Essential Steps For Returning To The Workplace

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Essay 20.4

ESSENTIAL STEPS FOR RETURNING TO THE WORKPLACE A look at how ZCA came back safely to help get Texas Open

Returning to Work Following the April 27th “Phase One to Open Texas” directive from Governor Greg Abbott, ZCA reassembled its Business Continuity Team and redirected its focus from the firm’s work-from-home efforts to enabling our most valuable asset – our talented staff – to re-enter the workplace. ZCA has been keeping their clients’ projects moving during the “Stay at Home; Work Safe” period, but as a design firm, face-to-face (now, safely, six feet apart) collaboration is a fundamental and essential element of our work. ZCA’s Workplace Interiors Studio went to work in collaboration with our Business Continuity team, to design protocols and a physical environment that both facilitates a return to business and supports our staff’s well-being.

Daily Employee COVID-19 Survey (Sent via E-mail)


Ziegler Cooper Architect

1. New studio boundaries and revised seating chart with 6’ space between team members.

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2. Check-in Stations stocked with thermometer, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes (or spray and paper towels), tissues, and trash cans are set up at multiple locations throughout the office.

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Graphics by Ziegler Cooper; Floor Graphics by Signature Aspen

ts has implemented the following Internal Return to Work Protocols:

emperature and symptom ments will be reported to HR via daily.

onference room and office mum capacities are reduced to 75 %.

ont door will be propped during business hours .

6. Job site visits – Take extra precautions as necessary. Should you feel unsafe, please return to the office and, with your manager, make a report to the contractor regarding the concerning conditions. 7. ZCA will be in compliance with Governor Abbott’s Checklist in addition to these protocols.

Note: OSHA requires employees to provide a workplace free from recognized hazards; Goodwin Law recommends doing a COVIDspecific risk assessment. Per OSHA standards, office workers are at medium exposure risk (when in a community that has ongoing community transmission); Employers should consider workers’ individual risk factors (age, chronic conditions) and establish controls to address those risks. 3

Social Distancing in the Workplace ZCA’s own office has served as a live laboratory for what we do every day as designers. Over time the office has served admirably by allowing us to expand without increasing our footprint. At this unprecedented time, the flexibility of our workplace design has allowed us to quickly adapt to the new normal, post-pandemic life in the workplace. Opposite are before and after floor plans with workstation layouts. At the right is the pre-Covid-19 layout as of approximately a year ago. From this plan, it can be seen that workstations are nearly fullyoccupied, and conference and shared spaces are shown at their designed occupancies. For example, the largest conference room was designed with a 55+ occupancy. Post-Pandemic occupancy is now limited to 15 people. Designed workstation occupancy has employees both side-by-side and facing one another.



Left, the Post-Covid-19 plan is shown as of May 1, 2020 for the return of the workforce. New seating arrangements ensure a 6-foot seated radius per employee at workstations. Where possible, workstation occupancy is staggered. Overflow staff may be temporarily accommodated in small huddle rooms. A small number of employees that fall into certain special categories remain temporarily working from home. With reduced occupancy in conference rooms, most project meetings, client interviews, and other meetings are being conducted as video-conferences. For the most part, our full complement of employees is safely working in the office.


In addition to physical environment and graphics, it should be noted that ZCA has instituted a vigorous communications protocol from the very highest level of the firm’s leadership, that regularly reminds, coaches and encourages staff regarding health and safety procedures. 5

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Liz Friedman, IIDA, LEED AP BD+C Principal | Interior Design Director Workplace Interiors Studio

Mark Nolen, AIA Senior Principal

Amy Jochem, IIDA, LEED AP Principal

Wimberly Barra, IIDA, LEED AP Principal

Workplace Interiors Studio

Workplace Interiors Studio

Workplace Interiors Studio

As Interior Design Director, Liz ensures that design is woven into everything from big concept to the smallest architectural details. Establishing a concept begins with creating a client partnership and getting to know the client, their values, and vision. For our return to the office, Liz led a large team that included members of Workplace Interiors Studio and the Business Continuity Team. Feel free to contact us if we can help you by providing a return-tothe-office assessment. Ziegler Cooper Architects 700 Louisiana, Ste 350 Houston, TX 77002 t: 713.374.0000

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