Author: Mr Zidago Sako, CEO Sako Technologies Ltd
At SAKO TECHNOLOGIES we are always exploring new ways at how we look at business, follow our debates and lively discussions as we develop our own products and services and bring them to market.
The Future is brighter with Crea0vity
Crea&vity should represent the phase where we add the most value in the process to wealth genera&on. In order to make it count most effec&vely, other inputs are needed. Those addi&onal ‘ingredients’ seem to some&mes stall progress in achieving real wealth crea&on, up to the point (most of the &me) when something magical and totally new comes along and frees up the stalled engine with a much refreshed sense of a promising and brighter future. So, is it therefore clear enough to everyone’s understanding that crea&ve moments in this process could generally be iden&fied as key and inevitable moments at the point when wealth accumula&on really happen?
! Money’s Real Reserve Value is in Skills, Know-‐How and the Human Spirit in Conquering our Natural Environment, not mere Precious Metals.
Put simply, there never would be gold, silver or others, without mining these precious metals. If we agree that this asser&on is correct, then where therefore really lie the ‘reserve value’ of money? In the metal itself i.e. the fact that its physical make-‐up does not depreciate over &me, or the idea(s) that gave birth to using it as such along with sacrifices endured before, during and aHer mining it. For instance, keeping gold secured (alone) away from falling in the hands of outlaws, could produce the same effect(s) as we now see with paper or electronic money. Which of them (metal or ‘conquest’) therefore makes the reserve value?
! Knowledge-‐Universal Values and Time-‐Universal Values Leading to Fair Compe00on Globally
For anything to be carried out to a successful outcome, we believe three important factors must coincide: &me, idea(s)/thought(s) and place. If we are talking about universality, then place (amongst the three) is no longer to be part of the equa&on; the assump&on being that every place should be the equivalent in this context of any other. Ideas/thoughts and &me at which ideas come to us (or are ac&vely generated by us) however are naturally different and will always be, given that each one of us generate their own and unique thoughts at different &mes and each &me we think. The concept of universality becomes even more complex to define when it comes to these two factors in any successful ac&on. This is why we think that deeper thoughts and discussions about the two concepts of Time-‐Universal Values and Knowledge-‐Universal Values must happen in a context of globalisa&on in order to reduce or eliminate mis-‐ representa&ons, mis-‐interpreta&ons or similar in a context of ‘universality’.
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Happy clients are the best! ! Our main ambition is to help organisations grow and become successful while working for their customers' satisfaction as a top priority.
“I recently worked with Sako on a grant application for Research & Development (R&D) funding. I found Sako to be very thorough in his research, very effective in negotiating contracts with potential suppliers/ partners, and persistent in finding a solution when faced with challenges that would have stopped others. Sako’s feedback, both during and at the end of the process, was both enlightening and encouraging, and has helped me grow in business confidence.”! Mr Dewi Hughes Managing Director of Silverlock Ltd
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Mr Zidago Sako
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Zidago Sako!
'To the future with Sako Technologies in a more transparent and accountable world'
Sako Technologies Ltd 1 Aston Court Kingsmead Business Park Frederick Place High Wycombe HP11 1LA!
Mr Zidago Sako - CEO