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RESIDENTIAL SUB-COMPLEX D1, “Building sub-complex in the Integración Social street”
from Urban centers of Caral Civilization: 21 years recovering history on the Social System
by Caral Perú
The Residential Sub-complex D1 is located east of the Residential sub-complex D2 and west of the Residential Unit E2A. Together with the Main Public Pyramidal Building C1, they defined the “Integración Social street”, one of the main access roads of the sacred city of Caral. It is comprised by four residential units placed from east to west on stone platforms. Each residential unit had its own access stair, a main room and other rooms.
The architectonic design, the building techniques and recovered materials are evidence of the residential use of these buildings. The residents had sharp hierarchic differences. The first house, the oldest one, is of a greater architectural complexity. Each residence has spaces with differentiated uses, such as storage areas and leisure spaces. Among these spaces, the reception stands out with central fire pit surrounded by benches, imitating the ceremonial halls of public buildings.
Urban Role
Height: 5m
N-S: 15 m
E-W: 71.97 m
Surface: 1,065 m2
Together with the Major Public Pyramidal Building C1 and other buildings in the same line, they defined the “Integración Social street”. Considering its strategic location, the residents had visual control over the activities conducted in the valley, as well as over people entering Caral’s urban center from the lower part of the valley and the coastline.