11425 zetes annual report 2013 en board report light

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Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Shareholders, The Board of Directors is please to present you with its report for the 2013 financial year. The present report covers both the unconsolidated (parent company) and consolidated financial statements. The Board attests that, to its knowledge, the unconsolidated and consolidated annual financial statements give a true and fair view of the net assets, financial situation and results of Zetes Industries SA and, in the case of the consolidated accounts, of the companies included in the consolidation. It also attests that the management report on the consolidated financial statements includes a true and fair description of the development, operational performance and position of the company, including the companies included in consolidation, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties with which they are confronted. The consolidated financial statements are drawn up in euros (EUR), in accordance with the IFRS standards adopted by the European Union Commentary on the development of the company's business and its current situation Given the limited operational activity of the parent company Zetes Industries SA, it is the consolidated financial statements, discussed below, that give an accurate situational view of the Zetes Group (Zetes Industries SA and its subsidiaries). The consolidated financial statements are presented before dividend payment, which will be agreed at the Ordinary General Meeting of 28th May 2014. After the volatile order-taking and lower profitability of 2012, the Goods ID division significantly improved its performance in 2013, particularly in the second half. This improvement is largely due to good cost control. At the same time, the division


continued work on implementing its strategy based on developing its six key solutions. Sales revenue in the People ID division declined slightly compared with 2012, owing to lower activity in short-term projects, which affected second half performance. The conclusion and preparation in 2013 of several long-term contracts reinforces the company's confidence in the positive development of People ID for years to come. Balance sheet and cash flow The significant investments in Goods ID (development of solutions, equipment leased to customers) and in People ID (eVisa infrastructure in Senegal and Cote d'Ivoire, production site and backup for the Belgian driving licence, production infrastructure for the Belgian passport and other projects) have significantly impacted the Group's balance sheet. Besides the increase in fixed assets (up by a net € 7 million compared with December 2012), the company has also devoted a significant portion of its resources to preparing to undertake People ID contracts. This preparation work also explains the evolution of the deferred charges account (relating to signed contracts) and of the account relating to construction contracts, together up more than € 1.9 million on 2012. By spreading the cost of a project over its lifespan, these two accounts ensure consistent profitability over time. These efforts have obviously impacted the Group's indebtedness, moving from a positive cash position of € 7.5 million at the end of 2012, to a net debt position of € 3.0 million at the end of 2013. This increase is structural in nature, insofar as the increase in funding is tied to specific investments. At the same time, available cash has decreased slightly to € 10.6 million (against € 12.8 million in 2012).

Total assets increased by € 4.2 million from € 159.0 million to € 163.2 million. The net working capital requirement has also increased to € 15.9 million against € 12.7 million at the end of 2012, mainly due to the impact of construction contracts. Inventory is slightly lower at € 14.3 million, which is a good performance given the stability of the Group's sales.

"The solvency ratio remains very high at 47.23%."

With equity of € 77.1 million on total assets of € 163.2 million, the solvency ratio remains very high at 47.23% (48.8% in 2012 and 47.9% in 2011), despite the Company's decision, given management's confidence in the prospects of the Group, to distribute a dividend of € 2.9 million in 2013. Zetes attaches great importance to having a strong balance sheet structure as this allows it to bid for and, where appropriate, absorb very large deals. The cash flow from operations is € 4.0 million, consisting of € 10.3 million generated in the income statement offset by the € -6.3 million used to increase working capital (a 'cash' variation). This significant increase is linked in particular to: • The increase in construction contracts and prepaid charges for People ID projects (€ 1.9 million) • Equipment leased out (€ 2.1 million of LT receivables, included in working capital) • A non-structural reduction in supplier payables (€ 2.3 million).

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