ZTA Style Guide

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Style Guide Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


The purpose of the Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide is to provide clear and simple guidelines for sharing the Zeta Tau Alpha brand in both written and visual communication. This guide contains design standards for how to use ZTA’s imagery and trademarks as well as guidelines and terminology to use when writing about Zeta Tau Alpha and the fraternity/sorority community. The Fraternity encourages each ZTA chapter and individual member to review this resource and utilize the ZTA brand according to the guidelines herein. Additional resources, including logos and image files, are available on Z-Learning to help you effectively represent the ZTA brand. Filter by either collegiate or alumnae Historian-Reporter. If you have questions, email the Communication Department at International Office at news@zetataualpha.org.

OU R MISSION To make a difference in the lives of our members by developing the potential of each individual through innovative programming, which emphasizes leadership development, service to others, academic achievement and continued personal growth for women, with a commitment to friendship and the future based on the sisterhood, values and traditions of the past.

OU R PU R POSE The purpose of Zeta Tau Alpha is the intensifying of friendship, the fostering of a spirit of love, the creating of such sentiments, the performing of such deeds, and the moulding of such opinions as will be conducive to the building up of a purer and nobler womanhood in the world.

OU R MOT TO “Seek the Noblest”

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


N IN E K E Y VA LU ES LIFELONG LEARNING • Applies past learning to

new challenges • Continuously pursues learning about herself and her purpose in life • Looks for learning opportunities throughout her life

RESPONSIBILIT Y • Follows through on obligations • Shows initiative • Holds herself and others accountable for actions and decisions


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

LEADERSHIP • Is true to herself and others, showing her authentic self

• Looks for opportunities to serve and build others up

• Thinks critically to find root causes and enact solutions

B E I N G R AT H E R THAN SEEMING • Shows vulnerability and allows others in

• Interacts with others in an authentic manner

• Shows a genuine interest in getting to know others

SERVICE & PHILANTHROPY • Gives freely of time and resources to assist others • Seeks out opportunities to educate others on community needs

• Understands her role in serving her campus and local and global communities



• Does things without regard • Is open to new ideas

and perspectives • Seeks out opportunities to interact with and learn from people of different backgrounds • Discusses differing values and beliefs in a comfortable manner

for recognition or a need for appreciation • Shares in the success of others • Admits when she is wrong

L O YA LT Y & C O M M I T M E N T • Goes above and beyond what

is expected • Displays devotion to Zeta Tau Alpha and its members • Stands up for others

LOVE • Puts others’ needs before her own

• Loves others unconditionally,

even during challenging times

• Enjoys making others feel welcome and appreciated

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha To realize that within our grasp, in Zeta Tau Alpha, lies the opportunity to learn those things which will ever enrich and ennoble our lives; to be true to ourselves, and to those within and without our circle; to think in terms of all mankind and our service in the world; to be steadfast, strong, and clean of heart and mind, remembering that since the thought is father to the deed, only that which we would have manifested in our experience should be entertained in thought; to find satisfaction in being, rather than seeming, thus strengthening in us the higher qualities of the spirit; to prepare for service and learn the nobility of serving, thereby earning the right to be served; to seek understanding that we might gain true wisdom; to look for the good in everyone; to see beauty, with its enriching influence; to be humble in success, and without bitterness in defeat; to have the welfare and harmony of the Fraternity at heart, striving ever to make our lives a symphony of high ideals, devotion to the Right, the Good, and the True, without a discordant note; remembering always that the foundation precept of Zeta Tau Alpha was Love, “the greatest of all things.” W R I T T E N BY S H I R L E Y K R E A S A N S T R O U T

Adopted by the attendees of the 1928 ZTA Convention


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

O U R B R AN D Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


OU R FON TS regular |

Gentium Basic

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890:;.,!?@#$%&*()/<>-+=

italic |

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890:;.,!?@#$%&*()/<>-+=

bold |

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890:;.,!?@#$%&*()/<>-+=

bold italic |

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890:;.,!?@#$%&*()/<>-+=

Myriad Pro regular | italic |

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890:;.,!?@#$%&*()/<>-+=

bold |

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890:;.,!?@#$%&*()/<>-+=

bold italic |


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890:;.,!?@#$%&*()/<>-+=

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1234567890:;.,!?@#$%&*()/<>-+=

Main Title

Gentium Basic Bold; 20 pt


Myriad Pro Bold; all caps; 12 pt

Tertiary Title

Gentium Basic Bold Italic; 12 pt

Body copy

Gentium Basic Regular; 11 pt

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide





100, 0, 34, 4 RGB




79, 64, 52, 44

130, 136, 143






55, 41, 38, 4 RGB

0, 155, 167



51, 63, 72 HEX











7, 3, 5, 8

30, 0, 12, 0

6, 99, 9, 0




208, 211, 212

175, 226, 227

225, 19, 131










97, 9, 39, 34 RGB

0, 111, 113 HEX






0, 33, 6, 0 RGB

253, 187, 203 HEX

#FCBBCA Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide



Minimum width = 1.5 inches The five dots of the crown pay homage to the crown at the top of the Coat of Arms.

The five points on the crown signify the Fraternity’s five core values.

Single-color versions in turquoise, black, and white are also available for use. When using the logo on a colored background, use the all-white version for best visibility. Do not alter the logo in any way.


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


The same guidelines apply when using these logo options.

Open motto of Zeta Tau Alpha

Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity Housing Corporation

Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation

Minimum width = .5 inches

Minimum width = 1.5 inches

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


T H E C ROW N The crown is an official symbol of the Fraternity and will work to represent Zeta Tau Alpha in just about any case.

Do not alter the crowns in any way. These are the only only crowns approved for use. When using the crown on a colored background, use the all-white version for best visibility. If there are questions, contact Zeta Tau Alpha International Office.


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

OU R COAT OF A R MS Developed in 1926, Zeta Tau Alpha’s Coat of Arms served as the organization’s logo for many years. Today, it is used as an official symbol of the Fraternity. Only initiated members of Zeta Tau Alpha are permitted to wear the Coat of Arms. Full-color as well as black-and-white versions of the Coat of Arms are available for use. Do not alter the Coat of Arms in any way.

For specific projects such as engravings or casts, contact Zeta Tau Alpha International Office for the correct file type.

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


T HIN K PIN K ® Think Pink® is a registered trademark of Zeta Tau Alpha. Since 2004, this term has represented the overall theme for our breast cancer education and awareness efforts. Full-color as well as black-and-white versions of the logo are available for use. When using the logo on a colored background, use the all-white version for best visibility. Do not alter the logo in any way.

Minimum width = .5 inches

Minimum width = 1.5 inches

You can also use a stand-alone Think Pink® ribbon. Follow the same guidelines as above. 12

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

SOCIAL ME DIA Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


Social media has become a huge part of any organization’s brand. As such, the following information should be used for any account related to Zeta Tau Alpha or your chapter.

M A K E YO U R ACCO U N T S E A S Y T O F I N D. Optimize social media handles. For example, collegiate chapters should not use their Greek-letter chapter names, because non-Zetas likely don’t know what that means. Use your school (collegians) or city (alumnae). • Use your bio. Font generators make for cute text, but fancy fonts may obscure searches. Use plain text instead. • If you use ZTA in your username, put Zeta Tau Alpha in your bio and vice versa. Same with the full school name/ abbreviations. People search for both terms. − Example: @okstatezta (username) and Oklahoma State Zeta Tau Alpha (name in bio)

CO N S I D E R YO U R AU D I E N C E S . Knowing who follows your account (or who you want to follow you), what they do/don’t know about ZTA and what they can gain from following your account is vital. This will vary depending on your chapter.

Consider the following: • Potential collegiate chapter audiences − Potential new members − Potential new members’ parents − Chapter members − Chapter members’ parents − Other students on campus − Campus administrators, advisors − Chapter alumnae


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

• Potential alumnae chapter audiences − Dues-paying chapter members − Zetas in your area who have not joined the chapter • What do/don’t they know? For example: − Acronyms: A PNM or parent may not know what “EC” is, and an alumna may not know what “District” or “DP” mean! − Specific fraternity/sorority-related terms

C R E AT E G OA L S F O R YO U R CO N T E N T. Consider the following questions to help develop your social media brand. • What do I want people to know about ZTA? • How do I want them to feel? • How many times a week do I want to post? • What personality should my brand have?

D E F I N E YO U R VO I C E . If your brand/chapter were a person, what would they sound like? For ZTA’s national account, the following words come to mind: • Friendly • Smart • Funny • Supportive • Energetic You’ll want to further define your brand attributes. For example, when ZTA is “supportive,” as mentioned above, it could be described as: “The account likes or responds to every post it’s tagged in on Instagram. The account often shares member accomplishments and encourages members toward personal achievement.” Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


U S E CO R R E C T G R A M M A R A N D T E R M I N O L O G Y. Part of ZTA’s national social media voice is to be “smart.” As Zetas, we are all college-educated women, and we want our accounts to reflect that. Using correct spelling, grammar and terminology will send that message. A simple review with a spell-checker can go a long way. You can also ask a friend or fellow chapter officer to look over your captions and responses before posting them to help avoid mistakes. Check out the “Our Words” section on page 18 to see a list of common ZTA words and phrases and how to use them.

F I N D YO U R V I S UA L S T Y L E . This whole guide will help you appropriately use the ZTA brand, but there’s more to visual style than a logo. Below are a few questions to consider as you find your visual style.

There are at least three visual style categories to consider. • Profile pics and headers • Images (like, real photographs) • Graphics (things you might create in Canva or Adobe Illustrator)

Profile pictures and headers should be simple and represent the overall brand. • Refrain from putting a bunch of words on the profile picture. A simple icon that represents the brand usually works best. • Headers offer you more room to play with. Consider using a photo that represents your chapter or a graphic that has your university or city name completely written out. • Both these images should quickly and easily convey who you are.


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

How do you edit photos for social media?

• Do you use a light, airy feel? • Do you use a darker feel with high contrast? • Does each photo/image have at least a hint of turquoise or gray in it?

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


What types of images do you post? • Primarily large groups or smaller groups? • Does every photo have more than one person in it?

What do your graphics look like? • Is your design style clean and simple? − For example, do you leave plenty of “white space” around your graphic elements, like the example on the right? • Do you consistently use the same graphic style? − When you use icons, are they all the same style? − Do you use hand-drawn elements, stick to specific fonts and clean lines, or do you use a combination to create your aesthetic?


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

OUR WORDS Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


advisor: Lowercase on general reference. Always capitalize official collegiate chapter advisor titles (General Advisor, Membership Advisor, etc.). Only abbreviate advisor titles for internal use. (Nancy Drew is the General Advisor. Nancy Drew is a chapter advisor.) Advisory Board: Capitalize on reference to the collective group of advisors that assists a chapter. Alcohol Skills Training Program: Capitalize on reference to the harm reduction program. ASTP is acceptable on second reference. Alternate Delegate: Capitalize on all references. This is a collegian or alumna attending Convention as part of a chapter’s official delegation. She must attend all sessions but is not a voting member. alumna/alumnae/alumnus/alumni: alumna: female, singular (pronounced a-lum-nuh) alumnae: female, plural (pronounced a-lum-nee) alumnus: male, singular (pronounced a-lum-nuhs) alumni: male, plural or male and female mixed, plural (pronounced a-lum-nigh) alumnae chapter: Capitalize when referring to a specific chapter and put “the” before the chapter name (the Dayton, OH Chapter). Note that the state is abbreviated and that there is a comma between the city and state, but not after the state. When an alumnae chapter refers to an area rather than a city, no commas are used, and the state is spelled out (the Northern Virginia Chapter). Lowercase in general reference. (Five alumnae chapters attended Zeta Day.) Always use “Chapter” on first reference. Do not include “Alumnae” in the chapter name. When listing more than one chapter, use “chapter” just once at end of list and lowercase (the Dayton, OH and Cincinnati, OH chapters).


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

“Chapter” is always singular. It must use singular pronouns, like “it,” and follow subject/verb agreement for singular nouns. Alumnae Service Book: Capitalize and italicize. Do not use “Ritual Book.” Alumnae National Officer: Capitalize in reference to all National Officers who support alumnae chapters. These include District Presidents and Alumnae Area Coordinators. American Cancer Society®: Always capitalize. Use the registered trademark symbol on first reference. ACS is acceptable on second reference. Area: Capitalize when referring to one of ZTA’s three collegiate or two alumnae Areas. Use Roman numerals for Area I, Area II and Area III. Area Housing Coordinator: Always capitalize. This title replaced “House Association President.” Assess Your Risk™ by Bright Pink®: This risk assessment quiz from Bright Pink® is the educational tool for women to use to understand their risk for breast and ovarian cancers. It is also acceptable to refer to it as the Assess Your Risk™ tool. Include TM on first reference and the registered trademark symbol after Bright Pink on first reference. badge: Lowercase on all references. Always refer to it as the “badge,” never the “shield” or the “pin.” bid: Lowercase on all references to an invitation to membership. Bid Day: Capitalize on all references. biennium: Lowercase on all references. It is a period of two years. “Biennial” is the adjective form. Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


Big Sister, Little Sister: Always capitalize in reference to the relationship of the Zeta Tau Alpha mentor/mentee. Big and Little are acceptable on second reference. Billhighway: Always capitalize. It is one word, and the “h” is never capitalized. Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Capitalize on all references. breast cancer education and awareness: Always lowercase and list “education” before “awareness.” It is ZTA’s official philanthropy. Bright Pink®: Always capitalize. Use the registered trademark symbol on first reference. Chain of Chapters: Capitalize and italicize in reference to the ZTA chain that includes a link for each chartered chapter. Both The Chain and Chain are acceptable on second reference. chair: Lowercase on general references. Capitalize when referencing a specific officer title. (Molly is a chair. She is the Academic Achievement Chair.) Not “chairwoman” or “chairperson.” chapter: Lowercase on general references. Capitalize when used as part of the proper name with collegiate or alumnae chapters (Alpha Chapter; the Miami, FL Chapter). Coat of Arms: Capitalize when referring specifically to Zeta Tau Alpha’s Coat of Arms. Do not put hyphens between the words. This term is interchangeable with crest. College Panhellenic Council: Always capitalize. CPH is acceptable on second reference. This is the governing body on a campus, comprising all voting Panhellenic Delegates. “College Panhellenic Association” or just “College Panhellenic” refers to


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

the whole of the Panhellenic community on a campus, not the governing council itself. College Service Book: This book contains all ZTA ritual services and should never be shared. Capitalize and italicize. Do not use “Ritual Book” or “Collegiate Service Book.” collegian(s): A noun that refers to a person in college. Not “collegiate,” which is an adjective. (Becky is a collegian. Delta Delta Chapter is her collegiate chapter.) collegiate chapter: Lowercase on general reference (the five ZTA collegiate chapters). Always capitalize and include school name when referring to a specific chapter (Alpha Chapter at Longwood University, Lambda Theta Chapter (New York University). Never use “the” before a collegiate chapter name. Upon second reference, shorten to “the chapter” or drop “chapter.” (The chapter hosted a philanthropy event. I will visit Alpha while traveling through Virginia.) Collegiate National Officer(s): Capitalize in reference to all National Officers who support collegiate chapters. These include Province Presidents, Mentors, Directors of New Chapters, Director of New Chapters Supervisor, Collegiate Area Coordinators and Membership Area Coordinators. committee: Lowercase on general reference. Capitalize only when referring to a specific or formal committee or board. (The chapter’s Recruitment Committee planned the retreat.) CommunityEdu™: One word; capitalize on all references. The trademark symbol is only required on first reference. Constitution & Bylaws of Zeta Tau Alpha: Always capitalize and italicize in reference to the specific set of rules by which ZTA is governed. Constitution & Bylaws is acceptable on second reference. Lowercase general references to a “constitution” or “chapter bylaws.” Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


Convention: Capitalize on all references to ZTA’s biennial Convention. The year comes after “Convention” (Convention 2014). When citing the number of events held, list both national and international numbers and capitalize “National” and “International.” (She attended the 45th National and 34th International Convention.) The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha: Always capitalize and italicize. Both The Creed and Creed are acceptable on second reference. crest: This term is interchangeable with Coat of Arms. CROWN: Capitalize all letters of the acronym meaning Continue Recruiting Outstanding Women Now. CROWN is acceptable on first reference. The Panhellenic term is Continuous Open Bidding or COB. Crown & Co.: This is the official boutique of Zeta Tau Alpha. Always capitalize, use an ampersand after “Crown” and place a period after “Co.” The name is pronounced as it’s spelled, not “Crown and Company.” Crown Chapter Award: An award given annually to collegiate chapters and biennially to alumnae chapters that achieve specific criteria established by National Council. Both collegiate Crown Chapter criteria and alumnae Crown Chapter criteria can be found in Z-Learning. Crowning Achievements: Capitalize and italicize in reference to ZTA’s online academic achievement program. Crucial Catch: Always capitalize both words, with no “A” before and no use of quotes or italics. It is the official name of the National Football League’s cancer awareness initiative. Use this term in reference to any NFL event in which ZTA participates.


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

directors: Lowercase on general reference. Capitalize when referencing a specific director position on Program Council or on the ZTA Foundation or ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation boards of directors. (The VP I met with her PC directors. The Director of Sisterhood led the workshop.) Director of New Chapters: Always capitalize in reference to an alumnae volunteer appointed by National Council to oversee a new collegiate chapter. Spell out on first reference. DNCH is acceptable on second reference. The plural is Directors of New Chapters or DNCHs. Always lowercase the s to differentiate this abbreviation from DNCHS (Director of New Chapters Supervisor). Always include the Greek-letter chapter name (Director of New Chapters for Alpha Zeta Chapter). District President: Spell out on first reference. DP is acceptable on second reference. On first reference, always use title (with district number in Roman numeral form, e.g., District President XV-A). This is a volunteer who oversees the operations of the alumnae chapters within a specific district. She reports to the Vice President Alumnae I or II, depending on her district’s location. diversity, equity and inclusion: Lowercase each word for this phrase that refers to the overall focus and work in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion. DEI is acceptable on second reference. Capitalize each word in reference to ZTA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan. • diversity: the representation of various identities and differences. • equity: the fair treatment, access, opportunity and advancement for all people, which includes striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups.

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


• inclusion: the process of engaging in repeated, intentional acts to create an environment of open participation from all individuals with different ideas and perspectives where everyone feels heard, valued, and validated. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Students: Capitalize and italicize the full name of this collegiate educational program from EverFi. It addresses topics such as personal and social identities, power, privilege, oppression, bias, allyship, active listening and self-care. Diversity: Inclusion in the Modern Workplace: Capitalize and italicize the full name of this educational program for alumnae from EverFi. This training provides a deeper understanding of how to incorporate inclusion in the workplace, which can be applied to each person’s role within ZTA. Emerging Leaders Academy: Capitalize on all references. ELA is acceptable on second reference. Executive Committee: Always capitalize. EC is acceptable on second reference. Capitalize all Executive Committee position titles. This is the governing body for collegiate and alumnae chapters. • Executive Committee positions (collegiate): − President

− Vice President I/Coordinator of Committees

“VP I/Coordinator of Committees” and “VP I” are acceptable on second reference.

− Vice President II/New Member Coordinator

“VP II/New Member Coordinator” and “VP II” are acceptable on second reference.

− Vice President III/Membership Chair

“VP III/Membership Chair” and “VP III” are acceptable on second reference.


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

− Vice President IV/Philanthropy, Service & Fundraising

(optional; could be on Program Council) “VP IV/Philanthropy, Service & Fundraising” and “VP IV” are acceptable on second reference.

− Treasurer − Recording Secretary

“Secretary” is acceptable on second reference.

− Historian-Reporter

“Historian” is acceptable on second reference.

− Ritual Chair − Panhellenic Delegate − Risk Reduction and Education Chair − Academic Achievement Chair

(optional; could be on Program Council)

− House Manager

(optional; could be on Program Council)

• Executive Committee positions (alumnae): − President

− First Vice President—Programs OR Vice President I

Programming “VP I Programming” is acceptable on second reference.

− Second Vice President—Membership OR Vice President II Membership “VP II Membership” is acceptable on second reference.

− Third Vice President—Philanthropy OR Vice President III Philanthropy “VP III Philanthropy” is acceptable on second reference.

− Secretary − Treasurer − Historian-Reporter

“Historian” is acceptable on second reference.

− Panhellenic Delegate Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


− Alternate Panhellenic Delegate extension: Lowercase on all references to the process for opening a new ZTA chapter or reopening a closed one. ZTA does not use the term “expansion,” but “extending” is acceptable. (Ex: We are currently extending at Sample College.) Do not use “colonization,” “colonize,” “recolonization” or “recolonize.” formal: Lowercase on all references to a formal dance that serves as a chapter social event. forms: All form titles/names should be capitalized and not italicized, e.g., Badge Disposition Form, Alumna Initiate Nomination Form. Foundation donor levels: The ZTA Foundation recognizes donors for both annual and lifetime giving. Lifetime giving society members and individuals who give at least $300 are listed annually in Themis magazine. • annual giving levels: Individuals and chapters who give $300 or more during one fiscal year (Aug. 1–July 31) are recognized as part of one of the following annual giving levels: − Link: $300 to $499

− Themis: $500 to $999 − Torch: $1,000 to $2,499 − Shield: $2,500 to $4,999 − Crown: $5,000 and above • lifetime giving society: Each of the following giving societies recognizes an individual’s cumulative gifts to the Foundation. Members of the lifetime giving societies receive a special gift for each level they attain. − 1898 Society: $10,000 to $24,999

− Creed Society: $25,000 to $49,999 − Sword and Shield Society: $50,000 to $74,999 28

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

− Crest Society: $75,000 to $99,999 − Founders Society: $100,000 and above Founder(s): Always capitalize in reference to the nine women who founded Zeta Tau Alpha. (Our Founders attended the Virginia State Female Normal School.) Also capitalize when used in front of their names (Founder Maud Jones Horner). Do not capitalize if referencing a chapter’s founding member. Founders Club: Capitalize on all references. No apostrophe. It is a level of giving for the ZTA Foundation that represents individuals and collegiate and alumnae chapters that donate at least $10,000 in the biennium. Founders’ Day: Always capitalize and use the plural possessive. The National President issues an annual Founders’ Day Proclamation. Fraternity: The Fraternity is synonymous with Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity. Always capitalize in reference to ZTA. (The Fraternity hosted Convention.) Also capitalize when referring to a specific fraternity (Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, Sigma Nu Fraternity). Lowercase in general reference. (All fraternities have both social and philanthropic endeavors.) fraternity/sorority life: Lowercase on all references except when part of the formal name of a campus office/department. This term is preferred over “Greek life.” Fraternity Education: Capitalize in reference to ZTA programming that teaches about the history/traditions of ZTA. FRED is acceptable on second reference. fundraise/fundraiser/fundraising: One word in all cases. Greek life: The preferred term is “fraternity/sorority life.” Only capitalize “life” when it is used as part of the formal name of a campus office/department. Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


Historical and Educational Center: Always capitalize and spell out “and,” no ampersand. HEC is acceptable on second reference. The History of Zeta Tau Alpha: Capitalize and italicize in reference to the books written about ZTA’s history. The History is acceptable on second reference. homecoming: Lowercase in general reference to the annual university celebration. Honor Ring: Capitalize in reference to the ring awarded to ZTA alumnae for service to the Fraternity. House Corporation: Capitalize on all references to a corporation that owns and oversees the management of a ZTA housing facility but is not owned by the Fraternity Housing Corporation (Kappa House Corporation; Local House Corporation). House Director: Capitalize on all references to the employee of the collegiate chapter. Do not use the term “house mom.” Initiation: Capitalize in reference to Zeta Tau Alpha’s ritual service. Lowercase when used as an adjective or verb. (The Initiation at Convention was flawless. The initiated members should attend the meeting. The members were initiated.) Initiation Service: Capitalize in reference the formal name of the ritual. Do not use “Initiation Ritual” or “Initiation Ceremony.” installation: Lowercase unless used as part of the formal term “Installation of Chapter Service” or the “Installation Service.” (e.g., The chapter celebrated its installation; the installation of Lambda Lambda Chapter; the celebratory installation luncheon; gifts were given following installation; the National President visited for installation weekend) 30

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

Installation of Chapter Officers Service: Always capitalize. It is the formal name of the ceremony performed when installing new chapter officers. Lowercase “officer installation” on general reference. Interfraternally: Always capitalize as an informal closing salutation to a member of any fraternity or sorority. International Office: Capitalize on all references. IO is acceptable on second reference. Do not use “nationals.” Judicial Chair: Always capitalize in reference to a collegiate chapter office. This position is on neither EC nor PC. This officer serves independently of these boards. The chapter President, with the approval of EC, appoints the Judicial Chair and committee members. Leadership Consultant(s): Always capitalize. “LC(s)” and “consultant(s)” are acceptable on second reference. legacy: Lowercase on all references. The term refers to a sister, daughter or granddaughter of a member in good standing. member: Lowercase on all references. This refers to an initiated member of the Fraternity. Do not use “active” as a noun, only as an adjective. Mentor: Capitalize when in reference to an alumnae volunteer, appointed by National Council, who oversees one collegiate chapter only. Always include the Greek-letter chapter name (Mentor for Gamma Tau Chapter). A chapter with a Mentor reports to the Mentor rather than a Province President. Lowercase in general references. The Mission of Zeta Tau Alpha: Capitalize on first reference; do not italicize.

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


My Sister, My Responsibility®: Capitalize and italicize. Always use a comma after “Sister.” Use the trademark symbol on first reference. This educational program includes: • My Sister, My Responsibility®: Behind Happy Faces • My Sister, My Responsibility®: Generation Rx • My Sister, My Responsibility®: Preventing and Confronting Hazing • My Sister, My Responsibility®: Seeking Understanding • My Sister, My Responsibility®: Sisterhood, Safety and Support • My Sister, My Responsibility®: Teaching Social Responsibility Mystifying Picture: Capitalize with no quotes or italics in reference to a picture taken of ZTA’s Founders and several new members that is considered to be the first photograph taken of the Founders together. National Council: Always capitalized in reference to the nine women who direct the Fraternity. Always capitalize all National Council titles. Shortening applicable titles to “VPC” or “VPA” is acceptable on second reference (VPC I, VPA II, etc.). • National President • Vice President Collegiate I • Vice President Collegiate II • Vice President Collegiate III • Vice President Alumnae I • Vice President Alumnae II • Secretary-Treasurer • National Panhellenic Conference Delegate (“NPC Delegate” is acceptable on second reference.) • Extension Director National Officer: Always capitalize both words, as well as all National Officer titles. National Officers include all Collegiate National Officers (page 23), Alumnae National Officers (page 21) and all standing and special committee chairs and members, as listed on page 25 of the General Manual.


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

National Panhellenic Conference: Always capitalize. NPC is acceptable on second reference. It is an umbrella organization for women’s fraternities/sororities. National Policies of Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity: No quotes or italics. National Policies is acceptable on second reference. It is the name of the official document that outlines the organization’s policies on inclusion, drugs and alcohol usage, anti-hazing, harm reduction, digital media, membership selection, and sexual conduct and relational violence. New Chapter: Use when referring to a newly formed chapter before it is installed and gets its Greek-letter name. Capitalize when used after the name of the school (Sample College New Chapter). Use the general term (lowercase) before the school name is preferred (the new chapter at Sample College). Do not use “colony.” new member: Lowercase on all references, except as part of the Zeta Is Forever New Member Experience program. A new member is a sister who has been pledged into ZTA but not yet initiated. Do not use “pledge” and do not refer to new members as “babies.” Also use “new member class” instead of “pledge class.” The VP III should not be called “pledge mom.” new member pin: Lowercase on all references. Do not use “pledge pin.” Nine Key Values: Always capitalize in reference to the nine values drawn from The Creed: Lifelong Learning, Leadership, Responsibility, Being Rather than Seeming, Service & Philanthropy, Seeking Understanding that We Might Gain True Wisdom, Humility, Loyalty & Commitment, and Love. When listing them all, they should be listed in the order seen here, which is the order in which they appear in The Creed. Also capitalize Key Value(s). Do not use the numeral 9 (e.g., “9 Key Values”). Acceptable phrases also include “the Key Value of Humility” and “the Humility Key Value.” Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


Noble Workshops: Capitalize when referring to ZTA’s educational programming tailored to chapters’ specific needs and presented by the Chapter Development Team. Officer Leadership Academy: Capitalize on all references. OLA is acceptable on second reference. Use the singular form when referring to the general leadership program (Officer Leadership Academy/OLA); use the plural form when specifically referring to more than one event (Officer Leadership Academies/OLAs). Use Roman numerals when including collegiate Areas: • Officer Leadership Academy Area I/OLA Area I/Area I OLA • Officer Leadership Academy Area II/OLA Area II/Area II OLA • Officer Leadership Academy Area III/OLA Area III/Area III OLA • Officer Leadership Academy Mighty Chapters/OLA Mighty Chapters/Mighty Chapters OLA • Officer Leadership Academy Mega Chapters/OLA Mega Chapters/Mega Chapters OLA Pink Out: Capitalize on all references to a ZTA philanthropic event where all attendees are encouraged to wear pink. pledge: Not to be used in reference to a person. Use “new member” instead. Can be used as a verb (e.g., I pledge my loyalty.) or as a noun in reference to an oath (I took a pledge; Pledge Service). Also use “new member class” instead of “pledge class.” Post-Initiation Lessons: Capitalize in reference to lessons 6 and 7 of the Zeta Is Forever New Member Experience. potential new member: Lowercase on all references. PNM is acceptable on second reference. Preference: Capitalize in reference to the specific round of Primary Recruitment.


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

President: Always capitalize when referring to the President of collegiate chapters, alumnae chapters and ZTA boards. Do not capitalize the word “chapter” or “board” before “President” (chapter President, board President). Primary Recruitment: Capitalize in all references to the specific calendar period on a collegiate campus when potential new members receive bids to join a chapter through a mutual selection process. Do not use “Formal Recruitment.” Program Council: Always capitalize. PC is acceptable on second reference. Capitalize all Program Council director and chair position titles. This is the body of collegiate chapter officers managed by the Vice President I/Coordinator of Committees. In addition to the positions listed below, chapters can add based on size and need. • House Manager (if not an elected Executive Committee position) • Director of Academic Achievement (if not an elected Executive Committee position) • Director of Activities − Apparel Chair − Intramural Chair − Special Events Chair • Director of Membership Enrichment − Inclusion Chair − Fraternity Education Chair • Director of Philanthropy, Service & Fundraising (if not an elected Executive Committee position) − Philanthropy Chair − Service Chair − Fundraising Treasurer • Director of Sisterhood − Alumnae-Collegiate Relations Chair − Music Chair − Parents Events Chair Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


• Director of Social Events − External Social Chair • Corresponding Secretary Province President: Spell out on first reference. PP is acceptable on second reference. This is a volunteer who oversees the operations of the collegiate chapters within a specific province. She reports to the Vice President Collegiate I, II or III, depending on her province’s location. The Purple of the Fraternity: Capitalize “The” at the beginning. It is the purple stole worn by the National President. “The Purple” is acceptable on second reference. Quota: Capitalize in reference to the Primary Recruitment term. reactivate, reactivation; recharter; reestablish: Lowercase on all general references. A previously existing chapter is reactivated and experiences a reactivation. recruitment: Lowercase except in reference to the specific period of time known as Primary Recruitment. Do not use “rush.” Use “member recruitment” not “membership recruitment.” Lowercase the traditional recruitment events (not parties): open house, invitational event, philanthropy event. Capitalize “Preference” and “Bid Day.” ritual: Capitalize only in reference to the Initiation Service of Zeta Tau Alpha. Do not capitalize when referring to the other services of the Fraternity. Capitalize all official names of ZTA ritual services. For a complete list of ritual services, see the College Service Book or Alumnae Service Book. To refer to an individual ceremony, the terms “ritual service” and “service” are appropriate, but “rituals” is not an accurate use of the term. rush: Do not use this term. The correct term is Primary Recruitment. 36

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

seal: Always lowercase when referring to the Fraternity’s official seal. “Seek the Noblest”: Always capitalize and place in quotes unless used in ZTA’s visual brand identity or in reference to Lesson 5 of the Zeta Is Forever New Member Experience. It is the open motto of Zeta Tau Alpha. Silver Award(s): Capitalize in reference to the category of ZTA awards that are the top honors for any collegiate or alumnae chapter. Sisters Only: Capitalize when referring to the members-only portion of the ZTA website. Do not capitalize “site” in “Sisters Only site.” Themis: Capitalize when referring to ZTA’s patron goddess. Capitalize and italicize in reference to ZTA’s quarterly magazine (Themis). Think Pink®: Always capitalize. Use the registered trademark symbol on first reference. It is the umbrella name for all of the Foundation’s breast cancer education and awareness efforts. Total: Capitalize when referencing chapter Total, the average number of members across all Panhellenic chapters on campus. university: Capitalize only when used with the actual school name. (She attends the University of Themis. The university owns the chapter facility.) VeriSky: Capitalize the V and S. VeriSky is the online system through which chapters register events and attendees.

Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


White Violet: Capitalize in reference to White Violet members (those with 50 or more years of membership), White Violet pins (given to 50-year members) or White Violet charms (given to 75-year members). Lowercase in reference to the official flower of Zeta Tau Alpha. woman/women: Use to refer to ZTA members. Never use “girl(s).” Z-Learning: Capitalize in reference to ZTA’s online educational platform. Zeta: Only to be used in reference to a woman who is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha. Not to be used in reference to the organization as a whole or as an adjective. (Emily is a Zeta. She is a member of ZTA. She is my ZTA sister.) Note: There are a few exceptions for terms that are rich in ZTA lore. For example, Zeta Days, Zeta Is Forever, Zeta Ladies, Zeta Love, Zeta Week. Zeta Day: Capitalize in all references to the annual state or regional gathering of collegians and alumnae members held between January and May. Zeta Is Forever: Capitalize all words in all references. (We know Zeta Is Forever.) Capitalize and italicize only in reference to the name of the new member experience (Zeta Is Forever New Member Experience). Capitalize when there is another word in the phrase, e.g. “Zeta really Is Forever.” Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation: Spell out “Zeta Tau Alpha” on first reference if “Zeta Tau Alpha” has not already been used in the piece. “ZTA Foundation” and “Foundation” are both acceptable on second reference. “ZTAF” is not an acceptable abbreviation.


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation board of directors: Lowercase “board of directors” and “board member(s)” on all references. However, always capitalize all official board titles. Shortening applicable titles to “VP of...” is acceptable on second reference. • President • Vice President of Alumnae Development • Vice President of Collegiate Development • Vice President of Philanthropy • Vice President of Scholarship • Secretary-Treasurer • Director(s) Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity: “Zeta Tau Alpha” is acceptable on first reference. “ZTA” and “Fraternity” are both acceptable on second reference. Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity Housing Corporation: Spell out “Zeta Tau Alpha” on first reference if “Zeta Tau Alpha” has not already been used in the piece. “ZTA Fraternity Housing Corporation,” “Fraternity Housing Corporation” and FHC are all acceptable on second reference. Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity Housing Corporation board of directors: Lowercase “board of directors” and “board member(s)” on all references. However, always capitalize all official board titles. Shortening applicable titles to VP before the rest of the title is acceptable on second reference. • President • Vice President Housing Area I • Vice President Housing Area II • Vice President Housing Area III • Vice President Construction • Vice President Design • Vice President Operations • Secretary-Treasurer • Director(s) Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide


Zeta Week: Capitalize on all references to the week leading up to collegiate chapters holding the Initiation Service. ZetaBase: Capitalize the Z and B in reference to ZTA’s online chapter management website.


Zeta Tau Alpha Style Guide

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