Themis—Summer 2010

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Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Summer 2010

Collegiate RESOURCES instill our VALUES See page 8 for details.

From Where I Sit

Presidency provides training for new task By Laura Ladewig Mauro, QY National President 2006-2010

tools and skills they need to be successful in their ZTA membership and their college experience. We have taken an unwavering stance against hazing and backed it up with support for campuses that strive to eliminate it and for organizations that work to prevent it. Our efforts in these areas were recognized by 11 awards in the last biennium. We have remained passionate advocates of breast cancer education and awareness, and our ZTA Foundation has involved more and more members in our Think Pink!® endeavors. Our ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation has remained true to its mission to provide the safest housing for all of our chapters by installing fire sprinkler systems and funding other important upgrades. It has been my honor to serve on the boards of these two organizations and to work with their dedicated officers and directors.

Winnsboro, Texas, City Council Member Laura Ladewig Mauro


rying to decide how to summarize four years as National President of Zeta Tau Alpha in one page is like trying to pack for a long trip. You know it won’t all fit in your suitcase, but you can’t decide what you should take out and what you should keep in. And I should know; I’ve logged thousands of frequent flier miles in the past four years. From the reactivation of our Iota Eta Chapter at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to the colonization of Lambda Alpha Chapter at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn.; from the reactivation of Alpha Gamma Chapter at the University of Michigan to the installation of Lambda Delta Chapter at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, I have crossed this country and with each mile, my pride in Zeta Tau Alpha has grown exponentially. We all have great reasons to be proud of our Fraternity’s progress in the past four years. In addition to adding four new chapters, reactivating two closed chapters and reorganizing another, we have made tremendous progress in communication, technology and programming. The dramatic look of our website draws in visitors, while at the same time, its user-friendly functionality provides easy access to information that collegians, alumnae, parents and potential new members need to know. Our database management system and ZetaBase online reporting system brought us into the 21st century and have proven to be effective management tools and time-savers for our chapter officers, volunteers and staff. We have introduced and successfully implemented GreekLifeEdu™; My, Sister, My Responsibility; the Zeta is Forever New Member Program and the Links Member Enrichment program to provide our members with the information,

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Your National Council set lofty goals over the past four years, and with our volunteers and chapter officers, we’ve formed an amazing team that has worked together to attain those goals. That teamwork forged friendships, and those friendships became unbreakable bonds of sisterhood. I know this personally on so many levels. During my years as your President, I have faced some of life’s most stressful events—illness of a spouse, moving and the death of a loved one. On the day before I was installed in 2006, my husband was diagnosed with cancer. We received letters, notes, e-mails, cards and prayers from all over the country from Zetas I did not even know! One day, when he was very, very sick, I put all the correspondence on the table in front of my husband and he read a few notes. Then he looked up at me and said, “Now I feel the Zeta Love!” We moved from my hometown of Austin to the small town of Winnsboro, Texas. My father-in-law passed away during National Leadership Conference 2009. Through all these transitions, the support of my sisters was immeasurable and I thank you for it. I wasn’t a model college student, but Zeta Tau Alpha put its trust in me and I wanted to live up to that trust. Our sisterhood has given me opportunities for travel, leadership and personal growth. ZTA continually challenges me, kicks me out of my comfort zone, stretches me and allows me to do things I never thought I could do. One of those things would have been to become a City Council member. Yet, just two months before my ZTA presidency ended, I was sworn in as a member of the Winnsboro City Council. My volunteer experience with Zeta Tau Alpha has prepared me well for this new adventure. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, my sisters, and to grow stronger with you as we continue to Seek the Noblest.



Summer 2010 • Vol. 108 No. 4 (ISSN 1529-6709; USPS 627-120)

Editor-in-Chief Christy Marx Barber, AY Graphic Designer Megan L. Berg Staff Writer Ashley Martin Contributors Susan Beard, DY Delia Morrish Chang, AR Heather Matthews Kirk, DK Patricia Cords Levitte, BF Laura Ladewig Mauro, QY

On The Cover

Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Summer 2010

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Collegiate RESOURCES instill our VALUES See page 8 for details.

Features ZTA programming promotes strong chapter and leadership development. Read how chapters use our newest programs starting on page 8.


Installation News — On April 17, 2010, ZTA reactivated the 199th link in our Chain of Chapters as 80 young women were initiated at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


Member Assessment — A recent survey of ZTA collegians assessed the strength of our chapter programming and the development and satisfaction of our members.

Submission Deadlines July October January April

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Fall Issue Winter Issue Spring Issue Summer Issue

Please send all photos and text to: Zeta Tau Alpha, Attention: Department of Communications, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Submissions can also be sent via e-mail to: Submissions become the property of ZTA. Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha (ISSN 1529-6709; USPS 627120) is published quarterly by Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1334. Subscription: $2.00 per year. Single copies: $.50. Periodical postage paid in Indianapolis, IN, and additional mailing offices. Printed in the United States of America.


. . . and the rest

Postmaster: Send address changes to Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

Member, Fraternity Communications Association and National Panhellenic Editors Conference. © 2010 Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Zeta Tau Alpha.

Alice Grey Welsh — Fifty years after her death, Founder Alice Grey Welsh is honored with an appropriate grave marker, thanks to alumnae in Hawaii.

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From Where I Sit Letters to Themis Collegiate News Crown & Co. Meet the TLCs

28 Foundation News 30 MIS Forms 33 From the Archives 34 Extra! Extra! 35 Directory Summer 2010

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From Our Readers

Gamma Chi Chapter’s Big Man On Campus fundraiser received rave reviews from an Indiana State University administrator.

­­­» Dear ZTA Foundation, I wanted to take a moment to share my level of pride in the organizational skills of the chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha at Indiana State University in the planning of their Big Man on Campus event. Things were planned and executed very well, and I was also pleased to serve as a judge for the event. I want to also commend the hosts of the event, Allison Keeler and Sena Jacobs. They were effective, funny, able to improvise when the schedule deviated, and a joy to watch. I know that headquarters folks don’t get to hear about all of the good that a chapter does as often as they should, so please know that the chapter is doing fine work and creating fantastic members who are a fine addition to our greater Greek community. — Adam M. Novotney, M.S.Ed Assistant Director, Student Activities and Organizations Indiana State University

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­­­» To ZTA Executive Director Deb Ensor, National President Laura Ladewig Mauro and Hazing Prevention.Org Executive Director Tracy Maxwell, I want to thank you for selecting Florida State University as the winner of the (first) Zeta Tau Alpha Award for Innovation in Campus Hazing Prevention and Education. We are proud of the work our staff has done, and this award will allow more prevention and research to occur at Florida State. We are also thrilled to be associated with your organizations as we recognize through partnerships such as yours, strides are being made to change the way hazing is viewed on college campuses. We look forward to adding to the body of knowledge in this area and supporting students to change this culture. — Jeanine Ward-Roof, Ph.D. Dean of Students Florida State University

» Dear Editor, I attended Texas Tech from 1968-1972. My father was stationed at the Pentagon, so I lived in the Washington, D.C., area during the summers. One summer (1970, I believe), my sister and I drove to Dinwiddie, Va., to visit Ruby Leigh Orgain at her home “Themismere.” She was so very welcoming and gracious. We had tea and she gave me a white violet plant. She also gave me a pink and white doily that she had made; I still have it. We spent several hours talking about life, dreams, Zeta Tau Alpha, and looking at her gardens. I wish I could remember specific things she said, but I mostly remember being “on my best behavior” and a bit shy. Thank goodness, my sister brought a camera. I only have this small photo, but it is a treasure. — Joan Studer MacCartee, GΤ Texas Tech University » Dear ZTA, I’m a 50-year member and received Themis today. It looks great! Love your “spiffing” it up with color, design and content. Zetas are the best and remain the best! — Charlotte Blake Hains, DZ Sam Houston State University » Dear ZTA, In February, I attended my first Zeta Day (since college) in Jackson, Tenn. I was blown away! What a truly talented,

Joan Studer MacCartee with Founder Ruby Leigh Orgain

hard-working, giving, focused and passionate group the Zetas are. Sisters, you are and will always be a part of a group of women who are intent on making the world a better place one project at a time, one relationship at a time. This organization has so much to offer in terms of networking, lifelong friends and improving our communities. The most cherished moment for me came when one of the presenters read The Creed out loud to the group, then we read it together out loud and then we all closed our eyes as it was read to us. You could have heard a pin drop as we all not just heard, but intently listened to and really internalized the words and what they mean— powerful! I encourage everyone, if you are looking to devote some volunteer time, to look no further than your local ZTA alumnae group. Do you hear The Call? — Wanda Stanfill Morrell, DM The University of Tennessee at Martin

Have a comment about an article in Themis or a ZTA program? Drop us a short e-mail at communicationsdept@ or a note to Communications Department, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. We reserve the right to edit or limit letters for space limitation.

Installation News

Iota Eta Chapter celebrates return to UNLV


ighty young women helped to restore the 199th link in Zeta Tau Alpha’s Chain of Chapters, when Iota Eta Chapter at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas was reactivated on April 17. Iota Eta Chapter, originally chartered in 1984, had been closed since 1994. In November 2009, the five members of UNLV’s Panhellenic Council chose ZTA to return and become its newest group. Traveling Leadership Consultants Sharon Binford, Annette Dimeck, Kat Lopez and Dani Murtagh canvassed the UNLV campus in late January and early February, telling thousands of students about ZTA’s extension recruitment effort. The Extension Team of National President Laura Ladewig Mauro, Extension Director Karen Farmer Mills, Vice President Alumnae II Diane Hanson Keegan, Foundation President Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, District President XI-B Carolyn Hof Carpenter, Director of New Chapters Dolores Gonzalez Gastineau and Executive Director Deb Ensor conducted infoviews with prospective new members the week of Feb. 15, with assistance from collegians from our California chapters: Theta Phi (California State University, Fullerton), Theta Omega (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona) and Kappa Theta (California State University, San Bernardino). Iota Eta Colony’s “New Crown in Town” Bid Day was held Friday, Feb. 19. “From the very first moment, this group immediately went up to each other and started introducing themselves with hugs and tears on Bid Day,” TLC Dani recalls. “We knew then there was something special about this group.” The new colony made an immediate impact on campus, organizing a Pink Out Day to promote breast cancer awareness, participating in Greek Week, competing in intramurals and volunteering at St. Jude’s Ranch. After completing the new member program, the colony was ready for Installation. Teams of collegians from the California chapters initiated the colony members on Friday, April 16, at the UNLV Newman Center. The Initiation of Colony President Stephanie Mejia, the Reactivation Service and the Installation of Officers services

TLC Sharon Binford, left, and Iota Eta President Stephanie Mejia, right, celebrated at the banquet with Stephanie’s younger sister.

were held on Saturday, April 17, at Sunset Station. Mrs. Mauro presided over the Reactivation Service with Mrs. Kirwan assisting. A celebratory luncheon, organized by Installation Chairman Aimee Wytko Wise, followed the services at Sunset Station. Mrs. Kirwan was the toastmistress, with ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation Vice President Kay McCoy McKelvey reading greetings and Mrs. Mauro delivering the keynote address. Mrs. Mauro praised the chapter for its leadership. “You worked overtime to create trust by participating in team-building activities at your new member retreat,” she said. “You have accepted the advice and counsel of your advisors, your Director of New Chapters and the Traveling Leadership Consultants so you could become stronger together.” Province President XIX-B Cindy Manuel Calm presented gifts to the new chapter, including a ritual storage trunk and individual pin boxes from the Las Vegas alumnae, a chapter banner from Theta Phi Chapter, a garment bag for ritual attire from Kappa Theta Chapter, and a silver President’s Cup from Theta Omega Chapter. Mrs. Mauro presented the traditional silver punch bowl gift from the Fraternity and TLC Sharon presented the baby cup symbolic of ZTA’s newest chapter. Ms. Ensor, vice president of development of the ZTA Foundation, presented Jane Neitz-Singleton, UNLV assistant director for fraternity & sorority life, with a $1,000 donation to the school’s scholarship fund in honor of Iota Eta. She also closed the luncheon by singing “Feels Like Home.”

Iota Eta Chapter, the 199th link in our Chain of Chapters, was first installed on June 2, 1984, and reactivated on April 17, 2010.

“The Reactivation Banquet was everything we expected and more,” Stephanie said. “We have gone from rookies to amazing women making a difference on our campus. Iota Eta has once again become part of the amazing sisterhood Zeta Tau Alpha offers. We will forever keep this day close to our hearts.” Summer 2010

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Assessment affirms value of ZTA experience By Heather Matthews Kirk, DK Director of Education and Leadership Initiatives


hroughout our 111 years, Zeta Tau Alpha’s leaders have written beautifully crafted statements to guide our organization. We have an object, a creed, a mission statement and a purpose. Our Fraternity strives to stay true to the values those statements espouse. Now we can quantitatively and positively show that we do. This fall, almost 10,000 Zeta Tau Alpha collegiate chapter members, representing all of our chapters and nearly 100 percent of our undergraduate members, completed the University Learning Outcomes Assessment (UniLOA), developed by student affairs professionals at Indiana State University. ZTA is the only women’s fraternity to conduct this assessment of its entire collegiate membership; four men’s organizations have also participated. The assessment measures student learning and development in seven areas: critical thinking, self-awareness, communication, diversity, citizenship, membership and leadership, and relationships. These areas are regarded as the “most critical” by employers, academics, managers and researchers, and are closely tied to the mission of ZTA to develop “the potential of each individual through innovative programming which emphasizes leadership development, service to others, academic achievement and continue personal growth.” In all seven areas, ZTA members rate higher in their development than non-affiliated college women, fraternity men and the all-student population, providing evidence that our members achieve greater personal growth than the average college student.

“When a member pledges Zeta Tau Alpha, we make a promise to her that she will have a values-based experience and emerge with significant personal growth,” says National President Laura Ladewig Mauro. “This assessment helps us to see how ZTA is making good on our promise. We no longer just think we are providing a valuable experience, we know we are because the survey data tells us.” ZTA began this first large-scale member assessment with the hope of using the important information collected to plan future programs, support, processes and outcomes. Chapter leaders administered the survey in September 2009. Collegians answered 130 multiple-choice questions about their growth, development, learning, demographics and even satisfaction with the ZTA experience. The data shows spikes in times of important ZTA programming, including after the New Member Education program, the time when many members are in leadership roles and participating in the Leadership Link of the Member Development program, and during the senior year. “The patterns of scores are remarkably different than we see in the general student population or in our fraternity sample,” said Dr. Mark Frederick, one of the creators of the UniLOA and assistant to the vice president of student affairs at Indiana State University. “The patterns suggest a causal relationship between membership in ZTA and a higher level of positive behaviors that accelerate overall growth, learning and development.” The data also shows a dramatic increase in development over non-affiliated women in the four areas of citizenship, leadership, relationship building and self awareness. This indicates that ZTA provides our members with valuable

University Learning Outcomes Assessment Results

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Four factors of involvement optimize personal development for Zetas opportunities in these significant areas, preparing students to be well-rounded, purposeful leaders and involved citizens. Additionally, the results show that certain practices and involvement levels boost ZTA member development: • Members who are involved in two other campus organizations have the highest levels in all seven areas. Members who are involved in four or more outside organizations have lower levels. • Members who held one leadership position outside ZTA had the highest levels of involvement. Members who hold three or more leadership positions have lower levels. • Members who volunteered for two hours each week had the highest levels of involvement. • The higher a member’s GPA, the higher she rated in all seven areas. This information will help us to encourage specific, effective involvement in campus activities, as well as promote positive academic and service programs. The assessment data also recognizes that students can become over-involved to a point where their activities are no longer positive for their development.

programming has provided them with meaningful service opportunities. 81% said they were very satisfied or satisfied with how ZTA programming has provided them with meaningful philanthropic opportunities. 88% said they had a very strong or strong understanding of ZTA national risk reduction policies. 82% said they were very satisfied or satisfied with how ZTA programming has provided them with meaningful interaction with alumnae.

This general information offers a wealth of knowledge to provide focus and guidance for chapter officers, advisors and National Officers. Before the fall semester begins, officers will receive a chapter-specific report to further help them shape their goals and programs. The Fraternity will administer the entire assessment again later in the 2010-2011 academic year. “There is an impressive, unbridled commitment on the part of ZTA leadership to learn from the results and to use them to drive already good programming, services and supports to an even higher level,” said Frederick. In April, the North-American Interfraternity Council (NIC) awarded ZTA its Laurel Wreath Award for this cutting-edge initiative that elevates fraternity and sorority life. “It is so exciting to be the first sorority championing this type of programming,” says Mrs. Mauro. “This assessment allows us to look at our individual chapters, their development and their needs. Although, as a whole, ZTA is excelling, we know that it can always improve, and this information is paving the way for us to do just that.”

Collegians also provided information on their level of satisfaction with ZTA in areas such as sisterhood, friendshipbuilding, mentoring, leadership development, service and philanthropy, academic support, and housing. Satisfaction rates showed areas we excel in, as well as areas for improvement. Here are some highlights: • 86% said they were very satisfied or satisfied with their overall experience in ZTA. • 89% said they have established friendships in ZTA very well or well. • 86% said they were very satisfied or satisfied with how ZTA programming has fostered a meaningful sisterhood. • 80% said they were very satisfied or satisfied with how ZTA programming has helped them develop life skills. • 90% of members who said they lived in ZTA housing said living there has fostered friendships for them very well or well. • 86% said they were very satisfied or satisfied with how ZTA

86% said they were very satisfied or satisfied with their overall experience in ZTA.

Read more about the assessment results at→ About Us→Member Assessment

Summer 2010

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Collegiate News

In reference to sisterhood:

Guiding chapters to excellence


ew programming provides our chapters

with valuable resources to recruit new members, strengthen sisterhood and reinforce our values. Learn how these tools help our collegians succeed.

Represents all reports received as of May 1, 2010.

 Epsilon

University of Arkansas Epsilon Chapter has found that the Zeta Is Forever New Member Program has allowed its new members to build relationships while learning. Favorite new member activities include breaking into groups to research and present a program on the Founders and holding a competition for creative ways to present The Creed. Members created items ranging from fish bowls and scrapbooks to bubble tape and lamp shades.

 Zeta

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville This year, the chapter has put an

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emphasis on sisterhood, hosting numerous events. At each chapter meeting, the women have also started a Sunshine Jar, given to a different member each week and filled with sweet notes from her sisters. Members find this is a great way to show their appreciation for one another and create stronger bonds.

 Theta

Bethany College Ready, Set, Recruit! helped Theta Chapter revamp its recruitment in positive ways. The guide gave the chapter new ideas on how to make recruitment more enjoyable for prospective new members and Zetas alike. An increase in the number of recruitment workshops, new skits and

the utilization of a different discussion method were just a few of the changes that made this year’s recruitment a success.

 Kappa

The University of Texas at Austin NLC’s The Business of Sisterhood helped Kappa Chapter realize the importance of marketing ZTA year-round, not just during recruitment. Now, the chapter distributes ZTA can koozies at its Pink Out Game and other events. The women have also started putting ZTA bookplates and philanthropy fun facts inside the magazines they collect for community businesses.

Collegiate News

 Lambda

Southwestern University The chapter hosts both large and small sisterhood events during the new member period to help the women get to know one another better. Each year, the new member retreat allows them to learn about ZTA and bond as a group, while the ice-breaker activities held during meetings help them to learn more about their new ZTA sisters.

 Mu

Drury University My Sister, My Responsibility has reinforced the chapter’s values and dedication toward hazing prevention. Members have found the Response Ability DVD and the What Are We Really About? modules helped them understand what kind of organization and women they want to be, and how respecting one another can help them reach their goals.

 Nu

The University of Alabama This year, Nu Chapter has focused on marketing itself to the campus community. Members have become more involved in campus activities and hosted a Panhellenic Weekend. In the process, members not only strengthened their ties with The University of Alabama but also with their sisters.

to recognize these things, the women have found it easier to set their goals and ensure they create a great chapter for all future Zetas.

of Michigan, so naturally, the Zeta Is Forever New Member Program played an important role for each member. The women were eager to learn all they could about ZTA while getting to know one another and preparing for Alpha Gamma’s bright future.

Phi Duke University Thanks in part to Ready, Set, Recruit!, Phi Chapter had a great recruitment this year. The new guide gave the women ideas for new bumping routines, decorations and songs. Every member found that they were able to put on a high-quality recruitment, have high return rates and recruit outstanding new members.

 Alpha Theta

Purdue University Through The Business of Sisterhood, chapter members were reminded that the ideals found in The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha are the Fraternity’s best selling points. Now, the group has re-dedicated itself to building a stronger sisterhood, something that will help in all aspects of ZTA life, including recruitment.

 Psi

University of Washington Psi Chapter used the information from NLC’s The Business of Sisterhood to help with its recruitment. The women utilized the Positioning the Brand section during its recruitment workshops and used the Shoppin’ the Town for the Perfect Crown skit to learn how to best meet the needs of each different prospective new member.

 Alpha Mu

Washburn University This year, the chapter analyzed its calendar to find ways the chapter can be more efficient. As a result, many events have been cross-programmed, allowing members to learn about ZTA and have fun while leaving plenty of time for sisterhood and academics.

 Alpha Gamma

Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College Alpha Nu Chapter loves how ZTA’s Zeta Is Forever program helps new members

University of Michigan In January, Alpha Gamma Chapter was re-installed at the University

 Omicron

Brenau University Omicron Chapter found that utilizing the Mini-Spring Recruitment plan and example letters found in Ready, Set, Recruit! helped distinguish ZTA from the other groups on campus and draw greater attendance at the chapter’s events.

Sigma Baker University The Why I am A ZTA module of My Sister, My Responsibility has helped Sigma Chapter members reflect on what they believe to be the most important aspects of ZTA membership. Being able

Psi Summer 2010

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Collegiate News Alpha Upsilon Chapter was given the opportunity to CROWN for the first time in many years. Ready, Set, Recruit! provided the tools to learn open recruitment techniques, build morale and recruit to Total. Members were grateful the guide “is everything you need to know about recruitment.”

 Alpha Phi Be ta PHI feel a part of the Fraternity. A favorite new member activity was speed-zetaing, where the women play a brief one-on-one, get-to-know-you game with every member of the chapter.

 Alpha Xi

Indiana University At a recruitment workshop, Alpha Xi Chapter members came up with different conversation topics to go with each letter of the alphabet. This list was then posted on the chapter room wall to help the women remember the topics. This activity, along with 4 Steps to a Perfect Pref were great tools the chapter found in Ready, Set, Recruit!.

Northwestern University The main reasons Alpha Phi Chapter enjoys the My Sister, My Responsibility modules are because they are fun and interactive. The chapter risk management chairman has found that the program allows for lively discussion and allows members to make the lessons engaging and meaningful.

 Alpha Psi

University of Missouri In the few years that Alpha Psi Chapter has been using the Zeta Is Forever New Member Program, it has seen increases in its retention rates. Each year, new members love using the guide’s String Activity, as it helps them to see how their new member class is connected. The activities also help the chapter create stronger bonds and become more devoted Zetas.

 Beta Gamma

Florida State University The Business of Sisterhood taught the women of Beta Gamma Chapter that ZTA is a brand that can be sold throughout the year. Through recruitment, the women are able to sell the benefits of ZTA membership to potential new members, and by being active on campus, members are able to show the Fraternity and its values in the best possible light.

Beta Delta Miami University While the modules cover different aspects of hazing, Beta Delta Chapter members enjoy the I Hazed and Why I am a ZTA sections of My Sister, My Responsibility the most. These two workshops allow members to see hazing from a different prospective—from someone who used to haze others—and rediscover what it is they love about being Zetas. The chapter also enjoys the step-by-step outlines and worksheets the program provides.

 Beta Theta

Franklin College Beta Theta Chapter has used many of the resources found in Ready, Set,

 Alpha Omicron

The University of Iowa Alpha Omicron implemented many team-building games members learned during The Business of Sisterhood portion of NLC. Ever since using the beach ball toss exercise during recruitment workshops, the women have really enjoyed learning fun facts about each other. They now even try to incorporate it into other activities so that members can continue to get to know each person better.

 Alpha Upsilon

Oklahoma State University When Oklahoma State University increased Panhellenic Total on campus,

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Be ta O m i c r o n

Collegiate News Recruit! to enhance its recruitment. The survey for new members has given the chapter valuable advice on what worked and didn’t work during this past year’s recruitment. The women were also able to find new recruitment activities to make the experience more fun for everyone.

 Beta Iota

Centenary College of Louisiana Beta Iota Chapter has found that My Sister, My Responsibility teaches the importance of living ZTA’s values to become better women and reinforces what it means to be a good sister. The Zeta Is Forever New Member Program has also allowed new and older members alike to create stronger bonds and learn the importance of ZTA membership.

 Beta Nu

New Mexico State University Ready, Set, Recruit! has helped Beta Nu Chapter in several ways. Activities on conversation techniques and how to remember a potential new member’s name have helped members become more comfortable and prepared for recruiting in the correct way. The chapter membership chairman has learned great ideas for how to best teach and lead workshops.

 Beta Omicron

University of South Carolina This year, Beta Omicron Chapter encouraged each of the new members to visit the new ZTA website for new members to find additional resources about ZTA and become more familiar with the organization. The group also enjoyed learning about ZTA’s nine founders because it was easy for them to relate to a group of best friends.

 Beta Phi

Michigan State University This year, the chapter completed a SWOT analysis to determine its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, helping it to recognize what to work on

Be ta N u and what to build upon. This analysis was especially useful in recruitment, as members focused on the type of women they want to be future members of ZTA. The Shoppin’ the Town for the Perfect Crown skit also helped Beta Phi to learn how to interact with different potential new members.

 Beta Psi

Stetson University Chapter officers took NLC’s idea of “selling sisterhood” back to the Beta Psi Chapter and implemented it into recruitment workshops. The women broke down ZTA’s different selling points, like sisterhood and philanthropy, and dedicated entire workshops to those topics. This year, members were able to better understand how to market ZTA after comparing it to the business world.

 Beta Omega

Union University The chapter rented a theater on campus so that all members could watch the Response Ability DVD from My Sister, My Responsibility together. After watching the videos and discussing ways to prevent hazing, each member now feels

more comfortable talking about this difficult subject. Chapter members also now feel closer with their sisters, having had an honest discussion about values and what ZTA means to them.

 Gamma Alpha

University of Miami Gamma Alpha Chapter members agree that the greatest aspects of their new member period were the new member retreat, receiving a Big Sister, Secret Sister Week, and History Night. Through these activities and others found in ZTA’s new member program, the women are able to see firsthand that Zeta really is Forever.

 Gamma Beta

Washington College In the past, Gamma Beta Chapter has always had success with Formal Recruitment, but with the help of Ready, Set, Recruit! the women believe they are now putting on one of the best recruitments on campus. By updating skits, videos, themes and more, the chapter was able to make its recruitment events more personal and tailored to the needs of the potential new members. Summer 2010

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Collegiate News

 Gamma Gamma

The University of Texas at El Paso All of ZTA’s programs have taught chapter members the value of ZTA’s sisterhood, but The Business of Sisterhood at NLC 2009, taught Gamma Gamma Chapter how to show that value with pride. Members now understand that each member plays an important role in carrying the best parts of ZTA with them out into the world.

 Gamma Epsilon

Pennsylvania State University My Sister, My Responsibility has empowered Gamma Epsilon Chapter to confront hazing directly. By clearly defining hazing and steps to combat it, the women have been able to reinforce a zero tolerance policy. The program has also allowed members to strengthen friendships and learn to respect each of their sisters.

 Gamma Zeta

Mississippi State University Gamma Zeta members used the conversation tips and techniques offered in Ready, Set, Recruit! during Formal Recruitment, and they really paid off.

Feedback from new members revealed that ZTA’s conversations were the best, most relaxing, and most genuine on the row. The chapter also utilized the example bumping group techniques that helped each member recall the potential new members they had met.

 Gamma Iota

University of Florida During My Sister, My Responsibility workshops, the chapter split into groups to discuss hazing on their campus, where students can go for help, alternatives to hazing, and steps to put a stop to any problems. This activity greatly helped Gamma Iotas understand more about hazing and how to prevent it.

 Gamma Kappa

James Madison University While it is often a daunting task, Gamma Kappa Chapter new members love memorizing The Creed and fully understanding what it means. The chapter’s favorite line is, “Remembering always that the foundation precept of Zeta Tau Alpha was love, the greatest of all things.” The members love that line so much that they painted it on a wall in

their chapter room to remind each other every day of the love they have for all Zetas.

 Gamma Mu

University of Nebraska at Omaha Gamma Mu Chapter officers brought several new public relations ideas back to campus with them after NLC 2009. One of these ideas was to send information about its Kick Out Cancer to the local newspaper and radio stations. This allowed the women to sell the ZTA brand to the Omaha community, showing them that ZTA cares and inviting them to help win the fight against breast cancer.

 Gamma Nu

University of Virginia The Gamma Nu recruitment chairman used ZTA’s new Ready, Set, Recruit! guide while planning almost every stage of Formal Recruitment. The most heavilyused sections were the conversation techniques, planning workshops and tools sections. The entire chapter believes the guide helped to secure a fantastic new member class and allowed members to have a great time in the recruitment process.

 Gamma Xi

Indiana University of Pennsylvania This year, the chapter conducted a SWOT analysis to determine its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This allowed officers to create a strategic plan with five goals for the chapter to accomplish throughout the year. The main goal was to improve their involvement with other Greeks and clubs on campus.

 Gamma Omicron

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Central Michigan University This year, the chapter hosted a few separate recruitment workshops for the chapter’s new members. These meetings gave the women the opportunity to learn more in-depth information about how recruitment works and ask any questions. Then, when the entire

Collegiate News apply that to ZTA. After discussing the chapter’s strengths and weaknesses, they set goals to help better the chapter and its individual members. Some of these goals were to raise GPAs, become more involved on campus, and increase chapter participation.

 Gamma Psi

GAMMA RHO chapter met for a workshop, the women could focus more on perfecting their conversation techniques and practicing for the actual events.

 Gamma Pi

The University of Georgia Gamma Pi Chapter uses My Sister, My Responsibility to teach members not only about the importance of respecting one another, but also about respecting themselves. Campus health center staff members have visited the chapter to talk about common issues facing college women. These talks have taught members about self respect, the importance of accountability within the chapter, and how to recognize the beauty in everyone.

 Gamma Rho

Auburn University After NLC 2009, Gamma Rho Chapter began using technology to promote its chapter. In the past year, the chapter updated its website frequently, created a chapter Facebook page and stressed to its members the importance of eliminating unflattering photos and information from the Internet. The women also invited local alumnae to help with recruitment, giving the chapter much-

needed support and creating a stronger bond with the alumnae.

 Gamma Tau

Texas Tech University The chapter took the advice in Ready, Set, Recruit! and created new committees to work with the chapter’s recruitment chairman. These committees now help relieve stress by making decisions on items such as food and decorations. The entire chapter also learned new conversation topics and how to market ZTA by having positive attitudes and upholding a good reputation.

 Gamma Phi

University of North Texas Gamma Phi initiated members participated in a speed dating program with the new members. This activity was held a few weeks before Big/Little Week, giving the new members the opportunity to get to know the initiated members better before choosing a Big Sister.

Texas Christian University This year, Gamma Psi Chapter implemented the surveys found in Ready, Set, Recruit!. This has allowed the chapter to learn from new members and transfer students how to improve their recruitment and programming. The creation of recruitment teams also helped the women conduct a successful recruitment.

 Gamma Omega

University of Houston This year, My Sister, My Responsibility helped members learn exactly what activities are considered hazing, and many members were surprised to learn that there were aspects of hazing they did not recognize. The program has helped each member recognize the importance of respecting others and strengthen their sisterhood.

 Delta Beta

Florida Southern College The idea of conducting a SWOT analysis and talking with Zetas from other chapters were the best aspects of NLC 2009 for Delta Beta Chapter officers. The women also took home new icebreaker activities, games to help build sister bonding, ideas about fun things to

 Gamma Chi

Indiana State University At NLC 2009, chapter officers learned about product development and how to

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 Delta Iota

Clarion University of Pennsylvania By conducting a SWOT analysis and identifying the chapter’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, chapter officers were able to reflect on chapter goals and the purpose of ZTA. Because of the analysis, this year, the chapter focused on improving financial responsibilities and grade point averages.

 Delta Kappa De lta T h e ta do in chapter meetings and tips on how to keep seniors involved in chapter activities.

 Delta Gamma

High Point University The Conversation and Planning section of Ready, Set, Recruit! helped chapter members become more confident in their conversations skills and in handling any potential “sticky situation” topics. The Shoppin’ the Town for the Perfect Crown skit from NLC also helped Delta Gamma members prepare for recruitment.

 Delta Delta

Baldwin-Wallace College Chapter officers visit new member meetings to talk about their responsibilities. These visits give the new members an early understanding of how the chapter works and makes them feel a part of the ZTA team. The new members also enjoy learning ZTA songs and cheers that they can use when cheering on their sisters at various campus events.

 Delta Zeta

Sam Houston State University Zetas at Sam Houston State University have used the ideas from Marketing 1.0: Product with a Purpose, from NLC 2009. The chapter’s product—sisterhood—

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has been the main focus of chapter programming all year. During the spring semester, the women decided to forego hosting social events and planned a series of sisterhood activities instead. Through this process, the chapter feels it has grown closer together by instilling ZTA values.

 Delta Eta

West Texas A&M University In the past, Delta Eta Chapter members felt they had difficulty “closing the deal” with potential new members during recruitment. After using the 4 Steps to a Perfect Pref section of Ready, Set, Recruit! the women now feel more comfortable talking during Preference Night and effectively showing others what ZTA means to them.

 Delta Theta

Ohio Northern University This past academic year brought a big change to the Ohio Northern University campus—the implementation of a fall informal recruitment. Delta Theta Chapter was able to meet the new challenge head-on. Ready, Set, Recruit! helped them learn everything they needed to know about the new recruitment structure; while The Business of Sisterhood helped the women better promote their chapter on campus.

Louisiana State University This year, as part of the new member program, Delta Kappa Chapter new members enjoyed a retreat at the home of the new member coordinator. This event was the perfect opportunity for the women to get to know each other in a relaxed environment. While there, the new members played games, watched movies, made cookies and sat by the campfire.

 Delta Lambda

Georgia State University In the past year, the chapter has utilized several aspects from Ready, Set, Recruit! such as bump groups, the Formal Recruitment checklist, example workshops, and more. Chapter members also found many of the conversation tips useful, helping them to have a smooth, successful recruitment.

 Delta Nu

The University of New Orleans Delta Nu Chapter instituted a new discussion technique found within Ready, Set, Recruit!. Chapter members found that the new process greatly helped them remember each potential new member they met. The chapter also learned how to better cross-program sisterhood events and CROWN activities, helping them to reach Total and strengthen sisterhood.

 Delta Omicron

Lenoir-Rhyne College Speed-Zeta-ing, the Memory Game, and the acronym “Freda Hamm” to

Collegiate News remember the Founders’ names are just a few of the things Delta Omicron Chapter does to help new members through the educational process. Big Sis/Little Sis mixers and ZTA’s Friendship Ceremony are also used to help bond the chapter closer together.

 Delta Pi

Eastern New Mexico University Delta Pi Chapter members find My Sister, My Responsibility to be a helpful tool in building up their sisterhood. Chapter members found the Why I am a ZTA section to be the most beneficial because it allowed them to learn why each of their sisters joined ZTA and what the Fraternity means to them.

 Delta Sigma

Lamar University At NLC 2009, the chapter learned how to market sorority life on a positive note. Since then, the women have been busy creating flyers for events, selling more T-shirts than in years past and participating in more activities that benefit the campus and community. Each of these things has helped the chapter promote a positive image for ZTA.

 Delta Upsilon

West Virginia Wesleyan College This year, the chapter used new techniques and ideas from Ready, Set, Recruit! during Formal Recruitment to make its post-recruitment discussions more efficient. The chapter also adapted many of the conversation techniques and found that each member had an easier and more comfortable time talking with potential new members.

 Delta Chi

William Jewell University With the William Jewell University campus switching from fall recruitment to a deferred, spring recruitment, the chapter found that the marketing skills learned at NLC 2009 could not have come at a better time. The chapter strengthened itself from within during the fall semester and became more visible on campus, allowing potential new members to see how great ZTA was before Formal Recruitment even began!

 Delta Psi

Samford University This year, in order to promote ZTA within the Samford University

De lta K a p pa community, chapter members found inexpensive and easy ways to present a unified and enthusiastic front to the potential new members. Members purchased and wore matching Zeta shirts to class and while attending numerous events around campus.

 Delta Omega

Westminster College One of Delta Omega Chapter’s goals was to make sure each member projected a positive image of themselves and ZTA to the Westminster campus. Chapter members found that all of ZTA’s programming has helped strengthen their sisterhood and has taught them to be better women.

 Zeta Alpha

University of Evansville During a hazing prevention workshop, each member received a notecard with the word “truth” on one side, and “false” on the other. The chapter was then told a statement about hazing and asked to determine if it was true or false. Through this exercise, chapter members were able to discover several activities that they never knew were considered to be hazing. Now, hazing is no longer a dreaded subject within the chapter, but one that can teach members and bring everyone closer together.

 Zeta Gamma De lta C h i

Youngstown State University This fall, Zeta Gamma Chapter planned activities for the entire campus in honor of National Hazing Prevention Week. The women took photos of various Greek and Summer 2010

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Collegiate News campus leaders holding signs saying, “I’m against hazing because…” Then they made posters with these pictures and the person’s response. The chapter also created a large banner for students to sign, pledging their support for hazing prevention.

 Zeta Lambda

Rider University Zeta Lambda Chapter used pieces of both Ready, Set, Recruit! and The Business of Sisterhood program to enhance its recruitment this year. The creation of special recruitment committees managed each day of Formal Recruitment and helped the events run smoothly. “Elevator pitches” learned during NLC also helped members tell potential new members why ZTA is great.

 Zeta Nu

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Zeta Nu Chapter new members love the Zeta Is Forever new member DVD. Hearing from Zetas of all ages reinforces to each woman the idea that Zeta is forever. The chapter also takes advantage of numerous bonding activities to help increase sisterhood.

 Zeta Xi

Georgia Southern University To help new members get to know all of their sisters, the chapter hosts a progressive dinner. On this evening, new members have mock-tails as a group, then appetizers with sophomores, lasagna and salad with the juniors, and dessert with the seniors. Every year, this is a favorite activity for the entire chapter.

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 Zeta Sigma

The University of Texas at Arlington This year, Zeta Sigma Chapter had a fantastic recruitment and a 100 percent initiation rate. Ready, Set, Recruit! helped the chapter prefect its conversation skills and revamp its Philanthropy Day. The Plotting the Course section of The Business of Sisterhood also helped Zeta Sigma Chapter recognize its faults and learn how to distinguish itself from the other sororities on campus.

 Zeta Upsilon

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania At NLC 2009, chapter delegates focused on the leadership sections of The Business of Sisterhood. As a result, this year, each chapter officer dedicated herself to fixing problems and being a positive role model for her sisters. Improving chapter finances and getting members to see the “big picture” of the Fraternity also became chapter goals.

 Zeta Psi

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Jacksonville State University The Shoppin’ the Town for the Perfect Crown skit from NLC 2009 not only helped Zeta Psi Chapter members with their conversations skills before Formal Recruitment, but it also provided a much

needed upgrade to the chapter’s skit day. By modifying the skit for potential new members, the chapter was able to use the skit during recruitment and show the women how membership in ZTA can meet all of their needs.

 Zeta Omega

Ferris State University In its hazing prevention programming, Zeta Omega Chapter implemented skit scenarios demonstrating what is and what is not hazing. It also uses true and false quizzes to help members understand small actions that are considered hazing. Each chapter member agrees that these activities help them recognize sticky situations before they happen.

 Eta Alpha

Georgia Southwestern University This year, the chapter made a point to use social media to its advantage. Chapter members coordinated their Facebook statuses and photos to promote chapter events and their Homecoming Queen candidate who took home the crown! Positive social media usage helped members project great images and share what ZTA means to them.

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 Eta Beta

Duquesne University NLC 2009 drove home the importance of maintaining strong chapter finances for Eta Beta Chapter delegates. So this year, the chapter made it a point to stick to its budget and find ways to spend less money. As a reward, some of the saved money was used to host various sisterhood activities.

 Eta Gamma

West Chester University of Pennsylvania With the help of Ready, Set, Recruit!, Eta Gamma Chapter members have been able to examine which recruitment strategies best work for their chapter. An increase in chapter marketing has also helped the chapter find more women who make a great fit in Zeta Tau Alpha.

 Eta Epsilon

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Looking at recruitment as sales helped Eta Epsilon Chapter now view sisterhood as a product to sell to potential new members. The chapter also conducted a SWOT analysis during officer training in order to identify areas of opportunity and growth.

of recruitment. Every few years, the chapter likes to alter its recruiting style in order to keep ideas and activities fresh. This year, chapter officers found even more new ideas with the help of the guide.

 Eta Iota

Valdosta State University With the help of Ready, Set, Recruit!, Eta Iota Chapter was able to update its workshop week. Using many of the suggested activities, chapter members not only prepared for recruitment, but also had fun at the same time. The laid-back approach to the workshop week really helped the women feel more at-ease and take positive attitudes into each recruitment event.

 Eta Kappa

University of Central Florida Eta Kappa Chapter delegates loved the Cold Sales—Sales 2.0 presentation at NLC 2009 so much that they contacted the program presenter and asked for a copy of the PowerPoint presentation. Throughout the year, the women have used it to teach the chapter small lessons about how best promote their sisterhood and improve chapter operations.

 Eta Lambda

College of Charleston This year, the chapter has lived by the idea of recruiting every day. By asking each member to participate in more campus events, the chapter has been able to improve its image in the College of Charleston community and strengthen its sisterhood. As a result, members agree that both the number and quality of the women that they recruited have increased.

 Eta Mu

Augusta State University Recruitment during the 2009-2010 academic year was very important for Eta Mu Chapter. For the first time in many years, ZTA was no longer the only Panhellenic sorority on campus to participate in Formal Recruitment at Augusta State. With the addition of a second group on campus, Ready, Set, Recruit! proved to be a valuable tool to help the women adjust to a little friendly competition.

 Eta Nu

Radford University For Eta Nu Chapter, the most effective module in My Sister, My Responsibility was

 Eta Zeta

Elon University Eta Zeta Chapter provides an active calendar of events for its new member class. As a class, the new members decorate sweatshirts and complete the campus ropes course. They also go to brunch, have a bake-off and go to lacrosse games with initiated members. These activities have bonded the chapter so much that the new members took the initiative to plan more events to promote sisterhood within the chapter.

 Eta Theta

Missouri University of Science & Technology Eta Theta Chapter was able to utilize the SMART Goals section of Ready, Set, Recruit! to help with all aspects

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Collegiate News new rotation system, chapter members were able to easily, and comfortably, talk to numerous potential new members. Updated conversation workshops and discussion sheets also helped recruitment run smoothly.

 Eta Phi

 Eta Tau E ta R h o the Response Ability DVD. After watching the video, the entire chapter gathered in a circle and had an active discussion about hazing prevention and what acts can constitute as hazing. By discussing these important topics as a group, chapter members feel more confident in their prevention efforts.

 Eta Xi

Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University In addition to completing the new member workbook, Eta Xi new members participate in numerous sisterhood activities to help them get to know one another and Zeta Tau Alpha. Each year, the new member coordinator also asks each new member’s parents to write a letter to their daughter, telling her how proud they are of her. Reading these letters is always a highlight of the new member period.

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte The Big/Little Sister program has always been important to Eta Tau Chapter. This year, the chapter made a few changes to the program that helped all members. Now, Big Sisters are asked to meet guidelines like maintaining an acceptable GPA and representing ZTA in an appropriate manner. This not only helps new members receive quality mentoring, but also encourages all members to become better women and students.

 Eta Upsilon

the program, chapter members are now able to answer any questions potential new members may have about hazing. It also helps to reinforce that ZTA is an organization of integrity.

Missouri Southern State University For Eta Upsilon Chapter, the My Sister, My Responsibility program not only helps bring the chapter closer together by reinforcing the value of respect, but also helps with recruitment. Because of

Illinois State University At the beginning of each new member meeting, new members enjoy watching parts of the Zeta Is Forever DVD. Different chapter officers also visit each meeting to give the new members a better understanding of chapter operations and to answer any questions that they may have.

 Theta Gamma

Texas A&M University Theta Gamma Chapter had an added resource when working with the My Sister, My Responsibility program this year. Ann Goodman, the developer of the Why I am a ZTA section, is also the Director of Greek Life at Texas A&M and helped provide extra guidance with this module. With Ann’s help, members had the opportunity to examine ZTA’s values and the importance of sisterhood.

 Eta Pi

Wright State University The ideas from The Business of Sisterhood helped chapter members see the importance of improving their sisterhood. By looking at sisterhood as a product to sell to those on campus, the women made it a goal to show potential new members that ZTA is a quality, trusted product.

 Eta Rho

The University of North Alabama With the help of Ready, Set, Recruit!, Eta Rho Chapter increased its recruitment return rates by 20 percent this year. By learning about and implementing a

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 Theta Delta

Salisbury University The chapter’s new members enjoy not only learning about ZTA, but also becoming closer to their sisters. Every year, the new members participate in the team-building activity called Fill the Bucket. Each person writes something she likes about every other new member, the thoughts are read out loud, and then each new member gets to “fill her bucket” with the things that her sisters have said about her.

 Theta Zeta

Wofford College This year, the chapter implemented yearround marketing techniques to help promote the chapter. These activities not only helped draw attendance at chapter philanthropy events, but also helped potential new members see Zetas in action on campus and learn more about the chapter before recruitment.

 Theta Eta

Stephen F. Austin University After NLC 2009, Theta Eta Chapter officers taught members about pipeline sales and how to do an elevator pitch to recruit new members. As a result, the chapter was better able to promote ZTA across campus and stay true to the idea of recruiting every day. Both Ready, Set, Recruit! and The Business of Sisterhood have been useful resources in helping the chapter host successful CROWN parties, recruitment workshops and events.

 Theta Theta

Arkansas Tech University To improve chapter operations, officers began using PowerPoint presentations that grab the attention of members at meetings. The implementation of a phone tree has also helped the chapter communicate more effectively when important announcements need to be made. This year, another goal was to create smarter budgets, allowing the chapter to save money while still having fun.

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 Theta Iota

University of North Florida After analyzing the chapter’s strengths and major selling points, members discovered how to best sell ZTA. Each member created her own elevator pitch to grab the attention of potential new members and explain how ZTA can satisfy their needs. The women also promoted the chapter by creating T-shirts, jewelry, banners and accessories to introduce ZTA symbols to non-Greek women.

 Theta Kappa

University of Missouri-St. Louis By utilizing My Sister, My Responsibility, Theta Kappa Chapter members are now more informed about the often-taboo topic of hazing. Each woman responded to the program’s Response Ability DVD and appreciated hearing from fellow Greeks about the effects hazing has on everyone, from the victim and the hazer to the bystander. Because of the program, the chapter feels even more grateful for its ZTA values.

 Theta Nu

Auburn University at Montgomery New members at Theta Nu Chapter keep a journal each week to reflect

on the various topics covered in the Zeta Is Forever program. The chapter has found that these journals help the members retain the information and better discover how ZTA’s values can fit into their own lives. Various sisterhood activities also help the women bond and create lifelong friendships.

 Theta Xi

Rutgers University Looking at a sorority as a business rather than as just something to do for fun had a positive impact on how Theta Xi Chapter members now view ZTA and Greek life in general. This year, the women began to use marketing techniques and analyze chapter operations. By improving these aspects of sorority life, members have positively impacted how the community, other campus organizations and potential “clients” or new members view their chapter.

 Theta Omicron

Baylor University Each year, the chapter’s new members meet for a sleepover to bond with their new sisters. At this event, the women recreate the Mystifying Picture and participate in a candle pass activity. Summer 2010

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Collegiate News During a regular new member meeting, the chapter invites local alumnae to meet with the new members, tell the significance of the strawberry and help prove that Zeta is forever.

 Theta Phi

 Theta Sigma

Winthrop University For the first time in 10 years, Theta Sigma Chapter had 100 percent return rates each day of Formal Recruitment. By creating a campus marketing campaign and hosting workshops just for new members, the women were able to tailor the recruitment process for every member. The chapter also created a touching, sisterhood PowerPoint that was a highlight for Zetas and potential new members alike.

 Theta Tau

towards achieving the same goals, like improving GPAs, increasing member accountability and expanding their philanthropy into the city.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill By conducting SWOT analyses of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats during officer training and a few chapter meetings throughout the year, the chapter as a whole was able to create a vision for Theta Tau. This helped all of the women see that they can work

California State University, Fullerton My Sister, My Responsibility has allowed the chapter members to reflect on their actions and how they can affect others. The Bystander Effect module especially helped the women see how they can help prevent potentially harmful situations. Overall, the chapter now feels more confident in its hazing prevention efforts and is even more grateful for its ZTA values.

 Theta Chi

George Mason University This year, Theta Chi Chapter restructured its recruitment workshops and saw great results. Members were better able to retain the information and have all of their questions answered. This helped each member recruit with confidence and purpose. Now, thanks to the updated recruitment styles, the chapter has more members than it has had in years.

 Theta Psi

Texas State University-San Marcos To help with recruitment and marketing, Theta Psi Chapter members held a group discussion to envision the qualities of an ideal chapter. To make that vision real, the women have worked to promote the chapter through public relations and the actions of each member. The group has also taken a closer look at how to sell ZTA to all types of potential new members.

 Theta Omega

California Polytechnic State University, Pomona During the new member period, Theta Omega Chapter uses the new member workbook to have the women journal about their feelings and what they have learned. The new members are then encouraged to save their workbooks as mementos. Every year around Initiation, the older members like to look back and read their thoughts about their first ZTA rituals and what the Fraternity meant to them then and now.

Iota Alpha

Robert Morris University This year, Iota Alpha Chapter used bump groups during Formal Recruitment based on suggestions from Ready, Set, Recruit!. The chapter also tried having members wear matching outfits for the first time. Both of these changes helped the chapter become more memorable for the potential new members, and the chapter was able to double the size of its new member class from the year before.

Iota Gamma

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The College of New Jersey Iota Gamma’s chapter website was completely restructured this year with the goal of informing potential new members about chapter activities and the benefits of membership in ZTA. In addition to the new website, the women also focused on Facebook and other social networking sites to publicize chapter programming and philanthropy events and to interact with more potential new members.

Collegiate News

Iota Omicron

Lander University In addition to having chapter advisors talk during the My Sister, My Responsibility program, Iota Omicron Chapter Zetas also attend a campus-wide hazing prevention program each year. At this event, campus police officers speak to the Greek organizations about the importance of hazing prevention and the possible consequences of hazing.

Iota Pi T h e ta Tau

Iota Delta

Towson University At NLC 2009, Iota Delta Chapter delegates learned how to use Facebook to help promote the chapter. By purchasing advertisements on the social networking site, the women were able to reach out to potential new members in a different way. Using the cocktail bump group system for the first time also helped the group improve conversations during Formal Recruitment.

Iota Theta

Georgia Institute of Technology This chapter’s new members love getting together for their meetings and the opportunities they have to form lasting friendships. At their meetings, the women often play ZTA Jeopardy to help them learn about the Fraternity in a relaxed environment. Sisterhood activities with the other chapter members also help these new Zetas transition to sorority life.

Iota Iota

Fairleigh Dickinson University The new member DVD is always one of the favorite parts of Zeta Is Forever for Iota Iota Chapter members because it not only allows them to learn about the Fraternity, but also to hear what

ZTA memberships means for various alumnae. The Living the Mission and Values module of My Sister, My Responsibility has also proved to be a good supplement for the new member program. This program allows the new members to associate hazing prevention with the ideals of Zeta Tau Alpha.

Iota Nu

Susquehanna University Using the elevator pitch techniques learned at NLC not only helped chapter members feel more comfortable with their recruitment conversations, but also helped ZTA stand out amongst the other groups on campus. Each member focused her pitch around two ideas—telling the potential new members what was unique about ZTA and how the Fraternity met her needs.

Iota Xi

University of Dayton At NLC, the chapter’s delegates learned the importance of promoting ZTA every day, not just during recruitment. By examining Iota Pi Chapter’s features, advantages and benefits, the women were able to separate the chapter from the other NPC “brands” on campus. This year, chapter members also reflected on what attracted them to ZTA to help them sell the chapter to potential new members.

Iota Rho

East Carolina University This year, the chapter’s new members created a new, all-chapter service project. The women baked cookies for all of the campus Panhellenic sororities and for a local battered women’s shelter. The new members took a retreat to Theta Tau Chapter’s Franklin 5K philanthropy event to support a good cause and see firsthand that the Fraternity’s reach extends outside of their campus.

Iota Sigma

Old Dominion University The worksheets and real-life examples in My Sister, My Responsibility have helped

Christian Brothers University To help its new members get to know their new sisters, Iota Xi Chapter creates a scrapbook with photos and information about every member of the chapter. Each member also writes a short message in the scrapbook, welcoming the new members into the chapter and telling them what ZTA means to them.

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 Kappa Alpha

Colorado State University This year, Kappa Alpha Chapter found the Living the Mission and Values module of My Sister, My Responsibility to be the most effective. This section reminded each member of her personal values and the values of ZTA and how each are connected. Now, the chapter is making a more conscious effort to put the values of The Creed into action, both within the Fraternity and on campus.

 Kappa Beta

K a p pa P h i chapter members to understand what activities are considered hazing and when these things may occur. As a result, members’ attitudes toward hazing are much more serious; they no longer think of hazing as something that just happens in fraternities, but as something that can happen in scenarios they never expected.

 Iota Phi

North Carolina State University By adding ice breakers and teambuilding activities to its recruitment workshops, the chapter was not only able to improve its recruitment but also to become closer as a chapter by learning more about each sister. With the new, laid-back feel of the workshops, the women have learned that to have a good recruitment, the chapter has to be strong and positive within.

 Iota Chi

Middle Tennessee State University In December, Iota Chi Chapter celebrated its reorganization with the Initiation of 80 new members. These women loved the Zeta Is Forever New Member Program and getting to learn about ZTA and The Creed. Chapter members found My Pledge

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Pin to be a great activity that not only built sisterhood, but also loyalty and commitment to Zeta Tau Alpha.

 Iota Psi

Rochester Institute of Technology At the beginning of the school year, Iota Psi Chapter conducted a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for each area of chapter operations. Then as a chapter, the women discussed innovative improvements and how they could set a new standard of excellence on the RIT campus. Looking at ZTA’s features, advantages and benefits also helped the chapter see the importance of each committee.

 Iota Omega

University of Maryland Each year, the chapter’s new members look forward to a retreat to spend time with one another and learn more about ZTA. This year, the chapter also utilized the sample parents’ letter in the Guide to New Member Education and encouraged the members’ parents to write letters to their daughters, congratulating them on their Initiation into the Fraternity.

Presbyterian College Kappa Beta Chapter has realized that it can better serve its community and school if it first gets to know the needs and wants of its chapter members. To do this, officers have opened the lines of communication to members through forums and a comment box. These innovations help the chapter better understand its sisters and their needs.

 Kappa Zeta

Clemson University Some of the chapter members’ favorite new member activities are the PostInitiate Education meetings. Meeting together as a new member class after Initiation allows the women to continue bonding and proves that ZTA cares about helping its members throughout their collegiate experience. It also gives the members an opportunity to ask questions about ZTA rituals and sorority life as they move forward.

 Kappa Eta

Rockhurst University While preparing for Formal Recruitment this year, the chapter used many of the conversation techniques found in Ready, Set, Recruit!. After discussing these techniques as a group, the members then acted out possible conversations they could have with potential new members. This activity was not only fun, but also helpful as the members became more confident in their conversation skills.

Collegiate News

 Kappa Theta

California State University, San Bernardino Kappa Theta Chapter new members always enjoy learning The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha. Because the Zeta Is Forever new member workbook breaks The Creed into parts, each member is able to break down the material and have the chance to comprehend and appreciate ZTA’s history and values on a higher level.

 Kappa Iota

Moravian College This year, the chapter has focused on the idea of recruiting every day of the year. Making sure each member shows herself in a positive light within the chapter, on campus and on social media websites, Kappa Iota Chapter has strengthened its positive image to potential new members. As a result, the women pledged the most new members of any group on campus.

 Kappa Lambda

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh While the chapter has always had a zero-tolerance policy about hazing, the My Sister, My Responsibility program has provided new insight. Each woman has

learned how to ensure that all of her sisters stay safe and how everyone can work together to protect the chapter. Members agree that the real-life examples helped the members to see that hazing can happen to anyone.

 Kappa Mu

Linfield College This year, the chapter combined recruitment and philanthropy for the first time. During Philanthropy Night of Formal Recruitment, the Zetas and potential new members decorated white paper bags. These were then used as luminaries at a special ceremony during Kappa Mu Chapter’s Think Pink! Week to honor and remember those who have fought, or are still fighting, breast cancer.

 Kappa Nu

Monmouth University During Formal Recruitment, Kappa Nu Chapter created a PowerPoint presentation to help the potential new members learn about ZTA in a fun, exciting new way. The women also incorporated more music into their recruitment events, allowing them to help set the appropriate tones for each round of recruitment.

K a p pa P i

 Kappa Xi

The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey During one of the chapter’s My Sister, My Responsibility workshops, each member held onto one long piece of string. The facilitator then asked a series of questions about campus involvement, chapter involvement, Greek unity and more. Each time a member answered “yes” to a question, she let go of the string. In the end, the goal was to have no piece of the string on the floor. This activity helped to reinforce the fact that each member plays a part in the success of the chapter.

 Kappa Omicron

Merrimack College The Why I am a Zeta module of My Sister, My Responsibility was very effective for Kappa Omicron Chapter because it helped members remember why they joined ZTA and what the Fraternity means to them. The real life scenarios in the Response Ability DVD directly related to the chapter and demonstrated how each member should handle potentially risky situations.

 Kappa Pi

K a p pa C h i

University of South Carolina Aiken With the help of Ready, Set, Recruit!, Kappa Pi chapter used bump groups for the first time during its Formal Recruitment. These new groups helped ensure that several Zetas met with each potential Summer 2010

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Collegiate News new member. This not only helps ZTA get to know each woman, but also helps the potential members learn even more about the Fraternity.

 Kappa Rho

University of South Carolina Upstate To help make the new member program fun, the chapter offers several different activities for the women. Some of the activities include recreating the Mystifying Picture and asking them to bring a significant personal item to one of the meetings. The new member then shares why the item is important to her, allowing her new sisters to get to know her better.

L a m b da G a m m a

 Kappa Sigma

University of South Florida Using the Shoppin’ the Town for the Perfect Crown skit from NLC 2009, Kappa Sigma Chapter members are now better able to identify potential new sisters and to look for how well they would fit in the chapter. At NLC, the women also learned how to improve chapter marketing within the Greek and USF communities.

 Kappa Tau

Florida Gulf Coast University Ready, Set, Recruit! helped teach chapter members how to ask open-ended questions during recruitment in order to learn more about each potential new member and help them feel more at ease. By improving the members’ conversation skills, the chapter was able to boast a 99 percent retention rate and win the recruitment award at Florida Zeta Day this past January.

 Kappa Upsilon

Georgia College & State University Kappa Upsilon Chapter members used the 4 Steps to a Perfect Pref section of Ready, Set, Recruit! to help each member improve her conversations during the Preference Round and help “sell” ZTA. The chapter also created a new recruitment skit, featuring more chapter members, that allowed potential members to see more of the chapter’s personalities and find a ZTA with whom they could dentify.

 Kappa Phi

Christopher Newport University This year, the chapter conducted a SWOT analysis to determine its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, greatly helping the chapter set appropriate goals for the year. After NLC 2009, the chapter officers impressed upon their members that by representing themselves well, they are also representing the ZTA brand and helping others to see just how great the Fraternity is.

 Kappa Chi K a p pa O m e g a

24 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Shorter University The Zeta Is Forever new member DVD is always a favorite part of the new member

program for Kappa Chi members. As part of a smaller chapter, new members love getting to hear from Zetas of all ages and discover just how wide the organization is. The chapter also hosts various, fun sisterhood events so that the new members can learn about ZTA and get to know one another better.

 Kappa Omega

Saint Louis University In order to market itself to the Saint Louis University campus and potential new members, Kappa Omega Chapter instituted “We Wear Pink on Wednesdays” and tips on how members can help promote the chapter. The women have also focused on becoming a positive Panhellenic partner by participating in more fraternity and sorority events and supporting the Greek community.

 Lambda Alpha

Sacred Heart University As one of ZTA’s newest chapters, Lambda Alpha Chapter officers appreciated attending NLC to learn more about effectively running a chapter. The women have used the marketing tips from The Business of Sisterhood to promote the chapter on campus year-round.

Collegiate News These promotions have greatly helped the new chapter inform the Sacred Heart University campus and potential new members about ZTA.

 Lambda Beta

University of Rhode Island The 2009-2010 school year marked the first time Lambda Beta Chapter participated in the University of Rhode Island’s Formal Recruitment. With the help of Ready, Set, Recruit!, the chapter members were prepared and able to end the week with great results. The new guide also helped the chapter host successful CROWN events to recruit

several additional women. It also taught the chapter the importance of recruiting incredible new Zetas year-round.

 Lambda Gamma

The University of Texas at San Antonio Lambda Gamma Chapter became ZTA’s 241st link in January 2010. Throughout the colonization process, My Sister, My Responsibility helped reassure each member that ZTA is committed to living its values in a safe, secure environment. The women also found that the modules allowed them to brainstorm ideas on how to strengthen the chapter for future generations.

 Lambda Delta

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Texas A&M Corpus-Christi is located on an island in the Gulf of Mexico, so this new chapter has the good fortune to have a beach on campus. The beach became the location for an Initiation eve bonfire that charter members hope will become a traditional, final new member activity. One member even brought a basket of strawberries to share in honor of ZTA’s Founders. Want your chapter featured on ZTA’s Facebook page? Visit →News & Events→Submit News

Nu Chapter at Alabama celebrates 100 years


niversity of Alabama Zetas love their Nu Chapter and they love their football. Their 100th anniversary celebration allowed them to celebrate both. Nu Chapter, the 14th link in our Chain of Chapters, was installed on April 11, 1910. Alumnae, collegians and families celebrated at the chapter house in Tuscaloosa on Saturday, April 17, 2010, which was also A-Day, the annual intrasquad game for Alabama Crimson Tide. After enjoying their traditional game-day lunch of fried chicken, green beans, Zeta potatoes and zebra pie, the Zetas headed to Bryant-Denny Stadium to watch the 2010 national champions of college football. “It was wonderful to greet sisters, share memories and celebrate,” said Nu Chapter President Catherine Taylor. “Our 100th anniversary was filled with fun, friends and the longloved tradition of ’Bama football.”

Alumnae, collegians and families gathered at the chapter house for a game day lunch prior to the Crimson Tide’s A-Day festivities.

Leah Fields Ozment, an alumna reunion organizer, agreed. “We were pleased that so many Nu Chapter members were able to reconnect and enjoy the weekend,” she said. “Everyone seemed to have a great time.” Vice President Collegiate II Stacey Verkest Voigt and Mentor Lynn Compton Chapman had breakfast with the collegians and announced that National Council would present a centennial clock to the chapter. ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation President Julia Marthaler Hill also attended the luncheon.

A dedicated group of alumnae organized the centennial reunion events that included a traditional game day lunch.

Many alumnae gathered for a reception on Friday evening at Water Oaks Farm. A highlight of the evening was a photo booth for groups to don houndstooth hats (symbolic of legendary Alabama football coach Paul “Bear” Bryant) or crowns and boas and take a strip of fun pictures as a souvenir. The collegians had also celebrated with a Centennial Ball on April 10. Summer 2010

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2. Only the Best Get Crowned T-shirt, $22.00


3. I ď ™ ZTA V-neck, $15.00 4. Hip Flip Flops, $20.00 5. Floral Tote, $30.00



6. Pink Polka Dot Tote, $24.00

8 7

7. Turquoise Notecards w/ Green Dots, $12.00 8. Polka Dot Tote w/Pink Straps, $30.00 9. Zebra Towel Wrap, $39.00



10. Black V-neck Heart T-shirt, $14.00 11. Turquoise Polka Dot Wrist Keychain, $8.00

13 11 12

12. Pink Polka Dot Wrist Keychain, $8.00 13. Black and White Damask Notecards, $12.00



1. ZTA Sunglasses, $20.00 (available in brown, black and white)


Crown & Co.


Meet the TLCs

Record number of consultants set to travel Seventeen Traveling Leadership Consultants and one Leadership Development Specialist will assist our collegiate chapters this year. Learn more about them at→Students→TLCs

Kat Lopez

Leadership Development Specialist

Courtney Knox

In this new position, Kat will assist our newest chapters in leadership development.

Kappa Tau Chapter Florida Gulf Coast University Hometown: Bradenton, Fla. Major: Communications

Sharon Binford — 2nd year Consultant

Brittany Lee

Danielle Murtagh — 2nd year Consultant

Gemma Leggere

Beta Nu Chapter, New Mexico State University

Theta Xi Chapter Rutgers University Hometown: White Plains, N.Y. Major: Psychology

Kappa Zeta Chapter Clemson University Hometown: Owings, Md. Major: Marketing

Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Hometown: Chino, Calif. Major: Communications

Kappa Alpha Chapter Colorado State University Hometown: Boulder, Colo. Major: Human Dev. & Family Studies

Harriette Baker

Emily Lorino

Sami Cetnar

Lexie Orologas

Shaina Geltman

Stacy Ramirez

Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Hometown: Richmond, Texas Major: Advertising Kappa Psi Chapter Kutztown University Hometown: Matawan, N.J. Major: Leisure & Sports Studies

Kappa Omega Chapter Saint Louis University Hometown: Brookfield, Wis. Major: Political Science Delta Lambda Chapter Georgia State University Hometown: Atlanta, Ga. Major: Political Science

Kappa Psi Chapter Kutztown University Hometown: Manahawkin, N.J. Major: Leisure & Sports Studies

Beta Nu Chapter New Mexico State University Hometown: Las Cruces, N.M. Major: English Literature

Katie Harbison

Robyn Shiplet

Elise Hawkins

Anna Tiffany

Ali Keeler

Elyce Wagner

Delta Iota Chapter Clarion University of Pennsylvania Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa. Major: Communications Iota Omega Chapter University of Maryland Hometown: Thurmont, Md. Major: Elementary Education Gamma Chi Chapter Indiana State University Hometown: Indianapolis, Ind. Major: Criminology & Criminal Justice

Delta Zeta Chapter Sam Houston State University Hometown: Whitewright, Texas Major: Criminal Justice Alpha Omicron Chapter The University of Iowa Hometown: Plymouth, Minn. Major: Marketing & Studio Art Eta Phi Chapter Illinois State University Hometown: Tinley Park, Ill. Major: Print Journalism Summer 2010

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Foundation News

Chapters to receive new philanthropy tools


or the 2010-2011 academic year, ZTA collegiate chapters will be using new breast education and awareness materials, courtesy of the ZTA Foundation. For the first time, collegiate chapters will receive a Think Pink!® pop-up banner to use as part of philanthropic displays at various events including recruitment, Pink Out games, Yoplait eating contests and more. Chapters may purchase additional banners though the Foundation. Collegiate chapters will also receive a new philanthropy DVD that highlights the Fraternity’s breast cancer education and awareness efforts. It includes interviews with collegiate Zetas, photos, news clips from various Think Pink!® events, and a new, original song by DJ $krilla about ZTA and our philanthropy. The video debuted at Convention 2010 and will be used by chapters during the philanthropy round of Formal Recruitment. Our partner, Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, also has a new look. This year, the Survivor T-shirts and hats provided by the Foundation at all Races for the Cure® were re-designed to look more modern and cheerful. The new bright pink color of the apparel now draws more attention to the courageous women who have battled breast cancer.


Yoplait goal met for second straight year

eta Tau Alpha has once again set a record for the number of lids collected in the Yoplait® Save Lids to Save Lives® program. In 2009, collegiate and alumnae members collected 346,618 pink lids, smashing the 2008 mark of 311,617 lids. “When we started our partnership with Yoplait in 2004, no one could have expected the rapid success we have had with the

program,” says ZTA Foundation President Becky Hainsworth Kirwan. “But because of our members’ dedication to breast cancer education and awareness, we have been able to take our Save Lids to Save Lives programming to higher levels each year.” Iota Theta Chapter (Georgia Institute of Technology) and the Montgomery County, TX Chapter were the top collegiate and alumnae lids collectors for the second consecutive year. This year, Iota Theta Chapter collected 25,991 lids while Montgomery County, TX collected 9,742.

The newly reactivated Alpha Gamma Chapter at the University of Michigan was one of many that sponsored campus yogurt eating contests to help ZTA collect a record number of Yoplait lids.

28 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

For each lid donated by ZTA, Yoplait gives 10 cents to Susan G. Komen for the Cure and 5 cents to the ZTA Foundation, up to $30,000 and $15,000, the amounts received for the past two years. Komen donated its 2009 Yoplait funds to its local affiliates, allowing the money that Zetas raise to stay in their own communities.

Foundation News Congratulations and a huge thank you to these 2008-2010 Founders Club Chapters: These Founders Club members were honored at Convention 2010 for their donations to the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation during the biennium.

$300,000 or more

Indiana University (Alpha Xi)

$175,000 to $299,999

Purdue University (Alpha Theta)

$125,000 to $174,999

Ft. Worth, TX Alumnae Chapter

$100,000 to $124,999

Houston, TX Alumnae Association The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Theta Tau) University of South Carolina (Beta Omicron) Youngstown State University (Zeta Gamma)

$75,000 to $99,999

The University of Georgia (Gamma Pi) Texas A&M University (Theta Gamma)

$50,000 to $74,999

San Antonio, TX Alumnae Chapter Youngstown, OH Alumnae Chapter University of Florida (Gamma Iota) University of Miami (Gamma Alpha) Auburn University (Gamma Rho) University of North Texas (Gamma Phi) Texas Tech University (Gamma Tau) Texas Christian University (Gamma Psi) The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (Kappa Xi) Mississippi State University (Gamma Zeta)

$25,000 to $49,999

Memphis, TN Alumnae Chapter Clemson University (Kappa Zeta) North Carolina State University (Iota Phi) Louisiana State University (Delta Kappa) Georgia Southern University (Zeta Xi) The University of Texas at Austin (Kappa) Wofford College (Theta Zeta) Sam Houston State University (Delta Zeta) The University of North Alabama (Eta Rho) The University of Iowa (Alpha Omicron) Central Michigan University (Gamma Omicron) The University of Tennessee at Knoxville (Zeta) California State University, Fullerton (Theta Phi) Texas State University-San Marcos (Theta Psi) University of Missouri (Alpha Psi) James Madison University (Gamma Kappa) Austin, TX Alumnae Chapter University of Arkansas (Epsilon) Georgia Institute of Technology (Iota Theta) Florida State University (Beta Gamma) University of Dayton (Iota Pi) University of South Florida (Kappa Sigma)

The University of Alabama (Nu) University of North Florida (Theta Iota) University of Virginia (Gamma Nu)

$10,000 to $24,999

Dallas, TX Alumnae Association Cleveland-West, OH Alumnae Chapter California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Theta Omega) Valdosta State University (Eta Iota) University of Evansville (Zeta Alpha) North Fulton Link of Georgia Alumnae Chapter Elon University (Eta Zeta) Rochester Institute of Technology (Iota Psi) College of Charleston (Eta Lambda) Jacksonville State University (Zeta Psi) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Eta Xi) University of Central Florida (Eta Kappa) Christian Brothers University (Iota Xi) University of South Carolina Upstate (Kappa Rho) Oklahoma State University (Alpha Upsilon) Ohio Northern University (Delta Theta) High Point University (Delta Gamma) Miami University (Beta Delta) Centenary College of Louisiana (Beta Iota) Winthrop University (Theta Sigma) University of South Carolina Aiken (Kappa Pi) The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Eta Tau) Westminster College (Delta Omega) Stephen F. Austin State University (Theta Eta) Florida Gulf Coast University (Kappa Tau) Saint Louis University (Kappa Omega) Florida Southern College (Delta Beta) Rutgers University (Theta Xi) Augusta State University (Eta Mu) Merrimack College (Kappa Omicron) California State University, San Bernardino (Kappa Theta) Michigan State University (Beta Phi) University of Missouri-St. Louis (Theta Kappa) Northern New Jersey Alumnae Chapter Washburn University (Alpha Mu) Baldwin-Wallace College (Delta Delta) Georgia State University (Delta Lambda) Radford University (Eta Nu) Shorter University (Kappa Chi) Baylor University (Theta Omicron) The University of Texas at Arlington (Zeta Sigma) Rider University (Zeta Lambda) Epsilon Step Team Laura Ladewig Mauro Ms. Martha C. Edens Stephanie Arnette Powell

Summer 2010

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MIS Form Introduce outstanding young women to our ZTA collegiate chapters For the appropriate chapter address, please see instruction #6 on page 31 or pages 28-30 of our spring 2010 issue.

Make extra copies of this blank form or download additional forms from the Sisters Only site at 30 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Online MIS

How to submit your MIS forms online ZTA alumnae and collegians may submit a Membership Information Sheet (MIS) for a potential new member directly from our website. Just follow these steps.


If you have already registered for the ZTA website, log in to the Sisters Only site using your new username and password. If you have not registered for the site, select Sign up.


Create a password and user ID; your password must be between six and 20 characters. Note: If you cannot find your university alphabetically, trying checking in the T section under “The” alphabetically. Many schools have changed their official titles this way.


Once you have logged in to the Sisters Only site, pull down the Resources tab and select Recommend a Member.


Before you send in your MIS forms, please read the official Legacy Policy of ZTA. Remember that chapters select their own members and that submitting an MIS does not guarantee an offer of membership.


You may submit an MIS in three ways: By opening a fill-in Word document that you can download to your computer, complete, and mail or e-mail; by printing a PDF of the form to complete by hand and mail; and by submitting online.


If you select the Word fill-in form or the PDF, please click on Where to send the MIS to obtain the correct information. You will be opening an Excel spreadsheet arranged alphabetically by state. You may send your MIS by mail or e-mail.


If you select the online submittal, complete all the information; the text boxes will enlarge as you type. Update your personal information if necessary. Be sure that your e-mail is correct so you will receive a confirmation. Click submit to send your information.


The next screen will confirm that your MIS was submitted. It will also include the e-mail address for the chapter contact if you wish to send pictures, resumes and other information.


Send the MIS in time for Formal Recruitment. Select Resources and then Chartered Collegiate Chapter Locator. Click on the state. Then click on the Greek letter chapter name to open the profile and find the recruitment start date. Summer 2010

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Alice Grey Welsh

After 50 years, a proper aloha for a Founder Editor’s Note: Founder Alice Grey Welsh died June 21, 1960, in Hawaii, and was buried June 25, 1960, at Oꞌahu Cemetery. A tribute to Alice in the fall 1960 issue of Themis ended with this paragraph: “If plans work out as expected, the Fraternity will place a marker on her grave in Oꞌahu Cemetery.” This is the story of how, 50 years later, thanks to a group of loyal alumnae, plans finally did work out. By Delia Morrish Chang, ΑΡ Hawaii Alumnae Chapter


ver since I arrived in the islands in 1966, I had heard rumors that one of our Founders was buried here. About three years ago, I learned it was Alice Grey Welsh who was buried in the 166-year-old Oꞌahu Cemetery. While visiting my in-laws’ niches nearby, I went to the cemetery where Gloria Kiko, assistant to the cemetery superintendent, showed me Alice’s burial place. It was a simple, pitted concrete square, a good third of it covered in dirt. I placed a lei on it, thanked Alice for founding ZTA and promised to replace her stone with something more fitting. In late February, I attended a ZTA alumnae meeting and was inspired by the young sisters who had recently reactivated the Hawaii chapter. I told them about my promise to Alice and they encouraged me to follow up. I went directly to the top and sent a letter to National President Laura Ladewig Mauro, including a photo of Alice’s anonymous gravestone. Mrs. Mauro e-mailed back and asked me to move forward. I returned to the cemetery and spoke to the superintendent, Harold Lewis. He said we needed permission from Alice’s family or from him to replace the stone. Since Alice never married, I decided to work on him! He admitted it would be difficult to find a relative 50 years later, adding, “I can’t imagine a family member turning down a better marker.” By April, the new engraved marker was ordered and installed. We chose June 5 for the dedication because many of the alumnae would be in town. Alice’s birthday was June 3, 1880, so the day seemed very fitting.

Nine ZTA alumnae placed traditional Hawaiian leis on Alice Grey Welsh’s new grave maker in Oꞌahu Cemetery on June 5.

I opened the dedication with thanks to those responsible for the day and a short history of Alice’s journey to our islands. Andrea Hamblin, Gamma Gamma (Texas-El Paso) read from “Thanatopsis” by William Cullen Bryant. Also attending the ceremony were: Bethany Weeden, Alpha Theta (Purdue); Erica Fritz, Iota Alpha (Robert Morris); Lucy Kanikeberg and Pat Beck, Psi (Washington); Brigid Ho Barrarse, Kappa Mu (Linfield); Diane Hahn, Upsilon (California, Berkeley); and Claudia Webster, Alpha Upsilon (Oklahoma State). My husband, The Rt. Rev. Richard Chang, retired bishop of the Episcopal Church in Hawaii, read prayers and blessed the gravesite. We all sang, “I Hear the Call of Zeta.” Following the service, we had lunch at St. Clement’s Episcopal Church, where Alice had served as church secretary for many years. The 1960 Themis tribute to Alice recalls that she attended a ZTA alumnae meeting and brunch a month or so before her death. It was a long day for a nearly 80-year-old woman, but Alice told her sisters it was marvelous to be with them and that the day had been “perfect.” Fifty years later, the nine of us in Hawaii felt just the same. We were proud that Alice now had a proper grave marker, even if the process had taken an unexpected 50 years. It was definitely on “Hawaii time.” Please come visit Alice’s new gravestone marker when you’re in our islands, Oꞌahu Cemetery, 2162 Nuꞌuanu Avenue, Lot #192, Section 17. It’s about 10 minutes from Waikiki or Honolulu Airport. If you would like to pay tribute to Alice, visit →Foundation→Make a Donation. In the special instruction box put, “Alice Grey Welsh Founders Scholarship.”

32 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

From The Archives

Convention mementos tell timeless stories By Susan Beard, DY Patricia Cords Levitte, BF Archives Committee


very Zeta Tau Alpha who has attended an International Convention has likely returned home with some type of souvenir, perhaps a charm made especially for that city, or a T-shirt or tote bag with the Convention logo. Convention souvenirs and favors have long been a Fraternity tradition.

The earliest piece of Convention jewelry dates to the 1904 Convention—the only Convention ever held in a private home. Delta Chapter at Randolph Macon Woman’s College in Lynchburg, Va., was unable to host Convention as planned due to an epidemic. Instead, a Delta alumna, Mary Stuart (Stentz), hosted the Convention in her home in Cleveland, Tenn., June 9-11, 1904. Mary and Katherine Martin (Dart), another Delta alumna, were the only guests at the Convention as many members who had planned to travel to Lynchburg could not rearrange their plans. Interestingly, Grand President Maud Jones was unable to attend because her wedding was scheduled for June 29. A.H. Fetting of Baltimore, ZTA’s first official jeweler, provided silver souvenir stickpins to the seven Zetas in attendance. Bruce Houston (Davis) was elected president at the second Convention and we are fortunate to have her stick pins from 1904 and other years as part of our Archives collection. The pins (pictured below) were worn on the high collars of the time and were also used for hatpins. At the fifth National Convention in Galveston, Texas, June 16-18, 1910, George Banta, then the new official publisher of Themis, provided gray leather souvenir programs that served as lovely autograph books and became wonderful mementos. Several of these programs are also part of the Archives collection, and it is a thrill to see so many signatures of women who were instrumental in the early growth of our Fraternity. Today, the

Convention program serves as the agenda for business meetings and educational sessions and as a permanent historical record of the officers and volunteers serving the Fraternity during the biennium. The earliest ZTA gatherings usually featured handprinted menus and meal programs as the primary souvenirs. The History of Zeta Tau Alpha records that at the first Zeta Tau Alpha Day, held on June 26, 1907, at the Lynnhaven Hotel in Norfolk, Va., the place cards at the noon meal were “graceful hand-painted shields in blue and gray” announcing the planned toasts. More than 100 years later, ZTA still provides printed programs for each meal at Convention. Although they are not hand-painted and no longer contain the menu, they do list the meal toastmistress, hostesses, speakers, award presentations and songs. Round sterling silver discs engraved with the Convention date and location were a popular favor from the 1920s to the early 1960s. We have three complete bracelets in the Archives, showing the multiple Conventions their original owners had attended. These were treasured mementos and we are so grateful that their owners recognized their historical importance, and donated them to the Archives. At the Centennial Convention held in Richmond, Va., in 1998, each attendee received a rectangular silver pin box, engraved with the Coat of Arms and the Centennial date. In recent years, the Fraternity has offered charms and pins in the shape of the Convention logo as souvenirs. Nametags also become Convention mementos. We are fortunate to have examples of early nametags in the Archives, including a fragile ribbon nametag (above) from the 1935 Convention, held June 30-July 4, at the Huntington Hotel in Pasadena, Calif. Pasadena was originally scheduled to host the 1931 Convention, but it was cancelled due to the Depression. At modern ZTA Conventions, nametags are personalized, printed on cardstock and laminated. Attendees like to decorate their nametags with ribbons indicating their offices and stickers signifying awards. We wonder if 75 years from now, a nametag from this year’s Convention will be featured in the Archives and in Themis. Summer 2010

• 33

Extra! Extra!

Collegians display picture-perfect sisterhood n ir a Upsi lo bonding with the h p l A e . ▼ v s events Zetas lo

rsit y ampu te Unive s chapter and c a t S a m Ok laho during variou sisters

▼ Delta Zeta

Delta Zeta Chapter members celebrate Zeta Tau Alpha during Sam Houston State University’s Bid Day.

◄ Alpha Xi

A Big and Little Sister from Indiana University took ZTA sisterhood on the road—to the beach during spring break.

▼ Delta Psi

New members at Samford University show their ZTA spirit by posing with a statue of Themis outside of the university’s Cumberland Law School.

Th e t a O To help m p Baylor U romote a good ic ron niversit image o y Zet a s n camp us, are rew campus involvem arded for their ent.

34 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Directory of Zeta Tau Alpha Founded at Longwood University • Farmville, Virginia • October 15, 1898 Note: These listings reflect the 2008-2010 National Council and National Housing Corporation Board of Directors. Elections for both will be held at Convention, July 7-11. Please log in to Sisters Only on the ZTA website ( after July 12 for the updated listings.


Executive Director — Deb Ensor 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: (317) 872-0540; Fax: (317) 876-3948 Website: E-mail: Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST


Maud Jones Horner, Died August 20, 1920 Della Lewis Hundley, Died July 12, 1951 Alice Bland Coleman, Died June 11, 1956 Mary Jones Batte, Died December 3, 1957 Alice Grey Welsh, Died June 21, 1960 Ethel Coleman Van Name, Died January 24, 1964 Helen M. Crafford, Died September 17, 1964 Frances Yancey Smith, Died April 23, 1977 Ruby Leigh Orgain, Died October 22, 1984


Mrs. Ross P. Strout (Shirley Kreasan), Died August 21, 1978


Mrs. Helen Winton Jenkins, Died July 1, 1987 Mrs. Nelly Galloway Shearer


Mrs. Anne Winnes Redmond, Died November 17, 2006


Mrs. Betty Hillix Foellinger, Died April 17, 1992


Send to IO, Attn: Department of Communications


NATIONAL PRESIDENT — Laura Ladewig Mauro, 801 Circle Drive, Winnsboro, TX 75494 VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Keeley McDonald Riddle, 96 Ford Road, Landing, NJ 07850 (Director of Area I, including Provinces I-Alpha, I-Beta, II-Alpha, II-Beta, II-Gamma, II-Delta, III-Alpha, III-Beta, III-Gamma, IVAlpha, IV-Beta) VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Stacey Verkest Voigt, 1301 Tuscany Drive, Colleyville, Texas 76034 (Director of Area II, including Provinces VIAlpha, VI-Beta, VI-Gamma, VII-Alpha, VII-Beta, VII-Gamma, VIII-Alpha, VIII-Beta, VIII-Gamma,

IX-Alpha, IX-Beta, X-Alpha, XI-Alpha, XI-Beta, XIGamma, XI-Delta) VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Kelley Snow Harmon, 2803 Elizabeth Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72703 (Director of Area III, including Provinces XII-Alpha, XII-Beta, XIII-Alpha, XIV-Alpha, XV-Alpha, XVI-Alpha, XVI-Beta, XVII-Alpha, XVII-Beta, XVII-Gamma XVIII-Alpha, XVIIIBeta, XIX-Alpha, XIX-Beta.) VICE PRESIDENT ALUMNAE — Lori A. Peters, 3784 Nathan Court, Brunswick, OH 44212 (Director of Area I, including Districts I-Alpha, I-Beta, II-Alpha, III-Alpha, III-Beta, IV-Alpha, VI-Alpha, VII-Alpha, VII-Beta, VIIIAlpha, VIII-Beta, IX-Alpha, XII-Alpha, XVI-Alpha, XVIBeta) VICE PRESIDENT ALUMNAE — Diane Hanson Keegan, 23855 Mountain Laurel Court, Murrieta, CA 92562 (Director of Area II, including Districts X-Alpha, XI-Alpha, XIBeta, XI-Gamma, XI-Delta, XIII-Alpha, XIV-Alpha, XVAlpha, XV-Beta, XV-Gamma, XVII-Alpha, XVIII-Alpha, XVIII-Beta, XVIII-Gamma, XIX-Alpha, XIX-Beta, XIXGamma) SECRETARY-TREASURER — Dinah Jackson Laughery, 3513 Savoy Court, Austin, TX 78738 NPC DELEGATE — Malaea Nelms Seleski, 440 SE 1st Terrace, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 EXTENSION DIRECTOR — Karen Farmer Mills, 3006 Euclid Avenue, Tampa, FL 33629-8953


PRESIDENT — Julia Marthaler Hill, 290 Highland View Drive, Birmingham, AL 35242 VICE PRESIDENT — Kay McCoy McKelvey, 5635 Mistridge Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 TREASURER — Joan Parker Hull, 3036 Westmoreland Drive, Birmingham, AL 35223 SECRETARY — Marty E. Sik, 1217 Newbridge Trace, Atlanta, GA 30319 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Susan Beard, 2309 Empire Road, Birmingham, AL 35226 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Dinah Helms Cook, 188 Gregg Parkway, Columbia, SC 29206 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Cynthia Byars Courtney, 5644 Pillsbury Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55419 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Jayne Ann Scoggins Hungate, 1671 E. Caracas Ave, Hershey, PA 17033 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Martha Gorum Jackson, 4187 North Sabino Mountain Drive, Tucson, AZ 85750 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Jan Spradley McCarthy, 903 Sleepy Hollow Cove, Oxford, MS 38655 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Terri Dew Millsap, 111 E. Edgewood Drive, Homewood, AL 35209 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Lacy Schneider O’Connor, 5403 Braxtonshire, Houston, TX 77069

DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Dorothy Coates Pataky, 5830 Old Ranch Road, Riverside, CA 92504 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Nancy Jo Floyd Stipp, 210 King George Road, Greenville, SC 29615 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Christine Flora Stull, 1044 Saratoga Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46280 DIRECTOR — Laura Ladewig Mauro (See National President) DIRECTOR — Dinah Jackson Laughery (See National Secretary-Treasurer) DIRECTOR — Becky Hainsworth Kirwan (See Foundation President)


PRESIDENT — Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, 14601 Beach Road, Chesterfield, VA 23838 VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVELOPMENT — Deb Ensor (See Executive Director) VICE PRESIDENT OF PHILANTHROPY — Sherry Server Tilley, 8028 Fawnwood Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46278 VICE PRESIDENT OF SCHOLARSHIP — Catherine G. Slaughter, 9212 Cedardale Drive, Plano, TX 75025 SECRETARY/TREASURER — Kay Dill Kreutzer, 25035 W. Beachgrove Road, Antioch, IL 60002 DIRECTOR — Ms. Martha C. Edens, 6311 Eastshore Road, Columbia, SC 29206 DIRECTOR — Nora Nell Hardy Jackson, 7219 FM 755, Rio Grande City, TX 78582 DIRECTOR — Laura Ladewig Mauro (See National President) DIRECTOR — Dinah Jackson Laughery (See National Secretary-Treasurer) DIRECTOR — Julia Marthaler Hill (See NHC President) DIRECTOR — Joan Parker Hull (See NHC Treasurer)


PD — Malaea Nelms Seleski (See NPC Delegate) PDA I — Deb Ensor (See Executive Director) PDA II — Stephanie Arnette Powell, 2421 Bagley Road, Cumming, GA 30041 PDA III — Laura Ladewig Mauro (See National President)


Kat Lopez (Leadership Development Specialist), Harriette Baker, Sharon Binford, Sami Cetnar, Shaina Geltman, Katie Harbison, Elise Hawkins, Ali Keeler, Courtney Knox, Brittany Lee, Gemma Leggere, Emily Lorino, Danielle Murtagh, Lexie Orologas, Stacy Ramirez, Robyn Shiplet, Anna Tiffany and Elyce Wagner. Send TLC mail c/o ZTA International Office, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.


MJ Insurance, Inc., Sorority Division, 9225 Priority Way West Drive, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240; 888-442-7470;

(The Detroit Metropolitan, MI Alumnae Chapter was inadvertently omitted from the Alumnae Themis Reports in our spring issue. We apologize for the error.) Detroit Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter members (standing) Julie Fleek Lupinacci, Susie Sherman-Hall and Emiliana Sandoval Byrne support Susan G. Komen for the Cure® and fellow Zeta Tracie Chutorash Kania (seated) at the Detroit Race for the Cure® last spring. During this race, Tracie was undergoing chemotherapy, but is now cancer free.


he chapter loves to plan fun events for its members. Last year, its most popular events were a New Year’s Party and Bunko Night. In January, the women met at a local PF Chang’s restaurant to celebrate sisterhood and the Chinese New Year. Then later that spring, the group gathered to learn to play the dice game Bunko, while sharing a potluck dinner together.

Summer 2010

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PARENTS: While your daughter is in college, her magazine is sent to her home address. We hope you enjoy it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send an e-mail to to give us her new address. Include “Address Change” in the subject line. Thank you!

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