Themis—Winter 2011

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Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Winter 2011

Who’s Watching You Online? See page 8 to protect yourself.

From Where I Sit

Guard your privacy in age of social media By Erin Andrews, GI

ESPN Reporter and Co-Host of "College GameDay" Correspondent for ABC TV’s "Good Morning America"

Alpha Psi Chapter members (University of Missouri) meet Erin Andrews on the set of College GameDay at Mizzou in October.


rin Andrews’ private world became very public in 2009. An insurance executive had stalked the ESPN sideline reporter across the country, videotaping her through the peep hole in at least three hotel rooms. He posted the videos online and attempted to sell them to Internet news sites. In March 2010, he pled guilty to interstate stalking and was sentenced to 27 months in jail. Later that spring, Erin kept her commitment to compete in ABC TV’s “Dancing with the Stars,” wanting to use the show as a way to recover from the trauma and to put a public face on the psychological effects of stalking. She advanced to the show’s finals, and along the way, gained millions of new female fans and new alliances in the entertainment world. Those associations led to her testifying on Capitol Hill in July 2010 on behalf of stronger stalking laws.

Erin signed a new contract with ESPN that includes co-hosting the network’s popular “College GameDay” show during football season and working as a correspondent for ABC’s “Good Morning America.” She has achieved great success in broadcasting; however, she knows that every day, anyone can watch videos of her, naked in her private hotel room, online. She recently talked by phone with Themis Editor-in-Chief Christy Marx Barber and offered her ZTA sisters this first-hand knowledge about the dangers of the Internet and social media. Say where you’ve been, not where you are going. I am somebody who likes to be friendly and be out there like the girl next door. Now I am very guarded. I have changed how I travel and the way I conduct business. I don’t tweet or post when I’m coming to a town. Except for where we go for “College GameDay,” it’s not necessary for people to know where I’ve been until I’m gone. Everyone should be that careful.

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Don’t blink. Camera phones have been the death of privacy. We (the GameDay crew) can be at a restaurant or out anywhere at night. If someone takes a picture of us and we are blinking, the picture can look like we are out of control. The photos get posted online and misrepresent what we were doing. There are no laws to protect anyone against it happening. There is nothing you can do to clear your name. Your reputation is damaged forever. Don’t think it can’t happen to you. I met a young woman on a college campus who had been with her boyfriend for six years. After they broke up, he posted horrible pictures of her on Facebook. You have to be so careful even with people that you trust. Unless you have lived through an invasion of privacy, you can’t know how dangerous the Internet can be. School teachers, law enforcement officials, everyone has to be careful what they post and who is taking pictures of them. That’s how much social media has changed everything in professional life. Throw away the keys, camera, cell phone and computer. My advice to college women is: if you are going to partake in activities like tailgating, you need to be extremely careful what you text, what pictures you take or have taken of you, what you post on Twitter and Facebook. You can’t take it down. Even if you delete it, it’s still out there. People say to throw away your car keys if you are going to a party. Well, I’d add to throw away your camera, your phone and your computer as well so you don’t regret what you post online. The last thing you want is for a boss or potential boss to say they can’t keep you or hire you because of what they found online about you. Think of your family. My family was not immune from my pain. The stalking shook my world. My dad is my best friend. Imagine being a parent and having naked images of your daughter posted online. Every day my parents had to go online and look for more places that the video was posted to send the links to the FBI and our lawyers to get them down. It put my family in a position they never asked to be in. Become an advocate for change. Instead of running away from what happened to me, I’ve taken an advocacy position. Before I was stalked, I wasn’t well versed in social media law. But I do know that it’s a choice. Websites have a choice. They can choose to take down images and videos if they want to. But there is no policing. “Dancing with the Stars” allowed me a platform, a way to put a face on stalking. That led to talk shows where I could be a voice. This is a crime. Laws need to be stronger. I’m not backing down.



Winter 2011 • Vol. 109 No. 2 (ISSN 1529-6709; USPS 627-120)

Editor-in-Chief Christy Marx Barber, AY Graphic Designer Megan L. Berg Staff Writer Ashley Martin Contributors Erin Andrews, GI Patricia Cords Levitte, BF



On The Cover

Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Winter 2011

WHO’S WATCHING YOU ONLINE? See page 8 to protect yourself.

7 Features

This graphic representation of online stalking comes from an educational video, produced by The Basement Design + Motion, that will be sent to all ZTA collegiate members. See page 8.


Protect Your Privacy — Social media sites help you connect with friends and family but also open the virtual door of your life to strangers.


Women Who Serve — In honor of Badge Day, learn about the philanthropic efforts of the other 25 members of the National Panhellenic Conference.

Themis Submissions Please send all photos and text to: Zeta Tau Alpha, Attention: Department of Communications, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Submissions can also be sent via e-mail to: Submissions become the property of ZTA. Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha (ISSN 1529-6709; USPS 627120) is published quarterly by Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1334. Subscription: $2.00 per year. Single copies: $.50. Periodical postage paid in Indianapolis, IN, and additional mailing offices. Printed in the United States of America.


Postmaster: Send address changes to Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

Member, Fraternity Communications Association and National Panhellenic Editors Conference. © 2011 Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Zeta Tau Alpha.

Foundation Scholarships — The ZTA Foundation established a new record for scholarships in 2010-2011: $510,200 to 247 deserving members.

. . . and the rest 2 4 6 14 15

From Where I Sit Letters to Themis Installation News Certificates of Merit White Violets

16 Zeta Day schedule 26 Foundation News 28 Extra! Extra! 30 From the Archives 31 Directory Winter 2011

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From Our Readers ­­­» To my sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha, I am so thankful the Scholarship Committee awarded me the Mary Jones Batte Founders Grant. This grant means so much to me and my educational goals (in graduate school at The University of Tennessee at Knoxville). I am touched by ZTA’s continued commitment to service. I hope that one day I may help pay this forward to another wonderful Zeta Tau Alpha like myself. I will continue to stay connected to my Fraternity and work to ensure I am doing my part to move our Fraternity forward by living by our Creed. — Ashlee Cornett, S Baker University

“My puppy, Haddie, stole my copy of Themis before I had a chance to read it.”—from Sara McGee, KZ (Clemson University) on our Facebook page.

These letters are examples of the gratitude our scholarship recipients have for the ZTA Foundation. See the complete list of scholarship awards on pages 15-21. ­­­» Dear Scholarship Committee, I feel so blessed to be a part of the wonderful Zeta sisterhood. I know without a doubt that my participation in ZTA at Baylor has opened doors and helped me grow throughout my college career in ways that would never have been possible without such an amazing organization! Thank you again for everything you

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have done to alleviate the financial burden for me and other Zetas across the nation. — Kristan Hinn, QO Baylor University ­­­» To the ZTA Foundation Scholarship Committee, Thank you so much for your continued support in my college endeavors! This scholarship helped pay for my summer school tuition. Words truly cannot express how grateful and appreciative I am for the opportunities you send my way. — Laurie Powers, BN New Mexico State University

Our sponsorship of the Komen Survivor Recognition program prompted this letter of appreciation. ­­­» Dear Zeta Tau Alpha, I am breast cancer survivor. I participated in the Komen walk in Amarillo, Texas. I wanted to say thanks for the shirts. They were so cute this year; I will enjoy wearing mine. Also thanks for all the support you give to breast cancer. I pray we find a cure soon. God bless and thanks again. — Trudy Gillespie Amarillo, TX

From our Facebook fan page: ­­­» It was a highlight of my life as I pinned my badge on my daughter when she was initiated into our beloved Zeta Tau Alpha on Nov. 13 at the University of Michigan. No words can describe how it felt as a dream I had carried for decades came true right before my eyes. I will remember that moment for the rest of my life. — Kimberly Baker, BF Michigan State University ­­­» So glad I am a ZTA. I joined because we support breast cancer awareness all year around. Our Oklahoma State Chapter (participated in) the Tulsa Race for the Cure® every year. I also joined for the sisterhood. Little did I know that my mom would be diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer a few years after I joined. She lost the battle, but I was always proud that my sisters are fighting for her and the many other mothers, sisters and daughters living with or losing their fight with breast cancer. Thanks to all ZTAs for raising awareness, volunteering and raising money to one day find a cure! — Shannon Clark, AU Oklahoma State University Stay up-to-date by becoming a fan of Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity on Facebook.

Have a comment about an article in Themis or a ZTA program? Drop us a short e-mail at communicationsdept@ or a note to Communications Department, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. We reserve the right to edit or limit letters for space limitation.


3. ZTA Gray Sweatshirt, $20 4. Beige Burlap Tote, $19 (also available in turquoise)

5 4

5. Turquoise Crown Twill T-shirt, $24



6. ZTA Letter Hoodie, $36 7. Pop Art Tote, $30


8. Navy Polka Dot Pajama Pants, $28


9. Long Sleeve Crest Burnout Shirt, $18



10. Navy Long Sleeve w/ ZTA, $14 11. Pink Waist Yoga Pants, $24

2. If the Crown Fits T-shirt, $18



1. Black Fleece Tunic Hoodie Dress, $39

Crown & Co.


Installation News

Beta Upsilon Chapter returns to K-State The colony members were initiated Friday and Saturday, Nov. 12 and 13, in the Alumni Center on campus. Collegians from Gamma Mu Chapter (University of Nebraska-Omaha), Kappa Alpha Chapter (Colorado State University) and Kappa Eta Chapter (Rockhurst University) conducted the services. National President Keeley McDonald Riddle and Mrs. Conrad presided over the Reactivation Service and Installation of Chapter Officers on Saturday afternoon.

Our 69th link was restored on Nov. 13, 2010, with the Initiation of 141 new members at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kan.


ansas State University is a school that loves its color—just one color—and that is purple. However, on Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010, 141 K-State women dedicated themselves to turquoise blue and steel gray as they were initiated into Zeta Tau Alpha and celebrated the Reactivation of our Beta Upsilon Chapter.

Beta Upsilon, the 69th link in our Chain of Chapters, was originally installed on May 6, 1931. The chapter closed due to declining wartime enrollment in 1941. When the 11 members of K-State’s Panhellenic Council voted to open for extension in 2009, ZTA was one of three groups chosen to present on campus. On May 6, 2009, 78 years to the date after Beta Upsilon’s chartering, ZTA learned that we would return to K-State and the 18-month extension process began. ZTA National Officers observed K-State’s Formal Recruitment in 2009 and Traveling Leadership Consultants made a public relations visit in spring 2010. Then, in September 2010, following Formal Recruitment, the TLC team of Leadership Development Specialist Kat Lopez, Sharon Binford, Dani Murtagh, Courtney Knox, Sami Cetnar, Lexie Orologas, Ali Keeler and Gemma Leggere conducted an Experience ZTA Week and a Think Pink! Week and signed up prospective new members for infoviews with National Officers. The Extension team included National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Laura Ladewig Mauro, ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation President Julia Marthaler Hill, ZTA Foundation President Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, Extension Director Marlene Dunbar Conrad, Vice President Alumnae Diane Hanson Keegan, Mentor Karen Farmer Mills, ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation Director Cynthia Byars Courtney, District President Carolyn Hof Carpenter, and Executive Director Deb Ensor. The colonization recruitment was held Sept. 12-15, with the Bid Day Celebration on Sept. 16. During its new member period, the K-State colony made an extremely positive impression on the campus. The new Zetas had a late-night pancake fundraiser with two fraternities; participated in Homecoming, a 5K run and a campus cleanup; and helped to winterize homes for the elderly and deployed military.

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The newly reactivated chapter and its members celebrated with over 300 family, friends, ZTA alumnae and campus Greek leaders at a luncheon at noon, Sunday, Nov. 14, at the Clarion Inn. Mrs. Conrad served as toastmistress, Director of New Chapters Nona Douglass Richey read greetings from ZTA chapters and Mrs. Riddle gave the keynote address. “Becoming a part of a brand new chapter is a courageous thing to do and not always without its challenges,” Mrs. Riddle told the newest ZTA members. “But you accepted those challenges with wisdom and the understanding that you were creating something of great value here at K-State.” TLCs Sharon and Courtney presented the chapter with the traditional silver baby cup, and Mrs. Richey presented Chapter President Jenissa Hendrickson with a new gavel. Carol Hart Hanson and Janet Bishop Kiser served as Installation Chairmen. They are members of the Flint Hills, KS Alumnae Chapter that has provided a full advisory board for Beta Upsilon as well as behind-the-scenes help for the colonization. The successful reactivation could not have been possible without the incredibly warm reception and on-going assistance from the entire K-State Greek community. Mrs. Riddle presented Gayle Spencer, associate dean of student life, a $1,000 donation from the ZTA Foundation to the K-State general scholarship fund in honor of Beta Upsilon’s reactivation.

Family members took many pictures of the new initiates with their link in the Chain, indicated by a white satin ribbon.

Installation News

Lambda Epsilon Chapter installed at IUPUI over the Installation Service and Installation of Chapter Officers on Saturday afternoon. The newly installed chapter and its members celebrated with 235 family, friends, ZTA alumnae and campus Greek leaders at a brunch at 10 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 12, at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown. Mrs. Conrad served as toastmistress and Director of New Chapters Kimberly Zambito read greetings from ZTA chapters. Charter members of Lambda Epsilon Chapter at Indiana UniversityPurdue University Indianapolis were initiated Dec. 11, 2010.


ndiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. It’s a very long name for a really great university and now it is the newest link in Zeta Tau Alpha’s very long Chain of Chapters. On Dec. 11, 2010, 73 women from IUPUI were initiated into ZTA and our IUPUI colony was installed as Lambda Epsilon Chapter, the 243rd link in the Chain. Located just a few miles from International Office, IUPUI was founded in 1969 as a partnership between Indiana University and Purdue University, an effort to bring together all of the IU and Purdue schools existing in Indianapolis. IUPUI is now Indiana’s premier urban university, with an enrollment of 31,000 students and an emphasis on research. IUPUI had just two National Panhellenic Conference members, Alpha Sigma Alpha and Phi Mu, when an interest group formed in spring 2010 to add another NPC organization. ZTA applied for the opportunity to extend, was selected to present in April and chosen shortly thereafter. In September 2010, following IUPUI’s Formal Recruitment, the TLC team of Leadership Development Specialist Kat Lopez, Ali Keeler, Gemma Leggere, Dani Murtagh and Lexie Orologas conducted an Experience ZTA Week and a Think Pink! Week and signed up prospective new members for infoviews with National Officers. The Extension team included National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Laura Ladewig Mauro, ZTA Foundation President Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, ZTA Foundation Vice President Sherry Server Tilley, Extension Director Marlene Dunbar Conrad, Vice President Alumnae Diane Hanson Keegan, Director of New Chapters Dolores Gonzales Gastineau and Executive Director Deb Ensor. The colonization recruitment began on Sept. 30, with the Bid Day Celebration on Oct. 3. The colony members were initiated Saturday, Dec. 11, in the Campus Center. Collegians from Alpha Xi Chapter (Indiana University), Beta Theta Chapter (Franklin College), Zeta Alpha Chapter (University of Evansville) and Gamma Chi Chapter (Indiana State University) conducted the services. National President Keeley McDonald Riddle and Mrs. Conrad presided

In her welcome, Chapter President Emma Friday challenged her ZTA sisters to embrace their future as a chapter. “We’ve been given this amazing opportunity, so let’s enjoy it, embrace it, and learn and take in as much as we can from it because it’s going to benefit our lives in many more ways than we know,” she said. “What we learn now, and what we apply to our lives now is going to enrich and ennoble our lives in the future.” In her keynote address, Mrs. Riddle encouraged the chapter to stay committed to ZTA. “You have experienced the Installation Service and witnessed how your chapter is forever linked to those that have come before you and those that will come after you. Beyond today lies a lifetime of opportunities to perpetuate the values and principles of your Fraternity. We expect you to stay involved in ZTA throughout your college years and beyond.” TLCs Ali, Gemma and Lexie presented the chapter with the traditional silver baby cup and Ms. Zambito presented Emma with a new gavel. Province President Stefanie Davis and District President Bryn Hemsley Masiuk presented gifts to the chapter. Mrs. Tilley presented Norleen Pomerantz, interim vice chancellor for student life and dean of students, a $1,000 donation from the ZTA Foundation to the IUPUI scholarship fund in honor of Lambda Epsilon’s colonization. Ms. Ensor closed the luncheon by singing, “Feels Like Home.”

Front: Deb Ensor, Emma Friday, Keeley Riddle, Marlene Conrad, Gemma Leggere. Back: Kim Zambito, Ali Keeler, Lexie Orologas.

Winter 2011

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Online Privacy

Who’s Watching You? How to Protect Yourself Online

By Ashley Martin Staff Writer


ave you ever noticed that online advertisements almost always seem to be directed right at you? (How did the digital edition of your local newspaper know you have been searching for a new toaster?) It's not just coincidence. Your Internet browsers were designed to monitor your searches and sites you have been to in order to help you better access the information that you want to receive. Not only is it a marketer's dream, but it provides you with a more personal experience online. "The Internet is not about stealing your identity or your password or credit card number," says Ethan Fieldman, president of Group Interactive Networks (GIN), a company that helps ZTA with our online presence. "It’s all part of making your experience shared and social. But you have to be smart about what you’re posting and how you’re interacting."

These sites offer a variety of ways to protect the information that you post. Take the time to think about each setting and choose the ones you are most comfortable with. Keep these important things in mind:

So how do you make the most of your online experience while still protecting the information you share?

On Facebook, you have three main privacy options about who can access your information and posts: everyone, regardless of whether they are your “friend” or not; only your “friends;” and your “friends” AND all of their “friends.” You are also able to customize your settings and block certain people from interacting with you on the site.

In spring 2011, ZTA will launch a series of educational videos developed by The Basement Design + Motion. The first video focuses on how to protect yourself while online. With the help of that video’s characters, this article will provide you with tips on how to make sure you stay protected while online.

To do this, after logging into Facebook, visit the “Account” tab on the top right corner of the page and select “Privacy Settings.” Here, you can also determine what information people can find when they search for you within the site and via search engine such as Google.

Use Social Media with Caution In just a few short years, social media has turned into one of the largest ways people communicate with each other. As its name suggests, social media was created for users to be social—to share information and ideas, connect with friends and family, and create interactive dialogue. It has even become a source for news and an effective marketing tool for businesses and organizations, including Zeta Tau Alpha. But it is important to remember that just like any social situation, it is up to you what you communicate and with whom you communicate when you are online. » Determine who you want to see your profiles

One of the great things about social networking sites is that you have control over what information you share with others. You can be as open or as private as you wish. As soon as you create an account on any social media site, check its privacy settings.

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Keep in mind that allowing everyone to see your profile opens you to the most risk. There is also risk in letting “friends of friends” see your profile. On Twitter, you are able to “follow” people, businesses and organizations. By “following” someone, you are able to see all of his or her posts, or tweets, on your personal Twitter feed. Unlike Facebook, that person will only see your tweets if he is following you in return. Twitter has an option to make your tweets “public” or “private.” By making your tweets public, anyone on Twitter is able read your posts and see your bio, photos, and lists of followers and those who you are following. Your posts will also be found within search engines. By making your tweets private, only your followers will be able to see that information. Other social networks also provide you the option to determine who can see your information, so it is important to look at their privacy settings as well. Always remember that the more open you are, the more risk you have.

Online Privacy In a recent message to Florida State University students, the FSU police department offered this advice: “Although [social media] can provide an excellent opportunity to make connections with old friends and meet new friends, it can also be a means for predators to find potential victims. Privacy settings make it easier for people to choose who can and cannot access information on their profiles, and it is up to you to adjust your privacy setting so that you do not share too much personal information.” » Only “friend” people you know

If you have your profiles set up so that only your “friends” and “followers” can see you information, it is important to choose those people wisely. When someone new wants to network with you, Facebook, Twitter and other sites ask you for permission before making that connection. As a rule of thumb, only allow people you know access to your profile. Chances are you would not allow complete strangers into your home, so do not give them access to your online profiles either. It is also important to think about someone’s intentions before accepting their “friend” or “follower” request. This school year, a number of sorority new members, including Zetas on multiple campuses in several states, have been targeted in a Facebook scam. The new member would receive a friend request from a poster who claimed to be an alumna member participating in an online mentoring program. The predator (or predators) obtained personal information from the women and even requested inappropriate photographs and webcam videos. At least one man has been arrested in these incidents on three campuses in Florida and has been charged with video voyeurism, two counts of extortion and twelve counts of attempted video voyeurism. Authorities do not know if he is responsible for similar scams in other states. Please know that ZTA would never request your personal information via social media.

But even with the strongest security settings, you can’t always control what your friends do with your posted information. Anyone with access to your information can save photos to a personal computer; alter the information; or copy and paste your information, posts and photographs for others to see. It is common practice in many businesses to search for prospective and current employees on social networking sites. A potential employer could ask your friends to access your profile, or if the employer is a “friend of a friend,” he or she might be able to access your profile directly. “In general, any time you post something, think about whether you are prepared for others to see it,” Fieldman says. “If you have something that is truly private, your best bet is not to post it online—anywhere.” It is also important to remember that even if you add an unflattering picture or post to a social media site, then decide to delete it, it is not necessarily gone from the Internet. “When you post something online, it can be picked up by search engines like Google, held (cached) in web browsers or picked up by someone else who keeps it or shares it—and all of those things mean what you post can live on the web far after you delete it,” Fieldman says. “This information can be held for varying amounts of time, and in a virtually unlimited number of places, so it’s hard to say that something is ever fully gone.”

» Manage your reputation through your posts

On Facebook, when you delete a photo from the site, it will no longer show up in your photo albums. But a direct link to that photo can still exist. Anyone with access to that link can share it with countless people.

Anything you add to your profile on a social media site is supposed to help you share your personal story.

Reputation management is another reason to check your privacy settings often. When a site goes through an upgrade, your privacy settings may change. You want to make sure that all of your information, especially photo albums maintain the settings you desire.

One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself online is to make sure the information you share about yourself portrays a positive image.

On Twitter, it is important to notice that if you change your account from “public” to “private,” anything you posted while your account was public will remain public and searchable. It might also become a part of history. In April 2010, Twitter gave the Library of Congress its archive of all public tweets since the site was launched in March 2006. » Never reveal personal information, especially your address and location

Revealing personal information such as your address, phone number and full birthday can lead to privacy and safety issues, especially if that information makes it into the wrong hands. Winter 2011

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Online Privacy Depending on your privacy settings, even something as simple as listing your home address in your profile, then posting, “In the Bahamas for the week!” can lead to many problems, including robbery. Many sites like foursquare and Facebook’s Places feature also allow you to “check in” at various locations you visit, creating additional security risks. These location-based services were created for users to connect with others in their area. For example, on either foursquare or Facebook, you can go to a concert, “check in” at the venue and see which of your friends are also “checked in” there. The main thing to remember when using foursquare, Facebook Places and similar sites is to be aware of who can see where you are “checked in.” Like Facebook, foursquare has a “friending” process and only your friends are able to see you location. But if you let it, foursqaure can also interact with other social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. If have your profiles linked, whenever you “check in” somewhere, your location is not only posted to your foursquare, but all of your linked accounts—meaning all of your “friends,” regardless of the site, know where you are. Again, in the wrong hands, this information can lead to security issues including burglary and stalking. “The main thing to be conscious of is who can see where you are ‘checking in,’” Fieldman says. “Like everything else, be careful about your privacy settings. Just as you wouldn’t put your phone number on a billboard in the middle of campus or the heart of downtown, you also wouldn’t put your location on a billboard, either. Therefore, you shouldn’t allow just anyone on the Internet to see that on your social media profiles.”

popular are games like Farmville and Mafia Wars, quizzes, causes, and options that send virtual gifts to your friends. These applications seem to be a part of Facebook, when in reality, they are programs produced by other companies that gather the personal information you have posted online. “There are a number of developers out there; some are established and some are not, so you can’t always be sure what you’re getting,” Fieldman says. “Some applications are strange games that are really just trying to get data about you. Others are legitimate apps built by Greek organizations, large companies or universities. Always use your best judgment.” On Facebook, it is important to note that by default, any application you use has access to the profile information that you choose to share with everyone as well as access to your friends list. This also means that if your friend uses an application, that application can find you. By checking your Facebook privacy settings, you can control what content your friends’ applications can access. You can also monitor what information each of your own applications are using.

General tips for protecting yourself online » Keep your computer programs up-to-date

According to Janet Syrus, director of information technology for ZTA, keeping your computer up-to-date is a necessity for online security. This includes your operating system, anti-virus software, Internet browsers and other programs. In order to keep your computer in proper working form, note when scans and updates are supposed to occur. The default setting for most programs is to update in the middle of the night. If your computer is not on, the scans and updates do not occur until the computer is turned on. When you turn on your computer and it begins to update, never close out of the scans. Even though these scans and updates can take some time and slow down your other computer programs, turning them off will leave your computer unprotected and out-of-date.

» Understand application settings

Just as search engines use your search history to create profiles about you, social media websites use the information you provide to personalize your account. This information is used to suggest “friends” or “followers” to you, provide advertisements that might interest you, and more. Outside companies are able to create applications that can enhance your social network experience. Some of the most

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“Always run your scans on a weekly basis,” Syrus says, “and change your default settings for a time that is convenient for you. Your computer will tell you when it needs maintenance. Whenever it flags you, you should always automatically click it, update and do your scan.” Anti-virus software is particularly important to keep upto-date. These programs can block any unwanted files and viruses from attacking your computer. Even if your computer does not have access to the Internet, make sure to have antivirus software. Files obtained from CDs and flash drives can also contain viruses that can harm your computer.

Online Privacy » Clear your cache and cookies regularly

Each time you visit a website, it leaves temporary files called cache and cookies in your in the Internet browser. These files help your computer download things faster, like images and videos, the next time you visit the site, making your online experience better. They also let website programmers study how their sites are being utilized. Even though cache and cookies are good things, Syrus stresses the importance of cleaning them out on a weekly basis. “Because they are temporary files, cache and cookies take up space on your computer which can cause it run more slowly,” she says. “Computer hackers also often embed viruses into cache and cookies. While anti-virus software can protect the rest of your computer against these viruses, they can often remain in your cache and cookies and be reactivated again at a later time.” » Provide personal information on secure websites only

Any time you post personal information online, make sure the website is protected—look for an “s” in the https:// at the beginning of the URL and a “lock” icon somewhere on the browser. These sites have security measures in place that ensure any information you provide is protected. Sites that ask for your name, complete address, date of birth, and/or bank account or credit card information need to be secure. » Use public Wi-Fi and computers with caution

Many places such as airports, hotels and coffee shops offer free wireless Internet access (or Wi-Fi) for their visitors and customers to use. Whenever you connect to the Internet in this manner, remember that countless other people are sharing the same network and might be able to access your information. Avoid sites that hold sensitive information, such as online banks, when using public Wi-Fi. When you are using your computer in an area that offers Internet access but you do not need to be online, turn off you external or internal wireless cards. As when using Wi-Fi, you should also never visit sites that can access your personal information when on a public computer. If you do visit sites that require you to log in—including e-mail and social media sites—always log out of the site completely when finished and never allow the browser to remember your username and password. You do not want the next person who uses the computer to be able to access your information. Cleaning the cache and cookies on the Internet browser will also protect your information once you leave the computer. » What to do if you experience a security threat

If you become the victim on an online security threat, follow these steps to protect yourself.

If you are involved in a scam, online stalking or other issue involving your personal safety, contact the police. Chances are,

you might not be the only person experiencing the same problem. On social networking sites, block people and advertisers that you think are trying to scam you. Some of these sites also give you the option of marking posts and advertisements as spam. If your e-mail or social network profiles get hacked, contact the e-mail provider or website support staff. Depending on the issue, they might be able to solve it for you. It is also good information for them to know in case the problem happens to someone else or to you again in the future. Change your passwords if you get hacked. This will help prevent the hacker from logging back into your account. It is good practice to change all of your passwords, even if other accounts seem unaffected. Never use the same password for all of your accounts. If your computer obtains a virus, take it to a professional. While there are many websites that claim to clean your computer for you, they can often create additional problems. Back up your files in case your hard drive crashes or receives a virus. Back-up files will let you replace any lost files and provide you with clean copies in the event of a virus.

Sources: • Facebook, Controlling How You Share http://www.facebook. com/?ref=logo#!/privacy/explanation.php • Twitter: Twitter 101 • Twitter: Privacy Policy • Foursquare: Privacy Policy • Foursquare: Privacy 101 • • • •

Winter 2011

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NPC Philanthropies

NPC member groups dedicated to service


dvocacy, collaboration and support are the core values of the mission and vision of the National Panhellenic Conference. Our NPC sisters across the country certainly support our efforts to increase breast cancer education and awareness. Just like us, they advocate for a variety of causes, including their own foundations. In the spirit of collaboration, Group



here’s a small glimpse into what each NPC group does to make the world a better place. Don’t forget to show your Panhellenic spirit on Monday, March 7—National Badge Day 2011! Description

Alpha Chi Omega

Domestic Violence Awareness

Alpha Chi Omega educates, advocates and helps build awareness for domestic violence—collaborating with women’s resource centers, community shelters and various local/national agencies.

Alpha Delta Pi

Ronald McDonald House Charities®

Collegiate and alumnae chapters raise money for Ronald McDonald House and have the opportunity to volunteer at the local house and help the families of ill children who stay at the houses.

Alpha Gamma Delta

Diabetes Awareness

The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation provides grants that support members and other individuals living with diabetes. As a part of the diabetes initiative, the Foundation encourages sisters to engage in community service that promotes diabetes awareness and education.

Alpha Epsilon Phi

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation was founded in 1988 by an Alpha Epsilon Phi alumna shortly after it was discovered that she and her two children were infected with the AIDS virus as a result of a blood transfusion.

Alpha Omicron Pi


In 1998, the Arthritis Foundation awarded the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation its prestigious Corporate Hero Award for ongoing support of arthritis research and efforts to educate members about arthritis.

Alpha Phi

Women's Heart Health

Women’s heart health became Alpha Phi’s philanthropic priority in 1946. Chapters promote February’s Heart Health Month and host Red Dress events to further Alpha Phi Foundation’s mission.

Alpha Sigma Alpha

Special Olympics

Alpha Sigma Alpha adopted the Special Olympics as a national philanthropic project in 1976. Alpha Sigma Alphas around the country volunteer as judges, timers and huggers for Special Olympics events.

Alpha Sigma Tau

Habitat for Humanity®

Since 2004, collegiate and alumnae members have annually volunteered with local Habitat for Humanity affiliates by assisting in builds, providing meals for volunteers and/or conducting fundraising and awareness projects.

Alpha Xi Delta

Autism Speaks™

In 2009, Alpha Xi Delta announced its partnership with Autism Speaks™. Collegiate and alumnae members work to support the organization’s signature fundraising and awareness event, Walk Now for Autism Speaks.

Chi Omega

Make-A-Wish Foundation®

The Make-A-Wish Foundation recognizes Chi Omega as one of its Cause Champion sponsors. Since 2002, Chi Omegas have raised over $7 million and given over 448,00 volunteer hours to the organization.

Delta Delta Delta

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Tri Delta has endowed both the Teen Room and the Patient Care Floor at Memphis-based St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. In the past four years, Tri Delta has raised over $10 million for St. Jude and is currently working on raising $15 million over the next five years.

12 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

NPC Philanthropies Group




Delta Gamma

Service for Sight

Service for Sight became Delta Gamma’s national philanthropy in 1936. This service and grant program positively impacts more than 1 million blind and visually impaired individuals each year.

Delta Zeta

Speech and Hearing

Delta Zeta supports speech and hearing and The Painted Turtle camp. Delta Zeta has national partnerships with The Starkey Hearing Foundation, Gallaudet University and the House Ear Institute.

Delta Phi Epsilon

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Since 1967, Delta Phi Epsilon has contributed more than $1 million to research for a cure for cystic fibrosis. Delta Phi Epsilon was also the first national sorority to regularly support The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders.

Gamma Phi Beta

Camping for Girls

Gamma Phi Beta has supported camping for girls since 1923 and chapters actively volunteer at local camps, provide financial support and sponsor young girls to attend camping programs.

Kappa Alpha Theta

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

Since 1989, Kappa Alpha Theta and Theta Foundation have contributed nearly $1 million to National CASA. Theta collegiate and alumnae chapters also support local CASA programs, contributing more than $300,000 annually.

Kappa Delta

Girls Scouts of the USA

Kappa Deltas volunteer with local Girl Scout troops by hosting National Girls Day celebrations and other activities. Girl Scouts who take part in Kappa Delta-sponsored events earn a special Kappa Delta badge.

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Reading Is Fundamental

Collegiate and alumnae groups are encouraged to work with local Reading Is Fundamental programs to read with children and host book distributions.

Phi Mu

Children’s Miracle Network

Phi Mu was the first sorority to establish an annual “National Philanthropy Day.” Each October, Phi Mus select a day to serve their communities, often by supporting and fundraising for a local Children’s Miracle Network hospital.

Phi Sigma Sigma

National Kidney Foundation

Phi Sigma Sigma is a major sponsor of the National Kidney Foundation U.S. Transplant Games, a national event where organ donation recipients compete in various athletic competitions.

Pi Beta Phi


Pi Beta Phi partners with First Book to give children from low-income families the opportunity to own their first new books. Since 2007, Pi Phi has donated more than 2 million new books. Pi Phi also has a Fraternity Day of Service on March 2 to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday.

Sigma Delta Tau

Prevent Child Abuse America

Sigma Delta Tau Chapters sell pinwheels (the national symbol for child abuse and neglect prevention) to create “a garden of pinwheels” on campus lawns, city parks and neighborhood communities across the country.

Sigma Kappa

Alzheimer’s Research

The Sigma Kappa Foundation works with the national Alzheimer’s Association to provide research grants to universities and institutions studying the disease.

Sigma Sigma Sigma

Sigma Serves Children

Tri Sigmas support play therapy/child life programs. Play therapy is a technique that uses play to help young patients relieve stress, understand illness, communicate fears and undergo treatment.

Theta Phi Alpha

The House that Theta Phi Alpha Built

Established in 1993, this cause allows chapters to provide assistance to organizations in their communities that help the homeless, shelters, and home building or neighborhood renovation projects.

Winter 2011

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Certificates of Merit

Certificates of Merit honor alumnae service kansas Jennifer Ward Whalen, HQ, Missouri University of Science and Technology Maryland Becky Lantz Escario, HX, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Brenda Smith Sanford, QD, Salisbury University Michigan Betty Lou Hawkins, BF, Michigan State University Debby Rossman Retzer, AG, University of Michigan Joan Elizabeth Wright, BF, Michigan State University No matter where you go, you’ll always find a ZTA sister. These alumnae from three different collegiate chapters in three different states received the Certificate of Merit at Arizona Zeta Day 2010.


he Alumnae Certificate of Merit is a national award presented at Zeta Day or another special event. To receive this honor, members must have a minimum of seven years of significant post-collegiate service to Zeta Tau Alpha. Alumnae groups may submit the names and qualifications of alumnae to the District President by Oct. 1. National Council considers each recommendation and awards certificates to those who receive unanimous approval. Congratulations to the following 54 dedicated Zetas, listed by their current state of residence, who received Certificates of Merit in 2010. Arizona Judy Doerfer Kuropkat, AM, Washburn University Marilyn Holmes Tracy, BE, University of California, Los Angeles Alicia Patten Williams, QY, Texas State University-San Marcos California Cindy Manuel Calm, QW, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Jennifer Hillmer Felter, QW, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Deb Ann Welsh Orfalea, QW, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Heather Katherine Warren-Reynolds, GA, University of Miami Connecticut Sue Honse Chojnacki, DU, West Virginia Wesleyan College Florida Betsy Stephenson Kenas, BT, Albion College Indiana Diane Gaskins Marret, ZA, University of Evansville Bryn Hemsley Masiuk, ZA, University of Evansville

14 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Missouri Denise Vance Fluhr, HT, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Laura Schmutz Meador, M, Drury University Nancy Shook Monteer, M, Drury University New Jersey Christine D'Elia Gerage, IG, The College of New Jersey Margaret M. Farmer, IN, Susquehanna University North Carolina Carla Martin Cobb, QT, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Jennifer A. Fite, QT, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Allison Ross Thompson, E, University of Arkansas Tami Gambelin Wesendunk, QA, California State University, Chico Dawn King Wilcox, QZ, Wofford College Ohio Kathy Papp, DD, Baldwin-Wallace College Peg Crawford Watson, AW, Ohio Wesleyan University Kristen Pugh Weaver, DD, Baldwin-Wallace College Oklahoma Ann Southerland Canode, E, University of Arkansas Pam Furlong Iacoe, AU, Oklahoma State University Margaret Bender King, AU, Oklahoma State University Michelle Norris Montalbano, AU, Oklahoma State University Pebble Stone Moss, K, The University of Texas at Austin Marla J. Robinson, AU, Oklahoma State University Krista Kay Zachariae, AU, Oklahoma State University Pennsylvania Amalia G. Dignetti, KI, Moravian College Amy Williams Gaudioso, HG, West Chester University of Pennsylvania Maria DeBello Lux, HE, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Meg Gorgone Pitner, GX, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Natalie Marie Yingling, DW, Westminster College

White Violets Tennessee Emily Flowers, BW, Union University Texas Tracye King Albone, HW, Louisiana State University in Shreveport Amy Schafer Biegel, K, The University of Texas at Austin Marnie Brown Cranmer, GY, Texas Christian University Karen Bolin Malkey, GW, University of Houston Joe Stogner Nelson, GT, Texas Tech University Sherry Stagg St. Aubin, DK, Louisiana State University Amanda Gannaway VanCura, W, Southern Methodist University


The Certificate of Merit Recommendation form is available on Sisters Only of the ZTA website under Resources→Alumnae Officers→Alumnae President. Log into Sisters Only from any page on

Virginia Kim V. Cave, A, Longwood University Vicki Decker Griffith, IY, Rochester Institute of Technology Washington Sarah Ruhwedel Porter, Y, University of Washington ontario, canada Lois Fyfe Totton, BR, University of Manitoba

White Violets prove that Zeta Is Forever

White Violet is a Zeta Tau Alpha who has been a member of the Fraternity for 50 years. In 2010, ZTA honored 527 of these members with the Order of the Shield Recognition Service at a Zeta Day or other special event. These women receive a White Violet pin and a certificate from the Fraternity in recognition of their continuous dedication to friendship and sisterhood. Members who reach the 75-year membership milestone receive a White Violet charm as a gift from the Fraternity. Congratulations to these 28 sisters who have celebrated 75 years as Zeta Tau Alphas.

Ruth Vance Walker, Z, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville Ruth Gremillion Murphy, Q, Bethany College Juanita Tatman Mayes, K, The University of Texas at Austin Frances Combest Rountree, K, The University of Texas at Austin Zulema Prowse Nebeker, K, The University of Texas at Austin Annella Park Kerr, K, The University of Texas at Austin Dorothy Deffebach White, L, Southwestern University Frances Pearson Kendrick, F, Duke University Virginia Wright Knauer, AB, University of Pennsylvania

Georgia Zeta Day 2010 celebrated these alumnae who received their White Violet pins in honor of 50 years of membership.

Erin Ettel French (GR, Auburn University) and Alison Ettel (IQ, of Georgia Institute of Technology) surprised their mother Mary Ettel (DA, California State University, Long Beach) at Georgia Zeta Day where she received her White Violet pin.

Dorothy Lester Spruill, AB, University of Pennsylvania Ella Fredriks Williamson, AH, The University of Cincinnati Marguerite Roessler Whitney, AH, The University of Cincinnati Mariella White Adams, AM, Washburn University Lucile Kempton Kilmer, AM, Washburn University Agnes Fox Gwin, AX, Indiana University Anna Leach Coyner, AO, The University of Iowa Lois A. Burger, AP, Ohio University Helen Warren Jorgensen, BA, George Washington University Frances Nettleton Offer, BA, George Washington University Elaine Warwick Morse, BM, Washington State University Kathryne Schoedel Ringo, BM, Washington State University Grace Detterick, BN, New Mexico State University Genevieve Harrington Hyatt, BN, New Mexico State University Marjie Reese Craig, BX, University of Akron Mary Sutton Wilson, BO, University of South Carolina Wilma Spencer, BT, Albion College Janet Smalldon Popyk, BF, Michigan State University Marguerite Skinner Babb, BW, Union University Winter 2011

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Zeta Day Dates Performing Arts Center Contact: Lea Chrisman 404-513-9465


April 16 – Rockin’ the Red Carpet…Zeta Style Highland Park, IL Highland Park Country Club Contact: Ellen Kus

Indiana 2010 South Carolina Zeta Day


March 5 – Oh, the Places You’ll Go with ZTA Tuscaloosa, AL Bryant Conference Center Contacts: Susan S. Hurst and Lainie T. Anthony


April 9 Rogers, AR John Q. Hammons Convention Center Contact: Lyndsay Crawford 713-204-9561


April 2 – A Lifetime of Crowns and Violets Camp Verde, AZ The Lodge at Cliff Castle Casino Contact: Jan Shuman 928-203-0586

Northern California/ Northern Nevada

April 2 – Zeta Sisterhood For a Lifetime San Mateo, CA Hilton Garden Inn Contact: Liz Krohn 916-782-3579

Southern California/ Southern Nevada/Hawaii

April 9 – Catch the Wave with ZTA San Diego, CA Crowne Plaza Hotel Mission Valley Contact: Michelle Macartney 858-720-1189


April 16 Contact: Wanta Prychitko 204-889-4351


April 2 – Strawberry Fields Forever Longmont, CO Fox Hill Country Club Contact: Sandra Hardesty 303-442-8634

April 2 – Zeta & Co. Fort Wayne, IN Fort Wayne Marriott Contact: Amy Rhoads Smith 260-436-1566

International Zeta Day (North America)

April 9 – Spring Into Pink Fairport, NY Eagle Vale Golf Club Contact: Micki Despard 585-747-7101


April 9 – The Mane Event Midway, KY Holly Hill Inn Contact: Heather McAtee 859-948-9799


April 2 – Zeta Tau Aloha Baton Rouge, LA Ashley Manor Conference Facility Contact: Amy Gross 225-288-0130

Maryland/Washington, D.C.

April 9 – Zetas in the Spotlight College Park, MD Colony Ballroom at Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland Contact: Cori Zarek 202-422-7366


March 19 – Crown Town in MoTown Novi, MI Sheraton Detroit Novi Contact: Kristen Harthorn 313-885-2327


April 9 Minnetonka Beach, MN The Lafayette Club Contact: Lisa Dierbeck 612-308-6281


February 5 – Capture the Zeta Spirit Clearwater, FL Holy Greek Trinity Church Contacts: Betsy Kenas and Jean Hanna 727-791-6982


February 19 – Zeta Makes Life a Wonderland Statesboro, GA Georgia Southern University

16 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

2010 Illinois/Iowa/Wisconsin Zeta Day

Zeta Day Dates Missouri/Kansas

April 9 – Zeta Through the Decades Kansas City, MO Marriott Country Club Plaza Contact: Kate Hiller 816-808-4839


March 5 Omaha, NE Thompson Center at University of Nebraska at Omaha Contact: Kyla Vala 402-659-7455

New England

February 12 – ZTA Mardi Gras Kingston, RI University of Rhode Island, Memorial Union Contact: Shauna Marshall 860-651-1887

New Mexico

March 5 – Celebrating Sisterhood in the Southwest Clovis, NM Clovis Civic Center Contact: Kelli Young 575-317-8406

New Jersey/New York

April 2 – Find Your Treasure with ZTA! Hamilton, NJ The Hamilton Manor Contact: Lauren Seber

North Carolina

February 26 – Zeta Life is Good Charlotte, NC The Blake Hotel Contact: Dana Atkinson and Alisa McKeiver 919-779-1974


April 9 – There’s No Place Like Zeta! Perrysburg, OH Holiday Inn French Quarter Contact: Elizabeth Myers 419-360-2034


April 2 – Honoring Our ZTA Legacy Wilsonville, OR Al Kader Shrine Center Contact: Dee Carlson 503-614-8412

2010 Alabama/Mississippi Zeta Day

Pennsylvania/West Virginia

April 16 – Grow With ZTA King of Prussia, PA Crowne Plaza Valley Forge Contact: Bridgett Higginbotham

South Carolina

February 5 – ZTA: Bring It On! Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium Contact: Courtney McDuffie 803-260-6351


April 2 – Peace, Love and ZTA Knoxville, TN Rothchild Catering and Conference Center Contact: Brandi Dickenson Elmore 828-406-1635


February 18-19 – The Magic of Sisterhood Plano, TX Marriott at Legacy Town Center Contacts: Toni Chandler and Amanda VanCura


2010 Oregon Zeta Day

May 7 – Southern Garden Party Sandy, UT Home of Jennie Carlston

Contact: Jennie Carlston 801-495-1078


April 3 – Zetas in the City Richmond, VA Hilton Richmond Hotel & Spa/Short Pump Contacts: Carol Cashman and Robin Gardner 804-741-7975


March 5 – Zetas in Wonderland Seattle, WA Salty’s on Alki Beach Contact: Renee Dickinson and Ali Wheat 850-293-8485

Zetas Abroad

April 1 – Building Community London, England Contact: Kathleen Doyle 208-520-3953 The Zeta Day information listed on these pages was current as of January 5, 2011. Sometimes plans change due to unforeseen circumstances. Log into Sisters Only at www. for the latest updates under the Calendar tab.

Winter 2011

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Record year for Foundation scholarships Wow! $510,200 in scholarships granted to 247 deserving students an increase of $142,000 providing assistance for 50 more students than in 2009-2010.

Since 1954, the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation has helped 5,147 young women achieve their educational goals. In the pages that follow, learn how you or your chapter can help continue the Foundation’s upward trend and how three outstanding ZTA members, all former recipients of a Founders Grant, have “paid it forward” by serving Zeta Tau Alpha beyond college. Applications for 2011-2012 Scholarships are due by March 1. You may download the application form on the ZTA website: Sisters Only→Resources→ZTA Foundation→Scholarship Forms.

Founders Grants The $9,000 Founders Grants are awarded to graduate students who exhibit outstanding leadership, exceptional academic achievement and financial need. Individuals who have been admitted to recognized university graduate programs are eligible for these grants. Alice Bland Coleman Founders Grant Endowed by the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Sue Rader Regonini, QM

Bowling Green State University Attending University of South Florida for a PhD in Applied Anthropology

Alice Grey Welsh Founders Grant Endowed by the Beta Epsilon House Corporation Allison Christine Reeve, S

Baker University Attending University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for Library Science

Della Lewis Hundley Founders Grant Endowed by the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Claire Elizabeth Dunford, KH

Rockhurst University Attending Rockhurst University for Communication

Ethel Coleman Van Name Founders Grant Endowed by the Beta Epsilon House Corporation Mallorie Ann Rodak, M

Drury University Attending Southern Methodist University for Advertising

Frances Yancey Smith Founders Grant Endowed by Mary Elizabeth McGehee Joyce

Sonja Ardoin, DK Louisiana State University Attending North Carolina State University for Educational Research and Policy Analysis

Helen M. Crafford Founders Grant Endowed by the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Krista Lynn Harrell-Blair, IS

Old Dominion University Attending Old Dominion University for Higher Education Administration

Mary Jones Batte Founders Grant Endowed by the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Ashlee Elaine Cornett, S

Baker University Attending The University of Tennessee Knoxville for Education

Maud Jones Horner Founders Grant Endowed by the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Chantelle Lauren Lytle, BO University of South Carolina Attending Elon University for Law

Ruby Leigh Orgain Founders Grant Endowed by the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation

Cameron Leigh Jordan, QT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Attending The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for Pharmacy Winter 2011

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Foundation Delista Prewitt

— ENDOW — Endowed Scholarships increased to 47 in 2010-2011, up 26 from 2009-2010. A one-time gift of $35,000 (or annual gifts that will reach $35,000 in two to three years) establishes an Endowed Scholarship. The Foundation invests these gifts and maintains the principal. The annual investment income provides future Endowed Scholarships. Donors may establish an Endowed Scholarship for a specific chapter, province, district or area and may also name them “in memory of” or “in honor of” a Zeta Tau Alpha member or chapter. If you are interested in planning an endowment to the ZTA Foundation, please contact the ZTA Foundation Vice President of Scholarship through the ZTA International Office.

*Alyssa Elaine Heggen, AX Indiana University

Hester South Memorial Sarah Ann Strickland, QQ Arkansas Tech University

Elena DeVilliers Alexis L. Branca, GA University of Miami

Inez Bryan White Violet Casey Lynn Johnson, GF University of North Texas

Founders of Alpha Upsilon *Leilani Romo, AU Oklahoma State University

Ivalee Ramaker Simmons Memorial Jennifer Lauren Rionda, HK University of Central Florida

Gamma Nu

Whitney Lane Fern, GN University of Virginia

Joyce Barnhart Bee Memorial

Gamma Pi Chapter in Memory of Diana Brooks Guest Carly Laine Nash, GP The University of Georgia

University of Houston

Genevieve Von Strom Pitcock Helen M. Knight, BO University of South Carolina

Julia Marthaler Hill

Glenna Gundell

Endowed scholarships are established with a one-time gift of at least $35,000. These permanent scholarships, which may vary in amount, are often named in honor or in memory of a special ZTA. (* Denotes a graduate student.)

Atlanta Alumnae

Hannah Geneva Spears, HI

Valdosta State University

Beta Epsilon/Kay McKelvey Honorary Beth Wilzbach, BO University of South Carolina Carolyn Hendricks Hester Lindsey Page Carter, GP The University of Georgia

Kay Galm Memorial

Colleen Angela Thomas, GI

Harriet & Carl Frische *Amalia G. Dignetti, KI Moravian College

Kitty Phelps Seitz Memorial Christine Jeanette Hassell, DM The University of Tennessee at Martin

University of Rhode Island

Helen W. Jenkins

Tyla Marie Elizabeth Warner, BQ Franklin College

Laura Kathleen Dobson Memorial Katy Lauren Griffith, KZ Clemson University

Hester South Memorial

LaVerne P. Skipper

Youngstown State University

Elon University

Hester South Memorial Ashley Atwood Garcia, QH Stephen F. Austin State University

Margarethe "Peg" Livesay Madeline Monette, QC George Mason University

Hester South Memorial Katy Helen Locklear, HS The University of North Carolina at Pembroke

*Christy Robertson McPherson, ZQ

Alice McCann Mathews Mandy Brooke Still, ZX Georgia Southern University

Chi Chapter

Duquesne University

Hester South Memorial

Anne West Bruning Ally Tylka, Q Bethany College

Dallas Alumnae Association Alina Renee Garcia, DH West Texas A&M University

The University of Iowa

20 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Chelsea Claire Yarbrough, HR The University of North Alabama

University of Florida

Hester South Memorial Kendall Denese Guthri, IO Lander University

Eliza Lillian Ganster, HB

Joyce Derden Carey Julia Anne Korman, E University of Arkansas

Hillary Nicole Brady, LB

Alyssa Marie DiBernardi, ZG

endowed Scholarships

Maria Candelaria Mendez, GW

*Laura McFarland Wieck, AO

Nella Eve Dannenberg, HZ

Marion Moore Todd

East Central University

Martha C. Edens

Kendall Caroline Allen, O Brenau University

Mary Ann Stratford Stegall April Lynette Hiett, ZQ East Central University

Foundation Mary Harkness Anderson Olivia Marie Thornton, QK University of Missouri-St. Louis Merle S. Rehkopf Memorial Samantha Catherine Greif, AM Washburn University

*Helen Ruth Corley, HL College of Charleston *Angie Gutierrez, KH Rockhurst University

Betty Steinhauer Ott Memorial Victoria Huberty, DD Baldwin-Wallace College

Cass Elias McCarter Memorial Becca Mintz, BO University of South Carolina Central Texas Alumnae Kaitlin Noelle Sullivan, QO Baylor University

Nelly G. Shearer

*Colleen Elizabeth McGraw, BF Michigan State University

Brandy Yeoman Memorial Katherine C. Chandler, QY Texas State University-San Marcos

Union University

Staci Leanna Tessnier, KR

Bruce and Mary Walcutt

Ashley Brooke Wilson, BW Nu House Corporation

University of South Carolina Upstate

Emily Paige Schwabenland, K The University of Texas at Austin

Dallas Area Night Alumnae *Sherri Michelle Dornak, QH Stephen F. Austin State University

The University of Alabama


Patsy Ellis Roach Memorial Hannah Jo McGrory, GY Texas Christian University

Recognition Scholarships

Carol Petrusek Honorary Whitney Brooke Lee, GF University of North Texas

Dayton Alumnae Jill Marie Jonda, ZG Youngstown State University

Rachel Pendray Memorial Liz Beth Jackson, GF University of North Texas

These scholarships result from a minimum contribution of $1,100 by the sponsoring group along with $400 from the ZTA Foundation. An individual, alumnae chapter or collegiate chapter may establish a Recognition Scholarship. This scholarship may also be named in honor of or in memory of a special ZTA.

Caroline Leigh Morrell *Hope Greer, DM The University of Tennessee at Martin

Deborah Bohannon McKinney Memorial Leah Virginia Finch, IF North Carolina State University

Carrie Rogers Garrity Honorary Alex Elise Pappas, QT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Delta Beta

Caroline Elizabeth Usher, N

Rebecca J. Jakubcin Memorial Ana Carolina Rosa, HK University of Central Florida Ruth Potts

Kylie Michel Campbell, S

Baker University

Ruth Reddiford Kerr Lynsey Woldendorp, Y University of Washington Sora Embry Coulter Memorial

Alexis Marie Jacobsen, BG

Florida State University

Tracy Pierce Kormylo Memorial Natalie Lauren Jones, GP The University of Georgia Vallera Clough Ross Milan Leora Piva, S Baker University


Service Scholarships

(* Denotes a graduate student.) Athens, GA Alumnae Hannah Davis Drum, GP The University of Georgia Aunt Paula Caputo Memorial Lesley Anne Roddy, ZG Youngstown State University Austin Alumnae

Emily Washington, QY

Texas State University-San Marcos

Barbara A. Peters Memorial Brigitte Marie Flick, ZG Youngstown State University Beta Gamma

Brandi Fritsch, BG

Florida State University Beta Phi

Service Scholarships, which vary in amount, are awarded to students seeking degrees in medicine or related fields.

Michigan State University

(* Denotes a graduate student)

Patricia Anne Kelly, BF Michigan State University

Kara Kathleen Brockhaus, BF Beta Phi

Morgan Katherine Warner, KF Christopher Newport University

Delta Gamma

Aly Anne Morris, DG High Point University

— Recognize — 40 collegiate chapters and 54 alumnae chapters sponsored 101 Recognition Scholarships this year. In 2011-2012, these scholarships will increase to $1,600 each with a gift of $1,200 from the sponsoring group and a $400 match from the ZTA Foundation. The Recognition Scholarship Commitment Form is due by April 1, 2011, and can be found on the ZTA website: Sisters Only→Resources→ ZTA Foundation→Scholarship Forms. Winter 2011

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— LEAD —

Edd K. Hendee Memorial Brittney Lane South, GF University of North Texas

Hester South Memorial Stephanie Lynn Rozzo, ZG Youngstown State University

Elizabeth Emery Patterson Leeann Ingram, BN New Mexico State University Eta Kappa

House Corporation of Gamma Gamma Jennifer Huber, GG The University of Texas at El Paso

HK University of Central Florida

House Corporation of Gamma Gamma

Eta Pi

Stephen F. Austin State University

Veronica Catherine Adams,

Amanda Lee Sutherin, HP

Wright State University

Keeley McDonald Riddle Iota Sigma, Old Dominion University Frances Yancey Smith Founders Grant Recipient 1997-1998 Used her Founders Grant to attend Thomas M. Cooley Law School to obtain a Juris Doctor. Currently is a practicing attorney in New Jersey in the area of workers' compensation defense. Has served ZTA as an advisor, Director of New Chapters and Vice President Collegiate I; currently serves as National President. “Receiving the Founders Grant during my last year of law school was a dream come true. It allowed me to reduce the hours in my parttime job and give more time as general advisor for Beta Phi Chapter (Michigan State). I made a promise to myself to continually support ZTA with my time and to support the scholarship program each year. This scholarship made it easier for me, so I want to share that experience with as many sisters as possible.”

Delta Psi

Kathryn Sharp, DY

Samford University

Denton Texas Alumnae Chelsea Renee Kretz, GF University of North Texas

Eta Xi *Sara Catherine Pappa, HX Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Eta Zeta

Meg Elizabeth Hewitt, HZ Elon University

Florence Dunn Memorial Beka Colleen Hott, GZ Mississippi State University Fran Raine Memorial *Meagan Gillcrist, IS Old Dominion University Frances Pryor Hilliard Memorial Kassandra Endicott, DO Lenoir-Rhyne College Gainesville, FL Alumnae *Cori Liberty-Lynn Dullnig, BI Centenary College of Louisiana Gamma Omega Crown Calli Kendelle Pekar, GW University of Houston Gamma Omega White Violet

Crystal Molari Ghoreishi, GW

Kortney Lynn Goldman, QH

House Corporation of Gamma Gamma

Juliaenne Stephanie Munoz, GG The University of Texas at El Paso

House Corporation of Gamma Gamma Kim Lee Valadez, GG The University of Texas at El Paso Houston Alumnae Association Think Pink! Luncheon Sarah Hammond, ZS The University of Texas at Arlington Houston Northwest Alumnae Sarah Ashley Ables, GF University of North Texas Indianapolis Alumnae

Ashley Morgan Rodenhuis, BQ Franklin College

Iota Omicron

Lindsay Suzanne Miller, IO Lander University

Iota Pi

University of Houston

Katherine Hope Poli, IP

Dr. Andrea Porter Rachael Ginn, ZY Jacksonville State University

Gloria Culberson Hice Lydia Leigh Elkins, ZY Jacksonville State University

Iota Pi

Dr. Jean Andrews Memorial Kristan Anne Hinn, QO Baylor University

Greta Chubb Memorial Nursing *Sarah Elizabeth Henry, S Baker University

22 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

University of Dayton

Caroline Pleasance Faile, BD Miami University

Iota Theta

Kristen Murphy, IQ

Georgia Institute of Technology

Foundation Iota Theta

Lindsey Hollenbeck, IQ

Georgia Institute of Technology

Iota Theta

Jessica Calkins, IQ

Georgia Institute of Technology

Iota Theta

Stephanie Leigh DeLoach, IQ Georgia Institute of Technology

Iota Theta

Tiffany Adams, IQ Georgia Institute of Technology Jacksonville Alumnae Rachael Lynn Nolan, QI University of North Florida

Kappa Iota Moravian Star Karen Clare Bogda, KI Moravian College Karen Mills Honorary Katie Elizabeth Ray, QT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kay Galm Memorial Laurie Gegen, GI University of Florida Keeley McDonald Riddle Honorary Lauren Anne Crean, QT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Jane E. Freeman Memorial Andrea Clair Holland, L Southwestern University

Lilajeanne Begue Arneson Memorial Holly Lynn Gardner, QF California State University, Fullerton

Jean Branscomb Williams Nicole Adalaide Griffin, DL Georgia State University

Lucille P. Maguire

Jean Wheatley Keyser Memorial

Justine Marie Dombroski, IW University of Maryland

Malaea Seleski Honorary Angel Milan Napit, QT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Jennifer Hicks Aertker

Mary Jane Schroeder

Mardee Coyle Austin

Lesley Danielle Schreiber, Y

Tonia Michelle Karpowicz, S

Paige Elizabeth Campbell, IX Christian Brothers University

Baker University

Jimmie Goodwin Smith Honorary Alessandra Santos, BY Stetson University

Mary Louise "Pat" Moulden & Margaret E. "Meg" Lindeman Memorial Sara Elizabeth Garrigan, AX Indiana University

Joanne Wehmueller Memorial

Melissa Still

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

BW Union University

Kappa Beta

Mercer-Bucks Alumnae Amy Jessica Moroz, IG The College of New Jersey

Presbyterian College

Kappa Delta *Vanessa Lauren Rippey, Z The University of Tennessee at Knoxville

New Mexico State University

Nancy Monteer *Jennifer Alaina Anderson, GZ Mississippi State University

Northern NJ Alumnae *Mindi Leigh Martins, II Fairleigh Dickinson University


Franklin College

University of Washington

Jamie Lea Scott, KB

Rachel Elizabeth Hakeem, BN

Nelia Bentley McLuckie Kristen Espinosa, GK James Madison University

Brooke Nicole Gilbert, BQ

Jennifer Hicks Aertker Deborah Aesun Howell, IY Rochester Institute of Technology

Tracey Lauren Carter, QW

Molly Williams Uttley Memorial

Emily Katherine Welborn,

Molly Meisenheimer Sarah Lynn Fisk, GZ Mississippi State University

Jennifer Knapp Riggs Sigma, Baker University Maud Jones Horner Founders Grant Recipient 1999-2001 Used her Founders Grant to attend the University of Kansas School of Law to obtain a Juris Doctor. Practices intellectual property litigation at Shook, Hardy & Bacon, L.L.P. in Kansas City. Has served ZTA as a Traveling Leadership Consultant, Recruitment Committee Member and alumnae chapter officer; currently serves as an advisor to Sigma Chapter. “It was not until after college that I learned the true value of being a member of ZTA. As a TLC, I gained practical life skills that I use to this day in my profession. ZTA gave me so many things, in addition to money to help fund my education, and I will always be truly grateful. I am continually amazed at the wonderful women that are brought into my life through ZTA. It has truly been a blessing in my life.”

Winter 2011

• 23


— Give Back —

Roxanne T. Wood

Winifred Dinsmoor Nightingale Memorial

University of Maryland

ID Towson University

Margaret Elizabeth Richardson, IW

Sally Tucker Thompson Memorial Megan Nicole Ris, QY Texas State University-San Marcos

Stephanie Arnette Powell Gamma Pi, The University of Georgia Frances Yancey Smith Founders Grant Recipient 1998-1999 Used her Founders Grant to attend The University of Georgia to obtain a Specialist’s Degree (Ed.S.) in Educational Leadership. Worked as an elementary school assistant principal before becoming a full-time mom to three children. Currently helps run a familyowned business, Joe Powell & Associates. Has served ZTA as an advisor, Recruitment Committee Member, Mentor, and Province President; currently serves as National Panhellenic Conference Alternate Delegate “Zeta Tau Alpha has been a substantial part of my life since I pledged. As a collegian and graduate student, I was blessed to receive three scholarships from the ZTA Foundation. That support helped me realize my professional dreams of educating students and teachers. I am proud to give back each year to the ZTA Foundation in the hopes that other sisters will benefit and learn the “nobility of serving” as I have learned from the sisters who helped me.”

Research Triangle Alumnae *Lauren Nicole Hobson, QT

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Rocky Mountain Alumnae Erin Kaylee Nalli, KA Colorado State University

24 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Winifred Dinsmoor Nightingale Memorial *Nicole Diane Dueker, IW University of Maryland

San Antonio, TX Alumnae Brittany Kay Pintor, QY Texas State University-San Marcos

Zeta Alpha Chapter Freda Hamm *Susan Lang Elliott, ZA University of Evansville

San Diego Alumnae Melanie L. Anderson, QF California State University, Fullerton


Sasha Caliga Denman Annie Louise Cummins, GY Texas Christian University Shamim Syed Wu

Annie Gillis Slaton, QW California State Polytechnic University, Pomona St. Louis Alumnae

Jericah Jenee Selby, QK University of Missouri-St. Louis Stephanie Arnette Powell Cassie Dean Stone, GP The University of Georgia Theta Omicron

aCHIEVEMENT Scholarships Achievement Scholarships are funded by the ZTA Foundation General Scholarship Fund and are awarded to students who demonstrate leadership, maintain high GPAs and have financial need. These scholarships focus on individuals from chapters that do not have designated scholarships. Graduate Achievement Scholarships

Michelle Marie Turner, QO

Betsy Baker, AM

Theta Zeta

Erika Michelle Harris Beals, QT The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Baylor University

Charlotte Katherine Perrow,

QZ Wofford College

Theta Zeta Graduate Studies Connor Rose Twyman, QZ Wofford College Tina Moody Caliga

Washburn University

Taryn Shawn Deaton, L Southwestern University Sara Elizabeth Foppe, GP The University of Georgia

Jessie Lambert Garnett, DY

Lauren Elizabeth King, GY

Samford University


Duke University

Ohio Northern University

Giselle Marie Hernandez, GA

White Violet Outreach Jennifer Lynn Gregory, AG University of Michigan

Lacey Nicole Hopper, IX Christian Brothers University

Texas Christian University

Oklahoma City Alumnae Stephanie Marie Miller, ZQ East Central University

Carole Elizabeth Greenwell,

Megan Elaine Kunka, DQ

Katharine Anne Grant, F

University of Miami

Foundation Tiffany Elaine Houchin, ZA University of Evansville

Anna Cristina Juncadella, GA

Suzan Brilhart, DI Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Laura Harvey, E

University of Arkansas

Reina Murphy, S Baker University

University of Miami

Auburn University

Kimberly Ann Calongne, GR

Chandler Hatcher, IR

East Carolina University

Youngstown State University

Taryn Michelle Kadar, HZ

Nicole Elizabeth Cancilla, GX

Kymbre Chase Hayes, BN New Mexico State University

Amy Orr, GN

Jillian Harrison Carroll, E

Arkansas Tech University

Kaylyn Ann Hendricks, QQ

Laurel Ashley Powers, BN New Mexico State University

Andrea Nicole Carras, HB

Linfield College

Julie Ann Henjum, KM

Victoria Kathryn Ramm, BO

Monica B. Ceja, LG

East Central University

Natalie Walker Isaacs, ZQ

Kaitlynn Alexandria Roark, AN Birmingham-Southern College

Haley Meredith Jones, AN Birmingham-Southern College

Lenoir-Rhyne College

Elon University

Michelle Swetland Kargbo,

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

HE Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

University of Arkansas

Kaci Erin Kohlhepp, DB

Duquesne University

Florida Southern College

Lauren Elizibeth Lucier, KF Christopher Newport University

The University of Texas at San Antonio

Ashley Nicole Martin, N

Ranjani Chakraborty, AF Northwestern University

The University of Alabama

Chelsea Marie McEnroe, IQ Georgia Institute of Technology

Jena-Rose Coluccio, IG

Laura Elizabeth Panos, QT

Mary Frances Cooper, ZX

The College of New Jersey

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Georgia Southern University

Katherine Walsh Prather, DC

William Jewell College

Georgia Southwestern State University

Kim Marie Rizzo, BO

Kathleen Elaine Crock, HI

Stephanie Lee Coursey, HA

University of South Carolina

Valdosta State University

Jennifer Anne Tooher, GP

Chelsea Lynn Dolan, KI

The University of Georgia

Justine Alexandra Stringer,

BN New Mexico State University

Eva Nichole Woodward, AU Oklahoma State University Amanda Dawn Wyant, DD Baldwin-Wallace College

Achievement Scholarships

Virginia Ann Bish Van Doren, BN

New Mexico State University

Rachelle Marie Boudry, BF Michigan State University

Tiffany Marie Brewer, GC

Indiana State University

Kelsey Morgan Butler, ZY

Jacksonville State University

Moravian College

Molly Ann Estes, AQ Purdue University

Erin Marie Evers, BN

New Mexico State University

Sydney Michelle Kastner, GN

University of Virginia

Brittany Lynn Keller, KI Moravian College

Ashley Elizabeth Kwasigroh,

Shannon Rose Smith, IX Christian Brothers University

Erica Leigh Lowery, KR

Jennie Han Sun, HR

University of South Carolina Upstate

Holly Rebecca Martin, E University of Arkansas

Shelby Marie McFarland, GX

Georgia College & State University

Casey Leanne Moore, HT

Addie Grissom, HR

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Lauren Michelle Haag, DK

Kelley Kaye Moore, HC Francis Marion University

Erin Armaretta Halley, KY Kutztown University

Kim Anne Sargent, GE Pennsylvania State University

Bona Lee, KM Linfield College

Kristin Alyssa Mitchell, KU

Louisiana State University

Victoria Alexa Sala, KX The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

Christa Joann Smith, AN

The University of Alabama

Lynn Frieda Gold, QC

The University of North Alabama

Heather Leigh Sackett, DO

Liz Anne Laughlin, N

University of Evansville

New Mexico State University

University of South Carolina

Lindsey Simpson, DL

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Jenae Golden, BN

University of Virginia

BW Union University

Courtney Farrand, ZA

George Mason University

Genna Damiano Notareschi, ZG

Alana Moskovitz, BG

Florida State University

Georgia State University

Birmingham-Southern College

The University of North Alabama

Dora Tomberlin, QS Winthrop University

Sheryl Villegas, KQ

California State University, San Bernardino

Vittoria Bava Valenti, GO Central Michigan University

Jess Katherine Vinduska, KW

Saint Louis University

Brittany Marguerite Weeks,

BN New Mexico State University

Stacy Lynn Yowell, S Baker University

Alexandra Terese Zoloty, DQ Ohio Northern University

Winter 2011

• 25

Foundation News

Daughter creates pink community legacy After just one telephone call, the local Albertson’s grocery store manager agreed to let Chelsea set a table in the front of the store as customers came in. Then, after other grocery stores knew Albertson’s was involved, they agreed to let Chelsea place bags and collection baskets in their stores as well. Local grocery store and Walmart attendants were seen sporting ZTA ribbons. When it was all said and done, almost 30 Durango businesses collected lids for Chelsea including doctors’ offices, The Durango Herald and 12 area schools.

ZTA daughter Chelsea McSparren collected 9,149 Yoplait lids in Durango, Colo., in honor of relatives who fought breast cancer.


his fall, Chelsea McSparren had her hometown of Durango, Colo. thinking pink for the first time. With the help of her community, the ZTA legacy collected 9,149 pink lids for ZTA and the Yoplait® Save Lids to Save Lives® program. Chelsea was looking for a way to honor her grandmother, two aunts and other family members and friends who had battled breast cancer. When Chelsea’s mother Laura, an initiate of Delta Eta Chapter (West Texas A&M University) mentioned ZTA’s efforts in Yoplait lid collection, Chelsea realized it would be a great way for her to help as well.

The collection began on Oct. 1, 2010, and ran through Dec. 15. Over the course of those two and a half months, Chelsea has been amazed by her community’s willingness to help. “I’ve had many women dealing with breast cancer thank me for starting this project. But I knew with everyone’s help, we could make a difference. I’ve learned that people will help you—and want to help you—if you just ask.” This project has not only allowed Chelsea to help others, but also to experience ZTA. With no collegiate or alumnae ZTA chapters nearby, Chelsea turned to the ZTA Foundation for extra help with the project. The Foundation provided Think Pink! banners for table displays, shower cards and pink ribbons for each Ziploc bag Chelsea distributed. All of the lids Chelsea has collected will benefit Theta Gamma Chapter at Texas A&M University, a school Chelsea hopes to attend this fall.

Originally, Chelsea’s goal was to personally collect 50 lids for the Save Lids to Save Lives program. But after visiting the ZTA website and seeing the Fraternity’s 350,000 lid goal, the project quickly became something much bigger.

In the meantime Chelsea and the Durango community are celebrating the project’s success. So far, two area organizations have recognized Chelsea for her philanthropic spirit. The local Rotary honored Chelsea with a Youth Leadership Award, and Girl Scouts of Colorado is awarding her with the Gold Award in 2011 for the project.

“At first, I thought of just asking my friends to help me,” Chelsea says. “Then, with a little thought, my dad and I decided that if I could make Ziploc bags with instructions and put them in grocery stores along with collection baskets, I could get even more yogurt eaters to collect their lids.”

“I know that not everyone has a lot of money to donate right now so I am grateful that we were able to help a cause that wouldn’t really cost anything but still make a difference,” Chelsea says. “I am so excited by the project’s success. It has been something I will never forget.”


More Save Lids to Save Lives efforts any of our chapters tried new, creative ways to collect pink Yoplait lids last fall. Here are just a few highlights:

Theta Omicron Chapter (Baylor University) asked other Panhellenic groups to have a “Pink Lid Chapter Meeting,” where they served Yoplait and collected the lids. Iota Theta Chapter (Georgia Institute of Technology) worked with campus dining halls to ensure that they served Yoplait and provided collection containers.

26 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Alpha Gamma Chapter (University of Michigan) hosted its second annual yogurt eating contest with 53 different teams, tripling their profits from 2009. Throughout October, the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation used Facebook to share Think Pink! success stories. Daily updates to the ZTA Facebook page included event photos from our chapters across the country. Check out p. 27 to see just a few of the NFL Think Pink! highlights. Follow ZTA on Facebook. The official page is Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity.

Foundation News

Let’s Face it: Zetas are MVPs in the NFL

ZTA funds programs for campus advisors


eta Tau Alpha and the ZTA Foundation have announced two new partnerships designed to enhance the fraternity and sorority experience on college campuses across the country. The ZTA Foundation will provide a $20,000 grant to the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA) to elevate the content and accessibility of AFA’s Virtual Seminar Series. With the grant, ZTA will help AFA provide 10 free online training sessions annually to its membership across the country. The funds will allow AFA to commission experts in student affairs issues to present the videoconferences, make the experience interactive and upgrade the technology. The seminar series will be open to campus administrators, fraternity and sorority headquarters staff and AFA affiliate members. “We know that all colleges and universities face budget issues and that travel and professional development are often among the areas that are cut,” says ZTA Executive Director Deb Ensor. “We hope this grant will provide opportunities for learning at no cost to the members. The end result will be professionals better prepared to meet the needs of student members.”

ZTA Director of Education & Leadership Initiatives Heather Matthews Kirk and Director of Social Media Lynn Compton Chapman will join the AFA Virtual Seminar Series Committee as it works toward launching the new series in the fall of 2011. In addition, ZTA will provide the second phase of its risk reduction program, My Sister, My Responsibility: Teaching Social Responsibility, to 800 college campuses with fraternity/ sorority communities. This six-workshop program includes a DVD, “Who’s Watching Out for You?: The Sam Spady Story,” chronicling the events that led to the 2004 death of college freshman Samantha Spady from alcohol poisoning. A set of interactive playing cards allows workshop participants to envision the people who could have helped to avoid Samantha’s death but did not. This collaboration represents a $40,000 investment from the ZTA Foundation. “There isn’t a college campus that is not struggling with the issues of social responsibility,” Ms. Ensor says. “We worked with experts to produce engaging workshops and are happy to share the program with the entire Greek community.” Winter 2011

• 27

Extra! Extra!

Thinking pink from NYC to Honolulu is Memphte University) n i g n i k ▼ Wor dle Tennessee Stated survivors

(Mid por Chapter al alumnae sup Oct. 30. c Iota Chi lo ® d s an Cure on member he Race for the at t

▼ Ready for some football

Three members of the Twin Cities, MN Alumnae Chapter got to be on the field for the coin toss before the Vikings’ Think Pink! game.

◄ Island tribute

▼ Show of support

Tanya Snyder, wife of the Redskins’ owner, and other Zetas greet a breast cancer survivor at FedEx Field in Washington, D.C.

At the Hawaii Race for the Cure® in Honolulu, ZTA alumnae present survivors with a special lei in addition to the traditional hat and T-shirt.

Be t a O m ▲ P r e t t y i n ic pi n k Carolin ron Chapter (U a) mem n iv ersit y o bers st f South wearing pink sca ood out in the crowd, r ves to their Pin football k O ut game.

28 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Extra! Extra! ▼ Membe rs of the A n ea rly s t a rt IUPUI of Think Pink!, p Colony got their in Lucas u Oil Stad t ting signs on e first taste ium befo ver y sea t r Colts’ ga e the Indianapo me. lis

▲ Yogurt on the lawn

► Yolympics at IO

Staff members from International Office and other Greek headquarters participated in creative yogurt games as part of Pinktober.

▲ Pre-game pageantry

Southern California Zetas unfurled a huge pink ribbon banner in pre-game ceremonies of the San Diego Chargers’ game against the New England Patriots.

Gamma Pi Chapter (University of Georgia) members encourage fraternity members to keep eating yogurt during a contest outside the chapter house.

it y i n t he C Alumnae d o o h r A e T ▲ Sist New York City Z rk City Race

New Yo s of the Member ticipated in the pt. 12. Se pa r ure® on Chapter for the C

Winter 2011

• 29

From The Archives

Chapter charters are unique pieces of art By Patricia Cords Levitte, BF Archives Committee Co-Chairman


he final highlight of a Zeta Tau Alpha chapter Installation or Reactivation Service is the official presentation of the chapter's charter. The charter is the written document from the Fraternity that grants the college chapter the right to exist. Members who live in a ZTA residence may see their charter on a daily basis, as it is usually displayed in a prominent place. Members without an official meeting space, or alumnae long out of college, may see a charter only on special occasions. Second Grand President Bruce Houston Davis was instrumental in the design of the charter in 1903. The charter is stylistically appropriate for the turn of the 20th century; it would have been considered "the latest thing" in graphic design. The original design was a steel engraving, reproduced as a black and white print. One of the unique features of the charter is the "vignette," a very early version of our Coat of Arms. This particular design was only used unofficially from 1903 to 1908, but remains unchanged on the charter as a tribute to our early history. Today, we see our charter not only as an important document, but also as a beautiful piece of art. Zeta Tau Alpha had only one other charter design prior to the 1903 version, that being the original charter of Alpha Chapter. This first charter was the gift of a lithographic company, owned by a family friend of Grace Elcan Garnett, one of the first three new members of ZTA. In The History of Zeta Tau Alpha, Volume 1,

Shirley Kreasan Strout described it: "about a yard square, was valued somewhere between $50 and $100, and was given an unusually artistic frame." This was also the only charter to ever be inscribed with "Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority." No photo of this first charter has ever been found. In a 1908 letter to Bruce Houston Davis (Grand Historian at the time), Grand Secretary Clair Woodruff Bugg spoke of the possible whereabouts of the original charter. It had disappeared after the chapter was closed in 1906 in order for ZTA to meet the standards of membership in the National Panhellenic Conference. Clair mentions that the charter had been hanging in the dormitory room of two members, and that it was left in there over a break, when someone "probably took it...for the elaborate frame." The mystery of the first charter's disappearance may never be solved, but the thought that it might still exist somewhere is exciting! One of the historical aspects of our charters is that each is personally signed by the National President at the time of chartering. Only two charters signed by first Grand President Maud Jones Horner still exist: the charter (shown at left) of Delta Chapter (Randolph College), installed in 1902, lives in the Archives at International Office and the charter of Epsilon Chapter (University of Arkansas), installed in 1903, hangs in the chapter house in Fayetteville. Maud's beautiful handwriting is still clear and readable, even after 107 years. Other single-letter chapters have wonderful early charters signed by past Presidents such as Bruce Houston Davis or Dr. May Agness Hopkins. In early years, the Grand President herself wrote the names of the founding chapter members on the charter in long hand. As the number of chapters increased, the names were written by professional calligraphers. When a chapter becomes dormant, its charter is returned to the Archives, although, over time, some have been lost before they could make their way home. If the original charter is available, it is returned to that chapter when it is reactivated. If not, the Fraternity recreates the original charter for the Reactivation. In the past four years, ZTA has reactivated four dormant chapters and installed six new chapters. Members from our newest chapters should take a very close look at their charter at Installation, and realize that their names are now a part of Zeta history.

30 • Themis of Zeta Tau Alpha

Directory of Zeta Tau Alpha Founded at Longwood University • Farmville, Virginia • October 15, 1898 INTERNATIONAL OFFICE (IO)

Executive Director — Deb Ensor 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: (317) 872-0540; Fax: (317) 876-3948 Website: E-mail: Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST


Maud Jones Horner, Died August 20, 1920 Della Lewis Hundley, Died July 12, 1951 Alice Bland Coleman, Died June 11, 1956 Mary Jones Batte, Died December 3, 1957 Alice Grey Welsh, Died June 21, 1960 Ethel Coleman Van Name, Died January 24, 1964 Helen M. Crafford, Died September 17, 1964 Frances Yancey Smith, Died April 23, 1977 Ruby Leigh Orgain, Died October 22, 1984


Mrs. Ross P. Strout (Shirley Kreasan), Died August 21, 1978


Mrs. Helen Winton Jenkins, Died July 1, 1987 Mrs. Nelly Galloway Shearer


Mrs. Anne Winnes Redmond, Died November 17, 2006


Mrs. Betty Hillix Foellinger, Died April 17, 1992


Send to IO, Attn: Department of Communications


NATIONAL PRESIDENT — Keeley McDonald Riddle, 96 Ford Road, Landing, NJ 07850 VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Natalie M. Yingling, 328 Fawn Trail, Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (Director of Area I, including Provinces I-Alpha, I-Beta, II-Alpha, IIBeta, II-Gamma, II-Delta, III-Alpha, III-Beta, III-Gamma, IV-Alpha, IV-Beta) VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Stacey Verkest Voigt, 1301 Tuscany Drive, Colleyville, Texas 76034 (Director of Area II, including Provinces VIAlpha, VI-Beta, VI-Gamma, VII-Alpha, VII-Beta, VII-Gamma, VIII-Alpha, VIII-Beta, VIII-Gamma, IX-Alpha, IX-Beta, X-Alpha, XI-Alpha, XI-Beta, XIGamma, XI-Delta) VICE PRESIDENT COLLEGIATE — Kelley Snow Harmon, 2803 Elizabeth Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72703 (Director of Area III, including Provinces XII-Alpha, XII-Beta,


XIII-Alpha, XIV-Alpha, XV-Alpha, XVI-Alpha, XVI-Beta, XVII-Alpha, XVII-Beta, XVII-Gamma XVIII-Alpha, XVIIIBeta, XIX-Alpha, XIX-Beta) VICE PRESIDENT ALUMNAE — Lori A. Peters, 3784 Nathan Court, Brunswick, OH 44212 (Director of Area I, including Districts I-Alpha, I-Beta, II-Alpha, III-Alpha, III-Beta, IV-Alpha, VI-Alpha, VII-Alpha, VII-Beta, VIIIAlpha, VIII-Beta, IX-Alpha, XII-Alpha, XVI-Alpha, XVIBeta) VICE PRESIDENT ALUMNAE — Diane Hanson Keegan, 23855 Mountain Laurel Court, Murrieta, CA 92562 (Director of Area II, including Districts X-Alpha, XI-Alpha, XIBeta, XI-Gamma, XI-Delta, XIII-Alpha, XIV-Alpha, XVAlpha, XV-Beta, XV-Gamma, XVII-Alpha, XVIII-Alpha, XVIII-Beta, XVIII-Gamma, XIX-Alpha, XIX-Beta, XIXGamma) SECRETARY-TREASURER — Dinah Jackson Laughery, 3513 Savoy Court, Austin, TX 78738 NPC DELEGATE — Laura Ladewig Mauro, 801 Circle Drive, Winnsboro, TX 75494 EXTENSION DIRECTOR — Marlene Dunbar Conrad, 4421 Sugar Maple Drive, Acworth, GA 30101


PRESIDENT — Julia Marthaler Hill, 290 Highland View Drive, Birmingham, AL 35242 VICE PRESIDENT — Martha Gorum Jackson, 4187 North Sabino Mountain Drive, Tucson, AZ 85750 TREASURER — Dinah Helms Cook, 188 Gregg Parkway, Columbia, SC 29206 SECRETARY — Marty E. Sik, 1217 Newbridge Trace, Atlanta, GA 30319 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Susan Beard, 2309 Empire Road, Birmingham, AL 35226 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Cynthia Byars Courtney, 5644 Pillsbury Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55419 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Joan Parker Hull, 3036 Westmoreland Drive, Birmingham, AL 35223 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Jayne Ann Scoggins Hungate, 1671 E. Caracas Ave, Hershey, PA 17033 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Jan Spradley McCarthy, 903 Sleepy Hollow Cove, Oxford, MS 38655 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Kay McCoy McKelvey, 5635 Mistridge Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Terri Dew Millsap, 111 E. Edgewood Drive, Homewood, AL 35209 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Lacy Schneider O’Connor, 5403 Braxtonshire, Houston, TX 77069 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Dorothy Coates Pataky, 5830 Old Ranch Road, Riverside, CA 92504 DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Nancy Jo Floyd Stipp, 210 King George Road, Greenville, SC 29615

DIRECTOR AT LARGE — Christine Flora Stull, 1044 Saratoga Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46280 DIRECTOR — Keeley McDonald Riddle (See National President) DIRECTOR — Dinah Jackson Laughery (See National Secretary-Treasurer) DIRECTOR — Becky Hainsworth Kirwan (See Foundation President)


PRESIDENT — Becky Hainsworth Kirwan, 14601 Beach Road, Chesterfield, VA 23838 VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVELOPMENT — Deb Ensor (See Executive Director) VICE PRESIDENT OF PHILANTHROPY — Sherry Server Tilley, 8028 Fawnwood Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46278 VICE PRESIDENT OF SCHOLARSHIP — Catherine G. Slaughter, 9212 Cedardale Drive, Plano, TX 75025 SECRETARY/TREASURER — Kay Dill Kreutzer, 25035 W. Beachgrove Road, Antioch, IL 60002 DIRECTOR — Ms. Martha C. Edens, 6311 Eastshore Road, Columbia, SC 29206 DIRECTOR — Nora Nell Hardy Jackson, 7219 FM 755, Rio Grande City, TX 78582 DIRECTOR — Keeley McDonald Riddle (See National President) DIRECTOR — Dinah Jackson Laughery (See National Secretary-Treasurer) DIRECTOR — Julia Marthaler Hill (See NHC President) DIRECTOR — Dinalh Helms Cook (See NHC Treasurer)


PD — Laura Ladewig Mauro (See NPC Delegate) PDA I — Deb Ensor (See Executive Director) PDA II — Stephanie Arnette Powell, 2421 Bagley Road, Cumming, GA 30041 PDA III — Malaea Nelms Seleski, 440 SE. 1st Terrace, Pompano Beach, FL 33060


Kat Lopez (Leadership Development Specialist), Harriette Baker, Sharon Binford, Shaina Geltman, Katie Harbison, Elise Hawkins, Ali Keeler, Courtney Knox, Brittany Lee, Gemma Leggere, Emily Lorino, Caitlin Moulton, Lexie Orologas, Stacy Ramirez, Robyn Shiplet, Anna Tiffany and Kyle Williams. Send TLC mail c/o ZTA International Office, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.


MJ Insurance, Inc., Sorority Division, 9225 Priority Way West Drive, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240; 888-442-7470;

Tips for submitting photos to Themis

he Communications Department is always looking for great photos to be included in Themis and other Fraternity publications. Follow these tips to ensure you send the best possible photo. Photo rules: • Turn off your camera’s date stamp. • Shoot small groups of people; groups of three to five make the best pictures. • Wear ZTA letters or show in some way that the subjects are Zetas. • No cups or anything that looks

• •

like an alcoholic beverage—even in alumnae photos. No nametags, sunglasses or “crown fingers!” Do not edit your photos. This includes editing color and adding captions or graphics.

Photo Size: • Photo files MUST be 500KB in size or larger. • Photos posted on social media sites are compressed and too small for our use. Send the original file. • Photos taken with cell phones


may be too small for printing.

E-mailing Photos: • E-mail your photos as attachments. Do not paste them into an e-mail or Word document. • We cannot access photos from Snapfish or similar accounts. • Only send two or three of your best photos. • Send to: communicationsdept@ Subject: (your chapter name)

Winter 2011

• 31

Initiated in 2003? to remain on the Themis mailing list, you must notify ZTA by december 15, 2011. ______ Yes, I wish to remain on the Themis mailing list. • • •

______ No, I do not wish to remain on the Themis mailing list.

You may complete this form and mail it to International Office, 3450 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268. You may also update online in the Sisters Only portion of If you are not registered for Sisters Only on the ZTA website, set your browser to and click “Sign Up” in the top right-hand corner. Follow the instructions to create your username and password. After you are registered, log in to Sisters Only to connect with your personal page and select “Edit Profile.” On the “Edit Your Profile” page, select “Communicate with ZTA” and check the box to receive Themis.

Collegiate Chapter: __________________________________ Year of Initiation: _____________ Alumnae Chapter: ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Miss/Ms./Mrs. First Middle Maiden Married

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address

__________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________________ City



Daytime Phone: (_____________) ___________________________________ Home Phone: (_____________) _____________________________

PARENTS: While your daughter is in college, her magazine is sent to her home address. We hope you enjoy it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send an e-mail to to give us her new address. Include “Address Change” in the subject line. Thank you!

Snap a snowy picture and send it to us


e’re on the lookout for great pictures of Zetas in the snow for possible use in Themis and for next year’s holiday greeting. The next time it snows in your area, grab your sisters, put on your cutest ZTA sweatshirts and snap a picture in the snow. Make a ZTA snowman with a turquoise scarf and a gray hat. Pose with your shovels or sleds. Be creative! Get the picture? Be sure to review our photo guidelines on page 35 so your picture will meet our requirements. We apologize to our sisters in the far south and sunny California who won’t have the chance to be a part of this project. But we’d guess you’re not jealous of those of us who experience a good blizzard every now and then! Happy 2011 to you all!

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