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Building formed by two quadrangular platforms, 30 m long and 24 m wide, arranged in a step way on a geological terrace. On the top of the platforms there is evidence of a ceremonial hall. They placed vertical stones on the corners of and on specific sections of the wall. The central staircase, eight meters wide, has a handle. Currently there are squatters in the area, which impedes further investigating the building.

Economic Aspects


Livelihood products for this settlement’s residents came from agro-fishing activities. Remains of squash, beans, achira, lima beans and avocado; among others; as well as timber tools that were used for agricultural tasks. Furthermore, there are several remains showing consumption of anchovies and shellfish, mainly Choromytylus sp. and Mesodesma sp.

Social Aspects

Activities conducted in the Chupacigarro urban center were closely related to those of the sacred city of Caral but with a more private and religious character, considering that the settlement was not visible from the valley and it lacked major pyramidal buildings. Urban planning was very similar to that of the lower half of the Sacred City of Caral.

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