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from Urban centers of Caral Civilization: 21 years recovering history on the Social System
by Caral Perú
Residence with three components, built on a quadrangular platform on a rocky embankment. The walls of the platform are made of stone and the walls of the enclosures are made of quincha. It is 24 m long, 52 m wide and 4.80 m high.
In the various construction phases, the platforms were expanded to the north and south of the first building, but the internal spaces were reduced with building stonewalls and benches. In the last building stage, they replaced quincha walls with stonewalls.
Quincha was prepared with huarango poles ( Prosopis pallida ) and carricillo ( Phragmites communis ), tied with thin ropes of vegetable fiber ( Cortaderia sp.). This structure was later covered with mud and thin layers of beige and gray clay. For the platforms, cut stones were used and joined with yellow, brown, beige and light gray mud mortar. In addition, they used smaller cut stones and gravel for the platforms’ building deposits.
The corpse of a child has been placed as an offering in the deposit of one of the platforms. Part of the funeral trousseau consisted of a necklace with shellfish valve beads.
A fragment of an unfired clay sculpture and a projectile point have been recovered in this residence.