Zim Influencers Magazine 6th Edition

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Editor’s Desk

aking the world a better place is my aim. Since its inception *Zim Influencers Magazine* has played an exquisite role in educating, informing, supporting, empowering and entertaining its targeted audience. It has surpassed any human expectation in its growth and is quick to broaden its horizons. The fast-growing magazine has left no stone unturned in its quest to fulfil the interest of people from all works of life in terms of fashion, motivation, business, music, art, to mention but a few. The *Magazine* also features unique sections which gives a platform to many Zimbabwean influencers to retell their stories, entirely exposing the backbone of their success in order to inspire others. The *Magazine* has also been successful in creating a conducive platform for people from all age groups which has it receiving overwhelming response from the public, (which is entirely good for advertising with us). The brains behind the *Magazine* have an enormous passion in community building and development. Their continuous hunt for talent in a native’s child makes it clear that a man’s deeds lives forever and the good ones create stars in the dark.

Thamsanqe Ncube

Special Thanks To: Mufambi Rent A Car Billion Dollar Magazine

Christine Nhamo

Contents Meet Cover Model ................................07 Beauty & Bold Lorraine Guyo..............13 Reasons not to bath ..............................14 Sabastian Magacha ................................20 Boss Lady Tips ......................................24 Gospel Artist .........................................29 Enterprenuership...................................31 Confidence boost by Tarry...................33 Power of Choice ....................................44 Robert Mukondiwa ...............................47 Top Star Model ......................................46 Fashion top Hacks .................................54

Quality Natalie Mhandu

The sky is home for us who dream in color it’s not a limit but a starting point.

Get to know Natalie


i Natali, so it’s part of our culture as Zim Influencers Magazine to start with this popular request, can you please tell us a little bit about yourself and what exactly makes Natali this unique amazing figure? Natalie is an extroverted goal getter! I can define myself as a person who dreams in color! I’m a mother before everything else and it’s my parental instincts that make me apply love and strictness to everything I do whether it’s my work or social life. My prime purpose in this life is to erase my past struggles with my success so I’m driven by my love for success! #Natali, we just see you all dressed up but most of us don’t really know the backbone behind the woman you have become, what really inspired you to get into the Fashion industry? Style is an acquired taste! My love for fashion has been consistent since I was a child! Even as a teen I’d get inspiration off magazines and I used to be famous for taking part in beauty pageants at school all because of my passion for beauty and fashion! To start my own fashion house was a dream that came to reality; I’m just generally good with combining outfits and adding a bit of sass and class to them! I was inspired by my creativity and love for success to become an entrepreneur and the first thing that came to mind was fashion because I’m passionate about fashion. #Natali you have a high sense of

Fashion, who is your inspiration in the global industry? Bonang Matheba. Bonang is sassy but very classy and elegant! She is the definition of opulent dressing and classy outfits. I look up to Bonang on so many levels because she very confident, independent and classy. #Oh yeah, you are also a business woman, wow how do you do it and can you tell us more about your businesses? I’m the CEO of StylePhilosophy pvt ltd and its subsidiary Bed&Beyond. These two brands define my taste and my style. I’m a sucker for classy things so my brands are bespoke and elegant. StylePhilosophy is a lingerie and clothing brand that caters for the modern-day young women with an eye for the finer things! Our pieces are unique and durable and that’s what makes my brand reputable! Bed&Beyond is a bespoke homewares and linen brand that caters for luxurious pieces and linen. My goal is built both stores into power style houses that break new ground in Zimbabwe. I built my businesses from scratch and I took a lot of risk and a lot of tears were shed during the process. My growth has been my greatest lesson as an entrepreneur as I’ve been through the highs and lows of building a brand.

is giving information! Society needs to normalize exchanging important information such that underprivileged girls are motivated to better themselves. My life story is no secret! I’m from humble beginnings and I chose to beat the odds and I followed my dream. I’m outspoken to create awareness that success is personal! The only requirement for success is the ability to dream in color! Once one sets their mind to succeed, they will drive themselves into becoming their wildest dream! I always say greatness is not always an inborn thing, some people like me have had to achieve it! There nothing as amazing as seeing young black women rise up and achieve and succeed in their respective hustles, there’s enough room for all of us to win in this world!

#Natali, what do you think is the main important aspect in achieving self-confidence? I’d say self-actualization is the key to unlocking self-confidence and success! The realization of one’s maximum capabilities drives one into believing in themselves so much that confidence will just be a cherry on the cake! I’m all about self-love and I always say progress begins when you start loving yourself enough to be honest with yourself! Living a lie kills self-confidence, spite, jealousy and hatred kill self-confidence! One # Well, I believe you’re more into has to first be content with themimpowering women and you’re selves to find confidence to tackle surely very outspoken. How and anything! what do you think is the best way for the community to groom independent young women? The greatest form of empowerment


eauty B & B old Lorraine Guyo

Why People Are Intimidated By Your Alpha Personality. Your presence is difficult to ignore.

The moment you step your foot in a room, everyone notices you. There’s something in your aura that is so hard to ignore. People start to raise their eyebrows once you walk past them and you can quickly hear them whispering with each other. You are an alpha personality when you can easily stand out in a crowd of people even without doing anything.

You go after what you want.

The word “No” doesn’t exist in your vocabulary. You think of what you want to achieve and you do your best to go after it. You’re willing to sacrifice the time that you’re supposed to be spending with people in order for you to concentrate on working hard for your goals. You don’t give up, no matter how many times people discourage you. There is nothing or no one that can stop you from reaching your dreams.

You stand for what you believe in and speak with confidence.

You fight for what you think is right. You let your voice be heard and stand up for injustices. People are threatened by you because they know how determined you are to win any battle you face. You never compromise your beliefs with anyone and that’s why, sometimes, people find it hard to deal with you.

You give logical criticisms.

You’re objective with your judgments most of the time. You don’t consider someone’s feelings or your personal relationships with them when you’re constructively criticizing their work. You believe that everything gets done easily and smoothly when you let your mind decide instead of your feelings. And that’s why sometimes people think of you as cold-hearted.

You are highly independent.

You can perform well on your own. All your best work is done without any supervision from others. You dislike taking orders and being closely monitored by people. In order for you to produce high-quality outputs, you need to have freedom and flexibility. You can be a team player sometimes, but your job is done better if you’re doing it solo.

You are smart.

You’re highly competitive. There are skills you possess that set you apart and you can think critically and solve complicated problems. You know the right time to use your mind and when is the best time to rely on your heart.

You know what you deserve.

You’re not afraid to ask for what you deserve. You don’t wait for people to give you what is right for you; instead, you take your fate in your own hands and demand what you’re entitled to receive. Some people misinterpret your bravery as arrogance, but those who are close to you understand that it’s just your nature to be honest


/Actress / Model / Producer / Brand Ambassador / Bookings : +263776183959

Get to know Lorraine Guyo Hi Lorraine, so it’s part of our culture as Zim Influencers Magazine to start with this popular request, can you please tell us a little bit about yourself and what exactly makes Lorraine this unique amazing figure?


Lorraine how do you manWell, Lorraine your short age to stay so calm, what’s films send a lot of mesyour secret in dealing with sages out there and we really criticism or any negative en- appreciate. What other mesergy? sage or lessons are you tryA: In life there will always be ing to teach the world?



those people who are waiting to shoot you down for the best reasons known to only them. However, for me l do not respond to any negative comments because the moment we do that we create a lot of tensions in the industry. Frankly speaking, one doesn’t lose anything if they don’t respond to negative energy. At the end of the day people are entitled to their opinions and in some cases, l do take criticism that is constructive which helps me grow to be a better person in life.

A: The series that we have called NOT MY SON but unfortunately we stopped production due to lockdown .The main message was to educate mothers to love their sons but leaving a room for the wife to enjoy her marriage .They should not as well try and choose wives for their sons. Also, in a way we tackle the issue of girls as well that they should be morally upright, live up to their values and be faithful to their husbands.

A: Lorraine Guyo was born in Harare Glenview but most of my high school l did it in Masvingo, then lived in South Africa for one year and came back to Zimbabwe Harare. Unfortunately, my mother fell sick and passed on in 2017.That same year l got a job at Meikles Hotel in Harare. Then around 2019 l had to resign after the (ndinyengeiwo) video , however in an odd way that video made me pursue acting. I did my first skit with Comic pastor followed by Madam Boss, and ever since then we have witnessed a Lorraine, you’re a mentor huge growth in our brand. We and an inspiration to many are constantly getting endorsements and a huge following on young women out there, social media platforms as well. what’s your advice to them? A: All l can say is work hard for Lorraine, I really enjoy yourself, embrace the opportuyour videos, what really in- nities to your advantage. Be the spired you to get into acting? lady boss you want to be, upgrade A: I have always loved acting and be an independent lady .We from a young age. You know are trying to create a Zimbabwe growing up watching Nigerian with powerful and independent Movies was a thing back in the ladies who are financially and day. I would say the Nigerian ac- socially stable as well .Have your tors motivated me into acting. own projects ,find your own All is because of the admiration l source of income no matter how had for them and l told myself, l small it might seem, it will grow big one day. can do it as well.



Lastly Lorraine, what can you say is the biggest challenge in the acting industry at the moment and how best can Film and Arts Organizations help most upcoming artists in Zimbabwe?


A: The main issue is the lack of support from the responsible authority .For instance when we started we didn’t have cameras and we used phones for our productions .So if we were to get enough platforms and budget trust me, the industry will grow big and quite a lot of hidden talent will come out of Zimbabwe.


6 Very Good Reasons Not To Shower Every Day.

1. You’re Not Even Dirty

”If you go to the gym everyday, or work in a chemical factory or medical facility, you can shower every day,” Dr. Sonpal tells Bustle. Otherwise, you’re probably not that dirty. According to Dr. David Lortscher, a board-certified dermatologist and CEO/founder of Curology, “showering a few times per week is enough for most people.” Though we might associate oily skin with dirty skin, the reality is that “healthy skin retains a layer of oil,” so it’s best not to wash it away more than necessary — it’s good oil!

2. You Need That Bacteria

There is a delicate balance of microorganisms on the skin, and if it’s disrupted with a harsh soap, the skin is left vulnerable to the emergence of more problematic organisms. Dr. Robert H. Shmerling, MD, reported in the Harvard Health Publishing Blog that “Our immune systems need a certain amount of stimulation by normal microorganisms, dirt, and other environmental exposures in order to create protective antibodies and immune memory.” This is one reason why bathing daily can be considered harmful, as over time, Dr. Shmerling explained, the showers might reduce the ability of the immune system to do its job.

3. You’re Drying Out Your Skin

You might like a long, hot shower, but your skin doesn’t. The hot water pulls the natural oils from your skin, which protect it and keep it hydrated and healthy. Dry, cracked skin can allow bacteria and allergens to breach the barrier healthy skin should provide, leading to skin infections, acne, or allergic reactions. If you already have eczema, a hot shower will exacerbate it, leaving you with inflamed, itchy skin. In general, Dr. Lortscher does not suggest hot showers at all to people who suffer from skin inflammation issues — instead, he suggests cool or warm showers to keep the skin calm.

4. You’re Messing With Your Scalp Health

The scalp is a delicate ecosystem. If it’s washed too frequently, it loses its protective oils, and if it’s not washed frequently enough, you can experience a buildup. “If you wash your hair once or twice a day, you can develop dermatitis, (both seborrheic and contact dermatitis) and fungal issues in the scalp,” Dr. Sonpal says, who believes that typically every other day, or less, is ideal for shampooing. These conditions occur with too much washing because the oils are striped from the scalp, causing the skin to dry out and flake

5. You’re Wasting Water

You Don’t Have to...

About 20% of the water lost in each shower goes unused. This is due to behavioral waste, aka when we’re just idling under the water, waiting for it to get hot enough, relaxing, or taking our time in between products. According to Evolve, a entrepreneurial research company, behavioral waste can range from 1.7 to 3.4 gallons to as much as 2.5 to 4.9 gallons per shower. You now have experts’ permission to stagger your shower routine, so take a break from scrubbing when you can. You’re not as dirty as you think.


5 Types Of People You Need In Your Life. 1. THE CHEERLEADER. This is your motivator. No matter what you do, this person is in your corner cheering you on and encouraging you to continue following your dreams. And when you are feeling down, the cheerleader is the one that finds light at the end of the tunnel. They are the voice of motivation. 2. THE CONNECTOR. This is that one person who knows everyone, or has the means to find another who can help you. The connector is magical. He/she connects you to the next person who can better guide you to your goals. This type of personality is the go-to person. They might not have the answers but they will send you to the person who will while making it easier for you to navigate in this life. 3. THE TEACHER. This is your mentor. The teacher will teach you through examples and will make sure that lessons are being consciously observed and acknowledged. The teacher is the Yoda of the group. This person uses metaphors and world events to put you back in your place while forcing you to see the dark and light parts of yourself. Knowledge is power and the teacher is that one person whose guidance is priceless. 4. THE THERAPIST. It’s important to have that one person you can share your deepest fears and secrets without judgment. The therapist has the ability to hear you through words and your actions. This person knows you so well that he/she can analyze what you haven’t considered. This is the person who can be the devil’s advocate and you don’t take offense because they see past the issue at hand. 5. THE COMEDIAN. You always need a friend who can make you laugh, especially at yourself. The joy of having this friend is that life is taken as a joke. Sometimes you need to step back and see that nothing is as it seems. The comedian can turn any event into a sarcastic stand up routine. And, in this person you begin to find light.

A Woman of

Vision Mandy Manyeruke

for the school choir my dad also singing in the church choir. I remember we would practice for church singing presentations while doing dishes as a family and I guess that way music was embedded deeply in me. To top it all up I got married to a family of legends in music which is very intimidating but also a blessing which I embrace and music is one of the things that we bond over as a couple with my husband. So I guess this way God made sure there was no way I could run away from the gift he had placed me as it is everywhere that surrounds me.


andy Manyeruke is a phenomenal gospel musician, founder and CEO of Aruka foundation (an organization that focuses on suicide awareness/prevention as well as other mental health issues), author, transformational speaker, voice over artist, podcaster, mother of two beautiful girls and wife. She is an inspiration to many people especially women. Her drive to spread positivity is very impactful. I’m honored to have had an interview with her:

# Your recent song ‘Ndomira Newe’ gave me some deeper emotions, it somehow brings any person closer to God. What’s the backstory behind the song and what was your inspiration when you wrote it? Ndomira newe was made during lockdown, I was surrounded by so much noise in my life as I watched some of the closest people to me go through tough unbearable life situations and we couldn’t visit each other just to share a hug and hold hands as gestures of comfort due social distancing. As I would occasionally speak to them over the phone I could feel the fear, and the thickening doubt that they would survive their situations,, I then got inspired to write and let them know that even though I can’t be there to hug you someone greater is with them, one who stands with us in the midst of the fire and he who says when you pass through the fire you shall be unburnt and the flames will not consume you. So then the chorus becomes the affirmation of God’s promise to never leave us nor forsake us. # Oh yeah, as a health worker do you think your career has a greater impact in influencing and controlling the meaning of creativity? My work does impact my creativity a lot as it takes me through different households and the unspoken challenges that people silently go through every day. Which makes me want to encourage and uplift people so much.

# Hi Mandy, can you please tell us a little bit about yourself and what exactly makes Mandy this unique and an amazing figure? I have embraced the lesson that one’s point of uniqueness is where their wealth is, which has made me explore and celebrate what sets me apart and with the understanding that my story is not my own the good and the ugly, it is all an antidote that can make the world a better place when we channel it all to encourage, uplift, teach and empower others. Do it afraid being my mantra, taking one step at a time even though I may not see the whole staircase and always committing my plans to God

# Well Mandy, you’re a role model to many young people and I believe you’re more into impowering women, what advise can you give to young girls who dearly want to pursue their dreams? Take some time to find yourself; understanding self is the master key to all doors of life especially when one bases on a strong relationship with God as He has the blueprint of our purpose. Be your own encourager, when you make mistakes forgive yourself pick yourself up and remember your scars are your badges of honor. Celebrate yourself for surviving all those seemingly shameful experiences of life. Like a soldier that has been to war and came back # Mandy I must give this to you, you have a great amazing alive, it’s not about the war but it’s about you making it out of such chaos alive. Celebrate your flaws you’re imvoice, what really inspired you to venture into music? perfectly perfect #flawsome I grew up in a musical home with mom composing songs


Sebastian Magacha

A Talk With

Sebastian Magacha


ood day Sebastian, so it’s part of our culture as Zim Influencers Magazine to start with this popular request, can you please tell us a little bit about yourself and what exactly makes Saba this unique amazing figure?

# Sebastian, you’re an inspiration going to look at the abused children, street kids and orphans in the to many. What’s your advice to many young people who look up country. to you? # Well, your song Abraham is on My advice to young people who everybody’s lips. Making it with looks up to me is that always live kids seem to have a deeper meanyour life not to please people but to always make sure God is haping, why did you choose kids as py with you .One thing about life the performers?

Sebastian was born on the 10th of May 1994 in the city of Kings and Queens Bulawayo and l am a father of one as well a devoted Christian. What makes me unique is that l have managed to create a sound called Saba music and my fans quite relate to the sound very well. The origins of the Saba music comes from the inspiration l get as a Christian, l have as well a ten member band that is devoted to our work the way l sing as well is a signature to my music.

is that you will never be loved by everyone but by only God who is your savior and creator. Don’t worry much about what people say about your ambitions and don’t listen to many voices that comes with peer pressure. Strive to have an identity of who you are and it’s not easy to come up with an idea but once that idea becomes a reality, people would begin to appreciate your work more. Always dedicate yourself to principles and what you believe in.

# Sebastian, what really inspires you to keep singing? What’s the motive behind your melodies?

# Oh yeah, you are also into philanthropy. Sebastian, what’s your philosophy behind this initiative?

What keeps me going is that l am God inspired, when l write my music, the experiences that l have gone through and that others have gone through inspires me a lot to write music and record more as well. All the things that affect our day to day living, the good and bad makes me want to appreciate God more through music. When l write my music my main goal is to give hope to those who are already at the verge of giving up. I try all the time to produce music that is spiritual and that goes to the heart and soul of the listener. My most inspiration when writing music comes from all the things surrounding us that God created.

One of the biggest things l have always wanted to do is to be able to give back and make a huge impact in people’s lives. I am a brand ambassador of an organization called Adam Moley and what we do is feed communities around us that cannot afford to eat. In areas such as Marondera we have managed to feed families who struggle to afford food and in schools as well. The whole idea is not giving them fish just like the saying goes, but to give them the means of fishing. We also develop projects for them and sponsor those projects so that those people are able to sustain themselves. I am opening a Sebastian Magacha foundation that is

The song l did with Avondale primary school has been well received by all music fans and l would like to thank God for that and all those who have been with us. The thing that motivated me to do a song with the Kids is that, l always want to motivate and inspire them. If you look back l once did a song with Sandringham High School. Our idea is to groom children at a tender age so that they become focused on what they desire in life and appreciate music more. I myself l was empowered by people who saw a potential in me and helped groom me, so l always want to give back in that regards as well.

# Saba, are you available for bookings and which contact can one use to have you blessing an event? As a result of Corona Virus it has been a little difficult to gather people for live concerts. However, people can be able to get us on our social media platforms on Facebook its SabaMagachaofficial and on Instagram its sabamagachaofficial. Also, subscribe to YouTube channel MagachaSabastianVEVO so these are the platforms we have been putting our content on. We are also preparing to host a live show on Facebook.


Sebastian Magacha

Abraham (feat. Avondale Primary School)

Things Real

Gentlemen Do


hen it comes to filtering out the frauds from the real gentlemen, there are some simple ways to find out who is genuine, here is our list of 10 things that only real gentlemen do‌

1. PROVE THAT MANNERS MAKETH MAN Never was there a finer reflection of a true gentleman than this. He writes thank you letters not emails, he sends gifts not texts, he holds the door, he minds his Ps & Qs, he offers his coat and his seat and above all he knows that all who he comes into contact with deserve the same such level of manners. 2. DRESS WELL Like the well heeled gents of the past, a real gentleman is respectably and appropriately dressed at all times. He understands the value of style over fashion and knows where to go to get it. 3. MAINTAIN GROOMING STANDARDS He need not preen to perfection, but a real gentleman will maintain appropriate levels of personal grooming on a daily basis. 4. HAVE REAL EMPATHY It is no good being charming and well presented if you lack the fundamental ability to empathise with all those who you come into contact with. Empathy can not be faked or learnt, it is something inherent in all real gentlemen. 5. RESPECT EVERYONE From the man who cleans his shoes to the chairman of his company, a true gentleman treats everyone with the same level of respect. 6. DISPLAY CHIVALRY This is not limited to simply showing chivalry to women, but a gentleman will do all in his power to help everyone around him, from walking curb-side with a woman to helping an elderly man across the road. 7. KEEP THEIR WORD Whether it be in business or romance, a real gentleman will always keep his word. 8. SHOW RESTRAINT A real gentleman does not raise his voice or loose his temper, even in the most difficult of situations. 9. DO EVERYTHING IN MODERATION A true gentleman knows how to enjoy himself, but he knows when to indulge and when to say no. 10. PROVE THAT ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS Similarly to keeping his word, a gentleman will restore anyone’s faith in the fact that actions really do speak louder than words.

Tarry Eric Phineas

Tips to become a Boss Lady

1. She stays away from social media. It can be so easy to roll over in the morning, turn off your alarm and immediately open up Facebook - but don’t. Opening up social media apps will only take your focus away from what’s really important and leave you distracted by thinking about what’s going on in other people’s lives, instead of honing in on your own. Just skip it. 2. She keeps herself hydrated. All boss girls know how important it is to get hydrated first thing in the morning. Keep a glass or bottle of water beside your bed and chug it right after that alarm goes off before you do anything else. Harvard Medical School instructs: “drinking fluids is crucial to staying healthy and maintaining the function of every system in your body, including your heart, brain, and muscles.” You can’t be your best self without it. 3. She plans her day. Every boss girl knows that you must always have a plan. Running throughout your day flying by the seat of your pants is no way to do your job or run a business. Start each day with intention and bullet point what you know you need to accomplish. Having it written out makes it tangible and there is something so gratifying about crossing tasks off as you finish them. 4. She gives herself a pep talk. The only person you need to believe in what you’re doing is you, so starting your day with a quick pep talk will help you start your day knowing exactly why you’re putting your efforts where you are. No pom-poms needed. 5. She stays informed. Boss girls stay off social media first thing in the morning, but they most certainly stay up to date with what’s happening in the world. If you don’t have time, do a quick skim about what’s happening in your industry and nationally, but make sure that you’re informed and never miss a beat. 6. She does something to make her happy. Whether it’s something as simple as trying a new drink from Starbucks, meditating or even buying a pair of killer shoes you’ve been lusting over online - get up and do something . Anything that makes you smile so that your day starts with putting positive energy out into the world. Putting happiness out means that you will attract it back to you. 7. She doesn’t skip breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day and every boss girl knows the importance of nutrition in having energy to conquer the world. So get up, and get something into your stomach that will fuel you throughout your busy day. 8. She gets dressed in a killer outfit...that she picked out the night before. The phrase “dress for the job you want” couldn’t be more true. There is nothing like the confidence that you exude when you’re wearing a dazzling outfit. On the flip side, waking up in the morning and having no idea what you’re going to wear and scrambling at the last minute can throw your entire day off. Do yourself a favor and have your outfit planned the night before - it will make your whole morning flow more seamlessly.




From Church Hymns To Becoming The Best Gospel Artist. Vusa Mangena


Meet Vusi The Artist tal of 8 tracks was his first launch. He named it Nkosi Bambi’sandla sami, because the songs really had an impact in his life. It made him realize that God answers prayers. He personally wrote the song going through hard times in his life and had lost hope. It was at a time when friends and family were nowhere to be found, it was harder for him to kneel down and pray or go to Church. The songs became his daily little prayer (Lord! hold my hand, open my way and when my strength is gone be my helper). God who listens and answer prayers answered him and in a blink of an eye, all his problems were wiped away he said.


alk about talent. Vusa Mangena is a 28-year-old passionate Christian from Pelandaba Bulawayo. He is one of the best phenomenal gospel artists in Zimbabwe.

He discovered his talent at a very young age. At 12 years old he had already started singing old church hymns and Freedom Sengwayo’s songs with his Mom at home. As a young, creative, Christian boy, he started singing at Church however, his huge break came when he was 21 years old. Minister Lindani (Gospel artist) heard him singing and asked if he could perform at her Album Launch. Surprisingly, people were blown away and really loved his music, so he began taking the music career seriously. In 2017 he wrote his first songs Bambelala and Nkosi Bambi’sandla sami. The Album titled Nkosi Bambi’sandla sami with a to-

In how he always come up with such deep lyrics , Vusa said, “I write most of my songs relating to what I will be going through in life or praying to God, sometimes God sends me his Message, then I sing it out to his people just like my recent Single Sabela. God sent me this message and said, tell my children that the end is near, they should repent and answer to my call.... Well that one is a long story Christine, it needs its own interview”. Since the release of his new Single on the 15th of June Mangena still pushing it a bit, if all goes well, he might drop a second 10 track Album by the end of this year. It’s an album he did with two other artists Mai Mwamuka & Sipho Snowy from Bulawayo and one from Limpopo South Africa respectively. Mangena also, happens to be a business man and he runs an Events Company. Apart from that, he is also a photographer.


A Boss Mindset


Mr Billions Hilary Kutama


have always been a numbers person since my childhood. I sold things in my primary school and that really gave me a good start. The interest to add and multiply money made me to love the finance industry to be specific. I started my first business in 2013 when I was in my 3rd year in university. To get started was really hard considering the capital requirements I needed. I tried to borrow money from literally any person I could talked to, not excluding banks and micro finances. My search for capital was fruitless. The end of the story is that I started the business. When you want to do something, it’s the call of your soul and your desire that attracts the resources. Since then I have always had a desire to help other small businesses and startups. I would want to say that, it is those that are in the house that know the needs of the people in the house.

ing things that I admire about myself is the hunger to always put to practice what I learn. In the past 18 months we have exceeded 480 loans, these are sizeable loans and not for consumption mostly but for production. We have raised capital for 15 businesses with our platform www. startupinvest.co.zw. We have created several investment products that help the general population to invest regardless of their networth. My passion is to see dreams of many young entrepreneurs come to pass and also to see a world where anyone can be in total control of their financial future by investing without discrimination of income levels .To help our customers invest, we developed two mobile applications for SMEs and general population to build robust financial intelligence that will help them save and invest. It’s always important to have good financial habits and to be well informed about where your money is going. The two serves the purpose. The applications are called Rongamari and Rongamari Plus respectively

“My passion is to see dreams of many young entrepreneurs come to pass. Contact me and I Wa- will help you.”

Fast forward to 2018 October namari Fintech was started. I started helping entrepreneurs in my circle with working capital and funding for various projects. The point is you have to There is truly so much to say about what I have accomstart from where you are. No one was born with a min- plished through Wanamari. To find out more about what ing company in their hands. In actual fact, we all came we do and who we are visit www.wanamari.co.zw and naked into the world. This means that you can never be www.startupinvest.co.zw worse than your first day in the world. One of the amaz-


Tarry Eric Phineas

Key Points To Develop

C onfidence To cultivate self confidence:

1. Believe in yourself, put your dreams first because no one else will. Tell yourself each morning that you can and you will do it. 2. Surround yourself with positivity, people who inspire,and encourage you. 3. Obscure negative thoughts, that small little voice that says you cant do it, its impossible. 4. Equip yourself with knowledge, how people in the same field as you have made it, how they overcome their struggles. This will help to know that the things giving us low self esteem will soon go away. 5. Travel if possible, it will give exposure that helps to build your self confidence, knowledge is power. 6. Accept that you cannot change things you do not have control over. 7. Socialize with different people, it help you in learn ing numerous life dynamics.

Tarry Eric Phineas 33

Girls With Bigger Dreams Shine More Than Any Glitter.



Who Said You


/Author / Host/ Creator/ / Inspirational Speaker/

Rutendo Melody Kanguru


utendo Melody Kanguru is a Speaker, Author, Youtuber & the Founder of ‘House of Hosting Heaven’, a women empowerment organization aimed at helping women intentionally design the Christian lifestyle they love living in and a lifestyle that God can bless. With an Masters degree in accounting, experience in corporate (having sat on a few Boards as a Director) and deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ; she wanted to use her skillset to strategically empower women in the kingdom by gathering women together in hubs/ groups which helped them support each other and gave them the tools needed to become more accountable to themselves in their walk with Christ. The story of House of Hosting Heaven started when Melody authored of a book entitled ‘Hosting Heaven’, Learning to hear the voice of God for your life. After releasing her book, she felt led to create a study guide for her book, coupled with a spiritual life planning tool called the ‘House of Hosting Heaven Planner. These 3 tools used together have been incredible helpful in helping woman MAP their way into a fruitful, colorful & fulfilling relationship with Christ.

With this book, study guide and planning tool in hand, she started women ‘meet-up’ events called ‘Hosting Heaven Brunches’ across different South African Provinces. These exciting meetups have now expanded to Zimbabwe & Ireland, with many women asking her to host some in their own provinces and countries. During these meet ups, young women between the ages of 18 – 65years meet at a central coffeeshop, have coffee, support & encourage each other, laugh, pray and cry together about different life issues. These brunches have become a safe haven for many young women that had been struggling in silence in their Christian journeys. Last year, Melody hosted the first ever Hosting Heaven Women Conference. Recently, Melody released a ‘single’ called ‘More Lord’ which is now the theme song for ‘Hosting Heaven’ as a brand. You can find Melody weekly on her Youtube channel ‘House of Hosting Heaven’ talking to women from over 158 countries worldwide about what it means to be a woman who ‘Hosts Heaven’. Melody always says she deeply loves God, has a heart for God’s people and she loves her coffee…in that order.


Explore ARUKA With Us


ruka is a Hebrew word that means healing and restoration. The main idea behind starting the organization is to bring healing in people’s lives at different levels i.e. individual, family and community level. There is so much hate and pain in the world and it has become so cold proving the statement that says hurt people hurt people true which is why we have so many people sharing experiences of how they have been left with emotional and psychological scars. These scars ultimately leading to so much instability mentally and emotionally, individuals make families and families make up the community so at the end of the day we have

these broken communities full of so much hate that most likely is rooted from bad individual experiences that were never addressed. With so many factors in play according to the world health organization in every 40seconds someone commits suicide, and in those 40 seconds a large number would’ve attempted to commit suicide. Our main thrust is suicide awareness/ prevention. We aim at educating people by bringing the topic to discussion in schools, homes, media, churches etc. the more people are educated the more we break the stigma and increase awareness which empowers people and ultimately help reduce the number of people who are committing suicide. We also provide counseling facilities and we are currently

working on establishing a toll free suicide prevention helpline because we realized most people prefer to be anonymous with these issues. We have specialists whom we refer to in cases necessary. We are currently looking forward to establish a toll free suicide helpline where anyone can get help. Our main focus is the marginalized the people who may not even have access to the internet or afford a psychologist. Aruka foundation was started in august 2018, it all started with a thought early in the morning I somehow felt so alone yet I was surrounded by so many people and I felt like the cold I felt in my heart could be melted away by a simple hug.



ll I was craving for was a hug and at that moment I reflected to 6 years back in my life when my life was on a down spiral and I felt so alone, so troubled that I felt like no one could see that I was ok somehow I wanted people to think I’m ok as I portrayed that picture but deep inside I wanted the closest people to me to see that I was not ok and save me, save me from my bad choices save me from myself and life felt like I was living in a box which kept getting smaller and smaller and I would make a loud silent scream each day that no one could hear. I was suffocating and ultimately attempted to commit suicide. As I reflected to that experience from a perspective of a person who has healed, gained controlled of their life and found happiness in myself I thought to myself how many people are going through what I went through feel that exact same way and are ultimately taking their lives. My husband then encouraged me to start a social media campaign called one hug a day campaign with the aim to help spread love a spirit of togetherness amongst people. The response was amazing as i got feedback of people who needed just that. This one act led to the birthing of the organization as I realized that I had got a second chance for a reason, to help save lives. Due to different people that come to our office we have realized that so many issues lead to one having suicide ideation from unemployment, teen pregnancies, early child marriages, rape, domestic violence just to mention a few. We therefore

reach out in ways within our reach to help because sometimes counseling session is not enough by itself. We have partnered with different organizations, individuals. The wedding center, shenati engineering, slaitate photography, strengthen someone daily and clear line have been very supportive as it is hard to access funding in your early days but these people believe in the cause and we are thankful for their unwavering support. During lockdown we have had a larger number of people express-

ing anxiety, depression and suicide ideation and we continue to encourage spirit of togetherness, check on someone, the little you have to spare is a break through that someone is praying for, spread love, be nice for no reason. As individuals let’s find some new skills to learn, a new language, exercise, always practice positive affirmations let’s stay optimistic. It’s also important to know where to draw the line between social media and realism, stay true to your self.



l want to inspire and motivate, impacting knowledge and skills on how to have a better lifestyle. Tennyson chimiso


ennyson Takudzwanashe Chimiso is a young man with an extraordinary determination, full of enthusiastic and zealous. He is a man who pursue his age and passion. He is well-motivated and always sticks in his vision, he dreams big and believe that every dream is possible to achieve. In an interview out of curiosity to know how he grew to be this phenomenal, he gave out a story of his life; “I was born in Masvingo , Rujeko C grew up in a street called Chirongo , many people used to call me TK the dirty boy, raised by a single parent , in their minds they thought we would end up as street kids says the ghetto people that was me and my young brother, because life was playing us hard. I am the first born in the family of two, I am aged 22. I went to Shakashe Primary school, did my high school at Ndarama high and currently pursuing a degree in Computer Programming with Hyperiondev.

etc. of the current view in any environment that we are living in on this beautiful planet of ours. It is high time we get to share our different ideologies and come together as fellow human beings, now that the world has been reduced to a small global village, we need to impwact WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE etc. Therefore as a young ordinary man, l want to inspire and motivate, impacting knowledge and skills on how to have a better lifestyle , encouraging creativity, innovation, hardworking , goal planning and value addition in the incubator of the young people. Many young people out

of life to be grateful, it will give us a peaceful and happy lifestyle. We will continue to suffer if we have an emotional reaction to everything that is being said to us, that is happening to us. As the incubators we need to seat back buckle up and observe things according to GOD programing. If words and circumstances control us that means everyone else can control us and every circumstance will become our lifestyle. I am also an entrepreneur CEO of TC investments, property development, management and construction. TC.i does not only focus on property, we have various businesses such as, digital marketing, computer programming, farming etc. TC.i was formed with the primary objective to leverage, engage, raise, empower and promote initiatives and innovation of young entrepreneurs to be futuristic and sustainable. I am also a preacher, l believe in GOD and with him everything is possible. I didn’t just woke up having all this ideas but l believe that GOD baptized me with all this ideas, so l stand and engage my lifestyle with the salvation of the LORD GOD. To the young people out there l want to tell you that, what you see in other peoples lifestyle depends on the window which we look. Since God is pure therefore, he should be the only window in our daily LIFESTYLE and everyone would be the same.

Born To Be A Leader

there they have the potential but it’s trapped within. Many young When l was doing my high people in Zimbabwe they are goschool, l had a vision: INSPIRE ing to school to study what they TO ASPIRE, inspiring young are not passionate about , they people to engage in a better are just going to school to study lifestyle. So l established an something because they heard organization called LIFESTYLE that if you do a degree in engiINCUBATED SEED L.I.S with neering you will make money the vision to INSPIRE BEFORE not knowing what that the secret IT EXPIRES, you see it takes us is what they are capable of, pasas fellow human beings to turn sion driven. around the negative circumstanc- Remember our situation is not as es in which we may find ourthe interpretation of it. If we deselves in regardless of our RACE, fine it as a crisis it will destroy us CREED, GANDER, WEALTH but if we define it as an EVENT


Allow me to share something transformational about the power of mindset: “Mindset is a combination of two words that is mind and set, that says what you thing it definitely has to settle. Our mindset it will determine if we will make it or not. Your mindset is without doubt your greatest asset it is worth more than any financial or business, any education, any job reference. It is capable of earning more in one year than any investor or doctor, if your mindset says: I will do whatsoever it takes, if that’s your mindset then you will flow through. Nothing will slow your progress like a negative mind, don’t be negative be positive, have a growth mindset, believe that you can grow. There are six laws of the mindset:

Lifestyle Incubated Seed L.I.S Real forces .facebook.com Law of attraction Tennyson chimiso @insta Law of control Tennyson Mover @Facebook Law of insertion Law of connection Law of sending and receiving So let’s be strategic, don’t be a product of your own circumstances , be a product of your own decision. Have guts, decide and be strategic. The power of mind, nothing limits achievement like mind. Laziness , nothing expands possibilities like unleashing imagination, you have to think and stop wasting time that it shall be well, and remember don’t think anyhow think success.” Note if you don’t control your mind someone else will ~ Tennyson T Chimiso. Tchmiso5@gmail.com

The Power Of


Choice By Rutendo Melody Kanguru

t’s the second half of the year and with so much happening on a global scale. Who would have thought the year would turn out this way. More than ever the power of the choices we make is becoming more and more critical as many sink with the weight of the pressure. How we chose to respond to life will determine how we come out on the other side. Because we exist in a world of unending possibilities, the most powerful tool we have is choice. With every choice, we close down a door with many other open doors in it and we open a door connected to many other open doors in it. Our life then becomes defined by our choices and in the same breath it is our choices that then truly show who we really are. Our choices are currently ‘making’ us, defining us and evolving us.


ere are some 5 nuggets on ‘The Power of Choices’ in Life, Relationships & Business that will be inspiring and useful for you as you navigate this last half of 2020. At this time of the year, you have the following choices in Life:

# To keep dreaming or to wake up, start putting action into vision and follow your dreams. # To repeat the first half of the year again or to make the pivots nec-

essary and grow. # To go with the choice that scares you the most or to stay in the comfort zone where nothing grows and watch 2020 bring great success to others and nothing for you. # To make easy choices that lead to a hard life or to make hard choices that lead to an easy life in the future. # To develop a healthy relationship with ‘choices’ knowing the better you get at making them and the faster you become at making the right ones, the more success you will get out of life. Or to fear making them. As you go along the last half of the year, relationships will be very pivotal to your success and always remember the following things about ‘the power of choice’: # To never accept to be someone’s second choice. Always chose yourself first before someone makes you an option. You deserve more. # To take responsibility of who you spend your time with no matter how deeply intertwined that relationship seems. If they are toxic to you, you can liVe without them if you give yourself an opportunity to learn how to. # You may not have had a choice on the events that happened to you but you have a choice on whether you will permit yourself to be reduced by them. # To make a choice to walk away from any table where respect is no longer served. Respect is everything. # When someone needs time to choose between you and another, that is all the ‘signs’ you need to exit that scene relationally.


hroughout this last half of the year, how you do business and who you do business with will be important. You must know:

# The 3 ‘c’s in business are chance, choice and change. You cannot get to change without making decisions so do not be afraid to choose. # You are not stuck where you are unless you decide (make a choice) to be. # You can have results or excuses, not both. The choice is yours. # In your business, “either you run the day or the day runs you. It’s your choice.” # Success is decision. You chose it and you build up the habits that attract it. Finally, as this year progresses make sure you keep making choices that build you, nourish you, nurture you and serve your bigger purpose. Keep yourself aligned. Always remember who you want to be and keep making the choices that take you to him/her. And never forget, your choices are the transportation that take you to where you want to go. Choose LIFE!


Felistas Mutendi

Body-shamed to Top-Star Model.


elistas Mutendi is a young girl on a mission if l might put it that way and have been a model for top brands such as BAZAAR, Crop Clothing among others. Born and raised in the beaming heart of Africa in a country not far away from the bottom of Africa, Zimbabwe. I grew up surrounded by a very large, God fearing and loving family and did my primary and high school education in Zimbabwe. It was during my time in High School that my dilemma began l am naturally a tall and slender person and l might say l received a fair enough moment of body shaming from my fellow girls because of my physical appearance. However, l would always find comfort in my brother who gave me the strength to ignore the negative and look for the positive in that .After finishing my high school l moved on to Poland where l am currently based right now studying Nursing .Just as they always say never plan for a full day ahead for we don’t know how tomorrow might turn out so as l was walking in the street on this particular day a guy approached me’ asked if l had ever done modeling to which l had not and had never imagined of being one .He told me my physical structure was exactly what was lacking in their studios l got an invitation for a photo shoot and the rest followed and here we are today .The same tall and slender image that subjected me the horns of a dilemma has seen me going places and l always carry with me the encouraging words from my brother “ignore the negative and look for the positive in that negativity. “However, in this modern society we should realize that body shaming has been one of the biggest challenges affecting women worldwide and l am very privileged to have come on the International stage of modelling at a time l can be heard, use my

influence to make a difference. Decades ago, modeling was a silent profession, where women were supposed to be seen and never heard, but just like l have alluded before times have changed the world is now embracing the efforts and positive vibes that women spread. It is a fact that cannot be denied that most industries remain overrun with problems that include labor exploitation, sexual harassment and body shaming against women and these problems are not absent as well in the modeling industry as in most cases models are trivialized and our concerns as women are seen as nothing and quickly brushed off all in the name of us being women. I strongly believed it could have been a different issue if this was a male dominated industry then alone people would not turn a blind eye to these inhuman activities. As a young women born and raised in the dust and jungles of Africa, Zimbabwe to be specific full of cultural diversity that is rich l have embraced modeling as a symbol of self-expression, women empowerment and through my social media l try to put across a message of unity ,togetherness and resilience of all women worldwide through fashion. As we embark on the journey to reclaim our position in the world as women lets be inspired by the following songs BROWN SKIN GIRL” ………… Your skin just like pearls the best thing in the world, l never trades you for anybody else.” Favela “As the sun rises she opens up her Hazel beautiful eyes and begins her baby cries she picks him up ……..”. No matter how hard we fall on the journey lets gather our strength” lets rise like a phoenix out of the ashes seeking rather than vengeance retribution you were warned.”



Robert Mukondiwa

A Man With Vision I am mostly fascinated by young people who live their everyday life with a sore desire to make the world a better place. Robert Mukondiwa is a wonderful TV Presenter, Author of The Judas Files, journalist, media anthropologist. Media strategist and Thinker. In an interview, Robert Mukondiwa managed to expound on a lot of issues, as well as respond to many questions we had and this is what he had to say:

I studied media and law amongst a host of other little things that I have had an interest in. My late father was a journalist and that probably shaped my appreciation of media and politics but I had little wish to become a journalist. However, my principle was and is never to try anything that I will not excel at and I think that is why I want to give my all in everything I do. I’m a strong believer in getting things done perfectly which sometimes gets my temper flared when people don’t appreciate the value of time. I’ve always loved and appreciated culture and think anyone can be the best at what they do if they are genuinely passionate about it. In primary school I was one of a handful of black kids in the class post-independence but I never deferred ownership of anything to anyone else by virtue of something as artificial ,race or colour and therefore was the best in English across my stream and an excellent speller. You may be a first speaker of English but it’s not my business to be second best to you. When I got into the media it was as a rookie reporter and I was pretty cocky while I was at it. “when I want to read a good story or book,

I write one” is what I used to say. But as time goes by you start to note and appreciate that sometimes the story is greater than your ego and the subject is much bigger than your writing however powerful. I remember the story l pursued of a little boy with cancer called Dexter who had gone blind and was battling to raise money for care in south Africa. He was constantly crying and had to be on morphine I wrote the story and quietly prayed that God would take him and put him out of his misery. A day after the story came out at The Sunday Mail where I was then working, many people started coming together to raise airfare and medical care for Dexter I knelt down before God again and said ‘return my prayer. I don’t want you to take Dexter I want him to be a living testimony blind or not when he turns 21 and we say a country came together to help save a life.” Sadly, after a few minutes I got a call that Dexter had passed on. I remember going to cover his funeral and instead of being the so called professional journalist, I was broken and weeping. That was when I appreciated that I was human and often times just a particle of the world of journalism. That was a turning point in my media life. In a different scenario my father called me and came over to my house ,he told me how he read my stories and loved them. Then he said sometimes l was too angry in my articles. “You can say the same things with humour and banter rather than hate and anger,” he said to me. Ever since then I love to poke fun in my articles and hardly if ever write when I am angry unless if the subject demands anger like a political opinion on rights or something of that kind.

I got into TV by accident we had wanted to start a show on health and the first subject was menstrual health management and it came from a point of anger. We had led a our news bulletin with a story of Menstrual Health Day because my team has progressive developmental health reporters who respect women and women’s challenges. Sadly, extremist fundamentalism exists everywhere in the patriarchal system that thinks women’s issues are trivial. Somebody or some people were not happy with discussing such an important issue so we sought partners to help us with a sponsored program which no one would object to. What followed was a series with the Swedish embassy in Zimbabwe. I’m an articulate talker if I do say so myself and Sometimes people ask me how come l am so eloquent and what can they do to achieve the same. Well my mother says I used to talk in my sleep as a kindergarten child so I really had an unfair advantage at practice! I think one of the breakthrough gigs we had was me being thrust in the seat to anchor the long running funeral of the late President Robert Mugabe. He’s a man I will eternally admire for his principles and steadfastness. I was the presenter in the ZTN broadcast which was the best on that subject ever. We formed communities of viewers and I started feeling like I knew the viewers. The comments were respectful and warm and for once Zimbabweans were united with no animosity. No man will ever influence Zimbabwe like he did and perhaps Oliver Mtukudzi not in our lifetime. Covering that funeral changed me.


Founder Dorris Charlie Banda

“I had to change my life.” Dorris Charlie Banda


orris Charlie Banda was born on 22 April 1998 in Harare Zimbabwe. The 22-year-old has always been passionate about writing. Orris was raised in Zimbabwe till she was 8 years her family then migrated to South Africa. Growing up in South Africa had its own challenges on the young writer. “People think that South Africa is all milk and honey but they don’t have any idea of the emotional suffering that a lot of people are going through” Zimbabweans in the diaspora do not have the same opportunities as to local citizens. Dorris had a very low self-esteem when she got to high school it became worse and battled with this for most of her teenage life, accepting and loving herself became so difficult and she hasn’t confided in anyone till this day. Dorris found refuge in watching TV everyday “This kept me away from my thoughts” One day Dorris was watching a Columbian Telenovela when she was inspired by a character who was a News anchor, she knew from this day that she wanted to be a journalist, it was in 2014 Dorris was 2 years away from completing High School.

In 2017 Dorris went on to study Journalism and Media studies she knew this was an opportunity to make all her dreams come true, “I was very excited and happy words cannot describe just how excited I was “unfortunately her joy was short lived. In 2018 her second year at college Dorris had to drop out of college because of financial strains at home she became devastated and lost hope of ever being a writer again. It wasn’t easy seeing her friends pursing their dreams. She still didn’t give up on her own dreams Dorris started writing again but this time she became a freelance writer for an online publication she got few articles published this restored her faith and gave her hope for the future. In 2019 Dorris and her parents raised enough for her to go back to school she then enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science She became friends with the internet “I would send over 100 job applications a day but no luck, it was very hard as I had no work experience”.Dorris got to a point of suicidal thoughts and depression She met a young man now her business partner and coach Munyaradzi Dongo through social media, Dongo helped her

establish LID Magazine with no money but only her passion and determination. LID Magazine is a bi-monthly online inspiration magazine it draws its focus on reporting inspiration of real life people from all over the globe. LID’s first edition was released in March followed by the second in May 2020 featuring some inspiring individuals like Monalisa Chisango,Raymiel Ivan Ceder,Tapfuma Nzara and many more. The fear of having to drop out of school again is what motivated her to turn her passion into an enterprise. The publication has been doing well as of late it has reached over 10k visits over the past few months. Motivated by all the challenges Dorris has gone through in 2020 she started her own modelling agency and have managed to sign 3 models thus far. Dorris is a young independent woman in the diaspora she wishes to inspire many Zimbabweans in the diaspora and in Zimbabwe to change their lives for the better and she is developing an online community that helps young Zimbabwean girls in the diaspora build self-confidence and appreciating themselves more.


Alfred Kainga

From Mbare to a Global Stage A

LFRED WHEN WE SEE YOU ON TV AND IN FRONT OF THE CROWDS, WE JUST GROW TO LIKE YOU, BUT MOST PEOPLE DON’T REALLY KNOW THE BACKBONE OF YOUR STORY. HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO FLY FROM A THIRD-WORLD COUNTRY, TO A STAGE IN TEXAS? #So, l was born and raised in Mbare Harare, raised by my mother and the help of my maternal grandparents until the age of 14 when we moved to Crey Borne. I did my primary education in Mbare as well. My upbringing was quite interesting, growing up in the ghetto then having to do a transition when we moved from Mbare and my high school education at Prince Edward was quite an experience. During my primary school holidays, l would say l experienced a normal life just like any other young Zimbabwean in the rural areas. l would go to my grandmother’s rural homestead and l learnt how to plough, milk cattle the rest. l would say we all know how a rural African set up is. Above all, the greatest was waking up at four o’clock in the morning and going to the fields, so in a way it’s safe to say my upbringing was pretty much diverse.


ELL YOU’RE HILARIOUS AND JUST ONE CONVERSATION WITH YOU MAKES EVERYONE FEEL A LOT ALIVE, HOW DO YOU DO IT AND ALSO, THE JOKES YOU PERFORM WHERE DO YOU GET THEM FROM? #It’s a blessing to be gifted with such a gift of making people laugh, l love that moment when l walk into a room and l see gloomy faces and realize it’s my job to put a smile on those faces. God is the one who deserve all the glory for he bestowed it upon me. I actually don’t know where the jokes come from because the moment l start

talking everything just falls into place. Sometimes l am even shocked on how l came up with such a joke. One thing l do best is turning all the negative and positive life-time experiences into comedy because there is always a lesson to learn from them.


LFRED WAS IT ALWAYS EASY FOR YOU IN THE COMEDY INDUSTRY? WHICH CHALLENGES DID YOU FACE WHEN YOU STARTED? #I started my comedy career right here in America in 2005, going to open mics and l must say those were actually tough competitions with quite a lot of funny and good people. For me being an African guy who was just a beginner in the industry it wasn’t easy. It came about with its own challenges, back then in the days Micheal Blackson was the only black guy l knew who did standup comedy, which was actually a great inspiration for me. So basically, my staff is based on me making fun of myself and if you laugh at me l take that as an authority to make fun of you as well and when l started l always thought l would need an argent to get me booked but realized it’s comedians who uplift each other by means of sharing shows putting each other out there. I did one International comedy show in Philadelphia and that actually opened up a lot of doors for me. Now in the past three years l have gone around twenty countries .At first the biggest challenge was getting into the market and making a name because back then we didn’t have vast social media platforms to reach a large audience.



FOR MOTIVATION AND INSPIRATION? #I have done twenty countries, Nigeria a couple of times, South Africa, Uganda my favorite being Zimbabwe of course l love performing home, Dubai, UK, Canada just so many places and l would say it’s a great privileged, l never imagined. Africa is quite a huge continent which l still wish l need to explore every country with the richness of comedy. To upcoming comedians don’t give up stay focused and committed l have been doing comedy for the past fifteen years and l haven’t started yet l am still cracking the surface of comedy. Don’t do comedy for money but do it for the love of it then money will come on its own.


ELL ALFRED YOU HAVE LOST A LOT OF WEIGHT COMPARING WITH YOUR PICTURES FROM LAST YEAR, CAN YOU SHARE WITH US YOUR SECRET AND WHY YOU DECIDED TO TAKE UP ON THIS JOURNEY? #I used to weigh about 285 pounds and l have lost 85 pounds which is pretty amazing. It happened over a period of about a year and a half. l went through a lot of changes, mentally and physically as well. I went through a divorce which l must say wasn’t easy for me but l decided to redefine myself, l stopped eating fatty foods and resorted to a professionally stipulated balanced diet. As a result of this l managed to do away with high blood pressure and diabetes without medicine but just by eating healthy. So, it’s all about eating natural foods that mother nature provides for us which was actually designed for our bodies.

Alfred Kainga


Young Poet Reaching For The Stars. CHASING MY HEART. Gathering momentum of four pumas, Fighting for my breath at the climax of my gasps like a dog, I am chasing my heart. I am a dog in the manger. I am not dog tired. In every dream and in every life I am chasing after my heart. Stealing is a crime and that’s why I am chasing you down the alley. You are a mugger. tiptoe! tiptoe! tiptoe into my rib cage you thieved my heart. In my all trials and tribulations with my whole shebang I will always be after you for my heart. Šsirpetermunyanyi. 0773121649


Incredible Clothing Hacks Everyone Should Know

White Sneakers Make sure you have some white sneakers in your closet, any outfit goes well with a pair of white sneakers. Invest in them and thank me later. I learnt this from a friend and since I am more of a simple smart person I thank heavens for knowing this trick.

Stards If you have piercings make sure to make use of them, Sweatheart a pair of stards is not even that expensive. You really dont need a real diamond or gold pair, yor casual 50 cents pair will work okay for this hack. Wearing some stards will make your face look slimmer and pretty.

Black color Black Color, Oh wow I cant believe I’m sharing this with you. Black clothes works so well on everyone no matter the complexion. IT CAN ALSO BE OTHER PLAIN DARK COLORS TOO. Remember, if you choose to wear black then find a bright color pair of shoes or handbag then you’re good to go.


Can you name 10 different cities or towns in Zimbabwe? 56

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