1 minute read
Era de Pando Archaeological Site
from Urban centers of Caral Civilization: 21 years recovering history on the Social System
by Caral Perú
The Urban Center of the Initial Formative peri od had 48 archaeological buildings distributed between the upper and lower parts of the settlement. Eight of them are major public pyramidal buildings (five in the upper part and three in the lower part) and 40 minor public pyramidal buildings (35 in the upper part and five in the lower part). These buildings were located on the irregular surface of the geological terraces of coarse sand, clay and angular stones, the result of wind accumulation and floods.
We can still see the remains of the Regional Developments period, on the hillsides and esplanades of the Taro and Orqueta mountains. These are houses built on terraces, and rooms with adobe walls, around which pottery fragments and domestic waste are scattered.