Lord Ashcroft International Business School Magazine|issue 7
Volleyball stars swap court for classroom Olympic hopefuls take part in special business seminar in Chelmsford | page 4
Deans Welcome
I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer break and have returned feeling refreshed and ready to face the challenges that we will undoubtedly face during the months ahead. There are lots of excellent staff and student good news stories to be shared here which I hope you will find both engaging and interesting.
Great reminders of your time at LAIBS
LAIBS supports leatherback turtle conservation in Trinidad
I would like to take this opportunity to extend a particularly warm welcome to all our new colleagues and students who are joining our community this Semester. I hope you enjoy being part of what we believe is an exciting Faculty.
Long Service Award – John McCullough
MP for Witham to give talk to students
Volleyball stars swap court for classroom
We place great importance on the quality of our teaching and on preparing students for leadership in a global and increasingly competitive society.
Top-up degrees launched at ABM in Botswana
I would encourage students to take advantage of the various opportunities available, be it trips to businesses organised by our Student Experience Coordinators, student mentoring, adding an international dimension to your degree and CV through the ERASMUS exchange programme, or work experience via our Employment Bureau. Our stunning new building in Cambridge is now ready to receive students and we have to thank our Chancellor, Lord Ashcroft, for his generous donation which has significantly contributed to the redevelopment work on the campus. With its latest learning technologies it is a state of the art facility and I hope colleagues enjoy working in their new environment and that students enjoy studying there. It is in recognition of Lords Ashcroft’s sponsorship of £6.7 m that our Faculty has been renamed ‘Lord Ashcroft International Business School’. With the foundation having been laid by our past successes and innovations we can continue to move forward by embracing future opportunities. I am proud of the success stories you will read here and I hope they will offer some inspiration so that we can continue to fill future editions with new good news stories. Dr Trevor Bolton Dean, Lord Ashcroft International Business School
Mrinal Chakraborty wins 10th Trimo Research Award
Efrain Quiros – Sustainability through leadership Champion
Graduate Intern success story
An invitation for Anglia Ruskin Students to be part of the GRLI/Daimler World Dialogue
LAIBS students win National Students’ Union Award
PhD students present at Symposium on Grounded Theory
A message from your Student Experience Coordinators
Students return from a rewarding FLUX competition
10 Student placement at IBM Heathrow 11 Developing Wind Energy in Ukraine SUCCESS STORIES 8
Student internship success at TATA Motors, India
12 Vice Chancellor’s Award Scheme – double success for LAIBS
Welcome to The Biz, Lord Ashcroft International Business School’s staff and student magazine aimed at keeping you abreast of developments and opportunities in our Faculty. We hope you enjoy reading it.
12 FTMS Global Academy student
The magazine is produced four times a year and distributed via Alternatively you can access copies of this and previous issues on the News and Events page of our website: Contact us: Thank you to those of you who have submitted articles for this issue, please keep the good news stories coming. If you would like to offer us your news or ideas to us please contact We look forward to hearing from you.
13 Big Wins for Big Pitch finalists! 14 ‘Sweat and tears’ for an MBA at KBU EVENTS 15 Supporting the validation of ‘The Responsible Business Standard’ 16 BBC Apprentice 2009 Series 5 – Phillip Taylor 17 LAIBS updated – opportunities for you! 21 Chamber of Commerce networking event
Topics of interest could include those related to: o o o o o o
Good news stories Personal and academic achievements Events Research International visits Diary dates, etc.
RESEARCH 18 Intoxicated at the Brewery 18 The IIMP and you 19 Brazilian perspectives 19 Joachim Kuhn – best conference paper
…… or anything else you think may be of interest to your fellow students and/or colleagues. We would also welcome your feedback on the magazine, particularly on ways of improving it.
BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT 20 Barclays degree trailblazers recently graduated
Great reminders of your time at Lord Ashcroft International Business School On-line merchandise store – NEW! The items include: • Hooded sweatshirt (£20) • Polo shirt (£15) • T shirt (£10) • Slazenger laptop/document bag (£25) • 2 GB wristband USB (£7.50)
The Marketing Team in the newly named Lord Ashcroft International Business School (LAIBS) have been working over the last few months on developing a range of faculty branded merchandise which we are happy to announce will be available from September 2011. Initially, five items will be available for purchase via an on-line store on our website (, during Freshers’ Week (on 12 September, in the corridor opposite the rehearsal room in the Lord Ashcroft Building Cambridge and in the reception area in the Lord Ashcroft Building Chelmsford), at the Freshers’ Fairs in Cambridge (22 September) and Chelmsford (20 September), Graduation Receptions or directly from the Marketing Team based on the Ground Floor of the Lord Ashcroft Building, Chelmsford.
Any one of these items would be a reminder of your time here at LAIBS so do visit our On-line merchandise store to make your selection. If you are overseas postage and packing will be added to the price above. Marketing, Communications and External Liaison T: 0845 196 6842/6822/6833
LAIBS supports Leatherback Turtle conservation in Trinidad important leatherback nesting locations. The Nature Seekers is an organisation which works closely with the local community to patrol this key nesting beach with the aim to improve the chance for survival for thousands of hatchlings. Nature Seekers is the best example of a community based eco-tourism in the world and they have won a number of awards for their work with local communities and conservation. Their founder, Suzan Lakhan Baptiste, has turned a beach from a leatherback turtle graveyard to a nesting colony. She has recently appeared on CNN to collect an award from Hilary Clinton. Since 2001, the Lord Ashcroft International Business School has been working with the School of Accounting and Management (SAM) in Trinidad & Tobago to offer undergraduate, and more recently postgraduate courses, in Business and Management to people in the Caribbean region, which is why the collaboration with Nature Seekers is close to the heart of LAIBS’ business.
think4photop /
Simon Evans, Senior Lecturer in Tourism at the Lord Ashcroft International Business School, has just returned this week from Trinidad after meeting with Dennis Sammy, Director of Nature Seekers to develop joint research into community based eco-tourism project surrounding marine turtle nesting on Matura Beach in NE Trinidad, one of the world’s most
Simon will be working closely with Suzan and will be giving talks to local community and providing education and training to local eco-tourism guides.
Long Service Award – John McCullough
Mrinal Chakraborty wins 10th Trimo Research Award In March 2011, Mrinal Chakraborty completed his MA in Human Resource Management at LAIBS in Cambridge and has now won the 10th Trimo Research Award for his outstanding master thesis being the first Indian and first Anglia Ruskin student to have ever received this award. Before coming to the UK to study in 2009, Mrinal’s, my main focus from 2001 to 2009 was to develop as a motivational speaker within the Indian market. During this time, he had the opportunity to work for most Indian blue chip companies. When he started his UK postgraduate qualification in 2009, his main aim was to fully focus on completing his Masters to his best ability, but he soon realised that he could achieve far more than that. So he also became a chartered member of the CIPD. Coupled with his MA in HRM, Mrinal feels that these qualifications provided him with the skills needed to succeed in today’s competitive job market and that the Trimo Research Award will definitely help his CV to stand out to potential employers. Mrinal said: “I believe I can fly. Yes, anything is possible. Limitations live only in our minds, but if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”
John McCullough and John Webb We were delighted recently to celebrate John McCullough’s 25 years at Anglia. John joined the then Danbury Park Management Centre in 1986 and was heavily involved in the design, management and delivery of the postgraduate Certificate in Management and the DMS. For many years John was the focal point of an extremely successful DMS residential where teams of postgraduate students worked tirelessly for three days to produce a real business plan for real clients, culminating in a public presentation of their plan which included the Greenwood Management Prize Committee. John also managed a major consultancy project with Essex Police and was instrumental in the development of the Business School discussion paper series. With the opening of the Michael A Ashcroft Building in Chelmsford in 2005, John joined colleagues from our central campus and became part of the undergraduate and professional course teams facing this new world with the same level of enthusiasm that he devoted to the courses at Danbury. For a generation, John has been a larger than life character in the Business School. Congratulations John on your 25 years at Anglia Ruskin University, you have been a valued colleague. Dr Trevor Bolton, Acting Dean Dr John Webb, Acting Head of Department
Member of Parliament for Witham to give talk to students We are delighted that Priti Patel, Member of Parliament for Witham, Essex, has agreed to come to the University to give a talk to our 2nd year students on the BA International Business programme. As a way of enhancing the students’ learning experience, Robin Gowers, Senior Lecturer in LAIBS, arranges each year for a number of high profile speakers to come in and talk to his students. With Priti’s background and interest in entrepreneurship and education this will be an excellent opportunity for students to gain some practical insights to link into the theories covered on the course. The talk will take place during Robin’s lecture on Tuesday, 27 September in the Michael A Ashcroft Building (MAB221) between 10.00 and 11.00 in the Michael A Ashcroft Building (MAB221).
An invitation to this event is also extended to 1st and 3rd year students and our MBA alumni. If you would like to attend please advise Hannah Myatt ( as places are limited.
Dr Robin Gowers, Senior Lecturer LAIBS E: T: 0845 196 6853
An invitation for Anglia Ruskin students to be part of the GRLI/Daimler World Dialogue As a result of Anglia Ruskin University being members of the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI – see, students at our University have been specifically invited to take part in a two-day dialogue with Daimler as part of their ‘Daimler World Dialogue’ they are planning with 125 students from around the world. The dialogue will take place at the Mercedes-Benz Museum and the Carl Benz Arena in Stuttgart/Germany on 4 and 5 of October 2011.
The deadline for applications has passed, but look out for future opportunities to take part. For additional information visit: Further details about the Dialogue and whether any of our students were selected and attended will be provided in the next issue of The Biz.
The event is being fully sponsored by Daimler who are paying travel costs to Stuttgart as well as accommodation and all meals whilst attending the event. As Anglia Ruskin University is part of the GRLI Ambassadors initiative, Daimler has specifically reserved places at the event for our students.
Dr Jonathan.Smith, Senior Lecturer, LAIBS E: T: 0845 196 2069
Volleyball stars swap court for classroom at Anglia Ruskin Olympic hopefuls take part in special business seminar in Chelmsford
“The experience was enthralling, and proved to be invaluable for leaders dealing with major challenge and change within their business.” John Rayment
The Great Britain Women’s Volleyball team swapped the court for the classroom on Wednesday 27 July, when they took part in a special seminar at Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford. “Preparing to Perform: Lessons for Business Leaders” enabled local companies and business leaders to learn from the team’s experiences, which saw them overcome adversity to secure a place at the Olympic Games. The players were informed last August that they had lost their entire UK Sport Lottery Funding. However, they refused to give up on their dream of representing Great Britain next summer and – after months of hard work and sacrifice – they have been told they have now met the criteria needed to take part. The seminar focussed on retaining focus and morale; achieving training goals; and examining the physical, spiritual and mental factors necessary to become a successful athlete. The experts discussed these issues – and their relevance to business leadership – using a holistic development model called The Global Fitness Framework, which has been produced within Anglia Ruskin’s Lord Ashcroft International Business School. John Rayment, Principal Lecturer in Decision Making and Problem Solving at LAIBS, said: “This was a unique opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes insight into a team preparing to compete in next year’s Olympics.
Top-up degrees launched at Academy of Business Management (ABM) in Botswana Following our recent association with the Academy of Business Management (ABM) in Botswana offering final-year BA and BSc (Hons) top-up programmes for Lord Ashcroft International Business School (LAIBS), a visit during August was undertaken by Dr Robin Gowers and Dr Penny Hood to Gabarone to train ABM staff, both academic and administrative, in preparation for the launch of five undergraduate top-up degrees.
The top-up programmes being offered at the beginning of September 2011 are in Business Marketing, Human Resource Management, Tourism Management as well as Accounting and Finance. The College’s mission, to be a centre of entrepreneurship and innovation, echoes that of LAIBS and we are delighted to extend our portfolio to include South Western Africa.
Whilst Penny and Robin covered all academic aspects, Emily Barnard provided administration training, ensuring ABM staff are aware of the administrative requirements at all stages of the students’ life-cycle. During this training, the students were also introduced to the VLE and the Anglia Ruskin library via video conference.
Dr Penny Hood, Director of International Partnerships E: T: 0845 196 6876
Efrain Quiros, MSc International Business Economics, 2011 Sustainability through Leadership Champion Efrain Quiros completed his MSc International Business Economics (with Distinction) degree at the LAIBS in Cambridge in February 2011. His dissertation focused on the economic case of Corporate Social Responsibility and the research he conducted analyzed the strategic engagement of Corporate Sustainability. Upon completing his degree, Efrain began working with Dr Jonathan Smith, his dissertation supervisor, on a publication project based on his postgraduate research and dissertation. This project included collaborating with editors in the United States and a team of peer-reviewers around the world. The paper they have co-authored, titled Competitive Advantages and Risk Management: Capitalizing on the Economic Benefits of Sustainability, will be a published as a chapter in a forthcoming book on Leadership for Global Sustainability.
2011 LEAD Europe Associates with Cherie Blair – Efrain is in the centre in the blue polo shirt behind the lady in the pink top.
The thesis of the chapter is that managers should not reject the concept of sustainability or “green business” based on misinformed beliefs that sustainability is inherently opposed to business interests. Managers, with responsibilities to shareholders, are compelled to consider economic interests when making decisions. It is because of obligations to shareholders that managers must consider all dynamics in the business environment – including environmental issues – because taking a proactive approach can protect company viability and provide competitive advantages. Ultimately, Smith and Quiros contend that sustainability is no longer limited to a view in which it is opposed to business interests; it has become and is increasingly essential to business interests.
his time at Anglia Ruskin, he was active in extracurricular activities including representing Anglia Ruskin University the 2010 FLUX national university business competition in Nottingham. He was awarded an Ashcroft International Business School Scholarship in 2010 for being the Most Outstanding International Postgraduate Student (academically). He is the 2011 LAIBS Valedictorian and will graduate with his classmates at the LAIBS graduation ceremony in Cambridge in October 2011.
Efrain was selected by LEAD International ( as one of 23 Europe associates for its 2011 Leadership for Sustainable Development Programme. Upon completion of the program, associates earn the lifetime designation of LEAD Fellow. The LEAD network includes professionals and training organisations working in all areas of sustainable development. LEAD Fellows are based in countries across the European region and around the world, encompass dozens of nationalities, and represent knowledge and skills for sustainable development in a diverse range of sectors – including law, broadcasting, policy-making, community engagement, business services, and investment banking.
“I believe my time at LAIBS was and will continue to be vital to my personal development and professional success. LAIBS academics push students to develop important critical analysis and practical application abilities, and share their experience-based knowledge so that every student who is willing to learn is not simply taught, they are educated. Moreover, the experience of learning in such a diverse environment is challenging and exciting, and is something that far too few people in the world get to experience.”
Efrain studied at the LAIBS in Cambridge during the 2009/10 academic year, and had his degree conferred in 2011. During
Efrain Quiros E:
Graduate Intern Success Story Anglia Ruskin’s Graduate Internship Programme offers students the opportunity to work with companies based in the East of England on a work placement for up to 12 weeks.
BackRoom. Supported by the University, Richard provided skilled analysis of the markets in which we would be operating, insights into our competitors’ strategies, and invaluable support just at the time we needed it.” Michael Delany, Business Development Manager, Voluntary Norfolk
Successful outcomes for the Graduate Intern The Graduate Intern has gained experience in the following:
From January to the end of March 2011, Richard Allin, Graudate Intern, provided essential support to turn Voluntary Norfolk’s marketing plan into practical marketing actions.
Successful outcomes for the company Voluntary Norfolk benefited from the specialised knowledge of the Graduate Intern, which helped the organisation’s understanding of its target market, and the context in which it would be operating. Key outcomes included: •
Better understanding of our target market.
Competitor analysis for several back office services, providing insights into how to strengthen the Charity BackRoom offer.
Assistance with the design and implementation of customer enquiry handling processes, compliant with ISO9001 standards.
Researching B2B marketing practices and segmentation of B2B markets.
Mapping of stakeholders and customers.
Quantitative survey design.
Undertaking internal marketing analyses and external competitor analysis for different back office service providers.
Presenting findings to CEO and senior management team.
Brand implementation and development.
Designing ISO compliant systems and documentation for enquiry processing.
Exploring social media strategies for B2B marketing.
Managing a tendering process for service providers.
“I have worked on a wide variety of projects and gained invaluable experience working for Voluntary Norfolk which has both built on existing skills and developed new ones.”
“The partnership with Anglia Ruskin University provided us with a Graduate Intern who had knowledge and experience in the key areas we needed, just at the time we launched Charity
Richard Allin, Graduate Intern
LAIBS Students Win National Students’ Union Award Following the Students' Unions 2011 conference and at an awards ceremony attended by over 500 students, student representatives and students' union staff, NUS has presented its annual awards recognising the hard work of students and students' unions in campaigning and voluntary work. Judges this year included NUS President, Liam Burns; Shami Chakrabarti CBE, the BBC's Sean Coughlan and Endsleigh Managing Director Ian Passmore. Two of our Cambridge based students, Francesca Rust and Emily Short won the National Student Union Award for ‘Course Representative of the Year’. NUS President, Liam Burns, said: “Once again we’ve seen an exceptional field of nominations that recognise the vital role that students play in their local communities.
Emily Short and Francesca Rust “Meeting these people and seeing the work they’ve done leaves you with a real sense of hope for the future and the fight to get more support for students from a cynical Government.” Further information on the awards at:
“The last year has been an incredible one for students’ and their representatives. Throughout some of the worst ever attacks on access to education they have remained dogged and enthusiastic and it is wonderful to be able to recognise some of the most inspiring work they have done delivering for students and working in their communities.
Allison Beaumont, Student Experience Coordinator, LAIBS E: Tel 0845 196 2084
PhD Students present at Symposium on Grounded Theory Norman Mueller, Sandra Selmanovic and Paul Weeks ventured into the North Wales border region on 9 and 10 June when they attended the Academy of Marketing Symposium ‘Qualitative Enquiry and Grounded Theory Methodology’ which was held in the School of Management and Law, Glyndwr University, Wrexham.
Helpful feedback was provided on the proposed research and suggestions on how to do the work using grounded theory. Highlights of the symposium included a question and answer session via Skype with Professor Barney Glaser, the co founder of Grounded Theory, presentations from Professor Andy Lowe on how to undertake Grounded Theory research, and a presentation from Professor Mike Saren on the development of marketing theory.
Norman gave a presentation on proposing ‘a hybrid approach combining grounded theory with phronetic organisation research to assess open innovation impact on MNCs’, engaging the conference delegates to share their views on the crossfertilisation potential of using compatible elements of both approaches in his PhD research.
At a gala dinner on the last night of the Symposium we were treated to all things Welsh including a range of dishes of Welsh cuisine and songs sung in Welsh from a local choir. Norman, Sandra and Paul felt that they had all learnt more about Grounded Theory from the Symposium which will help them as they continue on their research journey.
Paul presented the content of a poster he had put in to the conference which was entitled ‘How Universities are creating value propositions to meet student perceived value’. He outlined his intention to research the methods by which universities are seeking to create value propositions to match the ‘customer perceived value’ of their student customers.
Paul Weeks, Acting Director of Studies (Chelmsford) E: T: 0845 196 6884
A message from your Student Experience Coordinators We are delighted to welcome you to our Business School, for many of you arriving here will mark the culmination of hard work, be that the achievement of grades, VISA applications, or even an alteration in lifestyle which has facilitated your arrival. It is important that you take a moment to congratulate yourself on this achievement, take a deep breath and begin looking forward.
At certain times we will be offering opportunities to work as a student ambassador. Some work is paid and some is voluntary – early in the semester we will be on the lookout for Pathway Student Representatives. It is up to you, to decide how much you want to get involved, but, as our Employability and Careers Team will inform you, a degree is no longer enough to guarantee you a job. University is not just about the academic learning, it is about gaining skills and experience, networking socially and having something interesting to write on your Curriculum Vitae (CV), which translated from Latin means ‘The course of my life’. Get involved, participate in events, classes and any extra opportunity we put your way, and you will effectively use your time with us to gain the added skills that will set you apart.
As your Student Experience Coordinators, we are employed to look after all aspects of your journey from as far as back as pre-application. Indeed we may have met you during an ‘Open Day’ when you visited with friends/family or at an ‘Offer Holder Day’ or by phone during ‘Clearing’. Otherwise the first time we will meet you will be at our Faculty Freshers’ Welcome. We are responsible for coordinating your activities during this day, so if you have any feedback please feel free to send us a message.
We look forward to working with you. Our role covers student retention and VISA compliance so if you receive a message from us at any time during your study, regarding your attendance, please answer it promptly or it may have serious repercussions.
LAIBS Student Experience Coordinators: Hannah Myatt (Chelmsford) E: T: 0845 196
During the semester we will contact you regularly via your student email account – please take the time to read these messages because we often have something interesting to tell you about. For instance we organise competitions and careers events. We will also tell you about guest lectures and events that we seek to organise in order to enhance your study.
Allison Beaumont (Cambridge) E: T: 0845 196
Student internship success at TATA Motors, India Following interviews by representatives from TATA Motors held at the Rivermead Campus in Chelmsford in May, I was fortunate in being selected for the TATA International Internship Programme (IIP). During the 12 weeks of the internship during the summer break will be based at TATA Motors seven storey HQ base in Mumbai, India.
including China, Kenya, Singapore, the Philippines and India and learning about their different cultures. I am sure the internship experience will be extremely valuable to me and one which I will take forward into the future. Rajit Ramasamy, BA (Hons) Business Studies
I am truly honoured and excited to be given the opportunity to work for such a respected and diverse company. The new millennium has seen TATA companies looking beyond Indian shores for growth opportunities and a global footprint. Acquisitions of foreign enterprises have been one way of doing this and their portfolio includes steel, chemicals, energy, consultancy and even hotels.
Look out in the next issue of The Biz due out in November for Rajit’s report on her experience at TATA during the summer.
“I am truly honoured and excited to have been given the opportunity to work for such a respected and diverse company as TATA.”
I am very much looking forward to learning more about TATA and also working with other interns from a variety of countries
Rajit Ramasamy
Students return from a rewarding FLUX Competition A team of six students from Lord Ashcroft International Business School of Anglia Ruskin University returned to Cambridge on the 13th April from the FLUX Competition which was held in Bristol, South England. FLUX is a highly acclaimed annual inter-university competition which aims to help students to gain the skills, confidence and aspiration to succeed in the world of work. So far, over 30,000 students have taken part in FLUX from more than 100 universities throughout the UK.
meeting invited all the teams to communicate their thoughts to the experts face to face, and provided students with the opportunity to ask questions about their plans. Even though the LAIBS team did not win in the final presentation, they were highly praised by the experts as well as staff from other universities and all of our students felt it was a rewarding experience. Russell, the team leader of LAIBS team said, “It is a competition which makes you structure your approaches within a strict timescale, and apply this ability in a real context.” Katrina, who is in her first year of finance in LAIBS, said that: “I learnt a lot from taking part in FLUX, sometimes you think you know everything about your subject, but it turns out you actually don’t. I learnt more than I expected.” In addition, team work skills, negotiation skills, and an enjoyable experience were the benefits which students believed they had obtained from this competition. “We did all right, it is certain that there are many interpretations for success”, Samuel said.
This year’s LAIBS team composed of seven excellent students from five different counties: Russell Alderton and Samuel Tunbridge (England), Jan-Phillip Piel and Kristin Ulrich (Germany), Katrina Begmatova (Latvia), Justyna Muraczewska (Poland) and Student Champion, Junnan Wu (China). Allison Beaumont, Student Experience Coordinator, LAIBS, Cambridge, organised and arranged the whole process of the competition. A task was given to all the competitor teams in the afternoon of the first competition day. Students had four hours to work together, and used XING tools to structure their ideas. In the evening they attended a networking event with experts from many dynamic companies. Our team kept working until 4.00 am, and they had to be ready to begin again at 8.30 am the following morning! Nevertheless, the second day of the competition was extremely challenging and exciting. Before students gave their final presentation to the experts, teams had been encouraged to sell their “business plan” to the experts in a very short time, and managed to get vouchers from the experts if their ideas were appreciated. After that, a business
Report Submitted by Student Champion: Junnan Wu (MSc International Logistics) For more information contact Allison Beaumont, Student Experience Coordinator, Cambridge E: T: 0845 196 2084
Student Placement at IBM Heathrow Looking back, I can certainly say that the13 months of industrial training at IBM contributed greatly to my personal and professional development – more than I had ever expected. I had a unique chance of performing within two completely different roles at IBM. Initially, I joined IBM as Financial Analyst Assistant for Storage Systems within the Systems and Technology Group (STG). The main role of my team was concerned with financial reporting, forecasting and planning of revenue and expenses as well as with the comprehensive analysis of the past performance of Storage Systems in CEEMEA (Central and Eastern Europe Middle East and Africa). After four months, I joined the EMEA Finance and Finance Operations Acquisitions Integrations Team within the Software Group (SWG). The main function of which was to ensure that throughout the integration, the ongoing financial operations of the acquired company continue to function without interruption as each function was integrated into IBM’s processes and systems. The year at IBM contributed enormously to the development of my self-confidence and self-belief, as well as other employability skills such as resourcefulness, problem-solving, drive and ownership, productivity, team-working skills, adaptability, communication. I became confident at creating and delivering presentations to various types of audiences and I had the unique opportunity of working within a multicultural, diverse workforce. I also acquired working knowledge of using toolsets which are specific to financial forecasting and planning through numerous online courses available to all employees. Moreover, IBM offered me a chance to volunteer in numerous GiveBack activities and projects, the idea of which was to give something back to the community. For example, I participated in the IBM Start Young Event, which took place in London in September 2011. Start is an initiative established by HRH The Prince of Wales, that aims to show what sustainable future could look like and seeks to make sustainability simple, positive and inspirational. The Start Young Event gave me the opportunity to join the debate on the ways of building a sustainable future emphasising the role of business in leading the change. It provided the unique chance of networking with senior business leaders and representatives of external business organisations as well as with young people from within and outside IBM, including members of the UK Youth Parliament.
I applied for a role within the Industrial Placement Scheme at IBM as I wanted to enrich my education by gaining an insight into the real world of working in business. Practical experience is highly valued by employers, especially in the current economic situation. Having a chance to expose myself to the working environment was very important to me to ensure I would gain work experience and an understanding of work practices. Moreover, I knew that work related learning would provide a platform to understand, gain and improve my employability skills and attributes that form the essential foundations for creating a successful career in the future. I wanted to ensure that, after graduation, I would have the capability of being effective in the workplace to my own benefit as well as to the benefit of my future employer. In addition, I was hoping that a placement at IBM would help me make informed decisions on the direction of my future career.
If I could roll back the time, I would apply for the IBM placement again without hesitation. The time and effort that I put into applying for the scheme have borne more benefits than I could have ever hoped for.
Finally yet importantly, I applied at IBM in the hope it would increase my chances of obtaining one of the company’s graduate positions in the future, a company which was the winner of the Target Graduate Employer of the Year for consecutive four years and The Times IT Graduate Employer of Choice for the last five years.
Monika Lesniak BA (Hons) Business Studies
Developing Wind Energy in Ukraine I recently completed the MA in International Business at the Lord Ashcroft International Business School in Cambridge. My dissertation focused on the development of wind energy in my country – Ukraine. Ukraine is one of the largest European countries with a population of over 45 million people. My research focused particularly on the Crimean region, as Crimea is one of the most attractive regions of Ukraine in terms of investment. Crimea is an autonomous republic under the jurisdiction of Ukraine and is located on the northern coast of the Black Sea occupying a peninsula of the same name. The peninsula does not only have a favorable economic and geographical location, but has huge potential to develop the industrial infrastructure, and has easy access to the markets of Ukraine, CIS, Europe and Asia. The priority area of development requiring urgent and significant investments is the energy sector. Crimea has a population of more than 3.5 million people but produces less than 20% of its own electricity; the remaining electricity comes from the mainland. The overwhelming majority of scientists today agree that our globe is undergoing major climate change. It has also been apparent in recent years that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising significantly. Do we sit and wait, or exploit every opportunity from every source, including wind, solar and other new technologies in a potentially favorable region like Crimea? As part of the research I interviewed Igor Zosimov, the Minister of Energy for the Crimean region. He stated that it is possible to make sure that Crimea has sufficient supply of electricity by using traditional forms of energy, but there are many obstacles to the use of fossil fuels considering the environmental disadvantages that it brings. The unique nature of the Crimea, an area that attracts year round holidaymakers, would be destroyed by burning oil, natural gas or coal. Wind power generation technology is clean and emission-free, and like all renewable energy sources, it develops the energy from natural forces and does not have any polluting consequences that are normally associated with fossil fuels.
The country though is at the very beginning of exploring wind energy, and energy efficiency needs to be put at the top of the political agenda. This change will take time. The country needs to adapt legislation that stimulates energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources. Perhaps tariffs will have to be increased and energy companies will have to be penalised through taxation or other measures for the use of fossil fuel. Those measures certainly cannot be adopted quickly. However, this move towards opening the market for investment and new technologies along with energy policy reforms, I believe, could finally move Ukraine into the system of European energy interconnections that will not only stop the Crimean peninsula being reliable on the energy coming from the mainland but could possibly reform the whole country’s reliance on a single energy supplier. The transition to wind energy can also help significantly to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Kateryna Voznenko MA International Business
Double success for LAIBS
Vice Chancellor’s Award Scheme The winners of the 2011 Vice Chancellor's Awards have now been announced. The Vice Chancellor's Awards acknowledge outstanding accomplishments by Anglia Ruskin staff. This year 23 nominations representing 44 colleagues were received. Only eight awards may be made each year and the Lord Ashcroft International Business School is delighted that two of this year's awards went to LAIBS, namely Christine Durrant, Manager of Marketing, Communications and External Relations, and the GoGreen Team, lead by Dr Beatriz Acevedo. Christine Durrant, Manager of the Marketing, Communications and External Relations Team has worked for the last two years on the research, development, design and installation of innovative wall graphics in the Michael Ashcroft Building, with the aim of communicating differing messages to our various stakeholders. She said: “On hearing that I had been selected to receive a Vice Chancellor's Award I was delighted beyond words. For my work to be appreciated and recognised in this way is tremendous; I feel very honoured. I also greatly appreciate having been given the opportunity to work on such an exciting project through which I was not only able to contribute to corporate objectives and values but also achieve a long held vision of communicating with our students and stakeholders through wall art.” The GoGreen Team, an initiative for promoting Education for Sustainable Development, also won an award. The project started as an experiment in 2010 when Dr Beatriz Acevedo from LAIBS and Sarah Johnson from the Environmental Office at Anglia Ruskin joined efforts to create an innovative way of teaching environmental management and sustainability. This year, the team was supported by former students Romas Malevicius and Haider Shukhaer. Beatriz said: “We are
Dr Beatriz Acevedo and Christine Durrant delighted to receive the VC Award for our team effort in promoting student involvement in eco-auditing practices. Our project began as an experiment about action learning on sustainability, which has grown during the last two years. This award evidences the spirit of the Faculty and Anglia Ruskin University in promoting innovative experiences and we feel valued in our efforts. Now we need to 'Go Green' even further!
FTMS Global Academy student A student at our partner institution, FTMS Global Academy in Singapore is celebrating the achievements of Gamage Erandika Tarangani Kotalawala, a student on the BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance programme. Erandika has been with FTMS Global Academy since February 2009 pursuing the Higher Diploma in Accounting and Finance course scoring Credits and Distinction. Upon successful completion of her Higher Diploma, she gained advanced standing entry into the final year of the BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance degree and has achieved an upper second class classification.
Erandika has been a conscientious and achievement-oriented student with inner motivation and drive. She set high goals and pursued them relentlessly. Her quality of work produced has gained the respect from her lecturer and she has been a great boost and moral support to her classmates. Erandika has been a real asset to the school and possesses exemplary qualities. To celebrate her success and achievements, Erandika will be travelling to the UK with her husband to attend the graduation ceremony at Chelmsford on 6 October 2011. Congratulations Erandika!
Big wins for Big Pitch finalists! Students toast success after their business ideas catch the eye of judges Three teams from Anglia Ruskin University, two of them from the Lord Ashcroft International Business School, won £10,000 each after impressing the judges during the final of the Big Pitch competition. The LAIBS students and team leaders, Tom Barton and Kanayo Ogwu, each successfully pitched their business ideas to a panel after more than 40 initial entries were narrowed down to a shortlist of just seven for the grand final in Cambridge in May 2011. In addition to their £10,000 start-up funding, they will also receive 12 months free office space at Anglia Ruskin's business incubator unit, 12 months free business banking with Barclays, legal advice and support from Eversheds, accountancy services and advice from Peters Elworthy & Morre (PEM), as well as creative and branding support from One. The Big Pitch competition, which was open to all current undergraduate and postgraduate students at Anglia Ruskin University, was run by LAIBS Senior Lecturer Ben Mumby-Croft from the university's Centre for Enterprise Development and Research (CEDAR) in partnership with Anglia Ruskin's Research, Development and Commercial Services (RDCS).
“Entrepreneurship is all about creating the right frame of mind; it's not a job title. The Big Pitch has been all about getting people to have a go, take ideas on board and not get downhearted if it doesn't immediately work out. It's very easy to knock ideas but we have to support young people and help them to take their ideas to the next stage, and those taking part in this year's competition have not only been trailblazers but also wonderful ambassadors for Anglia Ruskin.” Ben Mumby-Croft, Senior Lecturer, LAIBS
(left to right): Tom Barton, Mark Reyner, Kanayo Ogwu, Phill Richardson and Jackie Cooper. “This is so exciting because it has always been my dream to start my own business. I'll cherish this opportunity and I'll do my best to make sure that I don't let down the judges, organisers, and sponsors of this fantastic award.” And Tom Barton, BA (Hons) in Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management student, added: “The whole process during the final – especially making the presentation to the judges – was nerve wracking, but it was a great result for us. I think our product is quite bold and 'out there' and that probably appealed to the judges. We've been dreaming big, possibly too big at times, and we wanted to come up with an idea that can help a huge amount of people.”
Kanayo Ogwu, who studies MA International Business at LAIBS, is behind X Sports Connect, a mobile phone application that will act as a social media platform for football fans across the world. He said:
‘Sweat and tears’ for an MBA We are all familiar with the saying: there’s no gain without pain. This certainly applies if you wish to pursue a coveted MBA qualification. Three students from a pioneer batch of MBA students in KBU International College, Bandar Utama, Malaysia, found out that returning to education after having joined the workforce for some time is a challenge. The discipline of juggling work, studies and personal life is certainly a strain but was overridden by their burning desire to obtain the postgraduate qualification and knowledge in order to enhance their careers. In the process, they found that as a bonus, they unwittingly improved their time management, productivity and outlook. This is what the three students have to say about their experience: “I have been eager to pursue the MBA programme but managing work, course assignments and travelling can be testing at times,” claims Sarah Lee who commutes from Singapore every weekend to attend classes. Sarah who is a Business Manager with DKSH Singapore Pte Ltd adds that the affordability and the reputable brand name of the programme are the main reasons she picked KBU. KBU alumnus, Sean Wong did not need any coaxing when it came to picking the MBA programme offered at KBU. The Senior Engineer at Maxis Berhad Malaysia who deals with product and engineering services is confident with the quality of education offered at this institution. Sean who graduated with a first class degree in BEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering did not want to waste time in equipping himself with the requisite business knowledge so that he will be well poised to climb up the corporate ladder. “I’ve finished my degree four years ago so getting back to studying is not such a big challenge; the momentum is still there. However, discipline and time management is vital to make it in this programme”, he adds. Vandy Eng, an Engineer of Hardware Design for Devices from Panasonic chose to study the MBA to upgrade and prepare herself for new roles in the future. “I have been looking forward to getting back to studying as I enjoy learning new things. Balancing work and studies is challenging but its good fun too.” Vandy adds that she enjoys the camaraderie amongst the course mates and the stimulating learning environment. Although she is not able to apply everything she is learning to her current position, she said the programme has been a real eye opener. All three part-time students complimented KBU School of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Management which has gone out of its way to ensure that students are able to enjoy all the facilities on campus. They were granted privileges such as extended library time, additional book borrowing facilities, refreshments and excellent support from the programme leader. KBU International College offers a postgraduate programme for executives and senior managers who are looking to reach new levels of success. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is awarded by Lord Ashcroft International Business
(left to right) Sean Wong, Sarah Lee and Vandi Eng are convinced their sacrifices made whilst studying for their MBA will pay off.
School (LAIBS) of Anglia Ruskin University in UK. The programme allows students to apply theoretical understanding of management to complex business issues, gain insights into contemporary research and leading-edge practice in management and generate originality and enterprise in approaching business issues. Postgraduate students at KBU’s School of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Management are coached by lecturers who are all PhD holders with industry experience and strong academic credentials. Students also learn from live lectures given by the UK University’s professors via video conferencing. The course also allows a rich peer-to-peer learning experience as participants come from diverse countries, industries, professions and experience. In addition, students can also take advantage of the valuable opportunity and option of joining a one week residential course in Europe where participants from the UK partner universities from all over the world gather. The MBA duration for working adults doing the part time programme is two years. The academic calendar consists of two semesters in a year (Jan–April and September– December) and each semester is spread over 14 weeks giving students the requisite space to balance their professional, personal and university life. The next intake for MBA will be in September 2011. Individuals who are interested in seeking career progression or equipping themselves with advanced management knowledge or are inspired to lead their organisations to greater growth and profitability should resolutely sign up for the programme. For further details, please contact KBU International College, Bandar Utama, at Tel: 03-77273200 or Fax: 03-77272733 or email: or visit our website: You can also join us at
(left to right) Julie-Ann Hogbin, Low Carbon KEEP Program; Jemma Little, Research and Development Commercial Services, at Anglia Ruskin University; Beatriz Acevedo, Lecturer in Sustainable Management at Lord Ashcroft International Business School; Kevin Bentley, Cabinet Member for Essex County Council for Economic Development and Waste & Recycling; Jill Poet, Director, Organisation for Responsible Businesses; Iain Wicks, Essex FSB Regional Chairman; Mike Wilson, Organisation for Responsible Businesses.
Supporting the validation of ‘The Responsible Business Standard’ As part of the ongoing efforts in promoting sustainability in the regional community, Anglia Ruskin University and the Essex Federation of Small Businesses partnered with the Organisation for Responsible Businesses (ORB) for the Official Launch of The Responsible Business Standard: the Standard has been developed by ORB as a platform that allows SMEs to develop responsible practices in the workplace, market place, environment, community and values, and other business processes. Jill Poet from ORB explained why responsible practices mean better opportunities for doing business for SMEs, given the increasing attention that procurement offices, organisations and companies are giving to the corporate responsibility agenda. Academics from the Lord Ashcroft International Business School (LAIBS) and the programme Survive & Thrive (Enterprising Academics) have been supporting this organisation in the process of validation of the Standard. The event was held on the 22nd June, 2010, in Chelmsford and was attended by 40 delegates coming from SMEs, local government and other organisations. This event was also an excellent opportunity to promote the numerous programmes
that the University is developing: Mrs. Jemma Little from Research Development and Commercial Services (RDCS) presented an overview of the many programs and initiatives for supporting regional development and knowledge exchange; Miss Julie-Ann Hogbin described the Low Carbon KEEP initiative and our commitment with the agenda of sustainability; and Dr Beatriz Acevedo (LAIBS) explained the process of collaboration with the Organization for Responsible Businesses in the validation for both the content of the Standard and the processes involved in carrying out the audit. Dr Acevedo emphasised that these types of collaboration are part of the University’s commitment to Sustainable Development and the efforts in this regard by the Committee on Education for Sustainable Development, the Lord Ashcroft International Business School and the Global Sustainability Institute. Dr Beatriz Acevedo BEng, MA, MBA, PhD, Fellow HEA, Lecturer in Sustainable Management, LAIBS E: T: 0845 196 5039
Lord Ashcro Ashcroft oft International Busi Business n School Experience Co-ordinators Student Exp perience Co -ordinatorrs present…
BBC Apprenti Apprentice c Series Serie es 5 Philip p Taylor Mondayy 17th Octob October be 6.30pm m Lord Ash Ashcroft hcroft Building, Building rro room 026 2009 Appr Apprentice rentice contestant, cr creator ree of ‘Pants Man’’ and fi Man fitness pr product roduct the ‘B ‘Body-R ‘Body-Rocka’! Bo media Philip has become b a popular me ed character, motivational speaker entrepreneur. He has motivationa al speak er and entrep pr university students gained cult status amongst unive e around d th the UK. UK To T o see Phil Philip ip talk about his eexperiences xpee buy your tic cket NOW via our on nl ticket online store: http://tinyu L AIBS stud dents/staff LAIBS students/staff Tickets: T ickets: £5 5 Non-LAIBS Non Non-L LAIBS S students/staff Tickets: T ickets: £7 7 For details F or more de etails email: a llison.beau ((Cambridge) (Chelmsford) h (Ch he
Bonus forr Chelmsford stud students! d Ticket T icket prices pricees include travel to C Cambridge Ca via coach and a two hours free tim time m to explore the campuss and/or visit the hist historic to city centre. Departs Depar ts Chelmsford Ch helmsford @ 15:00, return re by 21:30. w www
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Lord Ashcroft International Business School Student Experience Co-ordinators present...
d e t a d p U S B LAI for you! s e i t i n u Opport
WHO? All LAIBS students WHEN & WHERE? Tuesday 11 October, 16.00–17.00, LAB005 (Cambridge) Wednesday 12 October, 16.00–17.00, LAB005 (Cambridge) Friday 14 October, 16.00–17.00, LAB005 (Cambridge) Monday 24 October, 14.00–15.00, MAB203 (Chelmsford)
WHY? To get updated on notices, events and opportunities within and supported by our faculty. The event is repeated so all students will have the chance to attend. Just pick a day and turn up! Every student who attends has the chance to enter our prize draw to win £50 voucher of their choice. For more information please contact Allison Beaumont in Cambridge ( or Hannah Myatt in Chelmsford (
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Intoxicated at the Brewery As part of the Enterprising Academics Scheme being operated by our University, Dr Jonathan Smith from LAIBS in Cambridge has just returned from four days working at Adnams in Southwold. This highly prestigious Suffolk brewery has an Anglia Ruskin Honorary, Andy Wood, as its Chief Executive and is one of the UK’s most environmentally friendly companies. Although involved in diversifying their product for a number of years, Adnams are perhaps best known for their Brewing of Real Ales, which began in 1872 and for which they have recently been awarded Brewery of the Year for 2011 by The Good Pub Guide. They also produce Gin, Vodka and Whisky and have a large wine distribution centre (see Jon has returned from Adnams not intoxicated by the alcohol though but by their excellent management practices! Their commitment to long-term sustainability, quality, environment, community and its employees are exemplary. Areas explored during the time at Adnams included shareholder commitment, vision, values, growth paradigm, planned and emergent strategies, spiritual dimension to leadership, ways of developing shared purpose, motivation, reward and talent management, employee engagement, improving the
environment, engaging with the local community, and valuing employees. It is hoped that the project will facilitate a closer relationship between Adnams and Anglia Ruskin University and the research conducted by Jon whilst he was there will also be used as part of the research he is involved with at the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative. This research aims to draw together examples of responsible leadership across the globe. Adnams are also keen to be involved in the research Jon is proposing which will explore how HE, businesses and the professions are embracing and embedding the idea of responsibility into their practices and standards. Jon will be submitting a grant application to the ESRC shortly to support this research. Dr Jonathan Smith, Senior Lecturer E: T: 0845 196 2069
The IIMP and you You will by now be aware that, thanks to generous financial support from Lord Ashcroft, LAIBS has established an applied business research institute, the Institute of International Management Practice (IIMP), which will be centred in our new building in Cambridge. We believe a specific focus area is essential if the Institute is to achieve the world-class status we are committed to and have therefore defined its mission as:
“To be internationally recognised by businesses, academics, investors and public policy makers for the relevance, quality and rigour of its research in enterprise, internationalisation and innovation as they relate to growth-oriented businesses” Whilst it is true that IIMP is therefore not an umbrella institute to encompass all the research activity of the Business School, the IIMP will be open and inclusive. For those researchers who become members the IIMP will do its best to provide: •
A research community where researchers can meet, discuss, exchange and test ideas
Research bid support
Research administration support
Advocacy and representation within the faculty to help researchers get the time they need to do their research
The IIMP will be highly focused – but inclusive; it will encourage and support researchers with skills and interest in our area and a willingness to apply their research skills and efforts to the IIMP agenda. For example a researcher, investigating the 3rd sector with specific focus on the creation and management of social enterprises, might have a clear component of their work which intersects with innovation and enterprise in growth-oriented business. Because this fits within the research agenda of IIMP, it would actively support this research. We plan to hold our first Annual Conference for IIMP on 8th September, in Cambridge. You will already have received an invitation and programme from the Dean. As I would like to see wide faculty participation in IIMP and contributions from colleagues in other faculties, I encourage you and other colleagues to come along, hear about the progress being made within IIMP and discuss the opportunities available for you to be part of this exciting new venture. If you are interested but unable to get to the meeting on the 8th please get in touch with me directly. Professor Keith Dickinson Deputy Dean and Director of IIMP, LAIBS T: 0845 196 3669 E:
Brazilian perspectives We were delighted to welcome Professor Leo Bruno from the Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) Business School based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil to our University in June. FDC is ranked by the Financial Times the third best business school in the world in 2011, and works in close partnership with over 400 businesses in Brazil. In 2007, FDC were accredited by the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). FDC is located in the State of Minas Gerais and near historical cities such as Ouro Preto, whose baroque architecture has led UNESCO to name it a World Heritage Centre. Professor Bruno met with John Rayment and Jonathan Smith from LAIBS to discuss ideas from their new book entitled Misleadership, discuss how FDC works with businesses, and explore possible joint research that might be conducted, particularly connected to leadership, culture and innovation. “We have been developing our links with FDC for a number of years including interviewing senior academics on their views of the future of business schools, attending conferences and developing a Global Leadership module together. They are also members of the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative which LAIBS have close ties with. Leo Bruno is one of their top researchers and this visit enabled us to advance our partnership on several fronts.”
John Rayment, Professor Leo Bruno and Jonathan Smith outside the Lord Ashcroft International Business School in Chelmsford
More information about FDC at – Funda%C3%A7%C3%A3o-Dom-Cabral-Business-School/masterprograms/
Joachim Kuhn – Best conference paper In June 2011, the Beijing Jiaotong University held a conference on international logistics and information system services (LISS 2011). Beijing Jiaotong being one of the universities Professor Joachim Kuhn made and maintained contact with while working for Mercedes-Benz, he also developed relationships with different departments at the University of International Business and Economics and the Hong Kong University. Going through a double-blind review process, Professor Kuhn presented his conference paper on “Time Analysis in International Logistics Pipelines – With the Six Sigma Approach to an International JIT system”, which discusses the findings from a Six Sigma managed international supply chain project which focused on the delivery of Completely Knocked Down (CKD) vehicle kits to a foreign Mercedes-Benz plant.
Professor Kuhn’s study has shown that the time needed for each vehicle kit assembly step could be reduced by applying the Six Sigma project management approach. However, despite the positive outcomes of the Six Sigma managed project, Professor Kuhn said, the Just-in-Time philosophy still remains a strategic target in the international supply chain. Out of the 300 papers which were presented at the RAE rated LISS 2011, Professor Kuhn’s paper, “Time Analysis in International Logistics Pipelines – With the Six Sigma Approach to an International JIT system”, was awarded the best paper of the conference. Prof Joachim Kuhn, Professor of Management Practice in International Logistics and Quality, LAIBS E: T: 0845 196 2846
Barclays Degree trailblazers recently graduated Anglia Ruskin University's partnership with Barclays is paying dividends for 13 students, who recently graduated with a BA (Hons) in Management & Leadership. Barclays UK Retail and Business Banking launched the Retail Development Programme (RDP) in 2007 to provide their next generation of branch managers, and the first group of students began studying for a "Barclays Degree" with Anglia Ruskin in October 2008. As well as the tuition fees being paid by Barclays, the RDP package includes a salary of ÂŁ12,495 (plus London weighting), study time, a business mentor, pension scheme and share options. The degree is work-based and the students are employed by Barclays from day one. A fourth cohort of 25 students will begin studying for the Degree in October, and Barclays and Anglia Ruskin have developed a close, partnership-based approach to the recruitment, design and delivery of the programme. Anglia Ruskin's Vice Chancellor, Professor Michael Thorne, recently visited Barclays' Canary Wharf headquarters to attend The Value of Academia in Barclays, an event which saw the students present practice-based research findings derived from Critical Organisational and Leadership Insights, one of their final year modules. Professor Thorne said: "It was wonderful to see the level of professionalism and maturity of the students, who were able to demonstrate both breadth and depth of knowledge in the subject areas. "This degree programme is a perfect example of the innovative steps that have been taken in addressing the employer engagement agenda by the HE sector and by Anglia Ruskin in particular."
Vanessa Knowles, Principal Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin's Lord Ashcroft International Business School, said: "By working in partnership with Barclays we are able to continually examine ways in which the assessment strategy and work-based learning focus of the degree is aligned to current business issues within Barclays." Johannah Lynch, Barclays UK Retail Bank Graduate Development Specialist, highlighted the pivotal role that the RDP plays in the wider talent and leadership agenda within Barclays. She said: "Barclays is proud to have established, in partnership with Lord Ashcroft International Business School, a market-leading, entry level programme. "Talent and leadership development is at the forefront of our learning agenda and the sponsored Degree programme has already demonstrated its success in creating a pipeline of talented leaders in our branch network." Katie Poole, who graduated with first class honours, said: "The degree course provided by Anglia Ruskin University, in partnership with Barclays, is really second to none. "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the course and the blend of the academic and work-based experiences is extremely valuable in this current, more competitive, job environment."
"The course exceeded my expectations, and I had high expectations to start with! I was able to go from being a school leaver to a branch manager of a bank in 18 months." Ian Falder, fellow Barclays Degree student.
Essex Chambers of Commerce – Supporting Student Success in LAIBS! On 15th June, Essex Chambers of Commerce hosted their AGM and monthly business networking lunch in the new PMI building at our Chelmsford Campus. Sarah White, from the Employment Bureau, who is also a long-standing committee member of the Chamber, organised the event with support from Trevor Bolton and LAIBS with a view to creating opportunities for students and recent graduates from the Business School to network directly with business leaders from the County. This event gave students and graduates the opportunity to observe an AGM in action and also hear words of wisdom from the speaker at this event, Nick Barton, MD of BAA Stansted. Nick shared his own career journey with the audience and delivered a fascinating talk about the many exciting developments at BAA Stansted. After Nick’s talk, the formal networking session began and it was great to see so many students taking advantage of the opportunity to start building a personal “career contacts network” with the many business professionals present. It is worth noting that most vacancies in the UK are not advertised, so building personal employer networks is crucial for securing life-long career opportunities. The networking continued on an informal basis during the delicious buffet lunch which was kindly sponsored by the Business School. Sarah commented “It was inspiring to see so many students and graduates being proactive about their career planning, and taking the initiative to introduce themselves to potential employers. A further exciting development arising from the networking is the potential to establish a ‘Graduate Chamber’ in conjunction with Essex Chambers of Commerce. Trevor Bolton and I are meeting Denise Rossiter, CEO of Essex Chambers, in September to move this concept forward. We are looking forward to involving LAIBS students in the establishment of this new venture”.
Nick Barton, MD, BAA Stansted, taking time out to speak to students on the BA Tourism Management course.
Editor: Christine Durrant Marketing, Communications & External Liaison E: T: +44 (0) 1245 493131 (Ext 6882)
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Many thanks to Hannah Myatt and Sarah Kempster for their support with the organisation of this event.