Themis—Fall 2018

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Fall 2018 · 1 Convention 2018 | Meet the 2018–2019 Leadership Consultants | Foundation Donorxx · Lists

Fall 2018 Vol. 117 No. 1 (ISSN 1529-6709; USPS 627-120) 1036 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 872–0540

STAFF Editor Ellen Crawford Graphic Designer Kahlie Cannon Senior Director of Communication Ashley Sherman Contributors Christy Marx Barber, Alpha Psi Susan L. Beard, Delta Psi Kimberly Brochocki, Beta Delta Baylee Bryan Carla Martin Cobb, Theta Tau Stephanie Deremiah, Alpha Theta Becky Koltonski Gleason, Delta Delta Jane Krause, Alpha Theta Patti Cords Levitte, Beta Phi Olga Vlashyn, Alpha Theta

NATIONAL COUNCIL National President Alicia Patten Williams, Theta Psi Vice President Collegiate I Raechel Bennett Biggs, Delta Gamma Vice President Collegiate II Laura Moak Redman, Delta Lambda Vice President Collegiate III Shannon Ferguson, Alpha Psi Vice President Alumnae I Dana Brasington Atkinson, Delta Omicron Vice President Alumnae II Cheri White Armstrong, Theta Gamma Secretary-Treasurer Franlyna Barrett Charles, Zeta Iota National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Laura Ladewig Landers, Theta Psi Extension Director Dolores Gonzales Gastineau, Theta Omega

2 · THEMIS · xx

FROM WHERE I SIT Rewind to 2016: I was in Phoenix for Convention and the temperature was in the triple digits. As my chapter’s Alternate Delegate, I got to carry the Beta Delta Chapter flag during the processional and, for the first time, see how big ZTA is. Just a sophomore, I couldn’t imagine how Zetas outside of Oxford, Ohio, could compare to my Beta Delta sisters, but I met some of the more than 800 women in attendance who were passionate, driven leaders striving to make our beloved Zeta Tau Alpha better every day. It was then I knew I wanted to be my chapter’s President. Fast forward to NLC 2017 in Indianapolis. Spring 2017 was hard for me. A month into my presidency, a risk management issue shook my chapter and took the air out of my lungs. We had to come to terms with the fact that we weren’t doing the right thing; we weren’t living our values. We dug our heels in and got to work. At the end of the semester, we looked back and were proud of what we had accomplished and the strides we had made to bring our chapter culture in line with ZTA’s policies and expectations. But, I’ll be honest, I was tired. I was tired from staying up writing risk management plans most nights; I was tired of getting a stomach ache every time we held a social event; and I was sad that this leadership position I had wanted so badly made me so tired. NLC came at the perfect time. I worked alongside a group of 10 women and a mentor who pushed me to think about leadership differently. After that weekend, I left feeling refreshed, reactivated, and ready to listen, lead and take on the last semester of my presidency. At that point, I knew I would apply to serve as a Leadership Consultant; I wanted the opportunity to leave other women feeling the way I felt. When I arrived at Convention 2018, I was in a completely different place in my ZTA leadership experience. As a Leadership Consultant, I was proud to be a representative of the Fraternity in a new way. Seeing collegiate women experience the same awe at the breadth of ZTA that I had experienced two years before confirmed that I was exactly where I was supposed to be, showcasing my loyalty for our Fraternity. To me, being Ever Loyal is outgoing President Carolyn Hof Carpenter delivering the State of the Fraternity address, engaging a call to arms, demanding the best from our sisters in a time when fraternity and sorority members must prove their place on campus. It’s incoming President Alicia Patten Williams accepting the Purple of the Fraternity, agreeing to tackle the challenges that will be thrown her way and leading us with grace and confidence through the next biennium. It’s my fellow LC sisters, ready to hear the call and land wherever the Fraternity needs them, using servant hearts to leave each ZTA chapter better than they found it. It’s me, standing on the Convention stage after receiving the Louise Kettler Helper Memorial Award with former winners Vice President Collegiate III Shannon Ferguson, Alyssa Baker Godwin and Alison Colangelo, reflecting on the experiences that challenged us as leaders and left us better because of them. From where I sit, I see a Fraternity that is evolving and empowering leaders to make positive change. I’m already looking forward to attending Convention 2020 to see what strides our organization has made and the collegiate and alumnae leaders who made it possible. See you in Atlanta! KIMBERLY BROCHOCKI Beta Delta Chapter, Miami Univeristy

FALL 2018


ZTA FRATERNITY HOUSING CORPORATION President Dinah Jackson Laughery, Beta Gamma Vice President Housing Area I Natalie Yingling, Delta Omega Vice President Housing Area II Julie Ward Moxley, Theta Sigma Vice President Housing Area III Marnie Frazier, Eta Omega Vice President Construction Leah Fields Ozment, Nu Vice President Design Julia Marthaler Hill, Eta Rho Vice President Operations Casey Guimbellot Pash, Iota Chi

page 4

FEATURES COVER STORY Convention 2018 More than 900 Ever Loyal Zetas gathered in Orlando, Florida, for four days in June to enjoy beloved traditions, recognize individual and chapter achievements, and celebrate sisterhood. 4 Meet the 2018–2019 Leadership Consultants In August, 22 women began visiting collegiate chapters to assist with chapter operations, leadership

development, officer education and more. They answered a few questions to help Zetas across the country get to know them. 26 Creating change on campus Thanks to the Generation Rx University Implementation Grant, a team of four pharmacy students, one nursing student and a faculty mentor (four of whom are Zetas) brought safe medication education to their peers at Purdue University. The ZTA Foundation is one of the partner organizations responsible for the grant. 32

Secretary-Treasurer Stephanie Arnette Powell, Gamma Pi

page 32

Directors Alicia Patten Williams, Theta Psi Carolyn Hof Carpenter, Theta Tau

IN THIS ISSUE Founders’ Day Proclamation 3 Results from the 2017–2018 Membership Survey 24 Donor List


Fraternity Housing Corporation News Archives

President Carolyn Hof Carpenter, Theta Tau Vice President of Alumnae Development Cynthia Byars Courtney, Gamma Tau

IN EVERY ISSUE Things We Zeta Love


2 50 52

Vice President of Collegiate Development

Marlene Dunbar Conrad, Eta Iota

Vice President of Philanthropy Sherry Server Tilley, Zeta Alpha Vice President of Scholarship Catherine G. Slaughter, Alpha Eta Secretary/Treasurer Kay Dill Kreutzer, Eta Rho

ON THE COVER Convention 2018 attendees (CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT): Alumna Barb Chang-Holt, District President XIX-G; Ashleigh Ivey (Lambda Lambda Chapter, Kennesaw State University); Dana Onuoha (Delta Zeta Chapter, Sam Houston State University); and alumna Janice Alexander Smith, former Province President.

Directors Alicia Patten Williams, Theta Psi Dinah Jackson Laughery, Beta Gamma Franlyna Barrett Charles, Zeta Iota Nora Nell Hardy Jackson, Beta Gamma Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, Gamma Beta Stephanie Arnette Powell, Gamma Pi

xx · Fall 2018 · 1


@ztafraternity |

ztalinfield @ztalinfield

Jewell ZTA Home sweet Zeta

#WEareZTA #ZTAisHome

A Zeta True

@ztalinfield Our sisters are so happy to be back together! #ZTAisHome #WEareZTA

By Carla Martin Cobb, Theta Tau Chapter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill “Are you still doing ZTA?” they ask. And I enthusiastically reply, “Yes!” I remain a Zeta True because ZTA has given me sisters that have been there for me at every turn of the last 24 years. From providing pep talks when I changed my major to instilling confidence when I started my own company; from nursing my broken heart with hugs and junk food after “The One” got away to standing with me at a ZTA candlelight after I exchanged vows with “The Real One;” from having dance-offs in the ZTA house while we got ready for date parties in college to sharing late-night, cackle-inducing texts with sisters from California to the Carolinas today. Because of truly great ZTA advisors and mentors, the foundation for a lasting sisterhood was made for me. So, why am I still a Zeta True? I owe it to those who paved the way for me to experience this sisterhood, and I want to show every ZTA I advise that there’s a great sisterhood here for her too.

longwoodzta @longwoodzta

LU Zeta Tau Alpha @LU_ZTA Did someone say leepover? #WEareZTA #ZTAisHome #luztapride

@longwoodzta Finally being reunited with our Big/Little duos!!! #ZTAisHome #ZTAAlpha

ztauwosh @ztauwosh

ZTA Fraternity @ztafraternity

@ztafraternity There’s no better feeling than going home #ZTAisHome ••• [ :@nicolejtay] #WEareZTA #ZTA #goZeta @ztauwosh ZTA is buff enough to move your stuff!!! WELCOME HOME TITANS #ZTAisHome #WEareZTA #GoGreekUWO #UWOMoveIn

2 · THEMIS · Things We Zeta Love

Founders’ Day Proclamation When nine young women met in secret to found Zeta Tau Alpha, they envisioned a sisterhood that would extend well beyond the Virginia State Female Normal School. Today, we celebrate 120 years of friendships that stretch across the country and around the world.

Dr. May Agness Hopkins represented the Founders’ dream of an expanding sisterhood. She was a charter member of Kappa Chapter (The University of Texas at Austin), the first Grand President not from Alpha Chapter, and the driving force of our second decade.

In addition to celebrating on Oct. 15, we plan to honor our Founders’ vision throughout the 2018–2020 biennium with the theme Be Zetas True. To celebrate our dozen decades, we will highlight 12 Zetas who were authentically true to our founding values.

Dr. Hopkins was elected Grand President in 1908, while she was in medical school. She became a practicing pediatrician and was elected for three more terms. As World War I raged in Europe, she heard the call to treat refugee children at a Red Cross hospital in France. So, 100 years ago, in 1918, she submitted her resignation. But Grand Chapter would not accept it; instead they voted to grant her a leave of absence. She graciously accepted, adding, “May I live to serve you and those I love again.” Four days after arriving in France, Dr. Hopkins found herself treating a boatload of wounded American soldiers rather than refugee children. She told a war correspondent, “over here, … you find out you do the thing you are not sent to do.”

Dr. May Agness Hopkins

Dr. Hopkins personified the nobility of serving that our Founders valued. She thought in terms of all mankind and our service in the world. Throughout her overseas service, she wore a gold ZTA bracelet, a gift from Omicron Chapter (Brenau University), which will be a focal point of our Historical and Educational Center when it opens next year. The bracelet is a reminder to us all to Be Zetas True, just as she was. From nine visionary young women to more than 265,000 initiated members, how fortunate we all are to be a part of this Fraternity. Given under my hand and seal, I proclaim the fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand and eighteen, as our 120th Founders’ Day.

ALICIA PATTEN WILLIAMS National President Chandler, Arizona October 2018

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Fraternity News · Fall 2018 · 3

There are many ways to be Ever Loyal to Zeta Tau Alpha, and it may look different to each member at different stages of her life. The variety of ways Zetas hear the call is what makes this sisterhood so strong and unique. Whether it is being a positive role model on campus, participating in alumnae chapter events, spreading breast cancer education and awareness, or helping a sister in a time of need, one thing remains constant for members of every ZTA chapter, regardless of when they were initiated. Being Ever Loyal to the Fraternity means staying true to the values of Zeta Tau Alpha day in and day out. 4 ¡ THEMIS ¡ Convention

More than 900 sisters came together June 27–30, 2018, at the JW Marriott Orlando, Grande Lakes, in Florida to honor all the ways members remain Ever Loyal to Zeta Tau Alpha. Attendees enjoyed celebrating the accomplishments of the Fraternity, ZTA Foundation and ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation; learning from Zetas with different perspectives; recognizing the ways individuals and chapters excelled throughout the biennium; and strengthening the bonds of this great sisterhood. Convention · Fall 2018 · 5


Energy was high and the excitement was palpable as Zetas from across the country made their way into the Opening Session of Convention 2018. To kick things off, National President Carolyn Hof Carpenter spoke about how teams bring people together regardless of age or location, and Team Zeta Tau Alpha is no exception. “Every Zeta is on the same team,” she said. She challenged attendees to soak in the team spirit over the next four days as they experienced traditions, recognized achievements and met sisters who play vital roles in our sisterhood. At dinner, Vice President Collegiate II Lynn Compton Chapman, who served as the evening’s toastmistress, acknowledged the academic success of collegiate chapters over the biennium. In addition to the Golden Anniversary Academic Achievement and Margaret Dunkle Hardy Academic Improvement awards (see boxes), the names of the 56 collegiate chapters that achieved commendable status (3.0 GPA) were displayed and the delegates from the 63 chapters that achieved highly commendable status (3.2 GPA or higher) were recognized with certificates.


Mrs. Carpenter then invited the former National Presidents in attendance to join her for the Passing of the Purple, which symbolizes the seamless transition of leadership from one President to another. This ceremony had only occurred twice before, at ZTA’s Centennial Convention in 1998 and at Convention 2008. As each woman held the Purple, she spoke of how the Fraternity heard the call to remain Ever Loyal to ZTA’s Nine Key Values throughout the biennium. Upon taking the Purple, Mrs. Carpenter began the State of the Fraternity and reflected on the challenges facing fraternity/sorority life. She said all Zetas must live ZTA’s values so sorority life can prosper for years to come. “The current climate on university campuses is a call to action,” she said. “We must accept the fact that we are being held to a higher standard than others. We must respond to that challenge by insisting our members understand and reflect our founding principles.” P I C T U R E D O N R I G H T:

[1] Attendees were greeted by Leadership Consultants at the registration desk upon arrival. [2] Set up like a pep rally, the Opening Session included pompoms and a T-shirt cannon. Mrs. Carpenter broke through a ZTA banner to welcome everyone to four days of sisterhood. [3] Delegates from Major Donor chapters that donated $300 or more each year of the biennium received hugs from the ZTA Foundation. [4] Former National Presidents joined Mrs. Carpenter in the Passing of the Purple.


With GPAs of 3.5 or higher, an impressive 10 chapters were in the running for this award, which goes to the chapter with the highest academic average throughout the biennium. Gamma Alpha Chapter (University of Miami) came out on top with a GPA of 3.671. Phi Chapter (Duke University) came in second with a GPA of 3.668.




This award, which is given to the collegiate chapter with the most improved academic average during the biennium, was established in 1982 to honor former National President Nora Nell Hardy Jackson. It is named for her mother, who served as the National Academic Achievement Chairman for more than 20 years. By increasing their GPA from 2.68 to 3.09, Gamma Gamma Chapter (The University of Texas at El Paso) earned this award.

4 Convention · Fall 2018 · 7




This award honors the Ever Loyal sister who has attended the most ZTA Conventions. With an incredible 27 Conventions under her belt, Carol Sagner (Beta Chi Chapter, Washington University) took home this prize. Carol, who has never been a National Officer, attends Convention time and time again because she loves gathering with old friends, making new ones and experiencing the joy of ZTA sisterhood. She is an inspiration to members of all ages!

3 8 ¡ THEMIS ¡ Convention



The room was packed for the Fraternity Housing Corporation’s historic biennial meeting in which the new board of directors was elected (see pages 14 and 50) and Dinah Jackson Laughery became FHC President, a role her mother, Nora Nell Hardy Jackson, held for 15 years. This marked the first time in ZTA history a mother and daughter have both served as President of a ZTA entity. Later that morning, many beloved traditions, such as the parade of chapter flags, took place during the Opening Business Meeting. Chapters that received Helping Hands awards were recognized (see pages 18–21) and Mrs. Carpenter offered opening remarks.


The celebration continued during lunch as attendees honored the 10 retiring FHC board members and thanked them for their 102 years of combined service. Outgoing FHC President Julia Marthaler Hill presented the Outstanding House Association Award to Patti Wilson Morgan, President of the Gamma Alpha Chapter House Association at University of Miami, and Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Laughery presented the Outstanding House Director Award—the only Convention award given to a nonmember—to Bunnie Jones, House Director for Beta Nu Chapter (New Mexico State University). That afternoon, collegians and alumnae attended programming relevant to their roles in ZTA. While the collegians discussed ways to increase a sense of belonging within their chapters, alumnae participated in Behind Happy Faces, which helps women better understand mental health and know how to help a friend in need.


To end the day, the delegation celebrated the 115 collegiate chapters that earned Crown Chapter (see page 18). Additionally, four women received Outstanding Advisor Awards for their service as chapter General Advisors: Yuriko Beaman, GA for Kappa Psi (Kutztown University of Pennsylvania); Kery Reinkemyer Webb, GA for Gamma Pi (The University of Georgia); Becky Koltonski Gleason, GA for Lambda Epsilon (Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis); and Elisabeth Smith Marriott, GA for Upsilon (University of California, Berkeley).

This award goes to a collegian whose service and achievements are notable contributions to the progress of the Fraternity and the interfraternal world. Kimberly Brochocki (Beta Delta Chapter, Miami University) faced a major risk management challenge within the first month of her term as chapter President, but she led her chapter through a dramatic shift in planning and implementing social practices. The process she set in place is now used as a model both on her campus and within ZTA.

[1] In their program, collegians shared their thoughts on retaining members and how that impacts recruitment. [2] The board honored Mrs. Hill for her 12 years as FHC President. [3] In the business meeting, chapters that were installed in the past two years received traditional silver baby cups. [4] Zetas gained new ideas from women in other chapters during the collegiate program. [5] The night ended with a bang as sisters enjoyed fireworks by the lake.

P I C T U R E D O N L E F T:


Before attending the Second Business Meeting, members had the option of attending special breakfasts to mingle with sisters with similar experiences, including one for legacies and one for those who currently do or are interested in volunteering with Making Strides Against Breast CancerÂŽ walks. At the business meeting, three alumnae chapters were recognized with Membership Awards for growth throughout the biennium. The Martin, TN Chapter won first place for 456 percent growth; the Annapolis, MD Chapter took second for 189 percent growth; and the Nashville, TN Chapter came in third with 165 percent growth. Additionally, the Long Beach, CA Alumnae Chapter and Theta Phi Chapter (California State University, Fullerton) took home the Attendance Awards for traveling 12,595 and 9,976 combined miles to Convention, respectively.


Following the ZTA Foundation Luncheon, the delegation once again split for collegiate and alumnae programming. Continuing their discussion from the day before, collegians developed personal recruitment stories and created goals for sharing those stories with others. In the alumnae program, four District Presidents shared tips for successfully recruiting and retaining members throughout the year. That evening, the spotlight turned to alumnae as sisters celebrated the women who remain Ever Loyal to ZTA. Members and guests danced and cheered as 44 alumnae received their Honor Rings, the highest individual honor granted by the Fraternity for outstanding and sustained service to ZTA (see page 20). Alumnae chapters earning Crown Chapter were also recognized for excellence in the areas of programming, fraternity operations, membership, finances and collegiate support. Of the 136 alumnae chapters that received Crown Chapter, 110 were present at Convention (see the full list on page 20). P I C T U R E D O N R I G H T:

[1] During the alumnae program, chapter officers shared best-practices from their own experiences with recruiting members. [2] The Foundation board presented a tribute to Becky Hainsworth Kirwan in honor of her retirement during the ZTA Foundation Luncheon. Mrs. Kirwan served as Foundation President for 20 years. [3] The Martin, TN Alumnae Chapter received the Alumnae Membership Award. [4] The women of Theta Phi Chapter (California State University, Fullerton) received the collegiate Attendance Award. [5] Members of the Founders Club, which honors individuals and chapters that donated $10,000 or more to the Foundation during the biennium, were recognized at lunch.


For her notable contributions to the progress of the Fraternity and the interfraternal world, Dr. Darcy L. Russell (Sigma Chapter, Baker University) received this award. Darcy previously served as a Province President and implemented innovative programming to help collegiate members succeed in the classroom. Since 2007, she has represented ZTA in multiple leadership positions within the National Panhellenic Conference. She is respected by all 26 organizations for her dependability, dedication and discernment.


For the 2018–2019 academic year, the ZTA Foundation awarded $806,555 in scholarships to 290 collegians and alumnae. Forty-nine of those Zetas were in attendance and recognized at Convention. Additionally, Ashlee Taylor, current President of Theta Tau Chapter (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), announced the new Carolyn Hof Carpenter Endowed Scholarship in honor of Mrs. Carpenter’s retirement from National Council.




5 Convention · Fall 2018 · 11


Outstanding Alumna Dr. Kelly M. Smith (Gamma Pi Chapter, The University of Georgia) is the new dean of The University of Georgia College of Pharmacy and the president of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Born to former National Officer Janice Alexander Smith (Lambda Chapter, Southwestern University) on Founders’ Day, Kelly joked she was “born to be a Zeta.” Among other roles, she previously served ZTA as a Province President.


3 12 · THEMIS · Convention




Celebrating the ritual with sisters from all different chapters, decades and walks of life is a truly unique experience. On Saturday, Convention attendees got the chance to participate in the Memorial Service and Initiation of Convention Initiate Kimberly Johnson Snyder (see box) before heading to brunch. After enjoying the meal together, collegians and alumnae heard from Outstanding Alumna Dr. Kelly M. Smith (Gamma Pi Chapter, The University of Georgia). In her remarks, Kelly shared how ZTA has enriched her life both personally and professionally. By serving her collegiate chapter as Alumnae-Collegiate Relations Chairman and Ritual Chairman and serving nationally as a Province President and the National Standards and Enrichment Chairman, Kelly was transformed from a shy child to a woman who now confidently stands before hundreds. “ZTA can help you find your voice,” she said. “I’ll always be appreciative of that.”


Feeling inspired, the delegation went into the Final Business Meeting to recognize outgoing National Council members Mrs. Carpenter and Vice President Collegiate II Lynn Compton Chapman and to elect and install the 2018–2020 National Council (see page 14). Finally, Convention 2018 came to a close much in the same way it started, with lots of excitement. At the Recognition Banquet, 59 collegiate and alumnae chapters were honored with Silver Awards (see pages 16–21). As incoming National President Alicia Patten Williams said, this night was all about “the best of the best,” which became clear as presenters shared the accomplishments of those who took home silver platters. As attendees packed up their bags, reflected on the incredible four days of sisterhood they had just experienced and headed home the next morning, one thing was clear: remaining Ever Loyal to the Fraternity continues to enrich the lives of every member of Team Zeta Tau Alpha. CONVENTION INITIATE

Among more than 900 sisters in their ritual whites, Kimberly Johnson Snyder was initiated into Gamma Phi Chapter (University of North Texas). Kimberly has a special tie to Zeta Tau Alpha. She is related by marriage to Founder Maud Jones Horner. Kim’s husband is the great-grandson of Maud’s brother, Plummer Jones. Plummer was instrumental in the formation of Zeta Tau Alpha as he assisted Maud in writing the first Constitution and earliest rituals. Kimberly enjoyed learning more about Maud in the Historical Exhibit during Convention.

P I C T U R E D O N L E F T:

[1] At the Recognition Banquet, attendees celebrated the collegiate and alumnae chapters that heard the call throughout the biennium and demonstrated what being Ever Loyal to the Fraternity means. [2] Members hugged as Silver Award winners were announced. [3] Saturday morning, sisters from across the country came together in their whites to celebrate the bond that connects all Zeta Tau Alphas. [4] Following ritual services, the entire delegation enjoyed brunch and the presentation of the Outstanding Alumna Award (see box). [5] The room erupted as Silver Award winners made their way to the stage to receive well-deserved recognition for excellence in various areas of chapter operations.

Get to know the three boards National Council [1] ALICIA PATTEN WILLIAMS, NATIONAL PRESIDENT Theta Psi Chapter, Texas State University I would have loved to meet Founder Helen May Crafford. She raised her siblings, became a principal, ran a working farm and still found time to have other interests and hobbies. She wore many hats seemingly well. RAECHEL BENNETT BIGGS, VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE I Delta Gamma Chapter, High Point University I love how many people I have connected with as an alumna volunteer. It is always cool to find something in common with a sister who isn’t from your chapter or state. LAURA MOAK REDMAN, VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE II Delta Lambda Chapter, Georgia State University

sisters and friends as well as our amazing International Office staff! CHERI WHITE ARMSTRONG, VICE PRESIDENT ALUMNAE II Theta Gamma Chapter, Texas A&M University I have held several alumnae chapter positions over the years, but my first and favorite was Service Chairman. I loved working with worthy organizations in our community and introducing them to ZTA. FRANLYNA BARRETT CHARLES, SECRETARY-TREASURER Zeta Iota Chapter, Western Carolina University In college, my best friend Lisa received a bid from ZTA through Primary Recruitment and asked if I wanted to do it also. I went to the Continuous Open Bidding event that night and the rest is history!

ZTA has an unprecedented reputation for facing hard challenges and meeting those with support for our members. As a member of National Council, I’m excited to continue to uncover ways in which we can respond to today’s perception of sorority women.



DOLORES GONZALES GASTINEAU, EXTENSION DIRECTOR Theta Omega Chapter, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

As a collegian, homecoming was my favorite. While it was hard work preparing for the various aspects of competition, it was truly a time when our chapter came together to accomplish a common goal. DANA BRASINGTON ATKINSON, VICE PRESIDENT ALUMNAE I Delta Omicron Chapter, Lenoir-Rhyne University By attending Convention and National Leadership Conference and serving on National Council, I have come to know so many wonderful 14 · THEMIS · Convention

Many people may not know I never held an officer position as a collegian. I got involved as an alumna and as a collegiate chapter advisor.

I’m looking forward to working with my Council sisters on new ideas, change, growth and continuing to keep ZTA in the forefront of the fraternity/sorority world.

ZTA Foundation Board [2] CAROLYN HOF CARPENTER, PRESIDENT Theta Tau Chapter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Since I was Theta Tau Chapter’s President, Becky Hainsworth Kirwan has been my idol. She later became

my mentor and friend and taught me so much about our sisterhood. I am deeply honored to follow in her footsteps as the Foundation President. C YNTHIA BYARS COURTNEY, VICE PRESIDENT OF ALUMNAE DEVELOPMENT Gamma Tau Chapter, Texas Tech University I have friends and sisters all over the country because of this extraordinary organization, which has resulted in an extensive network that combines volunteerism and my career. MARLENE DUNBAR CONRAD, VICE PRESIDENT OF COLLEGIATE DEVELOPMENT Eta Iota Chapter, Valdosta State University I would have loved to meet Founder Ruby Leigh Orgain. I bet she was a very fun friend. I’ve heard that in her later years, she liked to look nice for ZTA guests, so I think we could bond over our mutual love of lipstick. SHERRY SERVER TILLEY, VICE PRESIDENT OF PHILANTHROPY Zeta Alpha Chapter, University of Evansville Our goal for ZTA philanthropy is to continue to enhance our outreach for breast cancer education and awareness, to touch new and unrealized audiences, and to be ever mindful of the importance of personal health awareness and action. CATHERINE G. SLAUGHTER, VICE PRESIDENT OF SCHOLARSHIP Alpha Eta Chapter, University of Cincinnati I love working with the Scholarship Committee to provide scholarships and grants for our members. Reading the scholarship applications each year gives me a good sense of how our members are changing over time. KAY DILL KREUTZER, SECRETARY-TREASURER Eta Rho Chapter, The University of North Alabama I have had two ZTA mentors. Nora Nell Hardy Jackson was my first boss

when I was a Field Consultant from 1978 to 1979. She is a shining example of a genuine Zeta Lady. And Martha C. Edens taught me to serve the Fraternity with whatever strengths God gave me. NORA NELL HARDY JACKSON, DIRECTOR Beta Gamma Chapter, Florida State University I have served ZTA as a volunteer for 57 years. Though I have enjoyed all of my positions, I feel my work with the FHC allowed me to make an impact on not only ZTA housing, but on all fraternity/sorority housing and the perception of ZTA in the fraternity and business worlds. BECK Y HAINSWORTH KIRWAN, DIRECTOR Gamma Beta Chapter, Washington College The thing I liked most about my ZTA college days was serving on an Initiation team for West Chester State College (Eta Gamma Chapter). It helped me understand that ZTA was bigger than my chapter/college.

ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation Board [3] DINAH JACKSON LAUGHERY, PRESIDENT Beta Gamma Chapter, Florida State University My ZTA mentors have been Martha C. Edens, Becky Hainsworth Kirwan and my mother, Nora Nell Hardy Jackson. NATALIE M. YINGLING, VICE PRESIDENT HOUSING AREA I Delta Omega Chapter, Westminster College I am excited to be a part of the change to the FHC structure. I cannot wait to see what we can accomplish to best meet the needs of our collegiate chapters and the dedicated volunteers who serve them. JULIE WARD MOXLEY, VICE PRESIDENT HOUSING AREA II Theta Sigma Chapter, Winthrop University In my eight years as the General Advisor of the Eta Lambda Chapter (College of Charleston), I learned so much and truly “cut my teeth” in all things ZTA.


MARNIE MARLAR FRAZIER, VICE PRESIDENT HOUSING AREA III Eta Omega Chapter, Louisiana State University in Shreveport

The women of National Council, the ZTA Foundation board and the Fraternity Housing Corporation board answered questions to help members get to know them better. Check out their fun facts, what they love about volunteering and more.

My goal is to maintain the strong legacy the FHC boards before us set. I want every Zeta to be extremely proud of her ZTA home. LEAH FIELDS OZMENT, VICE PRESIDENT CONSTRUCTION Nu Chapter, The University of Alabama Julia Marthaler Hill and Lynn Compton Chapman are my ZTA mentors. Both have played a big role in my national involvement in ZTA and taught me that your sisters aren’t just from your chapter. JULIA MARTHALER HILL, VICE PRESIDENT DESIGN Eta Rho Chapter, The University of North Alabama In college, I was drawn to ZTA by the Zetas I met during Recruitment. They were beautiful, smart and genuine. What stood out to me the most was their authenticity and commitment to a standard of excellence.


CASEY GUIMBELLOT PASH, VICE PRESIDENT OPERATIONS Iota Chi Chapter, Middle Tennessee State University Not many people know I previously managed the Tennessee Executive Residence, which is where the governor of Tennessee lives. That prepared me for volunteering my time giving back to ZTA housing.


STEPHANIE ARNETTE POWELL, SECRETARY-TREASURER Gamma Pi Chapter, The University of Georgia My ZTA mentor was Carolyn Hendricks Hester (Gamma Pi Chapter), who, among other things, served as a chapter advisor for Gamma Pi for more than 30 years. She taught me a deep love and commitment to our beloved Zeta Tau Alpha, about the many blessings being an involved alumna brings, how to serve with grace and to have passion for what I believe in.

3 Convention · Fall 2018 · 15

HELEN MARGARET HARRISON AWARD This award, given in recognition of a consistently high level of superiority in every phase of chapter operations, is the highest honor given to a collegiate chapter. For the fourth consecutive biennium, this award went to Gamma Pi Chapter (The University of Georgia). The women of this chapter exhibit high standards in all areas of chapter life. They are service-oriented and 52 percent of members hold leadership positions on campus. During the biennium, they maintained a GPA of 3.5 or higher each semester and donated more than $100,000 to the Foundation.

NELLY GALLOWAY SHEARER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The second-highest honor given to a collegiate chapter went to Epsilon Chapter (University of Arkansas) for maintaining its high degree of excellence throughout the biennium. The women of this chapter are determined to be great in everything they do. More than 100 members have a 4.0 GPA, they cultivate a sense of belonging within the chapter, and they celebrate the accomplishments of each individual member. Through programming, they work to maintain the chapter’s timeless legacy, and last year, they shared their passion for ZTA’s ritual at the Initiation of Lambda Omicron Chapter’s charter members (Boise State University).

MERIT AWARD Zeta Psi Chapter (Jacksonville State University) received this award, the third-highest honor given to a collegiate chapter, for excellence in leadership, academic achievement and chapter attitude. With more than 80 service activities and 100 enrichment programs to participate in, members of this chapter are engaged and committed. The chapter is the largest on campus and 64 percent of members hold leadership positions. During the biennium, the chapter raised $82,000 for the Foundation. BETTY MCGEHEE SCHUESSLER AWARD This award, which goes to the alumnae chapter that has given the greatest support to a collegiate chapter and achieved excellence in all areas of Fraternity life, went to the Memphis, TN Alumnae Chapter. The members of this chapter provide a full advisory board for a local collegiate chapter. Over the biennium, they raised more than $75,000 for the Foundation, maintained a full and creative calendar to keep members involved, and organized a ride-share program to help women get to events.

NAN BARKLEY BOETTCHER AWARD The Collin County, TX Alumnae Chapter earned this award, which recognizes the alumnae chapter with no local collegiate chapter that has achieved excellence in Fraternity life. Over the biennium, this chapter’s membership increased by 106 percent. Chapter leaders are enthusiastic and skilled at creating programs that include sisters of all ages. Members have made ZTA wellknown throughout the community thanks to their Think Pink® events at local high schools and leadership in two alumnae Panhellenics. Convention · Fall 2018 · 17

Collegiate Awards Silver Award Recipients Becky Hainsworth Kirwan Chapter Improvement Award Nu Chapter, The University of Alabama Anne Winnes Redmond Service Award Small Campus: Zeta Gamma Chapter, Youngstown State University

Martha C. Edens New Chapter Award Alpha Zeta Chapter, The Ohio State University Membership Selection Award Small Campus: Theta Theta Chapter, Arkansas Tech University Medium Campus: Kappa Upsilon Chapter, Georgia College

Medium Campus: Gamma Alpha Chapter, University of Miami

Large Campus: Eta Phi Chapter, Illinois State University

Large Campus: Beta Omicron Chapter, University of South Carolina

Large Campus: Iota Delta Chapter, Towson University

Sherry Server Tilley Leadership Award Zeta Xi Chapter, Georgia Southern University

Membership Enrichment Award Theta Zeta Chapter, Wofford College

Alumnae-Collegiate Relations Award (Collegiate) Eta Tau Chapter, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

First Runner-up: Iota Theta Chapter, Georgia Institute of Technology Second Runner-up: Alpha Gamma Chapter, University of Michigan

Activities Award Small Campus: Mu Chapter, Drury University

Merit Award Zeta Psi Chapter, Jacksonville State University

Medium Campus: Eta Rho Chapter, The University of North Alabama

First Runner-up: Eta Theta Chapter, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Large Campus: Gamma Kappa Chapter, James Madison University

Second Runner-up: Iota Gamma Chapter, The College of New Jersey

Collegiate Public Relations Award Lambda Gamma Chapter, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Nelly Galloway Shearer Achievement Award Epsilon Chapter, University of Arkansas

First Runner-up: Delta Psi Chapter, Samford University

First Runner-up: Theta Tau Chapter, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Second Runner-up: Delta Gamma Chapter, High Point University

Second Runner-up: Lambda Iota Chapter, Vanderbilt University

New Member Programming Award Alpha Chapter, Longwood University

Helen Margaret Harrison Award Gamma Pi Chapter, The University of Georgia

Vallera Clough Ross Panhellenic Award Gamma Beta Chapter, Washington College

Chapter Awards

First Runner-up: Theta Gamma Chapter, Texas A&M University Second Runner-up: Eta Pi Chapter, Wright State University National Council Special Recognition Award Gamma Psi Chapter, Texas Christian University Gamma Chi Chapter, Indiana State University Alpha Psi Chapter, University of Missouri Eta Zeta Chapter, Elon University Zeta Beta Chapter, Thiel College Iota Omega Chapter, University of Maryland

18 ¡ THEMIS ¡ Convention

Alpha, Longwood University Epsilon, University of Arkansas Zeta, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Kappa, The University of Texas at Austin Lambda, Southwestern University Mu, Drury University Nu, The University of Alabama Sigma, Baker University Phi, Duke University Psi, University of Washington Alpha Beta, University of Pennsylvania Alpha Gamma, University of Michigan Alpha Zeta, The Ohio State University Alpha Theta, Purdue University Alpha Nu, Birmingham-Southern College Alpha Omicron, The University of Iowa Alpha Upsilon, Oklahoma State University Alpha Phi, Northwestern University

Alpha Psi, University of Missouri Beta Gamma, Florida State University Beta Delta, Miami University Beta Theta, Franklin College Beta Lambda, University of Louisville Beta Nu, New Mexico State University Beta Omicron, University of South Carolina Beta Upsilon, Kansas State University Beta Phi, Michigan State University Beta Psi, Stetson University Beta Omega, Union University Gamma Alpha, University of Miami Gamma Beta, Washington College Gamma Gamma, The University of Texas at El Paso Gamma Epsilon, Pennsylvania State University Gamma Zeta, Mississippi State University Gamma Iota, University of Florida Gamma Pi, The University of Georgia Gamma Kappa, James Madison University Gamma Mu, University of Nebraska at Omaha Gamma Xi, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Gamma Omicron, Central Michigan University Gamma Rho, Auburn University Gamma Nu, University of Virginia Gamma Tau, Texas Tech University Gamma Chi, Indiana State University Gamma Psi, Texas Christian University Delta Beta, Florida Southern College Delta Gamma, High Point University Delta Delta, Baldwin Wallace University Delta Eta, West Texas A&M University Delta Zeta, Sam Houston State University Delta Theta, Ohio Northern University Delta Kappa, Louisiana State University Delta Iota, Clarion University of Pennsylvania Delta Lambda, Georgia State University Delta Omicron, Lenoir-Rhyne University Delta Upsilon, West Virginia Wesleyan College Delta Chi, William Jewell College Delta Psi, Samford University Delta Omega, Westminster College Zeta Alpha, University of Evansville Zeta Beta, Thiel College Zeta Gamma, Youngstown State University Zeta Theta, East Central University Zeta Lambda, Rider University Zeta Xi, Georgia Southern University Zeta Sigma, The University of Texas at Arlington Zeta Psi, Jacksonville State University Zeta Upsilon, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Eta Gamma, West Chester University of Pennsylvania Zeta Omega, Ferris State University Eta Beta, Duquesne University Eta Alpha, Georgia Southwestern State University Eta Epsilon, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Eta Zeta, Elon University Eta Iota, Valdosta State University

Eta Kappa, University of Central Florida Eta Lambda, College of Charleston Eta Nu, Radford University Eta Xi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Eta Rho, The University of North Alabama Eta Theta, Missouri University of Science and Technology Eta Pi, Wright State University Eta Sigma, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Eta Tau, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Eta Phi, Illinois State University Eta Upsilon, Missouri Southern State University Eta Chi, Francis Marion University Theta Gamma, Texas A&M University Theta Delta, Salisbury University Theta Theta, Arkansas Tech University Theta Iota, University of North Florida Theta Eta, Stephen F. Austin State University Theta Kappa, University of Missouri-St. Louis Theta Omicron, Baylor University Theta Zeta, Wofford College Theta Xi, Rutgers University Theta Nu, Auburn University at Montgomery Theta Sigma, Winthrop University Theta Tau, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Theta Phi, California State University, Fullerton Theta Psi, Texas State University

Theta Chi, George Mason University Iota Alpha, Robert Morris University Theta Omega, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Iota Gamma, The College of New Jersey Iota Delta, Towson University Iota Theta, Georgia Institute of Technology Iota Eta, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Iota Iota, Fairleigh Dickinson University Iota Nu, Susquehanna University Iota Omicron, Lander University Iota Pi, University of Dayton Iota Sigma, Old Dominion University Iota Rho, East Carolina University Iota Phi, North Carolina State University Iota Psi, Rochester Institute of Technology Iota Omega, University of Maryland Kappa Alpha, Colorado State University Kappa Zeta, Clemson University Kappa Eta, Rockhurst University Kappa Iota, Moravian College Kappa Mu, Linfield College Kappa Nu, Monmouth University Kappa Xi, Stockton University Kappa Omicron, Merrimack College Kappa Pi, University of South Carolina Aiken Kappa Rho, University of South Carolina Upstate Kappa Sigma, University of South Florida Kappa Tau, Florida Gulf Coast University Kappa Upsilon, Georgia College Kappa Chi, Shorter University

Kappa Psi, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Kappa Omega, Saint Louis University Lambda Alpha, Sacred Heart University Lambda Beta, University of Rhode Island Lambda Gamma, The University of Texas at San Antonio Lambda Delta, Texas A&M UniversityCorpus Christi Lambda Epsilon, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Lambda Zeta, Lehigh University Lambda Eta, Virginia Commonwealth University Lambda Theta, New York University Lambda Iota, Vanderbilt University Lambda Kappa, Appalachian State University Lambda Lambda, Kennesaw State University Lambda Mu, University of South Carolina Beaufort Lambda Nu, Furman University Lambda Xi, Seton Hall University

Key Academic Achievement Award (Highly Commendable) Crown Chapter Award Helping Hands Award Quota/Total Award

Convention ¡ Fall 2018 ¡ 19

Alumnae Awards Silver Award Recipients Alumnae Chapter Improvement Award Martin, TN Chapter Alumnae Service Award Statesboro, GA Chapter First Runner-up: Oklahoma City, OK Chapter Second Runner-up: Toledo, OH Chapter Alumnae-Collegiate Relations Award (Alumnae) Baton Rouge, LA Chapter Alumnae Public Relations Award Youngstown, OH Chapter First Runner-up: Austin, TX Chapter Second Runner-up: Greater Oxford, MS Chapter Alumnae Panhellenic Award Miami, FL Chapter First Runner-up: St. Louis, MO Chapter Second Runner-up: Houston Northwest, TX Chapter National Council Special Recognition Award Northern Virginia Chapter Nasa-Brazoria County, TX Chapter Alumnae Chapter Programming Award Jacksonville, FL Chapter First Runner-up: Silver Spring, MD Chapter Second Runner-up: Greater New Orleans, LA Chapter Betty McGehee Schuessler Award Memphis, TN Chapter First Runner-up: Greater Kansas City, MO Chapter Second Runner-up: Columbus, OH Chapter Nan Barkley Boettcher Award Collin County, TX Chapter First Runner-up: Huntsville, AL Chapter Second Runner-up: San Diego, CA Chapter

Honor Ring Recipients Kinli Bare Abee Cheri White Armstrong Rachel Rull Arnold Harriette Baker Susan Gregory Bohan Christine Callaway Ginny Swain Cardona Barbara Chang-Holt Sara Jasper Clark 20 · THEMIS · Convention

Cynthia Connor Acacia Bender Croy Meredith Sims Crawford Evany Sifuentes Diaz Beth Edwards Teri Paul Harrison Jillian Dauer Hartman Elise Hawkins Carrie Armentrout Hoffeditz Elaine Jahnsen Jordat Karen Kendall Lucia Prenzel Knudsen Jessica Kosty Gemma Leggere Jill Burrows Levine Laura Liberty Mitchell Cecilia Baldus Moore Meghan Bonekat Nelson Ann Marie Painter Candice Perilstein Amber LeVan Pickard Sarah Ruhwedel Porter Leanne Puia Julie Resua Dianne Turgeon Richardson Nancy Morris Roberts Adrienne Roth Salvaggio Jo Ella Silver Karil Strater Sommers Brittany Lee Szemborski Kaitlyn Rebecca Thompson Katerina Vaitkus Lea’ Chrisman Williams Michelle Schaeffler Williams Sara Staggs Wisser Roberta Lynn Wodenscheck

Chapter Awards Aiken, SC Chapter Akron, OH Chapter Albuquerque, NM Chapter Ann Arbor, MI Chapter Annapolis, MD Chapter Athens, GA Chapter Atlanta, GA Alpha Chapter Atlanta, GA Themis Chapter Augusta, GA Chapter Austin, TX Chapter Baltimore City, MD Chapter Baton Rouge, LA Chapter Bay State, MA Chapter Birmingham, AL Chapter Boise, ID Chapter Boulder, CO Chapter Bryan-College Station, TX Chapter Charleston, SC Chapter Charlotte, NC Chapter Charlottesville, VA Chapter Chattanooga Area, TN Chapter Chicago Northwest Suburban, IL Chapter

Chicago West Suburban, IL Chapter Cincinnati, OH Chapter Cincinnati, OH Crown Chapter City of Chicago, IL Chapter Clearwater, FL Chapter Cleveland-East, OH Chapter Cleveland-West, OH Chapter Cobb County, GA Chapter Collin County, TX Chapter Columbia, SC Chapter Columbus, OH Chapter Cypress, TX Chapter Dallas Area Night Alumnae Chapter Dallas, TX Association Dayton, OH Chapter Daytona Beach, FL Chapter Dekalb County, GA Chapter Denton, TX Chapter Des Moines, IA Chapter Detroit Metropolitan, MI Chapter Franklin, IN Chapter Fredericksburg, VA Chapter Ft. Bend, TX Chapter Ft. Collins, CO Chapter Gainesville, FL Chapter Gainesville, GA Chapter Grand Strand, SC Chapter Grand Traverse Area, MI Chapter Greater Grand Rapids, MI Chapter Greater Greenville, SC Chapter Greater Kansas City, MO Chapter Greater New Orleans, LA Chapter Greater Oxford, MS Chapter Greenwood, SC Chapter Gwinnett County Chapter of Georgia Hickory-Morganton, NC Chapter Hidalgo County, TX Chapter Houston Northwest, TX Chapter Houston West, TX Chapter Houston, TX Association

VIVIAN ULMER SMITH RECRUITMENT AWARD This award recognizes the alumna who made the greatest contribution toward increasing membership in the Fraternity during the biennium. Stephanie Arnette Powell (Gamma Pi Chapter, The University of Georgia) received the award for her dedication to advancing the sorority recruitment experience as a collegiate chapter advisor and the Recruitment Committee Chairman for the National Panhellenic Conference. She has influenced major changes within NPC, including moving to values-based recruitment and championing the financial transparency program.

Humble/Kingwood, TX Chapter Huntsville, AL Chapter Huntsville, TX Chapter Indianapolis, IN Association Inland/Pomona, CA Chapter Jackson, TN Chapter Jacksonville, FL Chapter Jersey Shore, NJ Chapter Lafayette, IN Chapter Lake Norman, NC Chapter Lancaster, PA Chapter Lehigh Valley, PA Chapter Lexington, KY Chapter Little Rock, AR Chapter Long Beach, CA Chapter Louisville, KY Chapter Lubbock, TX Chapter Martin, TN Chapter Memphis, TN Chapter Miami, FL Chapter Mid-Cities North, TX Chapter Murfreesboro, TN Chapter Nasa-Brazoria County, TX Chapter Nashville, TN Chapter New York City, NY Chapter North Fulton Link of Georgia Chapter North Orange County, CA Chapter North Shore, IL Chapter Northeast Mississippi Chapter

Northern Arizona Chapter Northern Maryland Chapter Northern New Jersey Chapter Northern Virginia Chapter Northshore, LA Chapter Northwest Alabama Chapter Northwest Arkansas Chapter Northwest Florida Chapter Oklahoma City, OK Chapter Orlando, FL Chapter Palm Beach County, FL Chapter Pasadena, CA Chapter Pee Dee Area, SC Chapter Phoenix, AZ Chapter Portland, OR Chapter Research Triangle, NC Chapter Richmond, VA Chapter Roanoke, VA Chapter Rocky Mountain, CO Chapter Sacramento, CA Chapter Salisbury, MD Chapter San Antonio, TX Chapter San Diego, CA Chapter San Fernando Valley, CA Chapter Savannah, GA Chapter Seattle, WA Chapter Shreveport, LA Chapter Silver Spring, MD Chapter Southern Nevada Chapter

Southern New England Chapter Southern Peninsula, CA Chapter Spartanburg, SC Chapter Springfield, MO Chapter St. Louis Metro-East, IL Chapter St. Louis, MO Chapter Statesboro, GA Chapter Tampa, FL Chapter Tidewater, VA Chapter Toledo, OH Chapter Tri-Cities Virginia Chapter Tri-State of Joplin, MO Chapter Tucson, AZ Chapter Twin Cities, MN Chapter Tyler, TX Chapter Virginia Peninsula Chapter Washington, DC Chapter Western Fairfax, VA Chapter Westside-Santa Monica, CA Chapter Wilmington, NC Chapter Winston-Salem, NC Chapter Youngstown, OH Chapter

Key Crown Chapter Award Helping Hands Award

Convention · Fall 2018 · 21

(from left to right) OUTBACK TEE Black crew neck with cactus graphic and "Zeta Tau Alpha" in white and orange. Bella + Canvas S–2XL


SWEET HOME TEE Plum tee with handwritten script in cream. Comfort Colors S–2XL


THAT '70s TEE White ringer tee with retro graphic that reads "Zeta Tau Alpha." Alternative S–2XL


OUT OF THIS WORLD TEE Weathered navy tee with an astronaut holding a ZTA flag. Color Tone S–2XL


RETRO TEE Weathered red tee with "Zeta" layered text in multiple colors. Color Tone S–2XL


PEACH TEE Crew neck tee with "Zeta Tau Alpha" in black felt. Bella + Canvas S–2XL


Beta Nu Chapter, New Mexico State University

White Sands 22 · THEMIS · xx National Monument, New Mexico


xx · Fall 2018 · 23

USING DATA TO DRIVE ZTA’S IMPACT By Becky Koltonski Gleason, Sr. Director of Education & Programs

ZTA prides itself on being a datadriven organization. This year marked the third consecutive year ZTA conducted the membership assessment of the collegiate experience that measures four areas— ZTA’s Nine Key Values, the Five Areas of Sisterhood, Health & Safety, and the overall ZTA experience. The ZTA Membership Survey is helpful in a number of ways, but most importantly, it gives us a more accurate, research-based picture of who our collegians are and what they’re looking to get out of their ZTA membership. Additionally, it allows us to make data-driven decisions on the national level regarding programming, practices and processes, and it provides chapter leaders a snapshot of their membership to allow them to do the same. National Results To meet Crown Chapter criteria, chapters conduct a program based on a value in one of their areas of improvement. Nationally, we have seen great strides in areas where we have focused our attention and resources. Seven of the Nine Key Values have improved significantly since 2017—Leadership, Responsibility, Being Rather Than Seeming, Service & Philanthropy, Seeking Understanding That We Might Gain True Wisdom, Loyalty & Commitment, and Love. Since 2014, ZTA chapters have been discussing mental health through the Behind Happy Faces program. Collegians are reporting higher selfefficacy related to their own mental health and helping friends/sisters who may be dealing with mental health challenges compared to members of other sororities. 24 · THEMIS · Fraternity News

ZTA’s sexual assault prevention programming, My Sister, My Responsibility: Sisterhood, Safety & Support, is continuing to demonstrate a positive impact. At both the individual and organizational levels, ZTA continues to see movement in a positive direction related to member attitudes about sexual assault. Attitudes about minimization, social pressure and victim blaming have decreased while survivor support has increased. In 2017–2018, ZTA transitioned from hosting State- or Region-wide Officer Training to conducting regional Officer Leadership Academies. The results of comparing attendees at each show that OLA participants saw significant gains in all aspects of sisterhood, commitment and a number of ZTA values. Chapter Impact Chapter Assessment Reports give each chapter the tools to impact members on a local level. At Convention 2018, attendees received and discussed their reports and were asked to adjust their 2018–2019 goals based on the results. Many chapters saw improvements in the areas they chose to focus on last year. Theta Omega Chapter (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona) focused on Belonging, one of the Five Areas of Sisterhood. Last year, they started chapter meetings with icebreaker activities such as asking each member to find a sister with her same birth month and ask why she joined ZTA. These pairs became meeting buddies, which determined the seating chart for that week. Members connected with sisters who may have been outside of their regular friend groups and felt more

comfortable attending meetings and other events because they now had new connections within the chapter. President Kellie Reich said, “We were so happy to see that this new approach truly made a difference as our chapter’s Sense of Belonging section in the Chapter Assessment Report significantly increased!” Zeta Xi Chapter (Georgia Southern University) used the Nine Key Values during recruitment workshops at the beginning of the academic year. Each day, they highlighted at least one value through discussions and activities. On day one, they focused on Being Rather Than Seeming, which is about authenticity and letting people in. Members participated in a trust fall activity that represented vulnerability and putting trust in their sisters. Theta Tau Chapter (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) focused on a number of items in its assessment. One of the chapter’s largest improvements was in overall satisfaction in ZTA. They introduced a new position on Program Council for seniors and increased senior participation in events by 50 percent. They also reorganized chapter meetings to make them more engaging by inviting guest speakers to incorporate required programming in a new and innovative way. This increased chapter turnout for meetings. Finally, they encouraged more chapter input in sisterhood and social events by conducting Google polls. Hearing what their sisters wanted helped the Executive Committee make events tailored to the chapter.

Changes in the National Average 4.23 Lifelong Learning

4.23 4.22 4.24


4.22 4.07 4.24


4.15 4.13 3.64

Being Rather Than Seeming

3.6 3.59 4.23

Service & Philanthropy

4.22 4.21 4.09

Seeking Understanding

4.07 4.04 3.27


3.37 3.52 4.46

Loyalty & Commitment

4.44 4.43 4.07


4.06 4.05



3.75 2018

4 2017




Fraternity News ¡ Fall 2018 ¡ 25

MEE T THE 2018–2019

2 3





Throughout the academic year, Leadership Consultants visit collegiate chapters to provide guidance on chapter operations, leadership development and officer education. They also assist new chapters on the journey to Installation. These 22 women exemplify leadership, enthusiasm, creativity, flexibility and loyalty to Zeta Tau Alpha. Find out more about the 2018–2019 LCs on the following pages. Applications for the 2019–2020 academic year will be available online in the fall. The ZTA Foundation funds a portion of the LC program. 26 · THEMIS · xx

*denotes a returning LC

BAILEY FERREE [1] Alpha Psi Chapter University of Missouri

OLIVIA DIXON [3] Lambda Beta Chapter University of Rhode Island

Hometown: Kansas City, Mo. Major: Social Work

Hometown: Mendham, N.J. Major: Human Development and Family Studies

difference in a person’s life motivates me. I hope to make an impact, large or small. Knowing I have the potential to help even one person drives and motivates me.

If you could be in the Olympics, what sport would you compete in? I would be a swimmer. I swam all throughout my childhood.

What’s the best gift you ever received? My grandma’s necklace was the best gift I ever received.

How do you live the values of ZTA? I let The Creed guide what I do. The best advice I was given as a chapter leader was about making a tough decision—if you cannot validate the decision using The Creed, you are probably making the wrong decision. What did you want to be when you were little? The earliest thing I remember wanting to be was a marine biologist, which is funny because now the ocean freaks me out and I’m not a very good swimmer. MICHELLE FITZGIBBONS [2] Beta Psi Chapter Stetson University Hometown: Wellington, Fla. Major: Management What app could you not live without? Instagram is my favorite app! I love taking photos and capturing memories. What are your plans after you serve as a Leadership Consultant? I plan to get my master’s degree in student affairs and ultimately work in a university as a dean of students. I love working with students and value how important it is to mentor individuals during college as that is one of the most important time periods for growth and development.

Who has been your ZTA mentor? My freshman year, I had the pleasure of meeting our General Advisor, Kelsey Dugan. I’ve always looked up to her because of her dedication to ZTA. She taught me endless lessons about leadership, sisterhood and friendship. ABBY CARBERRY [4] Gamma Zeta Chapter Mississippi State University Hometown: West Babylon, N.Y. Major: Public Relations What is your personal motto? Progress, not perfection. What superpower would you like to have? Is being physically fit without actually working out a superpower? Because I really hate the gym and having that as a superpower would be fantastic. KAITLYN DARBE [5] Kappa Alpha Chapter Colorado State University Hometown: Castle Rock, Colo. Major: Human Development and Family Studies What motivates you? Helping others and having the opportunity to make a

“After a rigorous month of training at International Office, these women are ready to take on the world! I hope each chapter they visit feels as inspired as I do in working with them.” – C AITLIN MOULTON-TOWLE DIRECTOR OF FIELD OPER ATIONS

*HABIBA “BIBI” SOLIMAN [6] Delta Mu Chapter The University of Tennessee at Martin Hometown: Nashville, Tenn. and Cairo, Egypt Major: Communications— Public Relations What are you most excited about for the coming year? I am excited to watch Zeta Tau Alpha grow around the country and to continue to watch the chapters and women I visited previously flourish on their campuses and in their communities. What’s at the top of your bucket list? I would love to go on a tour of the Blue House (aka The Frida Kahlo Museum) in Mexico City, Mexico.

Leadership Consultants · Fall 2018 · 27

KIMBERLY BROCHOCKI [7] Beta Delta Chapter Miami University Hometown: Nashville, Tenn. Major: Early Childhood Education What app could you not live without? I couldn’t live without Maps. I’m terrible at directions! What do you hope to contribute to the chapters you visit? I hope to help chapters enjoy the little things. Sometimes it’s so easy to focus on just the end goals we work toward, but I think it’s just as important to slow down and enjoy the fun that makes up all the little parts of the journey. DAWN CRAFT [8] Delta Upsilon Chapter West Virginia Wesleyan College Hometown: Mineral Point, Pa. Major: Biology Why did you want to be a Leadership Consultant? After I finished serving as the President of my chapter, I knew my time in ZTA leadership was not over. I felt compelled to

continue serving the Fraternity and truly heard the call of ZTA. I hope to influence members the way LCs and other sisters across the country influenced me. What superpower would you like to have? I would choose the power of healing. Nothing hurts me more than seeing others in pain. I would use my power to make those around me healthy and happy. KENZIE JOHNSON [9] Lambda Alpha Chapter Sacred Heart University Hometown: Sandwich, Mass. Major: Psychology Who has been your ZTA mentor? My ZTA mentor has been my Province President, Leanne Puia. She has been a true sister to me. Whether it was telling me that everything would be okay and to get up and try again or giving me honest criticism when I needed it, she has been there through the bad and the good. I know I can always count on her to be a shoulder to cry on or a sister to

celebrate with. She has been my rock, and without her I would not have achieved a quarter of what I have. What’s at the top of your bucket list? I would love to visit Giraffe Manor in Nairobi, Kenya. JORDAN GILLESPIE [10] Iota Delta Chapter Towson University Hometown: Baltimore, Md. Major: Theatre What’s the best gift you ever received? My cat, Ziggy, was my best gift. He was a surprise. I was also excited to receive a ticket to the Firefly Music Festival in Delaware. What are your plans after you serve as a Leadership Consultant? I plan on teaching at an inner-city school to help children who really need a good role model.

8 9 7

28 · THEMIS ·Leadership Consultants


*MARILYN ROWELL [11] Alpha Nu Chapter Birmingham-Southern College Hometown: Virginia Beach, Va. Major: Urban Environmental Science What do you hope to contribute to the chapters you visit? I hope to inspire my sisters to seek and understand the values of the Fraternity and the opportunities ZTA has to offer and to apply them in all aspects of their lives. What’s your proudest accomplishment to date? I am most proud of winning multiple Urban Environmental Science and Sociology awards while I was in college. TAYLOR GYENIS [12] Delta Kappa Chapter Louisiana State University Hometown: New Orleans, La. Major: Mass Communication What’s your favorite way to “treat yo’self”? I love to be pampered by getting mani-pedis with my mom.

What is your personal motto? The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has been before. MACKENZIE WEILBACHER [13] Alpha Psi Chapter University of Missouri Hometown: Millstadt, Ill. Major: Health Sciences What are your plans after you serve as a Leadership Consultant? After I serve as a Leadership Consultant, I plan to go to grad school to get a master’s in business administration. If you could be in the Olympics, what sport would you compete in? I would compete in women’s softball. I played all throughout high school and have so much respect for those women.

LAUREN WOHLRAB [14] Eta Tau Chapter The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Hometown: Pinehurst, N.C. Major: Exercise Science What three famous women would you invite for a coffee date? I’d invite Oprah Winfrey, Jessie James Decker and Chrissy Teigen. Who are your role models? My role models are my parents. My dad has always been someone I have looked up to for his personal life as well as his career. My dream has always been to be a doctor, just like him. Dr. Wohlrab is always level-headed, caring for the patient, straightforward with what he is capable of and, of course, the best dad ever. My mother stayed by my dad in the toughest times of applying for and going through medical school and worked to make sure we each had what we needed and all we could ever want.

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Leadership Consultants · Fall 2018 · 29

*JESSIE BARTON [15] Mu Chapter Drury University

*ALISON COLANGELO [18] Zeta Upsilon Chapter Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Hometown: Branson, Mo. Major: Communication Studies

Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa. Major: Early Childhood and Special Education

What’s at the top of your bucket list? I want to run the Boston Marathon. What motivates you? I want every day to matter. It is my goal to make sure I contribute to the world in some way every single day. ELIZA SORRELL [16] Zeta Chapter University of Tennessee, Knoxville Hometown: Rougemont, N.C. Major: Kinesiology What are you most excited about for the coming year? I am so excited to become close with my LC sisters and to meet so many ZTAs across the country who will inspire me and remind me why this organization is so special. What app could you not live without? I couldn’t live without the clock app! I am a sucker for sleeping in and alarm clocks are too old school for me. I would never get up in the morning without it. *CHELSIE TEUTSCH [17] Alpha Zeta Chapter The Ohio State University Hometown: Lima, Ohio Major: Human Development and Family Science How do you live the values of ZTA? I try to live out The Creed every day. My favorite line is “to look for the good in everyone.” What’s the best gift you ever received? Alpha Zeta Chapter alumna Nancy Bennett Bauman gave me a ZTA bracelet from her college days at OSU. It meant so much for her to pass it down to me.

What’s your proudest accomplishment to date? I am proud of working with Lambda Omicron Chapter at Boise State University and watching the women go from strangers at Bid Day to true sisters at Initiation. Why did you want to be a Leadership Consultant? As a ZTA, I’ve gained confidence and many skills. I believe in everything ZTA stands for, and I thoroughly enjoy working with sisters around the country and helping them get the most out of ZTA membership. THALIA PANTOJA [19] Delta Pi Chapter Eastern New Mexico University Hometown: Hagerman, N.M. Major: Communications­— Broadcast Journalism What motivates you? My parents motivate me. Being the daughter of two extremely hardworking migrant workers has been my biggest blessing. Growing up, they did not even dream of the life they have provided for me. Hearing of the life they have lived and seeing the sacrifices they have made pushes me to do my very best. They worked hard to ensure I accomplish my goals. What’s your favorite way to “treat yo’self”? “Treat yo’self ” is my life motto, so this is tough! If I had to pick something, it would be getting ice cream. MIRANDA LINDMARK [20] Sigma Chapter Baker University Hometown: Oakland Park, Kan. Major: Elementary Education

30 · THEMIS · Leadership Consultants

What superpower would you like to have? I would want to freeze time so I could get more done or take a nap without losing time. Who are your role models? My parents are my biggest role models. They have always taught me to follow my dreams, and they have been so excited to support me throughout my ZTA journey. The biggest lesson I have learned from them is to always do what makes me happy and never settle for less. TAYLOR WEST [21] Lambda Gamma Chapter The University of Texas at San Antonio Hometown: Helotes, Texas Major: Public Health What do you hope to contribute to the chapters you visit? I hope I can leave each chapter a little bit better than it was before I got there. I also want to convey my love and passion for this sisterhood because I have found that that is the best way to lead and motivate others to be excited and want to achieve great things for their chapters. What three famous women would you invite for a coffee date? I would invite Taylor Swift, Blake Lively and J.K. Rowling. HAILEY CLARK [22] Gamma Pi Chapter The University of Georgia Hometown: Watkinsville, Ga. Major: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Economics What are your plans after you serve as a Leadership Consultant? I plan to attend graduate school to earn my Ph.D. in economics. I want to specialize in health economics, and I am particularly interested in the economics of women’s health care and pharmaco-economics. What’s at the top of your bucket list? I want to hug a panda.


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“Today & forever, we’ll be Zetas true...” – TODAY & FORE VER

Leadership Consultants · Fall 2018 · 31


CREATING CHANGE ON CAMPUS By Olga Vlashyn, Stephanie Deremiah, Baylee Bryan and Jane Krause, Contributing Writers Prescription drug abuse and misuse is the fastest-growing drug problem in the United States, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. As defined by the FDA, prescription drug abuse refers to the intentional use of a prescription medication to “get high,” while prescription drug misuse refers to the intentional or unintentional use of a prescription medication in a manner other than directed by the prescriber, such as taking a medication more frequently or in higher quantities than stated in the directions.

Alpha Foundation, Generation Rx, and the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery, specifically supported the dissemination and application of Generation Rx University educational resources as well as particular programming to prevent stimulant and opioid abuse and misuse.

As students pursuing health care fields at Purdue, we had a pivotal responsibility to help prevent our peers from misusing prescription medications by providing them with information about Although these potential dangers. two terms are We also wanted to – JANE KR AUSE often used enhance medication interchangeably, safety and offer useful the distinction between the two is information on resources that are based on the intention or motivation available on campus for those who of the user. Regardless of the term need support. used, both can lead to addiction Part of the Zeta Tau Alpha Creed and other dangerous consequences reads: “to think in terms of all including death. Abusing prescription mankind and our service to the drugs is just as dangerous as abusing world.” We knew we wanted to illicit drugs. serve our community with humble Thanks to the Generation Rx hearts, so we volunteered for this University Implementation Grant for project. Throughout, we valued the the 2017–2018 academic year, Purdue collaboration and teamwork involved University was one of five universities and realized a comprehensive in the nation that received funding approach by inter-professional health to support educational efforts on care teams, which leads to positive college campuses toward instilling patient outcomes, is the future of safe medication practices among health care. fraternity and sorority members. This “This was a positive and impactful grant, which was offered through a experience for all involved,” faculty partnership between the Zeta Tau

“This was a positive and impactful experience for all involved.”

32 · THEMIS · Fraternity News

Peer Health Educators from Purdue University: Olga Vlashyn** College of Pharmacy student Stephanie Deremiah** College of Pharmacy student Baylee Bryan College of Pharmacy student Katherine Joseph* School of Nursing student Murphy O’Toole College of Pharmacy student Professor/faculty mentor: Jane Krause** College of Pharmacy, Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice *denotes collegiate member of Alpha Theta Chapter, Purdue University **denotes alumnae member of Alpha Theta Chapter, Purdue University

mentor Jane Krause said. “As health care professionals of tomorrow, I’m confident the peer educators look forward to increasing awareness of prescription drug abuse and misuse in their own communities.” During the fall 2017 semester, we developed a 30-minute educational

and interactive discussion called Safe Medication Practices, which was individualized for Purdue’s campus. To develop the program, we used an existing prescription drug abuse peer education program called Prescription Drug Abuse: The Growing Epidemic, which was previously developed by members of Purdue Student Health Advocates, and educational tools available through the Generation Rx website. Topics included examples of depressant and stimulant drugs (often referred to as study drugs) that are abused; examples of harmful side effects and consequences of abused medications; safe medication practices including proper storage and disposal; and resources available on and off campus. Since a few of us are from ZTA’s Alpha Theta Chapter, we believed our fellow sisters would benefit from learning how to execute the steps that should be taken in an overdose situation. However, our goals could not be met by only sharing our presentation with one sorority. Therefore, in order to make an impact on Purdue’s entire campus, we reached out to sororities, fraternities, residence halls and other student organizations to schedule presentations. As a result, during the spring 2018 semester, we delivered the Safe Medication Practices presentation to 494 students representing

CONGRATULATIONS! For their work on this project, the team received the Indiana Pharmacists Alliance (IPA) Beyond Dispensing Award, which was presented at the IPA Annual Meeting at the Embassy Suites Conference Center in Noblesville, Indiana, on Sept. 27, 2018.

PICTURED ABOVE: ZTA alumna Jane Krause (left) was the faculty mentor for the Safe Medication Practices project that fellow Alpha Theta Chapter alumna Olga Vlashyn (right) and her team developed using a grant from Generation Rx University. PICTURED ON LEFT: After each presentation, attendees received buttons, pens and mirror clings that reinforced the information shared.

13 student groups. We also had the unique privilege of presenting the information to the sorority House Directors on campus. Students attending the program completed an assessment prior to and immediately following the program. The assessment was developed based on the learning objectives of the program and included 10 multiplechoice items to assess students’ knowledge surrounding the topic. Results of the preand post-assessments indicated a statistically significant increase

in eight of the 10 items and a mean total score increase of 19.13 percent. The Generation Rx Implementation Grant allowed us to educate those in our community about the importance of safe medication practices. We realize we had the incredible opportunity to be a part of something greater than ourselves through this service project. By collaborating and preparing for our presentations, we were able “to prepare for service and learn the nobility of serving.” The Zeta Tau Alpha Creed rang true, and we were grateful for the chance to educate our peers on Purdue’s campus. Fraternity News · Fall 2018 · 33

Thank you, donors! DONOR LIST: Lifetime This annual listing honors donors who have cumulatively given $10,000 or more, including a gift during the last fiscal year, to the ZTA Foundation. [Gold] $50,000+ Alpha Theta Purdue University Bobby Seitz Turnbull Beta Delta Miami University Karen Lowman West Gamma Pi The University of Georgia Stephanie Arnette Powell Eta Iota Valdosta State University Alice McCann Mathews Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Kay Dill Kreutzer Theta Psi Texas State University Laura Ladewig Landers

Sigma Baker University Val Clough Ross Pat Wooster-Jackson Omega Southern Methodist University Nan Barkley Boettcher Anne Barkley Manning Jerry Rainey Putt Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati Catherine G. Slaughter Alpha Theta Purdue University Connie Fotos Grace Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Louise C. Bellatti

[Silver] $25,000–$49,999

Beta Gamma Florida State University Nora Nell Hardy Jackson

Nu The University of Alabama Leah Ann Sexton

Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Dinah Helms Cook

Gamma Alpha University of Miami Shari H. Robins, M.D. Gamma Beta Washington College Becky Hainsworth Kirwan Gamma Iota University of Florida Karen Farmer Mills Gamma Pi The University of Georgia Bonney Stamper Shuman Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Cynthia Byars Courtney Gamma Omega University of Houston Nancy Bowne Morgan Delta Delta Baldwin Wallace University Kay McCoy McKelvey Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Sherry Stagg St.Aubin Zeta Delta University of Louisiana at Monroe Joy Hathorn Watson Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University Nona Douglass Richey Iota Sigma Old Dominion University Keeley McDonald Riddle

[Bronze] $10,000–$24,999 Epsilon University of Arkansas Martha Gorum Jackson Zeta University of Tennessee, Knoxville Melissa Still During the 2016–2018 biennium, the ZTA Foundation awarded more than $1.6 million in scholarships to 589 members thanks to generous donations. 34 · THEMIS · Donor List

Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Lara Marie Burns Mary Kay Lattimore Evans Carrie Joiner Woliver Lambda Southwestern University Shirley Oliver Sanders Sigma Baker University Dr. Darcy L. Russell Tau Millikin University Elta T. Cooke Sue Logan Prange Chi University of Pittsburgh Alice U. Jones Alpha Theta Purdue University Janet Ruth Graab-Miller Miss Joy LeRoy Alpha Kappa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Stacy J. Froschauer Alpha Xi Indiana University Debra DeVault Marlett Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Sharryn Tucker Ehrlich Dorothy Coates Pataky Alpha Chi University of Kentucky Linda Lawrence Green Marty E. Sik Alpha Psi University of Missouri Christy Marx Barber Dr. Rachelle J. Douglass

Beta Delta Miami University Glenna Woodruff Gundell Barbara Wheelock Hamilton Beta Zeta Iowa State University Sherry K. Sunderman Beta Psi Stetson University Debbie Barrett Cooke Gamma Beta Washington College Barbara Townsend Cromwell Gamma Pi The University of Georgia Dr. Kelly M. Smith Gamma Xi Indiana University of Pennsylvania Roxanne Trovato Wood Gamma Nu University of Virginia Nancy Walker Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Debbie Anne Novelli Gamma Chi Indiana State University Chris Flora Walter Judy Jordan Wright Gamma Phi University of North Texas Jan Spradley McCarthy Gamma Psi Texas Christian University Marnie Brown Wallen Gamma Omega University of Houston Alice DeWalt Hahn Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Kathy Benzini Stampe

Delta Beta Florida Southern College Elena C. DeVilliers Barbara Kazanjian Purks Delta Delta Baldwin Wallace University Hellen M. Greenway Michelle Macartney Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Claire Winn Dowden Judy Berry Jackson Delta Omicron Lenoir-Rhyne University Dana Brasington Atkinson

Delta Psi Samford University Susan L. Beard

Zeta Psi Jacksonville State University Gloria Culberson Hice

Zeta Alpha University of Evansville Sherry Server Tilley

Eta Iota Valdosta State University Marlene Dunbar Conrad Leilani Struzick Rabourn Kery Reinkemyer Webb

Zeta Theta East Central University Brigette Donaghey Gean Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Mardee Coyle Austin Zeta Pi Woodbury University Kathy Cook Apogee

Eta Lambda College of Charleston Pam McMillan McKinney Eta Xi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Francine Marie Vannicola

Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Julia Marthaler Hill Malaea Nelms Seleski MaryAnn Stratford Stegall

Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carolyn Hof Carpenter Carla Martin Cobb

Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Kristine Marie Fleming

Theta Chi George Mason University Lucia Prenzel Knudsen

Eta Omega Louisiana State University in Shreveport Bridget Denise Higginbotham

Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Diane Hanson Keegan Iota Delta Towson University Liza Gundell

DONOR LIST: Annual Donors 2017–2018 This annual listing honors donors who gave $50 or more to the ZTA Foundation between Aug. 1, 2017 and July 31, 2018. To make a donation, visit Alpha Longwood University Dr. Rebecca White Adams Carol Farleigh Cashman—6 Lisa Thomas Catlett—6 Cydney Cavender Susan O’Hara Christopher Virginia Obenchain Cross—6 Linda Bowers Deviney—4 Joan Baldwin Elliott Carole Gibson Flemming—6 Susan DuPriest Flowers Diane Stancill Hall Kim Ball Harris Annie Slayton Herbert Margaret Bell Herrin Nancy Forrest Hirschberg Debbie Cosby Kelley—5 Judith Owens King Caitlyn Claiborne Kothe June Strother Shissias—6 Dorothy Wheeler Smith Janet T. Thompson—5 Ednamae Hudson Trevey Julia M. Williams—6 Sandy Sink Williams Delta Randolph College Sarah Wakeman Penney—6 Epsilon University of Arkansas Carole Pabian Arkin—6 Heather Blackmon Kim Callico Cordes—5

Allison Rose Denman—5 Brooke Madisson Forth Dotty Nicole Fries—6 Kayte Sexton Fry—5 Susie Werner Geiger—5 Samantha Nicole Hall Pamela June Haynie—5 Nancy Lang Hays Jayne Scoggins Hungate—5 Martha Gorum Jackson—4 Frances Hook Jernigan Lydia Lincoln Kingsborough—6 Hailey Phillips Kuhlmann—6 Adelle Louise LaGraize Lindsey Brooke Lawrence Mackenzie Anne Lewis Pat Finley McClelland—6 Susan Fowler Meador—6 Megan Elizabeth Morris Areta Hill Moseley—6 Linda Burge Orr Jana Renee Parker Rouble—6 Emily Anne Phillips—6 Peyton Juel Podschwit—6 Joan Ligon Porter Francesca Riviere—6 Kylie Marie Stancliffe Hannah Elizabeth Stretch Sara Elizabeth Tenison Allison Ross Thompson—4 Elle Vivian Trudell—6 Madison Savoy Trudell—6 Patty L. Wasilewski Morgan Grace Watson—6 Maxine Dwyer Williams—6

Zeta University of Tennessee, Knoxville Avery Elizabeth Aulds—5 Betty Tipton Beason Judy Golden Bentley—6 Ashley Dalyn Bloom Anna Grace Brewer Stephanie Sargent Burns—6 Lucile Ownbey Casey Ashley Briana Chase Suzie Owen Comstock Cynthia Connor—5 Patricia Ann Cottrell—6 Valerie Cowles—4 Lu Ann Woolwine Crockett—6 Jessica Howell Crumley Brittany Wilbourne Dunlap—6 Lindsay Hancock Elliott—5 Emily Kathleen Farrell Maria Katherine Glower Kelly Jane Goble—5 Mrs. Terry D. Hinch Laura Drew Holmes Sula Hensley Inklebarger Donna Gilley Kinney—4 Nicole Garing Kinney—6 Jessica Marie Kosty—6 Gina Wiley Lehman—5 Kylie Elizabeth Logue—6 Kerri Killgore Lovegrove—6 Lily Malik Misner Natasha Selene Parowski—6 Kathy Cobb Parsons Lauren Elizabeth Powell—6 Betsy Douglass Powell Rachel Lynn Slappy

Peggy Raymond Slater—6 Melissa Still—3 Jennifer Fitzwater Tomasetti Nancy Turner Upchurch Jean Carey Wallace Hadley Elizabeth Wilson—6 Kaylee Elizabeth Woodall—6 Theta Bethany College Anne Elaine Carter—6 Ciara Whitney Clements Haylee Nicole Frazier—6 Dina Johnson Fulmer Kelly Michelle Hess Sydney Stover Raihall Ines Lopez Schroeder Patricia Head Wilson—6 Kappa The University of Texas at Austin Julia Hyland Ambler—6 Cary Taylor Bain Linda Deal Barrow—6 Mary Slater Beck Amy Schafer Biegel—5 Judy McLeod Bland—6 Virginia Paul Bousquet—5 Kayla Nicole Bradley—6 Frances Navratil Bredthauer—6 Pat Parks Burbridge Lara Marie Burns—1 Helen Cook Covert June Wilkinson Cowden—4 Nicole Curry—5 Liz Anne Darling Barbara Davis Donnelly

Sondra Hampton Durso—6 Sunny Wilkens Ernst—6 Camille Prince Finn Kelly Marie Flynn Mallory Ann Garcia-Payan—6 Judith Britt Goerner Monica Mary Hand—6 Maggie Mudgett Hatfield Lizzey Louise Hill Susan Kirkpatrick Hinson Tracy Montalbo Hird Penny Pounds Hollyfield—6 Monica Faust Huber—6 Mary McMillan Hudson Sarah McMordie Hull—6 Janet Swearingen Hunt—1 Shelby Stengle Illingworth Norma Arnold Jones Carol Miller Kelley—6 Linda Burk Kemp—5 Sandy Wright Kibby Larrie Doing Kontz—5 Betty Burt Kyle—5 Kelti Bailey Late—6 Nancy Beth Lehmann Carssow—6

Annual donors giving key 1: $5,000 + 2: $2,500–$4,999 3: $1,000–$2,400 4: $500–$999 5: $300–$499 6: $100–$299 Donor List · Fall 2018 · 35

Sue Heidelberg Marshall—6 Lea M. Matthews Caroline Thompson McCarty—6 Karyn Beisheim McKenna Dawn Fenster McMillin—6 Cristin Williams-Mills—6 Jerry Carter Montouri—6 Sarah Sturgis Morrill—6 Julee Stokes Morrow Jo Ellen Gill Oliver Mayre Richards Overstreet Mrs. Kenneth G. Page—6 Rochelle Prins Eleanor Preston Pulver Kathy Holmes Ritter—5 Barbara Broesche Ryan—6 Lynn Schaezler Mrs. Emily Scott Shepherd Madi Rae Sitter—5 Marida Pike Slobko—3 Sandra Bearden Smith—6 Melissa Walker Stokes—6 Emily Baine Stone—6 Margaret Johnson Talley—6 Liz Cowden Walter—6 Alison Dollar Weinberg Kay Dunlap Whitney Carrie Joiner Woliver—5 Lambda Southwestern University Grace Frances Bonilla—6 Madison Lynn Boyd Daniela DeSouza—6 Karen E. Hanson-Flowers Rebecca Dotts Hunt—5 Frances Shepherd Kittrell—6 Penny Hull Pettitt Shirley Oliver Sanders—4 Katie Ellen Salinas—6 Janice Alexander Smith—3 Catherine Earles Turer, M.D.—6 Angele Cook Wolk—6 Mu Drury University Sarah Duvall Gilstrap—5 Brittany Katherine Hopp—5 Joyce Brown Ihnow Janet Vigen Levy—4 Amy Diane Maas Melissa Berlin McGuire Laura Schmutz Meador Nancy Shook Monteer Nancy Tisdale O’Reilly—5 Nicki Thompson Roy—4 Kathy Vogt Thuneman—5 Nu The University of Alabama Paige Bruce Batten—6 Amanda Caldwell Beason Heather H. Beitzel—6 Gabrielle Sarah Boronsky—6 Haley Whitney Chalmers—6 36 · THEMIS · Donor List

Leanna Nicole Clark—6 Frances Roberts Smith Clement—6 Beverly Smith Colditz—6 Jennifer Anne Dansby—6 Kristin Weir DeLong—6 Carly Marie Dries—6 Hannah Marie Dries—6 Harriette Matthews Dye Lindsey Maniece Fisher—6 Ruth Fahey Flemming Kim Hurst Fort Eugenia Johnson Giles—6 Laura Wilson Glass Treasure Ridley Greene—6 Erin Rochelle Gronewald Joan Parker Hull—6 Sherry Roberts Jones Nancy Spencer Kallus Mary Ann Lehmann—4 Leslie Barnidge Linthicum Julia Skeen McAllister Leigh Ann Greene Mitchell—5 Marilyn Beason Motley Aubrey Rose O’Keefe Leah Fields Ozment—5 Deborah Pinkston Emily McSherry Pruzick—6 Lisa Orth Rogers Kelsey Alyece Roper—5 Sandra Whitmire Ross—6 Leah Ann McAbee Sexton—1 Tracey Boyd Silverman Mckenzie Catherine Stevens—5 Jolene Nicole Swift Jessica Elizabeth Vaughan Kimberly Watson—5 Judy Stone Weaver—6 Scarlett Loretta Yosco—5 Xi University of Southern California Frances Tomlinson Boothe—6 Rosalie M. Chase—6 Mrs. J. E. Craddock—6 Arlette Etchart McGurty—6 Omicron Brenau University Valerie Edwards Aiken Bonnie Floyd Bering—6 Lori Dixon Bunn—5 Desiree Aurelia Quinn Bush—6 Marianna Nystrom Cleland—6 Sally Richardson Hardin—5 Page Dyer Houseman Kristen Repetto Leavell Allie Lynn McConnell Marissa Markyna Powers—5 Cathy Rawlinson—5 Chavigny McDonald Revelette Laura Eschbach Thompson Shannon Grinnan Weeks—6

Sigma Baker University Sheri Wilson Barker—6 Mrs. Norman O. Besheer Beverly J. Crute, Ph.D. Susan Fanning Davis Marcia Rossiter Hawk Anita Kay Hempy Pamela Lea Hill—6 Mary Lambert Holland—6 Joan Reed Iverson—6 Mary L. Jefferson Becky Holloway Johns—6 Jen Kinard Johnson Sue Wyrick Larkin Maria D’Anna Ondras Brittany Nicole Pagan Jennifer Knapp Riggs—6 Val Clough Ross—3 Dr. Darcy L. Russell—3 Lindsey Kathleen Stinson Blaire McCall Taylor Ashley Dolezilek Turman—2 Pat Wooster-Jackson—5 Tau Millikin University Linda Chapman Arends—5 Ann Fisher Austin Marilyn Reining Brazelton Ellen Scherer Conville Elta T. Cooke—3 Suzanne McWhirter Davis Melissa Reichart Ferguson Norma Jean Janes—6 Dr. Angela Plasschaert Montellano—5 DeeDee Chapman Olson—5 Sue Logan Prange—1 Tracy Fryer Vollmers Lisa Hoffman Waight—6 Patricia Hoffman Walker Joyce Zelnick Winings—6 Marilyn Brandt Winterberger Upsilon University of California, Berkeley Blaythe Anngely Ayala—6 Jessica Nicole Benson—6 Rachel Jeanette Blanchard—5 Barbara Valente Ferrigno Betty Maxwell Garrow Courtney Sarah Glickman Sherry Simpson Hibbard—6 Mary Beth Covert Jump—6 Elizabeth Lee—6 Stephanie Helen Lu—6 Lois Swanson Manbert—6 Kathryn M. Neri—4 Kyra Victoria Papazian Jean Neri Riley—6 Virginia Claussen Rood Lynne Russell Ruedy—6 Fay Arney Rush

Lucy Jean Schaefer—4 Jackie Silvers Jennifer Meux White, Ph.D. Judith Stark Zaccone—5 Phi Duke University Betsy Ann Bergeron Morgan Avery Bird Kitty Brigham Bosio—4 Lisa Koehler Burke—6 Marion Ross Godfrey Dorothy Daniel Gyurko—5 Janice K. Church Jackson, Ph.D. Kaela Anne Kovach-Galton—6 Virginia Salow Rivera Lillian Miles Schaeffer Margit Triska Webb—6 Anne Kauffman Zayaitz Chi University of Pittsburgh Alice U. Jones—4 Dee Schwarzbach Nestel Georgian Schultz Steinhardt—5 Omega Southern Methodist University Judy Kuhn Alton—6 Judy Belisomo—5 Pam Sullivan Berdanier Nan Barkley Boettcher—1 Martha Maxfield Cottingham—6 Nancy White DeYoung—6 Betty Scott Ewan Margaret E. Hale—5 Nancy Bourland Hillyer—5 Jini Spain Hornung—6 Susie Frazier Howard—6 Martha Jackson James—6 Misty Aebi Jones—6 Rachael Chipps King—6 Pat Lawler Larson Anne Barkley Manning—1 Heather Ann May-White—4 MaryAnne Park Owens—5 Jerry Rainey Putt—6 Melissa N. Quevillon—6 Anne Barclay Reed—5 Carol Jean Ritchie—6 Psi University of Washington Nicholette Christine Dillard—5 Karla-Jo Terrell Hansen Marilyn Woodmark Hanson—4 Mrs. William Holm Lucy Brown Kanikeberg—4 Jaime Elduen Keith—5 Beverly Eckert Meln—6 Sarah Ruhwedel Porter—5 Sue Christensen St. Denis—3 Kayla Christine Steinle Kori Sosnowy Voorhees—4 Jennifer Diane Waters—5

Karla Lundgren Wheeler—3 Marion Woldendorp Alpha Alpha Iowa Wesleyan College Carole Jean Buss Dr. Shirley Wood De Lucia—6 Janice McCurdy Espy—6 Helen Scott Hauser—5 Carol J. Nemitz Roma Emundo Smith Linda Faron West—6 Alpha Beta University of Pennsylvania Anne Gruhl Hess—6 Angie Manno Hopes—6 Alyssa Leigh Mule—4 Alpha Gamma University of Michigan Alexa Christine Anderson Paige Elizabeth Apsey Trudy Eisenberg Balogh—6 Suzanne Strader Beadle—5 Irene Rae Jones Besancon—5 Emily Ann Fogelsonger Maiga Buss Friess Elizabeth Nicholson Hamm Theresa Lee Han-Markey—5 Nicole Chan Hartley Linda Lewis Hecht—6 Ruth Kalmbach Kidd—3 Bonnie Martin Kohl—5 Marian Beam Kurapka Patty Skaisgir McCabe—5 Laura Liberty Mitchell—5 Nancy L. Niemela Sue Goodwin Peyron—5 Norma Clarke Powell—6 Patricia Worth Ritter Diane M. Rivard JoEllen Shortley Emme Lynn Smith Kate Lee Van Loveren Randee Lively Vierk—6 Kamie Zaracki—6 Alpha Delta Butler University Martha Demaree Davis Alpha Zeta The Ohio State University Lisa Freda Amundsen—4 Sara Isabella Barile Nancy Bennett Bauman—5 Mary Abernethy Bitter Marjorie Eibling Bosen Emilie Marie Buisson Anne Brown Chapman—6 Abbie Noelle Ciucci—6 Kelsey Ann Conrad Rebecca S. Crothers—5 Aly Paige DeShields

Marcia Squier Detter—6 Katelyn Nicole Dudek Kay Forsythe Fenton—5 Marion Tanner Gore—6 Katelyn Dawn Hamlin—3 Beth Leigh Hinckley-Robles—6 Peggy Betley Johnson—6 Helen R. Kuhn—6 Barbara Bateson Laird Ruth Matechek Lawrence Krista Elizabeth Leupp—6 Karen Hunsinger Little—5 Nancy Pleska Magnon—6 Jordan Emily Mathias—6 Rachel Mary Mathie Maxine L. Mehlhaff Bella Naomi Velasco Molly Mowbray Winters Kristen Marie Zulliger Alpha Eta University of Cincinnati Nancy Shank Arnn Mrs. Carl I. Bertsche Elaine Pfeiffer Burton—5 Deborah Wolf Campbell Mary Lippelman Corley—6 Virginia Brunswick Elliot Kathleen Robb Fahnestock—6 Nancy Russell Hamant Betty Abel Hans Dr. Barbara J. Howe Jane Staley Kenney Shelley Mather Meyer—5 Jacqueline Dee Morgan Betty Hammel Schardt Doris Fey Schmaltz—6 Catherine G. Slaughter—4 Jennifer Jostworth Wilson Alpha Theta Purdue University Theresa DeVries Allen Laurie Swanson Auzenne—6 Teryn Marie Azpell Lynn Dolembo Bailey—6 Kris Meersman Bergman Rita Greulich Berning Jackie Ruth Bourdon—6 Taylor Allison Bourke Jean Heusel Bradley—6 Rosemary Lafuze Brasie—6 Megan Elizabeth Brelage Elizabeth Doczi Brush Ann Murray Callahan Sue Gephart Chopp Sandy Clarkson-Stuckman—5 Anita Douglass Clegg Dr. M. Margaret Conway—6 Abree Anna Cowan Sylvia Bryan Decker—6 Kristin Nicole Eckerle Rachael Marie Ferguson Nan Gustin Fleenor—6

Janet Ruth Graab-Miller—3 Connie Fotos Grace—5 Cynthia E. Greenwald—6 Tracy Yerks Gustin—6 Erin Thornburg Hartley—5 Susan Bonitati Holmes Gwynne L. Johnson—6 Morgan Nichole Johnson Gwen List Keller—6 Jeanne Manley Kennedy Judith Laegeler Kistler Esther Schaffer Lambert—6 Jane Taylor Lavey—5 Miss Joy LeRoy—3 Gay L. Liesse—6 Lindsay Ellen Lucas Jayne Binz McCliment—5 Kelly J. Murray—5 Sharon Bryant Murray—6 Kim Johnson Payne—6 Susie Ruth Portteus Brittney Ann Posey Elizabeth Koehl Renner—4 Erica Carleen Rexing—5 Kirsten Emma Rico Karen Manteufel Ripp—6 Amy Marie Ritter Mrs. Donna Wanderer Runyan—5 Margaret Dowell Scott Nancy Sanders Seeman—6 Mary Bryan Sherman—4 Nicole Melissa Sigurdson—6 Maisie Lynn Smith—6 Phyllis Cook Smith Elmyrta Anderson Snow—6 Karil Strater Sommers—4 Theresa Vaccaro Sonner Carol Apple Steele—6 Marissa Renee Suarez—6 Rebecca Hardin Tallman—3 Judi Read Townsend Diane Louise Trout-Cummins Bobby Seitz Turnbull—1 Tori Paige Ulloa Grace Vogrin—6 Heather Lynn Weidenbenner—6 Melissa Meythaler White—5 Mikaela Lynn Whitinger—6 Rachel Fonseca Woolwine—5 Barbara Heywood Wright Kayla Jayne Wyman Alpha Kappa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Doreve Alde-Cridlebaugh Mrs. Nancy Lynn Ashburn Kim Anderson Batten—6 Elaine Pohl Benisek—6 Lucy Fung Carpentier—6 Kimberly Stanfill Cromer—5 Jen Maurer Davidson—6 Kristin Coyner Dickerson—6 Jann Lohman Freehling

Stacy J. Froschauer—4 Geri Gilbert—6 Shirley Cross Ginos—6 Karen Hafenrichter Given Dianne Albert Herschelman Kristan Jatczak Hickman—6 Pamela Miller Keeler Sylvia Byun Lee Cynthia Freutel Nadig Mrs. Kent A. Noble—6 Peg Smith Onstott—6 Prabha Parameswaran—5 Sara R. Pemberton Marilyn Miller Pugh Eileen Donahoe Rock Joanne Sokachitch Rogers—6 Harriette Renken Schmick—6 Amy Courtin Sohl—6 Anne Petro Tamulaitis—5 Miki Lynn Thomas—5 Virgene Anderson Vatthauer—6 Joanne Scappaticci Welk Sandra Kendall Willetts Alpha Mu Washburn University Barbara Phillips Baldwin Stephanie Lucille Bieker—6 Samantha Greif Budden—3 Kathleen Philpott Burson—6 Sharon Harper DuBois Ann L. Severns Hoelting—6 Jean Pantle Litchfield—6 Hayley Paige Moll Mrs. Cheryl A. Parker—6 Tomi Rockey Rues Margeaux Elisabeth Seymour—6 Diane Burkett Sneed Alpha Xi Indiana University Brittany Lynn Albert—5 Barbara Brigham Antell—6 Catherine Mallett Beeker Kim Beach Belz—6 Emily Anne-Elizabeth Bentz—6 Nicole Marie Biberstine Lauren Frances Bird—5 Emma Dixon Bosse—6 Sasha Sebastienne Chepov Carolyn Michel Cox—4 Haley Michelle Daprile—6 Mary Jo Joanna Day Michelle Harrison DeVoe Kennedy Jo Drago Cassie Patterson Dyar—6 Sue Bartos Farquhar Abbey Lee Fisher—5 Elise Keller Gerdes—6 Phyllis Fenn Grant, M.D. Joan L. Hartung—6 Lauren Margaret Hennelly Maggie Therese Houlihan—6 Patricia J. Hurley—4

Nadia Susanne Hutzler—6 Abby Rose Isaacson Grace Catherine Keating Karen Gillen Kendall—5 Hollice Anne Kingen Lori Sharp Kline Ali Marie Kolb—5 Lauren Kaelin Kriner—6 Kara Elizabeth Linde—6 Patti Annexstad Marinovich—4 Debra DeVault Marlett—5 Hannah Rose McCormick—6 Judi Ann McCoy Megan Lee McGovern—6 Kathryn Baxter McIlwain—6 Taylor Marie McManus—5 Janet Wiley McSharar—5 Samantha Kathryn Miller Lynne Currin Moore Katrina Carter Nickell—6 Allie Marie Nowak—6 Hannah Catherine Plunkett—6 Chloe Rose Poyourow—6 Faith Foley Rackow Judy Oing Rayborn—6 Carol Hertling Riggs Heidi Rudolph—4 Emily Allegra Sanner—6 Margaret Laird Shea—6 Claudia Johanna Sigman—6 Erdine Zimmerman Simic Anna Christina Skelton—6 Lindsey Nicole Smallwood—5 McKinzie Lee Smith—5 Brooke Taylor Smith—6 Patty Foellinger Smith—6 Elle Genevieve Smith—6 Rachel Marie Sorensen—6 Donna Cornwell Spray—6 Madison Adair Stanton—5

Mary Mullins Sugar—6 Barbara Lockhart Taylor—5 Jamie Rachel Teitelman—6 Sheryl Rennaker Thomas Mary Menzies Tierney—6 Kate Lee Urbanowski—6 Nicole Marie Vanek—6 Lexi Nicole Vennetti—4 Michaela Rose Wade—6 Rebecca Montgomery Wade—6 Kylie Morgan Wheeler—6 Emily Rae Wierman—5 Barbara Hickey Wiseman Janet Bunger Wortley—6 Katie Leigh Yancey—5 Marilyn Zahnen—6 Alpha Nu Birmingham-Southern College Diane Paige Appleyard—6 Michelle Morrisey Bencomo Martha Hayes Blackburn—6 Lynn Compton Chapman Jamie Barton Cook Mackenzie Brooke Delk Carolyn Suttle Edge Celia Cheney Ellis—5 Mary Beth Schauer Griswold—6 Ladonna Houston—6 Jessica Wood Lott—6 Annette Davis Lovett—6 Terri Dew Millsap—4 Patricia Roberts Nix Elise McWilliams Penfield Carol Burr Petrusek—6 Shirley Boutwell Prickett Jayne McCain Prude—5 Avlona Y. Taylor—6 Laura McGahey Van Pelt—5

For the 2018–2019 academic year, 22 Leadership Consultants are visiting collegiate chapters to provide guidance on chapter operations, leadership development, officer education and more. Donor List · Fall 2018 · 37

Alpha Omicron The University of Iowa Morgan Hallett Banasiak—5 Alice Reininga Bradke—6 Carrie Holden Burch Barb C. Chang-Holt—5 Janice Keeline Cozad—6 Valerie Weidenhamer Daters—5 Emma Larsen Dennis Kerry Ann Diminuco—4 Emily Katherine Domabyl Becky Miller DuBois—6 Carolyn Mueller Halbach Diana Lenz Hotop—6 Kristen Carlstedt Johnson—6 Elizabeth Grace Johnson Lindsay Anne LaPointe Meghan O’Malley Miller—6 Cece Baldus Moore—5 Kristin Rae Oberg Betsy Elaine Povolny Susan Sayre Brianna Nicole Schiff—6 Linda Levi Schoelkopf—6 Helen Bell Sheets Mrs. M. Sommerhoff—6 Lauren Marie Strohs Jan Harvey Thake—6 Sunny Swanson Wandro Hanna Jane Westphal—6 Betty Jane Willits Alpha Pi Ohio University Penny Busch Bashore—6 Betsy Martin Bauer—6 Phyllis Madden Black Janice Kowalak Chasman Sandy Stanley Engel—6 Corrine Towstiak Horton—6 Frances Kay Bauer Morrow—6 Mary Scott Rasche Denise Frissell Rogers—5

Jane Remley Sibila—6 Sarah Janusz Trout Alpha Rho Syracuse University Dee Morrish Chang—6 Peggy McDonough Corey—6 Laura-Jean Learned MacDonald—6 Ruth E. Sadler—6 Alpha Sigma Oregon State University Lois Ann Hamner Holmes Linda Damm Umphrey—6 Alpha Upsilon Oklahoma State University Debbie Bacher Bell—6 Louise C. Bellatti—1 Ginger Lister Billman—6 Maddy Olivia-Elizabeth Blunt Marissa Faith Blunt Ellie Margaret Collier Lynn Ann Conard—5 Acacia Bender Croy—5 Denise Cotleur Davis Ashley Rhea Dickinson—3 Marilyn Donovan Dock Sharryn Tucker Ehrlich—5 Kat Reed Evans—6 Jordan Alexandra Hentges—6 Barbara Tooke Hoffman—6 Dana Robinson Huser—6 Peggy Weger Jackson Sara Hays Johnston—5 Melissa Miller Lamprich Julie Karen Lemish—6 Diana Loeffler Linda Tatum Luse Leigh Ann Pruitt McClain—4 Michelle Norris Montalbano—4 Jo Walton Moore—4 Cristy Jo Morrison—6 Michelle Armitage Nisbett

Meghan Vicinus Parker—4 Judy Wittmer Parker Dorothy Coates Pataky—6 Jennifer Carnahan Pierotti Lt. Col. Kelli Bautsch Pohlman Barbara Ann Ramey Vicki Lynn Rudolph-Williams D. Eileen Smith—6 Barbara Inman Sorenson—4 Ann White Truscott—5 Sydney Whitehead Uthoff—6 Mary Guthrie Van Gieson—4 Mag Stanley Walton—6 Linda Minter Wegener—4 Christina Higgins Wright—4 Alpha Phi Northwestern University Lauren Radomski Cupps—6 Anne Hincke Evans—4 Diane Joy Froelich Judith Anderson Hohorst—6 Charlotte Anne McKlveen Irene Kernaul Nero—6 Birdy Ann O’Conor Susie Bair Riley—5 Janet Wood Skoglund—6 Carolyn B. Volk Alpha Chi University of Kentucky Franci Rocco Bayes—5 Sherry Cohen Beyers—6 Kathy Ann Campbell Mrs. Claire H. Deangelis Carol Sullivan Gall—5 Linda Lawrence Green—4 Elizabeth Hames—6 Ann Goolsby Hays—6 Beth Rogers Hill—6 Bonnie Jean Jackson-Slater Nicole Evans Porter Barbara Jacobs Priest—4 Jackie-Sue Howard Scelfo—6

Judy Smith Schineller—5 Marty E. Sik—4 Shirley A. Wilson—5

Brittany Means Wills—6 Angela Renee Woods Marci Zimmerman—5

Alpha Psi University of Missouri Ashlyn Jade Alcorn Christy Marx Barber—4 Joan Hambrick Bigham—5 Michele Kuznitz Bunch—5 Alexis Michelle Cederholm Lexie Blayne Crowe Alexandra Elizabeth Dockins—4 Dr. Rachelle J. Douglass—1 Renee Marie Eason Melinda Susan Elledge—6 Harriett Hoadley Engelke—6 Sarah Hall Fandey Shannon Ashley Ferguson—4 Sherri Agrusa-Gallick—5 Beth Astroth Garza—5 Beth Molitor Grellner—5 Pat Taylor Gresham—5 Becky Burke Harlow Challie Carmen Henke Mrs. Ann Audrey Hirsch Madelyn Renee Jones Cindy B. Jones Becky Krouscup Kahmke Alex Krista Kent Kristen Elizabeth Kimble Megan Lynn Landess—6 Janet Finley Landry Geri Jordan Macauley—5 Jill Bryant Meyer Toni Arlund Pavlich—6 Wendy Campbell Reynolds—6 Kylie Susan Runzi—6 Erica Hunter Smaldone—4 Patricia Reukauf Smith Liz Rose Spiegel—6 Sara E. Sternberger—5 Olivia Christine Stripling—5

Beta Alpha George Washington University Lydia Giordan Alles, CPA—6 Betty Mayfield Bjornson Karen M. Collier—6 Dianne Alexander Rankin—6 Beta Beta Dickinson College Mrs. Spencer Merrick—5 Beta Gamma Florida State University Carol Anderson Rachel Sydney Aron Susan Jones Baker—5 Kaylan Gayle Boree Susie B. Boyce—6 Amanda Lynn Bruno—6 Caro Carbonell—3 Brooke Ann Coughlin—6 Barbara Knox Creamer—6 Bonnie Provan Davis—6 Olivia DeBiasi—6 Ava Louise Delcharco—6 Diane Dearinger Erickson—5 Briana Marie Fernandez Judith B. Foster Michelle Rae Anglin Fyfe Sue Engelmann Gabriel Gabrie Maria Giammarco—6 Mary Ruth Graybill—3 Lauren L. Hafner—6 Katie E. Hamill—6 Erica Lane Hart Nora Nell Hardy Jackson—3 Malaney Wood Johnides Brooke Marie Jungers—6 Barb Burkhardt Kirkland—6 Kayla Raquel Kotalik

ZTA Foundation Board Members

Since 1954, the mission of the ZTA Foundation has been to fulfill the founding principles of Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity by providing support for programs that are educational, philanthropic and responsive to a changing society. Through successful fundraising by our alumnae and collegiate chapters and the generous donations of those listed on these pages, the ZTA Foundation is able to support our members and their communities while enhancing ZTA’s position as a leader in the fraternity/sorority community.

38 · THEMIS · Donor List

Elizabeth Cecil Lansford Dinah Jackson Laughery—3 Morgan Leonard Jennifer Wagner Long—6 Mary Jo Mansfield Amber Matherne—6 Samara Elaine Meshad—6 Jenna Meshad Michelle Gordon Mullineaux—4 Stephanie Swinford Nagel Carolyn Loburak Nigro Doris Pickels Nimmons Cassidy Leigh Parish—6 Ginny Delvalle Paulk Jenna Maurine Piatak—6 Rachel Entlich Prescott—6 Barbara Youmans Probst—4 Becca Catherine Rafool—6 Christine Merritt Ruppel—6 Lauren Michelle Sanders Carla Alexis Sierra—5 Catalina Sinelli Ann Williams Smith—6 Kathy Weidner Smith Sarah Springer Peggy Hunt Suber—6 Lisa Landau Trimble Terry Sue Turner—6 Madge Alexander Vining—6 Lin McGuirt Weber Sandra Jackson Wortman—6 Beta Delta Miami University Susan Feiock Breece Doris Hildbold Cheeseman—4 Peggy Grayson Cole—6 Lisa Craemer Dierbeck—5 Glenna Woodruff Gundell—2 Barbara Wheelock Hamilton—4 Kayla Nicole Herrmann—6 Ellen Berger Kus—5 Sabrina Larson—5 Liz Stotzer Leupp—6 Anna Marie Makris Audrey Thompson Marston, M.D.—6 Lauren Eileen McMahon—5 Liza Jane Moracz Darcey Shaw Murphy—6 Cara Beth Olson—4 Lynne Widlitz Pilot Lexi Victoria Powers Leslie Staup Sachs—5 Sarah Elise Schmidt—6 Laura C. Segna—5 Jeri Berger Shadrick Rose Marie Balzano Theis—4 Lisa Musgrave Thomas Jan Langdon VanDenburg—6 Jean Niemeyer Vesper—4 Karen Lowman West—1 Patricia Thompson Whitmer Sydney Marie Wolk

Madelaine Sara Wood—6 Lisa Wysocki Zoccoli Beta Epsilon University of California, Los Angeles Marilyn Tomlinson Cantey Kathy Dixon—6 Jean Warwick Gaddie—6 Mary J. Harrison—6 Faith Mosher Hastings Sali Gold Johnson—6 Rondi Werner Redmann—5 Mary Margaret Wammack Smith—5 Ginny Pugh Stephens Beta Zeta Iowa State University Brenda Trumbauer Dryer Cindy C. Leigh, M.D.—6 Mona Dippold Mills—3 Audrey Miller O’Neil—6 Darlene Anderson Oswalt—6 Carol Robbins Pletcher Sherry K. Sunderman—4 Beta Eta University of Nebraska-Lincoln Nancy Rogge Admire Natalie Carlson Barr—6 Carolee Kohlmeier Berglan—6 Carla Wademan Clark—6 Karen Larson Cole—6 Carol Hughes Getz—5 Jane Wilhite Hines—6 Sharon Messineo Jacobson Mary Ann Watkins Stallings Susie Hodge Sup—6 Sherry Glaser Talbitzer Pamela Glaser Wistrand Beta Theta Franklin College Nancy Kivett Cassel—5 Ashley Elaine Chenault Carolyn S. De Boer—6 Susan Deter—6 Karen J. Edwards Natalie Owens Garrett Dawn Calhoun Holt—5 Betsy Fink Horneffer—6 Vicki Fulmer McComb—6 Joan M. Norman Bonnie Glardon Rutherford Brianne Steppe Schneckenberger—6 Marti Dorrel Schrock Linda Bartek Unsworth—6 Marilyn Zellers Williams Barbara Hipple Wilson Beta Iota Centenary College of Louisiana Lyndra Pate Daniel—3 Amanda Belle Farr Laura L. Golden

Teresa Grogan Halpin—6 Anna Hatley Phillips Savanna Dawn Stewart Beta Lambda University of Louisville Deanna Marie Allen Anna Elizabeth Chambers Claire Lynn Copenhaver Sandra Reid Coyle—5 Anna Kay Deason Olivia Marie DeLong Judy Anne Gay Katie Gardner Graf—6 Madison Rene Grimstead Hannnah Nicole Hardesty Kylie Ann Henderson—6 Kyah Jennifer Howard—6 Leslie Ann Johnson—6 Madison Rene Lillard Jessica Ann McVicker Bryce Mckenna Miller Nikki Marie Miller Jenna Michelle Parker Emmalynn Brooke Rakestraw Callie Elizabeth Rudd—5 Grace Rupp Hannah Michelle Sermersheim Kayla Marie Slaughter—5 Hannah Noel Smith Selena Elizabeth Spalding Regan Elizabeth Wakefield—6 Esther Anna Wilhoyte—5 Marie Hodge Williams Jesenia Zamora Beta Nu New Mexico State University Mary C. Bullard—6 Tracy Clarke Cooper-Tuckman—6 Elsie M. Hartog-Gobey Emily Lytton Holmgren—6 Rajini Gunaji Ihler—4 Maryce Mercedes Jacobs Joanne Hamiel Lytton—6 Ginger Carroll Manss—6 Marcy Hall Oxford Sharon L. Voelz—5 Melissa Marek Wheeler—5 Emalie Elizabeth Wilka Beta Xi University of Akron Mary Ann Martin Goncy—6 Linda Labut Klespies Inah Mitchell Lischeron Mary Jo Young Mountain Phyllis Jean Werner-Fuehne—6 Beta Omicron University of South Carolina Tatum Elizabeth Amato—6 Maggie Grove Anderson Amanda Rose Arenella—6 Rachel Leigh Barnett

Allison Pauline Barry Catherine McClain Bauknight—6 Claire Evelyn Bauschka Anna Caroline Beavers—6 Kristen Anna Berntsen—6 Lyn Eleazer Bethea—4 Kiana Marie Boyle Lynn Gregory Bradley Jillian Spencer Caffey—6 Dianna Buck Conaty—5 Dinah Helms Cook—3 Stef Constanza Corbus Jacquie Splawn Corley Hannah M. Corsi Olivia Paige Cotellesse Caroline Elaine Cozzens—6 Hayley Rose Dadouris Kelsey Suzanne Daller—6 Sophie Noreen Davish—6 Lily Jane Dickinson—6 Alei Victoria Edwards—6 Mary Cook Fawcett—6 Lynn Albert Felt—5 Emma Nicole Fogarty—5 Nicole Maria Forlenza—6 Katie Ashton Freeman—6 Madison Elizabeth Gallagher Samantha Marie Gallagher Christina Elisabeth Gallo Liz Giomiela Gomiela—6 Haley Elaine Hartle—6 Mills Sarah Hayes Ally Hemandez Hernandez—6 Sadie Margaret Hinton Emma Leigh Hupe—6 Sarah Marie Hutchinson—6 Hannah Mary Jamison Riley Nicole Jankowski—6 Jessica Rose Jaramillo—6 Angela Michelle Jessup—6 Toni Dellinger Justus—6 Allie Lindsay Kalbaugh Mikaela Elizabeth Kelly Cathy Coleman Knox—5 Matheson Dain Ladd—6 Liana Marie Lamicella—6 Alexandra Leigh Larson—6 Kate Mary Lewis—6 Elizabeth Kersey Madden Casey June Magersupp—6 Morgan Sami Marston—6 Hazel Shea Mathieu Jennifer Marie May—6 Heather Dawn McDonald—6 Laura Frick McDuffie—6 Lauren Elizabeth McQueen—6 Megan Elizabeth Millard Wesley McCall Mitchell Chantelle Lytle Neese—6 Jasmine Elizabeth Cecilia Newby Hannah Catherine Organ—6 Liv Rose Pascucci—6 Vilija Indre Paulius—6 Erin Inez Peck

Megan Catherine Rivard Allie Ursula Rodman—6 Mary Elizabeth Savard Cate Therese Scott—6 Cindi Blackburn Sensibaugh—6 Anna Theresa Shamroth—6 MaryBeth Wingate Shealy—6 Patti Knight Shelley—4 Claire Elizabeth Shimchak Noelle St. Laurent Cynthia Beall Suich Mikayla Yong Tiller—6 Cari Nicole Tomayko Ellen Richards Truett Evan Lowry Turner Alex Kent Watson—6 Lucie Anna Wieland Grace Adams Wilder—6 Emily Grace Willman Wallace Ann Woods Joyce Able Woodward—3 Tyler Elise Zelnio—6 Beta Pi University of Oregon Rhoda Wolfe Collier, RN—6 Ruth Bernau Engel—6 Mardell Flewelling Lanfranco Sue Cook Pifer Barbara Jeanne Schweppe—5 Beta Rho University of Manitoba Karen E. Miller—6 Beta Sigma Rhodes College Donna Slaton Bartek—6 Elaine K. Ettman Betty A. Russell Beta Tau Albion College Margaret Barry Bashur—6 Vesta June Rea-Gaubert—6 Beta Phi Michigan State University Patricia Syfers Callaghan Natasha Kaur Cheney—6 Margaret Miller Cousins—6 Laura Erpelding Cox—5 Joan Louckes Fetner Betty Strobel Freeman Suzan Biszantz Galati Marjorie Premo Fitting Gifford—6 Mrs. Norman B. Hall Kristen Humeston Harthorn—4 Jennifer Seiter Henning—6 Winifred Craig Johnson Marilyn Barr Leppek—6 Patti Cords Levitte—5 Diane Dunn McKay Erin Dickey Niebylski—6 Gretchen Nicole Nowroozi Donor List · Fall 2018 · 39

Diana Pisone—6 Jeannette Swenson Reeves Taylor Ann Smith—4 Martha Porritt Wiers Strange Robin Walker Volden—5 Joan Elizabeth Wright—5 Kristina Bas Yonkers—6 Honorable Joan E. Young—5 Amanda Kuderko Younger—6 Elaine M. Zielinski Beta Chi Washington University Carol Anita Sagner—5 Beta Psi Stetson University Debbie Barrett Cooke—1 Dr. Diane M. Disney—4 Michelle M. Faivre—5 Colleen Joy Fullerton Catherine Cornelison Jones—6 Blythe Williams Kinsey—6 Sydney Millard Legakis—5 Sally Alicia Lied K. Joan Mitchell Isabel Palacio Paul Lisa Statham Posteraro—5 Theresa Crea Reichenbach Tricia Zippay Reilly Sandy Guard Rowe—6 Sarah Walker Salyers Layne Stringer Spotts Tami T. Ueda Nicole Therese Wohn—6 Bunny Ogletree Yeargin—6 Beta Omega Union University Kelly Nicole Brown Madison Margaret Ely Katrena Baird Friedman Jill Burrows Levine—4 Glenda West Linton—5 Loretta Mathews Schmitt—6 Nelle Luckey Sparks—4 Diane Wood Tucker—5 Jane McMaster Wilson—6 Gamma Alpha University of Miami Lauren Louise Allen Stephanie Marie Almeida Becca Jacqueline Barron—4 Rita Bekhash Carley Evans Belanger—5 Morgan Rebecca Benson—4 Megan Bente—4 Maty Nicole Beraja—5 Erin Lindsay Blotcky Cami Mapp Bresee—3 Liv Marie Burke—6 Mary Helen Burt Cristi Leonor Busto—6 Grace Susan Chepenik—6 40 · THEMIS · Donor List

Devin Leigh Cherry—6 Brenda Lou Miracle Combs Kaylie Anne Costa—5 Olivia Amber Coto—6 Yani/Shani Samanta Cuesta—6 Taryn Dal Degan—6 Carly Jac Davey Claudia Christine DeLorenzo Aine Laurina Donohue—6 Katie Blair Dorsey—5 Kyrena Michelle Adell Dudley—5 Maria VictoriaJean Fagerstal—6 Laura Rose Falcone Sydney Danielle Fallen—5 Elise Abella Farnum—6 Brandie Rose Feuer Sydney Yvonne Feyerick—6 Paige Lindie Flannery—4 Olivia Scherr Frejka Taylor Julianne Gill—6 Sophia Rene Gomez Lindsey Hope Gordon—6 Emily Christine Gossett—6 Bailey Reide Grogan—6 Lizzy Nicole Harris—6 Paige Nicolle Hockley—5 Olivia Joy Howson—6 Kristina M. Hudak—6 Talia Mira Kinross Mia Sandra Klasner—4 Winifred Fickle Kosachook Carol Delbasco Kosobucki—6 Lauren Frances Lass Kristen Lemes—5 Shannon Rose Lerner—6 Amelia Catherine Llerena—5 Ruth Mazeau Ludwig Ashley Maass—6 Allie Carol Margol—6 Sadie Hope Matthews—6 Sheila Rose McAndrew—4 Kyra McCabe Kellen Mae McDonald—5 Alex Rose McMurray—5 Sydney Lauren Menack—6 Tanja Moissl—6 Vienna Ewing Morgan—6 Heather Rhodes Mount Danielle Elizabeth Musto—5 Sarah Noor Navid—6 Meg Elizabeth O’Leary—5 Alexa Nicole Occhipinti—5 Gaby Sophia Pages—4 Alex Perez—5 Tina Le Phan—5 Justyna Piszczor Elizabeth Victoria Pozzuoli—6 Christina Rose Radford—5 Emily Marie Reinke—5 Shari H. Robins, M.D.—1 Carlyn Taylor Rosario—6 Julia Maria Rose Chloe Rose Ruppert Marla Mkhailuvna Sagatelian—6 Kellie Gloria Scanlon

Kristi Schmidt—6 Mollie Elizabeth Schulman—6 Saige Eleanor Schuster—6 Carly Maria Sellers—6 Serena Maya Shah—6 Sidney Nicole Sherman—5 Gigi K-C Singh—6 Emma Lillian Sinkus—2 Arianna Chauncey Soresi—6 Julia Nicole Stack Alex Marie Stathas—5 Michaela Deion Stoudemire Bridget Megan Tighe—3 Angelique Marie Turner—6 Alli Elizabeth Villane—5 Heather Katherine Warren-Reynolds—6 Kayla Anyce Watts—6 Danielle Nicole Weinberg—6 Beverley Lindsay West Hailey Wilson—6 Madeleine Rose Wood—5 Carina Marie Yates—5 Victoria Katherine Zocco—6 Corinne Marie Zrada—6 Gamma Beta Washington College Katy Fluhr Carlsward—3 Megan E. Ward Cascio—4 Lynn Diana Covington—6 Barbara Townsend Cromwell—2 Doris S. Forster Becky Hainsworth Kirwan—3 Erin Lynn Koster—5 Olivia Anne Robb Rachel Catherine Treglia Gamma Gamma The University of Texas at El Paso Virginia Bustos Anderson—6 Maryann McDonald Brignac—6 Evany Diaz—5 Janis Quier Hartwell Vanessa Cotton Markham—6 Jo Anne Markle McClurg—5 Mrs. Paul McLeod Janell Schneider—6 Carolyn Lee Scott—6 Nancy Cole Warden—6 Gamma Delta University of Mississippi Becky Carter Bowman Carolyn Elliott Carter—6 Cande McNally Elchroth—3 Betty Coe Cruzen Manuel—5 Vanessa Thomas McDaniel Molly Webb Meisenheimer—6 Zilah Koski Miller Ruth Owens—6 Lynn Pierce

Gamma Epsilon Pennsylvania State University Barbara Furlow Bodine Patricia Uplinger Brown—6 Lily Grace DeLone Sandra Pohlman Dillon—4 Devon Aislinn Greene Marissa Grieco Judy Helker Lee Ferguson Herr Joanne Kane Keenan Sally Leight Lazorchak—6 Linda Stehman Lewis Mary Loftus MacLaren—6 Dani Ann Monocky Erica Shaye Nagy—5 Shirley Stuckey Oberg Leah Madison Rednor Karen Stambaugh Rice—6 Joan Gillette Rokus Barbara Nolt Vinson—6 Nancy Worthington Yerkes Gamma Zeta Mississippi State University Lainie Tubertini Anthony—5 Margaret Weathersby Applewhite—4 Jessie Elise Belton—5 Amy Crowley Billings—6 Melanie Hankins Booth Rebecca Tennyson Bowen—6 Linda Moore Breazeale—5 Kelsey Taylor Carter Laura Couloubaritsis—6 Jessica Leigh Dougan—6 Molly Klaire Easley—6 Reagan Elizabeth Gibson—6 Lucy Michelle Hamil—5 Cindy Ellis Lang Jennifer B. McPherson—5 Kathrine Neel Merwine Mollie Elizabeth Montgomery—6 Beverly Barber Oden—6 Alyssa Marie Pace—6 Virginia Barfield Perkins Saralyn Simpson Quinn—6 Julianna Salyer—5 Stacey Ratliff Stegura—5 Martha H. Swain Brigitte Baumann Viner Stephanie Dallas Wenzel Betsy Reeves Wilcox Gamma Eta University of Toledo Darcy Annette Dom—4 Bev Ward Reed—6 Linda Volotta Shanteau Gamma Theta University of Colorado at Boulder Judith Pierson Anderson Sue Price Baker—6 Patty Hurd Bodden Bartlett—6

Carol Bartlett Benner—5 Nedra Poch Bird Barbara J. Clark Dorothy Oldham Downing—6 Elly Hewitt Fithian—6 Sandra Smith Hardesty Mary Margaret H. James—6 Barbara Brown Johnson—6 Mary Campbell Lareau—6 Mary Sue Culver Medsker—6 Barbara Herbstreit Miller—5 Karen Jorgenson Neidhardt—5 Gamma Iota University of Florida Sherri Caldwell Alfieri—6 Kathleen Chancey Brun Judith Lisa Bryan—6 Ginny Swain Cardona—4 Kathleen Pekny Catania—6 Ann Johnson Conn—4 Alyce Schweyer Culpepper—6 Shannon Crouse Davis—6 Liz Gallo Dunn—5 Caroline Walls Echemendia—6 Melissa Reeves Edwards—6 Sally Irene Evans—6 Brooke Lauren Elise Garrison Sandra Lee Goldberg—6 Carlie Christine Groeschen Jean Hanna—5 Jules Gabriella Hardee—6 Kathy Abbott Hayes Janet Sue Healy—6 Mary Font Herrmann Jeni Turner Johnson—6 Barbara Sivils Jordan—6 Katarina Kari Kalaouze Patricia Kavanaugh-Belke—6 Lyla Bryan King—5 Aya Muse Kusumoto—6 Christine Martin Leary Amy Elizabeth Lettelleir—5 Mary A. Logvin Susan Brown Long—5 Samantha Albright Lowery—6 June Loyd Lundy—5 Joelen Kilbas Merkel—6 Leah Nicole Miller Karen Farmer Mills—1 Anika Noelle Moffitt—6 Patti Wilson Morgan—6 Kathy Ann Nevins Donna Walter Nickerson—6 Zinta Lumans Petterson—6 Lynley Antonia Potapow Camille Puckett—6 Melissa McLean Richards—6 Hunter Leigh Robbins Sandy Moore Sanderson—6 Kristy Maculan Sasser—5 Carol Breitenbucher Schuler—6 Brooke Cameron Taylor Margaret Conkling Tuttle—5 Evelyn Hanna Wiley—4

Tristen Blaine Wilson Sharon Smith Zebley Gamma Pi The University of Georgia Barbara Falor Adler Julie Sanders Allen—5 Erika Makenzie Allen Nevada Michelle Allison—3 Suzanne Meadow Anderson—5 Brandi Wall Barber—6 Alyssa Brooke Beasley Amy Guinn Bowling Anna Claire Box—6 Susie Graddy Brown—6 Brenda Jones Brown Amy Barrington Bryant Laura Bugg Chastain—5 Phyllis Sacile Chastain—5 LeLaine Johnson Clardy Hailey Elizabeth Clark—4 Mary Campbell Cobb Dr. Rae Carlton Colley Mimi Roche Cotter—6 Hannah Leigh Curcuru Denise Cummins Demick—5 Cindy Buttrill Edmondson—6 Mary Katherine Elias Mindy Waddell Farr—6 Carol Archer Freeman—6 Pamela J. Garrison—5 Brenda Ward Gerspacher—6 Barbara Smith Gilbert Cindy Gower Glover—5 Melodie Corey Grice—6 Marylyn Fountain Haygood Corrine Hilton Hofstetter—6 Cathy Hester Huffines—3 Kimberly Jones Ivester—3 Traci Doar Kemp—4 Sandy Barnes King—6 Kathy Ray King Marlynn Worthy Lavender Ginny Gaultney Ledbetter Meredith Mosby Lightsey Laura Patrick Little Sally Kite Lowery Meredith Meadow Malec Karen Lane Mann—5 Carol Costa Marbury Jeanine Sineath Marlow—6 Julie Primm McCollister—6 Catherine David McKemie Judith Roberts McKernan—5 Dr. Edna Dickey Nation Caroline Nichols Tommie Medlock Nichols Natalie Rose Nicoletti—6 Hannah Drum Norman—5 Gretchen Shartle Ozburn—5 Donna Thacker Paulk—5 Toria Stokes Peterson—6 Sharen Heavner Phinney—6 Stephanie Arnette Powell—1 Susan I. Powell—5

Melissa Erickson Rasplicka—6 Sally Middlebrooks Rauton Paige Endsley Reising Ginger Andre Ross Linda Gass Scott—6 Bonney Stamper Shuman—1 Robyn Matthews Simpson Dr. Kelly M. Smith—1 Victoria Anne Smith—6 Cristol Carnes Solomon—6 Sharon Farneti Spadafino—6 Elizabeth Catherine Steelmon—5 Eleanor McDonald Still—6 Kathy Bradley Thomas G. Gwen Walker Patricia Miller Wann—6 Loretta Edge Wells Nancy Wright-Whatley—6 Susan Whalen Wood—6 Karen Mullinax Wood Gamma Kappa James Madison University Kelly Culpepper Boss—6 Dawn Haskins Buchanan—6 Carol Frisbee Busey—5 Emily Ann Carroll Taylor Lee Corridon KT Moon Cottone—5 Emily Taylor Dickson Diana Fox Edwards Abbie Elisabeth Gelinne—6 Meg O’Connor Gentle—4 Betty Lyon Grizzle—6 Jenna Nicole Haussel Martha Trenary Irvin—6 Mrs. Denzil R. Jennings Patricia H. Johnson Allie Rose LaPorta Brittany Lynne Mills Katlyn Marie Nixon Kara Ashton O’Neill Kathy Moorefield Olmstead—6 Sheila Witkowski Patch Gina Maria Petrarca Brianna Nicole Riggi Suzie Hornak Schools—6 Shirley Kodrich Sinclair—6 Maddy Therese Siraco—6 Jeanne Eleanor Strunk Delaney Sophia Tsacoumis Barbara King Wallace Madison Hope Wallace Mary Sue Whitt—5 Miranda Lynn Yokum—6 Gamma Mu University of Nebraska at Omaha Marti Anjelica Lococo Sarah Young Scott Judy Anderson Shinkle Gamma Xi Indiana University of Pennsylvania Mrs. Barbara Lee Klingensmith

Susan Freni Larned Lori Misenhelter Smith Roxanne Trovato Wood—6 Gamma Omicron Central Michigan University Madison Marie Brownell Joyce Oehmke Cornelissen Carol Wing Goff Kim S. Hopko—6 Patricia Mellon Johnson—6 Kristine Ann Majda—6 Cathy Thompson—6 Kay Dowell Trosko—6 Trish DeJarnatt Yungkans Gamma Rho Auburn University Norma Smith Adams—6 Patricia Moore Adams Allie Melissa Bartlett Claire Delia Belcher Ashton Marie Berry—6 Haley Marie Blackburn Jennifer Taylor Borland Emily Louise Brady Emily Burke Calvin Katherine Taylor Davidson Hannah Joan Dinello Allison Rose Elrod Jordan Delaney Fletcher—6 Michelle Motley Giddens MaryGrace Michal Gilkey—6 Kailee Summer Gilmer—6 MaryBeth Green—6 Mary Katherine Greenlee—6 Johnnie Nutt Guest Brooks Anne Harris—4 Dr. Nancy Eddy Hopkins—5 Brooke Taylor Huston—6 Thera Wilson Jones Patsy Kane—5 Paige Nunn Knott—5 Madeline Ashley Komisar—6 Ruth Lovett McMullen—5 Catherine Elizabeth Miller—6 Kelsey Renee Miller—6 Macaulay Taylor Mooney—6 Madison Taylor Morell Taylor Marie Morris—6 Caitlin Moulton-Towle—5 Katie Brace Murray Kelley Noll—5 Emily Stewart Oswalt—6 Morgan Frances Palmer—6 Mary Lucile Pennington Mary Margaret Pizzitola—6 Patricia Rutledge Powell Keeley Amber Pownall—6 Chloe Marcelle Reilly—6 Joan Edmonson Rose—6 Age Roth Salvaggio—5 Mary Hannah Sessoms Jane Reed Shaffer-Elliott Brantley Boyd Shields—6

Lexi Brianna Sides Jamie Rome Smith—5 Kelley Elizabeth Snider—5 Emma Pearson Strong Mary Kate Swanson Lindsay Ann Tamarkin Mills Holley Thumser Claire Elaine Valentine—6 Kalee Nicole Whisenant—6 Ashlyn Nicole White Elizabeth Ann Whitehurst Carol L. Wietlake—5 Addison Leigh Williams—6 Dr. Eugenia Malone Zallen—6 Ashley Nicole Zidell—6 Gamma Nu University of Virginia Robin Holdcroft Alberts Dorothy Thompson Arnold Joi Lynn Baumgardner—5 Meredith McNair Bond Carson Butler Ginger Layman Curry—4 Theal Spraker Edwards—6 Nell Anne Fountain—6 Linda Custard Gillikin—6 Sharon Wagner Grenoble Caroline Grace Harvey Donna J. Marakas—6

Haley Elizabeth McDonald—6 Brianna Tristine McGraw—5 Ruth Rebekah Rosenfeld—6 Suzanne Weber Roulston Lizzy Cynthia Schmoll Emma Caroline Smith Julia Danielle Volpenhein Nancy Walker—6 Edwyna McMullan Wingo—5 Millicent Warner Wise—6 Gamma Sigma University of Tampa Sylvia Sears Danner—5 Carran Porter Kattmann—4 Merry Mack Rayl Gamma Tau Texas Tech University Jordan Ashleigh Abel Sherron Schmidt Abernethy—6 Jennie Vought Baker—6 Tamela Dickie Beene—5 Janet Jaeckle Bronocco—5 Gayle Wiley Brummett—6 G. Ann Caldwell Patsy Colwell Chandler—6 Leslie Brockman Chunta—4 Cynthia Byars Courtney—3 Marilyn Morris Elliott—5

The Foundation supports Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® in partnership with the American Cancer Society® (TOP); Bright Pink®; the NFL’s “A Crucial Catch” program; and chapter Think Pink® events (BOTTOM). Donor List · Fall 2018 · 41

IN MEMORY OF. . . Donations to the ZTA Foundation were made between Aug. 1, 2017, and July 31, 2018, in memory of the following people: Wayne Barrett Edward “Ted” Barry Marlene Beigel Krystal Jean Berryman Danya Nicholson McIntyre Biggs Beryl Hindman Boerner Ann Workman Brewster Dorothy Stevens Bruner Jennifer Powell Campbell Kim Cave Gretchen Gerlach Chambers Kathleen Marie Clark Jeanne Turner Clemons Jess Rose Cook Charlotte Corey Barbara Kimball Cowdery Bill Crouch Anne Nicholson Cutcliff Amy Askew Davis June Cowley Dollar Ann Davidson McGehee Eaker Deb Ensor Patricia Fields Allen Flora Sherrie Shipman Gilchrist Carly Logan Griffin Kelly Ann Hackendahl Iris Grimes Hardin Marie Grimes Harrar Marianne Terry Hess Nancy Ann Miller Hill Linda Glodt Hooser

Elizabeth Jones Fleming—6 Ann Haun Folsom—6 Stancy Robinson Hagans—5 Sally Edgar Hicks—6 Kay Hines Houston Nanci Oden Kerlin—5 Marisa Bennett Lockhart—6 Cheryl Bautsch McClellan—5 Elizabeth Morrison McKinnon—5 Connie Thomas McWhorter—6 Debbie Anne Novelli—1 Kay Brumage Ormsbee—6 Janice Phillips Schoonover—6 Mandy Parks Waldrip—4 Sally Wade Walton—5 Gamma Upsilon University of Oklahoma Mary Price Boday Glenda Crumm Truitt

42 · THEMIS · Donor List

Joanna Hoover Alice Bearman Isenhawer Jane Shotwell Kerr Marlene Campbell Laughon Maudie Mallow Laycock Aileen Kronquist Lee Jo Ann Meadows Lewis Rose Marquis Sherilyn Marshall Carolyn Berry Moore Nyla Stanley Parker Verna Hicks Patton Nancy Ross Reed Shirley Laing Reeves Thomas Wilson Ritter Polly Miranda Rogers Kittye Kiper Rouse Eleanor Simmons Ruth Ceisner Skillman Douglas Alexander Smith Dorothy Goepp Spiess Kay Kemler Stenman Marilyn J. Stephenson Sandra Hendrickson Storm Jane Meadows Teagan Cyndi Thornburg Julie Zeh Tompkins Betty Van Allen Mary Beth Vetter Joan P. Warriner Michael Webb Ethlene Grimes Weller

Gamma Chi Indiana State University Erin Rode Adams Joan Benner Banning—5 Janice L. Couts Theresa Wolfe Coyner Patricia Schwenk Gillies KeLaine Sabo Harman Saundra Powelson Lange—6 Debbie Liebermann Jennifer Hill McKaufsky—6 Patricia Ann Perone Ruby Shelton Rusk Debbie Kiefner Smith—6 Rhonda Jacobi Trainor—4 Kathy Flowers Twitchell Chris Flora Walter—4 Kourtni Williams Nancy Schultz Wirth Judy Jordan Wright—5

Gamma Phi University of North Texas Susan Spradley Bell—4 Sydney Christine Brown Chloe Alexandra Cassidy—6 Tiffany Cordes—6 Jane Spradley Haley—4 Tish Davis Hammer Chelsea Andrea Hearron—6 Athziri Hernandez Sandra C. Heros Sonia T. Heros Adrian Marie Jones—6 Brie Stampe Leung—4 Jan Spradley McCarthy—3 Darlene McNatt—6 Linda McNatt—6 Brittainy Wolfe Murphy—6 Gema Iliana Ortega Stacey Kathleen Overtoom Julie Davison Ryan—6 Barbara Kerr Vaughan—6 Bonnie Flaa Wright Gamma Psi Texas Christian University Kathryn Woodward Bartlett—6 Jeri Browning Blackmon—6 Emily Katherine Cook—5 Wendy Fitzhugh Crowley—6 Susan Baldwin Crowley Sally Zemites Dannov Janet Jenkins Donoho Heather Bradford Dooley—6 Nancy Tillman Gore Sarah Katherine Graber—5 Michaela Marie Hatfield Melanie Miles Hirschfeld Karen Shoultz Howard—6 Merry Pratt Jones Natasha Runa Kalaouze Logan Rae Lockhart Valeri Mosier Reeder—6 Suzanne Ashby Robertson Klarissa Rodriguez—6 Catherine Courtney Schmuck Cissy Mayne Shankles Payton Nicole Shelton—4 Lu Rasor Smith—6 Trisha Stasio Solby—5 Kennedy Anne Stadler—5 Liz Ann Starr Kathryn Audrey Tanzberger Debbie Gearner Thompson Piper Nicole Toler Marnie Brown Wallen—3 Marsha Wilkerson Williams—6 Jeanne Freeman Williams Sue Sanders Winter—6 Shaela Kailee Yeager Tracy Witchell Youngblood

Gamma Omega University of Houston Melissa Bohorquez Chandler—6 Jeff Bruder Clarke—4 Mary Blann Cooper—6 Alexandra Jeanne Flores—6 Alice DeWalt Hahn—6 Sandy Shumate Lewis—6 Karen Bolin Malkey Rosanne Jaworski Malone Lucy Foote McKinstry Melinda Wehmeyer Moore—5 Nancy Bowne Morgan—3 Wendy Wretlind Segina Margaret Gaden Shallock Delta Alpha California State University, Long Beach Teresa Alvarado—6 Vi Walter Ammann Carol York Burke—4 Nancy Spessard Carman—5 Jan Homolka Darsam—5 Georgiann Hinkle Dobson Diana Bagley Eastman—6 Kay Hubel Harris Denise Dube Motter—3 Sharon Peterson Parkins—6 Linda Crossley Ramsay—5 Madeleine Hodges Skoog—6 Kathy Benzini Stampe—1 Delta Beta Florida Southern College Maureen MacGeorge Cavallaro—6 Elena C. DeVilliers—4 Dr. Phyllis Thomas Finger Molly Carter Hancock—5 Victoria Garrone Limauro Kaitie Alexandra Loy Sherry Robbins Nicholson Martha Saulsbury O’Reilly Barbara Kazanjian Purks—5 Mary Ellen Mazzanti Rogers—4 Sarah Conklin Simpson—6 Dana Welch Thompson—5 Edie Ewald Wiseman—6 Delta Gamma High Point University Maria Villegas Barnhart Raechel Bennett Biggs—4 Julie Wilson Cochran—6 Ally Grace D’Arpino Nicole Christine Dukas—6 Erika Nicole Esterline Jamie Denardo Galicki—6 Kimberly Spelker Hanlin—6 Caylee Aaron Henderson Liz Bridget Klett—5 Pamela L. Klinedinst—6 Carolyn Frye Munro Brooke Shores Pasko—5

Patrice Prokop Peronto—6 Lorraine Scronce Pope—6 Lindsay Faith Ryan Dara Helene Semerad Kacey Lea Sharpe—5 Eleni Sophocles Delta Delta Baldwin Wallace University Joey Caccarozzo Becky Koltonski Gleason—6 Hellen M. Greenway—4 Michelle Macartney—1 Sara Scalzo Manson Kay McCoy McKelvey—4 Kathy Papp—3 Maria Teresa Becerra Papp—6 Judith Macko Reed Ellen Ehrman Smart—6 Ms. Sandra Letitia Strong Delta Eta West Texas A&M University Becky Lee Christmas—6 Kelsey Bratcher McGee Stephanie Ann Stokes Nancy Newsom Woodman Delta Epsilon Wagner College Carol Magdalene Haupt Virginia Giles LaFalce—6 Beverly Hoehne Whipple Delta Zeta Sam Houston State University Michele Williamson Barber Shelley Felder Beto—6 Susan Gregory Bohan—5 Jane Sowers Bradley Claire Winn Dowden—6 Katie Anderson Doyle Tina Taylor Fields, Ph.D.—6 Vicky Donaldson Fleisher—5 Linda Sowers Frazee Judy Griffin Gore—6 Wendy French Hilton Judy Berry Jackson—6 Sherry Johnson Kidd Toni Taylor Lindsay Amy McCracken Maddox—6 Tara Gremillion McCown Randy Firsching Mullins Anita Sherrill Natale Whitney Erin Natale Margie Scott Pearce Patty Westman Praytor Lt. Col. Liesa Allen Roelke Molly Traeger Terry—6 Judith Horridge Tewell Ginny Etheredge Thompson—6 Lynne Werner

Delta Theta Ohio Northern University Carmen Marie Angus—6 Alison Oakley Barkman Lorrie Zacharias Burns Marcia Jo Dennis Ann Marie Painter—5 Elizabeth Byers Penman—6 Sarah Nicole Prasher—5 Rachel Victoria Pronesti Wendy Cameron Puccini Lisa Paul Sierk—5 Susan Miller Witt Delta Kappa Louisiana State University Idell Wade Adams Cyndi Lodwick Bellina—5 Judith D. Benham Susan Alves Bonnette—5 Marie Hammond Brock—6 Emily Frankie Brossette Marcy Cann—6 Beverly Denton Choppin—6 Sara Exner Crow—6 Leslie Rube Cuccia Dottie Bagwell Durband—6 Kellyn Marie Elmer Nikki Elizabeth Favalora—6 Helen Kristensen Fish—5 Kathryn Otwell Greene Katie Ferguson Guidry Jordan Noelle Hefler—6 Lisa Wideman Jones Heather Matthews Kirk—2 Suzanne Pernici Lowry—6 Lisa Perkins Mayer—6 Madison Caroline Meyer Rae Martinez Motahari—6 Patty Habeeb Muehlemann Leigh Rushing Mussell—6 Jenni Elise Nichols Susan Currie Nichols Julie Foren Nimmo—6 Lindsey Marie O’Neal Dawn Arceneaux Palermo—5 Sheila Youngs Porada—4 Dianne Worsham Rube—5 Patricia Miller Schriver—6 Laura LaGrange Smoorenburg—5 Sherry Stagg St.Aubin—1 Molly Brown Swaim—6 Lana Mancuso Truax Delta Iota Clarion University of Pennsylvania Kristin Morgan Davis Sarah Gabrielle Fox—5 Dana Kirsch Fratini Sally Gazda Green—5 Sharon Argast Lawrence Nancy Coax Malacarne

Helen Grudowski Porter—3 Marie Lilly Rozakis Delta Mu The University of Tennessee at Martin Linda Austin Becker—6 Nancy Dunagan Biggs—6 Barbara Demlow Briggs—6 Heather DeeAnn Brown—5 Vicki Clark—5 Rebecca Derousse—3 Susan Durham—5 Rima Block DuVall—3 Debbie Florendo Jenn Harper Griffith—5 Gloria Ann Howell Bonnie Brooks Johnston Jenny Wills Kelley—6 Betty Murphree Langley—5 Jo Kathryn Gill Maddox—6 Angela Blackmon Marshall—5 Julie Vantrease Mayfield Emily Danielle McCartney—6 Madison Morel Nelson Natalie Lauren Nutzell-Morales—6 Connie Page—4 Mitzi Smith Parrish Betsy Brundige Priddy—6 Anita Dunagan Roy—6 Jackie LaRue Scobey Dianne Murphy Seeley—6 Vickie Shackelford Beth Shore—6 Michele Johnson Spears—3 Carla Latham Wilhite—5 Delta Nu The University of New Orleans Stephanie M. Caluda—5 Clare Denhollem—6 Shari M. Fisher—4 Rose-Marie Browning Fletcher—6 Janna L. Pecquet—6 Ali Michelle Stadler Delta Lambda Georgia State University Rebekah Elaine Alley—6 Jessica McGregor Blalock—6 Meredith Harris Braselman—4 Stephanie Lynn Cross Vicki Baker Curtis—4 Jane Edwards Kimberly Levine Hanson—5 Lisa-Marie Paulsen Haygood—6 Sara Dowless Herndon—5 Deborah Adams Lanier Barbara Ann Morley Pirkle—5 Laura Moak Redman—3 AnnMarie Papasodero Reynolds—5

Delta Xi California University of Pennsylvania Jamie Amato Paci Delta Omicron Lenoir-Rhyne University Dana Brasington Atkinson—3 Lynn Monroe Bolick—6 Kathy Lyerly Davis Tamela White Eggleton—6 Karen Blume Feezor Sybil Morgan Good—6 Susie Lee Greene—6 Mary Fey Harvey—6 Kay Lawing Porter—6 Heidi Johnson Rhyne, RN Denise Lee Schulz—5 Betty Finley Schwartz Delta Pi Eastern New Mexico University Sandra Rowell Boyd Susan Harris Echols—6 Dr. Denise Hagan—6 Nancijane Goodwin Hilling—6 Devan Griego King Carol Fleming Mason—6 Donna Stanley Mowrer Kelli Young Roberts—6 Delta Rho Eastern Michigan University Mrs. Carol Ann Damascus—6 Barbara L. Piotter—6 Marlene Wohlfeil Principe—6 Delta Sigma Lamar University McKenna Rae Baker—6 Kathryn Elizabeth Honsberger—6 Mary Jacobs Lipnick Kati Barrett Mize—3 MariAnne Ortega Delta Tau Davis and Elkins College Laura Anne Constantine—6 Delta Upsilon West Virginia Wesleyan College Sue Honse Chojnacki Denise A. Drinnon—6 Tricia Allen Gordon Colleen O’Reilly Hann—5 Katherine Anne Hoadley—5 Josette Holtzworth Jones—6 Alice Shumlas—5 Delta Phi Millsaps College Georgia Gwin Sewell—6

Delta Chi William Jewell College Marianne Schaefer Hauck—6 Makenna Danielle Miller Rebecca Nissen Rolf Jessica Rae Steinbach Delta Psi Samford University Susan L. Beard—1 Kelsey Lyn Clark Nancy Eubanks Charlotte Stevens Hamby Audrey SarahAnne Harris—6 Laura Leigh Hollaway Hollin Radford LeGette—6 Kresta Joyce Pollard—6 Hailey Nicole Rogers Sarah Beth Swain—6 Delta Omega Westminster College Stephanie Lynn Bucci Elizabeth Manor Eisinger—6 Sue Brabson Johnston—6 Debra George Lannon—5 Dorothy Pollock—6 JoAnn Cassebaum Weisel—6 Natalie Marie Yingling—4 Zeta Alpha University of Evansville Pam Morris Blessing—5 Erin Michelle Bonifer Susan Gascoigne Boyer Rev. Cynthia S. Bumb Amanda Greer Bureau—4 Bev Rookstool Cook—6 Barbara Fulmer Dunn Jennifer Maier Fox—5 Pamela Goldsmith Fox Michelle Edwards Griffin—5 Lindsay Hudson Haynes Courtney George Holloway—6 Andrea Jo Huston—6 Susan Elizabeth Kennedy—3 Angela Spring Kennedy—6 Denise L. Lamon—5 Diane Gaskins Marret Stephanie Murray Martin—6 Bryn Hemsley Masiuk—6 Maura Hand McCabe Mary Howell Miller—5 Beth Moore Sherry Bryan Murray Kirsten Lindsay Patrick Brandi Lynn Ribecky—6 Vicki Spitzer Richmond—6 Nancy Morris Roberts Carol Umbach Rucks Marianne Keller Stauffer—6 Robin Franz Stricklin Sherry Server Tilley—4

Melissa Wagler—5 Tonya Beauchamp Wilson Zeta Beta Thiel College Shyann Renee Foreman Sara Ann Matczak Kelsey Dawn Schneider—6 Cynthia Marie Tallerico—6 Zeta Gamma Youngstown State University Patricia Richards Adams Phyllis DeGennaro Chila—6 Carol Davies Densevich—6 Susanne H. Dreier—6 Patricia Janis Drobik Marla D’Andrea Dull—5 Henri Caruso Hall—6 Ashley Lauren Labatte—6 Deborah Basinsky Liptak Heather Rae McAtee—5 Lesley Anne Roddy—5 Valerie Lucarelli Schenk—5 Tori Nicole Schuller—6 Zeta Epsilon Texas A&M University-Kingsville Jan Wright Alexander—6 Debbie Davis Brand—6 Karen White Casteldine—6 Gail Wilson Dillard—6 Lisa Maples Dyal—6 Amy Baldillez Harp—6 Terry Engstrom Harris—5 Jody Glock Henderson—6 Katie Burns Horlen—5 Goldia Burroughs Hubert Joy Huntington—4 Sue Korman Laabs Lica East Pinkston—4 Diane Unterbrink Poole Gail Mueck Vittitoe—6 Erme Walton Waddell—4 Beth Hauenstein Waddell—6 Zeta Delta University of Louisiana at Monroe Jan Hillman—6 Lisa King Judice—6 Joy Hathorn Watson—3 Zeta Zeta Athens State University Margaret Hodges Butler Denise Longtin Royer—6 Zeta Eta Slippery Rock University Kathleen H. Donley—6 Linda Salvatora Witherel—6

Donor List · Fall 2018 · 43

Zeta Theta East Central University Janis Cossey Brooks Machel Considine Brigette Donaghey Gean—6 Jacque Lee Moranetz Solsburg Joy Morris Walker—6 Ashley Dawn-Mariah Williams—6 Zeta Iota Western Carolina University Franlyna Barrett Charles—4 Kelly Edwards Kent—4 Donna DePietropaolo Murphy—6 Angela Crisp-Stocker—6 Zeta Kappa Louisiana Tech University Lynn Aicklen Franklin—4 Cheryl Anderson Pedigo—4 Cindy Birmingham Smith—5 Zeta Lambda Rider University Amanda Marie Lupardo Leanne Mishelle Puia—4 Zeta Mu Jacksonville University Debbie E. Buscher—4 Kathleen T. Conlon Judy Whitter Frey—6 Terry Hockett Hallihan Cynthia Leialoha Lucy—5 Elizabeth Randolph McCullough—5 Zeta Nu Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Karen Byers Arnold—5 Pam Bronner Boyden—6 Mrs. Stephen Girard Clouser Danelle Del Corso—4 Maureen Flegal Reardon—6 Debbie Olexia Stilley Zeta Xi Georgia Southern University Candice Stephens Austin Mardee Coyle Austin—1 Natalie Gladney Barczak Tonya Phommachanh Bodie—5 Cate Blough Caldwell—6 Sandra Willis Calvin—6 Linda Pie Coyle Debi Dow-Huckaby—6 Kaddy Hall Duncan—6 Dede Stewart Evans Pam Waller Ferrere Lauren Michelle Herrington Jamie Lee Hickey Kaci Holloway Johnson—4 Kay Stroud Jones Amanda Feus Kobek—6 Nichole Calandra Krieger—4 44 · THEMIS · Donor List

Ellen Payne Long Stephanie Cowart Martinek Susan Ellen McElhannon—3 Kristina Haning Murphy—6 Mary Hannaford Odom Terri Smiley Parker—6 Collete Ann Peta—5 Lezlie Ann Petty Dodie Vance Pleiss Chris Smith Pye—6 Natalie Marie Raulerson—6 Carol Culpepper Reeves—6 Becky Brannen Renfroe Kelei Griffin Sabatino Ashley Nichole Seay B.A. McKenney Smith—5 Kristen Howser Sudduth Janet Barber Thompson—6 Lea Chrisman Williams—5 Zeta Omicron Arkansas State University Patti Elbert Abell Rebecca Strickland Ayash Annette Elkins Bednar—6 Lisa Sitzer Golden—5 Susan Fuches Griffin Margo Ann McDonald Bell—6 Nona Douglass Richey—5 Patsy M. Smith Zeta Pi Woodbury University Kathy Cook Apogee—3 Anne Michel Schubert—5 Zeta Sigma The University of Texas at Arlington Beth Taylor Cannon—4 Amy Peebles Crow—5 Marti Cherry Diaz—6 Ashlie Williams Heiser Michelle Kaumeyer Hoffman—5 Brittany Dill Kosumsuriya—6 Karen Sands Moree—4 Becky Backof Roach Zeta Phi University of South Alabama Karen Tompkins Barkman Sandy Burch Franklin Janis Felis Menges—6 Lynn Marie Mishkel—6 Zeta Chi Tennessee Technological University Linda Elmore Fernandez—6 Annette Coorts Flanders—6 Amanda Hand Knauer Brenda Franks Krause Zeta Psi Jacksonville State University Dana Carroll Allen Langlie Elizabeth Bailey

Carmen Elizabeth Brothers Bailee Hope Bryant Candy Cason Burnett—5 Wendy Laminack Cash Julie Simpson Chadwick—6 Cameron Leigh Cochran—6 Ann-Katherine Dothard—6 Carole Curlette Ducato—6 Susan Head Evans Ashlee Olivia Goff—6 Addie Elizabeth Grogan DeLena Jean Harris—6 Madison Grace Hart Gloria Culberson Hice—4 Carrigan Savannah Hicks—6 Harlin Nicole Hodges Jackie Atchison Hodges—6 Haley DaBeth Hulgan—6 Stephanie Deese Lee Kathryn Victoria Little Morgan Taylor Majors Sabrina Alyssa Martin Savannah Grace Mathis Michelle Kourmoulis Michaels—4 Jordan Leann Moorer—6 Chau Nguyen Annalee Elizabeth Posey Caitlin Reese Queen—5 Taylor Paige Register—6 Lindsay Taylor Roberts Rachel A. Rushing—6 Janele Sharp Leah Aubrey Simmons—6 Alexandra Marie Stallo Kendall Hollen Tankersley Rana Marie Taylor—6 Anna Grace Thomas Aubrey Anna Traffanstedt Emily Catherine Upton—6 Kalei Rae Whitson Marissa Ann Williams Zeta Upsilon Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Jamie Amorose Bostard Alison Mackenzie Colangelo Sally Schott Wellman—5 Eta Gamma West Chester University of Pennsylvania Sarah Jordan Burrier—6 Staci Foerst Callahan—6 Joy Smith Linton Sophia Venra Verna—5 Zeta Omega Ferris State University Karen Sanctorum Foster—6 Gabrielle Katherine McMaster Eta Beta Duquesne University Abby Grace Crum

Maria DePasquale Sharon Newmark Goretsky Jessica Adams Meyers Eta Alpha Georgia Southwestern State University Beth Edwards—5 Ashley Treadwell Inman—6 Lauren Elizabeth Porter Sybil Baxter Smith Jane Anderson Stiles—6 Susan Luckie Youngblood Zeta Rho Morehead State University Julie D. Dragoo Eta Epsilon Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Christine Knouss Allen—6 Allison Huesgen Dilts—4 Rebecca Dunlap Hulbert—5 Maria DeBello Lux Eta Zeta Elon University Sara Jayne Bernstein—6 Kaitlin Lee Busch Peyton Colby Chur—6 Maggie Ann Fairley—6 Jennifer Black Gallagher—4 Juila Rae Gellis—6 Chloe Marie Kennedy Seeley Carolyn Lutz—5 Regan G. Moroney Samantha Danielle Penman—6 Kimberly Rhinehart Truitt—6 Eta Eta McNeese State University Patricia A. Ogea Joyce Patterson Stubblefield—4 Eta Iota Valdosta State University Marlene Dunbar Conrad—4 Caroline Kutchmire Gubbini Jennifer Ann Haas Abby Vincent Key—5 Jennifer Garrett Martin Alice McCann Mathews—2 Leilani Struzick Rabourn—1 Kathy Pope Reinhagen—5 Allison MacKenzie Taylor Kery Reinkemyer Webb—3 Elizabeth Lovelace Wisenbaker—5 Eta Delta Livingston University Gladys Marie Mason

Eta Kappa University of Central Florida Lynzi Taylor Bernstein Christiana Angelina Calandra—6 Julie Graves Johnson—6 Amanda Catherine Lange Debra Perry Melnick—6 Stephanie Nicole Mendelsohn Karen Ogles Powers—4 Amy Fluman Rettig—5 Karen Henning Sparkman—4 Deborah Rae Woodward Kelly Jean Wright—6 Eta Lambda College of Charleston Georgia C. Collins—6 Lisa Sterling Frizelle Amy Guess—6 Sabrina Jayson Anne Tisdale McChesney Pam McMillan McKinney—5 Rachel Anne Collins Miller—6 Rachel Elizabeth Naugle—6 Jessica Eovino Pafford—5 Ally Marie Rivera Elizabeth Jenrette Teal Ellison Lynn Tolan—6 Katie Rebecca Wilkes—5 Eta Nu Radford University Cynthia Godwin Snyder Beck—6 Alona Mae Boshonek Brigitte Beauvais Bradshaw Kimberly K. Carabetta—6 Lindsay Elizabeth Clark—5 Jill Riley Digby Tracy Traylor Fabricant Kaitlyn Marie Julien Lynette Craig Singer—5 Laura Brenner Staples—6 Dee Reynolds Stewart—6 Eta Xi Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Jane Cash Amaba—6 Haley Macallan Burnell Megan Horan Dailey—6 Judy Hendrick Griffiths—6 Carole A. Grzeskiewicz—6 Summer Lee Hakki Laurie Jo Hesson Katie Marie Holman—6 Stacey Crum Hughey Cindy Wellener Hyman—5 Victoria Kantsios—6 Kimberly Edwards Kay—4 Sarah Grubbs Layne Maggie Elizabeth McDonald Yvonne Tedrick McGill—6 Courtney Lee McPherson Barbara Lund Melick

Stacy Waller Nelson—6 Olivia Katherine Sapeta—6 Chandler A. Scott—5 Sue Galen Simon Donna Feagans Stossel—6 Tanya L. Thielen—5 T.L. Tunstall Francine Marie Vannicola—3 Gerry Sonnessa Weinberger—6 Jen Kuehl Williams—6 Donna Yenney—6 Eta Mu Augusta University Maegan Leeann Alexander—6 Amanda Paradis Ellzey—4 Megan Simons Furno—4 Natasha Hendrix—6 Katie Michelle Humphrey Sabina R. Khoja—6 Mie Lucas—5 Kayla Anne Sands Eta Omicron Western Illinois University Jan Roon Henderson Eta Rho The University of North Alabama Nancy Beard Barnett—6 Carol Sloan Dean Kaitlyn Noel Fennell Linette Parker Garton—6 Julia Marthaler Hill—1 Suzanne Hardister Horsley—6 Kay Dill Kreutzer—1 Genia King McKinney—6 Joan Kimball Mollohan—6 Malaea Nelms Seleski—2 MaryAnn Stratford Stegall—1 Rachel Pansa Torres—6 Eta Theta Missouri University of Science and Technology Christina Welch Ayres—5 Jennifer Speidel Baker—3 Sara Matthews Campbell—6 Karla Marie Casper—5 Sarah Walenta Evans Kristine Marie Fleming—3 Jessica Paige Fletcher Rachel Christina Guthrie—6 Molly Byrne Hackett Danielle Christine Miller—4 Abigail LaPreze Morris—5 Natalie Michelle Rechtien Delaney Grace Sexton—5 Whitney Eileen Sinkbeil—5 Heather Alison Siscel—5 Maria Teresa Vega-Westhoff Jennifer Ward Whalen Michelle Schaeffler Williams—4 Dottye Haas Wolf

Eta Pi Wright State University Teresa Ishmael Ebersole—5 Brooke Johnson Leppla—6 Anita McGuire McClure Lisa M. Stoneburner Stark—5 Eta Sigma The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Tasia Bobbitt Ratliff—6 Dana Essick Revier—4 Whitney Hanlin Wilson Eta Tau The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Rachel Brooke Alridge Kelly Sarita Atkinson—6 Payton Bailey—6 Kristen Danielle Baker Ashley Marie Batten—6 Allison Mary Bauer—6 Alyssa Marce Bride Alexa Nicole Brown—6 Hayley Rachel Carey—6 Fabiana Chabaneix—6 Madison Taylor Christie Ella Renee Crosby Kruti Hemesh Dave—6 Reagan Lee Dennis—6 Megan Phyllis Edmiston—6 Hanna Sellers Edmiston Keiry Estephany Fernandez Kristin Easter Fiehler Denise Vance Fluhr—5 Harper Electa Forsberg—6 Alyssa Baker Godwin Shay Jacqueline Gregory Hannah Caitlyn Guschel Lexi Marie Hampy Alexandria Lauren Higgins—6 Catherine Elizabeth Holloway Zoe Ann Holmes Taylor Nicole Huffman Casey Ashton Jackson Carrie Leigh Johnson Jade Li Jotcham—6 Alexa Maria Karambelas Maddie Ashley Kopitsch Megan Elizabeth Kottkamp Kate Reagan Lane Kara Anne Menck Kenzie Brooke Morgan Jessica Lynn Morris—6 Amanda Lauren Padilla Alex Dallas Pagano Vivian Maria Pantelakos Amanda Lauren Pappas Macy Christine Pavelock Gab Martin Rife Caroline Faith Rose Claire Elizabeth Savage—6 Aubrey Elizabeth Sharpe

Taylor Ashtin Sharpless Maya Lee Shefet—6 Emma Nicole Slater Hayley Rae Summerville Lauren Katherine Sunstrom Savannah Hope Thigpen Caroline Alexis Thomas—6 Hailey Marie Turpin—6 Maddie Alexandra Vrscak—6 Mackenzie Rae Whittaker Ashley Brooke Witherspoon Lauren Nichole Wohlrab—6 Sydney Nicole Worth Eta Phi Illinois State University Kaley Marie Buchman—6 Molly Elizabeth Bushman Colleen Ann Cusick Kristi Lynn Davis MacKenzie Lynne Frieders Nicole Patricia Giammarino Delaney Diane Goldsmith Anna Christine Heideman—6 Rebekah Lorraine Lambert Lindsey Rae LaMorte—6 Kelly Dorothea Loughman Allie Providence Malizia—6 Johnna Marie Metcalf—6 Brittany Morgan Mikutis Celeste Ione Niebuhr-Eddleman—6 Diana Elizabeth Penn Cynthia Riddle Petro—5 Tristen Ann Sharp Caitlin Marie Smith Chloe Kristine Vose—6 Katie Marie Washburn—6 Eta Upsilon Missouri Southern State University Marie Florence Kocher—6 Sheila Schwartz Parsons—6 Mallory Lynn Roberson—6

Eta Psi California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Margie Szumigalski Clarke—6 Beth Nave Coyle—6 Kelly Marich Jaeger—6 Theta Alpha California State University, Chico Suzanne Blechman Amato—6 Michele Anderson Andersen Jo Ann Brown Baca Ms. Suzanne E. Baird—6 Erin Petrick Bell—6 Erin Rotondi Braun Kimberly Crews Butcher Sarah Fuhrer Ceja—6 Holly Annette Chamberlain—6 Stephanie Call Cline—6 Gerri Glass Cose Katie Yasmin Hichborn Cull Patricia Evelina Dawson Jayna Gaddie Dean, RN Nancy Rew Dewey—6 Lisa Penrose Driver Jessica Dwyer—5 Jill C. Ellwanger Kimberly Palm Enzensperger Trish Manners Ferenz—6 Mary Brigham Finkle—6 Jennifer Polzin Fox—6 Nancy Devries Fregoso Elaina Janinie Marie Gaugel Darcie Edmunds Gettings—6 Kellie Lynn Geweke Maryann Curtin Hansen Janet Rew Herrington—6 Leann Berliner Huddlestun Susan Gibbs Jack Carol Parinella Jones

Jill Larson Kitchen—6 Liz Bozek Krohn—6 Jackie Michelis Leary—6 Karin Heedick Link Pamela Sears Lockwood Karyn Michelle Lovins Cynthia Garcia Mall—5 Mrs. Susan Marie McFadyen—6 Cheryl Righetti McGray—6 Andrea Warner Molinari—6 Wynne Zabel Nord—6 Catherine C. O’Hara Jana Davis Plummer—6 Deanna Rothschild—6 Lorraine Smith Scullion—6 Elise Heitur Semonian Mrs. Kathy Doten Siegel Susan Marie Sohrakoff—6 Teri Snelling Williams Spring Stephani Sharp Sprink—6 Karla Soares Wanee Margaret Ward-Dorn—6 Tami Gambelin Wesendunk—6 Kimberley Camacho Wessels Zoanne Denise Haire Williams Linda Austin Wyckoff—6 Christina Elizabeth Xydas Theta Gamma Texas A&M University Susan Archer—6 Cheri White Armstrong—5 Nanette Campbell Boyer Sally Coolidge Cheadle—6 Charlotte Ward Hall—6 Shari Masterson Harris—5 Lexi Ann Jordan—6 Megan Elizabeth Lainez Olivia Vickers Maxwell—5 Kathryn Weisinger McQueen—6

Eta Chi Francis Marion University Crystal Edwards Butler—6 Carrie Rebecca Cooper—6 Tiffanie Renea Cox—5 Georgia Stone Hess—6 Ashlee Driggers Kositz—5 Juliette Neil Their—5 Hope Kristen Wofford Eta Omega Louisiana State University in Shreveport Marnie Marlar Frazier—3 Bridget Denise Higginbotham—1 Educational initiatives, such as Crowning Achievements, ZTA’s academic success program that assists collegians with study skills, test preparation, stress management and more, are funded by the Foundation. Donor List · Fall 2018 · 45

Catherine Grace Permetti Erica Renee Shelgren Connie Cantwell Sherwood—6 Christine Smith Laura Korenek Sullivan Madisen Janae Walker—6 Elyse Turley Weed Stacey Weldon White Theta Delta Salisbury University Valerie N. Ahmuty Yuriko Norita Beaman—5 Angela Popowski Cherry—6 Kayla Cullum Riley Alexandra Figliozzi Heather Marie Giovenco Kaitlyn Marie Heady—6 Chantel Kushner-Samuel—6 Dixie White Leikach—4 Kenna Brigham Lowe—5 Regan Pierce Marti—4 Elizabeth Ann Rescigno—6 Valerie Dobbins Roddy—6 Tammy Doris Ward—5 Theta Beta Eastern Washington University Kathy Blank Harper—6 Donna Voss Pittman—6 Theta Theta Arkansas Tech University Jana Harrison Carroll Ann Cooper Childs—6 Anna Rae Davis Katie Renee Frazier Annette Borland Holeyfield—6 Jennifer Lynn Moody—6 Mandy Jane Morgan—6 Theta Iota University of North Florida Anna Elizabeth Brulte

Jaclyn Waterman Conatser Lauren Rockwell Eggbeer Rachelle Elizabeth Jivoin Aimee DeFoor Kane—5 Dianne Ford LaForty—6 Shelley McConatha Luter—6 Melissa Becht Marquis—6 Samantha Joy Reddy Emily Darlene Sehres—6 Zahra Rachael Taxson—6 Nikki Vukich—5 Peyton Blair Wilson Katie A. Years Theta Eta Stephen F. Austin State University Antoinette Rizzuto Bearden—5 Mrs. Lisa Anne Clayton—6 Nicci Smith Cook Tamara Lynn Estes—4 April Bearden Flowers—5 Stacy LaRue Gannon—4 Shannon Stanton King—6 Kelly Forrest Limbaugh—6 Jessi Stone Reel—6 Victoria Michelle Rolater—5 Mandy Pierce Scott—5 Susan Mitchell Tabb Theta Kappa University of Missouri-St. Louis Sarah Rosegrant Frederick—5 Morgan Haslag Koenig Meg O’Connell Naes—5 Theta Omicron Baylor University Jeanne Hamilton Beall—6 Tayler Marie Berman Heather Lane Bienko—6 Suzanne Michelle Brittain—5 Melinda Gant Burns Sarah Rose Butler—5 Christina Claire Clark—5

Claire Beeler Clark—5 Shelby Danielle Dill Andi Lisette Fernandez—6 Diane Cook Goebel—6 Allie Constance Gonzales—6 Kimberly Stewart Hudson—6 Angela Malone Kelly—5 Amy Harmon McGinnis—6 Jill Raburn Mearns—6 Susan Berry Metzger—5 Kennedy Nicole Moore Lacy Schneider O’Connor—5 Mallory Anne Stuparich—5 Jo Betsy McDannel Tyler Mireya Isabel Villagomez Arleigh Camille White—6 Theta Zeta Wofford College Kinli Bare Abee Ava Jean Belew—6 Alexa Boan—6 Sydney Rae Butler Virginia Woodson Dudley Ginny Gibson Fowler Marcia Danzeisen Fultz—6 Molly Elizabeth Humphries—6 Stephanie Hyman Martin—6 Carlyle O’Herron—6 Caroline Marie Rohlfing—6 Morgan Kay Schrader Frances Harling Stowe Rachel Janette Shea Thornton Kathryn Walker Upchurch Jenna Renee Vroman Lauren Elizabeth Williamson Theta Xi Rutgers University Maureen Medina DeMarco Pam Kievit Dorman—6 Emily Elizabeth Henderson Breanna Marie Jeney—6 Therese McDonnell Lambert—5 Jessica Marie Nuzzo Shannon Melina Wade Riehl—6 Sydney Marie Schoener—6 Mary Clare Tomkins—4 Jill Faith Vanzino—5 Theta Nu Auburn University at Montgomery Hannah Austin Dailey Eva Eads Lipscomb—6 Brittany Whitehead McArdle Megan Abigail Missildine Amanda McConn Moulin—5 Rebecca McConn Rampe—5 Brittney O. Roland

Major Donor chapters and individuals that donated $300 or more each year of the biennium were thanked and hugged at Convention 2018. 46 · THEMIS · Donor List

Theta Sigma Winthrop University Stuart Crockett Akins Heather Ashmore Baker—5

Kelli Burke Stephenson—6 Annie Elizabeth Caldwell Erin Cook—4 Erin Paige Curran Emily Wells Moss Julie Ward Moxley—5 Theta Pi California State University, Northridge Susan Safina Wood Theta Tau The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Debbie Beck Bayes Abbie Leigh Benfield—6 Elizabeth Leigh Berry—6 Georgie Dozier Blackerby—6 Beverly Craig Brown—6 MaryClaire Katherine Caldwell—6 Carolyn Hof Carpenter—1 Carla Martin Cobb—3 Beth C. Del Savio—6 Jennie Orgain Every—6 Caroline Christine Folz—6 Katherine Snipes Gayle Holly Griffin Griffin—5 Anne Carlisle Hancock Christie Ellen Hill—6 Hailey Raeann Jenkins Caroline Maxwell Key—6 Heidi Nicole Kreis Nancy C. Leatherman—6 Catherine Rowland Liemohn—4 Pamela K. Lowrance Caitlin Mahoney—6 Mallory Elaine Marks—4 Kelly McCarthy—5 Taylor McNair—6 Paige Marie Skinner—6 Kensley Blair Still Lauren Francine Wagaman Sarah Nicole Webster Caroline Cory Yarnall Tammy Huang Zhao Theta Phi California State University, Fullerton Kayla Danielle Baker—6 Carol Stickels Bradford—5 Sylvia Christina Contreras—4 Courtney Camille Flores Catherine Perez Chapman Gold—6 Grace Elizabeth Granados Samanaz Hosi Kapadia—6 Ally Kim Alyssa Nicole Ramirez—5 Valerie King Smyth Theta Epsilon University of San Diego Liz Gern Klapmeier—3

Stephanie Adler Lex—6 Kathy Kearney Woods Theta Psi Texas State University Jamie Marie Culpepper Jennifer Deditius Dunson Laura Ladewig Landers—4 Susan M. Vohtz—6 Alicia Patten Williams—3 Sara Staggs Wisser—5 Theta Chi George Mason University Tara Coen Craven—6 Molly Black Duesterhaus—6 Lucia Prenzel Knudsen—3 Irene Christine Parriski Morgan Evelina Price—6 Erica Michelle Stuchel Roberta Lynn Wodenscheck—4 Iota Alpha Robert Morris University Karen M. Rose-Roper—5 Tabitha Savka Slater Kimberly Lynn Topolewski—3 Theta Omega California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Jenna Rhae Armstrong—6 Premal Hene Barot Daisy Betancourt—6 Judi Yingst Capraro—6 Jennifer Lynn Carter Jess Bianca D’Ambra Anna Kroesen Dow—5 Lori Chong Eurich Melissa Taylor Francis—2 Anissa Raquel Garcia Dolores Gonzales Gastineau—4 Diane Hanson Keegan Sami Erin Kosin Cezanne Moriah Manjarrez Michelle Monique Moran—5 Jackie Lindbergh Parslow—6 Teresa Tait Reynolds—6 Abby Cecilia Tellers Megan Louise Warhurst Alyssa Nicole Weed Emma Reiko Wenz Iota Gamma The College of New Jersey Laura Lennon Davey Donna Louise Gage—6 Jeanine Ann Lennon—6 Kelly Czajka Raymond—5 Elaine Ann Rocha—3 Lauren Mary Seber Iota Delta Towson University Susan Scott Buchenberger

Maryellen Hess Ewing—6 Stacy J. Fewster—6 Jamie Nicole Gitlitz Liza Gundell—2 Connie Kampmann Leubecker—6 Kara Kerr Lloyd—6 Kelly Jones Rew—6 Jennifer Wright Roberts—6 Shonda Brewer Schilling—4 Iota Zeta University of New Mexico Jo Ella Silver—3 Leslie Joan Upshaw—6 Katerina Vaitkus—3 Iota Epsilon University of Hartford Irene Loretto—6 Iota Theta Georgia Institute of Technology Sawyer Noel Allen Caroline Rose Balmer Jenifer Stanelle Baro—6 Hannah Elizabeth Blankenship Christy Lynn Brodrick Abby Elizabeth Burke Grace Marie Calienes Morgan Mckenzie Carter Emma Marie Chadwick Claire Grace Corbin Christina Marie Darland Simran Dhal Emily Rose Dunford—6 Gabriella Alina Dweck Lauren Elaine Feely Hannah Kathryn Fisher Hannah Sarah Gallagher Madison Golinski Josephine A. Graves Annie Skyler Grohovsky Liz Jane Hamel—6 Kaley Mai Hecht Kimmie Alyse Hernandez Lisa Marie Higgins—6 Madelyn Joy Hightower—6 Amanda Catherine Hill Claire Elizabeth Hillis Alexandra Helen Holderied Dannie Joanna Houston Abby Elizabeth Huelfer Regen Danielle Huffman Gina Marie Jiampetti—6 Joyce Johnson—6 Rebecca Marie Kaufman Joni Marie Kazmierczak—5 Deanna Pearl Lalo—6 Megan Rebecca Lee Natalie Trawick Leggio Emily Ann Lehman Lindsey Kathleen Linehan Arielle Sarah Margulies Carly Alexandra Marini—6 Jordan Kristine McKinney—6

Lori Fowler Middleton—5 Emily Anne Milburn Amy Katherine Moran—6 Kate Kingsbury Moss Nidhi Maylik Pandya—6 Riddhi Pragnesh Patel Stephanie Perez—6 Alexa Nicole Pietri—6 Caroline Barnes Price—6 Olivia Kristine Rea—6 Marissa Kristen Reinker—6 Mackenzie Elizabeth Rideout Kinjal Amelia Ruecker Isha Sunil Shrotriya—6 Maggie Mae Smith Quincy Anne Staley Camille Diane Sylvester—6 Hannah Elizabeth Tillman Leah Jordan Ward Bella Stefanie Wasserfuhr Kimmie Hope Watson Olivia Regina Wells—6 Carly Lynne Wood Laurie Xiao—6 Iota Eta University of Nevada, Las Vegas Gloria Leija Ayala—6 Cyndi L. Rosa—6 Shelly Ryser-Blanton—6 Sandra Clonan Smith—6 Rosa Solis-Rainey—4 Shardonnay Summerhays—6 Aimee Wytko Wise—4 Iota Kappa Delta State University Lynn Calkins Meredith Sims Crawford—5 Cindy Green McNair—5 Iota Xi Christian Brothers University Sara Jasper Clark—3 Rebecca Curtright—6 Shannon Slayton Haynes—6 Tammi Ellis Hoback—6 Monica Norris Susy Todd—6 MaryMargaret Vollmar—6 Felicia Ann Waage—6 Vanessa Hurtado White Iota Nu Susquehanna University Raven Sophia Bell—6 Annamarie Stewart Cockreham—6 Jennifer Botchie Deinlein—6 Margaret M. Farmer—5 Kristen Prozialeck Killian Jennifer Mary Sauerman—6 Iota Omicron Lander University Vicki Hearon Burris

Sunni Taylor Crowe—6 Sarah Tamar Lynch—6 Iota Pi University of Dayton Janet L. Bentz Rachel Elizabeth Brewer—5 Heather Lynn Feehan—6 Lisa Niekamp Henkel—6 Tracy Lynn Kirkowski Nicole Marie Luisi—5 Nancy Clare Riedl—6 Christy Curtis Thiele Iota Sigma Old Dominion University Ali Josephine Isenberg—5 Molly Caroline Mansfield Megan Harris Meharg—4 Keeley McDonald Riddle—3 Coleen Ann Ryder—3 Betsy Murphy Wilson—6 Iota Rho East Carolina University Lauren Renee Corriher—6 Kailey Wright Elder Cami Elizabeth Gronbach Brandi Foster Heatherly—6 Julia Elizabeth Long Lauren Edmonson McNames Emily Krystal Miller—3 Madison Justyn Riel—6 Vanessa Farmer Rush Iota Phi North Carolina State University Beth Sartin Blacha Katie Michelle Bodford Miriam Elizabeth Brannan Madison Lee Broome—6 Alexandra Frances Butts—6 Mollie Elizabeth Caldwell Abbey Mae Crouch Samantha Helena Fiore Charlotte Michele Frank Sara Blake Geiger—6 Mary Alexandra Hamby Jordan Taylor Harmon Fallon Kaitlyn Huffman Sarah Huntington—5 Lacy Margaret Hurd—6 Bailey Leigh Jones Ellie Mackenzie Kimbrough—6 Hannah Faith King Savanah Gray Knowles—5 Lori Carolyn Landschoot—6 Emma Kathleen Larson—6 Miriam Anne Lavelle Makenna Marie Orlando Julia Lane Pascoe Sydney Powers Pearson—6 Lexi Noelle Roberts—4 Sydney Dean Ruppert—5 Iphy Irene Sarrimanolis

Courteney Dane Sebastian Avery Frances Settle Sydney Christina Smith—6 Taylor Lehmann Sook Lily Russell Spence—6 Abbie Elizabeth Vogel Amanda Nicole Wagoner Rachel Lyn Wells Hannah Elizabeth Wiercisiewski Iota Chi Middle Tennessee State University Cari Hartlage Anderson Samantha Boggs Dean—6 Brittany Skelton Gammon Mary Annette McDonald Halie Vannoy Montgomery—5 Lesley Wilson Pascoe—4 Casey Guimbellot Pash—5 Valerie Harris Smith Iota Psi Rochester Institute of Technology Stacy Johnson—5 Alex Kate Rick—6 Alexandra Paige Sinnery Kappa Beta Presbyterian College Melanie Hope Routhieaux—5 Iota Omega University of Maryland Cailin Elizabeth Adair Christy Lee Cwieka Cait Bridget Demchuk—6 Rebecca Traino Everitt—2 Jennifer Ellen Ewing—4 Nikki Finke Flynn Kelly Rose Gorman—6 Jannah Van Kirk Hobday—6 Emma Florentine Houck Janel Thomson Jauntirans—5 Grace Erin Jones Maya Aquino Kelly Cecelia Lee Kobylski—6 Kaylie Marie Kramer Geena Nicole Lingberg—6 Anne Meredith Merrell—6 Lauren Ashley Norris Gracie Cathleen Riley—6 Erin Cavanaugh Schick Jessica Layne Shupik—6 Sabrina B. Somar Brenda Zimmerman Stokes Kappa Alpha Colorado State University Andrea Evans Beck—6 Mackenzie Brigham Jill Claire Hausman Linda Jennifer Lott—5 Tia Kaier Paulson Kelly Lynn Thiel—6 Lisa Ann Zieman

Kappa Delta University of Arizona Megan L. Morrison—6 Tyra Thompson Ripley Kappa Zeta Clemson University Niki Antunez Joanne Michele Bethea Kelsey Rae Contorno Candace Morgan Cooper Kristen Price Cullen—6 Mimi HonorRose Fellowes Sammie Nicole Fye Molly Elizabeth Garner Lisa Cannon Grant—6 Katie Kristin Harris Kylie Faith Nestor Charlotte Tucker Nicholson Julie Marie Resua—5 Margaret Louise Scalise—1 Cristina Gabrielle Waingart—4 Emily Elizabeth Wessinger Kappa Eta Rockhurst University Lauren Elizabeth Reding—6 Claire Dunford Shaver Kappa Kappa Southern Utah University Kari Ann Jenkins Barker Lindsey Wilde Voltolini—6 Kappa Theta California State University, San Bernardino Lucya Gabrielle Amezcua Hilary Juedes—6 Laura Alejandra Ochoa Andrea Dyanara Palacios Dafne Solano Wineroth Kappa Iota Moravian College Megan Ashley Eltringham—6 Julia Angela Ingarao—4 Jami Fein Kelly—6 Gabrielle Scherff Cortney Lynn Selander—6 Kappa Mu Linfield College Nicki Rose Bissey Hannah Nicole Carty Dana Riko Hellie—6 Kaylyn Marie Peterson Lauren Ann Sherrard—6 Kappa Nu Monmouth University Gianna Marie Barry—6 Jaclyn Elise Colella—6 Jenn Gradzki Harris—6 Jenna Margaret Uszenski Donor List · Fall 2018 · 47

Kappa Xi Stockton University Hemani Agrawal Rosa Aives Sam Rose Berger Lauren Mihaly Borcherding—6 Lauren Catherine Bott Amanda Nicole Brooks—6 Danielle Marie Callegari Sam Nicole Cimbolic Maria Lena Dea Chrishna Hope Denney Nicole Victoria DiCubellis—6 Gabby SanMarco Gentilello Gianna Nicole Graw—6 Kaitlin Johnell Hackett Rylea Jeane Hager Savanna Jo Kennelly Danielle Alison Malamut Marissa Julia Manzo Jordanna N. Mastroddi Rachel Lynn McNally Monica Marie O’Kane Ava Nicole Prohaska Heather Nicole Sampey Emily Mary Schuman Dana Anne Scillieri—6 Kelly Anne Sweeney—6 Miranda Alexandra Turner—6 Gabrielle Marie Vega Taylor Rose Zazulka Kappa Omicron Merrimack College Sahar Elie Ata Danielle Jean Hersey Elizabeth Ashley Levangie Meghan Anna Saldutti—5 Sydnie Taylor Vanevenhoven—5 Elizabeth Mary White Kappa Pi University of South Carolina Aiken Nicole Flippo Crook—3 Dana Barthelemy Curry—6 Tracee Marie O’Ferrell Amanda Platt Elizabeth Jade Schneider Olivia Padgett Spence—5 Kappa Sigma University of South Florida Brittany Zahn DiMeglio—5 Samantha Taylor Dombkowski—6 Samantha Jane Hamilton—5 Lyndsay Payton Marone Megan Latchford Morgan Alison Marie Pullen Kappa Tau Florida Gulf Coast University Caley LaFae Chappel Sage Marie Frankwitt

48 · THEMIS · Donor List

Kayla Francesca Nehf Paige Olivia Salamoun—6 Bonny Boutet Shade—5 Kappa Upsilon Georgia College Taylor Michelle Andrews Allison Christine Baker Sarah Elaine Braswell Kari Elizabeth Brown Katie Collett—6 Jordan Caroline Cooley Emily Nicole Crowley—6 Devin Elizabeth Curran Darria Lindel Deloach—6 Liz Marie Gillis—6 Cadi Elizabeth Griffin—6 Hannah Elizabeth Larson—6 Emma Elizabeth Manting—6 Dabney Moss Norton—6 Lauren Elizabeth O’Donoghue—6 Lauryn Michelle Parker—6 Matti Ruth Smith—5 Lauren Phellis Smith—6 Jordan Leigh Thomas Alex Yurchukonis Kappa Phi Christopher Newport University Laura Elizabeth Basil—6 Rachel Ellen Chalkley—6 Corinne Shiel Dalgarn—4 Chelsea Nicole Jones Kat Caroline Jones Macee Anna-Marie Wanner—6 Kappa Psi Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Shaina Geltman McAleer—6 Bianca Alexa Parisi Kappa Omega Saint Louis University Katy Spears Beagle—5 Meghan Rose Weihmuller Lambda Alpha Sacred Heart University Jess Brienza Christina Angelina Giannini Gabriella Mae Messina—6 Becca Johanna Ramirez-McKinley Tatum Maureen Toppa Lambda Beta University of Rhode Island Kristen Rose Carriera Summer Michelle Fohl Brittany Pond—5 Molly Katherine Stevens Alyssa Francesca Valentini Kathryn Ellen Wilson—6

Lambda Gamma The University of Texas at San Antonio Monica B. Ceja—5 Lambda Epsilon Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis Katie Elizabeth Blasingame Haley Sue Brown—6 Morgan Michaela Brown Megan Ruth Burcham Samantha Renee Caudill—5 Becky Anne Combs—6 Shawna Marie Disbrow Abby Lynn Earle—6 Kyleaha Jeanette Edsall Ashley Elizabeth Elkin—6 Monica April Flowers Krystyn Cathleen Flynn—6 Amy Kathleen Gannon Christina Mary Gomez—6 Nicole Marie Hartley—6 Sydney Nicole Hartman—6 Mary Katherine Higgins—6 Alaina Maria Hodges Christy Paulette Kelly Savannah Marie Kerstiens—6 Clare Louise McHugh—6 Katie Ann Mellady Zoe Alexa Minton Codie Marie Myers Amy Nicole Niehaus—6 Anna Izabel Patarino Destiny Nithana Piemmalay—6 Lori Radiceska—5 Alli Paige Ramseyer Callie Jo Rendle Katie Jo Scott Elena Marie Smith—6 Ali Jean Sparkman Shelby Lynn Spitznagle Bianca Suarez Lenie Marie Tsakonas Karly VanSlyke—5 Jessica Lucille Vrbanoff—5 Lauren Kaitlin Wilson

Lambda Theta New York University Elise Nicole Bortz—5 Alexis Anne Gogh—4 Simrin Rawal—6 Pilar Marie Rovira—5 Lilly M. Wilbanks

Lambda Xi Seton Hall University Antonella Carovillano Rachel Janice Mayer Gabriella Ann Reina

Lambda Iota Vanderbilt University Grace Elizabeth Baum—6 Sydney Alexis Hutchings—6 Sarah Marie Rose—6 Natalie Ann Sanders—6

Lambda Omicron Boise State University Tyler Rae Davenport Katie Sue Lindberg Becca Dianne Proctor—5 Brenda Rodriguez Sara Nicole Van Kley—6 Brynn Suzanne Wharton

Lambda Kappa Appalachian State University Halen Day Wilson

Lambda Pi Reinhardt University Anna Morgan Mills

Lambda Lambda Kennesaw State University Ashley Megan Bates—6 Lorelei Kristina Johnson Alexis Pearle Nixon—6 Jess Paige Piercy—6 Lambda Mu University of South Carolina Beaufort Bailey Rene’ Craven

Annual donors giving key 1: $5,000 + 2: $2,500–$4,999 3: $1,000–$2,400 4: $500–$999 5: $300–$499 6: $100–$299

Lambda Nu Furman University Sydney Marie Catts Katheryn Marianne Peterson—5 Nicole Hart Schwartz—3

Lambda Zeta Lehigh University Shannon Elise Carroll—6 Olivia Aryn Lee—6 Phoebe Bernadette Lindo Mary Kate Hug Pasha—6 Adina Blair Rothfeld—5 Lambda Eta Virginia Commonwealth University Elena Erika Brown Trixie Suaboksan Guanco Katherine Pugh The ZTA Foundation funds leadership development programs, such as online workshops found in Z-Learning, that promote success both on campus and after college.

Maud Squad is the Foundation’s newest level of giving for alumnae aged 40 and under who set up a recurring donation of $9 per month or more. Those listed below are active Maud Squad members as of July 31, 2018. Mandy Ingram Altfater, Ohio Northern University Virginia Bustos Anderson, The University of Texas at El Paso Ashley Sun Jee Bagwell, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Avery Caroline Barr, East Carolina University Yuriko Norita Beaman, Salisbury University Raechel Bennett Biggs, High Point University Andrea Ann Botchie, Susquehanna University Sarah Ford Brammer, Louisiana State University Suzanne Michelle Brittain, Baylor University Jennifer Joan Brown, Florida Gulf Coast University Kaley Marie Buchman, Illinois State University Michele Kuznitz Bunch, University of Missouri Katy Fluhr Carlsward, Washington College Alison Mackenzie Colangelo, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Jaclyn Waterman Conatser, University of North Florida Cynthia Connor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Carrie Rebecca Cooper, Francis Marion University Nicole Flippo Crook, University of South Carolina Aiken Acacia Bender Croy, Oklahoma State University Kayla Cullum, Salisbury University Valerie Weidenhamer Daters, The University of Iowa Mary Catherine Davis, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Iliana Martinez De Avila, The University of Texas at El Paso Darian Nicole Dean, Old Dominion University Jennifer Botchie Deinlein, Susquehanna University Clare Denhollem, The University of New Orleans Brittany Zahn DiMeglio, University of South Florida Kerry Ann Diminuco, The University of Iowa Dr. Rachelle J. Douglass, University of Missouri Melissa Black Dunlap, Brenau University McKara Calhoon Eady, University of South Florida Brittany De'Juanquista Easley, Middle Tennessee State University Lauren Rockwell Eggbeer, University of North Florida Shannon Ashley Ferguson, University of Missouri Emily Ann Fogelsonger, University of Michigan Brianna Michelle Forth, University of Arkansas Kayte Sexton Fry, University of Arkansas Jamie Denardo Galicki, High Point University Jennifer Black Gallagher, Elon University Mallory Ann Garcia, The University of Texas at Austin Heather Marie Giovenco, Salisbury University Katie Gardner Graf, University of Louisville Stephanie Claire Green, Florida Southern College Cadi Elizabeth Griffin, Georgia College

Rachel Christina Guthrie, Missouri University of Science and Technology Colleen O'Reilly Hann, West Virginia Wesleyan College Kimberly Levine Hanson, Georgia State University Lindsay Hudson Haynes, University of Evansville Courtney George Holloway, University of Evansville Katie Michelle Humphrey, Augusta University Kimberly Levine Hanson, Georgia State University Elaine Jahnsen Jordat, Stetson University Hilary Juedes, California State University, San Bernardino Kaitlyn Marie Julien, Radford University Aimee DeFoor Kane, University of North Florida Jaime Elduen Keith, University of Washington Jenny Wills Kelley, The University of Tennessee at Martin Rachel Owens Knain, Auburn University Marie Florence Kocher, Missouri Southern State University Ashlee Driggers Kositz, Francis Marion University Erin Lynn Koster, Washington College Jessica Marie Kosty, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Katrina Eberly Loff, California State University, San Bernardino Kerri Killgore Lovegrove, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Stephanie Murray Martin, University of Evansville Logan Gravitt Massey, Virginia Commonwealth University Lauren Eileen McMahon, Miami University Anne Meredith Merrell, University of Maryland Cece Baldus Moore, The University of Iowa Abigail LaPreze Morris, Missouri University of Science and Technology Amanda McConn Moulin, Auburn University at Montgomery Caitlin Moulton-Towle, Auburn University Meg O'Connell Naes, University of Missouri-St. Louis Erin Dickey Niebylski, Michigan State University Kristin Rae Oberg, The University of Iowa Stacey Kathleen Overtoom, University of North Texas Ruth Owens, University of Mississippi Meghan Vicinus Parker, Oklahoma State University Casey Guimbellot Pash, Middle Tennessee State University Catherine Marie Bowersox Posey, Christopher Newport University Betsy Elaine Povolny, The University of Iowa Sarah Nicole Prasher, Ohio Northern University Leanne Mishelle Puia, Rider University Rebecca McConn Rampe, Auburn University at Montgomery Tasia Bobbitt Ratliff, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Julie Marie Resua, Clemson University

Brandi Lynn Ribecky, University of Evansville Hailey Nicole Rogers, Samford University Jourdan Morales Rogers Melanie Hope Routhieaux, Presbyterian College Nicki Thompson Roy, Drury University Kenna Cornelius Rummel, University of Missouri Julianna Salyer, Mississippi State University Valerie Lucarelli Schenk, Youngstown State University Brianne Steppe Schneckenberger, Franklin College Kelsey Dawn Schneider, Thiel College Denise Lee Schulz, Lenoir-Rhyne University Lauren Mary Seber, The College of New Jersey Cortney Lynn Selander, Moravian College Delaney Grace Sexton, Missouri University of Science and Technology Lauren Ann Sherrard, Linfield College Leah Aubrey Simmons, Jacksonville State University Brittney Roland Simms, Auburn University at Montgomery Heather Alison Siscel, Missouri University of Science and Technology Elizabeth Fawcett Smith, East Carolina University Layne Stringer Spotts, Stetson University Anna Alayne Stark, Drury University Juliette Neil Their, Francis Marion University Ashley Dolezilek Turman, Baker University Jill Faith Vanzino, Rutgers University Abby Lynn Vincent, Valdosta State University Kristin Leigh Vinesett, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Melissa Wagler, University of Evansville Jennifer Diane Waters, University of Washington Jen Kuehl Williams, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Lea’ Chrisman Williams, Georgia Southern University Roberta Lynn Wodenscheck, George Mason University Natalie Marie Yingling, Westminster College

To join the Maud Squad, visit to set up your recurring donation.

Donor List · Fall 2018 · 49

DRAFTING A BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS By Christy Marx Barber, Staff Writer

In 1977, Zeta Tau Alpha became the trailblazer in fraternity/sorority housing through the foresight of leaders who created the Fraternity Housing Corporation. Forty-one years later, our current leaders are making a dramatic and pragmatic change to the corporation’s organizational structure to ensure our continued success. As announced last fall, a task force of ZTA National Officers studied effective board structures and proposed a new organizational design for the FHC (see chart on right). The new structure more closely models National Council and the support teams of Province and District Presidents and national committees. (Learn more about the new FHC board members on page 14.) “Our changes allow us to be true to the original mission of the housing corporation—to provide our collegiate members with safe, secure and competitive housing on every campus,” FHC President Dinah Jackson Laughery said. “With Housing Advisors (formerly known as House Association Presidents) now working as partners with General Advisors, House Directors and chapter House Managers, we will have more collaboration and open communication to ensure our chapters have the facilities they need to be successful.” The three Vice Presidents Housing now oversee a system of 24 Area Housing Coordinators, similar to Province and District Presidents, who, in turn, provide guidance to local Housing Advisors.

50 · THEMIS · Fraternity Housing Corporation News

Fraternity Housing Corporation board members gathered at International Office in Carmel, Indiana, for their first meeting as the newly restructured board in August.

“Our goal was to empower our local volunteers and to give them the support they need to be successful,” Mrs. Laughery said. “The new structure gives more alumnae the opportunity to serve ZTA in meaningful ways.” In 1977, the FHC had four board members to oversee 10 properties with a net worth of $200,000. Within 20 years, those figures grew to 13 members overseeing 99 properties with a net worth of $20 million. Prior to 2018, 17 board members oversaw 113 properties with a net worth of more than $35 million. In the last 10 years, ZTA reactivated or installed 26 chapters, which all became FHC member associations. “The FHC had truly outgrown its original leadership design,” Mrs. Laughery said. “We knew we needed to make a change in order to properly serve all our chapters—existing and

new. We did not want the growth to overtax our volunteers, so we chose a structure in which every level of volunteer receives adequate support.” Additionally, the FHC team at International Office now has three employees—Senior Director of Housing Suzanne Brittain (Theta Omicron Chapter, Baylor University), Director of Housing Finances Kym McKinley and Director of Properties Todd Smith. Among other things, Todd is responsible for assisting volunteers in locating reliable contractors for ZTA projects in their areas. “As in every venture, we still have planning to do and decisions to make,” Mrs. Laughery said. “It’s new and a little bit scary. I am confident, however, that we will make good decisions as long as we keep in mind our purpose—to provide spaces where our collegiate women can experience the best possible sisterhood.”


Natalie Yingling PRESIDENT

Dinah Laughery






Meghan Parker

Marnie Frazier

Housing Advisors*



Suzanne Brittain

Leah Ozment



Todd Smith

Housing Advisors*







Stephanie Powell * Formerly House Association Presidents Fraternity Housing Corporation News · Fall 2018 · 51

HISTORICAL AND EDUCATIONAL CENTER: NEARLY 100 YEARS IN THE MAKING By Patti Cords Levitte, Archivist, and Susan L. Beard, Archives Committee Chairman

One of the long-held dreams of Zetas everywhere will become a reality in summer 2019, when the Historical and Educational Center opens at International Office. The 1,600 square-foot space will allow both members and the public to experience the story of Zeta Tau Alpha through our collections and conduct research on ZTA and our role in the greater fraternity/sorority community. The path to this goal has been a winding one, tracing all the way back to 1924, just one year after ZTA celebrated its 25th anniversary. Shirley Kreasan Strout (Tau Chapter, Millikin University) was determined to collect the early history of Zeta Tau Alpha after taking on the position of Grand Historian/Editor in 1923. She realized that many of the historical documents and objects relating to our founding were scattered, still in use or even

missing. She organized a reunion of the eight living Founders in Richmond, Virginia, in November 1924, which would be the last time they would all be together. Shirley also traveled to North Carolina, where she stayed with Maud Jones Horner’s widower, William Horner (Maud died in 1920). William donated many of Maud’s papers and photos from her time in college, saying, “I was constrained to keep them, for I knew that someday Maud’s fraternity would want them, for just such a purpose as yours, and now I am glad to give them over to you for keeping. They belong to her fraternity.” This collection of Maud’s possessions, along with the items donated by the other Founders at the reunion, became the nucleus of the ZTA Archives. Shirley spent the next four years scouring the country and contacting

anyone who had links to early ZTA chapters. She was able to acquire large amounts of correspondence, photos and documents that helped to illustrate the formation of ZTA from the people who had participated in the early years and were only a decade or two removed from the actual events. A journalist by vocation, Shirley wanted to make sure our story was told accurately. The release of the History of Zeta Tau Alpha in 1928 gathered all this valuable information in one place. Though she felt there needed to be a more permanent place for our Fraternity history, our budget did not allow for much space when ZTA moved into our first Central Office in Evanston, Illinois, in 1930. It was strictly a place for business, with little display space. Much of the Archives lived with Shirley during that period.

PICTURED ON LEFT: Seven of the Founders viewed items in the Historical Exhibit at the Golden Anniversary Convention in 1948. PICTURED ON RIGHT: In September, members of the Historical and Educational Center Committee met to discuss plans for the project. The center will debut at National Leadership Conference 2019. 52 · THEMIS · Archives

By the late 1930s, Grand Chapter realized some preservation work needed to be done to ensure our artifacts would survive the coming decades. The first time the traveling Historical Exhibit appeared for members to view was at Convention 1937 in Swampscott, Massachusetts. Although simple, the Historical Exhibit reflected what Shirley hoped for in a permanent exhibit. BE A PART OF ZTA HISTORY The Historical and Educational Center will include a plaque recognizing donors who contribute $5,000 or more to its development. Please consider honoring our past with a donation. To do so, contact the ZTA Foundation at, make your donation online by visiting, or write “Historical and Educational Center” on the donation envelope included in this issue and send it back to International Office.

Following this, select pieces were on display at Central Office, but they were limited due to space constraints. During World War II, Shirley even had the Archives moved into a bombproof storage center to protect our history! As ZTA grew and we moved into our first Fraternity-owned building in 1977, space was still an issue for the Archives. More historical items were on display, but they were mostly used as accessory pieces rather than teaching tools for sharing our history. More room was found when we moved to our second office on Founders Road in 1993, but there was still no dedicated space to fully tell our story. In 2008, then-National President Laura Ladewig Landers started the investigation for the formation of a formal Archives. It quickly became clear that the first step was to get a grasp on what exactly Zetas held in their collections. Since 2009, the Archives Committee has spent time diving into the

collections of ZTA, many of which had not been touched since Shirley updated the History in 1954. With the addition of the staff Archivist position in 2015, we now have someone to work on preserving our collections full time. Various options for putting an exhibit space in the Founders Road International Office were explored, but by 2017, it was clear that the operations of ZTA had outgrown the building. When the decision was made to move to Carmel, Indiana, part of the plan for the new IO included a room to display our history in a professional, museumquality setting. Then-National President Carolyn Hof Carpenter was instrumental in making sure the new building included this important space, and the Building Committee chose to make the Historical and Educational Center a priority by giving a large portion of the first floor over to this project. In early 2018, the Archives Committee began their work with two firms, 1220 Exhibits in Nashville, Tennessee, and Design Minds in Fairfax, Virginia, to develop a comprehensive plan for the exhibit, which will use creative visuals to tell the story of our Fraternity’s history. Space for a future research library will also allow members and the public to do research on ZTA, the National Panhellenic Conference and other fraternity/sorority organizations. The Historical and Educational Center is set to officially debut at National Leadership Conference 2019. The needs of the center will be ongoing as there are many conservation and restoration projects to take on in the future and the need for supplies and staff will continue to grow. We hope the center will be a place of pride for all Zetas that will show the impact our Fraternity has had on the history of women’s higher education as well as the fabric of American culture over the past 120 years.

READER’S GUIDE Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, the official publication of the Fraternity, has been published continuously since 1903.

HOW TO MAKE AN ADDRESS CHANGE Go to and log in to Sisters Only. Select “Update Information and Privacy Settings.” Or, email changes to (subject: Address Change) or call IO at (317) 872–0540. Parents: While your daughter is in college, her magazine is sent to her home address. If she is not living at home, please send in her new address.

HOW TO SUBMIT NEWS Send all news and photos to the Communication Department by emailing All submissions become the property of ZTA and are subject to editing. Include full names and chapter(s). Photos must be 1 MB (1,024 KB) or larger to be printed.

HOW TO SUBMIT TO THE ARCHIVES Have something to contribute to the archives? Email Patti Cords Levitte (

Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha (ISSN 1529-6709; USPS 627-120) is published quarterly by Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, 1036 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032. Subscription: $2 per year. Single copies: $.50. Periodical postage paid in Carmel, Indiana, and additional mailing offices. Printed in the United States of America. Postmaster: Send address changes to Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, 1036 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032.

Member, Fraternity Communications Association and National Panhellenic Conference. © 2018 Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Zeta Tau Alpha.

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