For Illustration Purposes Only
We develop Advanced Energy Communities for Cities in order to balance the grid, add value to the electricity markets while creating a low carbon future.
ZipPower designs, finances, develops and manages
Advanced Energy Communities for Cities. We use a market maker platform in order to accelerate the penetration of Distributed Energy Resources across communities. We are leapfrogging today’s one-project-at-a-time approach with citywide programs and data automation that achieves unprecedented scale and leverage. We target optimal customers while automating key functions including asset aggregation, bundling financing, development, grid integration and management. Our data driven intelligence will enable energy consumers to become energy prosumers. Our headquarters and prototype city is located in San Leandro, California. Our Advanced Energy Cities as a Service provides cost effective energy for costumers and enhances grid performance while providing competitive locally produced energy for both wholesale and retail markets. Low Carbon City as a Service provides cities and municipalities quality of air improvement, economic development and local wealth.
Accelerating the deployment of advanced energy communities.
Products & Services
Low Carbon City as a Service.
building communitites from the Internet Up
The dawn of the 21st century has brought us new challenges in the way we understand and manage our energy resources. As a society, we are becoming increasingly aware of our responsibility towards the environment and future generations. In order to cope with these challenges, energy innovators, customers and utilities will play an essential role, not only by reducing emissions and finding new ways to optimise electricity generation and distribution processes, but also working together in a more distributed way to produce our energy needs. We the energy innovators must influence society and leading consumers towards a more responsible use of electricity. Decentralised energy allows the financial costs and energy losses associated with the long-distance national transmission system to be reduced and savings passed on to consumers. Bringing energy production closer to people’s lives helps in our efforts to promote energy efficiency. Security of supply can be improved, with power blackouts reduced. Advanced Energy City @SL could take the opportunity to develop expertise and technologies, leading the developed world, and facilitating the developing world’s path to a sustainable energy future.
Introducing Utility 2.0
A social, digital and physical advanced energy community that is inclusive, distributed, and resilient.
An Advanced Energy City of the future.
Transforming a hidden gem into a city of energy innovation.
Vision, Architecture and Development 2017-2021
We envision cities becoming interconnected clusters of self-sufficient energy communities with information travelling at new speeds through a bi-directional advanced gigabyte broadband that can trade electrons within multiple markets and venues. We are committed to transform our communities into the “Micro Utility Service Providers� of the future. By using the existing renewable energy within a city’s energy mix and integrating it with our rapidly scalable approach, we will reach 100% renewable production and carbon neutrality within a 60 month period in any city within our network. Our goal is to develop a new system among communities that creates environmental, social and economic wealth within cities around the world while improving the quality of life for all.
100MW of Local Clean Electricity by 2021
AdvancedEnergyCity is a citywide approach to produce and distribute clean electricity locally. It is a framework to transform cities into a network of multiple communities with different energy profiles across the city, creating one cohesive product. The approach provides cities with an implementation plan to scale local electricity while becoming energy independent, energy resilient and carbon free environments. Our goal is to produce and manage clean electricity locally as the primary energy supply for the city while the grid remains as the back-up supply. The standard product “AdvancedEnergyCity starts with four community profiles: Advanced Solar Community, Advanced Energy Management Community, Advanced Community Microgrid and Advanced Prosumer Community. These four profiles are all connected to a secured network which is operated by an Advance Energy Community System. We believe that by coupling state-of-the-art technologies with large scale dimensions, we create the right approach to overcome inefficiencies within urban settings. AdvancedEnergyCity@SL will represent a world class milestone in the development of the new paradigm of electricity and data management across multiple energy asset profiles. The Energy Internet Fabric, Lit San Leandro is a public-private partnership designed to attract new business to San Leandro. This project is deploying an 18 mile state-of-the-art digital backbone loop of fiber optics that will allow service providers to deliver a high-speed (broadband) communications network. Building upon San Leandro’s strong industrial infrastructure, Lit San Leandro’s fiber network will help companies realize future-facing opportunities for next generation communications-enhanced industry. Unlike most communities across the nation, San Leandro’s fiber network strategically connects to two major data centers (Oakland, San Francisco, and soon San Jose).
AdvancedEnergyCity@SL aims at facilitating and accelerating the integration and usage of distributed energy resources (DER) in a distribution network. The target is the development of a standard product to scale locally produced electricity while providing a self healing solution to the grid as well as a framework to decarbonize our cities. The product development began in 2017, with a projected five-year duration demonstrated within three cities. Phase I Advanced Solar Community: Commercial Assets (Up to 15MW) During this phase our goal is to produce local electricity using public buildings, parking lots and vacant land owned by the city. We will deploy the combination of Solar PV, light energy storage and other distributed energy resources. This scenario would be typically triggered following an initial request from network operators in order to mitigate a regional congestion or to contribute to the national power balance. Additionally, we are demonstrating the social, environmental and economic benefits of producing local electricity for the Community Choice Aggregation market. Phase II Advanced Energy Management Community: Commercial Assets (15 to 50MW) During this phase we will prove the value of a massive distributed PV generation + storage and its impacts on the distribution grid regarding the maintenance of the voltage within the normative tolerance range around the nominal value. Phase III Advanced Energy Community Microgrid: Commercial Assets ( 1 to 3MW) During this phase we will prove the value of the operation in islanded mode of a five building community. The goal is to show that a specific network area can operate independently and can be disconnected from the electrical network. The main goal of this operation mode is to keep the lights on for customers. Two types of microgrid operations would be tested: scheduled islanding and unforeseen islanding. Phase IV Advanced Prosumer Community: Residential Assets (1 to 5MW) During this phase we will prove the value of a peer-to-peer network that provides the ability for energy consumers to participate in a new-energy marketplace, even with those who cannot afford expensive upfront commitments in renewable energy generating capacity. The network will allow investors and asset owners of embedded renewable energy generating technologies to monetize surplus energy generation and maximize individual investments in renewable generating technologies. Phase V Advanced Prosumer City: Commercial & Residential (50 to 100MW) During this phase we will prove the value of the integration of all communities, showing the value of our Advance Energy Community System which can manage over 800 nodes across cities and beyond.
Layers of Development
Advanced Energy Community System Advanced Solar Community Advanced Energy Community Management Advanced Energy Community Microgrid Advanced Energy Prosumer Community Advanced Energy City
Advanced Energy Communities Implementation Phases
The New Market: Community Choice Aggregation Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) gives cities and counties the authority to aggregate every customer load in their territory, and source generation on behalf of those customers. CCA is authorized in Massachusetts, Ohio, California, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Illinois, and New York, with 1300 municipalities under service in 2016. Energy Localization: Community Choice Aggregation 2.0 CCA 2.0 is the new player in the game focused on serving the future local energy markets based on producing electricity across communities within the city perimeters, avoiding surcharge chargers that can reach up to 30% of the electricity bill, and heat losses during long transmissions, also representing considerable savings. The Advanced Energy City model focuses on helping communities reinvent electricity services based on local renewable technologies: locally controlled, locally built, and locally-owned.
PROOF OF VALUE: CCA 2.0 City Prototype
APPLICATION: Advanced Solar Community
Developer Invited Partners • • • • • •
ZipPower City of San Leandro Alameda Energy Choice PG&E
Proof Value Localized Electricity Generation for CCA 2.0 Market
Projected MW Up to 15MW Public & Private
Solar Other Renewables Advanced Community System
Community Choice Aggregation 2.0
PROOF OF VALUE: Ancillary Services
APPLICATION: Advanced Energy Management Community
Developer Invited Partners • ZipPower • City of San Leandro • Private Building Owners • Land Owners
Proof Value Localized Electricity Generation CAISO Market Grid Services
Projected MW Up to 50MW Public & Private
Solar Energy Storage Data Management Control Security
CAISO Wholesale
PROOF OF VALUE: Advanced Energy Community Microgrid
PHASE III: Tech Campus
Developer Invited Partners • • • • •
OSIsoft Westlake Enel Tesla Black & Veatch
Proof Value Islanding Microgrid
Projected MW Up to 3MW
Solar PV Fuel Cell Data Control Security
PG&E Other Markets
PROOF OF VALUE: Advanced Energy Prosumer Community
PHASE IV: Shoreline Marina Prosumer Network
Developer Invited Partners • ZipPower • City of San Leandro • CalCoast • Tesla
Proof Value Prosumer Residential CCA 2.0 Market
Projected MW Up to 5MW Public Private
Solar PV Other Renewables Advanced Community System
Community Choice Aggregation 2.0
Advanced Energy Community System.
Data Control Security
DATA Advanced Energy Community System is ZipPower’s middleware platform that seamlessly integrates, analyzes and manages data from multiple networks. The System operates using the powerful OSIsoft cloud-based platform which is the backbone of the Industrial Internet of Things (PI System Software), collecting information from more than 1.5 billion data streams in 127 countries and used by 65% of Fortune 5OO Companies including over 1,000 Utilities.
CONTROL Using PXiSE technology (a collaboration between Sempra, OSIsoft and researchers at the University of California at San Diego), Zippower can provide its customers a cutting edge microgrid controller at the point of interconnection. This technology, by contrast puts multiple inverters, batteries, and other flexible energy resources into a kind of selfbalancing mode witch measuring things very fast able to manage things with little or no inertia, such as a microgrid with relatively little spinning reserves. The software isn’t limited just for one particular DER, this controller is specifically designed to manage 1,000 DERs across different geographic location in real time.. Pxise approach significantly different from the network flow models used for most of the microgrid controls in the market today, a Plug & Play ultra fast and robust control.
SECURITY Our Advanced Secured Energy Network uses the backbone of Universal Ethernet Telecommunication Service “UETS” a secure network based on a new Communications Architecture, founded on two basic premises: on the one hand, it provides its users with services equivalent to the circuit switched network, as the classic PTNs do (Public Telephone Network), designed to generate a “circuit” between two specific users with their undeniable drawbacks in terms of efficiency (the whole circuit is dedicated to exclusively one communication), but also with a great advantage, the inherent security and quality of communication.On the other hand, however, UETS uses for data transmission Ethernet datagrams only. This is the core of the ultimate alternative to circuit switching: packet switching. The latter is in fact the main innovation of Internet as compared to traditional telephone networks: data is split into packets that could follow infinite number of potential routes to reach a destination. Through this combination of circuit and packet switching, UETS can greatly lighten and make more secure the process of transmitting information over the Future Internet.
UETS F abric Sw it ch
The beauty of simplicity
PROOF OF VALUE: Advanced Energy Prosumer City
PHASE V: 100MW Citywide Program
A middleware engine power by OSIsoft and using Blockchain technology will manage Advanced Energy City aims to become a citywide marketplace where all the power generation is connected and working in harmony with the distribution grid. A middleware engine will manage multiple electricity generating nodes across the city while allowing renewable energy asset owners to decide who they want to sell their surplus energy to and at what price. This becomes a self healing solution to distress the grid, reduce local carbon emissions, while organically developing the low carbon city of the future.
Market Maker Strategy
Physical Engagement
Advanced Prosumer Home Display
APPLICATION: Advanced Solar Community
Advanced Prosumer Building Display
APPLICATION: Advanced Energy Management Community
Advanced Resilient Microgrid Display
APPLICATION: Advanced Resilient Community Microgrid
Advanced Prosumer Network Display
APPLICATION: Advanced Prosumer Community
The Advanced Energy Community Advisor is our engagement digital platform, “The Facebook of Energy�, an app that agglomerates all information about a city: its resources, services, energy transformation goals, smart mobility, transport and the state of its environment. The app features an Advanced Energy Community Marketplace with multiple options to choose from. This powerful tool will organically create a peer-to-peer network to collectively transform communities into the Advanced Energy Cities of the future. On top of all that, the platform will also be a channel for communication between citizens and their local administration energy programs in which citizens can OPT IN, a data-driven policy approach.
Projected Test Bed Cities
Gigabyte Broadband
Advanced Energy City
Invited Partners & Supporters