Julie Foren Nimmo—6 Katherine Norris—6 Taylor Elizabeth Olinde Dawn Arceneaux Palermo—6 Ashley Rose Park Lauren Virginia Peck Marcella Stephanie Peraza Ally Jade Phillips Sheila Youngs Porada—5 Sarah Marie Powell Lauren Elizabeth Byrd Reed—5 Dianne Worsham Rube—5 Beverly Sanders Schalon—6 Kaitlin Erin Schock Stacey Shane Schott—6 Laura LaGrange Smoorenburg Sherry Stagg St.Aubin—2 Brittney St. Pierre Molly Brown Swaim Hailey Caitlyn Urbach—6 Christine Grace Watters Jenny Claire Wyrick Delta Lambda Georgia State University Katie Elisse Ashley—6 Meredith Blackmon Jessica McGregor Blalock—6 Brooke Anna Brenizer J. Renee Claxton—6 Sharon Phillips Crosby Betsy Anne Dantzler—6 Melissa Kelley Davis—6 Jane Edwards Alex Estill—6 Katherine Kae Fountain—6 Sarah Catherine Gallagher Kristen M. Gittings—6 Nicole Adalaide Griffin Bonnie Suzanne Harris—6 Christine Ann Hoglander Jennifer Marie Lamberton Megan Helene Lane—6

Foundation Becky Shea Lawrence—6 Valerie Levy—6 Courtney Lewis Hannah Michelle Lozano—6 Paula Beth Manowski—6 Ascenett Stefanie Martinez-Lopez Jane Hunt McElhannon Courtney Becker McGuire Joanne Fleeman Moody Laren Mumpower Lexie Celeste Orologas Britt Anna Pecht—6 Katie Psczola Pszczola—6 Laura Moak Redman—5 Christina Reily Riley Vickie S. Scaljon—6 Stephanie Anne Straub—6 Morgan Trotter—6 Rachel Elizabeth Voorhis—6 Bekah Grace Wooten—6 Janelle Zingaro Delta Mu University of Tennessee at Martin Betty Murphree Allen—6 Phyllis Barker Brasher Barbara Demlow Briggs—6 Joan Collier Callis Vicki Clark—6 Rebecca Derousse—4 Mim Duncan—4 Susan Durham—4 Mandy Touchton Lunn—4 Wanda Stanfill Morrell—5 Connie Page—6 Beth Johnson Rivers Karen Stanecek Scruggs—6 Vickie Shackelford Amber Laine Watson Charla Fuqua Wilson—6 Katy Parker Wright Delta Nu The University of New Orleans Janice Forstall Charleville Carolyn E. Whitcomb Julie Bellau Delaney Michelle Bertram Douglas—6 Shari M. Fisher—5 Rose-Marie Browning Fletcher—6 Mrs. Adrienne Margaret Wild Kolb Susan Worrel Meyers Rosemary Nelson Shaffer—6 Nyajia Ashlie Williams Delta Xi California State University of Pennsylvania Jamie Amato Paci Delta Omicron Lenoir-Rhyne College Dana Brasington Atkinson—4 Shelba Flowers Barrett—6 Katelyn Ann Canonica Kathy Lyerly Davis Susie Lee Greene—6 Janet Baker Hassing—5 Heidi Strub Nelson Kay Lawing Porter—6 Heidi Johnson Rhyne Kristin Renee Volz Delta Pi Eastern New Mexico University Nancy Phillips Hall—6 Catherine Wood Harper Nancijane Goodwin Hilling—6 Karen Gikas Jacobsen—6 Aleka Garcia Kastelic Marta Inman Lindrose Amy Green Lovett Carol Fleming Mason—6 Ani Dolven McCourt Janelle Robertson Moore—6 Sarah Kristin Sutton Mikayla Hatfield Swart Delta Rho Eastern Michigan University Joie Manning Degiulio Patricia Ann Dodge Nancy Swaney Helsel

Barbara L. Piotter—6 Liz Loy Pomeroy Delta Sigma Lamar University Chrisa Ponthieu Atkins Jeanne Clinefelter Becker Elizabeth Street Cokinos Jesi Richelle Courville Heather DeBord Jo Autrey Harned Stena E Kettl Mary Jacobs Lipnick—3 Mary Lynn Van Zandt Neill—6 Britny Nicole Salguero Laura Nicole Whitmire Cheryl Ann Wilson Delta Tau Davis and Elkins College Laura Anne Constantine—6 Patricia Kasper Kiernan Delta Upsilon West Virginia Wesleyan College Arielle Sheree Baker Lauren Ercolano Benyo Sue Honse Chojnacki Denise A. Drinnon Mildred Brooks Grime Katherine Anne Hoadley Carrie Renee Johnson Tina Lowers Leisure Morgan Renae Meadows Emmalee Erin O’Brien Lana Sarver Reger—6 Alice Warner Shumlas Tammy Mowry Smithers Beth Bucher Woolever Delta Phi Millsaps College Kathryn Carver Arant Delta Chi William Jewell College Lisa Ann Burbridge Kristina Marie Kory Cheryl Dunlop Steinkamp Sue Meyer Wright Delta Psi Samford University Mary Spear Barton Susan L. Beard—5 Madeline Brandau Cross Patrice Renee Donnelly Courtney Marie George Kathleen Hyland Lindsay Claire Macfarland Abigail Caroline Parsons Ashley Stidham Seligson Sarah Van Noord VanNoord Kelsey Ruth White Delta Omega Westminster College Maureen Sefick Butler Ash Elizabeth Campolongo Lexie Blair Elliott Sammi Tai Garrity Sue Brabson Johnston—6 Mary Ann Heldorfer-Lambrechts Debra George Lannon—5 Linda O’Bryant Messier Lee Onorato Dorothy Pollock—6 Nancy Herrington Poole JoAnn Cassebaum Weisel—4 Paloma Lianh Westerman Natalie Marie Yingling—4 Zeta Alpha University of Evansville Denise Lamon Amick—6 Elinore Lambert Batdorf Barbara Krebs Bias Pam Morris Blessing—5 Mary Stump Bosler Emily Weikert Bryant Ange Mercier Cahoon Ann Marie Dodge Bonnie Friar Dooley

Anna Maria Mancini Heather Rae McAtee Lori Ann Peters—4

Sara Jane Esterline Courtney Farrand Michelle Edwards Griffin Maura Michelle Hand Katrina Jordan Kain Kendra Lee Katt Angela Spring Kennedy Jane Brand Koch—6 Rachel Kathryn Kohout Mrs. Robert E Kraft Jane Risch Lathrop Mary Katelyn Lowman Diana Townsend Manners Diane Gaskins Marret Bryn Hemsley Masiuk Judi Schuetter McCutchan Mary Howell Miller Carol Wolfram Moore—6 Sherry Bryan Murray—6 Phyllis Haas New Michelle Duran Nuti Taryn Elaine O’Laughlin Reza Imiko Omori—6 Jennifer Zimmerman O’Neil Mary Meyer Melchior-Paul Vicki Spitzer Richmond Christi Michele Riley—6 Nancy Morris Roberts—6 Kami Rebekah Schmitt Heather Leigh Sisk Crystal Jones Smith Amanda Marie Squire Robin Franz Stricklin Mrs Judith Dudley Sullivan Sherry Server Tilley—4 Jennyfer Marie Voris—6 Melissa Anne Wagler—5 Mary Bartelt Winters—6

Zeta Delta University of Louisiana at Monroe Jan Hillman—6 Lisa King Judice Julia Defee May—6 Joy Hathorn Watson—3 Zeta Epsilon Texas A&M University-Kingsville Amy Baldillez Harp—6 Joanna Hoover Zeta Zeta Athens State University Margaret Hodges Butler Zeta Eta Slippery Rock University Kathleen H Donley—6 Zeta Theta East Central University Janet Walker Battles—6 Frieda Hardin Dunlap Brigette Donaghey Gean—4 Cynthia Ann Neal—5 Joy Morris Walker—6 Zeta Iota Western Carolina University Franlyna Barrett Charles—4 Kathleen A. Crowley—6 Margaret Pearce Gibson—6 Connie Melchert Haney Kelly Edwards Kent—4 Wendy Michele Webb—6

Zeta Beta Thiel College Jayne Malburg Fogle Peggy S. Hunt Amy Elizabeth Muscarella Karen Sue Swan—6 Cynthia Marie Tallerico—6

Zeta Kappa Louisiana Tech University Joan C Danaher—6 Lynn Aicklen Franklin—5 Christy Carroll Slack—4 Donna Newton Woodall

Zeta Gamma Youngstown State University Phyllis DeGennaro Chila Susanne Heidi Dreier Marla D’Andrea Dull—5 Deborah Basinsky Liptak

Zeta Lambda Rider University Catherine Mary DeSantis Lauren Anne Higgins Allison Killbride Kilbride

Patty Piech Nolan Leanne Mishelle Puia—5 Sophia Marie Reda Kim Vrzal Zeta Mu Jacksonville University Debbie E. Buscher—5 Pamela D. Cox Beverly Buzhardt Helganz Liz Jonsson—6 Cynthia Leialoha Lucy—6 Elizabeth Randolph McCullough—6 Zeta Nu Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Karen Byers Arnold—6 Sarah McKernan Arrigonie Jen Snively Cassidy Danelle Del Corso—5 Jodie Summer Nesta Debbie Olexia Stilley Amy Paciej-Woodruff Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Sherry Farmer Anderson—6 Candi Stephens Austin—6 Mardee Coyle Austin—4 Elise Wrye Boyett Brittany Maree Cook Linda Coyle Kathleen Elizabeth Degeorge Pam Waller Ferrere Alex Rini Heilman Kaci Holloway Johnson Kay Stroud Jones—6 Anna Ruth Kelley Brenda Dubberly Kennedy Bridget Faye Lee Betty McKenney Smith—5 Patricia Rountree Walden Jenny Rice Webster Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University Debbie Goff Apel—6 Mary K. Willett Brown Becky Tinsley Mooney Nona Douglass Richey—3 Debbie Harris Riehm—5

In memory of Jennifer Hicks Aertker Elaine Pierce Allison Georgana Frazer Anderson Lilajeanne Begue Arneson Dorothy Bridwell Beverly Smith Brisacher Jackie Shattles Chambers Greta Kanzig Chubb Marjie Reese Craig Jody Lewis Crawford Zatha Musgrove Duncan Florence Williams Dunn Carole May Eastland Jane Williams Evans Nina B. Feinzig Margaret Wakefield Floe Kay Ridout Galm Carolanne Boldt Garlick Virginia Pressey Garner Margaret Hill Gaus Sonya Oyan Gedstad Marlene Thomas Haraka Mary Kay Williams Harlow Carolyn Hendricks Hester Becky J. Jakubcin Suzanne Schoenemann Johnson Meg Gray Lindeman Cindy H. Lyster Judy Ann Maggard Lucille Pritchard Maguire Ann Armstrong Marek Janet Felsher Martin

Norma Jean Wilkes McCann Cass Elias McCarter Mildred Norvell McEntire Debbie Bohannon McKinney Caroline Leigh Morrell Pat Litten Moulden Sula Brannen Moxley Anthony Jurich Brittany Kathleen Nabors Dr Mary Brannen NeSmith Carolyn E Newey Winifred Dinsmoor Nightingale Rita Carroll Nitsche Betty Steinhauer Ott Joyce Grimsley Owings Selma Jones Patterson Barb Dolak Peters Leanna Rose Marie Piver Betsy Bowman Prickett Fran Raine Dot Malone Richardson Jean Luts Ritter Patsy Ellis Roach Billy Ruth Rubottom Sylvia Link Schell Mary J. Schroeder Jan Rickman Seferos Barbara Boehm Shetzley Terry McDonald Smith Phyllis Vallejo Stolaroff Pat Marie Sword Sally Tucker Thompson

Carline Hudson Vandergrift Virginia Stovall Vinsel Barbara M. Wackenhut Bruce Walcutt Joanne Arata Wehmueller Peg Collins Wehrly Polly McFarland Welshinger Sandra Shinn Williams Eleanor Hale Wilson Brandy Alyssa Yeoman

Fall 2011

• 25

Foundation Zeta Pi Woodbury University Georganne Tani Shibata—5 Norma Jenkyn Simon—5 Zeta Rho Morehead State University Sue Ann Schroer Arts Julie D. Dragoo Zeta Sigma The University of Texas at Arlington Sarah Crawford-Caban Nora Cuellar Carter—6 Hillary Taylor Coleman Tamra Liberton Denney Marti Cherry Diaz—4 Brittany Dill Harper—6 Michelle Kaumeyer Hoffman—5 Brandi Stearman Medrano Willa Hugdahl Mills—6 Lisa Morlan Megan Elizabeth Murray Connie Wallace Perdue—6 Katie Pogue Pickering Kathy Rice Zeta Upsilon Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Jamie Amorose Bostard—6 Helen Scherrah McKenzie Laura Ague Perri Marnie Menser Repasky—6 Sally Schott Wellman—5 Zeta Phi University of South Alabama Karen Tompkins Barkman—6 Janis Felis Menges Zeta Chi Tennessee Technological University Annette Coorts Flanders—6 Amanda Ashburn Fletcher Emmie Condra Hagar Zeta Psi Jacksonville State University Katie Ann Bowman—6 Kelsey Morgan Butler Alex Joy Carnes Tina Vickery Chandler Diana Christin Cooper—6 Sharon Cooper Dennis—5 Gena Elizabeth Farmer—5 Emily Lauren Glaser Gloria Culberson Hice—4 Susan Stack Hurst Katie Danielle Ledbetter Rachal Hannah Little—6 Anna Leigh Manners—6 Hillary Suzanne Parker Lauren Jana Perkins—6 Alex Blaine Rainwater Diana Fuller Tate Jennifer Leann Torruella Lisa Marie Waldrep—6 Kristin Ashley Young

Zeta Omega Ferris State University Debbie Erickson Gustafson Teresa Hodges Keppler—6 Dawn M. Lawrence Karine Ma—6 Dawn Zimmerman Senge Eta Alpha Georgia Southwestern State University Kristi Rolison Anthony Chloe Anne Battin Rachelle Marie Cross—6 Lori Guy Daniel—5 Beth Edwards—6 Carol Hubbard Knight Erin Elizabeth Knight Carlee Marie Owens—6 Stephanie Rutledge Virag—5 Eta Beta Duquesne University Meredith Noelle Celko Sharon Newmark Goretsky Jessica Adams Meyers—5 Jenna Morasca Eta Gamma West Chester University of Pennsylvania Joy Smith Linton Sharon Grimm Posey Eta Epsilon Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Susan Greenfield Collins Sue Long Ernst Becky Dunlap Hulbert Sharon McCarty Schemel—6 Eta Zeta Elon University Jacki Churchill Elise Jane Foerster Lindsay Ann Gabriel Kaitlin Kiesch Gosnay Susan Bowman Hopkins Leigh Eleanor Jacobs Taryn Eleanor Johnson Bethany Paige Neeb Katie Weingerten Weingarten—6 Eta Eta McNeese State University Maggie Ellen Atkinson—6 Kathleen Hayes Brown Rebecca Funk Kinder Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Joan Maruska Arthur—5 Jennifer Speidel Baker—5 Sara Matthews Campbell—6 Karla Marie Casper—6 Andrea Nicole Clements Sarah Stark Daniluk Kristine Marie Fleming—4

Janet Rimmey King Dottie Marie Klenke Rosemary A. Leone Danielle Christine Miller—6 Valerie Williams Simpson Paula Lisa Tochen-Bell—6 Jennifer Ward Whalen—6 Dottye Haas Wolf—6 Eta Iota Valdosta State University Courtney Lee Bradford Kat Elizabeth Comerford Marlene Dunbar Conrad—3 Lindsey Marie Donovan Lisa Ward Lassiter Christy Dickinson Lynch—6 Jennifer Garrett Martin—6 Alice McCann Mathews—3 Allison Quinn McDearmid Amber K. McEachin Leilani Struzick Rabourn—3 Cassie Leigh Taylor Lynn Tarpley Vallotton Dee Tucker Wallace Kery Reinkemyer Webb—4 Jennifer Suddeth Williams—5 Elizabeth Lovelace Wisenbaker—6 Eta Kappa University of Central Florida Kristen Michelle Alazraki Jenn Marie Aquilino Rebecca J. Bolte Susan Lander Brooks—6 Amee Hernandez Grant Rebecca Hune Holcomb Jenny Rosa Koster Amy Fluman Rettig Dana Vicki Sablosky Mia McKnight Shannon Morgan Sohntag Sonntag Karen Henning Sparkman—6 Debi Kenyon VanderBaan Shana Marie Wright Eta Lambda College of Charleston Kathleen Anderson—6 Amanda Paige Apatov—6 Erica Cari Arbetter—6 Emmie Meghan Clisham—5 Janet Heath Cracraft—6 Sally Imbrie Dayton Geneva Miller Dunaway—6 Jessica Sara Eovino—3 Audrey Philbrooke Gibson Kim Webb Keable—4 Sarah Elizabeth Kramer Jessica Lynne Ledford Cheryl Martschink Leonard Rachel Anne Collins Miller—6 Taylor Phillips-Brown Elizabeth J. Render—6 Lauren Ann Rush Emma Simms Short Brittany Kay Simons Carlie Carlisle Smith Emily Catherine Taylor—6 Sarah Spilman Tufts

Dianne Turgeon Katie Rebecca Wilkes—5 Eta Mu Augusta State University Susannah Allen Lindsey Nicole Burnley—6 Ethel H. Bussey Meghan Suzanne Coleman—6 Mary-Margaret Williams Epps Brhandi Alana Gilliam—6 Caitlin Elizabeth Gordy Karley Michelle Green Ashley Rebecca Holmes—6 Megan Ashley King Mie Lucas Savannah Allison Maddox—6 Miranda Renee Outhwaite—6 Rachel Rakestraw Payne Natasha Hendrix Pratt—4 Fran Kupecky Robertson Maggie Lee Smith—6 Alicia Marie Sweat Mariam Lenea Tafazoli Sara Elaine Tafazoli Heather Thigpen—6 Katie Lee Tracy—6 Rebecca White Lauren Zolatas Eta Nu Radford University Kaitlyn Elizabeth Ayares Cynthia Godwin Snyder Beck Page Blackwelder Karen Bromberg Branson Kimberly K Carabetta—6 Molly Marie Chamblin—6 Sarah Carter Crabtree—6 Kimberly Croxton Tiffany Lydia Croxton Alex Elise Farris Demitria Alexandra Gevas—6 Linda Smith Halpin Valerie Bertani Holden Cris Poe Howard—6 Julie Mae Jordan—6 Bethany Marie Love—6 Mary Denton Roberts Lyerly—5 Anna Keefe Massaro—6 Colleen Marie McLister Susan Rebecca Moore—6 Robin Schira Mounts Kathryn Elizabeth Pazdera Kelsey Ann Pendergraft Katie Anne Reed—6 Barbara Ann Rinker Debbie Barbour Scott Megan Elizabeth Seeger—3 Amber Nicole Sheffield Eta Xi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Anne Victoria Agan Lindsey Leigh Angle Christa Millice Brennan Ellen Amanda Cupp—6 Patsy Irene Dougherty Christine Callaway Ehrig—4 Larkin Watson Fields—6 Carole A. Grzeskiewicz—6 Laurie Wilson Harrsen Kimberly Leigh Hedge—6 Stacey Crum Hughey—6 Cindy Wellener Hyman—5

Yoplait presented the Foundation with $15,000 for ZTA’s 2010 lid collecting efforts, bringing the total donated by Yoplait to $76,633 in six years.

Anav Kernus—6 Sarah Grubbs Layne Yvonne Tedrick McGill—4 Anna Ramsey Parker—6 Abby Elizabeth Rill—6 Ashley Lynn Rozek—6 Sherri May Sale—6 Jill Henry Semmens Carolyn Genevieve Smith Stephanie Jaclyn Squicciarini T. L. Tunstall—6 Rachael Kraft Turner—6 Francine Marie Vannicola—3 Gerry Sonnessa Weinberger—6 Eta Omicron Western Illinois University Jan Roon Henderson Eta Pi Wright State University Jensine Ann Ballweg Gayle Metz Buckles—6 Laurel Blewett Hemmelgarn Anita McGuire McClure Meagan Lynn Rohrbach Virginia Strong Vaughn—6 Jolene Rebecca Young Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Chasity Leighanne Baker Kristie Renee Barnes Corinne Marie Beckinger—6 Amanda Charlene Kay Bowen Amanda Michelle Brasfield Tosha-Paige Brewer Kaycee Renee Bullard Caitlin Alexandra Calhoun Brittney Simone Champion Becca Suzanne Courtney Megan Nicole Crews Carol Sloan Dean Christina Marie DeGrado—6 Mikal Foster Casey Jean Fuller—6 Jill Paige Glove Addie Grissom Mary Elizabeth Hall Lindsay Morgan Hanlin Lyndel R. Hardy Caitlin Rebecca Hawk Meaghan Elizabeth Henry—6 Julia Marthaler Hill—4 Maria Grace Holland—6 Natalie Beth Holland—6 Stephanie Smith Jackle—6 Bonnie Lynn Keeton Kay Dill Kreutzer—2 Makenzie Grace Malone Mollie Cleoria Malone Jessica Shea Maples Brooke McClain Jodi Goode McDaniel Grace Mills Morgan Lari Mitchell Joan Kimball Mollohan—5 Heather Nicole Oliver Lindsay Michelle Parker Paige Parker—6 Emily Payne Janna Keenum Perry Dr. Andrea Porter—5 Mary Margaret Pugh Christa Higgins Raney—6 Ashley Page Ridgeway—6 Shelby Delynn Rudolph Malaea Nelms Seleski—3 Mary Anne Cook Spears Avy Verline Stansbury Dr. Mary Ann Stratford Stegall—3 Jennie Han Sun Rebecca McGee Taylor—6 Anna Pearl Terry Tiffany Ruth Vandiver Katherine Elizabeth Vandiver Victoria Vaughn—6 Maria Winter Warren—6 Cheron Pitts White—6 Chelsea Claire Yarbrough—6 Maghan Lindsey Youngblood

Eta Sigma The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Jenna McClain Cartrette Lindy Jones Griffith Chrissy Christine McNally Brandy Jean Nida Tasia Bobbitt Ratliff Eta Tau The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mary Broyles Alexander Kristin O’Carroll Benesowitz Ann Broyles Heinz—5 Eta Upsilon Missouri Southern State University Marie Florence Kocher Mary Margaret Ritzman Kimberly Hoffman Stoddard Eta Phi Illinois State University Aubrey Layne Kalchbrenner Bailey Jean McClellan Danielle Kathleen Obrien—6 Eta Chi Francis Marion University Shannon Britt Candyce Kirby Brooks Kate Calcutt Crystal Lee Edwards Georgia Stone Hess—6 Tiffany R. Jackson Deborah Helms Kelley—6 Erin Carter Maxwell—6 Ansley Rush Hope Kristen Wofford Eta Psi California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Margie Szumigalski Clarke—6 Erma McHugh Fennema Donna Pinney Guske Kelly Marich Jaeger—6 Erin Jacobs Matheny Katie Sheehan Placido—6 Ann Reno Rupley Eta Omega Louisiana State University in Shreveport Tracye King Albone—5 Ellen Estes Davis Jordan Elizabeth Kilman-Haman Annette Plauche McRae—6 Jill Ann Rush—6 Theta Alpha California State University, Chico Suzanne Blechman Amato Karen Marie Call Gretchen von Tagen Calwell Kimberley Ann Camacho Lisa Penrose Driver Trish Manners Ferenz—5 Jennifer Polzin Fox Nancy Devries Fregoso Darcie Edmunds Gettings—6 Pam Loring Graham Susanne Marie Krauland—6 Liz Bozek Krohn—6 Karin Heedick Link Sarah Culp-Loveless Paulette Carlin Mariano—6 Cheryl Righetti McGray—6 Erys Stephanie Phillips Mrs. Pamela S. Pinelli—6 Teri Snelling Williams Spring Theta Beta Eastern Washington University Kathy Blank Harper Donna Voss Pittman Theta Gamma Texas A&M University Terra Shae Amberson—6 Sarah Caitlin Amelunke—6 Susan Archer

Darcy Gwin Backham—6 Randi Ashley Belz Amanda Blythe Biery—6 Shelby Rose Birdwell—6 Savannah Jane Blizzard Caroline Elizabeth Blume Michelle Ashley Boecker Alicia Erin Boulet Bridget Lee Bussell Natalie Nolan Carey Keely Lynne Carpenter—6 Sarah Katherine Carruth Hayley Michelle Citro Elizabeth Kathleen Collins—6 Rachael Michelle Cox—6 Kourtney Marie Faldyn Raelee Nicole Fogg Shana Gatling Gordy—6 Lauren Ashley Graham—6 Ashley Houghtaling Janae’ Susanna Jessen Erin Kathleen Juvenal—6 Caroline Elizabeth Kipp Marah Koehler Saysha Nicole Kovacevich Jamie Paige Krams Whitney Lee Kusak—6 Kirsten Bailey Lande—6 Megan Elizabeth Lastrapes—6 Alexandria Lynne Lotz—6 Mallory Kathryn Miner—6 Christine Nikole Moore—6 Ashley Frances Narro Hayley Netherton Aubryn Mae Nix Andrea Lynn Perrard Kendall Kay Pfister Paula Strohm Rimes Kimberly M. Rohlfs—6 Amanda Michelle Sadler—6 Rachel Michelle Taylor—6 Rachel Elizabeth Toney Erin Brooke Tuttle Amy Marie Urban—6 Peggy Cooley Vogt Sarah Murski Williams Brittany Taylor Wingo Rachel Elizabeth Wood Theta Delta Salisbury University Valerie N. Ahmuty Brianna Ashley Alban Kelley K. Brunssen Holly Morgan Erickson Dixie White Leikach—5 Kenna Brigham Lowe—5 Valerie Dobbins Roddy—6 Brenda Smith Sanford Heather Lynn Smith Charla Sparks Bree Elizabeth Spittle Amanda Nicole Wishnie—6 Theta Zeta Wofford College Claudia Brownlee Albergotti Kinli Marie Bare Lauren Reynolds Boulier—6 Kaitlin Rebekah Brown Taylor Kane Brown Julie Christine Brown—6 Becca Ann Bryson Taylor Buckner—6 Kinsey James Cameron Lara Ann Cottrell Suiter Coxe—6 Elee Demetra Diamaduros Emily Logan Dobson Beverly Hammond Duvall—6 Rachel Carrington Finney—6 Margaux Marie Foster Sara Elizabeth Fowler—6 Ginny Gibson Fowler—4 Meredith Paige Fox—6 Leslie Hamilton Griffin Mary Lewis Lewis Griffin—6 Mary K. Hall, M.D. Amy Wood Hawkins Marie Annette Hewes—6 Lacey Danielle Hilliard—6 Megan Chessy Holmes—6 Eva Downing Hudson

Sterling Jarrett Ryann Alexandra Kroske—6 Stephanie Jean Lenes Jennifer Higdon Lucas—6 Gwen Jane McDaniel Sally Caroline Mobley—6 Ruthie Ruth Oates—6 Charlotte Katherine Perrow—6 Hannah Purcell—6 Kellar Elizabeth Rogers Hilary Ann Royer—6 Mackenzie Carol Sawicki—5 Joann Amanda Shytle Haley Nicole Sims—6 Ellen Eleanore Smith—6 Sallie Elizabeth Snyder—6 Caroline Ashley Tracy Connor Rose Twyman Whitney Lane Walker Theta Eta Stephen F. Austin State University Antoinette Rizzuto Bearden—5 Heather Renee Brown—6 Toni Devine Chandler Karen Gruble Deaver Sherri Porter Erwin Stacy La Rue Gannon—6 Julie Ann Johnson—6 Monika Morf—6 Cynthia Ortega—6 Lexie Brynn Proctor Shannon Elizabeth Shelton—6 Lisa M. Togneri—6 Lisa Williams Wilson—6 Theta Theta Arkansas Tech University Maegan Portia Ballard Valerie Alisa Breashears Susan Marie Burris Kaylyn Hendricks Busch Jana Harrison Carroll—6 Ashton Elizabeth Coleman—6 Jamie Anne Currier Allyson Danielle DeMato Lauren Brook Fry Whitney Leigh Ann Hardin Kelley Snow Harmon—5 Annette Borland Holeyfield—6 Jacquelyn Ruth Hudon Megan Elaine Johnson—6 Jennifer Lynn Moody Katie Katelyn Olive Elaine Zankl Puckett—6 Kaitlin Nicole Short—6 Haley Dawn Marie Smith Krystin Nicole Tanner Lacey Renee Vanderpool Hannah Katherine Whitener—6 Catherine Ellen Wilkins Theta Iota University of North Florida Nicole Marie Angione Sarah Lynn Bell Jessie Elizabeth Brumfield—6 Jamie Alexandra Cohen—6 Amanda Elizabeth Dart—6 Aimee Rebecca DeFoor Jamie Elizabeth Goodman—6 Lynnann Brown Guastella—6 Megan Kathleen Holcomb Courtney Yvonne Holder—6 Christine Elizabeth Jallad Kimberly Ann Knap—6 Dianne Ford LaForty Miranda Renee Major Ashley Nichole Plotts—6 Rhonda Annis Reeb—5 Nicole Robison—6 Anna Catherine Rosato Lindsay Noelle Rose Katherine Elizabeth Ross Anne Curtis Strassel Mary-Kate Katherine Strassel Ashley Nichole Szerba—6 Margaret Mary Szerba—6 Talia Katlin Weiss Theta Kappa University of Missouri-St. Louis Maggie Patrice Fairless

That crumpled piece of paper was a “snow ball” in an activity to help leaders learn more about the members of their NLC Change In Action group. Heather Lynn Miles Rachel Ann Renna Nicole Renee Schinker—6 Theta Mu Bowling Green State University Sue Rader Regonini Theta Nu Auburn University at Montgomery Kristina Koch Brooks—6 Rheanna Shawn Carden—6 Mrs. Jacqueline D. Collister Amanda Bone Mathis Theta Xi Rutgers University Kathy Walker Ashton—4 Kristen Alexis Ayling—6 Amanda Elizabeth DeVincentis—6 Pam Kievit Dorman—6 Meredith Anne Fleming—6 Alexa Rita Gaudioso—5 Lisa Cwanger Ichilov—6 Chelsea Lynn Oddi—5 Katie Elizabeth Peoples—5 Emily Siegrist Jill Faith Vanzino Theta Omicron Baylor University Erica Lynn Benken—6 Lisa Bhattacharya—6 Savannah Lynne Brock—6 Melinda Gant Burns Katie Suzanne Compton Tobi Crouch Faile Hilary Luanne Hinsey Kimberly Stewart Hudson—6 Angela Rose Malone Kelly—5 Susan Pullig Lipscomb—6 Lauren Leigh McDougal Media Burns Nazarenus—6 Lacy Schneider O’Connor—4 Mimi Wiggins Perreault Angela Haraka Ramm—3

Kelsey Michele Rostron Diana Chamberlin Simmons Michelle Bodine Stevenson Jan D. Thomas Theta Pi California State University, Northridge Richelle Rademacher Briasco—6 Judy Woodrow Tamkin—6 Theta Sigma Winthrop University Seanna Michelle Adcox Heather Ashmore Baker—6 Erin Paige Curran Kristen Erin Elmore Amy Ballenger McGuire Julie Ward Moxley—6 Kelly Elizabeth Reed Kristen Walker Stephenson Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kayla Anne Alderson—6 Erica Brecht Andrews—6 Lisa Katherine Andrukonis Melissa Nicole Auton—6 Natalie Ann Baker Carly Grace Baker—6 Sarah Beth Barnes Tori Lauren Bliss Cait Amanda Bold Jennifer Megan Brodish Beverly Craig Brown Ashley Marie Buchanan Elizabeth Lynn Campbell—6 Kelly Louise Cannon Carolyn Hof Carpenter—4 Carla Martin Cobb—3 Judith Mackenzie Colt Rebecca Clair Copley Gillian Paige Cronin—6 Kelly Marie Dean—6 Beth C. Del Savio

Fall 2011

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Teresa Sage Maison—6 Heather Christine McCormackMcHugh—4 Jennifer Elizabeth Novak Julie Marcia Palmer Beth Elizabeth Peterson Jessica Paige Rice Karen M. Sharkey Britta Anne Venneman Stefanie Wise Wall Valeria Castleman Walters Taylor Ashlie Wilson

Idea sharing, networking and collaboration are always the most positive outcomes of National Leadership Conference. Haley Ottem Dorgan Bridget Anne Dornblaser—4 Caitlin Nicole Durr—6 Holly Griffin Edington—6 Heather Nicole Engel Lauren Michelle Fetter Jennifer A. Fite Meredith Mohr Goodwin Katie Whitten Hearsey Deborah Clark Hemingway Christie Ellen Hill Rosie Parrish Hodges—6 Anne Nicholson Hogewood Audrey Diana Hum Tanner Michelle Hunt Alex Nicole Jenkins—6 Courtney Alexis Johnston Kristina Michelle Kinard—5 Jillian Lei Kite Deana Queen Kocylowsky—6 Stefanie Nicole Kot Lisa Rowland Kozloff—5 Jordan Nicole Landry Nancy C. Leatherman B.J. Lee Courtney Ryan Levering—5 Alex Jean Mario Nicole Marie McGinley—6 Stephanie Grace McGowan—5 Sydney Lauren McKinney—6 Colleen Sarah McLaughlin—6 Payton Rae McMahan Julia Elise Medland—4 Honor Elizabeth Morgan Katrina Pederson Morrocco Jen Marie Morse—6 Jennifer Elizabeth Neal—4 Tracy M. Olejniczak—5 Emily Caroline Otey—6 Alexandra Elise Pappas Sue Edwards Patrick Dell Causey Pittman Christina Marie Pittman Brianne Michelle Postlmayr Traci Lynn Potocnik Brittany Ann Raia Hannah Rose Robinson—6 Leah LeMaster Rose—6 Jenn Kathleen Rudyk—6

Karissa Kirsten Santiago—6 Emily Anne Senger—6 Kayde Morgan Shamrock—5 Sydney Lauren Smith Tayler Brooke Smith—6 Katherine Alexander Snipes—6 Morgan Spinelle Spinelli Angie Efstation Stanley Caitlin McLeod Strober Meagan Denise Swaim—6 Eve Leah Maria Tanas Haley Andrea Tasaico Jennifer Kathryn Taylor Stephanie Brooke Thomas Brittany Ann Vandegrift—5 Emma Lee Vogelsinger Mary Albert Ward—5 Susie Elizabeth Wear Grace Elyssa Webster Meredith Elizabeth Weisler—4 Katie Boutwell Wheeler—6 Beth Elizabeth Wiener Tyler Morgan Wilkerson Sullivan Williams—6 Christy Kathryn Williams—6 Theta Upsilon Santa Clara University Nancy Gow Levandowski Theta Phi California State University, Fullerton Melissa Rose Belluz Catherine Perez Chapman Gold—6 Kathryn Suzanne Virginia Johnson—6 Samantha Michell Lopez Susan Sauder Meinhardt Sylvia Contreras Rand Heather LeeAnn Reid Lisa Nicole Watson Chelsea Elena Woods Theta Chi George Mason University Miriam Elizabeth Capon Allie Laura Hunter Dawn Zacherl James Melissa Haglund Judy

28 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Theta Psi Texas State University-San Marcos Shari Lynn Baumann—5 Sarah Ann Bledsoe Christie Taylor Brantley—6 Janet Elaine Crump—2 Kaitlyn Eliff Ashley Michelle Ford—6 Missy Drake Hays Shary Myers Heins—4 Suzanne Janak Holl—3 Laura Ladewig Mauro—4 Blair Nicole McCarver Holly Nicole McLain Tracy Massey Moore Kathy McGonagil Morris—6 Megan Beatrice Nauta Kelley Lee O’Donnell—6 Brittany Marie Reilly Natalie Sue Roberson Melissa Erin Schwartz—6 Lois Anne Spomer—6 Sara J. Staggs—5 Amy Leigh Tuck Susan M Vohtz Kristen Guinn Washam Alicia Patten Williams—4 Taylor Michelle Young Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Annamaria Pensavalle Ahern Lauren Elizabeth Albert Arielle Tian Beauvior Cindy Manuel Calm—6 Amanda Lyn Colletta Ada Abreu Connelly Jhoanna Gabriel Craig—6 Cheryl Lisa Day—5 Karina Diaz-Infante Anna Kroesen Dow—5 Jade Emery Eppler Carolina Mercedes Fabelo Dolores Gonzales Gastineau—5 Lexi Kristine Harrington Carolyn Ann Horning Diane Hanson Keegan—4 Alysa Cathleen Majer Melanie Elizabeth Martel Julie Christine Millet Maya Badri Mosher—6 Teresa Tait Reynolds Andrea Jane Valderrama Shamim Syed Wu—3 Iota Alpha Robert Morris University Karen M Rose-Roper—5 Iota Gamma The College of New Jersey Jena-Rose Coluccio Kelly Lyn Czajka—5 Karen Lynn O’Keeffe Donna Louise Reck—6 Elaine Ann Rocha—6 Helen Marie Rodio Lauren Mary Seber—6 Iota Delta Towson University Kristen Marie Buchanan Liza Gundell—3 Kara Kerr Lloyd—5 Melissa Ball Parlon Lex Jamey Petrizzo Laurie Burnham Przybylski—6 Shonda Brewer Schilling—4

Iota Epsilon University of Hartford Irene Loretto Iota Eta University of Nevada, Las Vegas Alana Nadyne Allen Kristen Loerwald Christina Madelain Putrus Rosa Solis- Rainey—5 Iota Theta Georgia Institute of Technology Christine Elizabeth Berry—6 Rachel Brooks—6 Lisa Alena Carlson Alicia Deedy Molly Rose Degenhardt—6 Stephanie Leigh DeLoach Kristen Diane Elsaesser—6 Carissa Ann Fleming Laurel Mayes Floyd Alli Nichol Gainer Stephanie G. Benoit Gilbert—6 Nidah Shaheen Goheer—6 Lindsay Beth Graab Olivia Kathryn Hawkins—4 Kirsten Maria Heady Gina Jiampetti Stewart—6 Amy Areum Lee Christina Lee—6 Mary Catherine McCoy Lucy Fairbanks Mitchell—6 Gwen Ann Pierson—6 Donna Riggins Cat Barrett Sanders Alyssa Marie Small Paula Ross Surdykowski Chelsea Amanda Tolbert Stephanie Lowell Tumlinson Iota Iota Fairleigh Dickinson University Michelle Lee Greves—6 Amy Nexon Iota Kappa Delta State University Meredith Sims Crawford Iota Nu Susquehanna University Marisa Dottore Bennett Lynn Marie Burke Margaret M. Farmer—6 Tina Ohta Kile—5 Kris Pocaro Mona Patel Shah—6 Jen Dubuc Valdez Donna R. Willbergh—6 Iota Xi Christian Brothers University Elizabeth Megan Beebe Kim Ware Benkert Sara Clark—5 Rebecca Curtright Lauren Nicole D’Surney Karen Williams Fleming—6 Allyson Lee Frymark Tammi Ellis Hoback—6 Elise Boczek Ibendahl Tammy Pham Nguyen—5 Monica Norris—4 Lori M. Patton—4 Lauren Leigh Phillips—6 Maggie Callen Ruane—3 Felicia Ann Waage Tommye Jean Webb—6 Angela June Williams Iota Omicron Lander University Melody Brooke Coleman Holly Wilson Cook Kimberly Marie Newton-Burgess—6 Iota Pi University of Dayton Sarah Ann Ahler—6 Nicole Soraya Alizadeh—6 Stefanie Lyn Arlinghaus Heather Elizabeth Armstrong—6

Victoria Lee Barrera-Garces—5 Christine Lynch Crandall—6 Kathryn Ann Duffy Lauren Andriana Ellinghausen Erin Kathleen Farrell Kristen Moeller Faure—5 Caitlin Maura Hash Jennifer Marie Heitman Christine Joan Hewitt—6 Kelly Renee Jones—6 Kristen Marie Kiefer—6 Natalie Catherine Kimmel Allison Lauren Kolick Annie C. Luecke—6 Tracee Anne Melaragno—6 Lisa Ann Mitchell Emily Renae Ochs—6 Hilary Ann Pelligra—6 Laura Marina Peters Julie Herman Roach Meg Patricia Ryan Kristen Nicole Schulz Erika Renee Schweiss Lauren Elizabeth Weining Kristin Elizabeth Whalen—6 Rachael Anne Worden—6 Sara Marie Zielinski Iota Rho East Carolina University Kristen Evans Emenhiser Carrie Rogers Garrity—5 Brandi Foster Heatherly Jordan Elizabeth Lytton Morgan Elizabeth March Brittainy Rebecca Pope Iota Sigma Old Dominion University Katherine Lynn Barrow Samantha Ashley Bass—4 Kristin Allyn Betau Meredith Keegan Ensley S. Lee Holsopple Devon D. Kendall Anne Nicole Loughner Keeley McDonald Riddle—3 Coleen Ann Ryder—4 Iota Phi North Carolina State University Jennifer Rae Canady Sarah Linville Canady Ellie Barrett Case Taylor Ann Chappell—6 Annie Ileta Cleek—5 Julie Michele Donoghue Kelsey Ryland Fairburn—6 Leah Virginia Finch Mary Kathleen Fornes—6 Cassie Elisabeth Gardner—6 Maggie Olivia Gibson—6 Courtney Kay Gore—6 Laura Lynn Jacobson Alexandra Kitzerow Rachel Ann Mastro Duvall McCaskill—6 Laurie Kinsey McRainey—6 Austen Oates—6 Brooke Ashlynn Odom—6 Madison Blair Pace—6 Stephanie Caitlin Rains—5 Emma Jane Rankin—6 Halie Lane Shipley—6 Jill Gilchrist Sinegar Ashley Elizabeth Smith—6 Ramey Elizabeth Stout—6 Courtney Thompson Rebecca Noble Vause Alex Malone Watkins—6 Hillary Jane Watson—5 Cate Wiley Morgan Alexis Woods Taylor Kourtni Woods Iota Chi Middle Tennessee State University Samantha Boggs Dean Kelly Kristine Dry Cari Alice Hartlage—6 Elizabeth Helen Karg Cindy Melhorn Moore Brittany Lauren Skelton—6

Foundation Iota Psi Rochester Institute of Technology Vicki Decker Griffith—4 Stacy Kalisz Johnson—5 Angela Read Iota Omega University of Maryland Cait Bridget Demchuk Becky Traino Everitt—5 Jen Ellen Ewing Amanda Paige Field Ellen Graham Hainsworth Jannah Van Kirk Hobday Janel Thomson Jauntirans—5 Jill Brooke Resnick Julie Elizabeth Sechler Amy S. Sheu Brenda Zimmerman Stokes Kappa Alpha Colorado State University Andrea Evans Beck—6 Karen Baranski Johnson Suzanne Nichole Lee Suzie Elizabeth Livingston Madeline Binkley McCarthy Claire Alice Morton—6 Christa Cherese Smith Kappa Beta Presbyterian College Susan Hayne Cobb Elizabeth Dils Katherine Dils Mason Dunlap Shelby Kathleen Harris—6 Sallie Emory Lamb Grant Burnette LeFever—6 Olivia Marie Looney—6 Liz Piper Moore—6 Taylor Morgan—6 Jamie Lea Scott Lindsay Jane Southam Kappa Zeta Clemson University Courtney Rae Alexander—6 Summer Diane Borelli Kenna Shoffner Brannon Kimberly Hannah Buehler Sarah Butler Burdette Blair Burnette Tara Renee Davis Sarah ElizabethNicole Davis Anna Manning Frierson—6 Lisa Cannon Grant Courtney Lynn Hentz Kristin Louise Jensen Alicia M Miyares Melanie Rachel Payne Kelly Ann Pettigrew Caitlin M. Quinn Julie Marie Resua—6 Brette Ashlyn Rowley Janet Rice Smalley

ZTA has the largest group of Traveling Leadership Consultants, thanks to partial funding from the ZTA Foundation.

Amanda Padgett Stevenson Janey Davis Turner Leah Miriam Williams—6 Laurin Nicole Wilson Erin Danielle Wiltse Kappa Eta Rockhurst University Jennifer Burhler Buehler Kappa Theta California State University, San Bernardino Tiffany Nicole Anderson Kimberly L. Burton—6 Antoinette Cheryl Katrina Eberly Loff Keri Rochelle Montrose Darlene Carla Padua Angie Marie Shutt Kappa Iota Moravian College Tara Hayley Blasser Amalia G Dignetti—6 Melissa Reitbauer Kline Amanda Marisa Seybold Amanda Jayne Werner Kappa Kappa Southern Utah University Bonnie Hardy Compagno Amanda Ruth Cornelius—5 Zanna Clifford Olguin Lyla Dickson-Pitas Slade Shelly Brown Strahan Georgia Beth Smith Thompson—5 Kappa Mu Linfield College Scotlyn Kathleen Burke Tori Akemi Ogawa Elizabeth Ann Stenger—6 Kappa Nu Monmouth University Jenna D’ Agostini Shelby Goldman Amy Lynne Rodriguez Kappa Xi The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Christina Marie Amerman Kaitlyn Sarah Badders Kirby St. John Bate Danielle Marie Cappelluti Ashley Marie Carruth Alyssa Marie Casey Lindsay Ann Concordia Chelsea Kathleen Crosson Tiffany DeVries Brianna Lyn Fidler Diana Nicole Gabriel Gabby SanMarco Gentilello—6 Meghan Mary Jirkovsky

Caitlin Ashley Keating Tara Lynne Keener Kelly May Lafferty Meghan Maher Elise Lina Maier Kacie Lynn Malaney Mary Margaret Minock Stephanie Joy Oliveri Samantha Marie Sajban—6 Sarah Ann Scarborough Jessica Jaye Schatzman Melissa Ann Waller Kappa Omicron Merrimack College Jill Marie Barberet—6 Cara Virgina Buonvicino Julie Caccavaro—6 Katie Elizabeth Connors Allison Bernadette Connors—6 Laura Michelle Duffy—5 Juli Elizabeth Egan Melissa Beth Fenn Alaina Forrest Laferriere Torey Lynne Manzi—6 Katie Sullivan—6 Kappa Pi University of South Carolina Aiken Christa Noel Armfield—6 Abigail Elizabeth Avant Erin Nicole Cobb—6 Nicole Flippo Crook—4 Madison Jacques Good—6 Karoline Nora Holzschuh—6 Laura Elizabeth Hutto Lauren Elizabeth Leverett Elizabeth Lane Matheny Tricia Mitsuko Okawa—6 Metta Bryanne Price—6 Tracee O’Ferrell Ruppert—6 Brandy Carver Smalley Megan Elisabeth Smalley Kayla Nicole Stephens Kappa Rho University of South Carolina Upstate Fallon Ashley Campbell Sally LeAnne Gallman—6 Samantha Alese Gilbert—6 Emily Suzanne Harper—6 Stephanie Anne Lusk Elizabeth Nicole Miller—6 Alex Leigh Pontikas—6 Shea Pryor Katie Susanne Reed Elizabeth Rae Shepherd—6 Graeson Faith Turner—6 Lauren Ashley Williams Kappa Sigma University of South Florida Bianca Helene-Maria Bowan Chelsi Nicole Cross—6 Cara Ford Dickinson—6

Allison Christine Minisce Chelsea Renee Rhoden Chelsea Joanna Roby—4 Megan Young Vreeland Karen Lawrence Walker Lauren Elise Wasserberger Kappa Tau Florida Gulf Coast University Lexi Kate Edwards Christina Josephine Graham Stephanie Heller Mariann T. MacDonald—4 Elizabeth Romanucci Gia SanAngelo Kimberly Ann Williams Kappa Upsilon Georgia College & State University Chelsea Marie Arnhart Jillian Elane Bowers Krista Leigh Caudill Sara Elisabeth Hernandez Kayla Jean Krause Ally Brooke Maisano—6 Mary Frances Frances McGahee Jessica Sarah O’Neill Emily Holland Taylor Jordan Vaughn Vaughan—6 Rachel Bevin Waldron Sarah Leigh Wierzbowski Rachel Elaine Zechiel Megan Christina Zefting Kappa Phi Christopher Newport University Chelsea Frances Brobst—6 Ashley Frances Chiera Katie Scarlett Clevenger Laura Elizabeth Hoffman Chelsea Nicole Jones Brynne Walker Kazlo Rachel Madeline Patania Catherine Marie Bowersox Posey Trisha Marie Williams

Julia Marie Mallow Libby Elizabeth Michel Olivia Kathryn Quinlan Kristin Louise Rich—6 Ashley Nicole Rogers Lambda Alpha Sacred Heart University Jaclyn Mary Hendricks Megan Brooke Miller—6 Gabrielle Marie Sansotta—6 Amanda Marie Verrino—6 Lambda Beta University of Rhode Island Catherine Emma Collard Kelsey Brownell Dugan Lambda Gamma The University of Texas at San Antonio Cassidy Rae Chesser Laura Elaine Cox Lucy Maria Garza—4 Jenny Christine Granado Katie Lee Graves—6 Mandi Marie Marsden Madi Audra Moore Heather Michelle Vasquez Lambda Epsilon Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis Alyssa Leigh Beaman—6 Christina Ann Bleeke Tara Jo Bourassa Taylor Leigh Brown Mollie Elizebeth Johanningsmeier Shelby Danielle Rager Ashley Renay Roberts Becca Frances Smith

Kappa Chi Shorter University Peggy Susanne Barrett April Elizabeth Croft Charlotte Ann Early Dani Lauren Fairbairn Carissa Marie Jackson Kassi Cynthia Oldham Andrea Michelle Snyder Kappa Psi Kutztown University Shaina Geltman Nicole Gollmer Kristin Hagaman Kappa Omega Saint Louis University Brittany Lee Kleinschmidt Kelly Lynn Lovelace

learn more about the foundation’s activities at

30 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Foundation shelves, log into the Sisters Site through for more instructions. Lids may also be submitted online through the Yoplait website. For lids to count toward ZTA’s total, the promo code ZTA2011 and your zip code must be entered. It is important to note that in order for lids submitted online to also count toward a chapters individual lid count, not just ZTA’s total, they must be shipped to IO. On the Lid Submission Form, found in Sisters Only, indicate whether the lids have also been redeemed online.

Foundation launches new Think Pink® logos This fall, Think Pink® has a new look. The ZTA Foundation has created two new branded logos for all collegiate and alumnae chapters to use during breast cancer education and awareness events. “After years of continued success with our Think Pink events, it was time for us to enhance our brand image and provide a modern, eye-catching look for our campaign,” said ZTA Foundation Vice President of Philanthropy Sherry Server Tilley. “These logos, used across the board, from Foundation to chaptersponsored events, will provide a cohesive look and help show our Fraternity’s impact on the cause.” The Think Pink logo is to be used at all ZTA breast cancer awareness

Tackle Breast Cancer

events including NFL games, campus philanthropy events, Susan G. Komen Races for the Cure®, Yoplait® lid collections and more.

Pink ribbons and football make the perfect breast cancer-fighting team! This October, ZTA will partner with the National Football League’s “A Crucial Catch” campaign to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Now in its 13th year of partnering with NFL teams, ZTA has partnered with 28 of the 32 teams— including the Oakland Raiders for the first time in 2011.

The Pink Out logo was created for those chapters that conduct events with campus or local athletic teams where everyone in attendance is encouraged to wear pink—or “pink out” a stadium. To download these logos and information on how to properly use them, visit > Sisters Only > Resources > ZTA Foundation > Philanthropy and Think Pink.

Save Lids to Save Lives This fall, Zeta Tau Alpha enters its seventh year of partnership with Yoplait® and its Save Lids to Save Lives® program. With pink lids already on the

For more information:

2011 ZTA and nfl crucial catch schedule (as of Sept. 22, 2011) October 2: Arizona Cardinals Chicago Bears Cincinnati Bengals Cleveland Browns Green Bay Packers Houston Texans Jacksonville Jaguars Oakland Raiders San Diego Chargers Seattle Seahawks St. Louis Rams

October 3: Tampa Bay Buccaneers

October 10: Detroit Lions

October 9: Buffalo Bills Carolina Panthers Indianapolis Colts Minnesota Vikings New York Giants Pittsburgh Steelers

October 16: Washington Redskins

October 30: Philadelphia Eagles San Francisco 49ers

October 23: Miami Dolphins New Orleans Saints Tennessee Titans

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Extra Extra


4 5


3 Images from National Leadership Conference: 1) Chapter flags were on display during the International Office tours. 2) and 3) Ninety-one chapters received the Collegiate Crown Chapter Award signifying excellence. 4) All attendees wore T-shirts with the NLC theme Saturday as a sign of unity. 5) Collegiate leaders learned to trust one another in their Change in Action groups.

32 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Extra Extra


6) Six former National Presidents joined current National President Keeley McDonald Riddle as hostesses for the IO tour. 7) MingleSticks “beamed” contact information from one ZTA to another. 8) Making friends from across the country is always a highlight of NLC. 9) Breaks between sessions were short but refreshing and sweet. 10) The ZTA sign at the corner of the IO property is always popular spot for memorable pictures.

9 7 10

8 Fall 2011

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From the Archives

Foundation has rich history of service By Susan Beard, ΔΨ Patricia Cords Levitte, ΒΦ Archives Committee Co-Chairmen Service, scholarship, philanthropy and leadership development have been at the very forefront of Zeta Tau Alpha’s purpose since our founding. Mementoes and records from the Archives help us trace the history of the ZTA Foundation’s efforts in those core areas. In 1929, ZTA established a health clinic to provide medical and social services to the mountain people of Currin Valley, Va. The Archives contain the guest book from this first organized philanthropic effort that vastly improved the lives of those residing in this impoverished area. During the World War II era, Zetas appointed our first National War Service Chairman. In October 1943, the Red Cross needed 4 million pints of blood and ZTA responded by organizing a blood donor campaign. ZTA asked the membership to contribute blood or financial support in memory of Louise Kettler Helper, who had served as National President since 1937 and passed away that month while still in office. Zetas gave generously and the financial donations made it possible for ZTA to purchase a Mobile Blood Donor Unit that was presented to the Red Cross in Cincinnati in memory of Mrs. Helper. The first efforts to help collegians pay for their education were loans from the Scholarship Loan Fund, created from contributions by individual alumnae. The minutes of the 1926 Convention put the cost of education nearly a century ago in perspective. Grand Secretary Treasurer Ethel M. Charnock reported, “To date, 66 girls have used the fund, borrowing anywhere from $25 to $500. One girl has borrowed $1,000 and another $1,500, but these are unusual amounts.” From September 1919 to May 1926, the fund made loans totaling $17,916—a considerably large amount of money for the day.

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Eventually, the Fraternity saw the need for raising greater amounts of money for educational purposes and a more organized fashion of distributing those funds. In 1954, the ZTA established the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation, with a loan of $5,000 from the Fraternity and the balance of memorial gifts from the Golden Anniversary Fund. ZTA became the first Greek woman’s organization to charter a Foundation, receiving official status from the State of Illinois because our headquarters were in Evanston at the time. Shortly thereafter, the ZTA Foundation received IRS status as a 501(c) (3) corporation, which allowed for contributions to be tax deductible. In 1980, ZTA chartered the Crown Development Trust Fund to fund educational and leadership projects beyond scholarships. The sale of silk white violets corsages at Conventions to honor a Zeta became a popular fundraising event for the CDTF. The fund made possible the Outstanding Alumna Awards and the Crown Chapter Awards that are still presented at Conventions today.

In 1983, the Fraternity merged the Foundation and CDTF under the name Crown Development Trust Fund. The merger allowed Zeta Tau Alpha to become a leader in producing educational programs to address the challenges of college women. Early programs addressed issues such as eating disorders, fetal alcohol syndrome and date rape. Funding allowed ZTA to provide leadership seminars and academic training such as “The Master Student” program to collegiate chapters across the country. In 1992, the Fraternity decided to change the name of the fund to one that would better identify and encompass all the fundraising and philanthropic efforts. Thus the name was changed back to the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation. Zeta Tau Alpha has come a long way from Currin Valley and scholarship loans. In its 57 years of existence, our Foundation has helped us live out The Creed by preparing all of us for service and teaching us the nobility of serving.

Scholarship Certificate from 1954

Directory of Zeta Tau Alpha Founded at Longwood University • Farmville, Virginia • October 15, 1898 INTERNATIONAL OFFICE (IO)

Executive Director — Deb Ensor 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: (317) 872-0540; Fax: (317) 876-3948 Website: Email: Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST


Maud Jones Horner, Died August 20, 1920 Della Lewis Hundley, Died July 12, 1951 Alice Bland Coleman, Died June 11, 1956 Mary Jones Batte, Died December 3, 1957 Alice Grey Welsh, Died June 21, 1960 Ethel Coleman Van Name, Died January 24, 1964 Helen M. Crafford, Died September 17, 1964 Frances Yancey Smith, Died April 23, 1977 Ruby Leigh Orgain, Died October 22, 1984


Mrs. Ross P. Strout (Shirley Kreasan), Died August 21, 1978


Mrs. Helen Winton Jenkins, Died July 1, 1987 Mrs. Nelly Galloway Shearer


Mrs. Anne Winnes Redmond, Died November 17, 2006


Mrs. Betty Hillix Foellinger, Died April 17, 1992


Send to IO, Attn: Department of Communications


NATIONAL PRESIDENT — Keeley McDonald Riddle, 96 Ford Road, Landing, NJ 07850 VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Natalie M. Yingling, 328 Fawn Trail, Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (Director of Area I, including Provinces I-Alpha, I-Beta, II-Alpha, IIBeta, II-Gamma, II-Delta, III-Alpha, III-Beta, III-Gamma, IV-Alpha, IV-Beta) VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Stacey Verkest Voigt, 1301 Tuscany Drive, Colleyville, Texas 76034 (Director of Area II, including Provinces VIAlpha, VI-Beta, VI-Gamma, VII-Alpha, VII-Beta, VII-Gamma, VIII-Alpha, VIII-Beta, VIII-Gamma, IX-Alpha, IX-Beta, X-Alpha, XI-Alpha, XI-Beta, XIGamma, XI-Delta) VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Kelley Snow Harmon, 2803 Elizabeth Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72703 (Director of Area III, including Provinces XII-Alpha, XII-Beta,

XIII-Alpha, XIV-Alpha, XV-Alpha, XVI-Alpha, XVI-Beta, XVII-Alpha, XVII-Beta, XVII-Gamma XVIII-Alpha, XVIIIBeta, XIX-Alpha, XIX-Beta) VICE PRESIDENT ALUMNAE — Lori A. Peters, 3784 Nathan Court, Brunswick, OH 44212 (Director of Area I, including Districts I-Alpha, I-Beta, II-Alpha, III-Alpha, III-Beta, IV-Alpha, VI-Alpha, VII-Alpha, VII-Beta, VIIIAlpha, VIII-Beta, IX-Alpha, XII-Alpha, XVI-Alpha, XVIBeta) VICE PRESIDENT ALUMNAE — Diane Hanson Keegan, 23855 Mountain Laurel Court, Murrieta, CA 92562 (Director of Area II, including Districts X-Alpha, XI-Alpha, XIBeta, XI-Gamma, XI-Delta, XIII-Alpha, XIV-Alpha, XVAlpha, XV-Beta, XV-Gamma, XVII-Alpha, XVIII-Alpha, XVIII-Beta, XVIII-Gamma, XIX-Alpha, XIX-Beta, XIXGamma) SECRETARY-TREASURER — Dinah Jackson Laughery, 3513 Savoy Court, Austin, TX 78738 NPC DELEGATE — Laura Ladewig Mauro, 801 Circle Drive, Winnsboro, TX 75494 EXTENSION DIRECTOR — Marlene Dunbar Conrad, 5637 Harbormist Drive, Powder Springs, GA, 30127


PRESIDENT — Julia Marthaler Hill, 290 Highland View Drive, Birmingham, AL 35242 VICE PRESIDENT — Martha Gorum Jackson, 4187 North Sabino Mountain Drive, Tucson, AZ 85750 TREASURER — Dinah Helms Cook, 188 Gregg Parkway, Columbia, SC 29206 SECRETARY — Marty E. Sik, 1217 Newbridge Trace, Atlanta, GA 30319 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Susan Beard, 2309 Empire Road, Birmingham, AL 35226 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Cynthia Byars Courtney, 5644 Pillsbury Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55419 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Jayne Ann Scoggins Hungate, 1671 E. Caracas Ave, Hershey, PA 17033 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Jan Spradley McCarthy, 903 Sleepy Hollow Cove, Oxford, MS 38655 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Kay McCoy McKelvey, 5635 Mistridge Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Terri Dew Millsap, 111 E. Edgewood Drive, Homewood, AL 35209 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Lacy Schneider O’Connor, 5403 Braxtonshire, Houston, TX 77069 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Dorothy Coates Pataky, 5830 Old Ranch Road, Riverside, CA 92504 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Nancy Jo Floyd Stipp, 210 King George Road, Greenville, SC 29615 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Christine Flora Stull, 1044 Saratoga Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46280

DIRECTOR — Keeley McDonald Riddle (See National President) DIRECTOR — Dinah Jackson Laughery (See National Secretary-Treasurer) DIRECTOR — Becky Hainsworth Kirwan (See Foundation President)


PRESIDENT — Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, 14601 Beach Road, Chesterfield, VA 23838 VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVELOPMENT — Deb Ensor (See Executive Director) VICE PRESIDENT OF PHILANTHROPY — Sherry Server Tilley, 8028 Fawnwood Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46278 VICE PRESIDENT OF SCHOLARSHIP — Catherine G. Slaughter, 9212 Cedardale Drive, Plano, TX 75025 SECRETARY/TREASURER — Kay Dill Kreutzer, 25035 W. Beachgrove Road, Antioch, IL 60002 DIRECTOR — Ms. Martha C. Edens, 6311 Eastshore Road, Columbia, SC 29206 DIRECTOR — Nora Nell Hardy Jackson, 7219 FM 755, Rio Grande City, TX 78582 DIRECTOR — Keeley McDonald Riddle (See National President) DIRECTOR — Dinah Jackson Laughery (See National Secretary-Treasurer) DIRECTOR — Julia Marthaler Hill (See NHC President) DIRECTOR — Dinalh Helms Cook (See NHC Treasurer)


PD — Laura Ladewig Mauro (See NPC Delegate) PDA I — Deb Ensor (See Executive Director) PDA II — Stephanie Arnette Powell, 2421 Bagley Road, Cumming, GA 30041 PDA III — Malaea Nelms Seleski, 440 SE. 1st Terrace, Pompano Beach, FL 33060


Anastacia Ansell, Liz Austin, Janell Gibson, Jacqueline Kennedy, Jessica Kosty, Brittany Lee, Gemma Leggere, Casey Moore, Caitlin Moulton, Jessica Panzarella, Jessica Patterson, Casey Plastek, Louisa Roberts, Kaitlyn Thompson, Lauren Vardaman, Lauren Weilbacher. Send TLC mail c/o ZTA International Office, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.


MJ Insurance, Inc., Sorority Division, 9225 Priority Way West Drive, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240; 888-442-7470;

Online privacy campaign earns award The online privacy multimedia campaign, produced by ZTA Fraternity and funded by the ZTA Foundation, received the Award of Distinction for Best Communication Effort at the North American Interfraternity Conference Foundation Seminar in August. The campaign, released in January, features an animated video about how to protect yourself online and a Themis magazine story package which included a four-page spread on best practices for Internet safety and a personal piece by ZTA alumna and sportscaster Erin

Andrews. The video was produced by The Basement Design + Motion and its characters were featured throughout the design of the Themis feature. Erin, a victim of stalking, advocates nationally for stronger stalking laws and the benefits of protecting your reputation online.

Over the past three years, ZTA and the ZTA Foundation have received seven Awards of Distinction from the NICF.

All ZTA collegians and alumnae were sent links to the video and Themis articles. Chapter presidents and advisors also received a facilitation guide for a 15-minute mini-program/conversation around the topic, utilizing the video. Fall 2011

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Initiated in 2003? to remain on the Themis mailing list, you must notify ZTA by december 15, 2011. ______ Yes, I wish to remain on the Themis mailing list. • • •

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You may complete this form and mail it to International Office, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. You may also update online in the Sisters Only portion of If you are not registered for Sisters Only on the ZTA website, set your browser to and click “Sign Up” in the top right-hand corner. Follow the instructions to create your username and password. After you are registered, log in to Sisters Only to connect with your personal page and select “Edit Profile.” On the “Edit Your Profile” page, select “Communicate with ZTA” and check the box to receive Themis.

Collegiate Chapter: __________________________________ Year of Initiation: _____________ Alumnae Chapter: ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Miss/Ms./Mrs. First Middle Maiden Married

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address

__________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________________________ City



Daytime Phone: (_____________) ___________________________________ Home Phone: (_____________) _____________________________

PARENTS: While your daughter is in college, her magazine is sent to her home address. We hope you enjoy it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send an email to to give us her new address. Include “Address Change” in the subject line. Thank you!

Founders’ Day Proclamation 2011

Maud Jones Horner

This past July, over 500 Zeta Tau Alpha members participated in our National Leadership Conference in Indianapolis, where our theme was “Create the Change.” None of us would have had the opportunity to gather together at NLC or even become members of Zeta Tau Alpha if our nine Founders had not wanted to create change at the Female Normal School in Farmville, Va., in 1898. The campus already had several other

sororities and many student organizations and clubs that the young women could join.

changing any practices within our chapters that deviate from them.

“We were not content to be only a club,” Founder Maud Jones Horner said at ZTA’s first Convention in 1904. “Each of us belonged to several already, and they did not satisfy our longing.”

Each of us, collegiate and alumnae members alike, has an obligation to challenge cultural trends and popular practices that might steer us off course from our Founders’ intent. Today, I hope every member of Zeta Tau Alpha will pledge to create the change in her chapter, her campus and her community. We must have a commitment to change if we are to make our Fraternity “something stronger and greater” and continue to further the mission, values and purpose that our Founders envisioned.

Instead, according to The History of Zeta Tau Alpha, our Founders’ longed for a sisterhood of women who were honest, true, intelligent and scholarly. “We wished to be something stronger and greater,” Maud continued, “to reach for out to have influence wherever we went.” Our charge to the collegiate leaders who attended NLC was to identify the changes their chapters could make so that they would be stronger and greater and become a positive influence on their campuses.“Create the Change” was not a call to alter our founding principles; to the contrary, it was a charge to return to those principles by

Given under my hand and seal, I proclaim the fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord, two thousand and eleven, as our 113th Founders’ Day.

Keeley McDonald Riddle, National President Landing, New Jersey—October 2011

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