Themis—Fall 2019

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NATIONAL COUNCIL National President Alicia Patten Williams, Theta Psi Vice President Collegiate I Raechel Bennett Biggs, Delta Gamma Vice President Collegiate II Laura Moak Redman, Delta Lambda Vice President Collegiate III Shannon Ferguson, Alpha Psi Vice President Alumnae I Dana Brasington Atkinson, Delta Omicron Vice President Alumnae II Cheri White Armstrong, Theta Gamma Secretary-Treasurer Franlyna Barrett Charles, Zeta Iota National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Laura Ladewig Landers, Theta Psi Extension Director Dolores Gonzales Gastineau, Theta Omega ZTA FRATERNITY HOUSING CORPORATION President Dinah Jackson Laughery, Beta Gamma Vice President Housing Area I Natalie Yingling Lisko, Delta Omega Vice President Housing Area II Julie Ward Moxley, Theta Sigma Vice President Housing Area III Marnie Marlar Frazier, Eta Omega Vice President Construction Leah Fields Ozment, Nu Vice President Design Julia Marthaler Hill, Eta Rho Vice President Operations Casey Guimbellot Pash, Iota Chi Secretary-Treasurer Stephanie Arnette Powell, Gamma Pi Directors Alicia Patten Williams, Theta Psi Carolyn Hof Carpenter, Theta Tau Franlyna Barrett Charles, Zeta Iota ZTA FOUNDATION President Carolyn Hof Carpenter, Theta Tau Vice President of Alumnae Development Cynthia Byars Courtney, Gamma Tau Vice President of Collegiate Development Marlene Dunbar Conrad, Eta Iota Vice President of Philanthropy Sherry Server Tilley, Zeta Alpha

From Where I Sit For years, our Fraternity hoped to gather our historical possessions into a collection and display it with the proper reverence. In 2008, National Council asked me to research such a project. I visited other fraternity and sorority headquarters and met passionate archivists who eagerly showed me their historical treasures and organized archives. It became clear we needed to assemble our collection before we could consider displaying it. At the 2008 Founders’ Day celebration at International Office, I met Patti Cords Levitte. Her degree in historical preservation made her a perfect fit for the project. Most of our collection had been packed in boxes, untouched for years, so many weekends at IO were like treasure hunts. Nothing was safe from us! We searched every crook, corner and cranny for “old stuff.” Every new find was exciting, and it was especially thrilling to open a file drawer and find the cover of Founder Ruby Leigh Orgain’s college scrapbook. Each discovery impressed upon our Fraternity a tremendous responsibility and passion for taking care of these precious items. As our collection grew, the Fraternity saw the need for a full-time archivist and hired Patti. Her mastery of and passion for ZTA history generated even more excitement for our story. I think squeals were heard around the world in 2018 when the news came that the Fraternity had designated space for a permanent Historical and Educational Center in the new IO. I was thrilled when then-National President Carolyn Hof Carpenter asked me to be part of the planning committee along with Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, Terri Dew Millsap, Patti Cords Levitte and Christy Marx Barber. Bringing our history to life was daunting. We started with the “big idea” that the Fraternity’s legacy grows with each member. We made lists of must-have objects to display, created outlines for the story and hired a museum design company to guide us. With ZTA’s purpose as the theme, the HEC began to take shape. Our goal was to pay respect to the hundreds of sorority women who played a role in our history. Although the committee assembled the HEC, we did not create it. The ZTA sisters of the past began this story, and you, the sisters of today, are continuing it. We hope visiting the HEC will seem like reuniting with an old friend. When I wrote “From Where I Sit” in 1989, one of my messages was “people support what they help to create.” I am proud of our Fraternity for supporting the preservation of our history. Thank you National Council, ZTA Foundation, ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation, donors, volunteers and sisters everywhere for making the dream of the ZTA Historical and Educational Center come true.

Vice President of Scholarship Catherine G. Slaughter, Alpha Eta Secretary-Treasurer Kay Dill Kreutzer, Eta Rho Directors Nora Nell Hardy Jackson, Beta Gamma Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, Gamma Beta Alicia Patten Williams, Theta Psi Franlyna Barrett Charles, Zeta Iota Dinah Jackson Laughery, Beta Gamma Stephanie Arnette Powell, Gamma Pi

SUSAN L. BEARD Archives Committee Chairman

FALL 2019

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Emerging Leaders Academy This past July, Zeta Tau Alpha hosted the inaugural ELA in Indianapolis, Indiana, where nearly 450 collegians learned what it means to be an effective leader.


Leadership Consultants 2019–2020 Get to know everything about the 2019-2020 Leadership Consultants from what motivates them to what they hope to leave with the chapters they visit!


Bringing ZTA’s past to the present The new Historical and Educational Center had its grand opening this summer. Get an inside look at the unveiling and all the planning and strategy that went into bringing ZTA’s history to life.



Beyond the statuette of Themis in the foreground lies a glimpse of the brand-new Historical and Educational Center, which opened this past July at International Office in Carmel, Indiana.





1036 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 872–0540








FALL 2019

STAFF Editor Ensley Caldwell, Omicron Graphic Designer Kahlie Cannon Senior Director of Communication Ashley Sherman Contributors Christy Marx Barber, Alpha Psi Susan L. Beard, Delta Psi Malloree Morgan Gray, Delta Lambda Chelsea Gulley Lauren McMahon, Beta Delta

#ZTAdventure FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @ztafraternity |

A Zeta True By Malloree Morgan Gray Delta Lambda Chapter Georgia State University For me, being a Zeta True has always meant showing devotion and loyalty to my sisters and the Fraternity. As a collegian, I saw the need for a strong new member program and was elected Vice President II/New Member Coordinator. As an alumna, I previously served as a Membership Advisor, and I’m currently the General Advisor for Zeta Sigma Chapter. Through these roles, I’m able to serve the Fraternity, guide collegians and reinvest in them what ZTA invested in me. I strive to get to know them on a deeper level and be empathetic to what they’re experiencing. I want them to know I’m a safe place and that I’ve been where they are. Being a Zeta True means being compassionate, extending friendship to all, having a servant’s heart and knowing when to lead and when to let others shine. I’m so grateful for the opportunities ZTA gives me to serve and be served and for all the love, joy and friendships it has brought me.

Zeta Tau Alpha: Kappa Alpha Chapter No better place to spring break than our own HOME • • #ZTAdventure #phaspringbreak2019 @ztafraternity How lucky are we to have sisters by our sides for all life’s ~grand~ adventures? ••••• Tag your adventure pal! ••••• [ : @zta_vsu] #WEareZTA #ZTAdventure

Zeta Tau Alpha Delta Sigma @lu_zta

Zeta Tau Alpha @mssu_zta

@mssu_zta Always throw what you know Even when 14,000 ft up #WEareZTA #ZTAdventure

@lu_zta Bonjour! Sending Zeta Love all the way from Paris! #WEareZTA #luztapride #ZTAdventure

Zeta Tau Alpha at Kansas State University Zeta Tau Alpha Thiel College @zta_thiel

SUMMER 2019 CORRECTION The beanie described on Page 40 in the archives article should have been identified as belonging to Ann Hutchison (Alpha Theta Chapter, Purdue University).

2 · THEMIS · Things We Zeta Love

Zeta Tau Alpha @ZTAFraternity

@zta_thiel NYC state of mind ••••• #ZTA #ZetaBetaSummer #ZTAdventure

happy fourth of july from all our sisters #independenceday #ZTAdventure #WeAreZTA


Proclamation “Inspired by the desire to help those to whom life has been less generous.” Those are the opening words of the brochure for Zeta Tau Alpha’s first service project, a health center dedicated 90 years ago in the impoverished Currin Valley of Virginia. The residents of the secluded mountain hollows were immigrants who trekked westward after the War of 1812. More than a century later, their descendants lived in the valley in rudely constructed shacks with dirt floors. Mostly uneducated, they lived in isolation and were suspicious of outsiders. The Fraternity sought to help them help themselves by improving their health conditions. Although the residents were initially hesitant to visit the center, ZTA’s care and concern slowly dispelled their fears. Nurse Mary Crosby made house calls in a Ford sedan with “ZTA” on the door

(top right) and treated patients in a log cabin. Founder Frances Yancey Smith, first chairman of the Philanthropy Committee, made frequent visits, assisting Nurse Crosby and caring for children who often lived at the center. On each visit, Frances signed the guest book. ZTA alumnae and chapters sent medical equipment, clothing, books, Christmas gifts and monetary donations. Members volunteered to teach classes on cooking, canning, sewing, handcrafts and construction. In the darkest days of the Great Depression, Zetas responded to Frances’ plea for help. “Zeta Tau Alpha was born and bred when there was a great scarcity of money in our land,” she wrote. “We should be able to face hard times together again.”

Center this summer, I was moved to see Frances’ signature on a page of the health center guest book (bottom right) and a picture of her holding an abandoned baby (top left). She gave us an incredible legacy of service. In this second year of our biennium theme, “Be Zetas True,” may we all pledge to be as compassionate and empathetic as Frances and all our sisters who embraced “those to whom life has been less generous.” Given under my hand and seal, I proclaim the fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand and nineteen, as our 121st Founders’ Day.

ALICIA PATTEN WILLIAMS National President Chandler, Arizona October 2019

As I toured the new Historical and Educational Fraternity News · Fall 2019 · 3


Betty Gilmore Woods By Christy Marx Barber, Staff Writer With a hand-held, $10 jeweled calculator, Betty Gilmore Woods changed the Recruitment process forever when she developed what is now known as the Release Figure Methodology. When she passed away at age 94 on Aug. 3, 2019, ZTA and National Panhellenic Conference sisters mourned the loss of this wise innovator. “Betty was ahead of her time,” said Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, National President from 1984 to 1988 when Mrs. Woods served as NPC Delegate. “Throughout ZTA and NPC, she was very respected for her ideas and commitment.” In 1967, Panhellenic friends asked Mrs. Woods to help the four NPC groups at California State University, Fullerton. The most established group could expect acceptances from most of the potential new members they invited back, leaving the other groups with only a handful of women at their events. It was clear to Mrs. Woods the stronger groups needed to “release” women. Writing in Themis in 2007, she said, “It was instinctive. Group A must release 35% to 40%, Group B about 25%, Group C about 10% and Group D almost no one. If everyone followed

the method, all potential new members could be placed within the system.” When the method worked at CSU Fullerton, other campuses enlisted Mrs. Woods’ help. Her calculator became legendary. Sorority advisors would say “Oh, I’m so glad you brought the calculator.” Now, RFM is the standard for campus Panhellenic Associations, equalizing the Recruitment process and bringing as many women as possible into sorority membership. As a member of ZTA’s NPC delegation from 1974 to 1999, Mrs. Woods enriched the fraternity/sorority community. Her extensive

involvement earned her Kappa Delta Sorority’s Order of the Diamond Award in 2004, the Jack Anson Award from the Association of Fraternity Advisors and an NPC Special Recognition Award. She is survived by her husband of 67 years, William Woods; daughter Mary Brown; son Bill Woods; daughter-in-law Rebecca Woods; son-inlaw Drew Brown; five grandchildren and a greatgranddaughter. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation for a scholarship fund in her memory.



Betty Gilmore Woods (right) is pictured with Val Clough Ross, ZTA’s NPC Delegate from 1974 to 1980, expressing their shared love for National Panhellenic Conference. Mrs. Woods had immense enthusiasm for NPC and the fraternity/sorority community as a dedicated volunteer for more than 50 years. In Memoriam · Fall 2019 · 4


Nearly 450 collegians from around the country attended the inaugural Emerging Leaders Academy from July 18 to July 21, 2019, in Indianapolis, Indiana, where they learned more about leadership through the lens of Zeta Tau Alpha’s Nine Key Values. The purpose of ELA is to prepare younger women—mostly rising sophomores and juniors—to take on officer roles with confidence and return to their chapters with the skills to equip all members for leadership, regardless of whether or not they serve on Executive Committee or Program Council. Facilitators were emerging leaders in their own way. Instead of having National Officers lead the small groups, as was the case at previous leadership conferences, National Council chose the ELA facilitators from hundreds of applicants, all of whom were looking for ways to give back to ZTA.


THURSDAY The first day of ELA started in the early hours of the morning for many women, some of whom shared stories of waking up at 3 a.m. in order to get to the airport in plenty of time to catch their flights. As collegians landed in Indianapolis and collected their bags, some of the 20192020 Leadership Consultants greeted them and guided them onto the buses that took them to International Office in Carmel, Indiana, for the first-ever tours of the new office building. Upon their arrival, the women received IO “passports” that instructed them which path to take. The passports also had a space for a stamp from each location, including the Executive Board Room, the Multipurpose Room, the Collaborative Meeting Space, the Grand Foyer, the new Historical and Educational Center and the Carmel Gazebo, where

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sisters had a blast posing for pictures with their chapter flags. The tour went beyond just a quick walk-through of the office. At the Collaborative Meeting Space, collegians could leave their own temporary mark on IO, writing down the line from The Creed that they most closely identify with and posting it on the bulletin board outside the room; and in the Executive Board Room, former National Presidents Alice McCann Mathews and Julia Marthaler Hill emphasized that Zeta Is Forever by showcasing a sentimental item and a picture from each National President’s collegiate days. Each participant received an Inaugural Tour sticker after the tour. Visiting IO gave Arie Catherine O’Dell (Iota Omicron Chapter, Lander

University) a new perspective of ZTA. “International Office was absolutely amazing,” Arie said. “To see all the history of everything and the offices of people who actually work there made me realize it’s so much more than just a college thing.” National President Alicia Patten Williams officially kicked off the conference at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown with an Olympic-style passing of the


ZTA torch and opening remarks. Following conference expectations presented by Executive Director Meghan Vicinus Parker, Extension Director Dolores Gonzales Gastineau led an energetic “Maud Says” icebreaker, giving everyone the opportunity to meet new sisters. After dinner, Chapter Development Manager Bri Forth introduced the new Chapter Development Team, three staff members tasked with traveling to chapters to conduct Noble Workshops on a variety of topics that will educate, inspire and grow ZTA’s sisterhood. The team led the attendees in General Session One, during which members at each table had to use their different leadership styles to put together a puzzle of the Mystifying Picture. Afterward, the women shared their different strategies, obstacles and successes, and other insights from the activity. Day One ended with the first session of small groups, each of which comprised about 10 women and a facilitator. After a round of introductions, the groups quickly got to work setting expectations of themselves, their group members and their facilitators. Then, the groups reviewed the themes of General Session One and took a closer look at the Key Value of Leadership. Each collegian illustrated a visual representation of her Noble Leadership Style in a leadership coat of arms, which included quadrants for communication, decision making, relationships and brainstorming, and paired up to discuss the power of combining leadership styles when planning an event and solving problems.

FRIDAY Friday morning began early with General Session Two, led by career coach Lindsay Boccardo (bottom right, Page 9). Both collegians and National Officers attended this session, which focused on ZTA’s Being Rather than Seeming Key Value. Lindsay used an engaging combination of humor and personal anecdotes to convey the importance of vulnerability in leadership and sharing their authentic selves in building up the other women in their chapters. “I really enjoyed the session,” said Regan Henderson (Theta Xi Chapter, Rutgers University). “I thought Lindsay was eye-opening and hilarious. Not only did we learn so much from her, but we were also entertained the whole time.” Lindsay’s statement, “Being vulnerable with yourself is the key to unlocking who you’re meant to be in the world,” resonated with the emerging

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leaders as they came together for their second Small Group Session. During this meeting, the women dived headfirst into being vulnerable by sharing one-minute personal monologues. Facilitators challenged them to reflect on what they hadn’t yet disclosed to the group and then share it.

freely and without fear of judgment and fosters a sense of camaraderie. Shining their cell phone lights at the same time, everyone experienced a visual representation of how the light that results from working together is far brighter than the light they produce working alone.

In the afternoon, collegians shifted their focus to the Key Value of Humility. Vice President Collegiate II Laura Moak Redman led General Session Three, which included an interactive component. Using Poll Everywhere, attendees texted their responses to several questions, including what humility meant to them. Word clouds projected on the video screens showed the most popular words, like “honesty,” “selfless” and “genuine.”

At the end of the session, the conversation on light continued, as participants shared the strengths, or “lights,” they can use to help others and humbly admitted areas where they need help from the lights of others.

The collegians learned that showing humility in leadership allows room to admit mistakes

During Small Group Session Three, the emerging leaders had to act on their discoveries about leadership and humility in the context of imaginary minefields and magic carpets. Together, sisters helped each other find the correct path through the minefield and successfully turn over a sheet without falling off to find the instructions on how

to “fly the magic carpet.” It took the combination of all Noble Leadership Styles from Strategic Thinkers to Harmony Seekers to accomplish these goals. Friday night’s dinner focused on the Key Value of Service & Philanthropy. “A ZTA member who exemplifies this Key Value seeks out opportunities to educate others on community needs,” said ZTA Foundation President Carolyn Hof Carpenter. She introduced two leaders from ZTA’s education partner, Bright Pink® (middle, Page 8, with Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Carpenter). Chief Medical Officer Dr. Deb Lindner spoke about her personal connection to breast cancer education and awareness, and Chief Executive Officer Katie Thiede shared the power of working together and making sure women know their personal health risks. ZTA Foundation Vice President of Scholarship

Catherine G. Slaughter also recognized 14 ELA participants who received scholarships for the 2019-2020 academic year. Following dinner, Vice President Collegiate I Raechel Bennett Biggs led General Session Four, sharing a message on Responsibility and Leadership. This session asked attendees to rank the Nine Key Values in order of importance and examine how their actions align with each Key Value.

forces to give participants an expanded audience and additional insight on how to confront situations involving hazing, inappropriate use of alcohol and cultural appropriation.

In Small Group Session Four, the day’s final event, collegians practiced the Responsibility Key Value by role playing scenarios chapter leaders commonly face. Multiple small groups joined


SATURDAY Saturday morning started with General Session Five, during which Vice President Collegiate III Shannon Ferguson focused on the Key Value of Seeking Understanding that We Might Gain True Wisdom and how to nurture a sense of belonging in ZTA chapters. Through the exploration of personal and social identities and creating a place for everyone at the table—physically and emotionally—the attendees learned how to lead the way in making sure all members feel heard and respected. Jenna Sadsad (Lambda Eta Chapter, Virginia Commonwealth University) defined belonging in her own words. “If you left the chapter, people would notice and care,” Jenna said. “The gap you leave would be like a piece of a puzzle. It would be obvious something is missing and that we are incomplete.” By the time participants met for Small Group Session Five, they

CARNIVAL NIGHT 10 · THEMIS · Emerging Leaders Academy

were ready to engage in the heavy work that the weekend prepared them to do. The women took their self-understanding to the next level by categorizing which personal and social identities are most meaningful to them and which identities society emphasizes or underappreciates. They demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of all the values discussed since the beginning of ELA by sharing their authentic selves, actively listening to the real-life examples of how identities affect relationships, offering solutions to challenges and lifting up their sisters. Contributions to the one-word check-in at the conclusion of the group included “supported” and “hopeful.” After all of the reflection and introspection the weekend brought, the collegians enjoyed more light-hearted learning during three, 40-minute Breakout Sessions focusing on self-care,

object to each woman in the circle without dropping it. The second, more difficult round of the activity involved tossing multiple objects around the circle at the same time, During the Self-Care Breakout which meant the teams had to Session, women discussed different communicate clearly and concisely methods to “fill their own buckets” to achieve success. and practiced progressive After the brain break provided muscle relaxation, coloring and by the Breakout Sessions, small gratitude journaling. groups reconvened to tie together The Teamwork Breakout Session the lessons they learned. The Playchallenged collegians to build the Doh Charades activity required tallest free-standing structure sisters to put their teamwork and made of uncooked spaghetti communication skills to good noodles, tape, string and a single use, but there was a catch: they marshmallow. The exercise couldn’t talk to each other. When shed light on the importance of their ability to communicate teamwork in overcoming obstacles. verbally resumed, the women engaged in discussions about The Communication Breakout leadership development and how to Session focused on delegation and take leadership skills beyond ELA, required a little bit of hand-eye in addition to revising goals and coordination. The activity asked sharing grateful goodbyes. participants to successfully pass an teamwork and communication. They discovered that all three of these aspects are vital to effective leadership.

At Saturday’s College Pride Night dinner, everyone wore their school colors to celebrate all the hard work their chapters had put in over the course of the past year. The color coordination combined with the songs tailored to each chapter created the perfect environment for cheering on recipients of the Crown Chapter Award. Saturday came to a close with a ZTA Carnival Night. Collegians let loose and played classic carnival games like whack-a-mole, participated in a cakewalk, FRED fact trivia and ZTA Family Feud, enjoyed cotton candy and snow cones, and exchanged the tickets they earned for a variety of ZTA swag from binders and koozies to bags and buttons. The photo booth also made for some unforgettable memories with friends new and old.

Emerging Leaders Academy · Fall 2019 · 11

SUNDAY Sunday morning, everyone lined up in their ritual dresses for the Pledge Service performed by the 2019-2020 Leadership Consultants. It was a heartfelt reminder that while the Zeta Tau Alpha experience may be different for each individual, all members are connected by the purity of ZTA’s ritual. The weekend concluded with brunch and thoughtful closing remarks from National President Alicia Patten Williams. At brunch following the service, Mrs. Williams shared with attendees her gratitude for the people and events on her ZTA journey who fostered the Loyalty & Commitment Key Value. She challenged the collegians to “carry their torches back to their chapter to ignite a spark of success for themselves, their sisters and their communities.” Her sentiments included a video with photos from the weekend set to a recording of former Executive Director Deb Ensor’s rendition of “Never Alone.” Singing “Today and Forever”

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in a sisterhood circle officially concluded the inaugural Emerging Leaders Academy. During ELA, attendees “learned those things that will ever enrich and ennoble their lives.” They learned about themselves and how to align their values with ZTA’s Nine Key Values to better serve the Fraternity as future leaders. Each message from the general sessions connected to the small group sessions so collegians could further reflect on the Key Values. While emerging leaders grew in their leadership skills, current leaders benefitted from National Officer Academies (See Points of Pride on Page 36 for pictures!). Through roundtable discussions and case studies, volunteers learned about everything from chapter finances to engaging alumnae and enjoyed sisterhood and making connections. Collegiate National Officers had their own session with Lindsay Boccardo, and Alumnae National Officers focused on insights from the results of ZTA’s first alumnae-wide survey. Everyone appreciated the opportunity to learn together through sessions demonstrating the importance of communication and teamwork within ZTA’s Key Values to lead as National Officers.

CROWN CHAPTER Alpha, Longwood University Epsilon, University of Arkansas Zeta, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Kappa, The University of Texas at Austin Mu, Drury University Sigma, Baker University Phi, Duke University Alpha Zeta, The Ohio State University Alpha Omicron, The University of Iowa Alpha Upsilon, Oklahoma State University Alpha Psi, University of Missouri Beta Delta, Miami University Beta Theta, Franklin College Beta Upsilon, Kansas State University Beta Phi, Michigan State University Beta Psi, Stetson University Gamma Alpha, University of Miami Gamma Beta, Washington College Gamma Epsilon, Pennsylvania State University Gamma Iota, University of Florida Gamma Pi, University of Georgia Gamma Kappa, James Madison University Gamma Rho, Auburn University Gamma Tau, Texas Tech University Gamma Chi, Indiana State University Gamma Psi, Texas Christian University Delta Beta, Florida Southern College Delta Gamma, High Point University Delta Delta, Baldwin Wallace University Delta Theta, Ohio Northern University Delta Kappa, Louisiana State University Delta Iota, Clarion University of Pennsylvania Delta Sigma, Lamar University Delta Upsilon, West Virginia Wesleyan College Delta Chi, William Jewell College Delta Psi, Samford University Zeta Alpha, University of Evansville Zeta Gamma, Youngstown State University Zeta Lambda, Rider University Zeta Xi, Georgia Southern University Zeta Psi, Jacksonville State University Zeta Upsilon, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Zeta Omega, Ferris State University

Eta Lambda, College of Charleston Eta Nu, Radford University Eta Xi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Eta Rho, The University of North Alabama Eta Theta, Missouri University of Science and Technology Eta Tau, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Eta Phi, Illinois State University Eta Upsilon, Missouri Southern State University Eta Chi, Francis Marion University Theta Theta, Arkansas Tech University Theta Zeta, Wofford College Theta Sigma, Winthrop University Theta Tau, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Theta Phi, California State University, Fullerton Theta Omega, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Iota Gamma, The College of New Jersey Iota Delta, Towson University Iota Theta, Georgia Institute of Technology Iota Iota, Fairleigh Dickinson University Iota Xi, Christian Brothers University Iota Nu, Susquehanna University Iota Pi, University of Dayton Iota Phi, North Carolina State University Iota Psi, Rochester Institute of Technology Iota Omega, University of Maryland Kappa Eta, Rockhurst University Kappa Lambda, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Kappa Omicron, Merrimack College Kappa Upsilon, Georgia College Kappa Chi, Shorter University Kappa Omega, Saint Louis University Lambda Alpha, Sacred Heart University Lambda Beta, University of Rhode Island Lambda Gamma, The University of Texas at San Antonio Lambda Delta, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Lambda Theta, New York University Lambda Iota, Vanderbilt University Lambda Kappa, Appalachian State University Lambda Lambda, Kennesaw State University Lambda Mu, University of South Carolina Beaufort Lambda Nu, Furman University

Emerging Leaders Academy ¡ Fall 2019 ¡ 13

2019 MEMBERSHIP SURVEY REVEALS FOCUS ON FRIENDSHIP By Chelsea Gulley, Education and Programs Coordinator

From freshman year to senior year, a college student learns volumes about her values, her strengths and her challenges. In a similar way, Zeta Tau Alpha’s annual Membership Survey reveals valuable information about how members’ collegiate experience reflects the Fraternity’s values, enhances sisterhood and keeps members safe and healthy. The Membership Survey measures the development of ZTA women over time and the impact their membership has made on their overall collegiate experience. Members rate their agreement to a series of values-based statements on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The survey results form a comprehensive assessment of each chapter and the Fraternity as a whole in the areas of ZTA’s Nine Key Values and Five Areas of Sisterhood. Members also indicate how they feel about the health and safety of their chapter using a similar scale. ZTA uses the results to develop innovative programming that focuses on leadership development, academic achievement and personal growth. Each chapter receives its unique Chapter Assessment Report, which becomes a starting point for discussing their accomplishments and setting goals for improvement. Additionally, as one of the Crown Chapter criteria, each chapter 14 · THEMIS · Fraternity News

completes educational programs that align with the values that need improvement. In the fourth year of a partnership with Dyad Strategies, the spring 2019 Membership Survey revealed the strongest numbers yet in ZTA’s Nine Key Values, Five Areas of Sisterhood, and health and safety. This growth reflects how members look for opportunities to lead and serve, while developing a connection that goes beyond friendship, creating a true sense of sisterhood. Responses from members who have taken the survey from their freshman year to their senior year illustrate on a personal level how ZTA has made an impact on their collegiate experiences. “ZTA gave me the courage to put myself out there,” said Dana Riley (Zeta Lambda Chapter, Rider University). “I met women who empowered me, I applied for leadership positions, I attended National Leadership Conference, and suddenly, I became President of my chapter.” Stephanie Smith (Zeta Alpha Chapter, University of Evansville) appreciated the shared experience with likeminded friends. “I wanted to connect with people with my values,” she said. “Everyone comes from different backgrounds, but we all find a

common ground and work for causes that ZTA stands for.” For Haley Miller (Alpha Phi Chapter, Northwestern University,) sisterhood was a key benefit of her experience. “ZTA was just one piece of the puzzle that was college, but the puzzle wasn’t complete without it,” she said. “With three younger brothers, it was difficult for me to develop strong, close female friendships. Zeta Tau Alpha gave me friends whom I now consider family.” NINE KEY VALUES RESULTS ZTA’s Nine Key Values are based on the mission and The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha. They are: Lifelong Learning, Leadership, Responsibility, Being Rather than Seeming, Service & Philanthropy, Seeking Understanding that We Might Gain True Wisdom, Humility, Loyalty & Commitment, and Love. Over four years, the surveys consistently show Loyalty & Commitment as the strongest Key Value. The most significant fouryear gains occurred in the areas of Leadership, Responsibility and Seeking Understanding. “As a lifelong membership organization, we are encouraged by our collegians’ sense of loyalty,” said National President Alicia Patten Williams. “Our growth in other

Nationally, ZTA showed improvement in understanding the significance of sexual assault and survivor support.

.04 increase


.22 increase


.15 increase


.09 increase


.04 increase


.10 increase


Collegians showed an increase in knowing how to help a friend with a mental health challenge or personal crisis.

ZTA undergraduate students showed a decrease in alcohol use.

.32 increase


.05 increase


.03 increase


.03 increase


.03 increase



.08 increase


.06 increase


.06 increase



response rate 16,820 OUT OF 19,727 COLLEGIATE MEMBERS TOOK THE SURVEY IN 2019


2019 Fraternity News · Fall 2019 · 15

areas demonstrates how our chapter programming is succeeding.” Being Rather than Seeming and Humility have remained the Key Values with the lowest scores over four years. “An important benefit of the survey is that it shows us not only what we do well, but also where we have opportunities to improve,” Mrs. Williams said. “Our programming and the new Chapter Development Team can help each chapter address its challenges as well as embrace its strengths.” The Chapter Development Team travels the country to conduct Noble Workshops. “The workshops address the chapter’s strongest and weakest values and encourage members to hone their personal stories about ZTA membership,” said Senior Director of Education and Programs Becky Gleason. “Knowing your chapter’s identity and your own identity within the sisterhood is at the core of Being Rather than Seeming.” While the Fraternity saw a .33 increase in Humility from 2018 to 2019, the largest increase in any area, it remains an area for improvement that the Education Department will continue to address.

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FIVE AREAS OF SISTERHOOD RESULTS The Founders’ original purpose for ZTA was to intensify friendship. The Five Areas of Sisterhood portion of the survey assesses how well chapters are achieving that purpose. The areas are: Shared Social Experiences, Encouragement & Support, Belonging, Accountability, and Common Purpose.

the difficult subjects of mental health, sexual assault, alcohol use, substance abuse and hazing.

Based on the 2019 national results, each of the Five Areas of Sisterhood is at the highest level it has ever been. Over four years, ZTA chapters have particularly excelled in Encouragement & Support, Accountability and Common Purpose.

ZTA chapters have discussed mental health through the Behind Happy Faces program since 2014. As members continue to talk about mental health, their comfort level with conversations around the topic increases. Based on the 2019 results, mental health efficacy is at its highest level since the beginning of the survey, meaning members’ ability to confidently address their own unhealthy coping mechanisms and help friends who are experiencing mental health challenges or crises is improving.

After the 2018 survey showed a drop in Belonging, ZTA developed a new Healthy Belonging workshop, which launched this past September, as part of the refreshed My Sister, My Responsibility® program. The workshop’s goal is to encourage women to learn more about what their sisters want and how to have conversations that help to create a healthy environment.

This year’s results also indicated positive movement related to member attitudes about sexual assault. Positive opinions about minimization, social pressure and victim blaming decreased this year, while survivor support increased again. ZTA will continue to focus programming around these areas and provide members with tools and resources to support each other.

HEALTH AND SAFETY RESULTS This aspect of the survey measures how chapters encourage their members’ actions and beliefs around

p i h s r e d a e L s t n a t l u s n Co 2019-2020

Throughout the academic year, Leadership Consultants visit collegiate chapters to provide guidance on chapter operations, leadership development and officer education. They also assist new chapters on the journey to Installation. These 19 women exemplify leadership, enthusiasm, creativity, flexibility and loyalty to Zeta Tau Alpha. Find out more about the 2019-2020 LCs on the following pages. The ZTA Foundation funds a portion of the LC program.

– 17 –

Leadership Consultants · FALL 2019 · 17

18 · THEMIS · Leadership Consultants

(from left to right)

OLIVIA DIESCHBOURG Alpha Omicron Chapter The University of Iowa

ISABEL STANDBRIDGE Lambda Zeta Chapter Lehigh University

ABBY SMITH Theta Tau Chapter The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Hometown: Decorah, Iowa

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Degree: Management and Organizations

Degree: Finance

Hometown: Fayetteville, North Carolina

What do you hope to contribute to the chapters you visit this year?

“Do what you like and like what you do.”

I hope to show my sisters that what we do in ZTA means so much more than we think it does. We are empowering ourselves and the women of our chapters to make a difference in this world. What app could you not live without? I am constantly on Pinterest. I love getting inspiration from others’ creativity! DORY GURINSKY Lambda Theta Chapter New York University Hometown: Austin, Texas Degree: Psychology What motivates you? People motivate me! I love being able to help other people, and building relationships with others makes me happy. I am always excited to make new friendships. What’s at the top of your bucket list? I want to go to Vancouver. I have an inexplicable draw to Canada, and I feel like I was born to either live in or visit Vancouver.

What is your personal motto?

What’s your proudest accomplishment to date? I’m proud of being someone my little siblings can look up to. I’ve loved watching them grow up and become compassionate and resilient people. MADILYNN PECK Omicron Chapter Brenau University

Degree: Communication Why did you want to be an LC? Watching my sister lead in Kappa Delta Sorority and work effortlessly as a special education teacher inspired me to lead within ZTA. I owe my determination and drive to her. What app could you not live without? Lightroom is the best photo editing app out there.

Hometown: Gainesville, Georgia

MADELINE APPLING Theta Psi Chapter Texas State University

Degree: Business Administration in Marketing

Hometown: Friendswood, Texas

What are you most excited about for the upcoming year? Zeta Tau Alpha developed and refined me in ways I could not imagine, and I look forward to helping Zetas realize their potential. Who has been your ZTA mentor? Omicron Chapter’s General Advisor, Shannon Grinnan Weeks, taught me to hold my own and to believe that my words and actions truly can make an impact. She serves with her whole heart.

Degree: Public Relations How do you live the values of ZTA? I live the values of ZTA through leading and helping others. I can’t wait to share my values while connecting with sisters. What app could you not live without? Instagram is my favorite! I’m a very visual person and love looking at other people’s lives through pictures.

Leadership Consultants · Fall 2019 · 19

(from left to right)

ANNA PATARINO Lambda Epsilon Chapter Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Hometown: Franklin, Indiana Degree: Communication Studies How do you live the values of ZTA? I continue to make my loved ones a priority and remember that I am lucky to have such great support during this new experience. What’s your favorite way to “treat yo’self”? I’ve found that planning and going on exciting adventures with my friends always leaves me feeling thankful. MIRANDA LINDMARK* Sigma Chapter Baker University Hometown: Overland, Kansas Degree: Elementary Education

*denotes a returning LC 20 · THEMIS · Leadership Consultants

What motivates you? I love to help and teach others, and knowing I can impact someone else’s life pushes me to continue to help and give to others. What do you hope to contribute to the chapters you visit this year? My hope is for every chapter member to grow within ZTA like I was able to, by bringing my knowledge, organization, leadership skills and friendship to each chapter. MACKENZIE NEWSOME Kappa Upsilon Chapter Georgia College Hometown: Jackson, Georgia Degree: Community Health Who is your role model? My Big, Katie, is the epitome of selflessness, kindness and grace.

She proves that a woman can be both strong and full of grace. What do you hope to contribute to the chapters you visit this year? I want to provide support and encouragement to help collegians become better versions of themselves. JAYDEN ALLEY Gamma Chi Chapter Indiana State University Hometown: Terre Haute, Indiana Degree: Athletic Training Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation What are you most excited about for the upcoming year? I can’t wait to meet women who are passionate about leading and making their chapters the best they can be. Who has been your ZTA mentor? Karoline Park (Beta Theta Chapter,

Franklin College) was my General Advisor when I was President. She was always there to give me advice and the best pep talks.

CHARLEE OWNBY Zeta Chapter University of Tennessee at Knoxville

ROXANA AGUILAR Zeta Lambda Chapter Rider University

Hometown: Milan, Tennessee

ALEXA HAINES Delta Psi Chapter Samford University

Degree: English Literature

Hometown: Lawrenceville, New Jersey

Hometown: Gulf Breeze, Florida

The constant pursuit of knowledge motivates me. I am a scholar and student at heart, and I continuously strive to learn more about the world around me!

Why did you want to be an LC?

What are your plans after you serve as a Leadership Consultant?

What’s at the top of your bucket list?

I want to go back to school and get my Master of Arts and doctorate degree so that I can teach English at a liberal arts university or move to New York City to become a publisher.

I want to visit each state in the U.S. So far, I’ve visited 16, and hopefully I will get to cross a few states off my list as a Leadership Consultant.

Degree: Law, Politics and Society How do you live the values of ZTA? My favorite ZTA Key Value is Being Rather than Seeming. My goal is to be my most authentic self and let others in to get to know the real me. What’s your favorite way to “treat yo’self”? I love to organize family dinners and spending time with relatives. I also enjoy a good mani-pedi.

What motivates you?

Degree: Public Relations I wanted to give back to ZTA and challenge myself. I know not every day will be easy, but it is a challenge that I am happy to take.

Leadership Consultants · FALL 2019 · 21

(from front row left to right, to back row left to right) * denotes a returning LC

MEREDITH CALDWELL Mu Chapter Drury University

SHELBY BICKHAM Delta Sigma Chapter Lamar University

BAILEY FERREE* Alpha Psi Chapter University of Missouri

Hometown: Lynchburg, Missouri

Hometown: Beaumont, Texas

Hometown: Kansas City, Missouri

Degree: Psychology and Criminology

Degree: Criminal Justice

Degree: Social Work

What do you hope to contribute to the chapters you visit this year?

What motivates you?

What is your personal motto? “Work hard and live well.” What are your plans after you serve as a Leadership Consultant? I plan to attend graduate school for counseling psychology and hope to have a career in the field of school counseling.

I hope to leave each chapter better than I find it and to instill a sense of pride for the bond, accomplishments and legacy the chapter has at each university. What’s at the top of your bucket list?

In everything I do, I strive to make a difference in the lives of others around me and leave things a little bit better than they were when I started. What do you hope to contribute to the chapters you visit this year?

I want to attend an AC/DC concert and travel to Greece.

I hope to contribute new ideas, guidance and a positive attitude to all the chapters I visit.

Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio

DELANEY JOHNSON Gamma Tau Chapter Texas Tech University

ALEXIS BURNS Eta Tau Chapter The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Degree: Early Childhood Education

Hometown: Corsicana, Texas

Hometown: Hickory, North Carolina

MARISSA WYRICK Iota Pi Chapter The University of Dayton

Who is your role model? My grandma’s positive energy is contagious! Just by being in the room, she has the ability to make me feel like I am capable of anything I put my mind to. How do you live the values of ZTA? I live the values of ZTA by showing empathy. By putting myself in someone else’s shoes, I am able to seek understanding that I might gain true wisdom.

22 · THEMIS · Leadership Consultants

Degree: Communication Studies What are you most excited about for the upcoming year? I am really looking forward to traveling around the country, meeting new people and enjoying new experiences. What’s your proudest accomplishment to date? I’m the first member of my immediate family to attend and graduate from a four-year university.

Degree: Political Science/ International Public Relations Who is your role model? Speaker Bonny Shade (Kappa Tau Chapter, Florida Gulf Coast University) is someone I look to in the good times and bad. She inspires me to be a better person and to speak out about injustice. What’s your proudest accomplishment to date? Having the opportunity to intern as part of the Charlotte Hornets’ front office staff was an incredible experience.

“I can speak with absolute confidence to the amazing things expected of these women during their year on the ZTA road. They have worked so diligently and joyfully to prepare for what’s ahead.” C AITLIN MOULTON-TOWLE Director of Field Operations

Leadership Consultants · FALL 2019 · 23

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Bringing ZTA’s


By Christy Marx Barber, Staff Writer


eta Tau Alpha has always dreamed big. Our Founders dreamed of a sisterhood with a far-reaching influence. Our Foundation dreamed of making a difference through service, philanthropy and scholarships. Our Fraternity Housing Corporation dreamed of competitive places for every collegiate chapter to call home. As each of those dreams became reality, the dedicated sisters who made them possible dreamed of a place to properly share the storied history of our Fraternity. That dream too became a reality with the opening of ZTA’s new Historical and Educational Center (HEC) at International Office in Carmel, Indiana. Treasured artifacts that had lived, at best, in china cabinets at former offices, and, at worst, in random boxes and filing drawers, now gleam in custommade cabinetry and display cases. From our Founders’ hand-written notes to banquet gowns of recent National Presidents, the center is a visual, oral and written journey through Zeta Tau Alpha’s first 120 years. Read on to learn more about the donors, tours and behind-the-scenes story of this new shining jewel in ZTA’s crown.

26 · THEMIS · Feature

Feature · FALL 2019 · 27

AN OVERWHELMING OPENING—JULY 17 After Susan L. Beard and Terri Dew Millsap untied the turquoise ribbon and opened the doors of the Historical and Educational Center for the first time, the donors who had gathered at the entrance did not move. “It was just so spectacular. I couldn’t walk forward,” said former National President Nan Barkley Boettcher (Omega Chapter, Southern Methodist University). “We were overwhelmed,” she said, by the center’s entrance image, ZTA’s iconic Mystifying Picture, displayed four feet tall, six feet wide and backlit to give the Founders an amber glow. After the initial gasp, donors did indeed enter and take in the full effect of the center’s opening displays—three free-standing cases featuring personal possessions of the Founders and the original Chain of Chapters, now 256 links long, strung in a 19-foot-long illuminated display case of nine panels, each taller than the next to symbolize the Fraternity’s growth. “Oh, my. Oh, my,” former National President Nora Nell Hardy Jackson (Beta Gamma Chapter, Florida State University) repeated as she viewed the new center for the first time. “When I travel, my favorite places to visit are museums,” she said, “and this is as beautiful as any museum I’ve ever seen.” The 60 donors who contributed $5,000 or more to the HEC were invited to the grand opening. “Turning this room into a magnificent Historical and Educational Center would never have happened without the donors who helped us fund this dream,” said ZTA Foundation President Carolyn Hof Carpenter. “We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their loyalty to ZTA.”



Donor Aimee Wise (Iota Eta Chapter, University of Nevada at Las Vegas) traveled from Las Vegas to Carmel to see what she helped create. She viewed the video about the history of Recruitment entertainment and lingered at the display of skit costumes. “Some of my fondest college memories are performing in skits during Recruitment,” Aimee said. “The video shows just how much Zetas everywhere have always done to grow our sisterhood and will hopefully inspire our younger sisters in their Recruitment events.” Like every donor, Mrs. Boettcher wished she had more time to take in all the words and artifacts, but there were sisters to hug and tears to share. “I want to go back soon and take my time to go through it all,” she said. “It makes ZTA history come alive. I hope people will make a point to visit. It will rekindle the love they have for ZTA.”

28 · THEMIS · Feature

[1] Susan L. Beard opens the door of the Historical and Educational Center to donors for the first time. Nan Barkley Boettcher was the first donor to walk into the incredible display of ZTA’s history. [2] Donors Nora Nell Hardy Jackson and V. Jan Middlebrooks share a laugh at the unveiling of the HEC. [3] Donor Aimee Wise enjoys a video about Recruitment through the ages. [4] Kery Webb, National Ritual Chairman, and Stephanie Arnette Powell, Secretary-Treasurer of the Fraternity Housing Corporation, marvel at a pair of shoes that belonged to Founder Ethel Coleman Van Name.



DONORS Mardee Coyle Austin Jennifer Speidel Baker Nancy Beard Barnett Susan L. Beard Laura Boettcher Bennett Nan Barkley Boettcher Debbie Buscher Katy Fluhr Carlsward Carolyn Hof Carpenter Franlyna Barrett Charles

Sara Jasper Clark Debbie Barrett Cooke Cynthia Byars Courtney Dr. Rachelle J. Douglass Martha C. Edens Deb Ensor Jennifer Anne Francis Leslie Manning Francis Marnie Marlar Frazier Glenna Woodruff Gundell

Liza Gundell Bridget Denise Higginbotham Julia Marthaler Hill Nora Nell Hardy Jackson Stacy Kalisz Johnson Alice U. Jones Stephany Moore Joslin Heather Matthews Kirk Kay Dill Kreutzer Laura Ladewig Landers (Mauro)

Dinah Jackson Laughery Michelle Macartney Anne Barkley Manning Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel Alice McCann Mathews Kay McCoy McKelvey Pam McMillan McKinney V. Jan Middlebrooks Candy Chastain Mielke Karen Farmer Mills

Kelley E. Moulton Kathleen Suzanne Papp Sarah Ruhwedel Porter Stephanie Arnette Powell Laura Moak Redman Shari H. Robins, M.D. Lynn Boettcher Schaezler Malaea Nelms Seleski Leah Ann McAbee Sexton Bonney Stamper Shuman

Marty E. Sik Dr. Kelly M. Smith Katharine Benzini Stampe Mary Ann Stratford Stegall Melissa Still Sherry Server Tilley Bobby Seitz Turnbull Kery Reinkemyer Webb Aimee Wytko Wise Shamim Syed Wu

Feature ¡ Fall 2019 ¡ 29

30 · THEMIS · Feature

HAPPY TEARS TOURS—JULY 18 On its first full day of tours, the Historical and Educational Center prompted tears of joy from National Officers and eyes full of wonder from emerging leaders.

Technology). “They were so far ahead of their time. In the HEC, you can see how what they created grew to be something so much greater.”

Province Presidents, District Presidents, Mentors, Directors of New Chapters and facilitators for the Emerging Leaders Academy visited the HEC the morning of July 18. Many of these committed volunteers hugged and cried as they took in the full effect of the large room full of ZTA history.

The volunteers enjoyed finding items from their chapters, mementos from Conventions they attended and photos of leaders who shaped their ZTA paths. “Seeing their emotional reaction to the space was so rewarding,” said HEC Committee member Terri Dew Millsap. “These women truly felt how important the project was for the Fraternity and all Zetas.”

“For the first time, I felt as though the Founders came alive for me,” said Province President XVII-A Christina Ayres (Eta Theta Chapter, Missouri University of Science and

ELA attendees immediately sought out their chapter’s link in The Chain. They were enthralled by the Founders’ jewelry, intrigued by 100-year-old issues of Themis and

amazed to learn that dance cards were once the norm at ZTA formals. “Watching the collegians take it all in was heartwarming,” said Regan Steimel, who worked as an intern on the HEC Committee for a year before starting graduate school to pursue a master’s in public history and library science. “I saw in them the genuine curiosity and desire to learn that I had when I was an emerging leader.” The tours had the effect the committee strived to achieve. “What the collegians saw in the HEC should inspire them to stay involved,” said Archivist Patti Cords Levitte. “Our history is full of great stories, and these enthusiastic young women can write their own ZTA stories in the future.” Feature · Fall 2019 · 31

HOW THE HEC DID IT HAPPEN? Museum design and construction companies estimate an organization needs at least three years to create a historic exhibit from start to finish. However, like our Founders, Zeta Tau Alpha’s Historical and Educational Committee overachieved, creating our new historic space in just 18 months. ZTA moved into a new International Office in January 2018. Hundreds of Zetas would be in Indianapolis in July 2019 for Emerging Leaders Academy, so July became the ambitious goal for the HEC opening. The first step was to contract with two of the most successful firms in the museum industry—Design Minds of Richmond, Virginia, for concept, and 1220 Exhibits of Nashville, Tennessee, for fabrication and construction. The committee and the firms first met in February 2018 to brainstorm concepts and establish the tight deadlines. After selecting the Mystifying Picture and the Chain of Chapters for the initial HEC “wow” effects, the committee chose to display the symbols of the Fraternity on the back of the picture wall and 18 issues of Themis from years past on the reverse side of the panels that hold The Chain. The committee then selected the Purpose from ZTA’s charter, granted in 1902 by the Virginia legislature, as the titles of the five areas in the HEC: • Intensify Friendship: Founders and Early Years • Foster a Spirit of Love: Expansion and Recruitment • Mould Opinions: Alumnae Experience and Conventions • Perform Deeds: Philanthropy and Service • Create Sentiments: Housing and International Office Those areas include 12 custom-made cases that hold the permanent collection of 400 artifacts and pictures. The cases have a decorative skirt with a routed chain profile and include 45 drawers with hundreds of additional items. The drawers can be changed as the archives receives more historic items from members. The HEC is open during regular IO business hours: Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. If you plan to visit, please call (317) 872-0540 as far ahead as possible so a staff member can greet you to start your tour. [5] Committee members assemble one of the 45 drawers in the HEC. [6] Terri Dew Millsap and Susan L. Beard look at a model of the HEC at the first meeting with 1220 Exhibits, the company that ZTA consulted with to create the HEC. [7] Handmande archival jewelry mounts sit among construction materials.

5 32 · THEMIS · Feature



Carolyn Hof Carpenter Theta Tau, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ZTA Foundation President and former National President

Becky Hainsworth Kirwan Gamma Beta, Washington College ZTA Foundation Director and former National President Susan L. Beard Delta Psi, Samford University Archives Committee Chairman


Terri Dew Millsap Alpha Nu, Birmingham Southern College Archives Committee Member Patti Cords Levitte Beta Phi, Michigan State University Archivist Christy Marx Barber Alpha Psi, University of Missouri Staff Writer/ Special Projects Coordinator

Regan Steimel

Beta Theta, Franklin College Archives Intern Feature ¡ Fall 2019 ¡ 33

A HEAD START ON HOUSING By Christy Marx Barber, Staff Writer

Starting back-to-school shopping in October seems like a strong case of “too little, too late,” unless, of course, the shopping is for next year. The newly restructured ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation is doing just that.

so valuable to the board,” said Vice President Housing Area I Natalie Yingling Lisko. “The advisors and Area Housing Coordinators are our boots on the ground and give us insight we may not otherwise have about each property.”

Just a few weeks into the 2019-2020 academic year, ZTA Housing Advisors and General Advisors are already meeting with chapter Presidents, House Managers and House Directors to compile “wish lists” for redecorating and renovation for the 2020-2021 school year, which are due to the 22 Area Housing Coordinators on Nov. 1. By Dec. 1, the Area Housing Coordinators will research costs and submit the lists to their Vice President Housing. Then, the three Vice Presidents Housing will review the requests and submit them to the entire FHC board by Jan. 1, 2020, and the board will meet later on that month to allocate funds for the next school year.

The levels of input also help the board prioritize funding. “We do our best as a board to strike a balance between what needs to be done and what the chapter members want to feel competitive on campus and happy within their ZTA home,” said Vice President Housing Area III Marnie Marlar Frazier.

“The new schedule and structure work well as we incorporate additional levels of input with an increase in volunteers to build partnerships,” said FHC President Dinah Jackson Laughery. Moving the annual board meeting from March to January gives the FHC the opportunity to start renovations and communicate with chapter members and advisors prior to summer break. Having several levels of input gives the FHC comprehensive representation of each chapter’s needs and wants. “Learning what’s important to the collegians and Housing Advisors is 34 · THEMIS · Fraternity Housing Corporation News

In addition to starting early, the FHC is also focusing on strategic planning. Beginning this year, the wish list allocations will be submitted and stored by chapter in ZTA’s online chapter management system, ZetaBase, for reference in years to come. “The process will never be perfect, and we will probably tweak it year after year,” said Vice President Housing Area II Julie Ward Moxley. “We will listen to our local and area volunteers and do whatever we can to make this process as easy and enjoyable as possible.” Reviewing the process annually will help the FHC achieve its mission to “provide safe, competitive and attractive facilities by using resources responsibly and focusing on fostering sisterhood, supporting members, preparing for the future, and continuing to be the leader in fraternity/sorority housing.”

NATIONAL COUNCIL UPDATES LEGACY POLICY By Lauren McMahon, Senior Director of Membership Services

ZTA no longer uses the term “indirect legacy.” ZTA will only use the term “legacy,” and it applies solely to a daughter, granddaughter or sister.

A legacy status is only valid if the member is in good standing.

ZTA chapters have individual requirements for selection during Recruitment (e.g., scholarship, leadership, service).

A ZTA legacy is considered to be a daughter, granddaughter or sister of a member in good standing. A legacy will be invited back to one invitational event provided she meets the membership requirements of the chapter. Legacies who attend Preference should be within Quota range on the Bid List. No legacy is guaranteed a bid. Bids are based on mutual selection between the PNM and the chapter. There is no guarantee for a bid.

Recruitment is vital for bringing new collegiate women into ZTA’s sisterhood, but its importance doesn’t end after graduation. Alumnae continue to be dedicated to the membership selection process in many ways and are a key part of ZTA’s growth. That growth also includes the ongoing development of the membership selection process. National Council continually analyzes the existing Legacy Policy to ensure Recruitment practices simultaneously honor legacies’ connections to the organization and support the needs of the collegiate chapter. In preparation for the 2020-2021 academic year, ZTA will update its Legacy Policy. Most notable is the removal of the term

This reflects the current RFM Primary Recruitment selection process.

“indirect legacy.” Under the updated policy, a potential new member is considered a legacy only if she is a daughter, granddaughter or sister of a member in good standing. While preparing for 2020 fall Recruitment, alumnae should be mindful of best practices for referring PNMs. Any Zeta Tau Alpha alumna in good standing may submit a reference to a ZTA collegiate chapter for a woman participating in Recruitment. However, references are only valuable if they include thoughtful and specific information about her and why she would make a terrific Zeta. The best references are written as a result of a close, long-standing relationship with a

PNM. These meaningful references shed light on her true character and hold more weight during Primary Recruitment. Alumnae should submit all member referrals through the online MIS form found on Sisters Only under the Engage tab on the personal profile page. Please send any questions regarding membership selection, the Legacy Policy or the MIS to ZTA appreciates members’ service and dedication to membership selection and looks forward to seeing sisters continue to lead the way to make references more relevant, inclusive and useful. Fraternity News · Fall 2019 · 35






AC ADEMIES 36 · THEMIS · Points of Pride







[1] Alumnae National Officers brainstorm ideas for officer recruitment and retention during an Alumnae National Officer Academy session.

[5] Collegiate National Officers gather for a group photo to document the weekend of leadership development in Indianapolis, Indiana.

[2] Alumnae National Officers take advantage of the lighting in the walkover bridge at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown for a group photo.

[6] National Council, instrumental in bringing the inaugural Emerging Leaders Academy to fruition and leading sessions throughout the weekend, poses for a picture in front of the Nine Key Values backdrop between meetings.

[3] Collegiate National Officers compete in a rousing Minute to Win It game in a Collegiate National Officer Academy meeting. [4] Collegiate National Officers break into small groups to discuss case studies centered around common scenarios they may face in their roles.

[7] Alumnae National Officers and Collegiate National Officers kick off National Officer Academy with a joint session.

identifies which part of The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha most deeply resonates with her. [9] Alumnae National Officers take notes and actively participate in discussions during an Alumnae National Officer Academy session. [10] Two National Officers pose for a photo in the foyer of International Office during tours before heading to downtown Indianapolis, Indiana, to officially begin the weekend of National Officer Academies.

[8] During the first tours of the new International Office in Carmel, Indiana, a National Officer Points of Pride ¡ Fall 2019 ¡ 37

Thank you, donors! DONOR LIST: Lifetime This annual listing honors donors who have cumulatively given $10,000 or more to the ZTA Foundation. [Gold] $50,000+ Alpha Beta

University of Pennsylvania Mary Subers Lee

Alpha Theta

Purdue University

Bobby Seitz Turnbull Beta Delta

Miami University

Karen Lowman West Delta Kappa

Louisiana State University Sherry Stagg St. Aubin Eta Iota

Valdosta State University Alice McCann Mathews Eta Rho

The University of North Alabama Kay Dill Kreutzer Gamma Pi

University of Georgia

Stephanie Arnette Powell Lambda

Southwestern University Suzanne Morrow Ellis Nu

The University of Alabama Leah Ann McAbee Sexton Theta Psi

Texas State University

Alpha Psi

Gamma Beta

Zeta Xi


Dr. Rachelle J. Douglass

Becky Hainsworth Kirwan

Mardee Coyle Austin

Alice U. Jones

Alpha Theta

Gamma Iota

Connie Fotos Grace

Karen Farmer Mills

Alpha Upsilon

Gamma Omega

Linda Lawrence Green Marty E. Sik

Kathy Benzini Stampe

Louise C. Bellatti

Nancy Bowne Morgan

Alpha Kappa

Florida Southern College

University of Missouri

Purdue University

Oklahoma State University Beta Delta

Miami University

Stephany Moore Joslin Beta Gamma

Florida State University Nora Nell Hardy Jackson Beta Omicron

University of South Carolina Dinah Helms Cook Beta Psi

Stetson University

Debbie Barrett Cooke Delta Delta

Baldwin Wallace University Michelle Macartney Kay McCoy McKelvey

University of Cincinnati Catherine G. Slaughter

Bonney Stamper Shuman

Valdosta State University Leilani Struzick Rabourn Eta Omega

Louisiana State University in Shreveport

Bridget Denise Higginbotham Gamma Alpha

Shari H. Robins, M.D.

[Bronze] $10,000–$24,999 Alpha Chi

University of Kentucky

University of Pittsburgh Delta Alpha

California State University, Long Beach Delta Beta

University of Illinois

Elena DeVilliers Barbara Kazanjian Purks

Alpha Psi

Delta Delta

Stacy J. Froschauer

Baldwin Wallace University

Christy Marx Barber

Hellen M. Greenway

Cynthia Byars Courtney Leslie Liem Hix

Alpha Theta

Delta Kappa

Iota Sigma

Janet Ruth Graab-Miller Miss Joy LeRoy

Heather Matthews Kirk

Keeley McDonald Riddle

Alpha Upsilon

Georgia State University

Texas Tech University

Old Dominion University Kappa

The University of Texas at Austin Mary Holt Walcutt Omega

Southern Methodist University

Val Clough Ross Pat Wooster-Jackson

Georgia Southwestern State University

Georgia Southern University

University of Missouri

Gamma Tau

Eta Alpha

University of Miami 38 · THEMIS · Donor List

University of Georgia


Eta Iota

Alpha Eta

Gamma Pi

Karey Patterson Bresenhan

Sam Houston State University


[Silver] $25,000–$49,999

University of Houston

Delta Zeta

Laura Ladewig Landers

Jean Lohr Kirkley

University of Florida

Nan Barkley Boettcher Anne Barkley Manning Jerry Rainey Putt

Elizabeth Harpe Ruf

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Washington College

Baker University

Theta Omega

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Shamim Syed Wu Zeta Delta

University of Louisiana at Monroe Lisa Busby Walston Joy Hathorn Watson Zeta Omicron

Arkansas State University Nona Douglass Richey

Purdue University

Oklahoma State University Sharryn Tucker Ehrlich Sara Hays Johnston Dorothy Coates Pataky Alpha Xi

Indiana University

Debra DeVault Marlett Beta Delta

Miami University

Glenna Woodruff Gundell Barbara Wheelock Hamilton Beta Gamma

Florida State University Dinah Jackson Laughery Jacquie Belcher Miller Pat C. Sibley Beta Omicron

University of South Carolina V. Jan Middlebrooks Beta Zeta

Iowa State University Sherry K. Sunderman

Louisiana State University Delta Lambda

Laura Moak Redman Delta Omicron

Lenoir-Rhyne University

Dana Brasington Atkinson Delta Psi

Samford University Susan L. Beard Delta Zeta

Sam Houston State University Claire Winn Dowden Judy Berry Jackson Epsilon

University of Arkansas Martha Gorum Jackson Eta Iota

Valdosta State University Marlene Dunbar Conrad Kery Reinkemyer Webb Eta Lambda

College of Charleston

Pam McMillan McKinney

Eta Omega

Gamma Gamma

Gamma Xi

Louisiana State University in Shreveport

The University of Texas at El Paso

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Eta Rho

Gamma Nu

Iota Delta

Nancy Walker

Marnie Marlar Frazier

The University of North Alabama

Julia Marthaler Hill Malaea Nelms Seleski Mary Ann Stratford Stegall Eta Theta

Missouri University of Science and Technology



Towson University Liza Gundell

Elta T. Cooke Sue Logan Prange

Melissa Still

Gamma Omega

Iota Omega

Theta Chi

Lynne Howard Eckels Alice DeWalt Hahn Nina Hendee Renee Broussard Jongebloed

Nora Villareal Karam

University of Virginia

University of Houston

Gamma Omicron

Eta Xi

Leslie Wise

Central Michigan University

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Gamma Pi

Gamma Beta

Ann Tansey Kreager Dr. Kelly M. Smith Marnie Brown Wallen

Washington College

University of Georgia

Roxanne Trovato Wood

Dr. Darcy L. Russell

Milikin University

University of Maryland

George Mason University

Rebecca Traino Everitt

Lucia Prenzel Knudsen

Iota Psi

Theta Epsilon

Rochester Institute of Technology

Stacy Johnson Vicki Decker Griffith Iota Xi

Christian Brothers University Sara Jasper Clark Kappa

The University of Texas at Austin

University of San Diego Shannon Smith Theta Eta

Stephen F. Austin State University Stacy LaRue Gannon Theta Omega

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Gamma Chi

University of Tampa Sylvia Sears Danner

Lara Marie Burns Mary Barker Evans Mary Kay Lattimore Evans Carrie Joiner Woliver

Chris Flora Walter Judy Jordan Wright

Gamma Tau


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Gamma Delta

Debbie Anne Novelli Beverly Kunze Randall Stacey Verkest Voigt

Shirley Oliver Sanders

Carolyn Hof Carpenter Carla Martin Cobb Andrea Nichole DeVos

Barbara Townsend Cromwell

Indiana State University

University of Mississippi Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel


University of California, Berkeley

Jennifer Speidel Baker Kris Fleming

Francine Marie Vannicola


Baker University

Gamma Sigma

Texas Tech University

Southwestern University Omega

Southern Methodist University Janet Rendleman Bergstrom

Christine Depalma Ford Diane Hanson Keegan Theta Tau

Gene Marie Slanker Hassan

University of Tennessee, Knoxville Zeta Alpha

University of Evansville Sherry Server Tilley Zeta Iota

Western Carolina University Franlyna Barrett Charles Zeta Mu

Jacksonville University Debbie E. Buscher Zeta Pi

Woodbury University Kathy Cook Apogee Zeta Psi

Jacksonville State University Gloria Culberson Hice Zeta Theta

East Central University

Brigette Donaghey Gean

Theta Theta

Arkansas Tech University Sharon Mullens Desiderio

DONOR LIST: Annual Donors 2018–2019 This annual listing honors donors who gave $50 or more to the ZTA Foundation between Aug. 1, 2018 and July 31, 2019. To make a donation, visit Alpha


Dr. Rebecca White Adams Beth Heartwell Belcher Claudia Adams Bennett – 5 Carol Farleigh Cashman Carole Gibson Flemming – 6 Margaret Bell Herrin Nancy Forrest Hirschberg Debbie Cosby Kelley – 6 Polly P. Miller – 6 June Strother Shissias – 6 Janet T. Thompson – 6 Ednamae Hudson Trevey Julia M. Williams Merilyn Inge Winn

Betty Dabney Charles – 2 Phillipa Allen Smith – 5 Beverly Blair West – 6

Longwood University

Randolph College

Epsilon University of Arkansas

Leslie Smith Belden – 6 Georgia Doty Berry Bailey Rebecca Byrne – 6 Lyda Crittenden Campbell Linda Robinson Collins – 6 Deanna Wilburn Cooper – 6 Jenny Carter Dakil – 6 Brianna Michelle Forth – 6

Kayte Sexton Fry – 5 Susie Werner Geiger – 5 Pamela June Haynie – 5 Nancy Lang Hays Haley Ann Hink Jayne Scoggins Hungate – 5 Bo Helen Hunt – 6 Martha Gorum Jackson– 5 Charlotte McKinney King – 4 Joann S. Secuban Kittell – 6 Lindsey Brooke Lawrence Jane Rhodes Marotti Abby Young McKelvy Stephanie Tatman Mersman Areta Hill Moseley – 5 Linda Burge Orr Elizabeth Yearns Patterson

Melissa Terry Perez Emily Anne Phillips Michelle Rizzuti – 6 Becky Sue Swearingen Allison Ross Thompson– 6 Carolyn Jackson Tolley – 6 Shannon Carlton Walker Marcia Kirksey Wise – 6

Zeta University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Sydney Leigh Alexander – 6 Cynthia Connor Borden – 6 Kaye Ritchie Carney – 5 Betty Young Catron Patricia Ann Cottrell

Lu Ann Woolwine Crockett – 6 Jessica Howell Crumley – 6 Ana Ownbey Davis – 6 Ella Hodgson Davis – 6 Jessica Kosty Dunckel – 5 Joan Sartain Freesh – 6 Josephine Bandy Hill

Annual donors giving key 1: $5,000 + 2: $2,500–$4,999 3: $1,000–$2,400 4: $500–$999 5: $300–$499 6: $100–$299

Donor List · Fall 2019· 39

Sula Hensley Inklebarger Libby Johnstone James Becky Huber Jehn Gina Wiley Lehman – 5 Kerri Killgore Lovegrove – 6 Shelley Madan – 6 Savannah Mary–Mae McGraw Natasha Selene Parowski – 6 Nancy Jones Pierce – 6 Lauren Elizabeth Powell Jessica Stephens Redmond Amanda Lynn Restaino Lisa Murphy Rotton – 6 Melissa Still – 1 Peggy Hannon Thornton – 5 Jennifer Fitzwater Tomasetti Nancy Turner Upchurch Molly Albin West – 6 Andrea Giust Zeltser – 6

Theta Bethany College

Eileen Courtney Campbell – 6 Anne Elaine Carter – 6 Dina Johnson Fulmer Patricia Weber Horsley Francene Saporito Kanter – 6 Patricia Head Wilson – 6

Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Susan J. Bayliss Mary Slater Beck – 6 Susan Scott Birdwell – 6 Virginia Paul Bousquet – 5 Hope Carberry Brusevold – 6 Lara Marie Burns – 2 Katherine Griffin Caskey – 6 Sue Clark

Helen Cook Covert – 2 Barbara Davis Donnelly Sondra Hampton Durso – 6 Sunny Wilkens Ernst – 6 Mary Barker Evans – 1 Mary Kay Lattimore Evans – 6 Lee Ann Harber Fackler Helen Meszaros Fitzgerald Mallory Ann Garcia–Payan Grace Mathers Gilmore – 6 Margaret Peden Goode Erin Williams Heath – 6 Melinda Howe Hickey – 6 Christine Fallon Highland Angela Lee Hill – 6 Susan Kirkpatrick Hinson – 6 Tracy Montalbo Hird – 6 Suzanne K. Hofmann – 3 Penny Pounds Hollyfield Janet Little Horton – 5 Julie Parker Rose Johnson Carol Miller Kelley – 6 Sandy Wright Kibby Melinda Meyer Kilpatrick – 5 Cindy Hendrick Kozmetsky – 4 Betty Burt Kyle – 6 Susan Lubin – 2 Sue Heidelberg Marshall – 6 Lea M. Matthews Laura Liebmann Miller – 6 Cristin Williams–Mills Jerry Carter Montouri – 6 Jenny Norstrom Moore – 6 Sarah Sturgis Morrill – 6 Kathy Martin Sone Oberthier Kitty Knox Oldham – 6 Mayre Richards Overstreet Lauren Elisabeth Petrowski – 6 Eleanor Preston Pulver

Cynthia Bills Reid – 6 Joan Knight Rieger – 6 Kathy Holmes Ritter – 6 Anne Szablowski Robillard – 6 Lynn Schaezler – 6 Amber Koop Seale – 3 Cynthia Sampson Shipper – 6 Marida Pike Slobko – 3 Sandra Bearden Smith – 6 Kelly Fitzgerald Sotelo Marolyn Wittman Stubblefield Margaret Johnson Talley– 6 Joan Dunlap Thompson – 6 Karen Wilson Wagner – 3 Mary Holt Walcutt – 2 Beverly Butler Walsdorf Nanette Rountree Wheelis – 6 Kay Dunlap Whitney Margot Markle Wilkinson Carrie Joiner Woliver – 5 Darlene Harris Wuensche

Lambda Southwestern University

Leslie Renee Ansley – 6 Madison Lynn Boyd Suzanne Morrow Ellis – 5 Karen E. Hanson-Flowers Mary Carolyn Garrett Howell Frances Shepherd Kittrell – 6 Katie Ellen Salinas – 6 Janice Alexander Smith – 4 Ellen Pearson Stewart Connie Roberts Taylor – 6 Catherine Earles Turer, M.D. – 6 Angele Cook Wolk – 5

Mu Drury University

Melinda Mitter Borman Sarah Duvall Gilstrap – 5 Janet Vigen Levy – 5 Nancy Shook Monteer – 6 Nicki Thompson Roy – 5 Anna Alayne Stark – 6 Camille Homesley Wittenhagen – 6

Nu The University of Alabama

Heather H. Beitzel – 6 Pamela Petty Bohon – 6 Leanna Nicole Clark Frances Roberts Smith Clement – 6 Beverly Smith Colditz – 6 Anna Lee Walker Crysel – 6 Jennifer Anne Dansby – 6 Kristin Weir DeLong – 6 Sharon Sanford Doyle – 6 Harriette Matthews Dye M. Darby Forrester – 4 Kim Hurst Fort Tish Pool Fuller Cathryn Wilson Gibson – 6 Laura Wilson Glass Lindsey Alexandra Haire – 6 Deborah Crook Hudgins – 6 Nancy Brittain Jernigan – 5 Nancy Spencer Kallus Kelly Fugit Kattos Pamela Lora Klinner – 6 Mary Ann Lehmann – 5 Leslie Barnidge Linthicum Dianne McNabb Logan Taylor O'Leary – 6 Anne Golden Owen Leah Fields Ozment – 6 Deborah Pinkston Gladys Thornton Pippin – 6 Hayley Dolores Riddle – 3 Lisa Orth Rogers Sandra Whitmire Ross – 6 Leah Ann McAbee Sexton – 1 Tara Shinholster Sexton – 6 Tracey Boyd Silverman Teresa Stacey Snider Judy Stone Weaver – 6

Xi University of Southern California Frances Tomlinson Boothe – 6 Mrs. J. E. Craddock – 6 Arlette Etchart McGurty – 6 Mary Crowley Messner Darlene Hagemann O'Toole – 6 Marcelite Ford Troeger

Omicron Brenau University Funding scholarships is one of the functions of the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation. ZTA Foundation Vice President of Scholarship Catherine G. Slaughter recognized these 14 scholarship recipients at Emerging Leaders Academy. 40 · THEMIS · Donor List

Valerie Edwards Aiken – 6 Judy Davis Alexander

Angela Parks Cain-Barnard Bay Findlay Borders Lori Dixon Bunn – 4 Marianna Nystrom Cleland Melissa Black Dunlap – 6 Sally Richardson Hardin – 4 Tamatha Carter Jones – 5 Kristen Repetto Leavell – 3 Jennifer Norwood Martin Helen Nicole Neese – 6 Joanna Stotter Phillips – 6 Marissa Markyna Powers – 5 Cathy Rawlinson – 6 Katherine L. Reilly – 6 Shannon Grinnan Weeks – 5 Joan Sorensen Wilson

Sigma Baker University

Kerri Every Allen – 6 Mildred Yeamans Buss – 6 Lynn Foreman Chanay – 5 Beverly J. Crute, Ph.D. Susan Fanning Davis Marcia Rossiter Hawk – 6 Mary Lambert Holland – 5 Mary L. Jefferson Maria D'Anna Ondras – 6 Val Clough Ross – 3 Dr. Darcy L. Russell– 3 Ashley Dolezilek Turman – 2 Pat Wooster-Jackson – 5

Tau Millikin University

Ann Fisher Austin Lynn Degenhardt Barnes – 6 Marilyn Reining Brazelton – 6 Elta T. Cooke – 3 Suzanne McWhirter Davis – 6 Norma Jean Janes – 6 DeeDee Chapman Olson – 5 Sue Logan Prange – 2 Sandy Fendley Theriault Marilyn Brandt Winterberger

Upsilon University of California, Berkeley Claudia Cate – 6 Barbara Valente Ferrigno Gene Marie Slanker Hassan – 5 Sherry Simpson Hibbard – 6 Barbara Greer Hutchins – 6 Mary Beth Covert Jump – 6 Elizabeth Lee – 6 Stephanie Helen Lu – 6 Kathryn M. Neri – 4 Jean Neri Riley Jennifer Meux White, Ph.D. – 6 Judith Stark Zaccone – 5

Phi Duke University

Kitty Brigham Bosio – 4 Lisa Koehler Burke – 6 Grace Kathryn Geib – 6 Marion Ross Godfrey – 6 Dorothy Daniel Gyurko – 5 LouAnn Abdo Heimbrook – 6 Janice K. Church Jackson, Ph.D. – 5 Mrs. Edward L. Stewart Anne Kauffman Zayaitz

Chi University of Pittsburgh

Alice U. Jones – 1 Dee Schwarzbach Nestel Georgian Schultz Steinhardt – 5 Maureen Murray Tong

Omega Southern Methodist University

Callie H. Anderson – 6 Judy Belisomo – 6 Pam Sullivan Berdanier Nan Barkley Boettcher – 3 Martha Maxfield Cottingham – 6 Nancy White DeYoung – 5 Cheryl Leah Drane-Skipworth – 5 Dianne Warren Green – 6 Margaret E. Hale – 5 Nancy Bourland Hillyer – 5 Jini Spain Hornung – 6 Susie Frazier Howard – 6 Martha Jackson James Rachael Chipps King Beverly Brooks Landgraf Deborah Rosenberg Malafsky – 6 Anne Barkley Manning – 3 Kim Carruth Miller MaryAnne Park Owens – 5 Jerry Rainey Putt – 6 Melissa N. Quevillon – 6 Carol Jean Ritchie – 6 Amy Rhoads Smith

Psi University of Washington

Rebecca Ryanne Fox – 5 Marilyn Woodmark Hanson – 4 Marty Holm Marilyn L. Johnson Lucy Brown Kanikeberg – 5 Jaime Elduen Keith – 5 Christina M. Knutson – 6 Carrie Cullen Kor Beverly Eckert Meln Carol Atherton Phelan Sarah Ruhwedel Porter – 1 Sarah Lundsgaard Simson – 6 Laurie Lavering Thiel – 6 Nancy Helen Thomas Kori Sosnowy Voorhees – 4

Jennifer Diane Waters – 6 Karla Lundgren Wheeler – 5

Alpha Alpha Iowa Wesleyan College

Barbara Beyer Berry Shirley Wood DeLucia – 6 Janice McCurdy Espy – 6 Roma Emundo Smith Linda Faron West – 5

Alpha Beta University of Pennsylvania Anne Gruhl Hess – 6 Angie Manno Hopes

Alpha Gamma University of Michigan

Trudy Eisenberg Balogh – 6 Marissa Rose Dimambro F. Jose Engel – 3 Judy Lane Feldkamp Emily Ann Fogelsonger – 6 Maiga Buss Friess – 6 Elizabeth Nicholson Hamm Linda Lewis Hecht – 6 Elenore Lehmann Herkommer – 6 Toni Iffland Kiraly – 6 Bonnie Martin Kohl – 6 Patty Skaisgir McCabe – 5 Laura Liberty Mitchell – 5 Cheryl Brockmiller Morey – 6 Sue Goodwin Peyron – 5 Norma Clarke Powell – 6 Diane M. Rivard Jill Norman Robnett

Alpha Zeta The Ohio State University

Marcia Diane Baum Nancy Bennett Bauman – 5 Mary Abernethy Bitter – 6 Anne Brown Chapman – 6 Kathleen Chapman Clarke Clarice Woodruff Clemens – 5 Rebecca S. Crothers – 4 Cathy Ramogida Crum Sarah Brooke Cymanski Karen Baker DeWitt Lauren Marie Fleming – 4 Marion Tanner Gore – 6 Hannah Mon'et Gray Barbara Beane Guskin Beth Leigh Hinckley-Robles – 6 Marilyn Whitacre Huffaker – 6 Karen Smith Kashary – 6 Barbara Malpiedi Kirby – 6 Marie Anna Klein – 6 Lucinda Lee Klevay Helen R. Kuhn – 6 Barbara Bateson Laird Ruth Matechek Lawrence Miranda Brooke Lee

Karen Hunsinger Little – 5 Nancy Pleska Magnon – 5 Miranda Quinn McGovern Maxine L. Mehlhaff Becky Miller Nelson Terry Duey Rowe Molly Mowbray Winters

Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati

Nancy Shank Arnn – 6 Jane Schumann Bavely – 2 Elaine Pfeiffer Burton – 6 Jo Ann Clayton-Reyna – 6 Carol Gleason Cooke – 6 Mary Lippelman Corley – 6 Linda Ann Dugger Harriet Molloy Frodge – 6 Jane Nichols Gerboth – 6 Janet Greenert Gillespie – 6 Elizabeth Ann Hackman Nancy Russell Hamant – 6 Carol Horton Heina Karen Faeth Hoopes Dr. Barbara J. Howe Joy Ruark Karl Jane Staley Kenney Mrs. David A. Lienhart Sue George Meier – 5 Shelley Mather Meyer – 5 Mary Anne Babbony Miller – 6 Jacqueline Dee Morgan – 6 Carol E. Murrish Barbara Spiess Neel – 6 Marilyn Wesselman Peters – 6 Carol Tsaras Pfau – 6 Doris Fey Schmaltz – 5 Catherine G. Slaughter – 4 Jo Ann Lingo Smith Eunice Engelke Snyder – 5 Jean Meinlschmidt Soller Pann Wehrmeyer Webb – 6

Alpha Theta Purdue University

Theresa DeVries Allen Emily Claire Almack Marissa Nicole Almack Laurie Swanson Auzenne – 4 Lynn Dolembo Bailey – 6 Lauren Nicole Basinski – 3 Mary Alice Goss Bauman Lynn Orr Beer – 6 Janis Yelinek Bonnema Jean Heusel Bradley – 6 Rosemary Lafuze Brasie Sandy Clarkson Stuckman – 5 Anita Douglass Clegg – 6 Nancy Boyle Cooke Sylvia Bryan Decker Sarah Boing Dixon – 6 Lauren Rai Elliott–Mullens – 6 Nan Gustin Fleenor – 6 Sandy Cross Forville

Judy Schrader Geyer – 6 Janet Ruth Graab–Miller – 3 Connie Fotos Grace – 5 Carrie Humphreys Gschwind Kayla Lee Halterman – 6 Erin Thornburg Hartley – 5 Diane Healey, M.D. – 6 Susie Albright Highley Gwynne L. Johnson – 6 Morgan Nichole Johnson Gwen List Keller – 6 Katie Aaron Kessler – 6 Ashley Rose Kissel Anne Pace Koehl Rebecca Kidwell Kolleng – 6 Kathryn Ciara Krcelich – 6 Esther Schaffer Lambert – 6 Jane Taylor Lavey – 5 Gay L. Liesse – 6 Julie Fleek Lupinacci – 5 Danielle Clow Lynch – 6 Jessica Taylor Mars – 6 Tess Michelle Martinez Jordan Taylor Michel Maddie Gwenneth Molloy Kelly J. Murray – 5 Sharon Bryant Murray – 6 Brennah Caroline Papalia Kim Johnson Payne – 6 Ruth Resare Phalen Janet Hiller Reed Elizabeth Koehl Renner – 4 Morgan Marie Resler – 6 Erica Carleen Rexing – 6 Karen Manteufel Ripp – 6 Amy Marie Ritter Mrs. Donna Wanderer Runyan – 4 Margaret Dowell Scott – 6 Nancy Sanders Seeman – 6 Mary Bryan Sherman Anna Rose Shultz – 6 Janet Cormier Siebenthal Maisie Lynn Smith – 6 Elmyrta Anderson Snow – 6 Karil Strater Sommers – 5 Theresa Vaccaro Sonner Carol Apple Steele – 6 Rebecca Hardin Tallman – 5 Diane Louise Trout–Cummins – 6 Bobby Seitz Turnbull – 1 Grace Vogrin – 6 Sue Abel Wigent – 6 Susan M. Wiggenhorn – 6

Alpha Kappa University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Nancy VanOstrand Ashburn Elaine Pohl Benisek – 6 Margaret O'Hara Buckner Margaret Fasnacht Buel Kimberly Stanfill Cromer – 5 Jen Maurer Davidson – 6 Kristin Coyner Dickerson – 6

Bobby Dwyer Arlene Irvine Edwards – 6 Stacy J. Froschauer – 5 Karen Hafenrichter Given Kristan Jatczak Hickman – 6 Pamela Miller Keeler Kristin Erickson McChrystal – 6 Mrs. Kent A. Noble – 6 Kelly Anne Olsen – 3 Prabha Parameswaran – 4 Linda Dumpelmann Pawlowicz Sara R. Pemberton Robin B. Ritter Eileen Donahoe Rock Amy Courtin Sohl Anne Petro Tamulaitis – 5 Virgene Anderson Vatthauer – 6 Dorothy Ruter Vitter – 6 Tracey Blubaum Walker – 6

Alpha Mu Washburn University

Barbara Phillips Baldwin Jane Marie Billinger Pam Ananis Doctor – 6 Constance Kay Houser Lillie Drum LaTourette – 6 Darlene Messenger Neff – 5 Elizabeth Kirk Nelson

Alpha Xi Indiana University

Marilyn Nigh Beattey – 6 Nat Kempson Craig Cheri Herman Daniels – 6 Katie Grubb Fesko Phyllis Fenn Grant, M.D. – 6 Tonda Beesley Hager Loretta Purcell Head Grace Catherine Keating Karen Gillen Kendall Lori Sharp Kline – 6 Lauren Kaelin Kriner Sarah Anne LaSalle – 6 Patti Annexstad Marinovich – 6 Debra DeVault Marlett – 5 Judi Ann McCoy – 6 Janet Wiley McSharar – 5 Barbara Martin Mishler – 6 Carol Hertling Riggs – 6 Rachael Marie Riggs Kathleen Grace Ring Maryellen Jones Seeley – 6 Patty Foellinger Smith Donna Cornwell Spray – 6 Mary Mullins Sugar – 6 Barbara Lockhart Taylor – 5 Sheryl Rennaker Thomas – 6 Mary Menzies Tierney – 6 Marilyn Zahnen

Donor List · Fall 2019· 41

Alpha Nu Birmingham–Southern College Geneva Blackburn – 6 Jamie Barton Cook – 6 Celia Cheney Ellis – 5 Jane Gillespie – 6 Mary Beth Schauer Griswold – 6 Ladonna Houston – 4 Jessica Wood Lott – 6 Annette Davis Lovett – 6 Patricia Roberts Nix Elise McWilliams Penfield Georgina Simmons Perry – 6 Jayne McCain Prude – 6 Laura McGahey Van Pelt – 5

Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa

Morgan Hallett Banasiak – 5 Carrie Holden Burch – 6 Madisyn Marie Burk Barb C. Chang-Holt – 5 Janice Keeline Cozad – 6 Valerie Weidenhamer Daters – 5 Lucille Rae Dean – 5 Kerry Ann Diminuco – 4 Becky Miller DuBois – 6 Kimberly Eloise Franz Nowak Kristen Carlstedt Johnson – 6 Linda Larson Kennedy Helen Costas Mantice – 6 Quinn Marie McDermott Loretta Bridgeford Mealy – 4 Rowan Elizabeth Meyers Meghan O'Malley Miller – 6 Cece Baldus Moore – 5 Kristin Rae Oberg – 6 Betsy Elaine Povolny Dorothy Holden Reser – 6 Susan Sayre Jan Harvey Thake – 6 Maren Diane Tuttle Sunny Swanson Wandro Laura McFarland Wieck – 5 Betty Jane Willits

Alpha Pi Ohio University

Penny Busch Bashore – 6 Frances Kay Bauer Morrow – 6 Kathy Gerard Carvin – 6 Donna Gargiulo Cipicchio Carolyn Slaughter David

Annual donors giving key 1: $5,000 + 2: $2,500–$4,999 3: $1,000–$2,400 4: $500–$999 5: $300–$499 6: $100–$299

42 · THEMIS · Donor List

Sandy Stanley Engel – 6 Denise Frissell Rogers – 6 Jane Remley Sibila – 6 Sarah Janusz Trout

Janet Wood Skoglund – 6 Carolyn B. Volk

Alpha Rho Syracuse University

Franci Rocco Bayes – 5 Kathy Ann Campbell – 5 Carol Sullivan Gall – 5 Linda Lawrence Green – 4 J. Susan Griffith, M.D. Ann Goolsby Hays Bonnie Jean Jackson–Slater Laurel Paynter Kratt – 6 Judy Smith Schineller – 5 Marty E. Sik – 1 Shirley A. Wilson – 5

Evelyn Bartels Barker Eileen Eberenz Bell Peggy McDonough Corey – 6 Laura-Jean Learned MacDonald Ruth E. Sadler – 5

Alpha Sigma Oregon State University

Lois Ann Hamner Holmes Nancy Ellen Petrowicz Linda Damm Umphrey – 6

Alpha Tau University of Minnesota Marilynn Anacker Weber

Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University

Patti Aten Coffman – 5 Julie Goodpaster Collins-Pearson Acacia Bender Croy – 5 Ashley Rhea Dickinson – 2 Sheri Dunham Engelbrecht Susan Hunter Hatcher Barbara Tooke Hoffman Susan Harris Howorka – 6 Dana Robinson Huser – 6 Peggy Weger Jackson Sara Hays Johnston – 3 Kristi Payne Leonard – 6 Linda Tatum Luse Margaret Beard Martinson – 4 Michelle Norris Montalbano – 5 Meghan Vicinus Parker – 4 Lt. Col. Kelli Bautsch Pohlman – 6 Mrs. Fred Rathbun Vicki Lynn Rudolph–Williams Carol Robinson Smith – 6 Barbara Inman Sorenson – 4 Ann White Truscott – 5 Mary Guthrie Van Gieson – 5 Mag Stanley Walton – 6 Claudia Currin Webster – 5 Christina Higgins Wright – 4

Alpha Phi Northwestern University

Anusha Akbar Ebrahim – 6 Diane Joy Froelich Deanna Olson Hartenberg – 5 Lauren Hazday – 5 Judith Anderson Hohorst– 6 Mrs. Joyce Markstahler – 6 Irene Kernaul Nero – 6 Eileen Modestow Sjoholm

Alpha Chi University of Kentucky

Alpha Psi University of Missouri

Beth Goebel Balice Christy Marx Barber – 4 Joan Hambrick Bigham – 5 Michele Kuznitz Bunch – 6 Priscilla Heitz Carpenter Alexandra Elizabeth Dockins – 6 Dr. Rachelle J. Douglass – 1 Harriett Hoadley Engelke – 6 Shannon Ashley Ferguson – 4 Sherri Agrusa-Gallick – 6 Beth Astroth Garza – 5 Pat Taylor Gresham – 4 Celeste Holmes – 6 Kelly Ryan Holmes – 6 Susan Bennett Jones – 6 Alex Krista Kent Margie Bartholomew Langdon – 5 Geri Jordan Macauley – 6 Dana Engelhart Megard, RN – 6 Brittany Kathleen Merriman – 6 Jill Bryant Meyer – 5 Toni Arlund Pavlich – 6 Shirley Kent Riley Jillian Constance Rosenkranz Kenna Cornelius Rummel Sara E. Sternberger – 5 TerriAnn Tucker-Warhover – 6 Barbara Stewart Van Loenen Barbara L. Wilkinson – 5 Cynthia Harness Williams – 6 Brittany Means Wills – 5 Angela Renee Woods – 6

Alpha Omega Ohio Wesleyan University Eloise J. Sulzman

Beta Alpha George Washington University Lydia Giordan Alles, CPA – 6

Beta Beta Dickinson College

Dr. Carolyn Stocker Crawford Mrs. Spencer Merrick – 4

Beta Gamma Florida State University

Marcia Touchton Allen – 6 Nina Allowe – 4 Carol Anderson – 6 Denise Sherron Barbee – 5 Savannah Marie Burden Chandlee Alexandra Cann Barbara Franklin Cross Chaffin Lexi Coelho – 6 Hannah Cohen Paula Gordy Cook – 6 Kayla Marie Davis Carole Slusser Deerin Diane Dearinger Erickson – 4 Lexi Taylor Fleming Judith B. Foster – 6 Francesca Maria Fuentes – 6 Sue Engelmann Gabriel Hayley Rose Gaska – 6 Jessica Girod Lauren L. Hafner – 6 Emily Register Harrison Erica Lane Hart Chris Ginocchio Hendrix Nora Nell Hardy Jackson – 1 Malaney Wood Johnides Brooke Schnebly Kennerly Barb Burkhardt Kirkland – 6 Dinah Jackson Laughery – 1 Morgan Leonard – 6 Shira Skopp Levy – 6 Lucy Council Lively Jennifer Wagner Long Kirstyn Marsh – 6 Abby Marshall Brooke Lindsey Mason – 6 Michelle Gordon Mullineaux – 4 Carolyn Loburak Nigro Doris Pickels Nimmons Betty Arnold O'Neill – 5 Mia Paez – 6 Ginny Delvalle Paulk Edna Moore Phelan – 6 Jenna Maurine Piatak – 5 Maddie Rae Polk Emma Poole – 6 Jan Caudle Reed – 6 Jade Louise Rivchin Christine Merritt Ruppel Lauren Michelle Sanders – 6 Nancy Anne Sindon Taylor Simmons St. Clair Terry Sue Turner – 6 Madge Alexander Vining Karen Disbennett Walker Lin McGuirt Weber – 6 Alyssa Taylor Wolf

Sandra Jackson Wortman Brenda Bertani Zino – 6

Beta Delta Miami University

Pam Cronin Black Susan Feiock Breece Linda L. Bucher Doris Hildbold Cheeseman – 5 Peggy Grayson Cole – 6 Lisa Craemer Dierbeck – 5 Karen Sumpter Erlenbach – 6 Natalie Michele Gevaudan – 3 Glenna Woodruff Gundell – 2 Barbara Wheelock Hamilton – 6 Stephany Moore Joslin – 1 Ellen Berger Kus – 5 Karly Leona Landis – 6 Sabrina Larson – 4 Anna Marie Makris Audrey Thompson Marston, M.D. – 6 Lauren Eileen McMahon – 5 Cara Beth Olson – 5 Lynne Widlitz Pilot Olivia Jane Reynolds Leslie Staup Sachs – 5 Laura C. Segna – 5 June Becker Sereque Mackenzie Marie Slicker – 6 Jeralyn Thurman Svanda – 4 Rose Marie Balzano Theis – 6 Jan Langdon VanDenburg – 6 Jean Niemeyer Vesper – 5 Karen Lowman West – 1 Patricia Thompson Whitmer

Beta Epsilon University of California, Los Angeles

Georgia Liakopoulos Covell – 6 Kathy Dixon – 5 Sini Rebane Fernandez – 5 Mary J. Harrison – 6 Sali Gold Johnson – 5 Rondi Werner Redmann – 5

Beta Zeta Iowa State University

Sharon Nitzschke–Bergeson – 6 Beth Sipek Cothron – 5 Mona Dippold Mills – 3 Darlene Anderson Oswalt – 5 Carol Robbins Pletcher Sherry K. Sunderman – 4

Beta Eta University of Nebraska–Lincoln Nancy Rogge Admire Natalie Carlson Barr – 6 Carolee Kohlmeier Berglan – 6 Carla Wademan Clark – 6 Karen Larson Cole – 6

Jane Wilhite Hines Susie Hodge Sup

Beta Theta Franklin College

Kristy Kay Brown – 6 Nancy Kivett Cassel – 5 Carolyn Scudder De Boer – 6 Lois Hanes Deputy Susan Deter – 6 Abbigail Grace Lenhart – 6 Vicki Fulmer McComb – 6 Joan M. Norman Brianne Steppe Schneckenberger – 6 Marti Dorrel Schrock – 6 Shelly Perry Vacca

Beta Iota Centenary College of Louisiana Anna Kathleen Bradford Mrs. Kay Woodruff Butcher Lyndra Pate Daniel – 3 Laura L. Golden – 6 Kelly Willer Hamilton – 6 Anna Hatley Phillips Dawn Calhoun Sandoval – 5 Margaret Poss Teague

Beta Lambda University of Louisville

Brittany Lanae Blair Suzanne Hodes Burns Claire Lynn Copenhaver Andrea L. Eshenaur Judy Anne Gay Katie Gardner Graf – 5 Alexandra Masden Griffiths Kylie Ann Henderson – 6 Kyah Jennifer Howard – 6 M. Sue Lyon – 5 Drew Evelyn Martin Elizabeth Scholz Mueller – 6 Sophia Marie Norberg Megan Elizabeth Notoris Danielle Elizabeth O'Brien Jenna Michelle Parker Callie Elizabeth Rudd – 6 Kayla Marie Slaughter – 5 Esther Anna Wilhoyte Marie Hodge Williams

Beta Nu New Mexico State University

Ellen Alexander Boston Tracy Clarke Cooper–Tuckman Carolynn Todd Henry – 6 Rajini Gunaji Ihler – 4 Maryce Mercedes Jacobs Ginger Carroll Manss – 6 Deedie Lindley Strack Emalie Elizabeth Wilka – 6

Beta Xi University of Akron

Marna Darst McGrath Phyllis Jean Werner-Fuehne

Beta Omicron University of South Carolina

Raeghan Ashley Albright Maggie Grove Anderson Amanda Rose Arenella Claire Evelyn Bauschka Haley Bates Beasley Erin Danielle Bergmann Lyn Eleazer Bethea – 6 Aimee Taylor Christen Dianna Buck Conaty Dinah Helms Cook – 1 Stef Constanza Corbus Jacquie Splawn Corley Hannah M. Corsi Alex Nicole Dean Danielle Nicole Dvorak Brynn Marie Farley Bella Ferranta Ferrante – 6 Haleigh Brianna Fields Emma Nicole Fogarty Alex Elizabeth Formichella Kaitlyn Marie Gill Bryn Talbert Ginn Elle Marie Goodwin Molly Elizabeth Hackling Theresa Marie Hastings Sumner Page Hinton Karen Marsha Hudgens Michaela Juliet Johnson Megan Landon Kapral Britta Trigg Klucznik – 6 Cathy Coleman Knox – 4 Amelia Catherine Leahy Lee Wilson Ley Ashley Clemmons Lucas – 6 Janelle Marie Maffucci Elisa Irene Mahon Jennifer Marie May Heather Dawn McDonald – 6 Laura June Frick McDuffie – 6 V. Jan Middlebrooks – 1 Candy Chastain Mielke – 1 Christie Morgan Olivia Grace Mulkern Nicholle Anne Norton Liv Rose Pascucci Isabella Nicole Payne Elizabeth Helen Pino Gabrielle Lyn Pisacreta – 6 Ryann Alexandria Pittman Sara Ann Poggi Lexi Elizabeth Prell Allie Ursula Rodman Cindi Blackburn Sensibaugh – 6 Mary Beth Wingate Shealy – 4 Patti Knight Shelley – 4 Claire Elizabeth Shimchak Cynthia Beall Suich

Sydney Elizabeth Tomb Kayla Joy Triantafilos Ines Guertin Villemure Grace Adams Wilder – 6 Cat Victoria Wong Lauren Kathleen Zapcic

Beta Pi University of Oregon Ruth Bernau Engel Julie Parich Jellison Marilyn Peterson – 6

Beta Sigma Rhodes College Elaine K. Ettman Betty A. Russell

Beta Tau Albion College

Betsy Stephenson Kenas – 5 Patricia Norris Smith

Beta Upsilon Kansas State University

Kyria Marie Boman Andrea Christine Crimmins Dana Gabrielle Daher – 6 Jayme Ann Fletcher Kate Murphy Hamm Emily Christine LaBelle Molly Kathryn Roach Megan Marie Roth Carlie Nicole Thompson Leah Marie Willhite Ellie Wilson Mary-Kate Katherine Zach

Beta Phi Michigan State University

Joy Ramirez Coleman Margaret Miller Cousins Betty Strobel Freeman Marjorie Premo Fitting Gifford – 6 Kristen Humeston Harthorn – 4 Winifred Craig Johnson Marilyn Barr Leppek – 6 Patti Cords Levitte – 5 Erin Dickey Niebylski – 6 Cindy Lackey Ott Diana Pisone – 6 Nancy Miller– Serozi Kathryn Spearin Hurst – 6 Martha Porritt Wiers Strange – 6 Beverly Champion VanderVeen – 6 Robin Walker Volden – 5 Joan Elizabeth Wright – 5 Elaine M. Zielinski

Beta Psi Stetson University

Debbie Barrett Cooke – 2 Dr. Diane M. Disney – 5 Michelle M. Faivre – 6 Mrs. Donald V. Helgeson Suzanna Marie Johnson – 5 Sydney Millard Legakis – 4 Isis Regina Majeska Isabel Palacio Paul Cindy Prout Pierce Karen Schmitt Roberts Suzanne Niles Slaughter Shelly Lyn Soffer – 6 Lynn Wuesthoff Bunny Ogletree Yeargin – 6

Beta Omega Union University

Norma Scott Gerrell Glenda West Linton – 5 Allyson Whitley Noland Loretta Mathews Schmitt – 6 Diane Wood Tucker – 4 Jane McMaster Wilson – 6

Gamma Alpha University of Miami

Kaici Marie Aloupis Bree Rose Auray Becca Jacqueline Barron – 6 Morgan Rebecca Benson – 6 Megan Bente – 6 Mary Helen Burt – 6 Brittany R. Castoro – 6 Caroline Baldwin Christopher – 6 Kara Nicole Clemmenson – 6 Angelica DeFalco Claudia Christine DeLorenzo – 2 Ana V. DeVilliers – 6 Thelma Cox Eberwein – 5 Carol Gaylord Elefante – 6 Elise Abella Farnum – 6 Lydia Madeleine Franklin – 6 Anastasia Elizabeth Gaertner Emily Christine Gossett – 5 Gemma Lorigan Henderson Amelia Catherine Llerena – 6 Ruth Mazeau Ludwig Kellen Mae McDonald – 6 Sandy J. Miniutti – 5 Julia Ann Nordhausen – 4 Elizabeth Victoria Pozzuoli – 6 Shari H. Robins, M.D. – 1 Kristi Schmidt – 6 Niccole Burns Schreck Barbara Berkowitz Tanger – 6

Funds from the ZTA Foundation also support the Leadership Consultant program from interviews to training and travel. ZTA’s 2019-2020 LCs have been on the road since this summer, guiding chapters in the areas of operations, leadership development and officer education, among others. Donor List · Fall 2019· 43

Joan Martens Tapocik – 5 Heather Warren-Reynolds – 5 Dana Marianne Webb

Gamma Beta Washington College

Taylor Lynn Andrews – 6 Erin Koster Blair – 4 Mrs. Nancy Merker Bragg – 6 Katy Fluhr Carlsward – 1 Megan E. Ward Cascio – 4 Susan Burt Collins – 6 Rebecca Smith Cottenoir Barbara Townsend Cromwell – 2 Bridget Smith Desaulniers – 6 Becky Hainsworth Kirwan – 3

Gamma Gamma The University of Texas at El Paso Elizabeth Valdez Acosta – 6 Virginia Bustos Anderson – 5 Alondra Danielle Arango Crystal Mora Calderon Iliana Martinez De Avila – 6 Cameron Debra Esparza Jessica Ann Gonzalez Jo Anne Markle McClurg – 4 Christiane Melano Alexus Christina Padron Tomiko Okubo Reyes Sarah Paloma-Mia Sanca Janell Schneider – 6 Lynzie Ann Smith Cheri Turner Sparks – 3 Antoinette Stair Marissa Velasquez Nancy Cole Warden – 6 Cela J. Whitley Amy Macias Zambrano – 6

Gamma Delta University of Mississippi

Carolyn Elliott Carter – 6 Nan Griffin Davis – 6 MarJo Thornton Dill Cande McNally Elchroth – 4 Ellen Allen Haraway – 6 Susan Singleterry Heath Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel – 1 Vanessa Thomas McDaniel Molly Webb Meisenheimer – 6 Ruth Owens – 6 Donna Ruth Else Roberts – 6 Virginia Burt Wilson – 6

Gamma Epsilon Pennsylvania State University Barbara Furlow Bodine Anna Hartline Brown Patricia Uplinger Brown Sandra Pohlman Dillon – 4 Ruth Rapp Donaldson Norma Lash Goff Kimberly L. Knaff Sally Leight Lazorchak – 6 Linda Stehman Lewis Nicole Small Mahoney Shirley Stuckey Oberg Ann Marie Staron Kathleen Briar Wenturine Nancy Worthington Yerkes

Gamma Zeta Mississippi State University

Lainie Tubertini Anthony – 5 Margaret Weathersby Applewhite – 4 Amy Crowley Billings – 5 Melanie Hankins Booth Kelsey Taylor Carter – 6 Laura Couloubaritsis – 4 Jessica Leigh Dougan – 4 Brooke Carter Kitchell

Joanna Bates Kuhn Mary Collins Landin Jennifer B. McPherson – 5 Beverly Barber Oden Saralyn Simpson Quinn – 6 Molly Riley Ratcliff Julianna Salyer – 5 Ellie Smith – 6 Stephanie Dallas Wenzel Erin Wright Williams

Gamma Eta University of Toledo

Darcy Annette Dom Alice Hagan Quandt Linda Volotta Shanteau Mary Thompson Wiberg

Gamma Theta University of Colorado at Boulder Carol Bartlett Benner Barbara J. Clark Dorothy Oldham Downing Elly Hewitt Fithian – 6 Sandra Smith Hardesty Ellen G. Jamra – 6 Barbara Brown Johnson – 6 Sue Hunter Landes – 6 Mary Sue Culver Medsker – 6 Barbara Herbstreit Miller – 5 Karen Jorgenson Neidhardt – 5 Barbara London Pierpoint Sharon Nevin Rouse Pat McCone Sanger

Gamma Iota University of Florida

Seema Afsh Sherri Caldwell Alfieri Savannah Lynn Andersen Alissa Marie Arango Kimberly Lyons Beach – 6

Judith Lisa Bryan – 6 Susan Pintcke Bydlon – 5 Lena Elizabeth Caramagro Ginny Swain Cardona – 5 Carlyle Anne Carr Erica Lauren Chammas Ann Johnson Conn – 3 Shannon Crouse Davis – 6 Linda Bowers Duggan – 6 Liz Gallo Dunn Taylor Ashley French Nina Marie Gallo Charlotte Mirabella Gates Halle Danielle Gibson Sam Josephine Gibson Sandra Lee Goldberg – 5 Allison Guernsey Jean Hanna – 5 Jules Gabriella Hardee Kathy Abbott Hayes Karli Elise Helm Brianna Kali Herrin Charli B'anne Higgins Lillian Dietzman Jenkins Lyla Bryan King – 5 Cheryl LaMee – 5 Amy Elizabeth Lettelleir – 6 Mary A. Logvin – 6 June Loyd Lundy – 5 Jenny A. Mathews Peyton Wesley Medd Joelen Kilbas Merkel – 6 Nicole Factor Metz – 6 Melissa Kay Mikush – 6 Rhea Jean Miller Karen Farmer Mills – 6 Inge Muller Mueller Kathy Ann Nevins Donna Walter Nickerson – 6 Kaitlyn Nicole Obetz Kelsey Hamilton O'Brien Kathleen S. Pellicane – 6 Ellie Madeline Pond

MaryLinda Newlan Price Melissa McLean Richards – 6 Sandy Moore Sanderson – 6 Kristy Maculan Sasser – 5 Candise Lynn Shanbron – 5 Jacquelyn Blaine Siegel Georgia Biazus Soares Olivia Grace Taylor – 6 Lorraine Shampoe Thompson – 6 Kaitlyn S. Tran Margo Catherine Utter Gayle Wiesemann Evelyn Hanna Wiley – 4 Beth Ann Petrovich Wilkerson – 6 Kathy Bernardi Womble Amy Tomlinson Zambrano – 6 Sharon Smith Zebley

Gamma Pi University of Georgia

Kendrick Karen Addaman – 6 Julie Sanders Allen – 6 Julia Goss Baldwin Deborah Jenkins Banks – 5 Bev Poole Bennett Lainie Meshad Bobo – 6 Laurie Brodie Brown – 6 Susie Graddy Brown – 6 Phyllis Sacile Chastain – 5 Mary Jane Jentzen Chester Sabrina Lynn Miller Collins Mimi Roche Cotter – 6 Anna Callen Courson – 6 Margaret Stephens Durant Mindy Waddell Farr Pamela J. Garrison – 5 Mary Bowden Gilmore – 6 Shearon Wiggins Glover – 4 Janet Davidson Greenwald Marylyn Fountain Haygood Corrine Hilton Hofstetter – 6 Cathy Hester Huffines – 3 Kimberly Jones Ivester – 3

ZTA Foundation Board Members

The Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation funds breast cancer education and awareness, academic scholarships, leadership programs and educational programming. The Foundation collaborates with the Fraternity to put Foundation donations to work for ZTA members and campus communities.

44 · THEMIS · Donor List

Wanda Jenkins – 5 Ashtin Taylor Johnson – 6 Willa Ferguson Jones – 6 Traci Doar Kemp – 5 Janice Lord Kerr Dr. Laura Smith Lord – 5 Holly Free Mobley Grace Christine Mohr – 6 Dr. Edna Dickey Nation Caroline Nichols – 6 Tommie Medlock Nichols – 6 Greer Lauren Ostuw – 5 Donna Thacker Paulk – 6 Stephanie Arnette Powell – 3 Jackie Joiner Quinn – 6 Joyce Reinkemyer – 6 Lisa Williams Shirreffs – 6 Bonney Stamper Shuman – 1 Stasia Theiss Skelton Dr. Kelly M. Smith – 3 Sharon Farneti Spadafino – 6 Shannon Henry Speice Eleanor McDonald Still G. Gwen Walker Patricia Miller Wann – 5 Loretta Edge Wells Angie Brown Williams – 6 Susan Whalen Wood – 6

Gamma Kappa James Madison University Ashley Nicole Alderman Roberta Barker Arrington Maddie Nicole Basye Melissa Ann Basye Mrs. George H. Blood Kelly Culpepper Boss – 6 Mattie Ann Buchanan Morgan Elizabeth Bucholz Peyton Bunn Carol Frisbee Busey – 5 Lucy Ann Cahill Sarah Lauren Collins – 6 Taylor Lee Corridon Kiley Elizabeth Cousins Casey Nicole Cunnane – 6 Casey Cusack Amanda Paige DePasquale Emily Taylor Dickson Diana Fox Edwards Maggie Mackay Gaal – 6 Jessica Lee Gelsomini Becca Jones Gentry Emma Cheston Grunwell Morgan L. Guthrie Carol Ohl Hudson – 6 Olivia Analise Hynes Jacqueline Owen Inge Martha Trenary Irvin – 6 Casey Marie Jackson Patricia H. Johnson Olivia Anna Jones Juli Faye Jones Meghana Krishna Peyton Marie Lavin

Jane Lim Julia Alyse Lohmann Madison Ann Lopez Molly Elise Lynch Pax Cecilia Manning Jill Marlani Mariani Gabby Glenn Massey Jean Knapp Massie Kelly Marie Maxwell Awo Abdulrashid Mohamed Lauren Hannah Morgart Elise Marie Nardo Ashlyn Leigh Norris Madeline Hayes Nyce Kara Ashton O'Neill Christie Leigh Palmer Kristy Matthews Pearce – 6 Janice M. Jamison Phillips Mattie Jane Phillips Julia Nicole Powers Haley Logan Prillaman Caroline Teresa Reardon Hannah Addison Reid Megan Paige Robertson Lauren Nicole Shaw Abbey Abigail Sherwood Paige Aubrey Sinno Diane Myers Stone Jeanne Eleanor Strunk – 6 Mackenzie Paige Terry Emma Victoria Timmins Peyton Rose Tuccinard Joan Beverly Tyler Barbara King Wallace Carolyn Lautenschlager Wallace Carly Frances Wohner Julia Doris Wolfrey Rachel Elaine Wong Vella South Wright – 6 Sam Rose Zakrzewski

Gamma Mu University of Nebraska at Omaha Chelsea Marie Dukes Linda M. Gomez – 6 Jane Andersen Goodmanson Sarah Young Scott Judy Anderson Shinkle Mrs. Diane D. Vaiskunas

Gamma Xi Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Ashley Sun Jee Bagwell Barbara Lewis Edwards Mrs. Barbara Lee Klingensmith Susan Freni Larned Roxanne Trovato Wood – 4

Gamma Omicron Central Michigan University Pamela Hacker Austin – 5 Joyce Oehmke Cornelissen Brittany Marie Ednie

Wendy Wiklund Fischer – 4 Kim S. Hopko – 6 Brooklyn Nicole Maize – 6 Cathy Thompson – 5 Kay Dowell Trosko – 6 Klara Wojtas Leslie Aldrich Woods

Gamma Rho Auburn University

Patricia Moore Adams Claire Delia Belcher – 6 Anne Marie Patton Binder – 5 Cassidy Anne Cline Catherine Irene Cox – 5 Natalie Bigger Davis Stacey King Dickson – 6 Anna Grace Feltham – 6 Lisa French – 6 Pat Lake Grant Sarah Christine Henry Mallory Anne Hug – 6 Marisa Danielle Hundley – 6 Elizabeth Grace Imhoff Patsy Kane – 5 Haley Madison Katlin – 6 Rachel Owens Knain – 6 Paige Nunn Knott – 6 Emily Morgan Lyons Grace Elizabeth Marino – 6 Shea Camper Mayberry – 5 Ruth Lovett McMullen – 5 Madison Taylor Morell Caitlin Moulton-Towle – 5 Emily Stewart Oswalt – 6 Kay Clark Owens Amber Levan Pickard – 5 Patricia Rutledge Powell Age Roth Salvaggio – 5 Meredith Rose Seymour Jane Reed Shaffer-Elliott Jamie Rome Smith – 6 Kelley Elizabeth Snider – 5 Cassidy Anne Starling – 6 Kathy Finley Stone Claire Elaine Valentine Kalee Nicole Whisenant – 6 Elizabeth Ann Whitehurst – 6 Kennedy Jane Whitsell Carol L. Wietlake – 5 Ansley Nicole York – 6 Dr. Eugenia Malone Zallen – 4 Marisa Haley Zehner – 6 Ashley Nicole Zidell – 6

Gamma Nu University of Virginia

Joi Lynn Baumgardner – 5 Kayla Lynn Chapman Theal Spraker Edwards – 6 Georgia Iliganoa Farthing – 6 Kimberly Hastings Flanagan Colleen Scanlon Kikis Cam Marie Rangecroft – 6 Suzanne Weber Roulston

Janet Stuhrenberg Smith Edwyna McMullan Wingo Millicent Warner Wise

Gamma Sigma University of Tampa

Stephanie Lyon Clark – 6 Sylvia Sears Danner – 2 Merry Mack Rayl

Gamma Tau Texas Tech University

Sherron Schmidt Abernethy – 6 Jennie Vought Baker – 3 Tamela Dickie Beene – 5 Sandy Banowsky Brindley – 5 Janet Jaeckle Bronocco – 5 Gayle Wiley Brummett – 6 Patsy Colwell Chandler – 6 Leslie Brockman Chunta – 2 Cynthia Byars Courtney – 1 Caron Craig Ducote Marilyn Morris Elliott – 5 Elizabeth Jones Fleming Jo Wickstrom Hable Stancy Robinson Hagans – 5 Leslie Liem Hix – 1 Rita Brown Hughes Nanci Oden Kerlin – 6 Cheryl Bautsch McClellan – 4 Connie Thomas McWhorter – 6 Kay Brumage Ormsbee Sandra McCommas Sawyer Janice Phillips Schoonover Kathryn Hauge Warner – 5 Carolyn Jo Young Hook – 6

Gamma Upsilon University of Oklahoma

Angela Kelly Queenan – 4 Kelly Wolohon Welles – 6

Gamma Chi Indiana State University

Nancy Grosser Atkins – 5 Joan Benner Banning – 5 Alexandra Nicole Basile – 6 Janice L. Couts – 6 Theresa Wolfe Coyner Saundra Powelson Lange Toni Vores Lima – 6 Jennifer Hill McKaufsky – 6 Patricia Ann Perone Debbie Kiefner Smith – 6 Lisa Brown Tabor Lucy Lynn Utterback Lindsay Rae Wilhoyte Nancy Schultz Wirth Judy Jordan Wright – 5

Gamma Phi University of North Texas

Christy Alexander Brown – 5 Camille Carter Elliot Brown – 6 Betty Brice Chapman – 6 Dr. Mary Bailey Estes Susan Sharp Ferguson – 5 Madison Leigh Green – 6 Jane Spradley Haley – 4 Sandra C. Heros – 6 Sonia T. Heros – 6 Sandra Fiorini Hodges Barbara Anne Janosky Lake – 6 Kay Wander King – 6 Linda McNatt – 6 Darlene McNatt Jo Ann Brecher Murillo Cat Cavour Navarro – 6 Gema Iliana Ortega – 6 Stacey Kathleen Overtoom – 6 Janace Pope Ponder Julie Davison Ryan – 6 Susie McMordie Shields Kimberly Johnson Snyder Zayra Valdez – 6 Bonnie Flaa Wright Gladys Gibbs Young

Gamma Psi Texas Christian University

Edie Focke Atkins – 6 Jeri Browning Blackmon – 5 Wendy Fitzhugh Crowley – 6 Mary E. Hankins Melanie Miles Hirschfeld Karen Shoultz Howard Merry Pratt Jones Leslie Forrester Kydd Martha Manley Malik, D.D.S. Patricia Horne Roberts Cissy Mayne Shankles – 6 Lu Rasor Smith – 6 Jeanne Freeman Williams Sue Sanders Winter – 6 MaryEllen Zummo – 6

Gamma Omega University of Houston

Sylvia Funk Ashbaugh – 6 Kelley Alexander Brege Melissa Bohorquez Chandler – 6 Kim Bruder Clarke – 3 Mary Blann Cooper – 6 Mandy Ann Bader Dillehay – 6 Alice DeWalt Hahn – 4 Susan McLaughlin Hoyt – 6 Sara Spencer Malone – 6 Melinda Wehmeyer Moore – 5 Nancy Bowne Morgan – 3 Barbara Fitzgerald O'Toole Allison Michelle Poore – 6 Pamela Smith Rhoads Lesa Gwin Russell

Elizabeth Batton – 6 Susan Spradley Bell – 4

Donor List · Fall 2019· 45

Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach

Vi Walter Ammann – 6 Phyllis Britter Arguello – 6 Carol York Burke – 5 Nancy Spessard Carman – 5 Jan Homolka Darsam – 4 Georgiann Hinkle Dobson Diana Bagley Eastman – 6 Kay Hubel Harris Donna Christine Mead Denise Dube Motter – 3 Sharon Peterson Parkins – 6 Maddy Alexandra Putnam Bonnie Angelique Raunau Sarah Ashley Rodriguez – 6 Lee Lou Sell Molly Saxlund Setmire Madeleine Hodges Skoog Kathy Benzini Stampe – 5

Delta Beta Florida Southern College

Maureen MacGeorge Cavallaro Delinda Higinbotham Cramptom – 6 Elena DeVilliers – 3 Katherine Hester Dowdie Irene Hammond – 6 Victoria Garrone Limauro – 6 Sherry Robbins Nicholson Jennifer Kleman Olivier Barbara Kazanjian Purks – 6 Cathy Cowherd Ritti – 6 Mary Ellen Mazzanti Rogers – 5 Robin H. Sullivan – 5 Dana Welch Thompson – 5 Lesli Powell Whisenant – 6

Delta Gamma High Point University

Isabella Cecilia Arizmendi – 6 Maria Villegas Barnhart Raechel Bennett Biggs – 4 Brooke Bradford Cornetet – 3 Paige Sanders Cornetet – 3 Nicole Taylor Fariole – 6 Jamie Denardo Galicki Kimberly Spelker Hanlin Jean McCollum Hurt – 6 Pamela L. Klinedinst – 6 Shay Morgida Carolyn Frye Munro

Annual donors giving key 1: $5,000 + 2: $2,500–$4,999 3: $1,000–$2,400 4: $500–$999 5: $300–$499 6: $100–$299

46 · THEMIS · Donor List

Erin Marie Murphy Brooke Shores Pasko – 4 Patrice Prokop Peronto Amanda Marie Tarkenton – 6 Sarah E. Thomas Jenny Rose Ubowski Erica Wingo – 5

Delta Delta Baldwin Wallace University Becky Koltonski Gleason – 6 Hellen M. Greenway – 4 Alysia Kupczyk Hanson MaryAnn Kupczyk – 6 Michelle Macartney – 2 Kay McCoy McKelvey – 1 Kathleen Suzanne Papp – 1 Maria Teresa Becerra Papp – 6 Judith Macko Reed Ellen Giberson Shook Ellen Ehrman Smart – 6 Jennifer Kupczyk Stevens Kristen Pugh Weaver – 6

Delta Eta West Texas A&M University Becky Lee Christmas Kelsey Bratcher McGee Tracy Lewis Ragsdale – 6 Stephanie Ann Stokes Barbara Kerr Vaughan – 6 Nancy Newsom Woodman

Delta Epsilon Wagner College

Virginia Giles LaFalce – 6 Loretta Faulkner Werts

Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University

Brenda Hughes Blue – 5 Susan Gregory Bohan – 3 Karey Patterson Bresenhan – 5 Jeannie Jones Bub – 6 Kerri West Chaney – 3 Cherie Miller Countz – 5 Wendy Henry Crump – 3 Claire Winn Dowden – 5 Vicky Donaldson Fleisher – 6 Linda Catherine Gaskill Robin Dean Nunley – 6 Tami Sims O'Brien – 5 Linda Anderson Smith – 6 Terri Parker Spruiell Natalie Hurlock Taylor – 6 Ginny Etheredge Thompson – 4 Kelly Murphy Young

Delta Theta Ohio Northern University

Francine Ann Abbruzzese – 6 Mandy Ingram Altfater – 6 Sharon Lawrence Brady

Lorrie Zacharias Burns – 6 Marcia Jo Dennis Jordan Nicole DePasquale Mary Ruth Grubbs Green Jane A. Hutchinson Jayme Considine Kmetko – 5 Ann Marie Painter Sarah Nicole Prasher – 5 Mary Beth Lowdermilk Shirk – 6 Lisa Paul Sierk – 5 Lori Hoffmaster Wells Susan Miller Witt

Delta Kappa Louisiana State University

Idell Wade Adams Judith D. Benham – 6 Anne Mumfrey Boerner – 6 Bonny Bowers Bourque – 6 Sarah Ford Brammer – 6 Cara Melvin Burt Sheryl Wesley Campbell Marcy Cann – 4 Beverly Denton Choppin – 5 Lynn Everett DeLahaye Dottie Bagwell Durband – 6 Laura Copeland Eldredge Madison Jessica Elie Helen Kristensen Fish Cameron Claire Foil Kathryn Otwell Greene – 6 Katie Ferguson Guidry Taylor Marie Hopp Heather Matthews Kirk – 2 Kathryn Faye Kitto Sherri Hammond Lebas – 6 Suzanne Pernici Lowry – 6 Margot Tauzier May Iris Lee Menge Taylor Elizabeth Mobley Rae Martinez Motahari – 6 Dawn Arceneaux Palermo – 6 Allison Christopher Peavy Melinda Bates Petersen – 6 Sheila Youngs Porada – 4 Sarah Perkins Reid – 6 Dianne Worsham Rube – 5 Stacey Shane Schott – 5 Maddy Claire Schweppe Laura LaGrange Smoorenburg – 5 Sherry Stagg St. Aubin – 1 Kamryn Elizabeth Trahan

Delta Iota Clarion University of Pennsylvania Dana Kirsch Fratini – 6 Sally Gazda Green – 6 Nancy Coax Malacarne Helen Grudowski Porter – 4 Joni Fox Raybuck – 6

Delta Mu The University of Tennessee at Martin

Susan Johnson Armour – 6 Sherry D. Ashe – 6 Linda Austin Becker – 6 Nancy Dunagan Biggs Phyllis Barker Brasher Heather DeeAnn Brown – 4 Vicki Clark Rebecca Derousse – 5 Mim Duncan – 3 Susan Durham – 5 Rima Block DuVall – 3 Jill McCollum Gallemore Denise Deberry Germino Jenn Harper Griffith – 5 Carmen Beaver Harchfield – 6 Gloria Ann Howell Dr. Sue Hudson Bonnie Brooks Johnston Jenny Wills Kelley – 5 Betty Allen Langley – 4 Becky Steele Lowrance Natalie Lauren Nutzell-Morales – 5 Shelley Taylor Robbins Dianne Murphy Seeley – 6 Vickie Shackelford Beverly Best Smith – 6 Michele Johnson Spears – 4 Lisa Hooper Talley Sharon Perdue Whitley – 6 Carla Latham Wilhite – 6 Charla Fuqua Wilson – 6

Delta Nu The University of New Orleans Martha Mary Blanchard Stephanie M. Caluda – 6 Clare Denhollem Michelle Bertram Douglas– 6 Janel Peirce Duracher Shari M. Fisher – 5 Lisa Gennusa Ledet Michelle Catherine Martin Janna L. Pecquet – 4 Melissa Roth Rousset Rosemary Nelson Shaffer – 6 Kathy Forstall Thoulion – 6

Delta Lambda Georgia State University

Jessica McGregor Blalock – 6 Meredith Harris Braselman – 4 Vicki Baker Curtis – 4 Jane Edwards Tracey Dawn Gibson Jade Victoria Gonzalez Vikki Williams Grodner – 5 Kimberly Levine Hanson – 4 Lisa-Marie Paulsen Haygood – 6 Sara Dowless Herndon – 5 Jane Hunt Krishon

Alina Alexandra Nasui Shae O'Connor – 6 Laura Moak Redman – 1 Sarah Catherine Saadatjoo – 5 Hanna Schurr – 6

Delta Xi California University of Pennsylvania Kem Hoffer – 6 Jamie Amato Paci

Delta Omicron Lenoir-Rhyne University

Dana Brasington Atkinson – 3 Lynn Monroe Bolick – 6 Laura Bowman-Messick – 6 Kathy Lyerly Davis Susie Lee Greene – 6 Heidi Johnson Rhyne, RN Denise Lee Schulz – 4

Delta Pi Eastern New Mexico University Marta Inman Lindrose – 6 Carol Fleming Mason – 6 Donna Stanley Mowrer – 5 Kaitlyn Real Rael – 6 Kelli Young Roberts

Delta Rho Eastern Michigan University

Joan Powell Medrich Barbara L. Piotter – 6 Marlene Wohlfeil Principe – 6

Delta Sigma Lamar University

Chrisa Ponthieu Atkins – 6 Susan Menefee Hunt Stena E. Kettl – 6 Halie Danielle LaPoint – 4 Mary Jacobs Lipnick – 6 Linda Blair Ramsey – 5 Crystal Dawn Romero–Mueller – 6 Nancy Nellius Stine

Delta Tau Davis and Elkins College

Laura Anne Constantine – 6 Virginia Howell Davis – 6 Patricia Kasper Kiernan Grace Witmeyer Lloyd – 6 Joyce Plasko Simnett

Delta Upsilon West Virginia Wesleyan College Jennifer Ellen Anderson – 6 Lauren Ercolano Benyo Denise A. Drinnon Colleen O'Reilly Hann – 4 Alice Shumlas – 5

Delta Phi Millsaps College

Georgia Gwin Sewell – 6

Delta Chi William Jewel College

Mrs. Mark Calvert Stephanie Anne Francis – 6 Jennifer Elizabeth Reinhardt – 6

Delta Psi Samford University

Susan L. Beard – 5 Lauren Victoria Bender – 6 Laura Leigh Hollaway Hailey Nicole Rogers – 6 Mary Jones Winter Phyllis Brown Woodall

Delta Omega Westminster College

Debra George Lannon – 4 Natalie Yingling Lisko – 6 Lee Onorato – 6 JoAnn Cassebaum Weisel – 4

Zeta Alpha University of Evansville

Susan Gascoigne Boyer Amanda Greer Bureau –5 Bev Rookstool Cook –6 Barbara Fulmer Dunn Tiffani Ryan Emery –5 Sarah Elizabeth Gehres Courtney Nicole George –5 Morgan Alyssa Goebel Michelle Edwards Griffin Lindsay Hudson Haynes –6 Susan Elizabeth Kennedy –3 Angela Spring Kennedy –6 Susan Roell Mansfield Karen Nicole Markle Diane Gaskins Marret –5 Stephanie Murray Martin –5 Maura Hand McCabe Jacqueline O'Donnell Merk –6 Mary Howell Miller –5 Kirsten Patrick Nowicki Vicki Spitzer Richmond –6 Nancy Morris Roberts Marilyn McCarter Schneider Pam Ann Swaim Sherry Server Tilley –1 Melissa Wagler –6

Zeta Beta Thiel College

Jayne Malburg Fogle Shyann Renee Foreman Kelsey Dawn Schneider –3 Karen Sue Swan –6 Cynthia Marie Tallerico –6 Cathy Ann Wilkie –6

Zeta Gamma Youngstown State University Alyssa Krumpak Adamson Emily Marie Bosela –6 Phyllis DeGennaro Chila –6 Susanne H. Dreier –5 Marla D'Andrea Dull –5 Henri Caruso Hall –6 Rena Meadows Hunter –5 Deborah Basinsky Liptak Kami L. Nemcik Valerie Lucarelli Schenk –5 Tori Nicole Schuller Jeanne Slicker Sposito –6 Haley Christine Tohm Betty Susor Vanatsky –4

Zeta Epsilon Texas A&M University-Kingsville Amy Baldillez Harp –6 Terry Engstrom Harris –6 Goldia Burroughs Hubert Joy Huntington –5 Linda Copeland Nix Gail Mueck Vittitoe –6 Erme Walton Waddell –5

Zeta Delta University of Louisiana at Monroe Evelyn Etzel Hopes Lisa King Judice Lisa Busby Walston –3 Joy Hathorn Watson –3

Zeta Zeta Athens State University

Debbie Murtagh Nichols –6 Cheryl Anderson Pedigo –4

Zeta Lambda Rider University

Lynne Cassel Brillhart –6 Samantha Mary Calio Elyse Marie Elisano –6 Michele Anne Powers –6 Leanne Mishelle Puia –5 Stephanie Lynn Turner –5

Zeta Mu Jacksonville University

Debbie E. Buscher –1 Cynthia Leialoha Lucy –4 Beth Randolph McCullough –5 Patricia Ann Parrish –6 Mary Calhoun Perry –6 Patricia Comstock Zeile

Zeta Nu Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

Karen Byers Arnold –6 Lynn E. Ashley Mrs. Stephen Girard Clouser Danelle Del Corso –5 Amy Paciej-Woodruff –6 Debbie Olexia Stilley Amee Lewis Vance –6

Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Grace Elizabeth Asbury

Mardee Coyle Austin –1 Teresa Maria Cartee Bland Elise Wrye Boyett –6 Christine Margaret Braddy –6 Jess Anne Byars Sandra Willis Calvin –6 Sunny Carolina Cannon Erin Helbling Chadwick –5 Linda Pie Coyle –6 Tyna McNair Crowe –6 Kay Musselwhite Davis –6 Kim Reynolds Eichler –5 Pam Waller Ferrere Durene Majoli Helbling –6 Donna Rucks Hudson Kay Stroud Jones Nichole Calandra Krieger –4 Mary Claire Malarkey –6 Stephanie Cowart Martinek –6 Michelle Satterfield McMurry Vanessa Fawcett Noe –6 Eliza Kathleen O'Rear Terri Smiley Parker –6 Collete Ann Peta –6 Becky Brannen Renfroe B.A. McKenney Smith –6 Janet Barber Thompson–6 Jenny Rice Webster Lea Chrisman Williams –5 Mary Thomas Young

Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University

Patti Elbert Abell –6 Debbie Goff Apel –5 Hannah Courtney Dunton –6

Meagan Lauren McCoy Jane Stuart Meadows –6 Nona Douglass Richey –5 Savannah Nicole Shelton

Zeta Pi Woodbury University Kathy Cook Apogee–2

Zeta Sigma The University of Texas at Arlington

Samantha Georgina Benitez Marti Cherry Diaz –5 Jenni Zottola Leger –3 Sandye Powell Mailandt

Zeta Phi University of South Alabama Karen Tompkins Barkman Darcy A. Dean Janis Felis Menges

Zeta Chi Tennessee Technical University Annette Coorts Flanders –6 Amanda Hand Knauer –6 Krista Leigh Richmond

Zeta Psi Jacksonville State University Rachael Ginn Blalock Emily Ann Burger Candy Cason Burnett –6 Wendy Laminack Cash

Margaret Hodges Butler –6

Zeta Eta Slippery Rock University Kathleen H. Donley –6 Linda Salvatora Witherel

Zeta Theta East Central University

Machel Considine –3 Brigette Donaghey Gean –5 Chris Ann Moranetz –6 Lindy Clay Pearson Mary Gayle Puckett Smithson –6

Zeta Iota Western Carolina University

Connie Hamilton Carroll Franlyna Barrett Charles –1 Donna DePietropaolo Murphy –6 Angela Crisp-Stocker –6

Zeta Kappa Louisiana Tech University Lynn Aicklen Franklin –5

Innovative programming like Emerging Leaders Academy (pictured above) and Officer Leadership Academy is possible thanks in large part to the ZTA Foundation. These opportunites give future ZTA leaders and current chapter officers the tools they need to help their chapters succeed. Donor List · Fall 2019· 47

IN MEMORY OF. . . Donations to the ZTA Foundation were made between Aug. 1, 2018, and July 31, 2019, in memory of the following people: Jane Baucum Baird Lowery Barfield Julie Lee Coblentz Basham Ginger C. Beaupre Krystal Jean Berryman Martha Laws Bonewitz Trixy Swearingen Brill Irene Krenek Broyles Annabel Turner Brubaker Inez Bryan Joan Graf Burbach Buddy Bush Linda Liles Cattanach Marilyn Jean Cole Karen M. Collier Pauline E. Council Eleanor Job Crabtree Ralph W. Crawford Jr., M.D. Lori Ann Dawson William Frederick Dew Jr. Gail Songer Dippold Leah Demaree Douglas Florence Williams Dunn Ann Davidson McGehee Eaker Florence Andrewjeski Eckert Harriett Ellerbee Deb Ensor Betty Scott Ewan Sally Spademan Eyler Nina Beth Feinzig Dominique Anne Franco Kay Ridout Galm Brenda Smith Griffin Carly Logan Griffin Bailey Reide Grogan Agnes Fox Gwin Judith Wilhite Harper Ida Phelps Hassler Carolyn Hendricks Hester Nancy Miller Hill Joanna Hoover, CPA Marilyn Smutny Jacobs Michelle Long Kelch Eileen Hunt Kern Sharon Goddard Kimmel Ron Ladewig Bre Sue Lemler Marissa Lybarger

Lucile Pritchard Maguire Ann Mullman Marsh Pat Martin Cass Elias McCarter Jan Spradley McCarthy Deborah Bohannon McKinney Nelia Bentley McLuckie Bobby Bingham Morgan Sherry Bryan Murray Winifred Dinsmoor Nightingale Betty Steinhauer Ott Karen Casey Packey Kate Mae Palermo Gayle Ann Pastorelli M. Elizabeth Emery Patterson Verna Hicks Patton Alan Perkins Barbara A. Peters Debbie Peterson Joan Robison Poole Barbara Youmans Probst Shirley Thompson Richardson Debra Carswell Roberts Nancy Schierhorn Rutledge Mary J. Schroeder Reina Dashiell Scott Patricia McKimm Shuford Ruth Ceisner Skillman Judy Jones Snyder Hester P. South Nancy Floyd Stipp Sandra Hendrickson Storm Christie Lauren Tansor Susan Schell Tasse Bennie Haven Taylor Jack Vining Alice Apple Voris Tommye Jean Webb Joanne Arata Wehmueller Nancy Turner Welch Coy West Betty Bauer Whitney Jeanne Branscomb Williams Anne Brooks Winstead Victoria Shannon Worthington

Jade Wagner Chappell Cameron Leigh Cochran –6 Elisabeth Green Davis Kasey Nicole Gamble Gloria Culberson Hice –4 Caroline Crawford Kerr Madi Rebekah Meers Payton Alexandra Partridge –6 Caitlin Reese Queen Lindsay Taylor Roberts Janele Sharp –6 Leah Aubrey Simmons Rana Marie Taylor Emily Catherine Upton Kalei Rae Whitson –6 Kim Bickerstaff Woodard –6

Eta Zeta Elon University

Zeta Upsilon Edinboro University of Pennsylvannia

Patricia A. Ogea

Jamie Amorose Bostard –6 Alison Mackenzie Colangelo Helen Scherrah McKenzie Marnie Menser Repasky –6

Eta Gamma West Chester University of Pennsylvania Eva Marie Cooper Meghan Patricia Dorner –6 Sophia Verna –5

Eta Beta Duquesne University

Sharon Newmark Goretsky –6 Jessica Adams Meyers –5 Molly McCann Revak –6 Mikey Alexis Taylor

Eta Alpha Georgia Southwestern State University

Lori Guy Daniel Beth Edwards –5 Elizabeth Harpe Ruf –3 Sybil Baxter Smith Merry Gute Spence Jane Anderson Stiles –6 Taylor Danielle Whitehead –6 Lisa Broadhurst Wooldridge –6 Susan Luckie Youngblood

Zeta Rho Morehead State University Linda Lloyd Mason

Eta Epsilon Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

Christine Knouss Allen –6 Allison Huesgen Dilts –4 Rebecca Dunlap Hulbert –6 48 · THEMIS · Donor List

Frances Caccamo Beebe –6 Arielle Maia Brochin –5 Nicole Lee Cutler –6 Jennifer Black Gallagher –4 Susan Huber Homberg Barbara Cosby McCartney –6 Samantha Green Repp Eleanor Rose Scimone Virginia Wray Totaro –6 Kimberly Rhinehart Truitt –6 Twila Williams-Sabin

Eta Eta McNeese State University Eta Iota Valdosta State University

Sharon Bernhardt Carlos –4 Marlene Dunbar Conrad Brenda Gail Dees Rolison Jennifer Ann Haas Makayla Leanne Hoffman Alice McCann Mathews –2 Amber K. McEachin –6 Leilani Struzick Rabourn –2 Kathy Pope Reinhagen –5 Cierra Dawn Shelton –6 Allison MacKenzie Taylor –6 Grace Tuck –6 Kery Reinkemyer Webb –1

Eta Delta Livingston University Gladys Marie Mason

Eta Kappa University of Central Florida Teresa Lyons Aken Susan Mundy Beck –5 Susan Lander Brooks –6 Rachel Alison Budin –6 Suzanne Loflin Callamari –5 Victoria Elizabeth Coyle –6 Casey Lorraine Heavener Birgitta Nilsson Indaco Julie Graves Johnson Amanda Catherine Lange Lourdes Calvo-Paquette Karen Ogles Powers –6 Jorja Ann Ruby Barbara Owen Schlieder –6 Sydney Alice Scilabro Lauren Nicole Shoenberg Sophie Lynn Smoot Karen Henning Sparkman –4 Lauren Harris Staat –6 Kasey Lynn Strauss Victoria Elise Zelner –6

Eta Lambda College of Charleston

Christine Collins Andersen –6 Delaney Blackwelder Costanzo Michelle Wilkinso Dobbs –4 Lisa Sterling Frizelle –5 Carrie Armentrout Hoffeditz –6 Mary Wilson LaRoche –5 Anne Tisdale McChesney Pam McMillan McKinney –1 Rachel Anne Collins Miller –6 Kelley Elizabeth Moulton –1 Rachel Elizabeth Naugle –6 Caroline McElwee Newton Jessica Eovino Pafford –5 Jill Rose Sirignano –5 Megan Hartley Turbeville –5 Sophie Hope Wilson –6

Eta Nu Radford University

Kimberly K. Carabetta –6 Linda Cahoon Hart Rachel Sellers Hawkins Kaitlyn Marie Julien Mary Denton Roberts –3 Lynette Craig Singer –5 Laura Brenner Staples –6 Dee Reynolds Stewart –6

Eta Xi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Diane Clevenger Aukland –6 Taylor Nicole Billings Anna Elizabeth Bredice –6 Katie Theresa Casamassina Jamie Hanna Chang –6 Nicole Elizabeth Chiaverini Larkin Watson Fields –6 Tracy Raines Gregorio –5 Judy Hendrick Griffiths –6 Carole A. Grzeskiewicz –6 Laurie Wilson Harrsen Meg Tomlinson Head –5 Laurie Jo Hesson –5 Cindy Wellener Hyman –5 Erika Litta Kadas Kimberly Edwards Kay –6 Piper Kolasch Kuesters Barbara Lund Melick –6 Stacy Waller Nelson –6 Whitney Hutchison Owens –6 Cindy O'Steen Speegle –5 Donna Feagans Stossel T.L. Tunstall Francine Marie Vannicola –3 Gerry Sonnessa Weinberger –6 Jen Kuehl Williams –6 Carolyn Kathleen Winters –6 Donna Yenney –6

Eta Mu Augusta University

Christina Dianne Conti Katie Humphrey Cooper –6 Macy Alexandra Gentile Natasha Hendrix –5 Mie Lucas –6 Fran Kupecky Robertson Jenny Marie Smeragliuolo

Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Nancy Beard Barnett –1 Carol Sloan Dean Mollie Malone Feigley –6 Olivia Miller Gist Julia Marthaler Hill –5 Kathy Whitlock Isom –5 Becki Wilkerson Johnson Kay Dill Kreutzer –1 Cindi Geise McLaughlin Joan Kimball Mollohan –6 Delana Young Roe –5 Malaea Nelms Seleski –2 Mary Ann Stratford Stegall –6 Rachel Pansa Torres –5

Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology

Joan Maruska Arthur –5 Christina Welch Ayres –6 Jennifer Speidel Baker –1 Sara Matthews Campbell –6 Rhonda Beall Choflet Kris Fleming –4 Rachel Christina Guthrie –5 Susan Walker Holcomb Janet Rimmey King –6 Emily Frances LaPreze –6 Danielle Christine Miller –5 Abby LaPreze Morris –5 Erica Ann Ronchetto Pamela Lee Scarborough –6 Delaney Grace Sexton Whitney Eileen Sinkbeil –4 Heather Alison Siscel –6 Emily Paige White Michelle Schaeffler Williams –5

Eta Pi Wright State University

Clarke Alyssa Crawford Teresa Ishmael Ebersole –4 Laurel Blewett Hemmelgarn –6 Josie Olsvig Lisa M. Stoneburner Stark –5

Eta Sigma The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Mrs. Catherine L. Kelly –6 Tasia Bobbitt Ratliff

Dana Essick Revier –5 Cynthia Pierson Smith Whitney Hanlin Wilson

Eta Tau The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Rachel Brooke Alridge Kelly Sarita Atkinson Calysta Helen Castillo –6 Fabiana Chabaneix –6 Chloe Elizabeth Cope Kruti Hemesh Dave Megan Phyllis Edmiston Denise Vance Fluhr –6 Nina Marie Graham Megan Rees Hayden Catherine Elizabeth Holloway Leeza Allene Ingram Makana Ashley McClellan Vivian Maria Pantelakos –6 Macy Christine Pavelock –6 Lindsey Scott Ramirez –6 Gab Martin Rife –6 Camila Tovar Rivera Kim Lindsay Savage Maya Lee Shefet –6 Maddie Rose Shirley Jessica Handschin Shurley Hayley Rae Summerville Savannah Hope Thigpen –6 Caroline Alexis Thomas Angie Valeria Torres

Eta Phi Illinois State University

Kaley Marie Buchman –6 Peggy Tsoukalas Callas Kristi Lynn Davis Blake Nicole Dotlich –4 Addison Marie Fitch –6 Kayla Kaczmarek Gibeault –5 Delaney Diane Goldsmith –6 Lucy Marie Howenstine –6 Lindsey Rae LaMorte –6 Whitney Ann Learned Kelly Dorothea Loughman Kali Anne Maier –6 Karen May McKissick –6 Kate Lea Murphy –6 Celeste Ione Niebuhr-Eddleman –6 Johanna Rose Oscarson Pamela Posey Slane –6 Caitlin Marie Smith Joey Ann Starwalt –6 Lexi Lynn Thompson Chloe Kristine Vose

Eta Upsilon Missouri Southern State University

Sara Brooke Benson Marie Florence Kocher –5 Lindi Michelle Todd

Eta Chi Francis Marion University Crystal Edwards Butler Carrie Rebecca Cooper –6 Tiffanie Renea Cox –5 Megan Colleen Coy Georgia Stone Hess –6 Deborah Helms Kelley –5 Ashlee Driggers Kositz –5 Erin Carter Maxwell –5 Lisa Mechelle Odom –6 Ansley Rush Sanderson Lauren Balutis Seger Juliette Neil Their –5 Hope Kristen Wofford

Eta Omega Louisiana State University in Shreveport

Kathie Crane Booth Marnie Marlar Frazier –1 Bridget Denise Higginbotham –2

Eta Psi California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Jill Barclay Alchorn Margie Szumigalski Clarke –4 Kelly Marich Jaeger –6 Daune Wilson Kirrene Erin Jacobs Matheny –6

Theta Alpha California State University, Chico Erin Petrick Bell –6 Donna Jean Chimera –6 Shannon J. Finley –6 Liz Bozek Krohn –6 Karyn Michelle Lovins Cheryl Righetti McGray –6 Andrea Warner Molinari –5 Wynne Zabel Nord Tammie Miller Stanley

Theta Gamma Texas A&M University

Katy Watts Adams Cheri White Armstrong –5 Carly Lynn Bond Roxanne Skrabanek Bryan Melody Delmar Butler –6 Kristy Harrell Fisher –6 Kelley Gilbert Fitzgerald –6 Shana Gatling Gordy –6 Jordan Dickeson Graham Charlotte Ward Hall –4 Shari Masterson Harris –5 Linda Cude House –6 Avery Pauline Klatt –6 Kayla Nicole Landrum –6 Kristal Key Lowry Olivia Vickers Maxwell –4 Kathryn Weisinger McQueen –6

Debi Sport Moore –6 Andrea Lynn Perrard Debbie Daws Robertson –3 Melody Steakley Seavey –6 Connie Cantwell Sherwood Michele Tauber Silver –5 Lacey Christine Walker –6 Pamela Osenbaugh Walker –6 Elyse Turley Weed Kay Kuykendall Wettemann –5 Stacey Weldon White Rachel Anne Wood –5

Theta Delta Salisbury University

Valerie N. Ahmuty Yuriko Norita Beaman –6 Angela Popowski Cherry Heather Marie Giovenco –5 Chantel Kushner-Samuel –6 Dixie White Leikach –5 Kenna Brigham Lowe –5 Cate Mary McCreavy –6 Tammy Ward –5

Theta Beta Eastern Washington University Kathy Blank Harper –5 Donna Voss Pittman –6

Theta Theta Arkansas Tech University

Jana Harrison Carroll Ann Cooper Childs –4 Annette Borland Holeyfield –6 Mandy Jane Morgan –6 Katie Katelyn Olive Diane Hicks Olson Elaine Zankl Puckett –6 Mary McCollum Templeton Shannon McNeal Turner –6

Theta Iota University of North Florida

Jaclyn Waterman Conatser –6 Lauren Rockwell Eggbeer –5 Maddie Marie Gaw –5 Aimee DeFoor Kane –5 Pam Godfrey Kibler Dianne Ford LaForty –6 Rhonda Reeb Ly –6 Joni Allman McIntyre –5 Joy Phelps Stars Kimberly Lee Waterhouse –6

Theta Eta Stephen F. Austin State University Debbie Wheeler Buchanan Toni Devine Chandler –5 Mrs. Lisa Anne Clayton –6 Cecily Brianne Clinton –6 Kailey Nicole Fischbeck Stacy LaRue Gannon –3

Jordan Brooke Jefferys Michelle Osborne Marshall –5 Kelly Corser Richmond –6 Lauryn Alyce Sanford Shannon Elizabeth Shelton –6 Paislea Wallstein Stolarski –5 Kim Kelley Strenger –6 Patricia Williamson –6 Patrice Rozell Wills –6 Lisa Williams Wilson –5

Theta Kappa University of Missouri-St. Louis Susan Strantz Decker Sarah Rosegrant Frederick –5 Morgan Haslag Koenig Meg O'Connell Naes –5 Michelle Chaves Sublette Spear

Theta Omicron Baylor University

Jenna Renee Abbuhl –6 Rayne Choi Apodaca Ashley Michele Arceneaux –6 Cheyenne Marissa Atchison Kelly Ann Bayer –6 Jeanne Hamilton Beall –6 Suzanne Michelle Brittain –6 Melinda Gant Burns Cameron Joy Canton –6 Cami Nichole Cassidy –6 Claire Marie Fathers –6 Andi Lisette Fernandez –6 Emily Mai Flinchpaugh Kathryn Noelle Fuller –6 Diane Cook Goebel –6 Grace Nicole Goodchild Madelyn Lee Greenleaf –6 Claire Elizabeth Hemmer Anneliese Carey Hill –6 Mrs. Julie A. Jaehne –6 Traci Hodgkiss Johnson –6 Angela Malone Kelly –5 Chloe Alexandra Krieger Haley Elizabeth Lasseter –6 Emily Vaughn Lohec –6 Lauren Elizabeth Markham –6 Amy Harmon McGinnis Margret Penelope McLaughlin Laurie Harmon Mershon, RN –6 Emily Frances Mertens Susan Berry Metzger –6 Zoe Eberlan Nagle –6

Annual donors giving key 1: $5,000 + 2: $2,500–$4,999 3: $1,000–$2,400 4: $500–$999 5: $300–$499 6: $100–$299

Donor List · Fall 2019· 49

Haley Elizabeth O'Connor –5 Lorie Bolch Radke Sarah Rose Reilly –6 Natasha Richardson Sawyer Cameron Taylor Seymour –6 Jade Hannah Siegel –6 Sommer Kay Stanley –6 Stacey Schiermeyer Stites Abigail Melissa Ramage Taylor –6 Fiona Grace Walley –6 Lynette Mills Winkler –6

Theta Zeta Wofford College

Kinli Bare Abee Ava Jean Belew –6 Susan Redden Cole Virginia Woodson Dudley –6 Ashley Glasgow Langley Morgan Lindsey McCrary –6 Kelsey Zappa Thompson

Theta Xi Rutgers University

Kathy Walker Ashton –6 Pam Kievit Dorman –6 Lana Rose Levy Vivian Boswell Pritts Jill Faith Vanzino –5 Katie Peoples Zamulinsky –5

Theta Nu Auburn University at Montgomery

Amanda McConn Moulin –5 Gracie Poe –6 Rebecca McConn Rampe –6 Brittney O. Roland Ashley Nichole Stoddart –6

Theta Mu Bowling Green State University Sue Rader Regonini –6

Theta Sigma Winthrop University

Heather Ashmore Baker –4 Kelli Burke Stephenson –5 Erin Cook Erin Paige Curran –6 Ashlie Nichole Evans –6 Joanne Andros Jones –6 Lisa Bradham Jordan –6 Lizzy Claire Koehler –6 Sarah McDonald Lewis Julie Ward Moxley –5 Georgeanne Pratt –6 Eva Winifred Schleicher –5 Laura Firkins VanZee –6 Rachel Renee Wyatt –6

50 · THEMIS · Donor List

Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Terah Bain Archie –6 Lorelle Wise Baddley –6 I. Elizabeth Beasley Carolyn Hof Carpenter –4 Christina Lynne Catlett –6 Rita Dickerson Chambers Corin Ortlam Clark –6 Ashleigh Clark –6 Carla Martin Cobb –3 Jean Newman Davidson Beth C. Del Savio –5 Dawn Zentner Desai –6 CarolAnne Bennett Durham –6 Cyndy Thomasson Fenninger –6 Emily Keith Flowers Katherine Snipes Gayle Lisa A. Goelz –4 Holly G. Griffin –6 Maia Alycianna Guterbock –6 Anne Carlisle Hancock Regina Henderson Helt –6 Margaret Stiles Johnson –6 Christa Kelly Johnston –6 Jennifer Jones Kaufman –6 Nancy C. Leatherman –5 Donna Leinwand Leger –6 Catherine Rowland Liemohn –4 Pamela K. Lowrance Angelique Fontana Martin –6 Lynn Jenkins Morehouse –5 Brenda Ann Moretz Speckmann –6 Rachel Marie Napolitano Lara Amparan Nester Juli Szaniszlo Powell–3 Stephanie Harmon Roselli –6 Tamara Estes Savage –6 Kirsten Gardner Venema –6 Lisa Ann Werner Julia Garner Wilson –6 Virginia Eldridge Wolcott –6 Caroline Cory Yarnall –6 Mindelle Rosenberg Ziff –6

Theta Phi California State University, Fullerton

Cynthia White Booth, M.D. –5 Stephanie Patricia Carlsen Sylvia Christina Contreras –4 Catherine Perez Chapman Gold –6 Ally Kim –6 Valerie King Smyth –6 Susan O'Toole Wason –6

Theta Epsilon University of San Diego Myra Spahr Evans –6 Liz Gern Klapmeier –3 Stephanie Adler Lex –5 Shannon Smith –5

Theta Psi Texas State University

Melody Taylor Carrillo Laney Hillencamp Crain –6 Sharon Davies Cugini Hilary Rabuse Dominguez –3 Allie Elizabeth Harris Missy Drake Hays Meghan Elizabeth Johnson –6 Laura Ladewig Landers –2 Kelli Vititow Sluder –6 Donna Dowden Smith Sally Boyd Sullivan Renee Vercher Svitek –6 Susan M. Vohtz Alicia Patten Williams –3 Savannah Lianne Wisian Sara Staggs Wisser –6

Theta Chi George Mason University

Camille Neubauer Degen –6 Mary Ann Carr Flood Irene Christine Parriski Roberta Lynn Wodenscheck –4

Iota Alpha Robert Morris University Karen M. Rose-Roper –5 Kayla Jay Winston

Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University

Anna Kroesen Dow –4 Dani Garcia Dolores Gonzales Gastineau –4 Robyn Taylor Jaramillo –6 Leslie Pataky Fischer Kary Diane Hanson Keegan –5 Molly Fox McLean –6 Jackie Lindbergh Parslow –6 Lauren Alyssa Valdez –6 Shamim Syed Wu –1

Iota Gamma The College of New Jersey Dawn M. Kosko Kelly Czajka Raymond –5 Lauren Mary Seber –5

Iota Delta Towson University

Danielle Renee Bell –6 Carly Leeann Cooper Jennifer Meadow Fay Jordan Ann Gillespie Liza Gundell –2 Codi Nicole Humes Nicole Rachel Hunn Kara Kerr Lloyd Jennifer Wright Roberts –6

Shonda Brewer Schilling –4 Olivia Marie Sherno Olivia Grace Watkins Jessica Lynn Welch Beth Ann Welsh

Iota Zeta University of New Mexico Katerina Vaitkus –3

Iota Theta Georgia Tech Institute of Technology

Anisha Veena Anand Caroline Rose Balmer Emma Lanier Bivings Anna Katherine Boswell Greyson Elisabeth Burnett Emma Marie Chadwick Caroline Anne Chang Charlotte Adele Cuccia Lauren Marie Dinges Cara Ashley Doll Natalie Jane Dunnahoo –6 Anna Grace Gaventa Folger Tiffany Holler Freed –6 Madison Golinski –6 Amanda Rose Gregory Liz Jane Hamel Lilli Frances Higgins Lisa Marie Higgins Rebecca Marie Kaufman –6 Joni Marie Kazmierczak Nina Marie Kelsey Alice Nele Kramer Deanna Pearl Lalo Reagan Elizabeth Lausier Natalie Trawick Leggio Lindsey Kathleen Linehan Jordan Kristine McKinney Emily Anne Milburn Riddhi Pragnesh Patel Stephanie Perez Morgan Elizabeth Platt Caroline Barnes Price Christina Lee Romano –6 Geneva R. Rumer Isha Sunil Shrotriya –6 Mary Frances Frances Skibiel Paula Ross Surdykowski –5 Heather Heimke Surdykowski Camille Diane Sylvester Carly Lynne Wood Laurie Xiao

Iota Eta University of Nevada, Las Vegas Gloria Leija Ayala –6 Alexis Kendall Johnson Shelly Ryser-Blanton Kay Kistler See –6 Sandra Clonan Smith –6 Rosa Solis-Rainey –3

Shardonnay Summerhays Aimee Wytko Wise –1

Iota Iota Fairleigh Dickinson University Lisa Ann Pietrafesa Dominique Pirozzi Lisa Salerno Schwartz –6

Iota Kappa Delta State University

Meredith Sims Crawford –6 Jane Livingston Margie Benson McLeod

Iota Xi Christian Brothers University Sara Jasper Clark –1 Fatima Beatriz Escobar –6 Allison Massie Gasvoda –6 Tammi Ellis Hoback –6 Susy Todd –6

Iota Nu Susquehanna University

Andrea Ann Botchie –6 Jennifer Botchie Deinlein –6 Tina Ohta Kile –6 Kristen Prozialeck Killian –5

Iota Omicron Lander University Kim Banks Durham

Iota Pi University of Dayton

Jess Alana Boy –6 Sierra Elizabeth Desiderio Terry Kilbane Fortin –6 Nicole Marie Luisi –5 Katie Baker Lynch Ariana Saam Margarita Maria Stahl –6 Kristine E. Westerheide –5

Iota Sigma Old Dominion University

Sarah Alexis Brunke –6 Darian Nicole Dean –6 Meredith Keegan Ensley Megan Harris Meharg –4 Keeley McDonald Riddle –3

Iota Rho East Carolina University

Avery Barr Dabbs –6 Deana Cale Graebner Brandi Foster Heatherly –6 Emma Abbitt Holland –6 Kelsey May Jones –6 Nicole Elizabeth McCormick –6 Emily Krystal Miller –4

Elizabeth Fawcett Smith –6 Kate Flossie Virtue –6 Jacqueline Margaret Weisenberger

Iota Phi North Carolina State University Madison Lee Broome Sydney Louise Chance Sydney Jade Dodson Deni Leah Duvernay Linda Coy-Elmore –6 Sarah Huntington –5 Alyssa Marie Ohmstede Amanda Lauren Pappas Jordan Elizabeth Puryear –5 Lexi Noelle Roberts –6 Avery Frances Settle Sydney Christina Smith –5 Catherine Grace Stegal –6 Abbie Elizabeth Vogel Amanda Nicole Wagoner Rachel Lyn Wells –6 Charlotte Winston Welsh –6 Kendal Kathryn Williams –6 Audrey Grace Williams Madison Elizabeth Young –6

Iota Chi Middle Tennessee Stae University Cari Hartlage Anderson AnnaMarie Lyczkowski Cramer Brittany De'Juanquista Easley Terri Leigh Hoagland –5 Mary Annette McDonald –6 Halie Vannoy Montgomery –5 Lesley Wilson Pascoe –5 Casey Guimbellot Pash –5 Molly Grace Turner

Iota Psi Rochester Institute of Technology Vicki Decker Griffith –2 Stacy Johnson –1 Heather Huebner Lady –6 Alexandra Paige Sinnery

Kappa Beta Presbyterian College

Kristen Taylor Bane Anna Rebekah Phillips Melanie Hope Routhieaux –5

Iota Omega University of Maryland

Nikki Olivia Cavender Andrea Kerr Courtois –6 Cait Bridget Demchuk –6 Elisabeth Mary Diamantopoulos –6 Rebecca Traino Everitt –5 Sophia Ludovia Giavotto Kaitlyn Noel Hopkins Cecelia Lee Kobylski

Anne Meredith Merrell –6 Sara Elizabeth Miller Bree Lynne Parsons –6 Abbey Mae Peters Clare Olivia Riley Allison Rose Rossomondo Amy S. Sheu Kerry Frances Slingluff –6 Brenda Zimmerman Stokes –6 Lauren Hope Weiner Kaitlyn Belle Yale –6 Sophie Soohyun Yang

Kappa Alpha Colorado State University Lisa Leier –6 Jennifer Randolph Place Dana Muller Weiss Lisa Ann Zieman –6

Kaylyn Marie Peterson –6 Lauren Ann Sherrard –6

Miranda Renee Wade Taylor Rose Zazulka

Kappa Nu Monmouth University

Kappa Pi University of South Carolina Aiken

Kappa Xi Stockton University

Kappa Sigma University of South Florida

Jenn Gradzki Harris –6

Heather Ann Black Lauren Mihaly Borcherding –6 Cassie Cocchiara Taylor Beverly Lopez Haley Kristin Marotta Julie Rose Nammour Monica Marie O'Kane Kayla Marie Smith Miranda Alexandra Turner Jaci Rose Vece

Nicole Flippo Crook –3

Gina Elizabeth Antonaccio –6 Brittany Zahn DiMeglio –6 McKara Calhoon Eady –6 Sabrina Marie Johnson –6

Kappa Tau Florida Gulf Coast University Jennifer Joan Brown –6 Alyssa Ana Marill

Kappa Upsilon Georgia College

Sarah Elaine Braswell –6 Cadi Elizabeth Griffin –6 Ellie Anne Rhinehart

Kappa Phi Christopher Newport University

Laura Elizabeth Basil –6 Cindy Maye Davis –6 Catherine Marie Bowersox Posey –6 Nicole Hammer Showah

Kappa Chi Shorter University

Anna Patterson Adams –6

Kappa Gamma West Virginia University

Cheryl Lynn Northness –5

Kappa Zeta Clemson University

Emma Margaret Brandberg Elizabeth Warren Cook MaKenzie Divina Samantha Ann Falkowski –6 Mimi HonorRose Fellowes Dana Durant Ferguson –6 Lisa Cannon Grant –6 Avery Leeman Henderson Audrey Rose McCool Charlotte Tucker Nicholson Julie Marie Resua –5 Cristina Gabrielle Waingart –6 Katie Suzanne Weathersbee

Kappa Kappa Southern Utah University Lindsey Wilde Voltolini –6

Kappa Theta California State University, San Bernardino Katrina Eberly Loff –6

Kappa Iota Moravian College

Sarah Maricela Baiardi Taya Edwards-Wentz Fallon Endler –6 Payton Ann Pinter Cortney Lynn Selander –5

Kappa Mu Linfield College

Nicki Rose Bissey Dana Riko Hellie

The ZTA Foundation supports ZTA’s iconic Think Pink® (bottom) and creative local philanthropy events (top). Donor List · Fall 2019· 51

Kappa Psi Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Lambda Gamma The University of Texas at San Antonio

Kappa Omega St. Louis University

Lambda Epsilon Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis

Cait Bakke Drake –6 Bianca Alexa Parisi –6

Katy Spears Beagle –5

Lambda Alpha Sacred Heart University Nicole Brianna DeMattio Gabriella Mae Messina

Lambda Beta University of Rhode Island Jessica Faith Swirson –3

Katie Brooke Swank Karly VanSlyke Jessica Lucille Vrbanoff –6 Lauren Kaitlin Wilson

Hannah Kristian Mcneill

Amanda Marie Allison Ashlyn Christine Bell Samantha Renee Caudill –6 Madi Nicole Cochran Codie Myers Kirk Lexis Marie Knight Clare Louise McHugh Zoe Alexa Minton Anna Izabel Patarino –6 Maddy Kay Pfister –6 Katie Jo Scott –6 Tori Joann Smaldone –6 Elena Marie Smith –6 Sydney Rose Stanek

Lambda Zeta Lehigh University

Samantha Rachel Estin –6 Olivia Aryn Lee Dixie Lee Miller Adina Blair Rothfeld –5

Lambda Eta Virginia Commonwealth University Logan Gravitt Massey –6

Lambda Iota Vanderbilt University

Terri Elizabeth Green Rachel Morgan Gross –6 Victoria Isabella Lutz

Anna Lee McLean –6 Peyton Ainsley Ross –6 Sarah Tavenner Whitaker –6

Lambda Kappa Appalachian State University Olivia Hayden Kinser

Lambda Lambda Kennesaw State University

Ashley Megan Bates Rachel Hannah Buchanan Alexis Marie Clarke Marykate Susan Coleman Emily Nicole Dobson Annabelle Claire Hudgins Mari Sklar Jacobson Aubrey Layne Jeter Sophia Emily Kan Meaghan Marie McCarthy –6 Haylee Catherine Mercado Jessica Lynn Mirocha

Meredith Cassandra Moody Carmen Amanda Salb Bella Alexandra Smart Taylor Ann Williams Tayler Anri Wise –6

Lambda Nu Furman University

Eugenie Vorder Bruegge

Lambda Xi Seton Hall University

Alexis Ryan Juarez –6 Heather Lee Stocking –6 Stephanie Marie Toal –6

MAUD SQUAD: Maud Squad is the Foundation’s level of giving for alumnae aged 40 and under who set up a recurring donation of $9 per month or more. Those listed below are active Maud Squad members as of July 31, 2019. Taylor Rene Allison, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Mandy Ingram Altfater, Ohio Northern University Virginia Bustos Anderson, The University of Texas at El Paso Quinn Marie Bachofen, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Yuriko Norita Beaman, Salisbury University Maegan Ballard Beasley, Arkansas Tech University Sara Brooke Benson, Missouri Southern State University Raechel Bennett Biggs, High Point University Erin Koster Blair, Washington College Rachael Ginn Blalock, Jacksonville State University Cynthia Connor Borden, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Emily Marie Bosela, Youngstown State University Andrea Ann Botchie, Susquehanna University Sarah Ford Brammer, Louisiana State University Suzanne Michelle Brittain, Baylor University Jennifer Joan Brown, Florida Gulf Coast University Kaley Marie Buchman, Illinois State University Kelly Ann Buffa, Texas A&M University Michele Kuznitz Bunch, University of Missouri Katy Fluhr Carlsward, Washington College Alison Mackenzie Colangelo, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Jaclyn Waterman Conatser, University of North Florida Carrie Rebecca Cooper, Francis Marion University Katie Humphrey Cooper, Augusta University Nicole Flippo Crook, University of South Carolina Aiken Acacia Bender Croy, Oklahoma State University Avery Barr Dabbs, East Carolina University Valerie Weidenhamer Daters, The University of Iowa 52 · THEMIS · Donor List

Shannon Crouse Davis, University of Florida Iliana Martinez De Avila, The University of Texas at El Paso Darian Nicole Dean, Old Dominion University Jennifer Botchie Deinlein, Susquehanna University Clare Denhollem, The University of New Orleans Brittany Zahn DiMeglio, University of South Florida Kerry Ann Diminuco, The University of Iowa Dr. Rachelle J. Douglass, University of Missouri Jessica Kosty Dunckel, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Melissa Black Dunlap, Brenau University

McKara Calhoon Eady, University of South Florida Lauren Rockwell Eggbeer, University of North Florida Ashlie Nichole Evans, Winthrop University Shannon Ashley Ferguson, University of Missouri Emily Ann Fogelsonger, University of Michigan Brianna Michelle Forth, University of Arkansas Kayte Sexton Fry, University of Arkansas Jennifer Black Gallagher, Elon University Courtney Nicole George, University of Evansville Kayla Kaczmarek Gibeault, Illinois State University Heather Marie Giovenco, Salisbury University

Katie Gardner Graf, University of Louisville Cadi Elizabeth Griffin, Georgia College Rachel Christina Guthrie, Missouri University of Science and Technology Colleen O’Reilly Hann, West Virginia Wesleyan College Kimberly Levine Hanson, Georgia State University Jenn Gradzki Harris, Monmouth University Lindsay Hudson Haynes, University of Evansville Dana Riko Hellie, Linfield College Libby Johnstone James, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Suzanna Marie Johnson, Stetson University Kaitlyn Marie Julien, Radford University Aimee DeFoor Kane, University of North Florida Joni Marie Kazmierczak, Georgia Institute of Technology Jaime Elduen Keith, University of Washington Jenny Wills Kelley, The University of Tennessee at Martin Rachel Owens Knain, Auburn University Marie Florence Kocher, Missouri Southern State University Ashlee Driggers Kositz, Francis Marion University Emily Frances LaPreze, Missouri University of Science and Technology Jessica Wood Lott, Birmingham-Southern College Kerri Killgore Lovegrove, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Stephanie Murray Martin, University of Evansville Margot Tauzier May, Louisiana State University Molly Fox McLean, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Lauren Eileen McMahon, Miami University Sarah Ann McPherson, Christopher Newport University Jess Craft McSorley, University of Nebraska at Omaha Anne Meredith Merrell, University of Maryland Jessica Adams Meyers, Duquesne University Cece Baldus Moore, The University of Iowa Abby LaPreze Morris, Missouri University of Science and Technology Areta Hill Moseley, University of Arkansas Amanda McConn Moulin, Auburn University at Montgomery Caitlin Moulton-Towle, Auburn University Kendra Davis Moyses, Ferris State University Meg O’Connell Naes, University of Missouri-St. Louis Erin Dickey Niebylski, Michigan State University Lauren Ashley Norris, University of Maryland Natalie Lauren Nutzell-Morales, The University of Tennessee at Martin Kristin Rae Oberg, The University of Iowa Stacey Kathleen Overtoom, University of North Texas Ruth Owens, University of Mississippi Meghan Vicinus Parker, Oklahoma State University Jackie Lindbergh Parslow, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

To join the Maud Squad, visit to set up your recurring donation.

Casey Guimbellot Pash, Middle Tennessee State University Andrea Lynn Perrard, Texas A&M University Kaylyn Marie Peterson, Linfield College Anna Rebekah Phillips, Presbyterian College Kalyn Guthrie Pinkerton, Auburn University at Montgomery Brittany Megan Pond Catherine Marie Bowersox Posey, Christopher Newport University Sarah Nicole Prasher, Ohio Northern University Lindsey Scott Ramirez, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Rebecca McConn Rampe, Auburn University at Montgomery Kristi Broadfoot Reiff, Auburn University Julie Marie Resua, Clemson University Hailey Nicole Rogers, Samford University Melanie Hope Routhieaux, Presbyterian College Nicki Thompson Roy, Drury University Julianna Salyer, Mississippi State University Lauryn Alyce Sanford, Stephen F. Austin State University Valerie Lucarelli Schenk, Youngstown State University Brianne Steppe Schneckenberger, Franklin College Kelsey Dawn Schneider, Thiel College Denise Lee Schulz, Lenoir-Rhyne University Lauren Mary Seber, The College of New Jersey Cortney Lynn Selander, Moravian College Lauren Ann Sherrard, Linfield College Heather Alison Siscel, Missouri University of Science and Technology Madeline Vallone Smith, University of Evansville Elizabeth Fawcett Smith, East Carolina University Angie Smitson Anna Alayne Stark, Drury University Juliette Neil Thier, Francis Marion University Lindi Michelle Todd, Missouri Southern State University Ashley Dolezilek Turman, Baker University Jill Faith Vanzino, Rutgers University Melissa Wagler, University of Evansville Jennifer Diane Waters, University of Washington Stephanie Dallas Wenzel, Mississippi State University Molly Albin West, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Lea Chrisman Williams, Georgia Southern University Jen Kuehl Williams, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Michelle Schaeffler Williams, Missouri University of Science and Technology Roberta Lynn Wodenscheck, George Mason University Angela Renee Woods, University of Missouri

THEMIS READER’S GUIDE Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, the official publication of the Fraternity, has been published continuously since 1903. HOW TO MAKE AN ADDRESS CHANGE Go to and update your information. You may also email changes to (subject: Address Change) or call IO at (317) 872–0540. Parents: While your daughter is in college, her magazine is sent to her home address. If she is not living at home, please send in her new address. HOW TO SUBMIT NEWS Send all news and photos to the Communication Department by emailing All submissions become the property of ZTA and are subject to editing. Include full names and chapter(s). Photos must be 1 MB (1,024 KB) or larger to be printed. HOW TO SUBMIT TO THE ARCHIVES Have something to contribute to the archives? Email Patti Cords Levitte (

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1036 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032

A. B.

(Chain and charm sold separately.)


D. E.

A. Rope Chain, 18”, #013R SS $23 | GF $27 | B. Script Charm, #2823 SS $26 | 10K $86 | C. Lux Bracelet, #BG808 GP or RP $50 | D. Crest Earrings, #2638E SS $43 | 10K $145 | E. Addy Ring, #ADDY GP or SP $35

K – karat gold, SS – sterling silver, GF – gold-filled, GP – gold-plated, SP – silver-plated, RP – rose gold-plated || 1.800.451.3304

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