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Free Short Fiction Distributed at http://lissakasey.com, http://xaraxanakas.com, and http://www.goodreads.com by Lissa Kasey and Xara X. Xanakas This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, and incidents are products of the authors’ imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the authors. Sink or Swim © 2011 Lissa Kasey and Xara X. Xanakas All rights reserved worldwide. This eBook may be distributed freely in its entirety courtesy of the authors, Lissa Kasey and Xara X. Xanakas. This work may not be sold, manipulated, or reproduced in any format without express written permission from the author. This work contains graphic language and sexual content between two men and is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. Cover Design © 2011 L.C. Chase



For ♥♥Lynn♥♥ Thank you for giving us the inspiration and letting us borrow your enthusiasm

~* Written as part of the Hot Summer Days anthology for the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads. *~ ~* Visit them at: http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/20149 *~



We were running late. Again. Beau just couldn’t tear himself away from the well-wishers. All his dive buddies had shown up as we were getting ready to leave, wanting one last moment with him, throwing him an impromptu going-away party. I saw more than one person, male and female, tuck slips of paper into his pockets. Email addresses and phone numbers, no doubt. Seeing how many people were going to miss him made me realize just how few real friends I had here. It was probably just nerves about moving, but I was starting to wonder if I would be enough for him. We’d nearly been too late to make it through the International terminals, but we made it with a few minutes to spare. “Shipping our stuff was a good idea,” Beau said. “Well, it sure helped today.” “What do you mean?” “I mean we almost missed the flight with your little bon voyage party. It’s a good thing we didn’t have any baggage to check and our carry-ons are light.” “I can’t help it if the guys wanted to say good-bye. We are moving out of the country, you know.” I sighed, settling into the large leather seats. Yes, I knew very well how popular Beau was. “It was nice of Mr. Medina to pay for the flight.” “Yeah, it’s almost like having a sugar daddy taking care of us. Wouldn’t it suck to be in coach for this whole flight?” Beau stretched his long legs out in front of him as he leaned back in the seat. “He didn’t have to pay for first class though.”


“No, he didn’t, but I’m sure glad he did.” He turned toward me, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. “Wonder what he’ll want in return?” “Beau,” I said, the thought immediately taking root in my head. “You don’t think…” “You never know. Look at you and your pretty blue eyes. I bet you’re just the kind of boy he’d like.” My head spun. When I’d talked to Mr. Medina on the phone, he didn’t seem to be the kind to trade expensive gifts for sexual favors. “I didn’t think he was like that.” He reached over to ruffle my hair, even though he knew how much I hated it. “I’m just yanking your chain, kiddo. Besides, you’re my boy.” He leaned over to kiss my cheek. “That’s not funny, Beau.” “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you from the dirty old man.” He laced his fingers through mine and ran his thumb over my knuckles. “Besides, Abram. We’re going to have our pick. You won’t have to do any of them you don’t want.” “What?” I asked, wondering what the hell he was talking about. “Yeah. Those guys won’t know what hit them. We’ve got something to offer them all. Choices. They can go with Option A,” he pointed at me. “Or, Option B.” He made a sweeping motion down his body. “What are you talking about?” Did he want to play the field? Was I not enough for him anymore? “Just listing what’s on the menu.” I stared at him as he closed his eyes, looking for any sign of teasing on his face. He yawned and mumbled. “I’m beat. I think the Ambien’s kicking in.” Within seconds, he was snoring.


The silence after the plane took off was deafening. I could try to pretend it was airsickness that made my stomach churn, but Beau’s flippant attitude didn’t help any. Did he truly want to play


around? What did our last year together mean if he was just looking for the next new toy? The flight attendant offered me a drink, but I refused, and plugged in the headset to try to settle into whatever dumb chick-flick premiered on the Qantas flight. Australia had seemed like a good idea. Now looking at nearly a full day stuck on the plane, dread knotted my nerves. A new life, new beginning, that’s what this was supposed to be. Just what kind of beginning was it that Beau wanted? And where did I fit into it? He mumbled beside me in his seat as I shifted again. The unease in my head made my body just as restless. Maybe I should have taken an Ambien, too. His words kept replaying like a bad song stuck on repeat. The movie jerked me out of a light sleep twice. I’d be the one needing a massage when we landed at this rate. Maybe I could convince Beau to work the kinks out of my shoulders. If he wasn’t too busy flirting with the pool boys. I tuned out the movie and just watched him breathe for a while. He was so beautiful. Thick broad shoulders, take charge attitude, and those silly flower tattoos that made up most of his right sleeve. He kept talking of getting it finished, but had become so devoted to his diving job he couldn’t bear to take the time out to heal. Salt water and fresh ink didn’t mix. How many times had I traced those tats with my lips, fingers, or eyes? It was just one of those things that made Beau, Beau. The dark stubble on his face tempted me much more than it should have. I loved the way the scruff felt against my skin, and the way those dark eyes of his always seemed to peer right to the core of me. Did others feel that pull? He had the confidence that age could bring a man, even though he was only twenty-eight. Was that why so many others were drawn to him? Or was it because he was just so damned hot? Sleep overtook me with that thought. A dream pulled me down onto a beach filled with beautiful men, sprawled out on towels and lounge chairs. All the bared skin surrounding me seemed like a sea of debauchery. My hands pressed into the flesh of a groaning tourist, kneading the tension from his stiff muscles. The man subject to my skill was attractive enough, but the open patio area overlooking the dock had my attention. Beau stood on a boat in his dive-suit, top pealed to his waist, arms gesturing with excitement and smile wide. A group of young twinks hung on his every word, all crowded around, nearly close enough to touch. The sun caught the honey color of his skin and illuminated him like an angel.


But there was nothing angelic about the drooling boys closing in on him. One blond haired boy grabbed the dive-suit, pulling the zip further down. Instead of pushing him away, Beau laughed and rubbed the kid’s head just like he had mine so many times before. My hands tensed, and the man I was working on groaned and reached for me. He turned his face in my direction, and I realized it was Mr. Medina. He caressed my arm and said, “You still owe me for the flight, Abram.” I bolted up in my seat, grateful to be free of that crazy dream. Grabbing the thin black case stuffed in my carry-on, I pulled out my iPad. When the flight attendant didn’t come rushing to tell me to shut it off, I browsed my list of stored books for something to distract my wandering thoughts. But after searching for several minutes and finding nothing appealing, I closed the app and stared at the bright background. The picture was of the two of us lying in a field of wild bright red poppies. It looked like something stolen from a fairytale. But I remembered that day in vivid detail.


Beau woke me up before dawn that morning, shoved a travel cup of coffee at me, and practically dragged me to the car. He hadn’t even given me time to grab a shirt, which I guessed was okay since he wasn’t wearing one either. A cooler sat between our seats, a beach towel draped across the backseat, and Beau wore a crazy grin. That smile of his had always been infectious. That day it hit me hard, and I couldn’t keep my heart from swelling. Obviously we were going to the beach, that wasn’t new. We went there often, and that was where we met. But when he turned away from the highway that would take us to the beach, I shifted to watch him and tried to determine what he had planned. “Where are we going?” “It’s a surprise.” “It’s not my birthday, or our anniversary.” It wasn’t his birthday either. “You want cake? We can go get cake.” “I don’t want cake. At least not right now. I’m just wondering what has you grinning like a villain.” “Grinning like a villain? Does anyone still say that?” Beau’s smile was teasing.


“Did you win the lottery?” “Maybe.” Okay, now I was really curious. He didn’t buy lottery tickets. Beau was a planner. He always knew where he was going, and he never dove with filing a plan. “What’s that mean?” He shook his head, happy expression remaining firm. I scratched my very prickly jaw. “Are other people going to see us? Couldn’t you have let me shave first?” He reached over and stroked my chin, the sensation shooting right to my cock. “I like you scruffy. And no, it’s just us.” “In that case maybe you could take that hand a little further south.” And he did, but only to rest his warm palm on my thigh. “Not exactly what I had in mind.” “Plenty of time for that later. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.” We drove for almost an hour up to a hiking trail we hadn’t used since the summer we met. In fact, we’d come here on our first date. I’d been so nervous that day. Beau had been so far out of my league, I’d nearly had a heart attack when he asked me out. We’d hiked up to the top, taking it slow because I had been still recovering from an accident, and sat there, making out on the rocks overlooking the ocean. Best first date ever. That morning the rich salty air brought strength and warmth to my heart. Beau grabbed the cooler, towel and my hand before dragging me up the path. I dug in my heels a little to get him to walk slower. He only had three inches on me, but I swear he was all legs. I nearly had to jog to keep up with his long strides. He pulled my hand up and kissed the back of it, softly, that heavenly smile still on his face. We moved in silence, two parts of the whole, until we reached the top. The view was the same. Beautiful blue-green water, white waves crashing, and blue sky meeting water as far as the eye could see. I knew what he saw in the water, why he loved it so much. I knew he loved me, but sometimes I just wished he would look at me with that same glint of joy in his gaze. He tugged me along with him. “Little further, Abe.” “We’re not hanging here?” “Nope. Got a better plan.”


I followed him over the rise of rocks and down a slight incline until a little valley came into view. The ground was littered with red pops of color. Flowers, much like the ones on his arm, decorated the open area. And though I couldn’t see the waves, I heard them crashing nearby in that peaceful swoosh-shoo sound. Beau set the cooler and blanket down then pulled out a huge breakfast: California rolls, fruit, cinnamon raisin bagels, and honey nut cream cheese. He even had more coffee in a thermos. I spread out the blanket, trying not to squish too many flowers and patted the seat beside me. “That was a long drive for breakfast on the beach.” He plopped down and used a set of chopsticks to hold up a roll for me to bite into then took the other half for himself. “Anything for you, baby.” I fed him a strawberry, letting him lick the juice off my fingers. We ate until I was ready to burst and lay down on the blanket. The scent of the flowers mixed with the salty air was oddly soothing. He rested his face on my shoulder, staring at me like he was trying to memorize the moment. I watched his eyes close in peaceful calm, his scruff tickling my shoulder. After fishing my cell out of my pocket I tried to maneuver around Beau to get a picture of him sleeping so sweetly. But since my arm was half trapped under his head, the angle turned out a little weird. He must have heard the click because he smiled at me. “You faking it?” I nudged him. “Never with you, baby.” His loopy attitude was really starting to worry me. “What’s going on?” “How do you feel about Australia?” That was an odd question. “Um…” “I’ve been offered a job at an exclusive resort called Summer’s Pointe. They want a dive master and EMT. They’ll give me room, board and all the access to the ocean I could ever dream of.” Beau’s words came out in rushed excitement, but they made my heart sink. “It’s a place just for people like us. People who aren’t afraid to live the truth.” And what was the truth? Was he leaving me behind? How many times had I feared this happening? “Exciting. Sounds great,” I managed to say without my voice cracking. “It will be awesome. There’s a private cabin, and space always available at the resort. Mr.


Medina said he’s got a room ready inside if you prefer to work in the air conditioning since it gets pretty humid in the summer.” I blinked at him, trying to process the words flowing from his lips. “Huh? Inside?” “Yeah. Mr. Medina said to let him know what kind of table you prefer because he’ll order it and have it shipped in rather than making you drag everything along. Or if you want to bring your old one, we can pay to send it over. It will probably cost more than just buying a new one though.” I put my finger to his lips to stop the barrage of words. “What are you talking about?” He pulled it away. “Your job. When I was offered the dive job I asked if they had a masseuse on site yet, he said no and asked if I knew of one. And of course, I do.” My heart pounded in my chest like it’d suddenly come back to life with a lightning bolt surge. “You want me to come with you?” “Duh.” He leaned over and kissed me. “I want to follow you to the end of the earth.” My cheeks burned. Sure he’d been saying those things for a long time, but Beau was Beau, and surely someday he’d see that he was too good for me. “That is if you don’t mind leaving the US behind to live with me in a tropical paradise?” My family was long gone; I’d been taking care of myself since I was fifteen. And though I had friends, Beau had really become the apex of my life. Could I imagine staying here without him? No, that was unthinkable. It was either sink or swim, and I chose to swim. “I’ll go.” The picture I’d taken that day had turned out better than I thought, though I’d cut off more of Beau than I’d hoped. When I said I’d go with him, we’d made love among the flowers for hours, not heading back toward the car until the sun began to sink in the sky. If our world was going to change, I was going to enjoy every moment I had left of it. Staring at that picture now made me wonder if that was still the plan. What choice did I have? Revel in what he gave me until he tossed me aside, or fight for what I wanted? I closed my eyes, not wanting to think about possibly sharing him.


I noticed movement next to me, and turned to see Beau staring at me. He looked at the computer


screen, at the photo of us that day. He smiled, his sweet, kind smile, and looked back at me. “Hey, baby. Did you get any sleep?” “No.” I shook my head. “Not really.” He leaned over to stroke my cheek. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing.” “Something’s up. Talk to me, kid.” I stared back at him. Every time he called me kid, it reminded me of how different we were. He was the big rescuer, the EMT, the dive master, the one that people could count on. And I was just some stupid kid he had to save. He rescued me the day we met, and now he had gotten me the job at Summer’s Pointe, taking me with him like some pet he couldn’t part with. “Nothing’s wrong. Excuse me.” I headed up the aisle to the bathroom. Staring at the mirror, I wondered what exactly I was doing there. I’d given up everything at home to follow Beau to an island in the middle of nowhere. It was too late to change my mind. Maybe I could talk to Mr. Medina once we got settled. That is, if he wasn’t really expecting me to pay off our flights somehow. If Beau wanted his own personal hunting grounds, I didn’t want to be a part of it. It would hurt like hell, but I would let him go before I played lovelorn puppy. I splashed some water on my face and washed my hands. Then I wiped the sink down, straightened out my shorts, and unlocked the door. The knob turned and it opened, but before I could move, Beau pushed in, forcing me to take a step back. He closed the door behind himself and locked it. He took my head in both hands and turned me to face him. “Look, I know something’s wrong. Tell me.” I could feel the tears burning my eyes, but I wouldn’t let them fall. I took a deep breath. “I don’t know if I can do this, Beau.” He stroked my cheek with one thumb. “Do what, baby?” “Be your backup plan.” “Backup plan? What’s that supposed to mean?” “Your backup guy, waiting at home. There just in case you can’t work yourself into someone’s room.” He shook his head. “What are you talking about? I don’t want to get into anyone else’s room.”


“That’s not what you said earlier. Remember Option A, Option B?” It made me angry just to think about his words. I tried to turn away, but the space was so small, I couldn’t go anywhere. He’d trapped me, like he had so many instances before, but I didn’t know if all would turn out as well this time. “You sounded pretty ready to play the field. Like this is going to be some kind of all-you-can-fuck buffet.” He stared at me. I didn’t cuss often, so he had to know how angry I was. I didn’t know what he was thinking, but I assumed he was either angry or embarrassed for being caught. “Thought you’d have me there to suck your dick when all else failed? Think again. I love you too much to ever be the last choice.” I managed to rip myself away from those big, brown eyes that had been pinning me in place. He stepped up behind me to wrap his arms around me, and I had to closed my eyes and exhale. We always felt so right together, just like this. “Look, that’s not what I want. If it’s what you want, then I’m going to make some arrangements with Mr. Medina when we get there.” I didn’t tell him that I might just end up back in California because the heartbreak of watching him with others would probably kill me. “Baby,” he whispered against my neck. I shivered. He knew that spot always got me, and he used it. “That’s not what I want at all.” “No? What was that Option A or Option B crap supposed to mean?” He reached up to stroke my neck and leaned in to kiss me behind my ear. “It was a joke, baby. I was only kidding.” “It wasn’t funny.” “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He spun me back around to face him. “You are the one I want.” He kissed me lightly on the lips. “The only one.” “What about all the ‘options’ you’re going to meet on the dive trips? Guys in Speedos slipping you their room keys? You going to be able to resist them?” He laughed. “I resist them now.” “What?” “Oh, come on. You know how many people hit on me. I don’t even notice it anymore. They aren’t you.” He ran a finger down my cheek. “Besides, you’re the one I worry about.” “Me?”


He laughed again and pulled me in for a kiss. His passion began gently, but the kiss quickly deepened, and he licked my bottom lip. I opened my mouth, and he slipped his tongue in and swirled it around mine. I reached around to cup his ass and pull him in closer. We were both panting when he pulled back. He kissed me one more time and turned me back around to face the mirror. Standing behind me, he turned my face to the mirror. “Look at you, baby. You,” he leaned forward to kiss my neck again, “are fucking gorgeous. Those huge blue eyes. You level me every time you look at me.” I looked at his reflection over my shoulder. He was staring at me, completely serious. “Beau…” “I mean it, baby. You own me. If you want to blow all this off and go home, I’ll go with you. If you want to move to Alaska, I’d go with you. I just have to be where you are. The rest of it doesn’t matter.” “Beau, I didn’t mean–” “I did. You are all I need. Everything else can be replaced. Jobs, houses, things, it’s all shit without you. It was all shit before you. I don’t want to do this without you.” I closed my eyes and leaned back against his chest. He put his arms around me and ran his hands up under my shirt. He kept kissing my neck as he pinched my nipples, rubbing them with his rough fingers. “Please forgive me, baby. It was a stupid joke.” “Beau, I can’t think with you doing that.” I opened my eyes to stare at him in the mirror, his brown eyes glistened with heavy emotion. “Good. I don’t want you thinking. You’ve done enough of that this flight.” His hands wandered down to my waistband, and he started unbuckling my belt. “Beau, stop,” I moved to stop him, but he kept kissing my neck, and he let one hand trail down to my cock. He squeezed it, and I pumped my hips against his touch. “Ever done it on a plane?” “No,” I whispered as I pushed my hips back against his, grinding my ass against his erection. “It’s too small to do it in here,” he said, licking my neck. “But maybe we can improvise something.” He went back to work on my belt. I arched my back and wound my arms around the back of his neck. “That’s it, baby. Just hang on to me. I’ll take care of you.” He opened the button and unzipped my shorts, and let them drop to my knees. Then he pushed


my briefs down. I opened my legs to let him hook the elastic under my balls. He cupped them in one hand as he ran the other up the length of my cock. He pressed his thumb against the slit, spreading my precum around the head. I moaned and pumped my hips against him. “You know what I worry about, baby?” “No,” I whispered, leaning back and turning my face against his neck. My body was turning into jelly in his hands. He knew just how to touch me. He licked my neck and blew on it, making me shiver in his arms. I closed my eyes and gave myself over to him. I felt his stubble as he smiled against my skin. He nibbled along my neck, then sucked hard at the base of it while he worked my cock. He rolled my balls in his fingers, applying on the slightest bit of pressure and twisted his fingers back and forth around the head of my cock. “I worry about all the men coming on to you. Your hands, rubbing oil into all that naked skin. Massaging up and down their bodies. You worry about guys in Speedos surrounding me, but what about all the guys getting naked around you. You can’t tell me they don’t get hard with you touching them.” He kept stroking my cock and kissing my neck while he talked to me. “How many of them ask for happy endings? Hmm? How many ask for you to touch their cocks like this?” “I would never…” He bit the cords of my neck, cutting off any possibility of talking. “How many times are you tempted to just jerk a guy off? One guy, tenting the sheet as you lean over, your hard chest rubbing against his as you rub your hands down his torso?” He reached up under my shirt again and tweaked my nipple before sliding that hand down my body, across my hips, over my groin, to cup my balls again. I groaned and melted against him. “Do you ever think about doing it, babe” “No.” “Never?” He gripped my dick harder and stroked it faster, kissing my neck in little sandpapery caresses, his three-day-old five o’clock shadow making my whole body twitch. I panted when he tugged on my balls. He stroked upward, teasing the head of my cock. “You never think about stroking a long, fat cock while you’re rubbing those men?” He pumped his hips against my ass as he squeezed, and ran a palm up my body to cover my mouth as I started moaning and breathing heavily. A groan rumbled through my chest as I came over his fist into the sink. Holding me up, he kissed the side of my face as I slowly regained control of my body. When my breathing slowed, he reached around me and started the water, washing his hands, and wiping my cock down with a damp towel, before drying it and tucking me back into my underwear, and helped me get my shorts back up. Then he rinsed out the sink,


toweling away any evidence. I turned around and kissed him, slow and tender. When I pulled back, I looked up at him. “I think about jerking you off every time that happens, but I would never touch a client that way.” He laughed and hugged me tight. “That’s the reason you come home and attack me some nights.” “You figured me out.” “It’s okay. I fucking love it when you get all aggressive. It’s hot as shit.” He squeezed me tight before pulling back and cupping my face again. “I really do love you, you know.” “I know. And I love you, too.”


We headed back to our seats. I was sure that my face was beet-red and that everyone stared at us because somehow they knew that my boyfriend had just inducted me into the mile high club. Most everyone else in first class wore suits or designer clothing. Beau and I looked like the beach bums we were in shorts and T-shirts. The flight attendant pushed around a little alcohol cart as I plunked down into Beau’s window seat to stare out into the endless dark sky wondering just how much this flight had cost. “How much do you think it was for these seats?” I whispered to Beau. He shrugged and passed me a blanket and a pillow. “You should get some sleep. We have hours to go yet.” “Really, I’m curious. How much do you think it was?” “Probably a couple thousand dollars for each ticket at least. Don’t worry about it. Medina’s a nice guy.” I sighed and huddled under the blanket resting my head on Beau’s shoulder. It would have been a couple thousand dollars for economy class seats on this flight. But first class? Probably at least five thousand dollars each. I’d wished I had thought to check the pricing before we left. The thought of having to repay Medina for the flight in sexual favors made me nauseous. Did people really do that? I guess we weren’t under American laws anymore, so anything could happen, and I’d have little recourse. If I could keep Beau to myself by taking on the responsibility, I would. “You’re more tired than you think. You can barely keep your eyes open.” Beau’s prickly face


brushed against my forehead, his breath hot on my cheek. “Not sleepy,” I mumbled into this shoulder, refusing to let unconsciousness steal him from me. “Remember that day we first met?” His hand grasped mine. “The ocean was so blue that day, sky so clear, and then I saw your eyes across the sand and water.” I closed my eyes and let his voice lull me into the memory. That morning I’d had a client hit on me, only to be pissed when I wouldn’t reciprocate. He’d even threatened to file a police report against me claiming I’d touched him inappropriately, even though he’d been the one doing the touching. My friends had taken me from the office afterwards, promising to help me relax away the bad day with a trip to the beach. Even after an hour in the water, floating and swimming in the warm California sun, I hadn’t been able to brush the dirty feeling I got every time a client asked me to cross the line aside. The bright light just couldn’t seem to reach into my gloom. I found my footing again and glanced at my friends splashing each other in playful banter. A bunch of teenagers tried stunts on their boards some twenty feet away from me, and I felt the weight of someone’s stare. When my eyes searched the area fearing my client had followed, the only one I found looking my direction was a hot lifeguard standing at the edge of the water. His eyes met mine in a moment of shared heat. His skin glowed with that beautiful sun-kissed honey tone that meant he spent a lot of time on the beach. Red and green ink decorated his right arm, but I was too far away to make out the image. He was obviously older, strong, and confident. I felt very young for my twenty-one years while he directed that intense gaze my way. His lips moved, arm flying up, but my world went black. The world came back to me in an embarrassing and painful wallop. I vaguely remember being rolled onto my side and retching salt water. My head pounded as the sun and every little sound chiseled another opening into my skull. “Relax, the ambulance is on its way,” a deep voice told me in a soft tone. “Head hurts,” I told the voice. “It’s okay. Just stay with me.” The clink of metal and the sound of clothes rustling were the only indication that the ambulance had arrived. When they began to lift me, I passed out again from the pain streaking across my brain. The next time I’d awoken, I’d been in the hospital. Machines beeping around me, room dark, but flowers decorated a little table by the door. I was pretty loopy and recognized the feeling of


Morphine running through my system. My limbs were heavy and kind of weightless all at once like they had that time I’d flipped my motorcycle years before. A gentle knock sounded on the door before it opened. A man stepped inside and all I could think was that he must be an angel. If angels wore shorts and tank tops, and who’s to say they didn’t. His dark hair and broad shoulders reminded me of someone, but my head ached with the strain to remember. The bright colors on his right arm brought it all back, the lifeguard. “Hey, you’re awake!” I blinked at him, not feeling ‘awake’ enough to do anything else. “You scared the crap outta me out there. I’ve never lost anyone on my watch. Didn’t want you to be the first.” “Sorry,” I grumbled. “Ain’t your fault. You didn’t ask to get hit by a surf board.” He shook his head and crossed the room to sit down in the chair beside the bed. “When I pulled you out of the water, you weren’t breathing and had blood leaking from your head. I thought I’d never get the chance to know your name.” “Abram,” I told him. He smiled. Yeah, he was an angel. “Nice to meet you, Abram. I’m Beau.” He reached out and shook my hand. “Maybe when you get out of this place I can take you out properly. Thank you for not dying on my watch.” I blinked at him again, positive the drugs kept me from understanding what he said. “Huh?” “Fuzzy, eh? Let me be blunt. Will you go out with me, Abram?” Yeah, the angel had asked me out. It’d taken me a couple days to get out of the hospital, and even then I had to rest for another week until the pain subsided. He’d given me his number, but I hadn’t called. Not until I felt normal. And even then I was sure I seemed like an idiot calling him up and saying, “Hey, it’s Abram.” I expected him to be “who?” “Hey, babe! How are you feeling? Ready for that date yet?” And now more than a year later, here we were, on a plane bound for paradise. Hoping that the rest of our lives together could be just as amazing as the first year had been. Curled up against him, that thought was all that mattered when sleep took me away.



Beau’s chin scraped against my head, and I opened my eyes. I noticed everyone was looking out the windows and talking quietly. I turned up into a blinding smile, complete with the dimples that still knocked me out. Beau leaned over to kiss my forehead. “Morning, babe.” I rubbed my eyes with one hand and stretched. Stifling a yawn, I glanced out the window and saw some islands in the faint morning light. “Where are we?” “About an hour out. I thought you might want to shake some of the sleep off before we had to get moving. I know how you are when you first wake up.” “Hey, I’m not that bad,” I said, playfully punching his arm. He reached over and rubbed the back of my neck. I moaned and bent my head forward. Closing my eyes, I rested my forehead on the tray table. Beau’s warm hands ran down my neck and across my shoulders. I moaned again and relaxed into it. I may be the professional, but I loved Beau’s hands on me. By the time he worked the kinks out of my neck and shoulders, I felt like that chocolate bar in the bottom of my backpack. All melted and gooey. The flight attendant gave us a look when she came by offering hot towels, but Beau gave her that smile and Southern charm, and she was smiling back when she left. I looked around, and most of other passengers avoided my gaze, but a couple smiled back. I leaned back and covered my face with the towel and breathed in the faint eucalyptus scent. “You worry too much,” Beau said, patting my leg. “I know,” I sighed. I put my hand over his and squeezed. He turned his over to lace our fingers together. Beau lifted my hand to brush a kiss on the back of it. I tensed up and started to pull away, but he held fast. “You don’t have to worry anymore. No one is watching, and fuck them if they are.” “Easy for you to say.” I looked into his handsome face, his dark eyes shining. Everybody loved him. He radiated confidence and charisma. Smiling like he knew what I was thinking, he leaned over to kiss me. “I love you Abram McGregor, and I can’t wait for the next step in our lives to begin.” He looked around, meeting the looks from the other passengers. “I don’t care who knows it, because you make it all worthwhile.”


I was blushing, but I pulled him in for another kiss. “I love you, too.” I looked up to see a couple of businessmen turn away, but one woman looked at me and nodded in their direction. “Fuck them,” she said before smiling and returning to her Kindle. Beau laughed and draped his arm around my shoulders. I couldn’t help but chuckle with him. The pilot turned on the fasten seat belts sign and began our descent. Beau leaned over to stare at the city. “We’re going to have to come back here sometime. We’ll get Medina to give us a few days.” “That sounds great.” And it did, although I couldn’t imagine how visiting any city could top the idea of living in paradise with Beau. After we landed, Beau stood up and got his bag down, but he didn’t back off to let me out. Instead, he crowded in, putting one palm on my hip. He pulled me close and ground his groin against my ass. I could feel his erection through his board shorts. “I can’t wait to get you alone,” he whispered against my temple. “We should have flown in yesterday. Gotten a room here in Sydney for the night.” His response was a slow grind against me. I closed my eyes and leaned into it. “Beau…” He pulled back and pushed me forward. “Come on. You only have to deal with it for five more hours.” “Five hours!” I knew I was whining, but the travel was already getting to me, and five more hours before I could be alone with him seemed daunting. “Yep. We have a couple of hours to kill here, then a three-hour flight to Cairns before we get to the boat. Then a relaxing overnight cruise to paradise for the rest of our lives.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “Now, get moving. You’re holding up the line.” “Fine,” I said, pretending I wasn’t getting excited about the idea.


Getting through Customs was a lot easier than I expected, and we made it to the domestic gates with plenty of time to grab some lunch. My stomach was rumbling, and I realized I’d been too upset to eat last night while Beau slept. His little joke about options, and about Medina, had


taken away my appetite. My stomach let out a monstrous growl, and Beau laughed. “I guess we’re feeding you now.” “Sorry,” I said, feeling like an idiot and cursing my noisy stomach. “I’m starved too. We’ve got time. There’s got to be a decent restaurant here.” He led us through the maze of terminals until we broke into the main retail area of the airport. There were a half dozen restaurants. Beau stopped to read the menu posted outside one before moving on to the next. I didn’t care where we ate, as long as I had something soon. Finally he stopped at a place with a wide-open terrace area for seating. It overlooked the inside of the terminal, but had a soft romantic feel with dark tablecloths and lit candles. “This will work.” I followed him inside. A bouncy young waiter showed us to a table at the edge of the terrace. “G’Day. I’m Midnight. I’ll be your waiter today. Let me grab you some water while you look over the menu.” The kid was cute with shaggy dark hair, a pierced nose and brow and big smile. His Aussie accent was light and sweet. But just like everyone else, his eyes were all over Beau. “Water would be great,” Beau told him dismissively. The kid stood there a minute longer before disappearing. I sucked in a deep breath and opened my menu. When had I gotten so jealous that I couldn’t even tolerate a waiter flirting? I knew Beau wanted me. He’d already kicked off a shoe and was rubbing my bare lower leg with his toes. Maybe I could convince him to find a dark corner somewhere so I could blow him properly and relieve the hard-on he’d been pressing against me all day. “I think I’m just going to have the fish and chips. What about you?” Beau brought my mind back to the menu. I finally looked through it and realized it was all either seafood or vegetarian fair. Once again he’d thought of me first, finding a place that catered to my avoidance of red meat. “The avocado shrimp salad looks great.” Beau flagged the water down and ordered. I added a glass of white wine to mine hoping it would ease my nerves. The waiter stood really close to Beau, his body language solidly screaming ‘fuck me!’ Glaring into my glass of water didn’t help. And I didn’t realize a growl had escaped my throat until Beau’s caressing foot stopped. “What’s wrong, baby?” “Nothing,” I told him.


“Do I have to take you to the bathroom again?” Heat burned up into my face, and my cock got hard so fast the tingling nearly hurt. “I just think that since we’re doing this whole move thing, maybe we should make it official. You know, like make it forever. Get married or something.” The words spilled from my mouth before I even knew what I was saying. Beau’s smile widened. “Why Abram, did you just propose to me?” “I meant–ah–you know-” He leaned over and kissed me soundly before dropping to his knees at my feet. My heart pounded like a conga drum on steroids. This couldn’t be happening could it? Did he really want to marry me? Forever bound with laws and papers and vows? His hands wrapped around mine. The look in his eyes made me want to throw myself at him and make love to him until the world stopped. Everyone watched us. The terrace only had a handful of patrons, but even from the open area below people stared. “Yes, I will marry you, Abram McGregor.” There was a scattered applause. Beau sat back down, the angel grin on his face. My heart was in my throat. The whole room seemed to spin a little. I glanced around until I found the bathroom. “I’ll be right back.” I got up and glanced at him again, the glint in his eye meant he was planning something. I held up a finger to stop him from getting up. “I just need a minute.” “Anything you want, babe.” In the bathroom, I did my business and spent a few extra minutes washing my face. Beau wanted to marry me. Sure I loved him more than life, but was he really willing to give up everyone else for me? But what had I expected? I just threw it out there at him. We were traveling across the world to live in a new place where neither of us knew anyone but each other. Was he saying yes just because he knew my heart would have broken if he said no? Or even ‘yes, but not now?’ This whole trip made me feel so horribly insecure. What was paradise really? A place? A state of mind? I thought about that for a minute. For me it was Beau. I didn’t need some stupid island or piece of paper. I just needed him. And if he wanted us to just say the vows to each other, I would tell him just that. Finally I pulled myself together and left the bathroom. As I got to the table Beau was hanging up his cell phone. He gave me that beautiful smile again and motioned to our food, which had arrived. “Come eat, baby.”


And I did, watching him watch me the whole time. Midnight came to our table a lot. Even offered us a bottle of free champagne to congratulate us on our engagement, but Beau turned it down. “You guys going to Isla Enamorada? It’s a place for people just like us,” he said it quietly and the hushed tones of his voice spoke of excitement. “I hope to get a job there. I’ve heard there are going to be a few restaurants opening.” “It would be a long commute for you,” Beau pointed out. The kid couldn’t have been older than eighteen. Midnight smiled showing dimples that made me smile. He was infectious. “Not as far as you, Yanks. Maybe I’ll find my own-” he thumped his fists over his heart, “will you marry me?” “You’d be surprised when something like that hits you. Sometimes it’s like a surfboard to the back of the skull.” Beau pulled out a stack of Australian bills and left a large wad of cash on the table. “Thanks for the great service.” He got up and held out his hand to me. I let myself be pulled into his embrace again, and his lips skimmed by my ear where I still had a scar from the surfboard incident. “Look us up if you ever get there,” I told the kid, feeling generous with Beau so close to me, his erection burning into my thigh. “We’re going to be staying.” Midnight grinned and nodded gratefully to us. We waved him off and made our way to the next flight. As long as Beau was next to me I could travel for days, weeks even. I wondered then about the phone. “Did someone call while I was in the bathroom?” I asked. “Nope. I just called and checked in with Medina about our travel plans. Want to make sure we’re on time for the boat.” Beau’s palm rubbed a warm circle around my back. “Let’s get this short flight over so we can get to the good part.”


The three hours in the air passed quickly, and we even landed ten minutes early. We made our way to the baggage claim area, and we were met by a very handsome older gentleman. His white suit offset his deep tan, and his white hair and beard gave him an air of sophistication. A bright blue shirt brought out his eyes. He looked us both over and smiled. Beau walked up to him and pulled him into one of his bear hugs. “Thanks for the tickets, Mr.


Medina. Don’t know how we’re going to pay you back for them.” “Call me Havi,” Mr. Medina said when he pulled back from Beau’s hug. His eyes flicked over me, and he smiled. He looked more rugged, lived, than he had in my imagination. “Do not worry about that. We will think of something, I am sure.” I broke out in goose bumps. Maybe he did expect me to put out. His rich Spanish accent made his words soothing, even as they terrified me. He offered his hand, and I took it, not knowing what else to do. His fingers were rough and not at all what I expected from a billionaire businessman. I thought about Beau’s, rough from all the work he did outside, and how they felt on my skin. I imagined Mr. Medina’s would feel the same. I’m sure I blushed, but luckily, Beau stepped in to rescue me again. “Havi, I’d like you to meet my fiancé Abram. Abe, this is Havi.” “Hello, sir,” I managed to croak out. My cheeks burned again, and I cleared my throat and tried to speak again. “We spoke on the phone. Thank you for this opportunity.” “Well, I know about Beau’s work from a trip I took to California, and he could not recommend you highly enough.” I looked at Beau, who was practically beaming. Mr. Medina still held my hand, and he covered our hands with the other one. “I cannot wait to have your hands on me, Abram. I believe our guests will love your touch as well.” My hands on him? I pulled back and moved my backpack in front of my crotch, holding it protectively with both fists. His eyes followed the movement, and I shifted my weight nervously between my feet. “Come, boys.” He turned to lead the way out. I grabbed Beau’s arm to pull him back. “Beau, I don’t know if I can….” “Can what, babe?” I glanced at Medina as he walked ahead of me. “You know. Pay for the flight.” Beau laughed and pulled me close. “Don’t worry. I’ll talk to him, all right?” I was dubious, but I let it drop. Medina led us out to what looked like an old VW convertible. It had six doors, a bikini-style top, and was painted bright blue. The vinyl seats were blue and white. The Summer’s Pointe logo was painted on the front hood, and the driver wore a bright blue polo shirt with white shorts. I guessed blue was the resort’s signature color. “Cool!” Beau said as he plopped down in the back row. He patted the seat next to him, and I sat


like a good boy. “We like our guests to feel like they are already starting their vacation. We have a van that takes the luggage to a plane, so they don’t have to worry about anything but immersing themselves in the experience,” Mr. Medina said, getting into the car. He pointed out sights along the drive and gave a brief history on the way, but I couldn’t keep track of what he was saying. His words from the airport kept replaying in my mind. Do not worry. We will think of something. Get your hands on me. A hand on my knee made me jump. “Relax, babe. We’re here.” I looked up to see a huge yacht docked at the pier. There were a few crew members moving around on the deck, all dressed in the same blue and white that I assumed would be our uniforms. “On A Lark” was painted in blue along the bow. “Wow, Havi,” Beau said next to me. “We’re going on that?” I was nervous. Since the accident when Beau and I met, I’d had a healthy respect of the water. I didn’t go too far into it, and it didn’t try to kill me again. Going out on a boat gave me the chills. Add being trapped on it with a man who may be expecting sexual favors from me, and I was feeling lightheaded. Beau held me steady when I tripped on a crack in the asphalt. “We have room for ten couples at a time. We use the Lark for ferrying guests to the island, and we hope to charter it out for some overnight dive trips, with our new dive master.” He smiled at Beau. “We can also use the plane for guests who want to arrive quicker, or who get seasick. The view of the island from the air is spectacular.” “She is a beaut.” “She will be under your watch, Beau. I have a cabin set up for you below. It has a double bunk, and private facilities, so you will not have to share with the other crew members. It is all ready for you now, so feel free to use the showers and freshen up. You will both be introduced at tonight’s dinner. Abram, there is already a waiting list for your services.” “Mine?” “Oh, yes. We have needed a masseur for a while now. Of course, everyone will have to line up behind me, no?” he said with a wink. “O-okay.” “Well, permission to come aboard?” Beau asked, a coy smile on his face.


Mr. Medina looked at him, a faint smile playing on his lips. He cleared his throat and nodded. “Granted, of course.” He led us up the gangplank, and I clung to Beau’s arm like a lifeline. When we got on deck, he pulled me close and kissed my temple. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ve got you.” I know he thought I was scared because of the water, but truth be told, I was more nervous about the possibility of having to pimp out my ass. I didn’t know what was going to be expected of me, and I sure didn’t want to bring it up. Nothing like giving the man any more ideas. Beau steadied me as we headed down the ladder at the back of the boat to a door marked “Staff Only.” It opened to a narrow hallway with doors on either side of it. The one on the left was a supply room. Boxes of masks, snorkels, and fins, rows of tanks, and racks of buoyancy compensators hung along the wall. “Dude, you have three compressors. And Nitrox. Damn! You’ve almost got a whole dive shop in here.” Beau was so excited, he practically bounced. “And your quarters are over here.” Medina opened the other door, revealing a small, but nice cabin. The bunk looked longer than normal, and I realized he must have had it made for Beau’s long legs. Besides the bed, there was a built-in locker, and a bathroom. The entire space was tiled, as opposed to the rich, polished wood of the stateroom. A clear curtain separated the shower area from the rest of the room, making the most of the small, but serviceable space. The boat rocked, and I had to grab onto the sink. I shook my head and took a deep breath. “You do not like the water, Abram?” “Well, let’s just say it doesn’t like me much.” “Yet, you are partnered with a dive master. Interesting. I wonder, how does that work?” “What do you mean?” “Well, with someone who loves the water as much as Beau does, it must be troublesome for him to know you don’t share his interest.” “I go to the beach with him,” I snapped at him. “Oh, I do not mean anything by that. Besides, we are going to be keeping you very busy.” I looked at him. “Busy?” “I told you we have your schedule filled. I am really looking forward to seeing what you can do.”


“Well, I hope I can do a good job for you, sir.” “I am sure you will, Abram.” He smiled and looked me over. “I am sure you will.” Beau came bounding in, talking excitedly. “I can’t wait to take her out.” He looked at me, then to Mr. Medina. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing.” I shook my head. “You sure, baby?” “Yeah. It’s just the wake.” He cupped my cheek, and I covered his hand with mine. “I’m fine,” I assured him. He pulled me in for a kiss. “Okay. Just checking.” He turned to Mr. Medina. “Mind if I check out the bridge before we shove off?” “Go right ahead. And I really should make sure the rest of the guests are settled.” They started to leave, but Mr. Medina turned back at the doorway. “Rest, Abram. And feel free to get cleaned up. I have taken the liberty of getting some things sent here for you. We can talk about those flights later, yes?” He nodded and left, closing the door. I collapsed onto the bed and started shaking, thinking I had to be reading into his words. He couldn’t really be expecting me to…. I shook my head. No. Not possible. I stripped and went into the bathroom. The door didn’t have a lock on it, but I supposed that was normal. We were in private quarters, so you wouldn’t expect to need a lock inside. Still, I would have been more comfortable if I could sequester myself in there. It wasn’t like I could lock the cabin door with Beau still out there. He’d need to come back to clean up, too. I tried to put that thought out of my mind as I stepped under the shower and started washing the long day off.


I’d just finished washing the soap off and was rinsing my hair when there was a knock on the bathroom door, and a deep, accented voice called out. “Abram. I am here to collect.” I stood there, naked and frozen as the doorknob turned, and the door slowly opened. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, expecting Medina to be standing there. Instead, it was Beau, wearing nothing but his angel smile. The light hair on his torso highlighted his six-pack abs


before tapering to create a treasure trail to the pubes he kept neatly trimmed for me. “Beau, what are you doing?” He stepped into the shower with me and cupped my ass to pull my hips against his, rubbing our cocks together. The friction had me moaning and hard in seconds. “Bossman sent me to collect for those flights. Ready to pay up, pretty boy?” He shoved me against the wall and bent down to kiss my neck while he pumped his hips against mine. The building pleasure raced up my spine. I grasped the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Our tongues dueled, and I loved the salty-sweet flavor of him. He broke the kiss and nipped my cheek. “Come on, baby. You know those flights weren’t cheap.” His hands ran up my back then down my sides, fingers pausing to tweak my nipples into hard little buds. I shivered, swallowing another moan and ground my hips harder into his. The sensation of his hot length against mine and the hairs on his stomach and groin sent my heart racing, mind struggling to keep up. Since it was Beau in my arms, little else mattered. “You’re so not funny.” I licked and nibbled the tanned skin of his neck and shoulders. Wrapping my arms around him, I reached up and grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling his head back and bending his neck to allow me a better angle. I bit the side of it, then licked it, breathing over the glistening skin. He moaned and pumped against me again. His body arched and writhed against mine. Precum speckled both of our stomachs and cocks as though screaming “We’re ready!” I swung us around so he was under the spray then wedged a knee between his legs, easing a small bit of pressure against his heavy sack. I rocked against him, freed one hand from his hair and trailed a feather-light touch down his body until I found that sensitive taint. He gasped, head flying back, mouth falling open. The sound that fell from his lips was a sweet cry that had me rubbing my thigh against his dick to force free more of those tender cries. “Yeah, baby. Just like that.” His heavy breathing blew against my ear as I humped his leg, still pulling his head back. I started to stroke his cock under the water. I let go of him, grabbed the soap, and rubbed it over every inch of the front of his body, except his cock, which arched and bobbed, begging to be touched. Then I nudged him to turn around. He presented me with those beautifully sculpted shoulders, muscled back, and firm ass. The sight of him always floored me. He looked like a god made into a man, perfection. I sucked a small bit of the tight skin at the base of his neck, letting my teeth sink in just a little. He thrust himself against the wall, body straining for more while I marked him. “Jeez, Abe…” his voice sounded half broken with pleasure. “I love it when you get like this. I love that no one else ever gets to see this side of you.”


I licked the spot I’d marked, then blew a strong breath over it and licked it again. He trembled and thrust his ass back to grind into my erection. “I’m only getting started,” I whispered to him. I stepped away, pressing his body to the wall, and soaped up his back, while he braced himself. My hands kneaded his flesh like clay, easing all those stubborn muscles, just like it was second nature, and worked their way down to that tempting crack. Patience, I had to remind myself. We had time. The boat would take overnight to reach the island. A lot could happen in twelve hours, and boy did I look forward to the possibilities. Kneeling, I let my fingers work their way down his legs and calves massaging and enjoying the light hairs that tickled my palms, before working back up to that gorgeous ass. With those round hard cheeks right in front of my face, I paid them special attention, rubbing and caressing the soft, fleshed ridges, then I slid a taunting finger down the crack and between his legs to his balls. He moaned loudly, and arched his back, shoving his ass into my face. I leaned back on my heels and spanked him, hard, on the right cheek, enjoying the pink glow that appeared soon after. He always did have such great color. “Ow! What’s that for?” “For being a jerk with your stupid jokes.” He looked over his shoulder and smiled at me, his beautiful, angel smile. I stood up to kiss him, but reared back at the last second, landing an even harder blow to his left ass cheek. “That one was because I can.” He chuckled and turned sideways, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me with him under the spray. He looked down his body, watching the suds wash away. His cock jutted out, veins clearly defined and white beads of desire leaking from his slit. “I think you missed a spot.” I smiled back at him, gave him one long, hard pull before letting go to rinse myself off, and step out of the shower. “I’ll be waiting on your bunk.” His laughter echoed from the bathroom as I stepped out and lay down on the bed. I stretched out on my back and put one foot flat on the bedspread and one arm behind my head. My erection was about ready to bust, but I was determined to make this slow and sweet. No matter how bad I wanted to fuck Beau into the soft mattress. The door opened, and Beau stood there holding a towel in front of his crotch, his grin firmly in place. I reached down and began to stroke my cock. His look went from happy to lustful in less than a second, eyes falling to trace the path my fist made on my own hard flesh. He crossed the room to kneel between my legs, mouth wide like he needed a taste. “Fuck, you look good like that.” His looked from my hand to my face and back again. I reached out to him and yanked him against me for a kiss. His cock throbbed in time with mine, both of us grinding and pumping in a crazed frenzy that had us both panting.


I planted my other foot flat on the bed to get better leverage. Our heated kisses felt like a branding fire, tongues stroking against each other’s, shared groans swallowed, air gulped down in lustful need. He grasped my hips and pulled them tight against him. Then he sat back, pulling me up to sit on his lap. His cock pressing against my taint, teasing and warning that it too wanted entrance. But not tonight. Tonight I’d have him. I shoved against his chest until he laid flat on his back, head hanging off the end of the bed, knees spread to allow room for me between them. He reached down to rest his hot palm against both our cocks and began stroking us together, silken hard flesh to silken hard flesh. I threw my head back to groan, and squeezed my eyes shut for a moment while the tingling in my spine nearly erupted from me. Not yet, I told myself. Not till I was inside him. Proving that he was mine. He kissed my neck, sucking a mark of his own just above my collarbone. Pride swelled in my chest when I realized it’d be impossible to hide the mark with any normal shirt. The one I’d given him had been just as clear. “Mine,” I growled. I pumped against him a few more times as he continued to stroke us, then I knelt back. Beau was gorgeous, his face flush, lips swollen, eyes glazed with lust, and cock swollen and twitching with need. Swinging my hips in small circles I rubbed the length of my cock up and across his balls and taint, along his crack, and teasing his hole. He licked his lips and nodded. I reached for my backpack and rummaged through until I finally found what I was looking for. I held up my prize and grinned. “Last one. Hope there’s a drugstore on the island.” “Let’s put it to good use.” Beau pushed up onto his knees to crawl to the foot of the bed. He reached over and opened up the locker, and I noticed a bottle of our favorite lube on the top shelf. Mr. Medina probably knew more about us than I expected. Beau must have seen the look on my face. “I asked him if he could pick some up for us when I called earlier.” He cocked a sly smile at me. “Wanted to be able to celebrate our engagement properly.” “I knew you had something up your sleeve.” I grabbed the lube and stood next to the bed. He looked up at me, and I couldn’t help but lean down for a kiss. This time, it was sweet and gentle. He sighed, encircled his arms around my waist, and rested his head against my chest. “Thank you,” he whispered. I dropped the supplies on the bed and ran my fingers through his hair. “For what, Beau?” “Everything.” His breath tickled as he placed light kisses along my chest between my nipples. He sucked on one, and every pull went straight to my cock, sending shockwaves through me. As


he worked his way to the other, his hands roamed my back, ass, sides, legs, sliding over my skin in a sweet, feathered softness that made me melt into his touch. I moaned as he took the other nipple in his mouth. I yanked on his hair to get him to look at me. “Anything for you, Beau.” I kissed him again, lightly. He tried to deepen it, tried to thrust his tongue in my mouth, but I jerked back. He smiled and tried again, but I stayed just out of reach, teasing him. The third time he tried I pulled harder on his hair and held him steady. I stared at him for a minute, loving the look of desire on him and the feeling of control that he allowed me to have. “Anything,” I repeated, then went in for a deep kiss. He moaned against my mouth and opened his lips. I took the opening and pressed my tongue inside, feeling the slickness of his brushing against mine. He always tasted like chocolate pretzels, though I’d never seen him eat the things. I lapped at his lips, savoring the flavor. Beau gripped me by the waist, his cock tracing my abs leaving drops of precum. He shifted backwards on his knees, dragging me with. We knelt on the bed, just holding each other, kissing, bodies mashed together for what felt like an eternity. And I would have been fine with that, except every time my hands ran down Beau’s back to his ass, he arched against them, encouraging me to explore. I smiled into his lips and squeezed some lube on my fingers then I reached behind him and slid a finger inside his hot hole. He groaned and shoved against my hand, trying to drive me deeper. I toyed with him a little, pulling my finger out to rub around the outside before plunging back into his puckered heat. He dragged his mouth away from mine and buried his face against my neck. “Fuck me already, Abe,” he panted, his breath coming in moist spurts against my shoulder. I squeezed him tight, loving the feel of him in my arms. “You are all I will ever need,” I whispered in his ear, leaning against him. He sat down before laying back. Bracing against his hips, I bent forward to take his cock in my mouth, swallowing it to the root. He cried out as the head bumped the back of my throat, and bucked up against me. I held him down, swallowing around his hard length, and humming to send vibration to the very core of him. He groaned and writhed beneath me, hips slamming upward almost choking me. I cupped his balls in one hand, gently rolling them between my fingers before slipping two fingers back in to him and curling them up, searching for that delicate batch of nerves that would send him flying. His labored breath meant he was on the verge of explosion. I let his cock go, leaving it with one long lick up the shaft. His breath flowed in waves, just like the ocean he loved so much, expanding his chest and rippling down to his abs. The well-defined


muscles stood out in sharp relief as he exhaled. I slipped open the condom, rolling it on with one hand then I pulled my fingers out and smoothed on some lube before lining the head of my cock up at his entrance, pressing his legs further apart. Beau opened his eyes, the beautiful brown staring glossily at me. I held his gaze as I started pushing forward, gasping as the tight gloved heat of him nearly overwhelmed me when I slid through the guardian ring. It always amazed me how well we fit together. He hissed, and I stopped, waiting to make sure he was all right. He watched me through long dark eyelashes, his lust-filled eyes almost black in the low light. Nodding, he pushed his hips down, forcing me deeper inside. I licked my lips and slowly pulled back out, pushing back in just as slow. The engines kicked into a higher gear, and the boat rocked under us. As the bed moved, I was forced back into Beau harder that I had expected. He wrapped his legs around my hips and pulled me in. “Yeah, harder. Just like that, baby,” he said, tilting his hips up to meet each thrust. I rolled in deep and held still, feeling the motion of the waves bouncing us around, timing myself to the rhythm. When I thought I had it, I pulled out as the boat fell, and pushed back as it went over each crest, forcing myself further into Beau. He arched his back and rested his head on the bed, moaning loudly with each of my thrusts, his hands rubbing my chest, pinching my nipples and clinging to me any way he could. I worked one forearm under his knee and lifted it over my shoulder. “Oh! Fuck, yes!” he cried out. “Is that what you wanted?” I pumped harder, thrust faster as the boat settled into its cruising speed. “Yes. Yes. Yes!” he chanted, louder and louder as I kept fucking him harder and harder I was getting close, so I reached down to grab his cock, and he came almost immediately. “Oh, fuck, Abe!” he yelled as he came in spurts over my hand. All his muscles tensed up, and the tightness squeezing my cock was nearly unbearable. I tried to move inside him. “Beau!” I shouted as I came, his leg slipping off my shoulder. I managed to brace myself as I collapsed on top of him, just barely keeping from crushing him. “I love boats.” He chuckled and held me tight to him. “Beau,” I said again, my voice hoarse from the shouting. He ran his fingers through my hair and the other down my body. “I’m here, baby. Not going


anywhere without you.” He kissed my head as he stroked the scar behind my ear. “Not letting anyone else have you ever again.” He shifted under me, and I slid out from inside him. He reached down to pull the condom off and drop it on the towel he had left next to the bed. Then he dragged the covers up and pushed me over, closer to the wall, spooned me, and let the covers fall back over us. He wrapped his arms around me, and I laced my fingers with his, caressing his arm as I pulled his hand up to kiss his knuckles. “I love you, Beau.” His stubble scratched my neck as he smiled. “And you’re going to marry me,” was the last thing I heard as I drifted off to sleep.


Sometime later Beau shook me awake. “What?” I grumbled at him groggily. We’d been traveling for days, wasn’t it okay to sleep through the last of the trip? “There’s a party topside. And I want to dance with you.” He tugged at my arm like a little kid. My stomach growled. “And there’s that, too. Dinner’s waiting.” I finally opened an eye to stare at him and had to blink a few times to be sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. Beau wore a crisp white suit, silk tie included. The color contrasted nicely with his dark hair and tanned complexion. In fact, he looked so hot my dick did a heavy twitchand-fill that had me more awake than I had a right to be. “Holy…” Beau did a little turn. “Like it?” “Yeah. How about you come here and I help you take it off?” So I could fuck his brains out again. He shook his head, angel smile taking over his face. “Yours is in the bag.” He pointed to a drycleaning bag that hung off the edge of the bathroom door. “Get dressed please. You have ten minutes.” “Ten minutes till what?” But he bounded up the stairs like he hadn’t heard me. I groaned and pulled myself out of bed. Ten minutes, right. Shower first, then clothes. He could wait a few more minutes for his dinner


and dance. I washed off again, dried my hair and combed it back before getting into the suit. Unlike Beau’s white suit, mine was a pale charcoal gray. I guessed Mr. Medina had a dress code for dinner. It fit perfectly, and the tie was bright blue, matching my eyes. Staring at myself in the bathroom mirror didn’t change my reflection, but it did help me feel more confident. We were going to live on an island where love knew no gender. I couldn’t imagine asking for more. After adjusting the tie and cuffs one last time, I headed up the stairs into a clear starry night on a cruise ship to paradise. Lights were strung around the edges of the deck in a colorful array. Several couples snuggled together under the star-filled sky moving only from the sway of the boat. Everything felt so perfect. Was this really happening to us? Could we really find paradise together? I turned to find Beau, but Medina stepped up and gently grasped my arm. “I hope you do not think I really wanted you to pay for the flights. Beau mentioned you’d become alarmed. However, I do not run that kind of operation.” Those things had only been in my head because Beau had suggested them. “No problem. It was just a little joke of Beau’s. I should be used to his pranks by now.” “That one will keep you on your toes.” Medina steered me toward the bow of the ship. “Perhaps you can tame his wild streak a little.” “I don’t know. I kind of like…” My ability to speak disappeared when I saw Beau standing in a lighted pergola looking very unsure of himself. The couples that had been lounging before all moved around us quietly, taking their places under the lights. “Will you allow me to escort you?” Medina’s soft accent voice brought me back down to earth. I blinked at him several times, not sure if I was interpreting things correctly. “We’re getting married right now?” A gentle smile stretched across his face. “Indeed. Unless you do not wish too.” Oh, I wished too all right. “Okay.” Medina led me down the makeshift aisle, strangers smiling at us brightly. My heart thundered an Indy-car race pace until Medina put Beau’s hand in mine. Then the world just seemed to stop. “Breathe, baby,” Beau whispered. I did, but all I could see was him. The suit a perfect fit, making him stand out as the amazing catch he truly was. Dark eyes glistening even in the low light, reading of warmth and joy. Palm


sweaty in mine, but gripping me like only I could hold him in place. He was so beautiful. “Beau?” Medina asked. Beau nodded, free hand coming up to touch my face. “Abram McGregor you are the love of my life, the joy of my heart, and the reason I’m in this world. I didn’t know life until you wound up on my beach with a concussion. Every day I’ve feared what would have happened if we’d never met, or if I’d lost you that day. But that’s all over. From this day forward it’s just you and me, unsinkable forever.” Tears flooded my sight, making it hard to see him. He brushed them away with a tender finger, eyes boring deeply into mine. “Abram?” “Beau,” I began and had to clear my throat to keep the words from coming out cracked. “You are my paradise. Nothing and no one could ever mean more to me than you do. I’ve feared for a long time that you’d find someone better and move on, and that would have killed me. Now all I want is to spend the rest of forever with you.” He smiled, lips curving so sweetly I wanted to kiss him. “Was that okay?” I whispered to him and Medina. It wasn’t as if they’d given me any time to practice or think of lines. “Wonderful,” Medina replied, then looked to Beau. “Rings?” Beau pulled a pair of small black silicon O-rings that he must have taken from the SCUBA supplies out of his breast pocket and put one on my finger. “With this ring I make you mine forever. Until the oceans dry up and the heavens cast us out, I promise to love you.” He dropped the other ring in my hand and held up his own. I swallowed and followed his lead. “With this ring I make you mine forever. Until the oceans dry up and he heavens cast us out, I promise to love you.” I slipped the ring on his finger, and he laced our fingers together. “You may now kiss. May I present to you all our happy new couple: Abram McGregor and Beauregard Travers. May they know peace, prosperity and love for all the rest of their lives.” Medina held his arms out to us, gesturing for us to kiss. Everyone clapped, cheered and laughed, offering congratulations. Beau was the first to move. He slammed his body against mine, enveloping me in his arms, and pressed his lips to mine. I let him stay there a moment, savoring his breath, before opening to his


questing tongue. In that moment, I closed my eyes and let the feeling of happiness take over me. I let my hands rub his back, one finally finding a place on his neck, where the little mark I’d given him earlier stood out. He seemed to have no intention of releasing my mouth from his, and that was okay. People patted us on the back, whispering well wishes as they dissipated to other areas of the boat. Medina had even made a comment about seeing to it that we got proper wedding bands and documents. The words made me smile and pull away from Beau for a moment, giving him small pecks on the lips and jaw. “Forever, baby.” That was for sure. He still gripped my hand, but now he pulled me toward the dining hall. “Dinner first then dancing. We have the first few days off to get settled,” Beau said. The stars winked in the sky, and not even the swaying of the boat could bother me now. “I want you to stay up all night with me. Tomorrow will be the first sunrise of the rest of our lives. I want to watch it with you.” “Now and forever, babe.”

The End



About Lissa Kasey Lissa Kasey lives in St. Paul, MN, has a Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing, and collects Asian Ball Joint Dolls who look like her characters. She has two cats who enjoy waking her up an hour before her alarm every morning, and sitting on her lap to help her write. She can often be found at Anime Conventions masquerading as random characters when she's not writing about boy romance. Please visit http://lissakasey.com for more information on new releases, works in progress, and contact details.

About Xara X. Xanakas In high school, Xara X. Xanakas shunned typing class assignments in favor of writing cliffhangers that would drive her friends nuts. She’s been toying with writing ever since. More than twenty years later, she has finally found her inspiration. A wide cast of characters, including a menagerie of shape shifters, keeps pressuring her to write their stories, telling her about themselves at some of the most inopportune times. Her fine arts degree has been absolutely no help in the IT job she uses to pay the bills. She lives in Texas with her biggest fan and two cats. Please visit http://xaraxanakas.com for more information on new releases, works in progress, and contact details.


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