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Located at the southern end of the settlement, 23 m away from F1. Facing the East, it was comprised by enclosures covering an area of 1200 m². These enclosures are quadrangular and of different sizes, arranged in a linear way and connected by passages and openings.

On the north side there is a ceremonial hall, with benches, a central fire pit, and a rear room.


Also, there is a circular altar in a quadrangular room, with a fire pit and an underground ventilation duct.

The main entrance is on the east side. This led to a wide passage connecting all the areas.

The building was remodeled with dividing walls and new floors. There are platforms and fire pits in some areas.

The walls were built with cut stone masonry arranged in regular rows, joined with gray mortar and plastered and painted white. Small stones were used for the deposits.

Based on the design, the components and the architectural elements, such as the ceremonial hall and the altar with underground ventilation duct, we can infer that public activities were conducted at these premises.

Offering composed of a fabric wrapping

Social, Political and Ideological Aspects

Era de Pando was one of the most prominent urban centers towards the end of the Initial Formative period, probably because its location made it easy for its inhabitants to access a wide range of resources, especially marine resources, at a time when land productivity in the valley began to deteriorate due to climate change.

The cultural tradition developed by the Caral society continued to be expressed in

Economic Aspects

People of Era de Pando had access to the re sources located on the hills, the riverside forest, wetlands and farmlands in the valley. Excavations have recovered materials showing economic complementarity based on the exchange of agricultural and marine resources. Their diet the architectural design of the buildings, the circular plazas, and building technologies applied. protein came from anchovy, brought –dry and salty- from the coast. They obtained vegetable carbohydrates such as achira (arrowrood) and guava. Cotton, as an industrial product to make clothes and nets, enhanced the exchange with other valley and coastal communities.

During the Early Formative period, occupation of the site was restricted to the lower part, and this was possibly due to the loss of prestige. We observe new building styles, and sculptures that are different from Caral, painted, made of unfired clay; both elements related to the Vichama de Végueta culture.

Interpretation in relation to the Sacred City of Caral

Era de Pando integrated the social and political system of the Caral Civilization, particularly in the Late Period when relations between the communities of the Supe Valley, Pativilca and Fortaleza strengthened.

With the downfall of agriculture in the Supe Valley, the strategic location of this settle- ment helped its leaders who took on important roles towards the end of the Initial Formative period.

In the Early Formative period, the population was reduced and their importance decreased, as compared to the Piedra Parada centers in Supe and Vichama in Vegueta.

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