1 minute read
from Urban centers of Caral Civilization: 21 years recovering history on the Social System
by Caral Perú
Stepped pyramidal building, of quadrangular plan, 42 m long and five meter high. A long sequence of architectonic refurbishments have been identified, from the construction of quincha walls on stone platforms that were then replaced by stone rooms on stepped stone platforms. In the façade they placed a central staircase, towards the northeast. In each refurbishment they buried, as offerings, small unfired clay sculptures.
When the building was already in ruins and abandoned, during the Early Formative period, the residents buried in the rubble two small polychrome nonbacked clay sculptures as offerings. These sculptures represented a man and a woman with stylish features of the so-called Vichama priestess.
Detail of the quincha wall and the stone threshold to enter the ceremonial hall, on top of the building.
Findings In The Pyramidal Public Building C5

Fragments of sculptures, made of unfired clay, representing limbs. They were placed in a construction deposit.
Fragments of twined cotton fabrics recovered from the rubble in the West facade.

Fragment of sculpture, made of unfired clay, of a female body.