Themis—Fall 2021

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Proclamation While time and distance can separate Zeta Tau Alpha sisters, the special bond we share transcends these challenges and continues to unite us, as we’ve seen throughout the pandemic. Even our Founders experienced feeling disconnected. Did you know they were never all together again after they graduated? Family obligations, careers and weddings kept them apart until November 1924, when eight Founders reunited in Richmond, Virginia. Sadly, Maud Jones Horner passed away in 1920 and was not present for this special reunion. For us, the months of being apart gave way this summer as we were able to come back together carefully, but with great joy and excitement. Postponed events became extra special celebrations.

Girls’ weekends replaced Zoom calls. Collegians returned to their ZTA homes, masking up indoors. With safety requirements in place, many campuses were able to hold Recruitment and enjoy Bid Day in person. Let’s make a promise today to cherish the time we spend together and use what this separation has taught us to make the most of our ZTA experience. Join a local alumnae chapter to stay connected and have great fun with sisters. Volunteer as a collegiate chapter advisor to mentor our young leaders and help strengthen the Fraternity’s future. Make plans to attend Convention 2022 in Texas next July. Consider donating to the ZTA Foundation to show Loyalty & Commitment and help fund valuable programs and scholarships.

This Founders’ Day, the Foundation will host its second annual Day of Giving. Everyone will be able to take a road trip, albeit a virtual one, to sisterhood sights, points of interest and historic destinations. Each stop along the way will reveal a great reason to celebrate being a Zeta. Our Founders would be proud of the exceptional determination and positivity our sisterhood has shown throughout the past year to keep our Fraternity Steadfast & Strong. Continue to be safe, be well and “think in terms of all mankind.” Given under my hand and seal, I proclaim the fifteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-one, as our 123rd Founders’ Day.

ALICIA PATTEN WILLIAMS National President The Woodlands, Texas October 2021 Fraternity News | Themis Fall 2021


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