04_student Journal

Page 1

NAME: Vicky Li




List the types of information found in the title block on the floor plan page.


- Is there a grid? What system is used for identifying the grid lines?

Yes, it is. It uses alphabet and number to identifying the grid lines.

-ISSUE -Drawing Title -How many times have been issued

- Why is some information found in General Notes?

-Architects and planners

It gives specific information about materials.

-Scale -Project director

- What is the purpose of the legend?

Why might this information be important?

It guides people and it illustrates what are symbols represent for.

Because it clearly shows the background information about the design. - Why are some parts of the drawing annotated? Illustrate how the annotations are associated with the relevant part of the drawing. 2


- What type of information is shown in this floor plan?

-Genreal notes

It’s parts of reference and gives information the detail of design. Arrows are used to associate the annotations with the relevant part of the drawing.

-Scale -Different floor material -The direction doors and windows open -The area that needs to change -Partition legend

Provide an example of the dimensions as they appear on this floor plan? What units are used for the dimensions?

Example: FEL Units: mm

- Illustrate how the locations of sections are identified on the plan. What do these symbols mean?

- Illustrate how references to other drawings are shown on the plan. What do these symbols mean?

- Are some areas of the drawing clouded? Why?

Yes, there are some areas of the drawing clouded, It means these areas had changed.

3 - How are windows and doors identified? Provide and example of each. Is there a rationale to their numbering? What do these numbers mean? Can you find the answer somewhere in the drawings?




- What type of information is shown in this elevation? How does it differ from the information shown on the plan?

A more detail drawing, more specific information. The scale has changed from 1:100 to 1:20.

- Are dimensions shown? If so, how do they differ from the dimensions on the plan? Provide an example of the dimensions as they relate to the elevation.

Yes, It shows dimension as it provides height.

- What types of levels are shown on the elevations? Illustrate how levels are shown in relation to the elevation.

FFL: Finished Floor Level In meter (refer to the sea level) - Is there a grid? If so, how / where is it shown?

Yes, it can be found in general legend.

- Illustrate how floor levels are noted on the plan?

Drawing title For example: ERC Building, Level Three

No, there isn’t.

- Is there a legend? What does it identify and how is it used?

Yes, it is. It identifies symbol meanings and it gives people a guide.

- What types of information on the elevations are expressed using words? Illustrate how this is done.

The dimensions( detail information). For exampe:



- What type of information is shown in this section? How does it differ from the information shown on the plan and elevation?

-The type of materials -The open direction of doors and windows -The clouded areas -The level information (FFL RL RCL)

- Illustrate how the doors and windows are identified on the elevations.



-The dimensions The scale of section is the same as the plan,but gives more details than it while elevation is more specific than section and plan.

- Are dimensions shown? If so, how do they differ from the dimensions on the elevation?

Yes, they are. Because the scale is different between the elevation and the section so elevation is more specific.

- Are any parts of the elevation clouded? Why?

No.because this drawing issue, including all clouded revisions tagged as this revision, is revised for all previous trade packages previously issued. (see in the notes)

- What types of information on the sections are expressed using words? Illustrate how this is done.

-Dimension -Materals -How these structures work For example:

- Illustrate where this elevation is located in relation to the plan?

- Illustrate how the section drawing differentiates between building elements that are cut through and those that are shown in elevation (beyond).

Section shows the whole cross surface and provide a clear relationship between building element whereas elevation shows the front

view of the building. Otherwise because of the scale elevation is more specific.



- What sorts of things are detailed?

-Section structures and materials. - Provide examples of how different materials are shown on the sections.

-the grid lines.(eg:east of grid line “F”)

- Are the details compressed using break lines? Why?


- Find where this section is located on the plans.

- Provide examples of how different materials are shown on drawings at this scale.

This section is

So on the plan:

- Find the locations of these details on the plans, elevations and sections.

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