MIAMI BEACH - nextenergi

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1 . T H E FAC T Sea levels are rising globally and are projected to continue to rise at an increasing rate for the foreseeable future. Low�lying coastal communities like Miami Beach, which currently experiences regular flooding, are likely to experience increased flooding frequency and severity.

2. THE RISK Miami Beach is at such grave risk of sea water flooding today that it should preemptively be declared a disaster zone – not because of global-warming-driven sea level rise but due to a seeming total lack of sensible civil engineering standards and sensible building codes. 3.5 Trillion Dollars are at risk including real estate assets.

3. THE CHALLENGE Almost all the underground infrastructure is below Mean Sea Level – this means utility cables, water lines, sewer lines, basements and storm drains. All subject to sea water intrusion and the resulting corrosion. Most of these features of a modern city must be protected by pumps – which must have electrical power to continue to operate.

4 . T H E U N S U S TA I N A B L E Diesel powered generation is not a resilient option at all. Besides the fact that diesel emissions are the major contributors to climate change, its transportation logistics to the point of use can be challenging during any light or severe weather conditions. Additionally, operation and maintenance is not economically sustainable and it’s sending the wrong message to the local public and beyond.

5 . T H E S U S TA I N A B E We propose a data driven approach, powered by intelligent nodes of distributed energy resources located near by the running water pumps. This energy system can be both the back-up and the primary source of energy while data analytics provides the control to make real-time decisions, resulting in substantial savings in operations and maintenance of the city assets.

6. THE RESILIENCY Energy software, hardware, network and realtime data are the components of our proposed Resilient Smart Energy Network for Miami Beach. The network is designed with secure protocols intended to ensure that distributed energy resources can feed power onto utility distribution lines and directly send power to the water pumps during regular day-to-day operations and most importantly, during a system outage. A secure multi-node network orchestrated by a controller able to connect and disconnect from the main grid in case of outages during storms or other unexpected power interruptions is the best resiliency solution.

7. T H E B E N E F I T S Water Pumps until now are the only feasible solution, therefore we should make sure they can be powered at all times. A Resilient Smart Energy Network will protect 3.5 Trillion Dollars at risk, will provide real estate investors confidence and most importantly, will provide Miami Beach a branding position towards resiliency while attracting other cities to follow, attract talent to innovate on top, resulting in social, economic and environmental wealth to the region.

8. THE MODEL Miami is one of the Art epicenters of the world and now the city is becoming a technology and innovation hub, not only developing local talent but also attracting talent and investors from around the globe. We envision Miami Beach to become the point of reference towards resilient innovation. Miami Beach can become the point of reference not only within the 100 Resilient Cities Initiative, but a product to be adapted in every city with potential risk of catastrophic flooding conditions.


A Resilient Smart Energy Network:


is our nature.

Invited partners:

Your ref Our ref File ref

12777 West Jefferson Boulevard Suite 100 Building D Los Angeles CA 90066 United States of America

M r Philip Levine M ayor of M iami Beach

t +1 310 578 4400 d +1 310 578 4469 f +1 310 861 9029

April 6, 2017

Dear Mr. Levine: On behalf of Arup North America, I’m pleased to support the Resilient Smart Energy Network project for the City of Miami Beach. Rising sea levels are no longer a supposition but a fact. Measurements are confirming an average sea rise of 1 inch per decade. Current predictions indicate that if global climate emissions continue to increase, by 2050 sea levels may rise 4 feet above high tide threatening more than 100 Florida towns and millions of people. The city of Miami, with its low-lying location, is already experiencing regular flooding events, and it is likely that the frequency and severity of these will increase in time. The City operates an infrastructure to reduce the effects of the flooding; these systems, however, rely on grid electricity, or fuel-run generators, that can be made inoperable under severe weather events and impact local air quality. This project aims to create an energy network that can operate independently of the main grid in the case of emergency, protecting from the risk of outages and helping improve safety and welfare of the city and its inhabitants. Arup brings to the project key global experience and expertise in the design of community energy systems, city resilience and adaptability. We are a partner of The Rockefeller Foundation and the 100 Resilient Cities Network that Miami has recently joined. We are also developing resilient solutions for cities around the world, and have developed an assessment tool that is being used by cities called The City Resilience Framework Index (CRI). This sets out a way for cities to understand, assess and measure their own resilience. In addition to improving resiliency in the City, we feel that the Resilient Smart Energy Network project will be iconic and show the City of Miami as a global leader in city resiliency planning and implementation. Yours sincerely

Martin Howell Associate Principal Arup North America Ltd



Arup North America Ltd

Mr. Philip Levine Mayor of Miami Beach City Hall April 7, 2017 Dear Mr. Levine: On behalf of ZipPower, I am pleased to support the strategy to implement a scalable Resilient Smart Energy Network within the water pumps network and other critical facilities throughout the island. I believe this strategy will be a game-changer for all coastal cities to follow, starting with Fort Lauderdale and beyond. For the past year, we have been studying and evaluating Miami Beach’s resilience strategy, focusing on how we can innovate on top of what is already in development. Our target is to protect electrical substations and the water treatment facility, both critical for any city to stay alive. A data-driven Smart Energy Network to power the pumps and the water treatment facility is our proposal and should be a must priority to empower the existing resilience strategy in Miami Beach. Mr. Levine, I consider Miami my home, as I have lived in Miami for more that 25 years. Miami Beach can be an early adaptor. I saw the evolution of South Beach since the opening of Ugo Colombo’s Bar, I also remember the first Art Basel and I advised on Emerge America on how to orient the conference towards Smart City Innovation. Today I am living in San Francisco developing the first citywide smart energy network in the world. The project is in San Leandro, California in the middle of the San Francisco Bay Area, a city scale vision to transform cities into energy prosumers, the Uber of Electricity. Regarding Miami Beach project, we assembled all the top companies and partnerships each one complementing each other to support, design, finance and develop this iconic project that we all consider will become the epicenter of Resilient Innovation across the World. Let’s do it, it can be done. Best Regards,

Felipe Cano ZipPower Inc. President

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