Zim Influencers Magazine 7th Edition

Page 18

A Talk With



ho is Cynthia?

narrative by working harder in the Well it’s always hard face of those who doubted me. My first article was published in 2003 to satisfactorily in the Edgars magazine. The article define yourself. In most cases you find it hard to be fully changed my life for good. It made me popular at school, I started making objective, always torn between herfriends. I still needed to work on alding the truth or exaggerate facts to create a lasting impression. Objec- my confidence, so I participated in modelling. I won six titles during my tively I take myself as a goal driven short-lived tenure. I also participated lady, God fearing and determined. in sports and public speaking. I was I fully apply myself and the appetite a Senior prefect, president for Toast for achieving personal goals push Masters Club and president for Girl me and in most cases in the right Child network. Academically I doudirection. Accused of being pambled my efforts to get good grades. pered as the last born in a family of I have partnered with seasoned HR 2 kids, the desire to prove otherwise has been the major driving force. By people in consultancy as well as being a contributor to local newspapers the way people,ladies are always shy to expose their age however 27 years with HR articles but above all having published in Refereed International ago family members and friends Journals. I have occupied Acting celebrated my birth. Human Resource Manager positions and I am also into lectureship. What makes Cynthia a unique? This is a hard one. I strongly believe What is your vision in life? that my determination and focus For me, it’s about having a meaningmake me unique. Let me say this at ful life. one point at a tender age my family moved from Mutare to Chinhoyi. The move while tormented me as What advice would you give to my accent attracted attention at young woman starting their catimes received with mixed feeling reers? from colleagues and peers. Generally Believe in yourself, aim high, remain the majority laughed and at times focussed and the sky will be the mocked and attacked all the same. limit. Remember and always rememThrough verbal insults I lost conber that smooth seas do not make fidence which eventually affected skilful sailors. Turbulence of nature my grades. Parents at time as you will fight and at times appear to know them always want the best out defeat you. Always remain prayerful, of us. When we fail they say things grateful and you will never regret. that get to you. While this was a set Never focus on a closed door, look back I felt desire to prove a point for new and better opportunities. mount inside me. Reflecting on my Guys remember we live once. Make journey to where I am now, makes the best out of it. me realise how unique I am. At the age of nine, I was with this renewed What advice would you give to vigour I worked hard to change my

Youths? If you want success and a stress-free life, stay far away from your relatives. Let them be the last people to know your plans. If it is a business project, do not involve them. Do not get me wrong, I love all my relatives and I treat them with respect. However, they are the last people to know about what I am doing in life and my progress. We are all destined

for greatness and I believe you can achieve your dreams if you keep your plans to yourself. Remember this, no matter how good you are, you will always be replaced. Like they say, do not put all your eggs in one basket. Go to your 8-5pm job but have something else you are doing on the side, never rely on source of income. One source of income is a recipe for disaster. Remember always to pray for wisdom.


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