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from Urban centers of Caral Civilization: 21 years recovering history on the Social System
by Caral Perú
Building with a quadrangular base with platforms arranged in a stepped way. The top was remodelled over time, and an entrance hall and central ceremonial hall were built, surrounded by smaller rooms.
Four building periods have been identified in the building. In the late period, the building measured 26 m from east to west, 52 m from north to south and it was six meter high.
In the first period, the oldest one, a quadrangular enclosure was built on a low platform with a central staircase facing east. The walls of the area and the platform were built in regular rows of small pebbles, joined with beige clay mortar, mixed with ground shellfish. They used fine clay for the plaster, and earth and pebbles for the deposits.
In a second period the previous platform was expanded and another one was built on top of it, which gave the building a stepped appearance. At the top a new ceremonial area was built, and the size of the staircase of the main façade was reduced, but rails were fixed. A secondary staircase was built to connect the lower and upper platforms. A building technique similar to the former one was used, but they added gravel in some deposits.
In the third period, a third platform was built, the building was enlarged, and its orientation changed to the south. A central staircase was built-in, providing access to the new areas at the top: the entrance hall, wide and with benches, the rear room, with curved corners, bench and a central fire pit, and two smaller rooms. The secondary staircase, located in the north of the building, was remodeled several times but the building technique of the previous periods remained.
Finally the building was enlarged once more but they reduced the number of plat forms to two. With the same orientation, the central builtin staircase was expanded. At the top, an entrance hall was built with benches, as well as a ceremonial hall with a cen tral fire pit and four holes in the corners, and three lateral areas, aligned on each side. Small pebbles with flat sides were used to build the walls, arranged in irregular rows, joined with beige clay mor tar, and finally plastered and painted.

Findings In Major Public Pyramidal Building A

Human remains of a sacral bone and feet, arranged as an offering, were found inside the architectural deposit of a platform.

Animal bone offering, it corresponds to a primate.